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The Wingham Times, 1898-08-05, Page 2
1; .fit i11+ 1VINGUAM TIMES, AUGUST A, 16 1)8. tJtllt, IlI It 1Shts l,'I'.rt. it, t!•'IUke ft.14•V: WAD tAnrp{ly t 1,r do: in titx•t'. -...,:tr•' it „ta•-.- le \ rr• r ,,,, ,,•; V 1 ere tory ,e e'.? Arizoint :4v; ti;eU1 graven ,ver the' "r 1 fa '• :tY. :all fellers t;hu (lout! VI t"lt tt..,: ,out invi t iozln. ART TS 4TTL 5:4? "larag Positively eared Isy these Little. rills. They also relieve Distress from Dyspepsia, Irdi-es:ion and Too hearty Eating. A per - ft remedy for Dizziness, Nausea, Dro;usi- ress, Bad Tiste in the Mouth, Coated. Tongue in the+ ', 'TORPID LIVER. They Re;;,.1atc c s p c'.:. Purely Vegetable. Gr.. af! P7.He &mail DOSOs 11 Sheaf! Price. Substitution the fraud of the day. Sec you get Carter's, Ask for Carter's, Insist and demand Carter's Little Liver Pills. IC/dis E a1.�'•'�1. e A.?tID DAUGHTER CuRED. M:rn. Lydia A. Fowler, Eleetrie Street, lm Ahe st, N.S., testifies to tho good effects of the new specific fo: all heart and nerve troubles: "For some time past I have been troubled within fluttering sensation in the region of rhy heart, followed by acute pains which ave me great distress and weakened me t times so that I could scarcely bmit'lto. ;I was very much run down and belt nervous and irritable. "I had taken a ,x great many remedies j- •. without receiving PI any benefit, a friend induced the to try Milburn's Heart and Nerve Pills. I had onlybe'i'. ,. rw.•,.. , a short ti...• t.. . felt that they wt_.; doixt the great good; so I continued their use and now feel all right. I can heartily recommend. A.Iilbnrn's'IIeart and Nerve Pills for nervous prc+,rratfcnl." Mrs. Fowler adds:" _My daughter, now lift, en y.ars of age, was pale, weak and ran down, and. she nisi) took Milburn's Heart and Nerve Pills for some time, and is now stron.% healthy and vigorous." Milburn's Heart and Nerve Pills cure l ysterlous Evidence. There is a lot or twaddle talked about 1'r;'videnee. A man takes in a load tit green tipples, and over the rentable the (dergy luau, in melting accents, talks about the unset tanty of bre t'nd the mysteries of Divine Prue ids net'. People are rational in almost everything but religion, end here a uilln.) hot stet • This phabe of human nature is veli iilu,tiatcd by the story of the Sew who, un leaving a restaurant after partaking of the tempting but for bidden toast pork, was startled by a loud thunderclap' 'Mine gracious,' :aid he. 'vat a row about a leedle piece of pork," There is a Divine Providence i that contemplates the individual well --being as sell as the good of the universe ; but to think that the A11nighty i; led by the twee b • every fool that defies • us to run riot Ilia law is', ringittfr tite Deity down to very fw+;tile limits. Children some- times, in tlietr simple logic, hit the nail on the 1. ead. The other evening read in the paper4 of the wonderful a little fellow of four y ears was sent cures effected by ()r. Williams' Pink to bed early for being naughty. Pills for Pale Pe" pie he decided It. During the avenue• �Costof Sport, 11, CA Z � Ziltai, Tne last number of Outing, that interesting journal of the sporting lvvorld,gives some rather startling STRICKEN WITH LA GRIPPE, FOL -1 dura' of the money invested in LOWED BY RilEUMA2ISM.. 'sport and the alnont annually spent WITH_ l upon it in Great Britain. The ti;; • l sUF1•EItED A ( NEAT DI:AI, AND FOR urea—of course they are estimates - 1 TWO. MONTHS WAS UNASLETO are compiled by a Etatistiscian, who WORK --DR, WILLIAMS' PINK PILLS is declared to be an authority on the RESTORED HIS HEALTH, euitject, and it is said that if tlicy From tate Reporter, Palmerston, Ont. ei'r, they are on the Side of m+lder- There is not a better known Iran anon. Thes figures given are : in Palmerston than Mr, Jas. Si:ea, past twenty four Spent who for theyInvestedears Annually. For,1 unttng... ,f,78.035,000 ,$43.700,000 has followed the trade of earpentery baesa' n; •. a0.3ari,ou0 40.640,000 in the town. Me. Skea, who is a P'isiting„ 2,750,O00 3,040,000 native of the ol•kney Islands, is now Rnei; g 41,610,000 52.005,000 sixty six years itf age and is hale and i404ting t 28,000 000 15,100,000 hearty. A few, years ago he was i17o,7so,o0o t+I55,50O,000 attacked with 'rip, which left in its These fig't s refer to only cine wake iterate rheumatism. for two class orsport.'+ Orit:ketiuy,coaching', Stu ,� � towork d unable • he wasTne mouthspolo and gulf ate all ce,stly. suffered atreat deal from this dread g annual expenditure upon polo is nut disease. lie used several kinds of much below tole entire annual expen- liniments, but to ano avail. Having diture of this' province, while cricket and football a•e put down at the very large sit of $53,915,000 in- vested, and S J,560,000 of a xpendi• titre. The total of investment in sport—in what may be considered legitimate outoor sport, is about $23.2,066,250, find the annual expen: diture is $233,87,725. England is the greatest sp sting nation ill the world, and an enthusiastic philoso: pbet• lately deelsared that because she is foremost in sport she is foremost in everything seise. Outing asys that "the people who are playing games are inheriting, earth," . a severe spot m try them, Ile to .z one box and was arose and • large chimney was surprised at the effect. He took a when he was about r representa: pon him at his t it the reported Mr. Skea said : "I prised at the result propensity for asking questions as- of taking a co pie of boxes. I suffer: serted itself : 1 ed fearfully, but they made a new 'Mamma, what made our chimbly man of me, and fixed me right up. I blow down ?'tie asked. now take tbetn every spring and 'The wind, clear.' fall to guard- against colds and 'What mad'h the wind blow our grip. They arc' the only thing that chimbly down?' does me any good. Mr. Campbell 'God made it, I suppose son.' or Mr. Thum will tell you that I 'What did. God want to blow our wouldn't be without 1)r. Williams chimbly down for?' Pink Pills fur i4nything. They are liere the mother, like many other the best medi isle iii the world. religious teachers, could not resist Though I am ni in years, my• health blown dow , the debris falling. second and finally a this through the roof of the room in found that his old ene which Che ittie fellow's rot lay. routed. To a Rhor tive, who salted.. residence to find cure was eor •est was greatly Fortunately ale escaped w:tliout lit jury, and his mott.er sat by him for a while to tooth his fears. When his terror hall subsided, the child's the temptation to use the aetsof God is good and I a as a whip in ler own hands. "Per- I attribute it to haps becaus4 Raymond has been I recommended 1 sue.`i a bacl bey to -day.' Beetle, carpentj Assuredly this had a very grave (3. N. IV., who 1 right as a dollar. be use of these Pills. hens to Mr. William r foreman on the ad also been troubl: eaepeet. .:fitter a• few minutes of si- ed w ith rheumatism and they speed: tenet came tthis continent : `Well, ily effected a cure in his case." tied reedit'tikhave blown down our Dr. Williams' Pink Pills cure by e•hole chiiulily. Ile might have going to the root of the disease. knocked off'tt few bricks, and it They renew and build up the blood would have scared me ,just as much.' and strengthen the nerves, thus driv: --Ex.• VIGOR for H41ART and NERVES. box you purchase is enclosed in a Milburn's Heart and Nerve Pills cure wrapping be tring the full trade Ana:lnia, Nervousness. Sleeplessness, `probbing Spells w• Dizziness, or any condition ar- Pale People." Theory vs. Praetiee. • He was a country telegraph oper- ator, young but ambitious, and had become enthused over reading a book entitled: Ppliteness as a Guide to .success. He had reached that portion where it was related how old Bond's, the millionaire, had• slid the foundation for his immense vaealth by an net of politeness, when all old Woman tap- ped on the counter. Putting the boot(hastily aside, the young operator, ` ,th the career of old Bonds in his min.'s eye, hastened to obey the stimmol s. "'Young man, if • send a message n6w, when will it et there?" asked the old woman. "Where is it go ng madam ?" "Weil, it is going to Aunt Jane, if u must know!" snapped''the old MAP.mai mark, Dr. Wiliianis' Pink Pills for Yo Weakness, Y a1 pitiltioa `rt ,L'alnt ing disease from title system. Avoid imitations by in Ling that every Bamps y.. r 4r:" G:IJ i � .r.:a.. aaa Wq ■at i ,fr tf.�. : '• Castorla in Dr. 'Samuel mel lf'itcher's preeer °tion. for I n.fants and Obilel:'cn. It contains neither Qpii.na, 3 ozpleino nor ether' ltiarcotio substance. It is a hatan i'ef38 ott1:atitU O {:i;l Paregoric, Drop's, Soothing Syrups :nasi. Cnit`x' Et is Pleasant. Its caaarareteo is thirty years' r.: e • day TaliiiioliS of lti;.otb.ei's. Calstciix <iernt''m'o;D Worms and allays 1 e v erisi1'n est. attst oriel ID "•: C I'. t:3 v : a it iIi'.',,' Sour r Curd, cures. Ditarelsote. and Wind Celle. Castorin, relieves Teething troubles, cures Constipat1Oil and Flatulency. Castorla assimilates ilates the Food, regulates the Stomach. and iillovrcls, giving is' :saltily and natural sleep. Casti ria. is the Chils`x,;esi's Panacea -tale Mother's :Friend. r c•.f-�..,, for medicine +'Cmstorla is 671 csccl►oit nucd t children. Mothers have repe=acdly tuid =ne of its good effect upon their ciiiidreu," DR. C. C. 0,000n, Lowell, Mass. Ca,stori`a, '•€;nstoria i' sa well a.lapted to children that I recer_auc:vi it as superior tb any pre- scription known to me." ,ttelunI, 11. D..roo.tlyn, N.Y. THE. FAC- S1M1LE SIGNATURE OF WRAPPER. ��t�'�•-al�',ARS ON EVERY �:�����=fit ,t' ,y�T;Tr.,fy' N RVR COMPANY. Tia' Mer .Y • TnC�.rT N, V nl f• Y Q�'g S^nr, •.1. I::A :75,.3i.0 itif graiJi�Akjitii Y3 j'S,W1. 4;1.:%1 .. .W..'•..".f'elt..o.......... v,.IY S4e LS::•.:`. ��'•.t PEN ING1 rising; fr, in Impoverished Blood,Dis- "Yes'm ; and ..-here does Aunt ane live!" asked/the operator, re- solving to he polite; at all hazards. A REVIVAL WANTED. _ "Well. I neve saw such im- d 1'erves fir Weak Heart. •T' orders , CARE.' OP THE FINGER NILS• THEY CAN LE IiEPT IN PERFiiCT CO: DITION WITH LITTLE TROUtLE, A few minutes given every clay, once the nails are . properly treated will keep the nails arm and exquis. ire in color. After the hands are padence ! I suppot.e you'll be want- (STitAi? SFIe'l':i FROM t'ioLOBION IN SHOP'. & .) Lr.ATF17 t. JOT3R" inn to know if Amp Jane is married :S 1L next! Well, she if is, if that is any What this world wants is not so satisfaction to y4i. She has three much a revival of religion as a re- t children, wears glasses, goes regu- vival of eomnpn hof,esty. A few early to church, and expects to make years ago it wits considered a dis- jam next week! as there anything else that you wish to know, young man ?" "Yes'm," said the operatortdeper- palpitation, smothering sensation, dizzy ately. "I would like to know where and feat spells, nervousness, weakness, and go on acting as stewards, elders grow up around the edges of the Aunt Jane lives." female trnu'pl a. epos !'rice i0c. a box or • or deacons, without a thought of the nails. Under no circumstances use "Well. I never ! i� Why you. miser gists. three t�'t'. embalm balm eeeC ., mo ontoa by ,lOnt drug -injunction, 'Cis'e no titan anything,' a steel point to push T as this e skin, able little upstart.a 've aankmind t �u ! A m:tn stood up in a pray er-meet• and d not cut away i come , over there p 111"ctlr"la mile'•' 1..s'• ens cr 24.19, in thfs city the other night and fessional manicures are apt to do. Wb,tt s that young man • Bad cc Pills man a: ms.i c ,i:r oubled :t:i$i ndigos- stated that, fur e, certain period past, While the nail is still moist use a language ? I shall see, that you are Ulm and grains in.: io small of ray back, he had lived ass pure as the angel's file to remove any specks or dust reported at once." and after taking Laxa-Liver Pills for in heaven. After be sat clown, a that the brush may<l,ave neglected, The door banged and the operator about threetvdeles they oarizpletely mernber of the congregation arose and then with nail scissors sharp went wearily back to his seat and oared me." s t'i ' gace to fail in business, while to -day washed each morning use the nail insolvency doe not interfere with brush thoroughly,, and then when church standing in the slightest. they are quite dry; push back ve,y Men fail, pay five cents on the dollar, gently, the skin th'iat is inclined to e �G,o., ...1 d. ein,,sfia. and said that, lie thought a man as curved and kept dr this purpose picking up the, book he had been •good ss the previous speaker ought only, cut the nails in a shape that reading, threw it ot.t of the window. --` ._ to pay hie debts: The party referee suits your finger tips. The ridicu: Fifteen minutes later, when an old 0c®Ctti� o�-'�,''—ccooco ed to replied saying that he paid 'all lously long nail that looks li°ke a man game in and wanted to know'°" "' "" V ' claw ie entirely otit of fashion. Use when the 8.30 train left, the operator the file to make Smooth the rough heaved the contoots of the coal edges left by the s issors, and then scuttle at him, and immediately sent take the least little,bit of red nail in his resignation. t and smear tt:' pincer morsel on paste 7 it h nails. on't let et each ft e O A OUICI CUPS A Q - 1"O COUGHS O u and COLDS :t Tilly-,'ffiraiT .� . `I sc Caeadia n , '.emedy for all THOU t' Al D LIMA A AF�'�:CT/Oii�9S Large Def.:a 25 cental. DAV/3 f.: I A\VR.r.: CLT CO., Limited, 8 Pay 'r. Pcrty .-.: i,in 1•:slier. 0p Now T�:1: Montreal t e.ec t;iCCCt •^�figfll".� a,� The D.1& L. �T A.�IjV LSION The D. sc L EMULSION is the best and most `alatable preparation of Cod Liver Oil,agreel ig,withthe moetdelicate stomachs. . i tic' 14 EMULSION Ts pr' eribed by the pleading Iihysicla7A ' The D.A L. C" 'ULS^,.. ON t. • Lit f GI'- u ' . .. .areal the debts the Lerd told him to pay. This is the kind of a thing that makes religion li byword. You will never get ungodly men to°take much r -C stock in the f,ougiuc.s of a man who fails, lives in a fine house, and flourishes around as the agent of his wife. Most leen can see through a hole in the ladder if there is light on the other side, and there is a fairly distinct conception abroad amongst outsiders as to the standard set by Christian doctrine touching the oat - ward life. There are plenty of honest Hien who fail, nd whose honer is r . e c Qg Gus Ii`rergei was fined $10.70 at into the edges or roots for it; is only Berlin Last week j for kickin his intended as a sort of oil to keep the mother. nails soft and to prevent thein geowt There are four sovereigns and ing horny ; then sprinkle apinch nine heirs appareri among the 57 of powder on the polisher and rub living descendants of (Queen Victoria. each nail with a quick even strc•ke A ht I that will result in giving it a bright: in Waterloo County we gheturtle recentld 41 icaub s. Hess that is refined hooking, but not It was 4 feet long apd 19 inches across a brilliancy tha suggests that the shell. unimpeachable a ter failure as before, one only shines at her finger Psi' misfortune comes upon all. The tips, After thin gie the flails all: J. Arothers, exoiiorthwestmounted thin/; we are hitting, at i3 that /;ecu- other bath, usingh jt water and a liar kind of failut'e that in the chureh delicate soap, then close them and or out of it, may ,be characterized as rub one set of nails against the other shady. The ma endeavoring to respect of the wi TIIF who is honestly ay his debts has the ole t:omrnunity. achieving in this way a proper fin: Isle. CONSTIPATION CURED. It's important you should have natur- al action of the bowels, Purging and No cyclist's tut ib complete without a griping do violence to'the system. Lasa - bottle of llagyard'at Yellow Uli. Can be Liver Pills are nature's own medicine taken internally or need externally.Cuts, for all disorders of the Stomach, Liver Bites, Sore Throat, Pains in the • Chest, and Bowels. Cure Constipation by . Tihe fee- Eruises. Sprains, Stiff J'ointa, 'Coughs toning the bowel wall 'and stimulating I deme=nad etc., it in always ffectual, Has no the secretions. T,eave no bad after equal as al all round remedy. efieotd. f rolieeman, reached Victoria on Sat: urday with about $35,000 in Yukon gold. Ile is said tp be worth about $350,000, CASTOR For Infante and Children. ten (Miry' arrc ppari BRIM ©ISCASBsS ll.,1..UEVED BY OHM AP. PLACATION or Dr. Ag e'ry7S Ointment91 35 PENTS, Sir. James Gnstoh, merchnnt,Wtll:esbarre, Pa., writes :-For nine years I have been disfigured with tatter on hands anti face. Snnr—Diagonal St. opposite Beattie's But at last' 1 hnye found a enre in Dr. 1 Agnew's Ointment. My skin Is now Livery. smooth and soft and free from every blem- ish. The first application gave relief. --30. ELTON'S LJ M PS Will stand wear and tear for y ears. No better proof can be given of their durability than is shown by the fact that some of these pumps put is wells 25 years ago are still working. IRON and, FORCE PUMPS Supplied to Order. Repairing promptly attended to. Sold at Hamilton's 'Drug Store, JOHN PELTON, ( Wind:tam. Ont. The Leading Specialists of Ante Ica 20 Years lit Detroit., 250,600 Cliled. WECURESTR CTURE Thousands of paling and middle-aged c.„ men are troubled with this disease -many f.a ,4 unconsciously. They inay havo a smart- s. ing sensation, small, twisting stream, p cutting pains t 04 shat u t s at [mss slight dis n e rl charge, difficulty jn commencing, weak organs, emissions,,and all the symptoms of nervous dobilitq-they have URIC - ' TUBE. Don't let doctors experiment on fp• ityou,by cutting,Stretching, or tearing you.''1'histvilinnt;eurayou,asitwillre- . turn. Onr NEW �'tMETHOD TREAT- 1. i MENT absorbs the stricture tissue; ahonooromovesthestrioturenermanontly. t It can never return. No pain, no sullen- rhe ing, oahsengasa tengmhd Tealornesr oned. The nerves aro invigorated, and the bliss of manhood returns. f >aU ' ' (SLEET Thousands of y $ o nmiddle-aged and C mon are having tl it sexual vigor and vitality continuall sapped by this dis- ease. They aro frequently uncanreious of the cause of those symptoms. General Weakness, Unnat ral Discharges, Fail- ing Manhood, Nerr ousnoss, Poor Mem- ory, Irritability _a times Smarting Sen- sation, Sunken Eyes with dark circles, Weak Back, General Depression, Lack of Ambition Varicocele. Shrunken Parts, eto. GLEET and STRICTURE maybe the cause. Don't Consult family dootorg, as they havo no experience fn tbeso• special ldiseases-don't n snow Quacks to experient on you. Consult Specialists, w iha'vemade alife study of Diseases of Men and Women. Our NEW METHOD TREATMENT will _ Dosl- tivoly cure you. Ono thousand dollars for caso wo accept for treatment end f cannot cure. TormsModerate for acure. CURES GUARANTEED Wo treat and care; EMISSIONS, VARIOOCET,E SYPIiILTS, (GLEET, STRICTURE 1'MPOTENOY, SECRET DRAINS. UNNATURAL DISCHARG- ES KIDNEYaud73LADDERDiaeases. CONSULTATION:;FREE. BOOKS FREE, If unable to call, write for Qt1ESTIO11 BLANK for HOME IREATML'NT. KENNEDY& ,KERGAN Cor. Michigan Ave. and Shelly St. DETROIT, MICH. .PC,,& .K, `.K"- K' sk,& i�a�ry Caveats and Trade-Mark%s obtained, and all patent business conducted for MODERATE PEEN. Mg office is in the immediate vicinity of the Patent OfHce , and my facilities forsecuring patents are unsurpasse& Send model, sketch or photograph of invention, wigs descripticn and statement as to advantages claimed. R-)th'e charge is matte for am -opinion as ea- atent i ', ab lip. and my fat for r ro e . �prosecuting the application will nob 3o called �or until !ha patent . t allowed. "lnvnxxons Guro " con. taming, full information seat free. All Commun. cations Considered as Strictly Confidential. FRANKLIN H. HOUGH flit$ 1P :ib.eeete W.A.SVIISA7GTON7. L. C. O Vk^•A1:S' 'EXPERIENCE T siiADE 6V1 ARKS +. ®EStGN3. COP.YIDI HTO &C. Anyone sending a sketch and description ma? quickly ascertain our opinton free whether an invention is probably patentable. Communlea. time strictly confidential. Iinadboelr ort Patents sent free. Oldest moncy for securing patents. Patents taken through Munn & Co. receive special sgglofiggcee��, vp�ithout charao, hitpthaic ��M�GNNCI 11 ���IS d1ca . A handsot.7t!iy 111untratnd weekly. Largest Mr.ciliation of any seientifn journal. Terms, $a a year; four months, $1. Sold by all newsdealers. MUNN & Co.36113roadway, New York, Drench Office. CZ 11 'Jt„ Washington. D. O. IT PAYS TO ADVERTISE I THE 'S'IMES... 0