HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1898-08-05, Page 4ENGLISH PARIS GREEN Guaranteed Pure or money refunded, tOtill A. GUIPIIELL DRUGGIST Campbell's H eadache W afers cure headaches. CLINTON. Dr. McCallum, front Glengarry, has opened an office in Clinton. tri 1' t'- 1 . L.I A M T I.M E S, AUGUST 5, i1.t:ARSET REPORTS. wlNeIiAAI. Wiughain. Aug. 4, 1898. Corrected by P. Deans, Produce Dealer. Flour per 100 lbs 1 75 to. 2 40 A fatal accident occurred here Fall Wheat .......... 0 75 to 0 80 \1'ednedav morning at the residence g S rin Wheat 0 75 to 0 r;0 p 025 to 020 of J. C. Gilroy. Two little boys were Ot s, swinging, When Kenneth Gilroy, I pori about three years old, got in the Way Turkey, drawn . of the return swing. The seat board these, U 40 to 0 UO hint on the tem le killing Duoks, per pair . stru,k pButter... 0 12 to 0 13 in ruinstantly. Eggs per dozen....... ,0 10 to 0 10 Wood per cord .. 1 00 to 1 26 HOW ICK. flay per ton, 4 50 to 5 00 U :30 to 0 35 0 130 to 0 35 0 50 to 0 00 007 to 008 004 to 005 TO ADVERVISERS. `Notice of changes must be left at this office not later than Saturday noon. The copy for changes must be left not later than Tues- day evening. Casual advertise- ments accepted up to noon Thursday of each week. The haying season, at least for this country is no Ar over and gone, and perhaps a larger and better crop was never gathered to garnish and and adorn the barn and stockyard. It is however with somewhat blight ed hopes and chastened pleasure the farmer again commences to harvest his grain, which together with some of his garden produce is more or less damaged by the destructive frost of July 10th, No doutbt there are many who regard this occurance as one amongst many other hindrances for successful farming, a freak of tlijeatilinOamtime5 FB.TDtvv, AUGUST 5, 1898. nature which has had its parallel in years gone by, and presenting a for the vote all over the Dominion stimulus for increased energy and on the subject of prohibition. The perseverenee in the future. The question to be submitted is as follow : Potatoes, per bushel, Cherries i 0 U3 to (3 04 Tallow ,per lb 0 3to 0 4 Dried Apples, per lb 0 19 to 0 21 Wool 5 00 to 9 00 Dressed hoes.. ............. sent the medal to the best reciter, Further particulars will be given later. _ Il THE PLEBISCITE. Ib9h. AAAI•\AAAAAAAAA Emer 1'e\ ency A Sale AAAAA PARTICULARS OF THE VOTE TO 13E TAKEN SEPT. 29. ' Thursday, the 29th of September, Ls the date fixed by the government EDITORIAL NOTES. PPINCE Blsatancr,Germanv's great- est statesman, died somewhat sud- dsnly on Saturday evening last. THE Ontario Legislature was ',paned on Wednesday afternoon at :, o'clock. The Lieutenant.Governor, Sir Oliver Nowat, read the speech from the throne. ARCHBISHOi' Waesii, the Vener- tble Prelate died very suddenly at tstr home in Toronto, on Sunday 'night. He was attacked by heart failure while chatting with a friend. Sir CI arles Tupper is taking of a 4lumber of adresses in Ontario and Elsewhere in the fall, in order to head off from the leadership the lean and hungry Cassius,s Hcn. George E. Fester. May the best man win'.— Loadon Advertiser. Christian might divine visitation the intention of which should be a subjeet of useful enquiry. It is nut clear however to discover at first sight the special de- sign of which the all wise and be- nificent Creator in this affliction. yell view it as a "Are ou in favor of the passing of GL1+a.NASNAN. Dr. J. W. Scott and wife, of Sani-• lac Centre, Mich., are visiting at the former's uncle's, Richard Wallace. LUCKNOW. Mr. Pat Gilmore has gone to Man- se ctoba where he will spend the sum- v a mer. o w si m 0 v an act prohibiting the importation, manufacture, or sale of spirits, wine, ale, beer, cider, and all other alco- holic liquors for use as beverages?" All Canadians qualified to vote at provincial elections will be entitled to vote on this question Tc defray the expences of the plebiscite the sum of 88250,000 was appropriated at last session of parliament. The new franchise law calls for the printing llously low prices, much of it of the provincial voters' list, as in- tended for federal purposes, at Otto- , below cost. wa. The work has, however, not yet been commenced, consequently it is more than likely that the lists I as I.rinted for pros incial purposes will have to be used. A large vote should be cast, as there were 1 353, 'SALE WILL 735 names on the old federal lists, These were divided among the sever- COM - 1N1 .. al provinces as follows : V .1.13 Ontario 650,021 Quebec 351,074 MON SJ Nova Scotia 111,124 lei New Brunswick 1�1 91,097 Prince Edward Island 25,245 AUG. y' �g p. Manitoba '1G50,,878G84 Northwest Territories British Columbia 38,010 J- O In four of the provinces there have already been popular votes en the liquor question. These provence' are Ontario, Nova Scotia, Manitoba and Prince Edward Island. Mani- toba was the first province to have a prohibition plebiscite. The voting took place there on July 23rd, 1892, In the following year, Dec. 15, 1893, Prince Edward Island voted. In 1894 Nova Scotia and Ontario went on record, the former voting (`n March 15 and the latter on June 19 In every instance the result was in avor of prohibition. The votes recorded were as follows : For Against • Prohibition. Prohibition Ontario 132,497 :10,757 Nova Scotia 43.756 19 iris PrincA Edward Is1'd 6,118 1.923 Manitoba18,037 7,115 Majority for prohibition, 128,85°.. Letter from Chickamauga. This letter, dated Chickamauga P.irk, Ga., July 22nd, was received by Mr. John Sullivan, of town, from his brother, Michael J. Sullivan : "I suppose you will be expecting to bear from me by this time, so 1 write to inform you of my present location. We left 'Washington about two weeks ago and got here after 25 hours steady travelling. This is the largest encampinet of soldiers in the country,there being at present nearly 60,000 igen here. The park is a battlefield of the civil war and is 25 miles square, so there is no crowding and we are nearly a mile from the next nearest encainpment, which is Grigsby's Rough Riders from Mis sour'. We have a fine camp in a grove of trees, and the water we use is filtered, so we are not afraid of fever. We sleep in tents and live on army fare, which is mostly fresh meat, potatoes, coffee and ,bread. I am feeling fine and strong. We ge up at 5 30 a. m. and drill at flag an heliograph work. from 8 to 11 a. in and from 2 to 4 p.m., and are in bed at nine again. I never lived so re gularly before,and the change is goo for me. We have been hoping to b nt with the Porto Rico army of in asion, but we were disappointe nd the prospects are i.00r for gettin ut of here for two or three month hen we may go to take part in th ege of Havana in the fall. In th canaille there is every probabilit f peace, so my chance of seeing act d IT PAYS TO The CANADA BUSINESS CIIATIIAIII, 0 1'. LIEGE still leads its con em ratios in plac- ing pupils. 134 of our p! tls were placed in choice positions in the ten months ending July the 1st, an average of nearly 4 per week. What do you think of it ? It Pays to Attend the Best. College re opens on Tuesday, Sept. Gtb for the fall term. Write for catalogue of eiter de• partment.to D. MCLACIiLAN St CO. We want money — must have it. In order to raise the i desired amount we will turn our stock into cash, In order to do this we purpose holding an emergency sale. Our entire stock of Grocer- ies, Provisions, Crockery, China, Glassware, Smallwares Stationery, School Supplies, &c., will be offered at redicu- d e d g s e e The G. T.. R. is putting in a ,witch to the new elevator. The sudden death of Mrs. Walter 'Spindler on Tuesday morning last AAA .vas a severe trial. to her husband ive service is small mdse,.. Howeve .and friends. Deceased was a dough - the experience is good fur me, an ter of Mr. Henry Cook, of this Nil -1 will be more contented when I ge gage, and Mrs. and Mr. Spindler back to civilization. The heat het a,nly came to reside in Lucknow it few weeks ago from Clinton. She was in her 23r1 year. Things are on the move around the station these days. The two new elevators being erected are about i:om pleted. Inspector Howe, of the Under- writers' Association inspected the .cater works and other fire appli- ances in the village last week, and found everything in first class shape. The Central F urnitui c Factory has been sold to Messrs. Button & Trevett, of Teeswater and the new tint' will commence operations in a few days or weeks at the latest. Messrs. Button & Trevett are a first class firm and for many years have stietessfulty curried on the furniture business in the village of Teeswater and our village is to be congratul- ated upon having secured them as citizens and business men. Tuis means the closing of the Teeswater factory unless it can be sold to some d •e is intense in the daytime, .but th nights are. pleasant. To night I . a on duty at headquarters in the arm telegraph office. • I have three wir on a little table in a tent., and n k to do. I ata writin e m es of g much woi with the aid of a candle on a shakey table, and it is difficult work to make it readable, so I will stop." W. C. T. U. COLUMN. CO\DUCTED BY WINGHAM BRANCH OF THE WOMEN'S CHRISTIAN TEM. PERANCE ONION. dine. Preparations for Caledonian day go on a pace and there is every inch - cation that there will be an old time aratherinfi on Wednesday. August 3iat. The programme will consist (rf some forty events in Piping, IDane ;ng, Iiet.vy Weight r.nd other athle- ties, and as these are the closing games of the, season, the keenest rivalry may be expected among the ictpeti:;ors and the decisions may be looked upon as a, fair tear of their 'merit. Lord and Lady Aberdeen cave been invited to be present, W C T U County Convention. The Huron County Women's Chris- tian Temperance Union will (D. V.) meet with the Union in Goderich on the 25th and 26th of August to hold their first annual convention. The annual reports of local and county superintendents of the various de- partments will be given. Local supenintendents of departments are kindly requested to be prompt in sending in their reports. Each Local union in the county is cordially re• quested to send as many delegates and visitors as possible. Mrs. Thorn- ly, president of the pirat ineial W. C. T. E., has consented to le present to address the public platform meeting on the evening of the 25th, and eon - duet at the school cf nietl ods on the afternoon of the 26th, what she will give a "parlimentary drill." A silver medal contest will be held in the evening. 11 rs. Thornly wilt pre - The Three Stage". For the early stage, Scott's Emulsion is a cure. For the secon t stage, it cures many. And for the last stages of con- sumption it soothes the cough and pro- longs the life. Mr. William Woods has purchased the property of Ex -reeve Burns, in Bayfield, which was offered for sale last week, for $1,400. Stratford decided by vote last Friday to build an entirely new 830:000 city hall, to replace the luilding destroyed by fire last Win- er. The ratepayers showed their good sense in refusing to patch up old ruined walls. soars. AAA Oash PUBLIC NOTICE. he liaces41 are over, but the demand for Having moved to town to the resi- dence lately occupied by Geo P Wells, corner Centre and Mired streets, near the GT B, I am prepared to pay the highest cash prices for all kinds of Rags, Rubbers, Copper, Horse Hair, Wool Pickings. Iron and Metal of all kinds, delivered at my residence, or if word be left, I will call for same. C. GOODMAN. MONEY TO LOAN �.; . FINE FOOTWEAR . • still continues. Our goods please because. 1st—The styles are up to date. 2nd—They are the kind that give wear. 3rd—Everything sold at bottom p rices. New goods constantly arriving, Custom work and repairing prompt- ly attended to. Any amount of money to loan on good farm property at, 5 per cent per annum. Straight Loans- Payments made to suit borrower. Satisfaction guai auteed. Charges lows At office Friday afternoon and all day Saturday. ABNER COSEZ.S, Macdonald Block, Wingham. T. NDERS`>lANTED Tend- signed t • laying of li cc U neon S S Nub, The sire of buildh require 4 inebe concrete 1 10 3= inches • require ill be received by to -'aturday. e fou During the sale goods will be sold for SPOT CASH only. All goods must be paid for before leaving the store, or they will be delivered C.O. I). Mow,•r—In Wiogham, on July 26th, the wife of Mr. John A. slowat, of a son.i dorrxr—ln Kinloss, on July 25, the wife of Mr. Foster i\fotfat, of a son•. } MAERILD. �lliuiznAY•—MCDotIcALt—At :the resi- dence of the bride's parents. Turnberry, on July 26th, by the Rev. W. J. West, Bluevale, Mr. John Murray, of \Vingham to Mtes Helen daughter of Mr, Hugh Good Fresh Butter MeDouaall. Egts will be taken as Cash. Kin»Y–In Teeswater, on July Stith, ..'i 's is a genuine sale. Catherine Mehen. aged 85 years, BAr tAGH—in Teeswater, on July2ith, Mrs D. J. Ballegh, aged 31•yert s, 8 '\' mean business and will oath, 24 clays. d c) just as we advertise. '4'Erro•ti—In 4t'ingbnm, on July 30th, j -Rhoda Elf ire, r ged 14 years, 11 months and 15 days. YNlcot,- In East vV'awanoe'h, on July • 8th, Ann, relict of the late \t alter. Nicol, aged Ws teed and 7 montbs.{" I AAA Accounts All accoun'.s are now clue, and MUST Br SETTLET) BY CASH OR NOTE at orrce. AAA Cards gra', x. Finis ,,roportion of p s 1 to 1;. Address o under - g. 6, for the u basement ot erry and Morris. 24 x 36 ft. It will ann 2 inches of will need to be ter to sand dere to J. G.KARGES. W. J. RENDERS Wiogham V ltYIN GH.C.i+:'AL SAIN MILLI IlEe.NEAN et SON, "'repo. All kinds of rough and dressed - lumber, Lath, Shingle3, Allele Barrels, Hard & Soft Slabs Also a large quantity of dry bard `'' wood for sale, delivered. Telephone orders prom ptly at- tended to. cLEA N & SON. FARM FOR SALE The undersigned oiler for sale the farm ,ro ,erty, being Jut 32 to the 12th eouess- 1 / °sten ot the Township of Ea' t vs wa nosh, containing 162 acres, more or less,1401 ii' res of which is cleared. There are upon the premises a good bank barn and frame horse. The farm w,11 be sold on reasonable terms Apply to 'i`HUo GREGORY, or BENJ. WILLSON. FARM FOR SALE The undersigned offers for sale his farm, being north helves of Lots 3 and in the 1st Uoncesstuu of Kinlose , contain ing 100 acres more or less. There are ul.on the premises a basement barn 50 feat square; good dwelling house; tine wchtid ltd gaiueu, ai,d abundance of good spring water. There is a good crop in, which will be sold will be sold with the farm. For particulars apply to WM. RENDALL, at \Vingham Foundry. House and Lot For Sale. The undersigned offers his house and lot on Alice street for sale. The house is a nine room frame one, witb kitchen and there is a number of good fruit trees on the .ot. For full particulars apply to JAS. WILSON, Wingham. BOAT FOR SALE The- row boat with oars and cushions complete. owned by Mr. W. H. Wallace, can be purchased All who hold cards will sed at a bargain. to R. vAVSTUNE please bring them in and we _ _.__ __ . .-..___ . ______._._ STORES -FOR SALE will give value for them. AAA Trade and RETURNED ON TIME. Carein lly washed, properly ironed, correctly finished and fairly priced— that's the history of your linen whelt brought here. Not a. thing in our washing preparations to •injure the fibre of the goods and not a thing unhealthy about our work rooms. The administratrix of the estate of Alexander Daw.oa, deceased, offers for sale the Two Stores in Wingham now occupied by Messrs N A Farquhar• soh and Miss Boyd. Offers for the same should be addressed to J A MORTON, Wingham, Solicitor for the Estate. Order your ; —�N'120J1 TI3P:�— 1VYII-.I-K. ---AND--- c1I.kWI — 1ZOSt THE---� JnD. Kerr) 80L5TIEN DAIRY. J. D. LONG Opp. Union Factory. THE TAMES GIVES THE NEWS AAA 30c will Cay for it from how till the end ' t4 the year. vvv ARE YOU A SUBSCRIBER ?' it