HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1978-07-20, Page 4Culli ANNOUNCEMENT We ha(fe just purchased the bankrupt stock of Harley General Store, Harley, Ontario. Also the close.out stock of Hackbart Clothing of Brussels ere's your chance to save Everything goes price Men's and Women's Clothing - yard goods - sewing supplies - hardware - footwear Savers' Centre Main Street, Seaforth Open Mon., Tues., Thurs., Sat. 0-5:30 p.m. Fitiday 9-9 p.m. Closed Wednesday -$25,000 Red brick school house in , McKillop Township on 2/3 acre, treed lot, partially renovated. TRANSPORT COMPANY GROWING iN SIZE— Frank Stretton and Sid White of Brussels are working on the roof Of a Sizeable addition to the Cronin Transport Ltd. building in downtokin Dublin: (Expositor' Photo) THE H,UF9N EXPOSITOR, JULY .20, 1978 $P,500 "Renovated" fox luxury living with •this 2 storey 4 bedroom liousg,,on attractive lcit close to. Uptown, sun deck at rear, side drive. and Mrs. Frank Kistner, R. R. #1, Dublin, Ontario. Mrs. Clayton Hill is visiting with her sister . Mrs. Martin Klinkhammer, Mill Street, Dublin. Mr. and Mrs. Mike MacRae and family with Mr. and Nits; Paul Malone and family. Whalen Corners, also with Mr.. and Mrs. Bruce Hallman, Burlington Crescent, London, on Sunday last week. Mr. and-Mrs. Doug Small have taken up residence in their new home at the corner of Ann and 1. Peter's Lutheran Church and the Seherbarth 25 anniversary re- union last Sunday, Rev. Gilk and Susan -returned home. Mrs. Gilk Brenda and. Carol remaining for the summer holiday's. Sincere sympathy is extgided to the family and relatives of Mrs. Clara Wetlauffer (Muegge) especially to Mr. and Mrs. Walter Muegge, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Muegge and Mr. and Mrs. Robert Gilbert of Brodhagen.. Guests with 'Mr. and Mrs. Boyd Driscoll forthe week end was Eric Driscoll of Goderich, MrS. Lile Spice, Mrs. Bruce Graham Rebecca and..Saman ha of Niagara Falls also. visited with Mr. and Mrs. Milton.Rock and other relatives in this area while they enjoyed their holidays. Guests with Mr. -and Mrs. Milton Bode and sons was the Inters sister and brother in law Mr. and Mrs. Herman Flieshauer , of Elma. R.R.2, MjIverton who celebrated their 25th anniversary. Congradulations are extended to the couple. At the same home was Mr. and Mrs. Joe Kirkey of Kitchener. • Friends will be pleased to hear that Mrs. Ralph Hicks (Dorene) has returned to her home where she is convalising in Toronto. The day before her . father-in-law Lou Hick's passed away.- Dorene was unfortunate to be in an accident sonic time. ago. They are formerly of Brodhagen. Mrs.. Lou Hicks - wrote me and said she still needs, a lot of help. They reside in Bolton. Wishing her a speedy recovery. • MaSter David \Tossence of Stratford enjoyed a week holidays with his grandmother Mrs.' Norman Bennewies and his uncle and aunt Mr. and Mrs. Earl Rock of Walton. (Cqatinued on Page 21) Family moves in ,,,,tmtott PEM TIRE SUPPLY—John Kroonen and Al McQuaid are working on the construction of Dublin's newest business--Pem Tire Supply owned by Pete Maloney and scheduled to open in September. The new building is located on the southeast corner of Dublin's Main Street and Hwy. #4. (Expositbr Photo) BroAtiagen Has holiday visitors $14,500 12' x 65'. trailer, 3 bedroom, living room, kitchen, dinette and laundry, room. to be feloWred. $29,500 "Affordably Yours" this 11/2 storey, 3 bedroom frame house, entertaining living mom, located in a quiet area_ attractively landscaped for sit out pleasure. AUDREY HOFF New co-ordinator Audrey Hoff of Broadhagen is the new community co-ordinator for St. Patrick's School in Dublin. Mrs. Hoff, who lives in •Brodhagen, assumed the duties on July I, following the resignation of Mary Litwiller. Miss Litwiller is. being married later this month and will be living in Stratford. Mrs, Hoff, whose two sons, Stephen and Christopher, attend.. St. Patrick's School, was working 'in Ihe-SehOol-library as a parent volunteer when-sholearried-er-the— opening for a community co- ordinator. Althotigh' she hadn't done this kind of work before, Mrs. Hoff . hasn't wasted. any time getting her feet wet., This summer she is co- ordinating a five week summer playground program for children •.from five to 14 .years of age in Dublin Park. ' • Mrs. Hoff -is assisted by three • students who have been hired to work in the playgrotind under an • Experience '7$ grant, funded by the Ministry of Culture and• Recreation, ' The girls are Rhonda Ferguson. in charge of the senior program and Theresa Delaney and Ruth McCreight, who arc handling the junior playgronnd. . Mrs. Hoff said about 25 __children are, enrolled in the playground .program wh ich' opened' on July 10. Although the, playgmund program' ends in the middle of- -August.: Mrs. Hoff will be co, °militating a number of activities once school resumes in the fall. • Among •her . projects • arc recruiting parent. volunteers to• work --al the •schOol. trying.. to •organize a senior and . for .St. Pairick'S church • bringing high sehool _students and senior citizens into the conimunity' 7-(Editor's note: -Last week's' school in the evenings. Brodhagen news was lost in the Also- Mrs. Hoff hopes to • mail and 'received too late for continue 'migrants., which were . publication. It appears below) started . by Mary- - Litwiller including. quilting and crocheting - classes and the moni:; and tots program. Mrs, floff's .job, continues until August Scherbarth was their son the end of June.. .in: law and ,daughter Rev.. and An Expositor Classified will Mrs. Kalvin Gill ; Susan, 'Brenda. pay you dividends. Have you tried and Carol of Philadelphia over the one? Dial 527-0240. weekcite] and attended St. $75,900 "Luxurious" 2 storey brick house, 4 bedrooms with 3 piece bathroom off master bedroom, beautifully decored throughout ' with a forMal- living room, dining room, elegant family room with natural fireplace. carpeted throughout: $56,000 Distinctive new 3 bedroom , house on spacious lot, formal living room, dining room, carpeted throughout, recessed entrance roughed in fireplacel... basement suitable for future rec room, single car garage. $38,000 Attractive single storey, 2 bedroom, frame house on spacious lot, comfortable living room, excellent, retire- ment home close to downtown. $42,500 , Delightful 2 storey cement block' constructed 3 bedroom house, partially carpeted:. on spacious treed lot, single car garage, close to- uptown. • ..ct $37;800 Lovely three bedroom -1 1/2 year. old bungalow with full base- ment for future. 'rec room, car port. Kazuo - $43 000 "Decorate as you 'wish" upon completion of this single storey brick, 2 bedroom house with entertaining- living room, dining room, will fulfill your desire.• $34,900 Spacious 11/2 storey frame.' house on shaded 'lot, 4 airy bedrooms,' living room, den rec room ,roomyand modern _kitchen, tool shed. $7,000 You would be surprised at the elbow room you can have in this 2 bedroom. 12' x 58' •trailet, situated on rented lot, sun deck. "One of a Kind" 2 stkey brick houser-4 roomy, bedrooms, tastefully decored throughout with a form-al sitting room, full suited dining room with enter-. tabling living' room, spacious tardily room with Franklin, roof top patio, tool shed. $39,500 • a Room to Roam, in this ttractive 2 storey 4 bedroom frame house on tree lined lot, irtiodqrn kitchen and dining -Morn, spacious living room with natural fireplace, family room, sun room and deck, two car garage. Modern 4 bedroom brick bungalow, country-like `setting, paved drive, partially finished basement. , $44,900 • "Charming" 2 storey brick house, 3 bedroom, formal living room, dining room, large country-like kitchen, tun filled veratida, situated on spacious Jot. attractively decored throughout.• $59,000 Attractive yelloW'brick duplex on spacious corner lot, modern two and three bedroom apart- ments, excellent income property. $56,000 Deliehtful new 3 bedroom house on spacious lot, formal living room, dining room, carpeted throughout, recessed entrance roughed in fireplace; basement suitable for future rec room, single car garage. "Charming"$5394"0b0edroom, 2 storey frame asbestos house 'accents this huge corner lot, excellently nikaintai.ned throughout, living room, spacious dining garage. sun mom, single car $39,900 Glowing hardwood floors enhances this attractive 10 year old single storey frame house on spacious lot, comfor- table living room, dining mom, 3 bedroom. fruit room, laundrly room. • $29,500 "a Little Bit of Country" with this aluminum sided 11/2 storey 3 bedroom house, attractive living room, family mom with Franklin & patio doors onto sun deck, combin- ation workshop and barn, located in Kinburn. $15,000 • Absolutely nothing to do btil move into this two year old mobile home, 12' x 60', 2 bedroom, tastefully decored throughout. $15,000 Well maintained spacious 12' x 60' mobile home with an attractive 10' x 40' addition, 4 bedrooms, living 'room, rec room, •laundry room, fenced grqunds with tool shed. James Street, Dublin. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Brill have moved in to their home on R. R. #2, Dublin. They have purchased the former farm of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Pethick. Welcome to the Dublin Community. Mr. and Mrs. Pethick have taken up residence in Mitchell. Mr. and Mrs.' Dave Brown and family spent a few days at the' lake last -weekend. Master Kurt MacRae spent ,,few days. holidays with his great grandparents Mr. and Mrs. Harvey McElwain, Egmonclville. Correspondent -Don MacRae Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Maloney ' attended the funeral of Irwin Johnson on Tuesday of last week at the Tasker Funeral Home _in Blyth. Irwin was a son-in-la of Mr. and Mrs. Ed Byers, Seaforth. Visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Malondy during the past week were. Mrs. Theresa Bannon, Gadshill, Mrs. Dianne Moser, Dean and Danny, Ray Maloney, Mike Maloney, Linda, Molly and Karen Kelly, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Maloney all of Stratford and Mr. Jr • Correspondent • • Mrs. Lavern Wolfe .345-2757 Guests with Mr. and .Mrs. Ca tw~ I IrInJY '71iLV1.- • 2,4•44,. /1'\ ," $63,000 Haven for sit out pleasure complete with heated pool, and red wood fence surrounds this picturesque setting accented by a 2 storey aluminum sided, S bedroom house, formal living room, entertaining family room, ample storage, with games mom and laundry room in basement, 'paved drive. 33,000 Recently renovated 1 3/4 house On spacious treed lot, 4 bedroom, large living room, family room with Franklin. Carpeted throughout--situated in the village of Varna. "Country Atmosphere" with this charming 3 bedroom 1 1/2 storey. aluminum sided house recently renovated throughout, with small barn and single car garage, on, 61/2 ' acres of land suitable for sub-dividing, adjacent to the building. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION ON THESE AND OTHER LISTINGS CONTACT: Clinton & Area $45,500, Magnificent11/2 year old aluminum sided, 3 bedroom house, with formal living mom, and carport on large lot in extremely contented neigh- bourhood; $39,900 "Eye Appel! Heart Appeal! Price Appeal!.. 2. bedrpqm bungalow is crisp with imaginative decor bit. • cozy lifestyle on superb treed lot-- immaculate condition. $25,900 \ Attractive aluminum side,*4 bedroom house, on spacious lot, entertaining Jiving room, family room with utility room in desirable neighbourhood. $25,000 "Why pay Rent" when you can own this attractive 2 storey. 4 bedroom aluminum sided house with enormous living room, and kitchen, 2 blocks from downtown $37,800 Close to uptown-,-116 year old bungalow, 3 bedroom, living mom, dining room, broad- loomed. Many other listings including building lots and commercial properties M.L.S. Agents Bruce• Rathwell Dawn Rathwell Office 527-1577 Residence 482-3120