The Wingham Times, 1898-07-22, Page 5WINUHTAM '1'iMEs, JJJLY 22, i8)8.
Hewes 'It�,a�yy��,,_IH�• 7i gas, eoxxay .swats;¢a arWCi
He won't use it, because its "wine" lasts
,;, too Long, and seems too simple.
'Pays him better to use a
wax pore -filler, and polish
up a previous polish.
Paid by the week,
instead of by the pair,
he'd shine the actual
leather, hard and
smooth surfaced, with
5H0E 115141
For Sale Only by HOMUTH & BOWLES.
Phtetons, Spring Wagons, Road Wagons and Carts,
Tuesday morning of last week
Mr. Thos. Maundersfwas in Brussels
and was taking a crock of butter
from the buggy to the store when a
• large Oog ran against her throwing
!her ntf her feet. Mrs. Maunders pelt
`out her left hand to save hersolt and
1 the fall roke her arm at or near the
lwrist.• The disabled member was
speedily attended to, and we hope
before many weeks slip by that she
will have fully recon eyed from the
unfortunate occurrence.
Trunks, Valises, Whips, Brushes, Curry Combs, Harvest Mitts, Lap Rugs
Dusters, Axel Grease, Oil, Harness Oil and Soap.
on short netice, and at reasonable prices.
R. J.
uit Luther J. Williams
that will fit comfortably*,
look well, wear well, and
.keep in good shape, you
had better go to
New Spring Goods and Samples
of all the latest designs in Scotch
and Canadian Tweeds, Worsteds,
Serges and Overcoatings to choose
from. Orders filled promptly at
very low prices.
Webster & Co.,
Queen's Block.
Mrs. Edward Leech, of Woodstock
is visiting with friends in the vil•
The Vidette is holidaying this
Mrs, II. Day and daug!lter of
Wingham, are holidaying under the
parental roof.
Miss C. Coleman, of 11arkdale, is
visiting 1s IIth her sister, Mrs, Wm.
Mrs, Samuel Peel, of Sault Ste.
Marie, is visiting with her parents,
Mr. and Mrs. John Ardell,
Mr. Christie McLauchlin has gyne
to Dauphin, Man., where intends to
make his home.
(Thoroughly experienced and prac-
tical in all branches,)
Begs to inform the inhabitants of Wing -
hem and neighborhood that he has suc-
ceeded to the business formerly carried
on by Geo. Shaw at lately by D. Mc-
He is prepared to supply all kinds of
Meat and Butchers' Supplies of the
Best quality at lowest prices.
Orders executed to any part of the
town with despatch,
Telephone No. 0.
Your eyes are priceless.
care of them for you.
Take care of them, as no one will take
If you need
buy them from us.
Also a full line of Watebes, Clocks, and all kinds
Jewelry. Repairing promptly attended to.
Warden McEwen and 11r. 1). Pat-
terson, chairman of the county road
and bridge committee, met in Wing•
ham on Monday of last week, and
oi,encd tenders for the iron and con-
crete work of the Manchester and I WROXFTER.
Dwyer bridges. For the iron work The citizens of this place have pre-
tenders were received from Hunter I sensed Miss Appleby with an invalid's
Bros., Kincardine, Hamilton Bridge,chair. The above named lady has
Co. and Stratford Bridge Co. For been an invalid for about seven
the concrete work tenders were re -1 years.
ceived from J. Naegel, ]lenmilI. r ;1 Miss Mary Wendt, of Mildmay,
J. Kidd, 1Iensatl, and F. Gotteridgeis visiting with friends in the village.
Seaford). 'T'he tender of hunter I We are pleased to state that Rev.
Bros., Kincardine, for the iron work ' ,I. 13, Kennedy is recovering from
was accepted, the price being :11.50j his illness•
and F. Gutteridge was a warded. the I The Dominion Day committee had
concrete work his tender being $l a balance of over $100, after paying
per cubic yard.
Your choice of our 1 -lard and Soft Felt Hats, including Best Bl:>.cks and Colored, and
ranging in price from $2.5o, $2.00, $1.75, $i,5o and $1.25, at one. price for the lot -90
Your .choice of our Straw Hats, Panama, Swiss and other up-to-date hinds ; former
prices $1.25, $1.00, 75c and hoc --•--now your choice for 45' CENTS.
BOOTS AND SHOES AT COST. -For one week you can 1 urchase a1;»
shoes in the store. ----Gents', Ladies', Boys', Girls', or Baby's, for actual wholesale pc,c,. .
it of
Bargains! Bargains !
T. A. MILLS has just received a large shipment of
Plain and Spotted
MTT s ]ii :NS
On Wednesday last a Sunday
School Union picnic of the Methodist
and Congregational churches was
held in Palmer's glove, Turnberry.
An interesting programme was car•
ried out in the afternoon. Mr. Jos.
L-liggins occupied. the chair. A
all expenses.
Misses Elda and Kate Hazelwood
have returned home from a visit to
friends in Paris, Strathroy and other
Mr. John Ardell has taken Mr. J.
G illespie's place on the C. P. R. sec-
tion here.
The following are the officers in-
stalled for Montana Lodge, No. 177
hile Mr. Win. 11. Anderson, of
the 12th concessiorr$,was returning
from Whitechurch with a load of
drain tila on Monday evening, July'
1Itii, his horses heeawe frightened,
by a drunken lion falling from his'
bicycle in front of them. Mr.(
Anderson attempted to hold the
•horses and at that moment the end
board of the wagon fell out arid he
was dragged to the heels of the
horses. He was badly eut about
the face, the wagon passed over one
of his legs esti he received a general
shaking uptte At last reports he was
on the mend and soon expected to be
around again.
good selection was given by the I. 0. 0. 1+'., fur the ensuing term :-
Methodist choir and speeches were P. G. -,T. Douglas, N. G. -H. Thom -
made by the superintendents of both pson, D. G. --Jas. Paulin, 11, S. -.J.
of the schools. The Rev. J. W. Barnard, Treas.-G. Barnard, War -
Griffin, who in briefly addressing the der -Geo. Spotton, 0. G. -A. Brown, ,
children, alluded to the severe indis- 1. G. -A. Thompson, R. S. N. G.-
o'the hev. I4enned`• Meth- ibson R. S. V. G.-G.Lackie. r
BLIIEV ALE.culls andc w' S
position f . , 1 . S.G ,
odist minister, who in some measure
alleviated, had quite precluded the
possibility of his attendance. Re-
freshments were served during the
day and a very agreeable time was
Some of the Oddfellow's from here
attended the decoration services in
�i'inghaai on Tuesday last.
A movement is on foot to hold a
day's sport in town in the near fut.
The congregation of St. John's
church, assisted by St. George's
church, Walton, have decided to
at from ;5 to $7 per head. Receipts
of best selections sold at ft w to $5.50
to $5.60; thick, tat and lige!, $5 to
$5.10, and heavy, $4.11(0 17�r cwt.
East Buffalo, N. Y., July 10. -
Cattle -None on sale, expect a few
odd ends and undesirable lots of
stockers poor butchers' stout, which
were peddled out at about steady
foremen values, Hogs -Few fresh
arrivals ; Market ruled a shade to a
nickel stronger than yesterday's close
for light grades, with others about
steady up to noon ; good to choice
Yorkers, $4.15 to .$1.17 ; pi line light
do., $4.15 to 54.17 ; mixed packers,
$4.15 to 54.17 ; mediums, 54.15 to
$3.17 ; heavy hogs, $4.17 to 54.20 ;
roughs, 53.40 to $3.60 ; stags, 52.75
to $3 ; pigs, 53.85 to 54.15. Sheep
and 1aml„-No fresh arri%als, and
not, cuough doing to quote prices,
except in a nominal way ; spring
lambs, choice to extra ewes and
wethers, 56._'5 to $6.65 ; huckey and
fair, $5.65 to $6.15 ; culls, fair to
good, $3.75 to $5.55, and common to
choice yealings, 54 50 • :c $5.25 ;
native clipped sheep, choice to select-
ed wethers, $4 65 to $4.75 ; fair to
of ad oirnner r sheep, x•1.25 r.t X4.6 i •
erect •r rect.,ry on the 1 ) choice mixed
the church on Turnberry street, are ll common ewe; suec•t, 52.2
The e trtien party given by the , inviting tenders, with that object in to 53.75.
A very agreeable and social corn•
pany gathered et the r'esu erice of
Rev. '1. W. Goflin in Gorr ieson Fri-
day evening last, when the friends of
the two congregations, Ilowick and
Turnberry, where he officiates pre-
sented him with the ueual equipments
A presentation address was read on
behalf of the two churches by sirs.
J. \V Andrews to which the gentle
man immediately reponded In the
course of his speech he expressed
the extreme gratification he ex-
perienced receiving this kind
and thoughtful present ; for al-
though his old vehicle had done him
considerable service he heartily wel-
comed the exchange, and trusted
that the cordial and friendiy rela-
tions which had long existed be•
twecn himself and his congt'egations
might continue and that the church
of Christ would be built up and
strengthened in their midst.If you cannot get beef,
Cttt0:11 v.� •11::rower.
You may choose between
milk, water, coffee or tea.
But there is no second choice
for 'Scott's Emulsion.
. It is Scott's Emulsion or
When you need the best
cod-liver oil, the best hypo -
phosphites, and the best
glycerine, all combined in
the best possible manner,
you have only one choice.
It brings pr�)mpt results
in all cases of wasting, or
loss in weight,
�rngsistsi 5Ict an 1 ells".
SCOTT k BOA' 1}1, 4e'herektc, Ternate.
Organdy, Lawns, Linens, Linenettes, Prints and Ginghams,
which 1 have bought at cut prices and will he sold at a bar-
gain. You should see our special line of
Prints, usual 10c for 6c, in 30 different
Patterns to choose from.
A large assortment of Ladies' Shirt Waists and Wrappers
which will be cleared out at a special low price.
Call and sere these goods before they are picked over.
` The liuildinn will be
Presbyterian congregation, in Mr, 1 v tew.
y Dunent s ore arc as • ri ` 3 ,
in was quite a success. Sand- i the whole structure and fitted out Wm. Saunders of the Experimental
Marr h d last 13' 'da
!story y brie': 2Sxu0 feet, cellar under
even g, with modern improvements. It is
wiches, cake and tea were served by I expected that the buildirgwill be
the ladies to all who desired them. completed before winter.
Brussels brass band was in°atter• 1Mr. Jas. Jones hits ap
dance and during the intervals in 1• d
inghiun, Rev. R. S. G. Anderson, I There were 21 members joined
The books of the Grams Itneorder
local da I O 0
Farms reports the crops in tl•e Mari-
time provinces as very promising.
Chas. Boyce, editor of th , official
debates of Parliament, died Jlonda-y.
their music Dr McDonald ill•I ., of the new leader of the town ban morning.
11 he lodge ofthe
of Wroxeter, Rev. Mr. Ballantyne, of she
the year.
Molesworth and Rev. D. Rogers, of past
Illuevale liiled in the time with short Al r. W. F. Scott is taking in elle
addresses. Oue of the members of Caledonian games at et. Marys this
the band also gave a couple of clo - ' week.
cutionary efforts. As the evening I Messrs. Sample Bros. have receis-
ed the contract for painting the in-.
tenior of Melville church.
Mr. Robt. Mainprize has fitted up
a hot and cold water bath at the
Electric Light Works.
was very hot, ice cream - and lemon-
ade proved very refreshing. A large
crowd was present, including a load
of young people from Brussels and
some from Wingham and everyone Mrs 13 J.Whitleyand children
seemed to enjoy themselves. The j
treasury will be the richer by $67. 1 of Kincardine, were visiting with
Mr. Robert Farrow aeeountant in I her sister, Mrs. Jas. Jones.
the customs department at Ottawa, bits. W. H. Keri•and son, Leslie,
was visiting at Mr. Robert Mosgrove's are away on a visit to .friends in
this week. Mr. Ward Farrow, mail i, Dundas. Hamilton, Galt and other
clerk, was also visiting in the village. I Points.
have moved into their new house. ; Lire atoms Marmots.
Mr. Wesley West.. -.of„Woodstock,
is visiting at the manse..
Rev. W. T. West and Rev. Mr. I
McCrae, of Crarbrook, exchanged
places last Sabbath.
Mrs. Cornish, of Brussels, is visit-
ing her Sister', Miss Wynn,
Miss Amelia Thompson, of Park-
hill, is visiting her grandparents,
Mr. and ,Mee. John Diamond.
Alias Ids Dining, who has visited
fur several nionths at Mr. George
Hudson's, has gone to i)rati ton.
Mr. lied. McCracken and Miss
(Tara McCracken, of Brussels, spent
Sunday at Mr. John Gardiner's.
)'lax is ready to pull,
°Rasp:,crries are very r.b ntiful this
'Mr. Williarn James Johnston, of
Morris, is down with typhoid fever:
Miss Annie Brooks, of Montreal, is
visiting Mr. and Mrs. John Bosman
and other Mends.
Mr. John Wattsman and family
' Toronto, ,, Julys 1 1,-Rccei pts t f
cattle at the Toronto market were
heavier than usual, being 75 loads.
The quality of the offerings general-
ly was not up to expectations, and
business was rather slow. Prices
show very little change. 'I't:e market
for export cattle was (Inlet, choice
stock being quoted as high as 41c.
The average price was from tic. to
to 41e. Export bulls are quoted at
from 3?,c, to 4c. There were few
choice bunches of butchers' cattle on
sae, and dealers are quoting As high
as $4.40 per cwt. A few lots sold
at from ,lc. to 41e, The market for
stockers was quiet ; prices rule from
8e. 16 3e. per lb. About 750 sheep
and lambs anti 100 calves on sale
were offered. There was a good
demand, and prices arc well main
tained, Sheep are gneted at f •oto
'C to WI per 1b.; shearing. lambs .it
from $.l to $_I per head, and Calves
and Treasurer of the Order sit' Chosen
Friends are being audited at Hamil-
The Barrie Town Couneil has de=
cided to submit a by-law t,. Lite prop-
erty holders for the purchase of a
civic electric lighting plant.
Mr. T. J. Sabin, contreetor, of
Peterboro', was drowned in Little
Lake while, fishing, and Mr. (leo. W.
Routledge, letter carrier, rias drown
ed at Londot..
Acute Rheumatism
Tains in the, Foot and Llrnb•--A
Completes Curs Accomplished' by
"Nor a number of years I was afflicted
with acute rheum/411'M in my lett side
and all the way down my limb into my
foot. I live Ilse blocks from my work and
had to stop and rest several time* in going
and coming. I could get no relief trom
my trouble and we oaf the point of giv-
ing up my job when I happened to hear of
hood's Sarsaparilla. I purchased a bottle
of thio medicine and a vial of Hood's Pills
and began taking them. Before 1 lead
heat finished them I was relieved and it
vas not long before I was completely
cured. I *ever lose an epportanity to
praise Hood's. Sariisperfila, for ley eitrs
meant a great deal to roti, at I have ■ tan -
Hy and must slwnay* be at my post."
'Witt,ranc HAtotarr, yardman, strand
Trunk Railroad depot, Brantford, Ontario.
Hood's Sarsaparilla
Is the Dost--ln fact the One Trainload ruriifef•
Sold by and druggists. $1; six for $S.
1KOod's Pills iris; I:"'*.e