HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1898-08-05, Page 5tyE mail free, to all who write for it, a
YY VV handsomely Illustrated Catalogue of
our vast army of Goodyear -Welted Shoes
for men and boys. It describes an amaz-
ing variety of different styles and sizes, all
of "Slater" quality, ranging in price from
$3, $4, $5, for men, to $2, $2.50 for boys'
and youths' foot gear. We have striven to
make this catalogue well worth your sending
For Sole Only by HOMUTH & BOWLES.
' Phaetons, Spring Wagons, Road Wagons and Carts,
Trunks, Valises, Whips, Brushes, Curry Combs, Harvest Mitts, Lap Rugs
Dusters, 'Axel G tease, Oil, Harness Oil and Soap. •
on short ncti'•e, and at reasonable prices.
that will lit comfortably,
look well, vent' well, and
keep in good shape, you
had better go to
• New Spring Goods and Samples
of all the latest designs in Scotch
and Canadian Tweeds,. Worsteds,
Serges and Overcoatings: to eltoose
from. Orders filled promptly at
very low prices.
Webster & Co.,
Queen's Block.
Luther J. Williams
(Thoroughly expel ienced and prac-
tical in all branches,)
Begs to inform the inhabitants of Wing -
ham and neighborhood that he has suc-
ceeded to the business formerly carried
on by Goo. Shaw at lately by D. Mc
ILP is prepared to supply all kinds of
Meat and Butchers' Supplies or the
Best quality at lowest prices.
Orders executed to any part or the
town with despatch,
Telephone No. 9.
Your eyes are priceless. Take care of them, as no one will take
care of them for you. Tf you need
buy thein from us.
Also a full line of Watches, Clocks, and all kinds of
Jewelry. Repairing promptly attended tn.
Or iplAMMIONOlow.
Bargains! Bargaius!
T, .1, MILLS has just received a large shipment of
Plain and Spotted ,
C7- L2N"S
AUGUST Sri 5, i898,
jMiss I+,t.he1 Williams, of Seaforth,
was the guest t.f her cousin, Visa
Minnie \V ! lallrs.
( Miss Evil Mellrath, of Toronto, is
• visiting at her home in the village.
At,, iVtxt Doig has returned home
from her visit to Quebec and other
eastern points.
Mr. John W. Toner bas secured tt
good situation in Alt, Forest.
Miss Stinson, of `r'uruntn, visited
with triends in the village last week.
A'lr. and Airs. Wesley Smith were
visiting friends in liai•riston and Alt.
On Thursday week, the remains of
the late James Harvey, who died in
the Iluuse of Refuge. mere brought
to town, and, on Friday }afternoon,
were interred in the Balaclava ceme•
terv, near Mildmay.
' Berman S. Evans, of Owen Sound
Collegiate Institute, is spending the
vacation at his home here.
Miss Nettie Anderson, and Harold,
of Detroit, Mich., are the guests of
their cousin, Miss Cassie L. Dane, of
Ed ward and Maitland streets.
Organdy, Lawns, Linens, Linenettes, Prints and Ginghams,
which l have bought at cut prices and will be sold ttt a bar-
gain. You should see our special line of
Prints, usual 10c for uc, in 30 different
Patterns to choose from.
A large assortment of Ladies' Shirt Waists and Wrappers
which will be cleared out at a special low price.
Call and sere these goods before they are picked over.
Mr. A. McEwen, principal of our
scboc 1, had au entrance class of seven
this year and six of them were suc-
Only two of the public school
leaving paasect.
Miss West returned to Woodstock
last week, utter visiting several
months with her brother, Rev. W. J,
A.Ir. James Robertson and Mr.
IIarry Diutent each had a flax -pull.
ing bee last week,
Miss Acta fiat rington, of Guelph,
is visian,; her aunt, Mrs. John
Fowler, jr., of the Bluevalc road.
Mrs. McUee, ut' Molesworth, was
Vi,."t g her brother, Alt. Geot•;;e
Macdonald last week.
Mrs. Nicholson and children, of
Chicago, are visiting her patents,
M••, and Mrs, Robert Dlaxwell, of the
Blaevalc road.
Flax threshing has eommsnced in
the mill and the boys and girls are
spreading it in the fields.
Farmers are having • their wheat
threshed and it is proving a good
Mr. William Messer has returned
from visiting his daughter, Mrs.
Ira Barclay, of Ypsilanti, 'Michigan.
Miss Cora Messer, who accompanied
her father, asill remain is Ypsilanti
a month.
Miss McMurdie, of Hensall, is
visiting her uncle, Cllr. Joseph Smillie,
of Morris.
Miss. Kerr, of Drumbo, was visit
ing her uncle, Mr. John Gardiner
last week. Miss Kerr was on a bi
cycle tour and visited several tunas
in the county.
A. J. Conover, the notut•iou, forger,
was in the village last Keck, ha)iug
cove up to the V1•iogbaua races. He
at nue tiute kept a hetet iu Iituevate
and after wards in Wing ham.
Miss Bertha Sanderson, of "Toronto,
is holidaying in the vilta_e.
Miss Lyle Burgess , eturned to
Owen Sound on Monday atter visit-
ing her grandmother, Mr's. King and
other 1elaayes.
John and Henry Chambers, who
were ch owned in Shoal lake, Mani-
toba, un July lith. were nephews of
Alr. John Gardiner, of this village
and had soutetitues %`loiteu hese.
Mr. John ling, of i.iuburtr school,
is spending the hulidays at his house
In the park, Winghatn, next Mon-
day evening, instead of I tiday as
had been advertised, the Wing ham
football teats nil! play against the
"Riversides," of 'Toronto. The 1iv
Nature makes the cur,:
after all.
Now and then she gets
into a tight place and need
helping out.
Thing:' get started in the
wrong direction.
Something is needed ' to
check disease and start the
system in the right direction
toward health.
Scott's Emulsion of Cod-
liver 011 with hypophos-
phites can do just this.'
It strengthens the nerves;
feeds famished tissues, and
makes rich blood.
• 5.. OM $t.00 ; fill drUggistt,
SCOTT .1c'8OW;r5, Chentkts, Tearoom.
From Business
)G rsiI
gto of ho
K 'F.
3 Glass Show Case,, cost $18.00 for $10.00.
1 Spafford Scale, cost $17,50 for $11.00.
1 Brass Tea Scale, coat $14.50 for $10.00.
1 16 lb. Balance Scale worth $5.00 for $2.25.
1 Set Window Blinds, nearly new, cost $20.00, tor $10.00.
1 English Plate ..Mirror, 28 x 48, cost $18.00, for $10.00.
2 Shop Stoves less than half price and everyibing at like reduction,
Dry Goods and Boots and Shoo at Cost. Everything will be sold
Come everybody. Produce taken in exchange.
S. S. EARL, -
IG Alit.
ersides have been the champions of
Toronto for five years, 'so the game
is likely to be interesting. Wing -
ham team is composed partly of
Bluev'tle boys and as many as can
will be sure to go over to see the
home team win—we hope.
Mr. Martin, of Toronto, will spend
the remainder of the sutntr.cr with
Mr. Wm. Sanderson.
Sixty persons went from here to
Goderieb on the excursion of the
On Tuesday, July 261h, Catherine
Mehen, relict of the late Thos. Kirby,
breathed her last at the home of her
daughter, Miss i4,aggie Kirby of
Teeswater. Her death at the ad-
vanced age of 85 years removes an
other of the pioneer settlers of the
township of Culross, She was a
kindly old lady who always had a
word of pleasant greeting to say
when she met an acquaintance.
One ot the saddest eaents that has
happened in the community for a
long tune was the very sudden death
of Mrs, D. J. Bailagh, which took
place on Sunday afternoon, July
24th, after an illness ot only a few
hours. Mrs. Ballag•h was young,
being only in her 32nd year, and
was a daughter of the late Wm.
Colvin of Culross. The unlookfd for
death was a terrible blow to her rela.
Lives and has called forth the deep-
est sy mpathies of a very wide circle
of friends and acquaintances. Her
husband; and mother, who resided
with her, v<iIl feel her loss greatly,
hat the three little children whc, have
been left motherless are the greater
losers of all.
'°"After a Icng illness the spirit of
Mrs. Nichol, relict of the late Walter
Nichol of the 7th eon..jpassed peace-
fully away on Thursday last. For
years deceased has been a patient
sufferer and,,was beloved by all who
knew her,' One son, James, of Owen
Sound, and one daughter, Mrs, J.
Mason, survive and have the sy m•
pathy of the entire community.
Mr. J. Wellwood, student of Vier
toria College, preached very accept•
ably at Brick church 10 con on Sun
day last.
Rev, Mr. Geddes, now o% St. Cath
crines, but a former pastorfof Calvin,
preached at the latter place on Sun-
day last to a large congregation,
from the text "Life is more than
meat rind the body more than rai-
Mr. and Mrs. Jackman, of theNile,
spent Sunday atMr. J. Menzies'.
W1.'OXETl R.
Mrs. (Rev.) Brown was visiting
With her friend, Mrs. Dickson at
Miss Tucker, of Hamilton, is spend-
ing the summer at Loeksley h all,
the guest of her college friend, Miss
The Wroxeter road machine, un-
der the su erintendonee of Air
Willis, was doing good work grading
in the Clifford vicinity. it was used While leading a eoly the othe
with goodeffect on tileimptovemrnts day, Dan.Campbelt, of Walton, felt n the.Neustadt road, and also on and broke his right arm.
An and other streets in the village,
and is to be put to service levelling
the park,
Rev. Mr. Anderson and sister left
on Monday last for a visit to friends
near Peterboro. The Presbyterian
pulpit will he occnpied during his
absence by Rev. Mr. Grey, of To-
ronto, an old time favorite here.
Mrs. Sheriff and daughter, of
Lindsay, are visiting at Mr. and Mrs.
Cowan's at present.
Airs. D. Al. Walker and sons, of
Niagara Falls, are here for a short
Mrs. T.W. n
t Gibs n and family,
who have engaged a cottage here for
the summer, are just back from a
short holiday, spent with friends in
Gaderich and Blyth,
Alt's. Thos. Gibson, sr , and daugh
ter have gone to Parry Sound on a
visit to friends.
Mr. Adam Sanders, of Tiverton, is
visiting under the parental root at
Forest lodge, A. F. and A. M.. is
booming here at present, under
the capable management of W.
M., .John A. Barnard.
John, or more popularly known as
"Jack" Munro, who was one of
Wroxeter's stirring boys some 25.
years agog, has been here on a short
visit to his mother, Mrs. John Gofton,
lately. He loe+ks well and is doing
fine in the palace car city, Pullman,
The Young People's Chapter of St.
John's church held a garden party
on Mrs. Jas. Wilson's lawn, The
proceeds went to the new rectory
The following is a list of the offi-
cers of the Brussels football teats :
President, J. H. Cameron ; Manager,
T. A McLauchlan ; Sec-Treas., Bert
Gerry ; Capt, James Thomson ; Man-
aging Com., Capt., Manager and
Brussels cheese factory sold their
June make of cheese. For the first
half they received 7cents, and for
that made in the last half 7s, cents
per pound.
i11r. Jas Walker shipped a ear load
of second hand buggies to Manrtonlitc
Island last week.
Rev. M'r, McRobhie, Hiah Chap
lain of the C. 0, F , will preach o
the brethern in Atwood on Sund.+t
next. A number of Brussels 1"o'e st
ers will attend the service. (
The following are the officer'- i
recently installed for St. John's
Lodge, A. F. 8 A. M. :—A. Cous e‘
P. M. ; Geo. Halliday, W. M.; hetet
J. Bishop, S. W. ; G. 1''. Blair, J. W..
Jas. Fox, Trelasurer; J. A. Creighton. i
Secretary ; Jno, Wright, Chaplain :
John Hewitt, S. D. ; J. II, Cameron.
J. D. ; Jas. I3aiia ntyne, S. S.; Silas
.Jackson, J. S.; Geo. Dunlop, I. 0, ;
J. Y. S. Itirls, Tyler.
In Brussels voters list for 18118
there are 25.2 names in No. 1 Divi-
sion ; 131 in No. 2 ; and 45 in No. J,
a total of 426. 97 are qualified to
serve as Jurors.
"Mrs. Thos. Black had a paralytic
stroke un Friday evening last. Her
many friends hope she may soon
itlr. Jackson and sister, of Mc-
Killop, spent Sunday with C. Cor-
Miss Nellie Turner and Miss
Hiscucks, of Teeswater, have re-
turned home after spending a few
days with friends near Belgrave.
Quite a little party enjoyed them-
selves at the home of Jas. Oliver on
Friday evening last.
Charles McClelland has forwarded
to Canon Greene, of Orillia, $1 for
the Ii ish s, tasty . 7 his society is
e7,gaged in tcocl•ing the Irish -speak-
ing popula!ic i, tf the `preen isle the
holy set., put, es chiefly... through the
medium et their own language.
The beau -tit -Sit . hurtiers of late have
frest et., d up t t.tngs wonderfully in
this vicir•it".
Rev. Mr. W'e llv cc d, of St. Helens,
preaehcd in ,he• Methodist church on
Sunday evc•t+it,g last. Rev. Alr.
Oaten e eeuli, d ,he pulpit at Brus.
sell on Stisclay tattling.
Rev. Austin 1'h'dg'e and l'is father
atria ed at lir lg•rs:te no Friday even-
ing to attevu the funeral t.t the late
Mrs, Niel ul, rvhien took place on
Saturday luau.
Rev. Mr. Oaten intends lac !ding a
series of revival tu.•etings in the near
future. We hope he was. meet with
su 'Cess.
sserJohn Gillies, formerly station
sgeut for the Gt'tu,d Trunk Railwafk
hosts, committed ; Weide Sunday even-
ing at Alviusio,., white the family
ate at church by firing a revolver
into his ai,wlth, killing himself instant-
ly. He had been unwell for tome
time. and had beeunae desp ndent.
Since leaving heart he had . acted as
ligand Trunk agent at . Ivinst„n7
Rev. John Gray, pastor "+f the
Neth Sarum Baprist church, St,
Thoma' dropped dead Monday morn-
ing Deceased mats well known by
inane 1,, 11+a an t:otllatV,
Well Made
Makes 'Well
Hood's Sarsaparilla is prepared by ex-
perieneed pharmaclsts of today, who have
brought to the production of this great
medicine the best results of medical re-
search. Hood's Sarsaparilla is a modern
medicine, containing just those vegetable
Ingredients which were seemingly in-
tended by Nature herself for the allevia-
tion of human 1111. It purities and en-
riches the blood, tones the stomach and
digestive organs and creates an appetite;
it absolutely cures all scrofula eruptions
boils, pimples, sores east rheum, enc
every toren of skin disease; cures liver
complaint, kidney troubles, strengthens
and builds up the nervous evstem. It en-
tirety overcomes that tired feeling, giving
strength and energy in place -of Weakness
and languor. It wards off malaria, ty-
phoid fever, and by purifying the blood it
keeps the whole systerit healthy.
i worse
r w,,%,..1P
u S pari1tt.
1„ the test--iti fact the One Tree Blood Puriliei.
Sold t y all druggists, '$t; Alt for >rs.
Hoof's Pills acre all 1'lsrr 1) it
8tek Headnelae. t