HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1978-07-20, Page 13D. S. A. Soccer Sun. July 23 "T" SOLUTION Summer Dresses. 20 0/0 Rack of Pant Suits • .Rack of Skirts; & Tops Reg. to 26." Slacks Special Summer Blouses Summer House Coats Ladies' Swim Wear Ladies' Sweaters All 9.95 Poly-Knit Shorts ELMER'S SIX RULES 1. Look all ways before you cross the road. 2. Keep away from all parked cars. 3. Ride your bike safely and obey all signs and signals. 4. Play your games in a safe place away from traffic. 5. Walk, don't run, when - you cross the road. 6. Where there are no side- walks, walk off the road to the left and face on- coming traffic. MAIL BEFORE JULY 24 TO: ELMER CONTEST ONTARIO SAFETY LEAGUE 409 KING STREET WEST, TORONTO, ONTARIO, M5V 1K1 NAME -ADDRESS (town, city and postal code) TELEPHONE AGE BOY 0 GIRL 0 NEWSPAPER 77,"77.77 r77.' 'ME 11 RON min gi'0,,,Onts ereational. Qames & SPorisf July 24,28.from .9;30 - 1.2 At S.. U. S. for children 7-13 Yt$. Mon; ' July 24 Pot & Pan Baseball (bring yoUr oi,yn pot), 'Fos... July 25 field hockey. wed,. July 26 - Scavenger Hunt. TharS JOY '27, soccer. Friday, July 28, baseball game. Teens Volleyball:. Monday to Fri* Ju ly 24'.:28, Gii-ls• I:2;30 p,in, and Buyi 2:10 to 4 p.m, Selectgd teamsters, to rePreseht us in West Branch, • ° Swim Meet: I fork Wed," JOY 26, Lions Pool. TbOre is A' totoci of ,,64 "'events, at SO cents per participant. *, Winners may repreSent us in. West Branch ou Aug, 4, 5. 6. 7, 1 P. M. 3 P. M. • After six hours of Ball Hockey. , Clendon Coombs, Brian Coombs. Steve Coombs, Bill Garrick, Jeff Henderson, Steve Henderson, came out the champions. 8 teams took part in the Double Elimin- ation Tournament refereed by Rick Fortune. At the same time a Craft JUST A FEW MORE FEET 7— RUnners in the S•eafOrth recreation's department race 'during last • .ac program has winners dr. Girls 13.14 are Cheryl Morey - mile ruri:"Christie Knetsch • long jump; Christie Knetsch' • 100 !.'cl!" dash, high .jump; Cheryl Morey - 440 Yd dash, 880 yd. run, 220 yd. run; Cheryl Morey.' Christie Knetesh. Karen Dale. Cathy Lynn Thursday's track and field meet strained some muscles trying to reach the finish line. (Expositor Photo) St. Columban "B" St ColOmban "A" vs vs Stratford Juventus London Calabria , THE DISCUS THROWER — Ed Nielsen displays some winning forin as he heaves the discus. during last Thursday's track and field meet,„ relay team. Boys Ages 9-10 are T im Fritz - Long jump; Bruce Scott - high jump; Tim Fritz - 100 yd. dash; Tini Fritz:- 70 yd. dash; Tim Fritz. Bruce 'Scott, Stephen Coombs. Darren Crocker - 440 yd. relay team. afternoon was taking. place Janmaat - high T_ jttfnpl, Paul involVing 25 chiftften who ma-&— Janmaat - softball throw; Paul Boys Ages 11-12 are Paul plant hangers or felt puppets. , Janmaat • long jump; Tod Morey -. BIKE TO HAYFIELD .100 Yd. dash; Tod Morey • 440 yd. It seems the day before was a dash; Tod Morey - 70 yd. 'dash; bit much as only 6 people 'came Tod Morey, Paul Janmaat, Mike out for the trip. The weather was Segeren, David .Mcilwain 440 great and all came home tired -but yd. relay team. Tod Morey,' David tanned:The trip going was easy McLlwain, Paul Janmaat. Mike but the way home proved to be Segeren - 880 yd. relay team. just a bit much for some of the - Girls ages 9-10 are Denise supervisors. •• Morey' • long jump; Brenda FILIVITESTIVAL Wesenberg - 70 yd. dash; Denise • • Over 65 children were on hand Morey. •-• 100 yd.• dash; Denise • to watch the numerous films atop 'Morey - Softball throw; Brenda the arena. Wesenberg - high jump. , TRACK & FIELD MEET Girls ages 117 12 ait Janice At 9:00 a.m., children began Underwood - long jump, 100 yd. arriving to register for the track & dash., high jump, 440 yd. dash, field meet in which the whiners softball throw travel to West Branch to compete Boys 13-14 are Jeff Henderson with their finest. The competitors - 100 yd. dash; Peter Underwood - eligible for West Branch are: .high jump, 440 yd. dash; Steve Girls ages 7-8, Kari Martene - Henderson - softball throw; long jump; Tracey Re ad - 70 yd. Dennis Loughnane - 880 yd. run; -.dash.; Tracy Read - 50 yd. dash; Peter Underwood - long jump; Brenda Barry, Rosemary Jeff Henderson - 220 yd. run; Webster, Kari Martene • 440 yd. Tony Nielson - mile run; Dennis relay team; Tracy Read- Softball Loughnane, Ed Nielsen, Tony throw. Nielson, Peter Underwood - mile Boys ages 7-8 are Andy Ball relay, team; Jeff Henderson. Pete Softball Throw; Chris Harburn - Underwood, •Steve Henderson, long juMp; Chris Harburn 70 yd. Brian Riley•-, 440 yd. relay Seam; dash; Andy Ball - 50 yd. Dash; Peter UnderwoiSd, Brian Coombs, •, Chris Harburn, Andy Ball, Aaron Jeff Henderson, Steve Henderson Currah, Blaine Marks - 440 yd. '- 880 yd. relay team. Vander Velden - 440 yd. relay team, 880 yd. relay team. mile relay team, Boys 15-18 are Mark Underwood - long jump ;• Steve Under(vood - high jump:, John Nielsen - shot put. disci's. HWY. 8 DUBLIN rth Junior 'Centenaires' Booster Club Presents A CONCERT AND DANCE with 'RONNIE PROPHET Hot Off The Press WHISKEY -RIVER, BAND Saturday, August 1-2 . Seaforth Arena CONCERT: 7-9 p.m. DANCE: 9:30-1 a.m. TICKETS: Concert and Dance -, $8.00 per person Concert Only - $5.00 per person Age' of Majority Cards Required PROCEEDS TO JUNIOR HOCKEY Tickets available from: Centenaires' Executive Members; Bob & Betty's Variety; The Huron Expositor Queen's Hotel; or by calling 527-0882 R.G I AT !TevA'RTs LApies DEPT. Summer Handbags . Summer Dress Goods Spring All-Weather Coats • ME.N5 DEPT. to 60% Off 1/2 price 1 /2 price 10.00 20% Off 20% Off 20% 0ff 20% Off Special 4.95 20% Off 20% Off 20% Off Contest No.1 44. •c•c" 4* 00 oe9 144° CAMERAS PARKER BROTHERS GAMES Men's & Boys' Summer Jackets 20% Off WILL HE MAKE IT?—Steve Vander Velden sprints past the Expositor photographer in last ThurSitlay'S • race atSeaforth District High School during the track and field meet held as part of the recreation department's summer program. (Expositor Photo) Mercey Brothers "100 PLUS 1 DANCE" Sponsored by Blyth Lions Club Saturday, July 22 Blyth & District Community Centre Dancing 9.1 Smorgasbord Lunch Included TICKETS: $6 Per Person Advance $7 At Door Special occasion Permit Granted AUSABLE----BAYFIELD'CONSE-RVATION AUTIIORITY TENTH ANNUAL PARKHILL CANOE REGATTA AND PICRIC - Sunday, July 23 at Parkhill Conservation Area {intersection of Hwys. 7 & 811 REGISTRATION: 10:30 a.m.-11:30 a.m. RACES START: 11:30 a.m. $3.00/person Spectate or Participate • Great Fun for friends and family. Events include gunnel racing, crab race, tug-of-war, kayak races, separate races for amateur and experienced canoeists. land eying spectators can join in the horseshoe tournament and Mot r tug-ot-ivar. Barbecue pits will be avallall4 . . e For further information, contact the Ausable-Ttayfil Id Conserve, Authority Ofice, Exeter. 1235-26101 . MI b' 7 II . 9 II li 'INN IIIII Il /, i r In co y !7 111 z 4 % , OIL. 25 This one is easier than it appears! Look at the picture puzzle under the word "clues". Find the square under the number one and copy exactly' what you see there into square number one under the word "solution". (Use a pencil so you can erase your mis- takes). Do the same thing with each of the 25 squares. When you are finished, complete and colour the picture adding anything yOu think would make it look more interesting. Write the number of the broken rule in the space provided.' ONLY CORRECTLY COMPLETED EN- TRIES WILL BE ACCEPTED. ANY ON- TARIO CHILD BETWEEN THE AGES OF 6 AND 14 MAY ENTER. ONTARIO SAFEri LEAGUE ROYAI,dMeAtrigLEGION, ONTARIO COMMAND.. The Elmer rule broken is No.. eUSI ER, S Fi Dress & SPor.t Shirts 25% 0ff Reg'. to ‘15." Polo Shirts 9.95 Dress Pants 20% Off Swim Wear and Shorts 20% Off Men's Suits 20% to 30% Off Sport Jackets , Blazers 20% Off Boys' Casual Suits Half Price Boys' Vested Suits 20% Off Special4 Boys' Tank Tops 1.95 .Boys' Striped "T" Shirts 2 .95 7." Boys' Polo Shirts 8-18' 5.95