HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1978-07-27, Page 9TWILIGHT JUDGING Emma Franken hosted the annual Huron County Holstein Twilight meeting on July 19 at her farm 'north of Auburn. The crowd of 150 judged cattle and enjoyed entertainment and lunch afterwards, Donated prizes were given for best judging of 2 and 3 year class and senior classes 9 Holsteins. Londesboro group hears about trip to Australia Mix a bit THIS WEEKEND Archie's Super Special OUR CHOICE: Pepsi,CPlus i Canada Dry °Ginger Ale,Quirst r Ro t Beer Mountain Dew, 7•Up Case of 24 cans. reg. $5 9 9 Now Only $ 4. Archie's Sunoco Godorich St. .'Langstaff • • • • • .00 • • • • PLUMBUSIG HEATING • & ELECTRICAL EXPERTS • Phone: 527-1620 • Seaforth • • • 0111 ••••••••••••••••••• Seaforth 69 .r DECOR*TING ••• Expert Intql8r-.8,..., tenor Decorators Decorators Kern Paints Wallcoverings Armstrong Carpets • Window Shades HILDEBRAND • • • • usiness Director • • • - S. • • 5",', • • e; • S. • •• • • 4., • • • 4 4 4 14 • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • rr THE ottari. WI .picins .tar, ,HURONf EXPO$fTOR, JULY 27, 1978 -- 9 four • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Correspondent Mrs. Bert Shobbrook 523-4250 • Aimwell Unit of U.C.W. met July 17 at, the home of Ferne :1McCItire. President Audrey ;Thompson read a, poem "God's '4ove—and-reading-` 'Accept Your- 1,self'Sfollowed by prayer and a • • prayer of a realist. Roll call answered by a Sunday j:School teacher o'- leader you :remember. Vi Burns 'gave :the treasurer's report. June :minutes were read by secretary :June Fothergill. Gail Lear :repOrted.on her recital. Collection Birthday pennies received. September roll call will be "An article you have made". Lunch -committee is Marion Snell, Marion Hunking and Kathy McKellar. Program June 'Fothergill, Mary Peel and Ora .:Bruce. Program was. in charge of :Ferne McClure. Rev. McDonald 'led in prayer. Audrey Thompson read poem "If God went on .strike." John Lawson and BobJamieson played guitar duets. Ferne McClure introduced .her nephew Darryl Ball who showed films on Australia and New Zealand and told about his trip which was enjoyed by all. • Ferne presented him with a gift. Following benediction lunch was served • by. Mai), Peel, Ora Bruce and June Fothergill. • Personals • Mrs. Orville Newby was admitted on Sunday to University Hospital London for tests. Mr. Jim Scott Sr., returned home Thursday from spending a week in Clinton Public Hospital visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Jim Scott are his brother Mr. and Mrs, Bill Scott of Escondido. California. Mr. and Mrs.'Jdhn Pollard and Sally spent last weekend at Lake Restoule with Mr. and Mrs. Bob Pollard, Sally remained for the week. • Claire Vincent and Harry Tebbutt attended the 123rd Grand Lodge sessions at Royal York Hotel, Toronto last week Tuesday July 18 to July 20. Ronald Vodden of ThOmpson, ' Manitoba visited on Saturday July 22 with his aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Bert Shobbrook and his uncles Ken Vodden and Mr. and Mrs. Fred Vodden. Mr. and Mrs. Allen Shaddick returned hOme on Saturday night from a 2 week trip to Eastern Coast. They were accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Shaddick. Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Penfound spent last week holidaying at Fanshawe Park and visited with Mrs. Oli..c Penfound at Victoria Hospital London.' Mrs. Josephine Whitman -(-nee Gray) and daughter from Grand Rapids, 'Michigan, visited her cousins Mrs. Edwin Wood and Mrs. Mildred McNall at Mr. .and Mrs. Woods on Thursday. Mr. and. Mrs. Lorne Hunking, Mr. an Tom Duizer, Laurel, Lisa, ep e Shannon returned home on Friday from spending 3 weeks travelling to Victoria B.C. • Mrs. Marion H,unking and Ken returned home on Friday from a 2 week's trip to East Coast. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Shobbrook, Diana and Bradley, Mr. and Mrs. Bert Lyon, Cheryl, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Wilts and" family spent Sunday at Collingwood. Mrs. June' Fothergill, Heather and Nancy attended a family . picnic and shower at' the home of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Palmer, Strathroy. The shower was held in honour of Carol Bender,' bride, elect in September. Patricia Millson, Woodstock and Dorie Ellerby Clinton, spent the ,weekend with their grand. parents Mr. anciMrs. Bert Shobbrook. Bradley Shobbrook, Wingham . is spending a week's , holidays 'mid] his uncle M.r and Mrs.' Gordon Shobbrook and Diana Audrey Peel and friend Jean Illet of St. George, spent the weekend with Audrey's parents, Mr. and Mrs, Bob Peel, Cathy on Freddie visiting lak week with Mr. and Mrs. Howard Clarke were cousins Mr. and Mrs. Alec SteWart (Dolsover).• Members of the public consul- tation panels to the PLUARG (Pollution From Land Use Activities Group) were invited to' attend the Annual Meeting of the International Joint Commission on the Great Lakes Water Quality Agreement last week at the Cleary Auditorium in Windsor, when PLUARG's final report was presented. Norman Alexander, who is a member of the Kondon Area public consultation panel, attended among the observers on July 17 and 18. Mr. and Mrs. Don Cousineau, Donald. Jimmy and Tammy have returned to their home in Sault Ste. Marie, after spending two weeks at Point Farms Provincial Park and visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Norman Alexander. Other visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Alexander on Saturday were Mr. and Mrs. Jim Alexander, David and Susan of Novi, Michigan, and Mr. and Mrs... John. Littleford, of Minneapolis, Minn: ' • The Annual Canadians Foresters church parade was held in the church on Sunday after- noon with a good attendance. The paiide was, led by . Piper Bob Bremner of Ethel with parade Marshall . Jim JameiSon. Members from Palmerston, Listowel, Wallace, Cranbrook, Trowbridge, Benmiller, Kinburn and Londesbprough. Rev. McDonald, High Chaplain 'for the Canadian Foresters conducted the, service and spoke on, the theme'of "you really can't go it alone" He stressed the need that each "person has for the other, and none of us can go it alone with God. Mrs. Harry Lear was organist and Mrs. Tom Cronin soloist. ' The flagbeaters were Mary Ellen Jacklin of Trowbridge and . Mac McIntosh of Listowel following the service the members andOeir families were invited to tRev. McDonalds home for a •pidnic.' In charge Oriames. , and, races were Mr. and Mrs. WilfredStrickler of Cranbrook. In charge' of supper was Mr: and. Mrs. Robert Bremner, Ethel, Mr. and MrS. Harry Jacktin: 'Trowbridge and Mr. and Mrs. Mac McIntosh of Listowel. United Church Welcoming into the sanctuary on Sunday morning were Lloyd Pipe and Nelson McClure. Ushers were Kathy. Radford, Diane Bromley. Ruthann Penfound and Susan Jameison. Soloist was Mrs. Thornton, Exeter, singing "Bless ''us 0 Lord" and "the Way, The 'Truth and the Life" accompanied • by organist Gail Lear. , Res,. McDonald's children's story was " Being forgiven , and forgiving others". Junior teachers, were Mary 'Peel, and Ruthann PCntound. Message was "Are you afraid of being rejected." Every week .more and more people discover what mighty jobs are accomplished by low cost Huron Expositor Want Ads. Dial 527-0240. J. Houston graduates Janice Houston daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Rae Houston df R.R.2 Brussels graduated June '30 from the Diploma Nursing Program, Fanshawe College. Victoria Campus, London. She received her earlier education at S.S.8 Public School, Walton Public School and Seaforth District. High School. She has accepted a position at Charlotte Memorial Hospital and ,Medical Center Charlotte, ,North Carolina. ••••••••••• • • • • • S. • , • . • • • WEDQING • , • A wedding • • in your plans? • • • • See our • wide selection • • ' • . of •••• • e WEDDING • INVITATIONS • • The'Huron • • Expositor • .10 • 527-0240 • • Seaforth • \ • AAPPLIANC ES Appliance & Refrigeration Auterliedfaatory warranty • Se'ry ice and. repairs to GE , Ff1IGIDAIRE & INGLIS • APPLIANCES. Service and repairs to all •• , makes Don. Horne Maintenance 527-0636 Seaforth • • • • Ltd. • Optician, • 87 Main St., South. • Seaforth .OPTOMETRIST'S AND OPHTHAOLOGISTS Prescriptions Filled promptly Mon.-Fri. 9-5:30 p.m. Wed.-Sat.Mornings 9-12 p.m. COMPLETE OPTICAL SERVICE • \ 527.1303 , • : c—FARM SUPPLIES • • • C0.011). • • Feed Seed, Fertilizer • Farm.Supplies, Petroleum-(, • Supplies Heating Oils, • Seaforth Co-op • • • 527-0770 • • c.--ELECTRICAL •—•\ • .. , - - • • Geo. A. Sills • • & Sons • • • • • • . HARDWARE MERCHANTS Mr. and Mrs. Allan McCall; Mr. and Mrs. Torn Stevenson, Ronald ancl Christopher, Sandra Ruston and John Van Vliet visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Chalklet and family at their cottage in Liam Head. Mr. Ivy Henderson of Seaforth was also a guest at thc,,12.1rthday dinner planned for— Mrs. Jean c---CAR CARE • DATSUN . Nov SALES & SERVICE Service to All Makes Texaco Products Gerald's Datsun Seaforth 527-1010 DECORATING --•\ -Graves- Wallpaper & Paint Featuring wouviiA Canadian & Imported Wall Coverings 527-0550 Seaforth • PAINT AND PAPER • . Phone 527-1880 • 15 Main St., Seaforth GORD-1-S GULF Licensed Mechanic Service to all makes of cars r Detroit Diesels 527-0333 c CAR CARE Complete Line <SUNOCO> .OAR CARE PRODUCTS Now Doing Lubes and Tire Repair. • 'Archie's Sunoco 527-0881 , Staforth . • (— ELECTRICAL Fred Lawrence Electrical Contractor HOME FARM & L COMMERCIAL WIRING Phone Auburn 526-7505 or . Mitchell 348-868.4 Eiscadfoot' $ birthday last Monday, July 17th at her home,. Terilyn Wright of London made and decorated the birthday cake for her great great aunt, Mrs. Broadfoot. Miss Amy Love' spent the past week and a 'half with her sister, Mrs. Jean Broacifoot, leaving Monday morning for Seaforth where she will visit with another sister, Mrs. Fern Patterson for i few days before returning to her home in Toronto..' Visitors at, Mrs. Jean Broadfoots home on Wednesday were Mrs. Gerald Cardiff, Petrolia and Mrs. Fern PatierSon , Seaforth who was returning from a visit with her daughter. On Friday Mrs. Erisa Farquharson of London took Miss Amy LoVe, Mrs. F,ein Patterson and Mrs. Jean Broadfoot to Kincardine where they visited with Mr. and Mrs. Bill Gribb. Mr and Mrs. David Allison of Londft,,,spent Saturday at the Broadfoot home. Mrs. James-F. Payne has had • • O FLORIST , MacLEAN'S FLOWERS a United Service • o Flowereby wire o P' 527-0800 4 Seatorth, FUNERAL HOME -Th Whitney -11!bey Funeral Home ROSS W..RIBEY, • • DIRECTOR 87 Goderieh St., Seaforth PHONE, 527-1390 CEMETERY MONUMENTS Sincere and courteous service c---- INSURANCE . IS YOUR INSURANCE UP TO, IjATE? See us about your General Life Investment requirements Seaforth Insurance Agency 527-1610 /7—OPTOMETRIST JOHN E. LONGSTAFF Seaforth Office 527-1240 Mon-Fri. 9-5:30 Saturday 9.12:00 Closed Wednesdays BY APPOINTMENT MONUMENTS -Th Cemetery ,Monuments Inscriptions Markers ',Showroom Display WHITNEY-MBE'S( FUNERAL HOME 87 Goderieh St., West Agent for Winghatii Memorials Seaforth 527.140 her son Elgin visiting with, her and they called on relatives in Owen Sound. , The Walton Women's lnsitute executive met last Wednesday at the home of Mrs, Ruth Axtmann when plans were made to cater at a wedding in August, also the car tour on August 16th leavilg- the hall at 9:30 a.m. Anyone *liking to take their lunch may do so or will be able to purchase it at a restaurant. Mr. and Mrs. Torrance Dundas spent a few days recently with Mr. and Mrs: Clem Galbraith of Sutton who returned with them spending the rest of the week here. Mrs. Olene Stutz and Natasha of ,;,Waterloo spent a weekend recently at her parents home, Mr. 'and Mrs. Torrance Dundas. Audrey Riley, Lynda Riley and' Dennis Wintemute visited at the home of Mrs. Orvilla McCutcheon on -Wednesday and also visited with Mrs Iva Nixon. Visitors with Mrs. Orvilla McCutcheon on Wednesday • ._IMPROVEMENTSTh MacLEAN HOME IMPROVEMENTS Phone 527-0032 Free Estimates For Siding - Aluminum and Vinyl, Aluminum Windows, Doors, Awnings., Railings. SEWING t' Sewing Machine ServI7eN Depot Service to all makes. Free estimates 90 day warranty Experienced since 1952 L Sew and Save Centre Ltd. 149 Downie St. 2 doors south. of Hudsons] Stratford, 271-9660 Closed Mondays PLUMBING Plumbing St Heating Conwjle terScSaefv.Q'retril Hook-Up • Backhoe & Trucking FOR FREE ESTIMATES CALL 527-0203 ORGAN GULOIRANSIN ' GALANT' WURLITZER lest In Organs and Plano* FREE Organ Lessons Low-Cost Rental Plan All this add more at PULSIFER - MUSIC- SEAFORTH 327-0053 Closed Viednesdays • evening were Mr. and Mrs, Dave Watson of Wa#00, and Mrs. McFarlane of Listowel, Mrs. Iva Nixon of Fordwich- spent last week with her sister-in- law Mrs: Chas, McCutcheon. Sunday visitors with Mrs. Chas. McCutcheon were Mrs. Oliver Riley of Toronto • and b/W and Mrs. 1Kallace Nixon of Fordwich and Mrs. Iva 'Nixon returned home with them, iteT ie1>f• DRILLING W.D. Hopper and Sons 4 MODERN ROTARY RIGS PHONE Nell 527-1737 Durl 527-0828 Jim 527-0775 • • 440410 • O 0 " 140." OO OOO *004000500 • 0 • •' 119.. • • • •--•- • -0 • • • • 'a • • • SIDING -"N • • BEARSS • ALUMINUM SEAFORTH 527-1295 For a coMplete line ' of aluminum siding, soffit and fascia, eavestrough, doors, windows, railings, awnings and • shutters. Specializing in custom encasements. • • f---APPLIANCES_Th APPLIANCE and • • • • • • • Refrigeration • • RIPAIR SERVICE • • Jim Broadfoot • • 482-7032 • • . PIANO Piano Tuning and Relibirs Bruce Pulsifer 527.0053 or after six phone 482.9618 T.V. & STEREOTh • • • • • '41 TELEVISION ZENITH SALES • • STEREOAND— • • SERVICE' • Seaforth •, • Electronics • • 17 • Snarling St., • • 627-1150 • • • • - WIRING \ INDUSTRIAL • RESIDENTIAL FARMInWIRING • ';1$ CALL GARY DILL 348.8383 OR 347-2435 Collect Call accepted at L 348-8383 only MITCHELL • • • • • • • Correspondent Mrs. Allan McCall , 8874)677 Mr. add Mrs. Vern iVIcIgaughton ' and Terry of • Winnipeg, Manitoba spent a few days last week visiting Mr. and Mrs. Georee Williamson. , Miss Anne , Watson, Sarnia spent the fir'st couple of days this week at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Watson. • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • , • • • • • • •• O. I• • I'- • • •••• , optIcIAN • David • J ',--'CAR-CARE • , • • ' • • • • • • • Complete Line • • • • • • • . • •••••••••••4•••••••••••••••••••••••0•••••••••••• 61110••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••0•11* • Boost Your Income I BUY THIS SPACE TODAY Call 527-0240