HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1898-08-05, Page 6•J4.1.1.1E �'� L l'� Vi 1 t� l� rJ, 171 1:1172 A•u (arl,.JST 5, 1 t'.'9t .. Mingicrtirt° l t• liner t th ln)lnigratiou ,Agent in Ontario0.111011. fur FRIDAY, AITUITS'i' 5, 18 )8. DIIK DTEAWA I.EiT'EDR the Piri rae Province, who has just . returned from a trill U e West ' eorruburateb every thing that has been said of the magllitieent outlook ".Craps are goitig to be heavy." "Business is active in all lines." "Land is selling well." "There is wont; for all who want it," IBrotn our t.an ,:m•respendet.t.) "Everybody seems to have limey." Utt•awlt, ,July UUJth, Sieh.. "it i „ infr, and I Van's Tho 1d tee Xoi1 S siol n, a 1 �]en the 1 i,7s1O1an,. '•I ane sure," said the h.ypeehon- Physician drhwal ydung woman, to the phy�si• - elan, "that my complaint is a very is called upon to prescribe for A weak, Pa It°r• bervi, ,1 at. 11 1? a al nd7 l eve n. comp tested ono. 1 suffer from nulls• ? deltiliated, nervous and rnn•d'wn alae l' Lowe rentor. Services at 1.1 a In and 7 0r weenie in the hot weather. he, never ' --AT rum--- eulat wealcness after an exertion, tt , . m, S�`..B13ATTi SERVICES, M.•T'HODIi,'i'•- 1tev. Dr. Pascoe, pas i or. Services at 11 a In and 7 p m. t 2Rk.5ftYTICRIAN--Rev. 1), Perris I " (les 00 in1l2,irt —IS L'Urtl.IsiLE)-•-• EVERY FRIDAY MORNING 1,PElttilkt+ to recommend I +itno', Celery li A TIS'f Pe+v, ,las. Hamilton, as - after, meals ntV feet tire from walk- eine medicine. Past years of truly as.or, ervxet'a a it n[ and 7 g to feeling of fullness in the stomach : Compound, that extraordinary and pop- t t 11 l p cep during the t tonitihiu; wont in bre s>,rin:; has urawn Mason, pastor. Services at 11 a in and the attention of the best medical men to CONt1I..y]i1GA'I.'IONAI.r--ilev, II. E.1 lits been a;�reat year for sealer, day, De vuu thin) y 'on understand I.'aine's Celery Compound hod they have 7 pCHRISTIAN ► , , !nut been avow its �f OhKE'RS - Misses Iii a IOW days, or at itt:st a %reel; and so on. btleh 1s the epitome of In , caste '' J , e l . in recognizing i s powete i (Or 'two, the Qat' bee C)ntetence will his report. Settlers are coning from "perfectly," replied the doctor and virtues for the banishment of ger. Outram and Lock in u, nlmand, Services p + Itt3p mand£+pm. file iu Session, and It is (littiettl: to everywhere he s.tvs. New districts riestimatc the extent of the itent'iits recently: opened up are tilling rapidly. Oat may reasenably be excepted to The class of settlers is all that can accrue to those participating in this 1)P r10:irer1—even rho poor Gal,clans Sankt num taut, ConvUU 1)11. 1\Ot are going to turn out all right. of a twin who underst oda his bust is4elu, f le situ[ ilei', who could fix no relation between ouspest,.eleepleaness,des>iltty,dyspepsia, SAI,`,:�I+IONARMY-Adjutant l�tiles rheumatism lv mid all diseases of the 131d• and wife in command. Services at 11 a. the symptoms at all, t ney's and livor. "Perfectly," be repeated impres i i, Are you seeking health ? sire you min uackl ofat f the pislia,yo' named churches. :.1'.':-.1y, ,.,.,di - , lih ,d with tee 'It" R for freedom fro.L1 disease and Sabbath yt;phnnl iu hnl,1 at .) ill p m, a very n Wast iiupi'ovelneilt in the feeling be* settlers the following quotation front acquired by watching the vivisection I with other lnediofoes, 4 zweerl the British Empire mid the t a London (England) journal of sigh ()f innocent animals during his stn ! The Great English Remedy. Mated, which has made such a ','nth • standing is interesting "Prosperity Sold and recommended ed by all .. >' g i dent days. � Toronto In its new city bicycle �•► druggists in Canada. onldv reit- (nay will the occasion be a very 1N = ASED OPINION.Lelery Gum pound, a medicine that will oratif;'tuar one, as iudtee )g the In connection with this influx of gess, This ho did artfully, forIgiveyou prompt and cheering results the doctor had lost none of the nerve after your long experiences of failures Srjore. After, Y . i7'o0d s Phos�hoaine, tering passible, but it is ulbo of more is in itself the all -sufficient advertas- ment for a prosperous country. Tho salt Water which he gist e to the United States bad no difficulty in young lade, with instructions to I filling up the vacant areas of the return in a week, so as to inferrn Union without the help of a vigorous hiin of her progress; really, to refer ,shah ordinary home iutereit to Can- ada, as the preliminary diceussioir upon the action of the G•overnmer.t which led to the meeting being ar- ranged, has produced less partisan :aviilise tl.al. perhaps any other act ,at' the present administration. It ?would be pleasant to believe that in .1111 matter;, where it is to the sdvan- 'ttl c of Canada that her people g-Iwuid presci.t a united front, this r(1t;ale.:r,ui• (,f the uppeiti )1i should be wet as the standard* Then he wrote a prescription for !bylaw enacts amongst other things immigration policy. bo it will be to his books in the meantime. that "tin person on tie w heel." infraction of the exceeding q50. shall carry a child The penalty for bylaw is a stun not with Canada if mineral discoveries, But the doctor could find nothing high prices and good crops combine to enlighten Slim in all his books. sda ea. to establish the Dominion. in its He cursed their' lnadegaacy'. character as a country where people Presently the young' lady returned can do well. The fatal mistake of Oa Nei.• cheek was the bloom of allowing the railtva.y companies to health. grab so much of the land in the "I cannot be too greatful to you,' doctor," she said joyously. "You have done me a world of good." The doctor smiled contentedly. His patient was cured. The bril: 'tort-hwe t, d F ivYd Canada, of the trrig 3'l�I:S.\EL ey.f,, 'illi: PROGRAMME. Wealth of flee Homesteads, which The L'ii ortance of the gathering Was perhaps the greatest inducement lady be seen at a glance from its the United States offered to settlers. )erbonel. On behalf of the Mother- rt'he old Conservative mistake of land, the Imperial Government has undue tenderness to corporations bas ;sent Lord Herschell, twice Lord retarded the growth o? population in Ilinh Ch...ncellor cf Ureat Britian ; the west, bu'J now it is fair to assume 'Canada will be represented by her that the mineral discoveries and .the Premier (Sir Wilfrid- Laurier) Sir agricultural prosperity of western Richard Cartwright, Sir Louisi)avies, Caneda are doing more to fill the land Mr. John Charlton, and New— country than the vigorous immigra• afJuudiand by her Premier (Sir tion policy." .Jules Winter'. On the other side CANADA'S FRUIT COMMISSIONER. the L'•u.ted Stews will send Ueneral A better seleteion than that made John W. Fester, John A. Hasson, by the Department of Agriculture of �telson Dingley, Senator Gray, Sen- `.ir, A. Mel). Allan, "The Fruit rater Chas. W, 1''airbanks, and Thos. Ring," of Goderich, as Fruit Coin 4. Coolidge. missioner at the Paris Exposition in The het of questions which in all 1900 could possibly have been made. probability will be considered, also Mr. Allan's life work has been the gives one an idea of the tremenduous study and culture of fruit, and both importance of tue gathering. The in practical and theoretical know Trade Relations; the Iiehriug Sea Dispute ; the Atlantic Fi.heries ; the glueatiou of the erebervatiou of the :it'ieueries ; the Deiiniuon of Interna- etional tiuundat•ieb; the Bonding Pri viege; the Alien Labor Law ; these are .clue of tee items on the bill of tare. 'Mere than one of these has created trouble find been a perennial .tussles ut irritation binee the Declara- tion of Independence and all et them tiave for many years occupied the )est effort of tate keenest and most 'trained statesmen ot beth Empires, but never betore have these questions been approached . in the .pirit of *mutual good -will and reciprocal con- fidence with which they will now be ~treated ; and as these sentiments must always be the strongest influ- ences in the settling of disputes, there its better hope today than ever in the hast, that tue Quebec Coufereuce of • 1898 will go duwu in nistory as one of the grandest epoch making events of the century-. Teat it will accom- plish all that is hoped of it is scarcely .s:easonable to except, but the very tact that oto' taoverrtlueut has been able to bring about such a meeting entitles them to the gratis rude, not only of Canada but of the Empire at large, attd evidences are not wanting that this fat Il; appre- ciated, WO at home and abroad. . THE STORY BEARS (REPEATING. The story of Manitoba's splendid progress . is becoming almost mono• tonous in its unvarying completeness, but itis a pletteatitpage to dwell up - 'on, Mr. >•S . D. Seott, • Provincial to the regular postage. It le not sufficient to use ten cents worth of ordinary stamps as the great pur- pose of the special stamp is to read- ily attract the attention of the offi- cials and thereby secure the prompt attention, which the new •arrange- ment contemplates. Prof. Saunders, I)ireetor' of Mx pert mental Farre, has left on his annual tour' of inspection through the West, Ile goes from hero to Brandon and then on to A ;assiz where he will meet Prof. Fletcher, Dcrinion Eu•- tomologist, Dr. Saunders will beltway five weeks. . Ex -Pittance Minister i!'oster has gone west and expects to address public meethgs at all important points en route to the coast. It is rumored that his chief topic wilt be "The Fulfillment of my I).opheey that Grit rttlelheant inevitable ruin." Men, wotttten and children who aro for able med.:oine discovers . Six packages guaranteed to cure all forms of Sexual Weakness all effects of abuse or excess, Mental Worry, Excessive use of To- bacco, Opium or Stimulants. 'trailed on receipt of price, one package $1, six. $5. One wili 7 ease, six will cure. Pamphlets free to tiny address. The Woied Company, Windsor, Ont. 1 Sold ba Wingllam by Colin a Campbell, Druggist. lI^&iRn Mary Powers, a. young woman of BANK of HAMILTON Milton, Pa,, was put under the in: I fluence of ether about ten days ago! to have a tooth pulled out. Physi: 1 clans were un•lhle to aro :se her for a time and the next day she fell into a trance that lasted forty:eight hours. Slaney of the cure trout rant! -- hint charging for the case instead of for the number of visits ; and already his mind was forming the outline of a paper to be read before the medi: cal society on the therapeutic value of salt water in diseases of the stomach, insomnia, muscular rheums: tism arid varicose veins. Why shouldn't he smile ?--Life. Ca 4Yar Do You Read • what people are saying about flood's Sarsaparilla ? It is during the worst ,kayos of scrofula, dyspesia, rheumatism. and all forms of b food disease, er- uptions, sores, boils and pimples, It is giving strength to weals and tired wo- men. Why should you hesitate to ledge of horticulture, l Ir. Allan • is take it when it is doing so much for probably without a peer in Canada, others, T and without a superior in the world. HOOD'S PILLS are the best family His past services to Canada warrant the present recognition. Iu 1886 he was Fruit Commissioner to the Lon- don Colonial Exhibition and as the result of his work 100,000 barrels were placed in the cid cout.try ; besides which he secured orders in many parts of Europe and even in India. As president and directur of various organizations having for their object the improvement of Canadian fruit an 1 the development of trade, Mr. Allan has done yeoman service, not only to his native Pro Vince of Ontario but in other parts of the Dominion, the Provincial Fruit Grower's Association of British Co- lumbia being one out come of . its efforts. The opportunl.y was never more favorable for splendid develop went in the fruit trade between Canada and the old Country and in no better Hands could it have been placed. N U'J'ES. One ot the smaller but at the same time useful reforms introduced it:to the postal service by Mr..Mulock is now in full running order, viz :- the special delivery scheme ; and there has been quite,a demand for the special stamp which has leen prepared in connection therewith. It should be pointed out that to avail catharticand liver tonic, Gentle, reli 1 Light Employment. able sure. • The Deutsche Zeitung, San Paolo, Brazil, gives some shameful particu: lars of' the "spoils" system as it pre: I veils in that country. One story, translated in the Literary Digest, has an amusing side. I Some time ago a general was sent' to one of the nuthern states to investigate the management of' a H li who have made I 0 /rrt,t�',tti�l MR. MO 'i'tlilUE, DUlliiVILLE, ONT., Has an Interesting Chat About Dr. alms .'s utnuueut. 1115 sUFFEItING Vito 11 UI.CERA.TUNO ILES 1 LI BEM He says :—I was troubled with itch- ing piles for five years, and was badly ulcerated. They were very painful, so much so tliat I could not sleep. I tried almost every remedy heard of, and teas recommended to use Dr. Chase's Oint- ment. I purchased a box, and from the first application got such relief that I was satisfied a cure would be'made. I used in all two boxes, and am now completely cured. Every remedy given by Dr. Chase cost years of study and research, and with an eye single to its adaptation for the aliments for which it was intended. Dr. Chase detested cure -alis, and it has been proven ten thousand times that not one of his formulas leave a bad after-effect. Dr. ,Chase's Ointment is based on lanoline, and the ',est phy- governlxtent railroad. a belonged kittens prescribe it. to the set of me themselves obnoxions by their ended: vors in the service of reform. and 1 here are some of his experiences : The very first day he fuend in one of the rooms of a railroad `station a I strong young man who was doing • nothing. 'Thinking the young.fellow I had come to see him, he asked; •Do you wish anytl•ing, my friend?' "No, sir. I atn employed here," "So! What are your duties?" • 'I have to fill the water:jugs in the office ever y day." The genet al was a little astonished. In the next room he discovered an: other ablebodfed young man, sniok: ing a cigarette. "Are you an stn:' ployee?" he asked. "Yes, sir. I am the ?assistant oft themselves of this arrangement, the the gentleman in the next room."' public must use the special ten cents But that was nothing to what was deiiyery stamp, which is in addition to come. The general had already 1 been fuf)rme(1 that the road em: 1 BRISTOL'S ,BRISTOL jB'RISTOL'S(. Sarsaparilla and JAVA Piz" S The Greatest of all Liver, Stomach and Blood Medicines. A arbrefrtc FOR Rheumatism, (lout and Chronic Complaints. They i.'n,, andPurify . y C1 _ .t sl, if'ytlie Blood. Ail Druggists It1l(dtroubled with sores humors, pimples etc., • maty find permanent relief in Hood's Aug.6, General 1,_ Sarsaparilla. g' ployed eighteen engineers, while only 1 eight we'e working'. He ordered that in fut a these glen should at least take 'turn about. The neat day one of these "engineers," a beardless youth, came to him „and I told hila that he could nut 'run a 1 locomotive to save hie life. "Then how did you get on the pay:roll Y" Well, you :fee, General, it's this way. My family are pol,t' but I wanted to study law. We've got some pull, so I tnanaged to get an appointn)en' as honorary engineer, ;fir. M.'1'. Wigle, of Kingsl•i;lr,, %ssl'x Co. Cured or Itching Plica or 23 Years' Standing. Physicians Pall to Make a Cure When Dr. 1 Base's ann. rnent Dave Immedi- Biu Lidice. ro N. T. Wigle, better known to every one in the vicinity as " Uncle Mike," was troubled for over 23 years with itching piles. At times he was so bad he would have to quit work. The irri- tation became so intense with constant rubbing that they became ulcerated and would bleed. He had been treated by many physicians, but found nothing that gave hire relief. Reading in the paper the cure of a friend who had suf- fered in a like manner, and being cored by Dr. Chase's Ointment, he procured a box. After the third application he got such relief thhathfirst comfortable night'sat sleephe d he enjoye3. e in years. The one box made a complc''.o cure, and he says he would not be with- out it for $50 a box if it could not be re- placed. Mr. Wigle•is a wealthy farmer, well•known in tl'e community in. which he resides. It is Over two years since he was a'ilicted, and 1[e has never-beea troubled since. - - - suit ARK t jEmaajo n Made a well Man of 'WINGHAM. Capital, „1,250,000, Rest, Ii775,000 President—JOHN STRAItr. Vice- r r o ai d o n t—A. 0. 8 A o u'.! DIRECTORS JOHN PROCTOR, URO, ROAM, wM Gamow, AI 1', A. T. Woon, A. B. Las (Toronto). Cashier -3. TURNBULL, Tlivlt:r3 OFFIQI , JOSE:PHINE STRET, WIN UIIAM, ONTARIO. Subsor:ption price, %1 Dor year,in [[dvanoe' • ADVERTISING RATES _-..„.1..,.__._„.„..y 1 1 yr, l 0 mo. 1 3 mo. 11 Rio• one column 00 00 840 00 920.00•- $80-0000... half 40 00 '0 12 00 Quurtrr" 50 00 I 12 0o zoo a oo• Itne }r.ei, 3 00 5 Ju 2 00 1 00 - Lw ai and other casn'u naverhsement• se per ins for )ite...eai.er,,anu ac pet h..a oroochaubsegnent- in•ertrt n. !Ie•.s i,' 8 by nonparat scale. uoo11 notieoa leo. per lino for first iusertiou, and't 5J. per line for each.tubsuquent disorder , d i. • it ations I and Business Ohaneee Wanted, Found,not te Strayed, du8 line 1 nonpareil; F,i for drat in -nth, and 60e. for each, subsequent month, Homes and Farms for Sale, not exceeding 8 line.. 61 for filet month, 50c. por subsequent month• iLarger advertisements in proportion. These tents will be strictly adhered to Special rates for larger adtvirtisorrente, on or• 1 longer periods, Advertisements and local notices without specific • directions, will be inserted till forbid and charggedA aucordbigly. Tra,nitwy advertisements niustbo p:lid in atI aite,. Changes for contract advertisements mut be ins theoiiloe by Wednesday noon, in order to appear - diet week Savings Bank—fours, lots 8; Saturdays, l0 to Deposita of et and upwards received and interest allowed. Special Deposits also received at current rates of it .rust. Drafts o,. threat Britain and the United State. bought and sold W. COI: BOULI), AGENT E. L. DICKINSON, Solicitor. Money to Joan on Notf,8 Notes Discounted AT REASONABLE RA TE Money advanced on 4lortgagoe at 5 pe, oeutwith privilege of paying at the end of any year. Note end accounts collected. 13087. McINDOO. Beaver Block Winirhan,, Ont INDAPO /1110E1117f, HINOOO REMEDY iib, :91171:95T01. a A5OY� Rlogs. Cures all Nervot a,Dseases. Failing Manua/ Parous. Eileen Oestiels, Nightly Emis- 11008, etc. ceased by Dant abases, vlguread size W ..f liX,z 1,u organs ant qu g. but aa2el raitorse Lost tuskless,mold orsonag. Easily carried In vest, pocQket. Prion $J.f' n Peckags, Big fee $LOO e1Uk ,erUten g.iare»And t„ arses o,t wsenet Tef fl4e,l, D(W T HRT AN TMITA•*in2•T, ba. Wase on hating I24DAPO. Til Your tint., - h ' ,,•,t got LR we will fond it hr„naid. meow itIiM' AY es , n". C54."." ", • .. Chleholua's Cornet Drug Sto9e, 1t'Wuhan,, Ont. to make a living while I pursue niy studies. Worth Trying if Sick. A verified recotd..--1,016 persons cured in one month by 1)r. Chase's Family Remedies. :1.11 dealerss 8(11' and recom- mend them. The I.. gis1atlhe Assembly of the Nertiwest Territories will gleet On responsible Druggists tit Canada. Na,1 and No, 2 for sale by Colin A. Cr,npboll, Druggist :•3>..•. dook'i Cotton Moot Compound, Tit s ice sefnlly used monthly bf+ over 10.000La IeS,Safe,effeotual,Ladesask Mod for LNk'r CstIH Reit Csu- Tate no oilier, as all Mixtures, pills and Ltni tlon$irddangoronfi, Prise, No. 1,=Iver box, Ply, ,10 degrees stronger, $8 per box. No. t or 1. mailed en receipt Of price and two 1-eon8 stamps The Cook Cornpaisy Wtndsor,"Ont. OW Nos. t and 2 seld dna re'eorntended by all • (1RAND TRUNK RAILWAY. Toronto and East Palmerston mixed London and South Kinoardiue - DEPART ARRIVE 050a.m 305p.nI 3 30p m 10 :3A 0 to 8 flow m 3 05 p m 0 53a m 11 10a m 3(' S i m 8 uO p m 11 10a in 6 50a m it 30 p lir 3 30 p m 1025pm 8SOam AGENTS: Beek busines. is het ter tire, for years pest ; also have better awl ratite' .eilin_ books, Aueutsu.eer ing CrOto 910to440 meekly, A few lenders Etre: , queen retoria" • `•Lite of Mr. Gedstono," ••1st Mu,her's Biole Stories" •'Prngre.sho Speaker," • "Klondike Bold Field," "woven;' "Olin.psea at the Unseen." "Breakfast, Dinner, Supper," Books on Ilan.. LdOENSIjD ArJOTIO1tEEN J'oh BILADI.EYOA110tTB0 eon PANY,f.,Nrrsh, Toronto, OF 11 MUM Sales attended in any part of the (:o. Moderate. 1i. B. ELLIOTT, PROPRIETOR AND POBLrgH[[A: IiAr.BFl. oxen, PIIXSICI:tN, suit- lJ tINuN, AND 'uutUUHftiUR. Successor to Dr. N,eta/am DLL'S:EL9ONT. 1bt Cies. Honor Graduate of the Unirersities of Tainity (Toro to) Queen s ;Kingston). nod of Trin- ity Medical College ; Fellow of Trinity Medical' Culioge and Mau bur et the Colle_e t f Physicians. and Surgeons of nutans. Pont Graduate Course in Detroit and Chicago 1806 spcelal attention paid: to diseases of Eye E•,r Nose and Throat and Diseases of Women. Consultation in English and Co,,ie, ,tv catarrh treated aueee•stully in alt its Corms. VANSToN E, BARRISTER, buLIC1'POR, Eto., Private and Coutpauy funds to loan at lowest rats interest. No commission charged. Mortgagee, town, and farm property houeht and sum or1''Ieb:—nearer Bleck WI:.oannl. J. A. 3:OATON B LRRItiTlat, Jin., wnig hun•, Ont. et L. DICKINSON, EARRISIER, ETC. SOLICITOR TO BANK OF IIAIIILTON, BOBBY T()' LOAN. Office-3lever Sleek. Windham t: 0. CA3IERON, BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, CUNVEXANCEIa, die, Office -Corner Bamirtoi,,ua St. And,cwstreets opposite Colborne Hotel, GODEN10H, ONTARIO. ENTIST111.-J.8, JhRU31E, L. D. �.,ttyNGHAMa &1 Is olanufactur flrat•clare sets Of• dC,'- €M teeth as cheap ae they can be invade ..ry' ft .1 in the Dominion. Teeth extraotei absolutely without paiti, by his new process, guaranteed perte, tly safe. OFFICE: In the Beaver Block, 0Ypo.ite the Brunswick House s. 011N RlTUn1E !i GENERAL INSURANCE AGLET W INonAM, DEANS, JR., WINO.(A,,I, WI GRAM STEAM PUWP YYORKS Til ENEW jiWAY .' kr 4Ir lett i 'h my! v+HAT ACO sill•THAT MILL IS Having purohnsed the entire business from Ittr. Daniel Showers, I am now prepared to supply the public with Wood mod d Iron Force and Lift rumps, Brass and Iron Cylinders, Gaalvaniz- ed Iron Ttlibing. Cisterns, Water Troughs, Sinks. iltaths,Pipe Fitting, Well Digging; and everything in con- nection With water supplies., Galvanized Steel Windmills for power and pumping water. T)eep well pumps n speciality. Repairing promptly attended to. Parties writing for information or ordering by matt should always state depth of well. All work guaranteed or no sale. G. MO1INIbIGSTAR li"tt 140 Winghatn, Ont. ONTARIO!. 41i. COUNTY Charges. 1 OLIN CURRIE, tt,TNoUAM, 0N1., e� LICENSED AUCTIONEER. Sales of Farm Stock anti Parin Implements specialty. All orders left at the Tnl,fa ottice promutly atten,b ed to. Torre reasonable. SOCIETY MEETINGS. Sl� C Camp Caledonia, No 49, meal every month, in the OddFell�low*Hal.., Visiting btethrun wulerm• J. Murray. Chief. D Stow. art Itrt,.Str WANTEDYoutg men an women, or older ones charm:ter, good italkers, astill y n bitiin sousiand ofie undoubted air ou, can 11118 employ ment In at good cause, with 040 pot month and upwatds accordit.g to Rbidty, ilkV, T, S, LtNSCUT'r, Toaoxro, WANTED. Steen o,,ler%%Titers. Sala y or eontrnission to iiul)- awe persons. AI)'1•EIITIsI1Ii, ilulle,l Budding, Toronto, WANTED. 111c11 and women who eat Aork hard talkins, and kitting' AN hours daisy for six days aw.ek and will be commit WAIL tet dollars weekly, : h .Y IDEAS Cu , TORORTO, TeachersAddtoss atni other bright men tot wake' or permanently to solicit for "C Dada: a11 1Sncyclnra'dht of the Ceuntstry,1 FIvs Royal quarto voliunes. 3'o delh•d. Cotutnissi0a Dodd weekly. Livaco(rdrinI'rnuulrso co. WANTED TORourA. JOB PRINTING, NCLUOING gooks Pamphlets, Peet¢re. Blit .L Beads, Cireulars, he., &c., executed in the btt►i style of the 'art, at moderate props, and on 'bort Notice. Apply or address 11. 11. ELLIOTT. T ens Omee, wingb1reri BOOKBINDING. We are pleased to Announce that any Book, et Dlugarinee lett with us for BindingMa have 081 prompt attention. Prices ter Binding in any OVA will' be given oft atiollet tion 0 the Tosis Oftlee