The Huron Expositor, 1978-07-20, Page 21A LITTLE HELP FROM MY FRIENDS—Eric Butters couldn't quite reach the ,
ground from his perch on the Dublin Park .teeter totter but he had some help from
. Tammy Cronin and *Tim Feeney. during Friday's field day at Dublin Park.
(Expositor Photo)
'Kilbarcha:n entoys holid
ladies of L,O.B.A. had, called and
the pupils of Mrs. Lila Storey
provided th-e--PrOg-riin-is-follows:
Step dancing Solo, Chelenc
'GlaridVille: Tap dancing, Debbie,
Hynn, and Norris Flynn; Sing
Song. Marie Flynn providing the
music. The L. O.B.A. ladies
provided a lovely lunch.
I was sorry to miss this program
but we can't be in two places at
the same, time.
Visitors with M. Turnbull .and
Mrs,, R. K. McFarlane were Mrs.
Hattie Johnson and Mrs. Annie
Harrison who came with the
L,O.B.A. ladies; Mrs. Mary
Pryde, , Exeter called and visited
with us. We were surprised when
Pat Bennett and Marge Phillips
called in old time costumes fresh
from-Dublin where they took part
in the parade in a small decorated
car made by Frank Phillips.
Water Well
(Continued from, Page 4) Stender all of - Detroit. Mr. and
David Rose and Barbara Vivian Mrs. John Scherbarth, Richmond
exchanged marriage vows. Friday Hill, Linda Markle of Guelph.
at 5 o-'cleck in Grace Lutheran_ _Wendy
Kitehener.and _ Ga
r y Derford..
- Church'.'Con-gradulationS aie ek- the young couple. After Mr,_. and Mrs. Edward
Scherbarth Jr.. received a prize their honeymoon they will reside
in Logan Township. with the closest 25th Anniversary •
Visiting with Mrs. Lavern another prize went to Wendy'
Wolfe was her sister Mrs. Derford for having her birthday to
Michael Connolly. Watburg who the 25th. A large birthday Cake
accompanied her daughter Mrs. 'centered the table. A large
Anniversary cake centered the Jack Hearold, Jacquline and Sara
of Sebringville last week. table.
Friends neighbours of Mr. Mr. and Mrs. Edward
Harold Mogk will be sorry to hear Scherbarth Sr,. from Hillside
he is. a patient in Seaforth Nursing Home as the oldest
Community Hospital. present had their picture taken
David Bossence of Stratford with the cake another of the group.
enjoyed .some holidays with his Congradulation are extended
grandmother Mrs. Norman. Ben- from. Brodhagen and area.
. riewies and his uncle and aunt Friends of Mrs. Henry Rose
HMI be sorry to hear she is a Mr. and Mrs, Earl Rock Walton.
A large number attended the patient in the University hospital
Scherbarth Reunion at Brodhagen in London. .
Community Centre on Sunday
Mrs. Lavern Wolfe received a celebrating .their 25th An- phone call from her daughter and
son-in-law Mr. niversary of ,,this event. Those
coming from distance Mr. and and Mrs,
Mrs. Ralph Scherbarth and .Gary Sergeant, Major Watson (Doreen HenryWolfe), Dianne and Diamond who of Westland Michigan,H enry will be visiting Mrs.. Wolfe this
Scherbarth and Mrs. Marie Week. They, are from Germany.
1 'VILOt things thaf,come in litres
pour, splash & spill
BtOdhageri.-bach ...lostin.
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'Manner which showed they also
enjoyed it.
At the conclusion of the service
Ernie Williams presented Rev.,.
Reuber with a healthy cheque on
behalf of the -cotigitgation -arid
also a friendship ring and Mrs.
John Ball presented a ring to
Mm. Rcuber of the same style.
Both spoke a few- words of
-appreciation with,: feeling, After
the service most of the congre-
gatiOn assembled •at the Lion's
`Park, for a pot-luck picnic and
social time. It was a perfect day
Hoegy and Mr. and Mrs. Hugh treatment,
Dietze who were also guests at
the Beuerman home in honour of
Jeremy's baptism. At the same
home were Pastor and Mrs.
Arthur Horst and Steven and
grandparent6;\ Mr.. and Mrs.
Howard Osborne.
David Bassence of Stratford
enjoyed a week's holidays with
his grandmother Mrs. Norman
Bennewies and uncle and aunt
Mr. and Mrs. Earl Rock of
Mr. and Mrs. Bill Ahrens.
Jason and Jonathon of Ottawa
spent the weekend at the homes
of their parents. Mr. and Mrs.
Alvin Ahrens and Mr. and Mrs.
Raton Bode and boys. At the
same home was Mr. Donald Bode
Friends and relatives of Scott
Siemon who was hospitalized are
Pleased to hear he has returned to
his home wearing a cast after
suffering leg injury in a car
.accident. Miss Margie Kaskiw
who suffered head and back
injuries in the same accident has
returned to her home where she is
confined in bed receiving therapy
" By Mabel Turnbull
• It‘._)-day_ _July...List and a
Saturday holiday, which is
unusual for the stores. It is
Dublin's big day, with parade and
Continued- eel etrations—of limit
Centennial. I'm sure that to-day
the population will be doubled. or
trebled with visitors from neigh- •
bouring places and residents from
years a gone. The weather seems
to , be satisfactory although
showers are forecast for later in
the day.
Last week was a busy one for
me: It started on Sunday when my
family Don, Jean and Marilyn
• Hillis came, by request and took
me to Church ,for Rev. Reubcr's
last service at Northside United.
Hechose his text from the..Epistle
of Paul to the Romans Chapter I.
Vs. lb Quote: I am not ashamed
of the gosperof Christ: for it is the
power of God into salvation to
everyone• that believeth; to the
Jew first, and also the to the
Greek." In his sermon' he recom-
mended the Ministry as -a career
to a young man or woman. The
service was well attended.
Both Chancel and Nave choirs
were in attendance. I would like
to make a personal reference to
the :Nave choir who sang -"a
favourite of Mille "Tenifiie BOW'
It was also a favourite of'. the
Choir. I enjoyed hearing the Choir
sing this number in a spirited
Sincere sympathy from
Brodhagen and community to Mr.
and Mrs. Carl Rose and family in
the loss.ottieir .bAg JAy and 10
calves which was destroyed' by
fire on Saturday. Their 40 cows
were saved and taken with
1-Oshom's truck to the farm of the
former's niece and nephew.
George and Ruthann Duncan
where they are being milked by
Carl said they are thinking of
building a beef barn as the large
silo was not destroyed and will
sell, the cows,
Garry Scherbarth of Westland
is 'enjoying a couple weeks
holidays with his uncle and aunt
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Scherbarth
Jr. and cousins.
At St. Peter's Lutheran
Church, Brodhagen, Jeremy
Paul. son of Donald and Pauline
Beuerman was baptized by Pastor
Arthur Horst during the morning
service Sunday. His sponsors
were Mr. and Mrs. Maynard
Miss Wanda Vock accompanied
her grandparents Mr. and Mrs.
Robert French to Port Elgin
attending the baptism of Kelly
Lynn daughter of Larry and
Shirley Garrett at the Lutheran
Church last Sunday. Wanda
and Mr. and Mrs. Dennis
Westman were sponsors and
were all guests at the home of Mr.
arid Mrs-Garrett and Christian in
honour of Kelly Lynn's baptism,
The family of the late Wm.
Siemon held their reunion at the
home of Mir. and Mrs. Harold
Wurdell R. R, #1. Bornholm on
Sunday. SO attending.
Mrs. Ford Dickison and her
mother, Mrs. Harold Smythe
were pleased to have as their
guests recently Mr. and Mrs,-
David Shultz from Niger West
Africa. They are home on
furlough,and brought greetings
form Glenda.
congratulations are extended
from Brodhagen and Community
to Russell and Verna Sholdice
fcirmerly from Brodhagen who
celebrated their 45th wedding
anniversary with their family.
Miss Edith Meyer has returned
to Detroit after visiting her sisters •
and other relatives and friends in
this area.
Congratulations are extended
from Brodhagen and community
to Mr. and Mrs,. Ed. Regeie who;
celebrated their • gith wedding,
anniversary on Sunday;
Mr. and, Mrs, Robert Robinson':
and family enjoyed a few days in,
Manitoulin Island and Georgian:
Bay area, Colliwood and Bluee
Mountain where they had slides
Mr. and Mrs. Clarenee Prueter.
accompanied Mr. , and Mrs.luv
Wilfred Ahrens visiting with thee
latter's sister Mrs. Gordon Buck:
in London on Stniday, 10
Mrs. Lavern Wolfe visited with:
Lorne an,d Betty Wolfe in °intone
on Sunday. 0
and the Park was well filled. I
assure you no one went hungry.
There was a fun time for the
Sunday ,School with a peanut
scramble. They presented both
Rev. and Mrs. Reuber with
sheep-skin mats, Rev. Vanslyke
of Rodney will preach the Com-
bined services of Northside and
First Church in Northside during
July. Frank Phillips and Dr. Ed.
"Malkus had their cameras busy at
the picnic, as a result, I have one
coloured ,picture,of our group to
recall the occasion.
which some of the residents were
invited. It was a delight to be
entertained, in this lovely old
linme eft'Lar friend=
ship were so evident.
When we returned, a prograin
was in progress in the Home. The
.On Tuesday Mrs.. Lloyd Rowat W.D. Hopper•
had' a small luncheon party to and Sons 1,
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