HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1898-08-05, Page 3UN 'lIIE `'INUJ AM 'TIMES, AUGUST , 1898. What He Has Done For Well -Known Cana- dian Peoale. HEAD WHAT THEY SAY Rheumatism, Catarrh, Dyspepsia and Other Ailments Cured by the Use of His Wonderful Little Pellets. • Mfr. N, J. Minor, bicycle maker, with E. Stearns Al Co., bicycle works, and re- •nidiug at NO Borden street, Toronto. On- tario, Canada, says ' 1 suffered intense and constipation, nccye yearsfrom dyspepsia train of distressing symptoms. is had no apppetite, a lout= stomach, was melanehuly and nervous. I could not sleep and• th?r„ was also considerable emaciation. One month ago I decided to try Munyon's 3temedles and atter using two bottles (' the dyspepsia cure I was completely curial and am to -dry In the enjoyment of excel- lent health and spirits. I nm able to eat anything., I consider my cure most won- •derful and cannot endorse Munyoa too highly." ' lfuuyon'ai nhenmatlo Care seldom• falls to re.} Rave is one to three hours and cures in a few :lays. Price 25e. . tdunyon's Dyspepsia Cure positively cures all terms of ladigestton and stomach troubles.' trice 23e.i,:) '•y lttunyon'o Cold Cure prevento pneumonia and: breaks up a cold 1n a few hours. Price 25e. •pee to it that the butter is taken ab Munyou's Cough Cure stops coughs, night' sweats, alleys soreness and speedily heals the directly fi um the el eswery tU the lungs. Price 23e. Aiunyon'a kidney Cure,apeedtly cures palatal as is pusslble to arrange, for In the back, 101ba or groins, and all forms ,of !kidney disease. Price 25e:every hone' that the butter is expos- , Pitmen's Nerve Cure stops nervotisneat 4bd' builds up the system. Price 23c. ed to beat means so much deterior- �tunyoa's Headache Cure stops seethes° Int atlun t hree minutes. Price 23e. , which eau never be corrected. Sbtuni•an'a•Plle ointment positively cures al 1t Might be Hell to point out in th- e of dues.. Price 23e. • tdaayon s Blood Cure erallieatea all tinparlttes' eouneCtion that it butter is once Oaf ,the blood. Price 28e. Idunyon•s Female Remedies are 4 boon to all loth ed to become soft tbroudie teat. hinnies, t v+'111 take a much loK'egqbe ttimpera- Catarrh Cure -price 25a -eradicates the disease tufo to harden IL a ,airjethan that to CARE IN HANDLING BUT'!'EIt,,.; Aunt Mary's PROP, ItOBERTSON GIVES ADVICE RI:- Timely GARBING TIIE reaeseER oe DAIRY , V 1S1>G, PRODUCTS FROM WE CREAD1ERIES The other evening Mint Mary tuokthe. TO THE CABS• eleetr1) tuts and rode eaetwiud to the house of her niece who $ Pew weeks Prof. Robertson, Dominion Dairy i►let'lously had just started houselieep- Commissioner, writes .as follov+s re- ink. VN Race ceremony the old lady en- garding frigerator ear service: The teres the house nrd•fuuud her niece in hot weather which at prevent prevails,', tete kitchen leaking very dejected, Aunt Mary Boon discovered that her puts the refrigerator ear service to a niece had tried to color an old cream severe test, and makes it imperative opera shawl a cardinal red, with that the shippers as well as the i soots poor eheap dye, The result transportation compauies should take 1 was eertaiuly enough to test the lett- extra gnoduers of an angel, A tujs- extra precaution to insure against Leri mixed color, half Sed and brown, any possibility of the butter be: was the result of labor. Aunt Mary ruining heated at the creamery deeply syeipathi'red with her horror - on the way to the suction or at the station before it is loaded into the car. Information which has conic to hand goes to bhow that some of the creametymen are not as careful as they ought to be in handling the butter filen their oe n refrigei ators to the can's, Gars have arrived in Montreal lately with the butter from some creameries in good conditi.tn, while that front olhcrs was very soft. indicating clearly that the butter must have leen put into the car in that condition. If butter is allowed to get warm and soft on the way to the station, or at the station, no re- frigerator is cold enough to harden it much, if at all, before it reaches Montreal. If the ear keeps the but ter in good condition, it serves the purpose admit ably , Those who have to dein with the matter should give yourself a sponging with cold water. Don't take any sort of bath with- in three hours. after eating ; early in the morning is the beat time, and late at night the second best time for a drily bath. Don't dress after. taking a sea water bath until you have sponged yourself off with cola sweet water, and partieularly your hair Don't pile on clothing on. the no— tion that it is fashionable to WC1' such and such, get a net undershirt if you Can, go without a waistcoat, and have all the rest of your eloth- strteken niece, and advised her in the ing as thin and light at; it is possible future to use nothing but the Diamond to buy thein. 1)yesthat, had given her s11ah satisfac- tion and profit for over twenty years. DOW't wear tight collars, tight The unsightly variegated shawl was then cot sets et even a tight hat, ; have all washed in several waters In order to get l our eluthiu a as laude as possible, rid of the horrid colors, and was thou y a, put into n bath of Diamond Dye hist Don't wear clothing of a dark col- or in summer, and particularly black ; the spin's rays ere greatly absorbed by black while white tends to dissipate its intensity, The ideal summer dress for a man should be : Well ventilated, loose straw hat ; roll collar ; light grey coat ; a shirt that requires no vest ; wide trousers of some thin, whitish tnaterial ; low tan shoes and tan stockings. Don't wear your hair long in sum- mer time, and don't wear a bearer, the hair catches up the heat of the air tend communicates it to the skin. while it never dues the same thing with any stray breezes flying around. Don't forget that the great secret of keeping eool is to have your ner- vous system perfectly calm and your more or less ilivig digestive organs in perfect working cleansing. I can order. the desire uf every Don't worry over anything, par. a ciear, beautiful titularly during the heat, of the day to being provoked lish much by wor- Cerdinnl Red for wool. It is now a thing of joy and beauty. Moral : '1 a achieve success in bonne dyeing, be sure you use the Diamond Dyes. THE SECRET OF BEAUTY. ONE CAN NEVER BE PLEASANT TO LOOK UPuN UNLESS IN GOOD BEALT11. "The most helpful and agreeable bath is that of tepid water," writes Ruth Asliwure in the August Ladies' Home Journal. "Few people can st:end absolutely cold baths, and nu matter haw strot,g one may be sueh a bath should not be indulged in un- less a tburuugh rubbing he taken afterward. To speak plainly, it tenet be re►uelubeled that while a cold bath may be crating it is not easily understand woman to have Skin, but I confess h I think VuU cannot aC.dO►np whim fino :+a , Munynn'a Catarrh Remedies never fail Tho i f the nlODUb of money ryiug at theft time, and you are only from the system, and the Catarrh Tablets -pike q , i spent un lotions, el't•allls and powder6 trotting y'uur net'"OnS Syet0ln a Clt 6c.-c)eonse and heal the parte, which it was farmer held 1 u 11 hiunyon'a Asthma Remedies relieve to three; to he applied esterntilly, and wteicli imitates and cure permanently. Price 10. � lustrate the averegl it.elting paint. of tithe duchies like as good an etiect + ed *toter Munyon'a, Vitalizer; , a great tonic !.and re- lto4aroL vital strength to weak people. ' $1. butter is aboutii1111ety unit to nitleG} • upon the skin as a tepid bath with Don't got into an argument about pa good soap taken at least once a week. how lung the war is going to last. 'rhe condition of the skin depends D.)n't lose your temper with your almost entirely upod.tbe care given 1 employees or your bupelites. to the general health. The girl wtlo' Don't complain ot how truth war• is up late at night, gives nu care tut mer it is than it ought to he, and al - her diet, ,indulges in vatiuus stinlu: tants, bathes but seldom, and excl.. i together avoid everything that is vise, less, is certain to have either a i liable to get you exerted. dull', eauddy:luoking skin, or onel Don't. walk on the sunny side of a covered with disagreeabledooldng 1 block because it is a few yards near - black and red spots. One should i er to your destination. avoid many sweets and much pastry,'Don't hesitate to drink even ice abd nut allow herself to become a I e,ild water if your perspii•atiuti has slave either to tea or coffee any 1 stopped ed and you stili Iind it oppres- more than she would to some vicious i siveh fiat ; .cry likely the stoppage drug or strone• stimulant. She should ut the perspiration is the first stage also remember that, unless she is in `of sunstroke. Yruduet: a sweat by good condition internally, she will be; lee water at epee and you are all anything but a pleasant vhjeut to I , look upon externally." right. A separate cure for each disease, At all drug*. two degrees allfellhelL ; but. utile it *Star Meati, 25 cents** vial.. - _ i;' Poreonal'ettersto era. Aletnyon, 1505 AtehSt., is Ilie1Ledotle temperature 11308t be Philadelphia, Pa, U.S.A., a11FMcreel with free meds• reducedetu about seventy-fuur `t e- t l l advise fur au} disio ec. greepee6i solidity it again, by giving, Interesting to Municiyalities. Mr. Justice Ferguson has handed dovt'n a judgment in Atkinson vs. of inter: 'the City of Chatham, a case est to municipalities. It iuvul%ee the I pay nient of $995 and costs by the; city for damages to private citizensl, caused by lack of repair in a street, said lack of repair being due to the presence of a telephone pot planted 1 in it.. The judge declined to grant' relief over against the Belt Telephone Co., because the. • pule was placed with the knownedge of and by the consent of city authorities. The enteral is that the city is responsible fur the state uf the roadways, and cannot rid itself of that responsibil: itte if it grants companies or private individuals special pt iviieges it must sho3llder all the burden such grants bring to it. space to the above in your paper you will confer a favor upon this depart- ment and, lads hoped, a benefit to the dairy business. For Over n'''ifty Years. AN ULD AND WELL• -Ttt10U R,F+It1aDY— Mrs. Window's (Soothing syrup has been used for over fifty years by mil- lions of mothers fur their children while testi-011g, with perfeutsuccess. It soothes the child, softens the gurus, allays all pain, cures wind colic. and is the' best iewedy fur diarrhoea. Is pleubant to the taste. Sold by druggists in every part of the' world. 'twenty -tire tents a bottle. Its value is incalu.tble. Be sure Iand ask for Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Sy i my and take no oL:ter kind BABY B3taa'PNESS Soon fades when Dtarrhaea seizes on the little form. Dr. Fuw iers' lt:xtraut of Wild Strawoerry, has saved euany in- fants' as welt as adults' lives. Mfrs. W. Waiters, Eichwund Street, Hamilton, Out., Says : "1 cured my baby of n bad iittack of Uholera, by ustug Dr. !yowlers Extract of Wild Strawberry. Nothing else did uny good, out the baby unprov- ed from the first dose of the Wild Straw- berry." Brave Editors. Death in battle may be glorious, but its glories are sung mostly by editors in their offices, and not by soldiers on the battle field. For in- stance, the New York Sun, in eon- tewntatiug'the death of so many Ani erieans in front of Santiago, exclaims; "Orly rions their doom and beautitul their lot." Then the able editor goes home to dinner and leaves die dead heroes to the full enjuy.ment of their glorious doom ; to the undisturbed occupation of their beautiful lot—beneath the grass routs ot a Cuban. landscape. It is utter hyproerisy for ••writers with beds to sleep on at night and • erdrink as much seltzer, carbonate lar meals to eat by day to cele– ed ;Nvater tnodera.tely hold water or Cigars and Nervousness. "You're nervous," said the doctor. "Quite right," admitted the patient "That's why 1 sent for you." "The uuly thing fur you to do," explained the doctor, "is to give up smoking entirely." - "1 don't smoke at all," answered the patient. "Ali!" said the doctor. "Then the thin;; fur you to do ie to smoke a good cigar or a pipe occasionally. It has a very scuttling effect, " it's easy to pet.:•crlbe when you kular� how. Much ki Little Actors, Singers, A Martyr to 1 Diarrhoea. i Speakers Thousands of actors, publla entertainer.,, siva'rrs, l.:euir• ers, preacher' and readers are tormenu,l with t.urua t weakness There delicate organs being overtaxed be- come susceptible to head colds, influenza, hoarseness, /t. . • tickling in the throat, sneez- ing, dropping in the throat, /', pain over the eyes, dry throat, etc.; ;.11 these are forerunners of Catarrh, Asthma, Tonsilitis, and are but stepping stenos to more serious complications if ntt eettd. OR. AGNEW'ii ATABRtIAG ] OWDER w powerful, cure all such�troublesc�r and eves'in stn inbwtes "I con but proclaim Dr. Agnev nCata'rhnlPaw- der. a wonderful medicine, pp.rrticululy for singers and public speakers. Myself and wife were bits subjects of Tonsilitis and Catarrh, and neyet. spa anything to equal this great remedy for nee., acnes and curative qualities -it is a wonder .' ike". 1 heartily recommend It to ray brotherpr.6,,Ionto.'• Al. Emmett Postell, Actor, Now York city. -31 Sold at Hamilton's Drug Store. Vr,•�n x t,�ttlt . ,.,a �:,�."y tor ri am.x 4� A. Tells of relief front sufitring by Dr.1?owlcr's Ext. of Wild. Strawbcrtr7, There are many. people martyrs to bowel complaints who would find Dr, Fowler's _Extract of Wild Strawberry wonderful blessing to them. It not only checks the diarnc� a but soothes and heals the inflamed and irritated bowel, so that , permanent relief is. obtained. Mrs. Andrew Jackson, Houghton, Ont., sends the following letter: "For the. past two or three year I have been a marty" to that dread- fur disease diarrhoea, I tried every remedy T hear•i of and spent a good deal of money trying to get cured but alt failed until I happened to read of a la ly who was cured b; using Dr. Fowler's Extract of Wild Strawberry. I purchased a bottle and commenced taking it according to directions and was cured in n very short time. I can't„ t +,-^; u t'..• ra:uady too highly for w.tat it did for r-:' I+ especially true of rood•% Pills, for nomedt• eine ever contained so great curative, power In lo small apace. They are .s whole medicine Dr. Chase's Prepara lona Rave !Merit. Fur Pilee,Eezen,a, Salt Rheum. Pin Worms and all skin diseases, Dr. Chases Ointment 1s a positive. cure. It is re- contaiended by Dr, 0, 4. Harlan of the American Journal of Health. Dr. Chase's Catarrh Cure with blower included, will cure insipient Catarrh in a few hours ; chrome Catarrh in one tuunth`s treatment. Dr. Chime's Kidney -Liver Pills are the only combined Ktaney•L ver Pia. made and will positively cure all Kidney Liver troubles. DOTS FOR HOT WEATHER The Wiser Way. "How fresh and rosy you look, Nora," exel•tuned Isabel, who had juft returned I from the beach and wss greeting her l trieud. "Yes dear," replied Nora, ••I am feel- ing splendidly and mamma siys 1 have au alarming appetite." "Where to the world have you been l since I saw you Y'' 1 "1 have retrained at home." replied 'Nora, -and have worke i hard every day. But I have wen taking that wonderful medicine, Hood's Sarsaparilla, and it Iles done me,oh, so much gond. Von see 1 always like to feel well when I go away, and I leave for the mountains next geek." • BY DR., E. C. FOO'rl•J, AUTHOR CP 'EVERY i Dear to the Heart of Editor. MAN tits OWN rft'YSICIAN, ETC.,' • Don't dank soda water or ice wat New York Star : How dear to my heart is the face ot a dollar, when tunic kind subscriber' presents it to regu - v brace the glories of' war. They dis— hot letnonade as you feel inclined, curve tuntorrow, it nifty come from play remarkable self-denial in fore– but take thein between meals. may . come from you. going any share of these glories and others, it The bit round silver dollar, they had better leave the wives and Don't drink anything with alto- e I dear delinquent subscriber present mothers and ch like beer • although such drinks will heroes to hymn .the glories of death in battle. +give lr momentarily cooling effect, The admiration for the death of the alcohol is certain to start unuee- other people in ba"tile which the New essary combustion of the tissues, York Sun displays was finely 'satir- which will stake you feel hotter than j . before. ever I go. How ardent I sieme it— ized in 18711, when Beaconsfield or -,1 1 that lovely round dollar, the root of dered the Sep tys to Malta. The I Don't eat meat oftener than once all evil, 'tis commonly named ; loving Gladstonian' thus hastened to p tea— , a day, and if possible eat no meat ttloney is ie col, some people tell us, phrase the celebrated jarrru refrain : whatever during the summer , ' but the penniless.printer teen hardly "We don't want to fight, plenty of banana.; and other fruits, be hlatiletl. The penntless printer, But by jingo if we do, l cat an abttndttnee of buttermilk and i'httl hard working printer, keeps sending We'll stay at home and sing onr.song street milk. new ! It may come today or it may 'hest. atwayt ready. AI. Ways efllolent, stwate set.Isfactory; prevent • cold 1116 K foyer, euro sit layer lits, sick heedaehe, jaundice, oonrtipation, etc, 26o. 'lotto only Pelts to take with lfood'r Sarsaparilla, ildren of the 'dead , 1101 in it, even to a moderate degree, it to view ! A round silver dollar t hale as as treasure, for often ex: pensee o'erwhelm me with woe; I count it a source of exquisite plea: sure and yearn for it fondly wher: And rend the mild t:Iindoo." Don't smoke between f) a, in. and So it is with the New York Sun. 7 p. in. unless you keep entirely out "Glorious the doom and beautiful the suns r'ay's during the whole of the Int of dead heroes, but the living the day. editor prefers his glorious lot of Don't feat' to otic all the ices and three tneals a day and his beautiful ice cream you wistt,but be tl►orough lot un then top side or a feather bed. ly cooled off and eat thein :slowly. A. RAILW A . Mat STORY' at Int tt'hot tlttk g,, lir WithTrunk Engtue Shut a fort Dover, Ont., you have been taking violent exec Mr. W. banks, in charge ofthe 'Grand out taking an all over tutld'bat . ,if' Huy :�-"I�"our boxes sof f7ottn's else like hieyele t•ttling% first take a rills mired ma of tl veiny bad attaolt of Ifidney Complaint and Lame Back. roil in a hot water hath, after which out papers that interest you; so hand in a dollar, the hig daddy dollar; dear reader, now will you present it to view? SORES GONE. SKIN CLEAR Mrs. Philip liitehell, 5t. Marys, Ont., says "My little tiny aged 10, was a complete. mass of sores, caused by laid ' blood. We could tina nothing to titre hitn. finally 1 got a: bottle of Burdock 1 Blood Bitters, and before belt the bot- tle vrasgone he began to improve, end by the time the bottle was '1niehetl he had not s sore on him," • Are You ..m ne of those who, when business is dull, don't adv"rc'se ? Have you ever considered what a mistake tlt4t is ? When business is brisk you arc bound to get a share in what it going. Of course. you can increase your trade by advertising liberally then. But when the "off" season is on, why not try and capture the cus- tomers who are getting the necessaries of life. It's your own fault, or there is something wrong with your advertising, if you don't suceeed. The best business men of the world say that if you have something that every day people want and you can make them know that you have it, you are on the road to a great business success. There is no other way of telling these people anything you wish them to know quite equal to the advertisement in the local newspaper. You cannot utilize the local newspaper in a bet- ter manner than by advertising in THE TIMES. Why ? Because TILE TIMES' reaches all classes of people in the Town of Winhanl, and in the County of Huron and immediate vicinity. TIHI•, TIMES goes into the home in every section. Many adv, rrisers hare found that a liberal use of its columns have paid them. Why not you ? ONE GIVES RELIEF. Don't Spend a Dollar for Medicine until you have tried You can buy them in the paper 5 -cc.: i rtons Ten Tabules for Five Cej ! • 6.„ aur 1.pus ep ohs ply to gratify eh. eteivsraA present d.mand t e , ' + rr1.w If yotl don't find this sort 01. Ripans Tabul:3 At the Druggst's Send 1 ive Cents to Tint R'rattq .' •t#*Mtc:tCoMt'ANY, 'cyte. fit i prtice St., New York, and the) •t,Ctlt, bts.aet. to you by Titan; !t x. cartons will he anttitett for 4S teats. '1':- glean.:'': are tor tr me that Ripens 'Cahsles are the very mod Joe y rn need.