The Wingham Times, 1898-07-22, Page 6TILE WIND±.• TIMES, JULY 22, 1W06.
and dusty, but rides on with una-
bated energy. This shows that he
is "a good man on the wheel." The
- " boys out there would;4't be scared to
IIISIDAY, JULY: 22, 1808. match hila against Bill Mcriggin on
the 7th. Of course Bill's on band at
‘61tetches. of a Few of the manyit. Very likely you know Bill. He
12th of July Notables." I hacl a wheel last summer. As the
�i th loan starts out of town be asks
(from one our .own COrrespomdci•ts.) a bystander the titue and chattingly
c"TIII1 FOLKS FRoai OUT OUR WAY." tells him that he is going to take 2
minutes off his record for that seven
miles or bust, May his be either to
conquer or explode. The wheels
begin to turn, the mad race is begun,
his coat tails Clap and flap until they
disappear over the bill, now he is
lost to our view, soon too we cannot
hear his ringing boli, but with the
slighest effort our memory calls oack
these flapping coat-tails, that ringing
bell and the heroic plunges of that
brave gladiator, though really he is
gone. Let us bid him, adieu.
Ills necessary compliment is a
windy fifer. One who "ain't stiekin'
on playin' a too,'." No, not even a
hundred "toons," or even one "toon"
a hundred times. This fifer always
likes to bear his selections "drumm-
ed" in a satisfactory manner. You
may imagine, then, the joy that
dances in his eye when he gleets
Ned Dowd, who used to drum for
the old Iiinfound, Chosen Many,
Lodge. Now the air is torn and
lacerated with their harmonious
effusions. The crowd collects. Ned's
eye wanders over it. He gets much
encouragement thereby. One old
man admonishes him to "let her have
it." Accordingly he does so. His
musical interpretation of the selec-
tion necessitating a series of gyne
nasties peculiar in the extreme. lie
bends over the instrument in a
tender, embracing attitude as if his
giant ear caught not the music of its
bellowing thunder. His teiderness
is supplanted by anger. He leans
tar from it, he beats harder. His
Several of them meet in front of
the hotel, just in the door. They all
.;cordially shake hands, Each in-
quires about the erops, health, and
(:tattle belonging to each of the others.
"Then 'Bary, in her white dress, and
i3ob, who, by the way is a "limb,"
.,;tart off ",fist to see the low end of
'tile town." The remainder of the
- illks wink in a loud and visible
manner. The crowd comes along at
this moment, completely separating
Sack's woman from the rest. She
•tomes up presently and gives Jack
friendly poke to the ribs with her
;parasol and soundly rates him for
siteing a poor protector. Jack laughs
:and in return makes a fine joke at
ler expense about the hard row he
rias to hoe. The folks laugh boister-
'tusly. Thus encouraged he snakes
tongue thrust at the sinal! boy
;selling badges. The boy answers.
Jack's woman calls him a "sassy
imp." Jack relapses into silence,
-partly to his rebuff. partly to the
volubility of :Sirs. Joe Thompson's
,sister "that stays there." She is
- avitty. Everybody roared. One of
she folks bad to support himself by
weans of the fence. His laughter
was loud and prolonged, not in the
east artificial. In the midst of their
jollity they enter the hotel "to grab."
t., et us leave them to eat, drink and
ate merry.
Ile was there. Yes, quite numer-
ously, just as numerously as she
sI'as. They drove in early in the
:horning with the old gray mare.
Cow everybody knows that she won't head shakes, the music gets more and
:stand any noise, not even music— and more, his eyes dilate, he gasps
,'sand music. So when she heard the for beauty. With one almighty
'drums she "flared." "But, by gosh whack it ceases. lie wanders off
lie fetched her." Not only that but to be lost in the oblivion of another
ole recklessly consented to wager year, but depend upon it you will have
shat be would "take it out of her" the pleasure of seeing him again next
:before the day was ovar. He con- 12th of July. His place at the drum
tiuuously bought bananas. He is immediately taken by another
didn't talk much, except to explain man, who beats so much like him
the proceedings of the day. Even at that we suspect he is his brother.
s'be hotel table among all the clatter If so they are members cf a large
ssf the dishes, knives and forks, he family•
.s'vas silent ; didn't even tell her that THE OFFICIOUS OFFICIAL.
seer back hair was coming down. We don't know what office he
Hoe ever, he wasstudiously attentive. holds. He leads the lodge and the
die helped her to a variety of' cakes, fife and drum band, if the lodge has
for which he had to reach for. Ile one. He hurries out into the street
passed the butter muchly. Once in soon after dinner to get his men
doing so he ventured, "that ain't ready for the procession. In order
::much like the butter you make to do this he must shout very loudly
4.nnie." (Long "A" in Annie.) She and run to and fro a great deal.
blushed and looked depreeiateingly finally he gets them placed and
sit the poor butter. (Poor is here ready. He gives his cane (he always
=used in a double sense.', She corn- has one) a graceful flourish in the
pletes her meal, but he continues air. As if by magic, at the
gassing the cakes and biscuits. She same moment volumes of unrestrain-
tstops hint in a bo'd, daring and ed melodies burst forth. One would.
:resolute manner by telling him that think, from the appearance of the
tate is. full enough, thanks... They man, that he had thrown it from the
viemnly rise from the table and are end of his cane. But, ah ! we see
;lost in the crowd. . now, it is the fife and drums.
THE FELLOW Tri A•r \\ }IEEt1ED IN OF y. having got them fairly started he
• - THE 9T11. turns, for he has been walking back -
He is hired for the sulnrxler out there, ward. He grasps his cane like a
pa,ats Itis eyes look strangely
idiotic. He does not speak. Ile is
supported by an enemy, his com-
panion,. who is much older and less
intoxicated. Poor boy, he is making
a bird start ! The second i3 the
drum., young man. He has two
enemies, two companions,. they are
as drunk as he is. They are out for
' a big time, not to mention a big
hoad. They walk from one hotel to
another, SAN earing lustily, laughing,
(the tool's laugh) and talking thick-
ly. They insult women, frighten
cblldren and jostle men. This is
having a big time. The third is the
drunk, mtddle-aged man. His wife
is with him, very shamefaced she
tries to support him, she wants him
to go home. Ile seems not to under-
stand. she cries a little. Then the
little boy sees him reel, he goes to
the other side and takes his hand.
Ah, my boy, that your wisdom is
greater than that of your foolish
father, let not the years undo it. The
last is the drunk, old man. Let us
help his son into the rig with hint,
glad to get rid of such hopelessly •
foolish characters.
Ile bought a bike in the spring,
ageing quite a sport. He bad to work
KEi the forenoon to finish haying so
File's late "gettin' in." He comes
rapidly up main street with his
linger on the bell, Which' .he rings
:all the time, except now and then
ac'hen he should ring it, He.gets a
[cigar, lights up and aives a confirm -
anis 'exhibition mile" up and down
where the most people are; thinking
1t303 doubt, that there' 'is 'safety in
slumbers, He gets very hot, thirsty
90 .
Ask your Druggist or bearer for it
horizontal bar and begins beating
the time by jerking it from one side
to the oti'er.
.. The one -eyed man, the little noted
,'man and the big nozed man, the
man with the lump on his cheek and
the man with the hole in his ear, the
man with 'his mouth put on wrong,
up and down like his neck. tie, the
smallest man you every saw and the
biggest, the fattest and the leanest.
Truly they• were of many .kinds.
Ile has been bred a farmer, but
he don't work tnnch. He has money,
ho solei his'bike. You will recognize
hint at once when I mention his long
•hair,,gnite long. His collar is very
.high, exceptionally so, his hair hangs
down over it at the back, 1 -lis tie
is a' whi e bow, the band cf which
has w '`ked under his collar. Often
he 'wears speetieles, giving one the moderate temperature until ab!e to
idea'thati he is a Feholar. This idea go out in the open air. He was for
is 7lniekly xlispelled, however, when five months in 'the hospital before
being able to return to his home.
DB. A. W. t•IlASlt AT Wont: Ia IIts
'1'hl.t Disgusting atnlady is et the Throat of
Nine Hundred in tsve•re 111 iisaud of
Our Country's Population.
This is Not Il..arreay, it Is Borne Out by Care-
fully t crapped statistics: of Diseases Most
Prevalent—its .Development Is tV,ttolted
Carefully, Because it's so Sure a Fore-
runner of that Arch Moloch of Disease—
..ousurnptiun—tr Neglected.
C5(' Yt!j "iy111.,...T IoDIST---Rev. Dr. Pascoe, pas i i•` t'i 4 b 4 It l)�ilA��
or. Services at 11 a m and 7 p lu.
PR14S13YTRJAN-1tev. D. Perris I —I5 PUI,1.1s 1ax:I,
rrtltor, Services at 11 a m and? p re.
EPISCOPAL, St. Paul's -Rev. Win. r
Lowe, rector. ,5'el'V1t.ed at 11 tt In and 71 -Ar Tile. -
p m.
BAPTIST -Rev. ,las. Hamilton, pas -I TiMES OFFICE, JOaEPHUNE `rxTRETe
r. Services at 11 a m and i p
n1 '
CONURI UAT1ONA.Lt--liev. ii.. E.
Mason, pastor. Services at 11 a tit and
Outram and Look in ec.mwund, Services
at 3 p na and 8p m.
and wire in command. Services at 11 a. 1
in,3pm and8pm,
In each of the above named churches
Sit l)1 :nth School is held at "2,30 p m.
Before. After. Wood's Phoaphodine,
The Great English Remedy.
Sold and recommended by all
druggists in Canada. Only reli-
able medicine discovered. Six
packages guaranteed to cure all
forms of Sexual Weakness, all effects of abuse
or excess, Mental Worry, Excessive use of To-
bacco, Opium or Stimulants. Mailed on receipt
• of price, one package $1, six, $5. One will please,
isxWill clro address.
Sold in Wingham by Cohn a Campbell
While There's Life and Dr. Chase's B o f
THOMAS RESIDENT. I had suffered so many years from
catarrh that I don't know that I will
I ever get it out of my remembrance.
A COLD CAUSED LOSS OF VOICE AND One clay, wheel I took one of the encl-
TnEN CLOSED UP THE AIR PASSA- leas prescriptions given me by the
medic'll man to- a druggist, I asked
GES -OPERATED ON IN NEW him bluntly, " Will this cure me, or
YORK—IS IN G000will it not ? Or will it be like the
HEALTH. I rest ?" I was nearly desperate, I can
1 tell you. The druggist said :-" No,
nothing can cure catarrh. 1 have it
myself until I often think of suicide. I
take opium usually to sleep it off." I
took the prescription away unfilled and
went !Tome, thinking of what the drug-
gist had said about suicide, and I was
utterly disheartened. I have that pre-
scription yet. (Ine clay any deliverance
came. A lady told, me she had suffered
just as I had, and was nearly insane,
and that a remedy known as Dr.
Chase" Catarrh Cure had actually
curer( her. I had read a lot. about
Dr. Chase's Catarrh Cure, but I felt to-
ward it as I did toward other medi.
cines; had no faith. I tried it as a
last resort. I used two boxes of Dr.
Chase's Catarrh Cure, and found it a
complete cure.
giving the particulars of the case .in • MRS. M. V. Rosin, Holloway, Ont.
detail. I Price 25 cents, blower included.
Mr, Dean, who is 31 years of age -_. ___ ___ _._
Mr. John Dean, formerly East
London, now of St. Thomas, bas re-
cently returned from New York city
where lie was the subject of a most
critical operation. In the known
annals of medical science, the wide
world over, there are not over two
dozen cases similar to his on record
His res=piratory organs are partially
of no service to him. All the air he
breathes enters his lungs through a
silver tube. The case is n most in-
teresting one, and fully warrants
was born in London, and his father,
a shoemaker, died there recently.:
He commenced to work on the G. T.
R, when a boy and was 20 years in '
the employ of the company, event-
ually rising to the position of fire-
man. The first symptoms of his
peculiar trouble developed in 189.1.
He acquired a cold while working
on the snow plow and first noticed a
partial loss of his voice. Ilis trouble ,
developed so that he could not speak
above a whisper, and that only with
extreme difficulty. This went on
for two years during which he was
off work for seven months.
Two years ago he went to Cayuga
as pumping engineer, but later re-
signed his position, and on Jan. 28th
this year left for New York and en-
tered the Presbyteriam hospital. On
Jan. 31st the doctor performed an
operation on his throat. They .flu.
agined at first that he was trl.ubled
with tuberculosis but could find no
symptoms and came to the eonclu:
sion that the throat had grown down
to the larnyx—in other words, that
the air passages had grown together.
It would soon have been impos-
sible for the man to breathe, either
through mouth or nostrils, and after
the operation the dloctorii placed a
double silver tube in his throat just
below, the larynx and entering the
lungs directly. That is what Mr.
Dean breathes through. Hs can
speak in a whisper only by closing
the tube with his finger. Respira-
tion is painless although his throat is
still sore.
At first when the tube was put in,
a canopy was placed over the
patient's bed, and he inhaled' steam
and hot ail' for six weeks. To have
inhaled cold air would have proved
fatal. Ile became gradually acens
toured to a moderate temperature
until able to go out in the open air
for sit weeks. To have inhaled cold
air would have proved fatal. He
became gradually accustomed to a
• he speaks. His shirt bosom, jewel
bedecked, is spaciously exposed by In appearance, Mr. Dean is a
a small white vest. Ile wears ft 'healthy man. He • has no other
monstt'icus ring, with a red stone in ailment, and eats and sleeps well.
it the size et a bird's egg. We can't Ile is unable to do any regular work,
gay positively to whom it belongs, because he dare not expose himself
t but he enjoys it very much. to the winter air, and while advised
Ttrt': l:)Rrtxlc. by his doctors to go south, his cir-
t The only sad picture 'f the day, eumstances will not, permit to
Sometimes he was sixteen, sometimes do so.
'(iii. This drnnk man wasntitneroua. He came to St. Thomas yesterday
' We will mention a few. The first to live, accompanied by his wife and
is the drank bo II rs short twochld/en
y, e wee S Or i
The Englishman Again.
An Englishman once visited Cali-
fornia, and he remarked upon the
a.bundancc of fruit in that state. He
said he was sure the Californian
could not eat it all, and he wanted
to know what was done ,vith the
surplus fruit. His remark was ans-
wered by a Californian, who said
'We eat what we can, and we can
what, we can't.'
The E;•glshwan, after awhile saw
the juke, and laughed heartily over it.
A :hurt time afterward he returned
to England. One evening he went
to a dinner party, anti he deterruined
to relate the story. He told the pre-
liminaries, and when he came .to the
Californian's answer, he repeated it
in the following words : ' We eat
what we can, and we tin what we
can't,' and then he wondered why
nobody else laughed.
No cyclist's kit is complete without a
bottle or Hngyard's Yellow Oil. (lar. Le
taken internally or used externaily.Cuts,
Fitve, Surf Thio it• Pains in the Chest,
Bruises. Sprains, Stiff Joints, Coughs
etc, It is siwaya e'ffoctuai. Has no
equal as an all round remedy.
At the Manitoba Iligh Court I. O.
1�. Lodge it was decided that ladies
he admitted to the order as ment-
he rs.
W. 1•I. !larch, St. Thotnas, was
elected Grand Chancellor of the
Grand Lodge of the Knights of
yRaOF,AA� turn
M•de a well
Man of
INDAP D'�''�►r,
H RN fig Tag. eu ti pqi
Rin:3Or1r ys. Carey `:•"
all Narroae Diseases. Fnilina iitehlol7•
Parcae, Sleeplessness. Nightly Enos -
dons, eta., caused by past abate -r, },rvsA
and also to shrnntcen organ, Dad 0•'lckly but
surely roatorea Loaf Manhood in old or OOHS.
Easily dratted ih vest pocket. Pries $ un00 n pnrkare,
Hi* for $6.00telth a til en gttaru„e.• fu did ,•b or
money, ref.wtdd9. 1)o'(" arty A.N iMr^ ,'r' Atr. h•,.
Incestit, anwe havwill se I i 4 DAit pPrr0pero. Ir,
n•your dr.r t,w net
nINDua toeaPDY C,' , rMnr r. fktr+«n "' • ,•• n•
Cl,I halals yarn`` Moir Stove. \\'inulroiu, Ont.
Cook's Cotton Root COmpo'and
Ie encomsttilly used monthly by over
10,000 Ladies. Safe, effectual. Ladies ask
your druggist for Cooks Cettoa Root Cent.
found, Take no ottllter, as all Mixtures, pills and
imitations are dat torous. Trico, No. 1, $1 per
box, No, 9,10 degrees Streitger.$3 por box. Pio.
1 or 2. mailed oh r6.ceipt of pilot and two &teat
cr�a�mppy�. 1l'h , Conic Company Windsor Ont.
Nos. 1 and h sold andi recommended b7 all
responsible Druggists in (Canada.
No, t and No. a for sale by Colin A. (','.itphyal.
Capital, 01,250,000. Rest, 0775,000
President -4010i P.nrnvT.
Vron.Prosident—A. G. RAtisAT.
JOHN PRocron, 050. ROACH,, Wat GlseoN, 100 P, A. T.
WOOD, A. B. Lau (Toronto).
Cashier—J. TURNBULL.
Savings Bank—Hours, 10 to 3; Saturdays, 10 to
Deposits of 51 and upwards received and interest
Special Deposits also received at current
rates of ir..:rest.
Drafts m. Great Britain and the United States
bought and sold
E. L. DICKINSON, Solicitor.
Money tc? Loan on Notes,
Notes Discounted
Subscription price, Si por year, lit advance
Money advanced on Mortgages at 6 pet contwith
privilege of paying at the end of any year. Note
and acuouuts collected.
Beaver Block Win,rham, Ont
Toronto and East
Palmerston mixer(
London and South
since — .l 1 yr. I ti mo. 13 oto. 14 1 mw
One (Muutn sue 0a $40 00 gl•) 00 1 SS 00•
Half '• 40 00 50 to 00 u 00
quarter" SO 00 1. 00 7 00 1 8 00•
Uric inch 5 00 a 00 3 01) 1 00
0 50 tt. m. 3 05 p. m
8BOpm1025p in
8 55 •, in 3 05p m
ti 53 a 01 11 10 a in
33Cpm 80OpIn
11 10 to 050a m
330pnt 330ptn
1025pto 830am
Leaal and 1 titer salla! ail 4r ' •••r••-••• r e• pet' ino
for Ursa tttsertmu,und lie per lino or each subsequent'
inserti, w 11e mired by nonplus' 1 st'alu.
weal notices 100. per Zine for orst insertion, ands
54. per line for ouch subsequent i tairtfcr,
Advertisements of Lost,Fo,ind Stra3t5,Situatioce
and Busieuss Manses 11anted, not esaueding( 8 line
nonpareil, $1. for first menti , and 60e. for each,
Hseqouses cid Farms
Pur, not exceeding 8 line.
F1 for fastutWroath, 60u.Saloper subs:gnent month.
Larger advertisements in proportion.
These terns will be strictly adhered to
Speoial rates for larger advertisements, or or
longer periods.
Advertisements and Local notices without specific
directions, will be inserted till forbid and charged,
accordingly. Transtturl• advertisements must be
paid 0,11.00,','
Chainngos Por contract adverttetmentr must be in.
Wu, office by Wednesday noon, in order to appear
that week
Book business is better tlwn for years past ; also
hare better aI.d faster sellin„ bnni,s. AgentseIear
lug nota 810 to 840 weekly, A new Ion;lers are :
queen V ctoria" ; "Life of Mr. Godstone;' "1,11
Mother's Bible Stries" "l'rot:N.8)Ie Speaker,"
"Klondike cold Field;' "Wnmen;' "Glin.psss nt
the Unseen," "Breakfast, Dinner, Supper." Books
on time.
11. 11. Er,L7ts'ri'.
PROralkrux ABC POktisaRR
11J! GEcN, AND Ct;t:uul:ulsclt.
Successor to Dr, W. Lit thrill El:Cat:ELS ONT.
1st Class Honor Graduate of the Universities of
Trinity (Toronto) (,!noun s (liine tan). ut.rl of Trin•
itv Medical Colleao ; Fellow of Trinity Medical
College and Idru.bur of rho Colles t.f Physicians•
and Surgeons of ()Matto. Poet Graduate (burse ITT
Detroit and Ohieago 1800 Special attention paid
to diseases of Bye IItr Nose nod Throat and
Diseases of Women. Consultation in English and
Gorman. zreatarrh treated suuce•stully in all
its forms.
Private and Company funds to loan at lowest rate
interest, No commission charged. Mortgages, town
and farm pr0porty bought and sold
OFFICE—Bearer Block 15 taomA a,.
, MY'': a comtoof THAT ;-ttIILL!S
Having purchased tiro entire business
from Mr. Daniel Shouters, I aur now
prepared to supply the public with
Wood and Iron Force anid
Lift ramps, Brass and
Iron Cylinders, Galvaniz-
ed iron Tubing. Cisterns,
Water Trouighs, Sinks,
Baths, ripe Fitting, 'Well
Digging and everything in con-
neotion with water supplies.
Galvanized Steel Windmills for power
and pumping water.
Deep well pumps a speciality.
Repairing promptly attended to.
Parties writing for information or
ordering by mail should always state
;depth of well.
All work guaranteed or no sale. sY
llr',l 1d0 Winghatn, Ont'
13AitIt15TLR, J c•,
11'mghun, tint,
Office -Wove!' Brunk. Wieghum
OtHce—Corner limpt,(cr, and 5t. Audi,'w• streets
.opposite: Colborne Hotel.
GousR)cis, ONTARIO.
n NNTISTR7.—J. S. J 1..11011E, L U. 5., tt• INGRA tt.
Vie.. In .nanutectur arst•elass sets of
-',''-u,t14 teeth as cheap 118 they 01in be maie•
15 in the Dominion. Teeth.extraote3
absolutely without pain, by his new
process; guaranteed perfe. tly safe.
OFFICE: In the heave,• Block, opporite the
Brunswick 'louse.
1\'1xa11Aat' �....._�...,�-.—...._.-. .. ___—..__, ONTAnIed.
pDEAIsS. Jit.,;
LL11(;KNSLD AUCTION Beat Ful. .itis WONT!
Sales attended in any' part of the (lo. Charge*
J UHN CUlil¢1L, (1-lauaAst,U t
LIC) NSEP Aeeitur.BLS.
Sales o1, Farm, Stock and Fat et implements
All orders I..(t at the TIMID; mike promptly atten4
ed to. Terr,,.reaso„ablt.
S f? �Can,lr Caledonia, No. 48, meetly
. rho drat and 1111,0 Monday in
entry laomtn,fm .1,t"dd L'cituK', ilei„ \'tatting
brethren %retocu+• J. Murray, elat1, L SteN^
art Ites.•5te
WAN TED 'Doug men cut n'eninetn, or older ones.
ff stilt young to upfNt, of undoubted.
churaettr, gook talkers, ambitions and indnstrioue,,
can lied mnplo' moot in a ¢coat cans,', with
mouth and upwards ueeKtliuk 0o abidt,•, •
• „BM', T. 5, LINSCOjT, Term: we.
Se10m order writer-. Sada y or cOnnniesioi to Suit
0b1,e persons.
names! Building, Toronto.
Area and Womenwbo eat work hard talking and
writing aix'hours duiij fur .•ix day:` a w',ek and will
bo cunt..ntbrut ten d011us 11(ukly,
• Address. ;
L (C11 la r;., , Tuaonro,
i?ANTED rr acinsto Other bright then far
r t 'ttkm or lu•onamrntly W solicit for
'C :mud; an l.nrycler,u.t1, of the Coul,tmr, in Five
$nyxl quarto lol,nnes.• .rip delhcting. Commission
land ,ci,ekly, I.1s1CJ,T l'rskteht.r) Co,
I\Cid;DING Nolo, Pamphlets, Posters, Bt'
Bends, Circulars, he,, sm., executed in the beet
style of the art, at moderate prices, and on short
Wee Apply or address ,
i1, 1r. I1LLICTT. •
T arse 0flie , Wibgham'o
We arc piwased to announce that env nooks or
Magazines left with us for Binding, will have Out
prompt attention. Prices for 13inding in any etyls
will he given 0n amaleat.lon 0 the Trane Office