The Wingham Times, 1898-07-22, Page 3TIEE WINGIT . 1 TIMES, JULY 22, 1 8 t8,. MUNYON'S CONVERTS The People of Canada Are Satis- fied and Convinced. ALL WILL TESTIFY That Munyon Has Kept Faith With The People and Made Good HIS PROMISES 3iib ' Remedies aro Becoming the Safeguard of the Homo -The Peo- ple Have Trusted and Bravo Not Been Deceived. . Mrs, D. Davis, Trenton, Ontario, Cam Lada, says: "Mine has been n marvellous mire of eczema by Munyon's Remedies. 'When I began usln; these remedies I wn aeovered from head to foot with scabs. I muttered the most intense agony from the 'irritation and pain. I felt so batt that I believed It impossible to ever get well I had sacci a number of remedies to effect a care. but instead, I was getting worse 1 was In Grace hospital for three months, but they could not help me. I finally de- clded to try Munyou, and after nslng Mun- ron's Salve and other remedies I received Immediate relief. The medicine seemed to /help and cool the irritation. I am happy to say now that I have not a mark on my body and feel it is my duty to tell withers of the wonderful eure which has been effected in my case. I hove nnbonnd- od faith In Munyon's treatment and heart- ily recommend his remedies."• ' Munyonei Itheumatie Cure seldom tails fo ra', 'hove in ono to threw hours and curea In a feW, (hays. P, rice 25e. Munyon'e Dyspepsia Cure positively cures all' forms of indigestion and stomach troublea.i Trice 2Gc.c..•, +� tdunyon'a Cad Cnre prevents pneumonia mall breaks up a Bold 1n a few hours. Price 25e. Munyon's Canal. Cure stops coughs, night %weate, allays soreness and speedily heals the lungs. Price 25e. Munyon'a Kidney Cure -speedily cures pains • 3n the back, loins or groins, and all forms ,cf llddncy disease. Price 25e, Munyon's Nerve Cure stops nervousness end' 'builds up the system. Price 23e. Munyon'a Headache Cure stops beadacha ltd Urea minutes. Price 25c. A.tunynn's Tile Ointment positively curse id Smith; of piles. ,Price 25e. Alnnynn's Blood Cure eradicates all tmpttrttlee' svt the blood. Price 25e. ittunyon's Female Remedies area boom to all 'women. Airnyon's Catarrh Remedies never fill. The *Catarrh Cure -price 25c: eradientea the Manse ,from the system, and the Catnrrh'Tablete-price• 5o. -cleanse and heal the parts, Munyon's Asthma Remedies relieve in thiels; wntnutea and cure permanently. Price $l. itunyon's Vitalizer, . n great tonic sad ri': istorer of vital strength to weak people.' $1. • A separate cure for each disease, At all drug., rusts. mostly -25 oents,a vial.. Personal letters to Prot, lionyon, 1105 •\' ch St., Philadelphia, Pa , U.S.A., answered with free wedi- .ral advice tot any disonso, AiW&YS DY OEALWAYS REA VT FOR WAR.. %N(OLAND'S RAPIDI'r' IN PREPARING FOR OFFENSIVE OR DEFENSIVE ACTION. It can no longer be said that Great I31 itain W unprotected. The coast defences were never more complete or efficient. Might around our shores stretch these many defenses not iso- lated and therefore of' little account, but fimming a linked protection, with the telegraph or telephone at hand to respond at naval headquarters in London to the slightest warning, and frori! 1't' hiteliall there branch off private wires to the gi eat arsenals of Purtsn oath, Chatham and Sheer- ness. A few words flow any points on the coast, be it' n isolated coeslgtlai•d station or a lonely guardship, may In an hour or two have led to orders of national import being flashed over sleeping towns and villages to the naval commander-in-chief at the coast, and before the outside world ke•ws of impending danger all the machinery of defense will be ih readiness for an emergency. That this is no ex iggeratigrt those may judge who remember the hasty com+ inissioning of the particular service squadron in January, 1896, when the German Emperor's ill-judged telegram to President - Kruger set England ablaze with anger. Before even the Times announced the decision of the government to form this new squadron, "to do any- thing and go Anywher'e,' as Mr. Goschen explained, the telegraph in• struments at Whitehall had been vigorously ticking, ard, unknown to the public, the admirals at Chatham, Portsmouth and Devonport had had their orders. By the time the world was awake the preparations for com- missioning the ships had commenced, and in a few days a squadron of powerful modern vessels was fitted oat and ready for any task. When the necessity arises, no less promptly mill the- machinery 'lt defence be again put to the test, possibly on a more extensive scale.— Chambers' Journal. Attentive Listener. The eminent exhorter came (lawn from the pulpit at the close of the services. Many people pressed for- ward to shake hint by the ballet He _accepted their cougratulations with a smiling face,. but his eyes were on a eertein auditor, whn lingered in the .:aisle. The great preaches' pressed `through the throng about him and =extended his hand to the waiting 2nai1. 1 went to thank you, he said in Its deep, musical tunes, for the close atteutiou you --gare my remarks. Your upturned face was inspiration to rhe; I aro sure you never changed ymu• earnest attitude during my -sermon.' 'No,' said the man, 'I hove a stiff neck.'—C'teveland Plain Dealer. . hlidrel•1 C for Sell O ti it I A a It is Safe to Follow. The exanttla or the millions of women who have tus,de the Diamond ID) es their chosen and only dyes for dou,estiu dye- ing. The faith of all is so firmly estab- lished in the powers and and exoellence of the Diamond 1)yeel that they would not lice any other make, even if the com- mon des were -given tree of oust. Valuable and useful goods should not be experimented ou with poor and un- tried package dyes. Hula and loss of goods and money will tweet the users of adulterated dyes, Follow the safe example of the earth's millions and use the Diamond Dyes,and success, happiness and pleasure will he your reward. Old Times Have Changed, Etc. The girls of the present day may fcongratulaue themselves that times 'lave changed since 1670. In that year the following curious act was passed by the English rarlitiment '•Ail women of whatever age, rank Ale or profession or degree, whether virgins, Maids or widows, that shall from and id'ter the passing of this act impose upon and entrap into matrimony any of His Majesty's male subjects by scents, paints, cos zneties. washes, artiticitl teeth, false .air, Spanish wool, iron staya, hope's, high heeled shoes, or bolstered hips, shall incur tnc penalty of the law now in force against witeheraft, sorcery and suchlike uli:ademeanors, land that flet t1Lf1'i'i:lte upon eonY- viction, ei. ih stand buil avid void. 1 ,..._.-.-...e.....`... Cripe When you take Hood's Pills. The big, old -rash. Stated, sagar•veated pills, winch tear you all to *deeps, :tin not in It pith Hood's. i'nay totalte attd easy to operate. la true of hood's tills, width are ttr Alpo) too "very r y rc 1 e0 t. %; Safe, ecr+niu autism". MI 41rutttatt'.. `<e. ('. t. lto•1 St co., Lowell. d'o'n. 'rite only I'.Iis C., take w itll Cloud's Sarhauarllls. BEINIEFICIAL EFFECTS OF COFFEE. A MEDICAL .'JOUItNAI. THINKS IT IS PREFERABLE TO TEA IN ITS SGS'r.tINI\ti4 PuWER. It is Extreme Folly To use medicine to cure effeots instead of using Paine'e Celery Compound' to get rid of the cause, Paino's Celery Compound will mnke you well and strong All the while you are using it the nerves gain in power and strength, the diges- tive organs are fully toned, and lost health is rapidly returning. It is extren.e folly to neglect the insig- nificant ills, aohes, pains and tired feel- ings that some people look upon as mere trifles. You should remember that the hot summer weather aggravates the little ills of life, and these little ills frequently develop serious disturbauees and deadly diseafes. Paine's Celery Compound should be used at once to brace. up the diseased nerves, purify the blood and fortify the system, Weak children, trail andweary wo.nen, and tired and broken-down men find it new existence in Paine's Celery Compound, nature's true life giver, i'IItST NIGHT IN A SLEEPER. THE GREEN TRAVELER GOT READY FOR BED ON THE PLATFORM. A traveler from the short grass country boarded No. 1 at Dodge City a few nights ago. Ile wore long white whiskers and a wide brimmed white hat, and he stood 6 feet 6 inches. His boots wore neatly blacked, and norroommimmareorppomm 0,10^0....MMRP11......4 owe.* s. A Problem 1n Mute Love Alaking. Paul Milliken, who is quite an ex- pert in the language of deaf mutes 1 says that one Morning he was coming down on the Avondale ear, when he became interested in a discussion between two mutes. 'Say, I want your advice,' said one of them, using his bands as vocal organs, 'I shall be happy to oblige you,' said the other 'Are you ftp on the tricks of women ?' inquired the first one. The second man modestly admitted that he knew something of the gentler sex, although he dieetaimed being an oracle, 'Well,' resumed the one who wanted advice, 'you know I and in love with Mabel -that pretty little blond you know. At last I made up my mind to propose to her. Last night I made the attempt.' 'And she turned you down ?' eager- ly inquired his friend, his hands trembling so with excitement that he stuttered badly, 'That is what I a.rn coming to,' said the first. 'I don't know whether she did or nut. You see, I was somewhat embarrassed, and the words seemed to stick on my hands. And there she slit as demure as a dove. Finally my finger's clove he had on a new suit of clothes. It was together, and I could not say a word. was not at home in The n Mabel got up and closed the apparent that he his new to _ gery. Ile was going to gas down.' . g'n California. he explained, to visit his • 'Well ?' oldest son, who was a prosperous `Well, what is bothering me is fruit raiser on the coast. lie had this : Did sbe do that to encourage engaged aberth in thePulllnau, and me and relieve my embarrassment, he asked the conductor where it was. "Right here, sir'," said the con- ductor as be pointed oat the section. "Do you sleep in it that way, all curled up on a seat?" he asked in amazement. '"No ; it will be made up when yon : are ready to retire." The man did not exactly know what "made tip" meant, but he asked no more questions. He Eat in the drawing room and smoked, and finally he said to the conductor. "Well, guess I'll turn in." "Alright, sir. Your berth is made up.e The man walked into the main part of the car. Then he went back to the drawing room. "They all look alike;" he said. "1 ou'11 have to show me mine," The conductor showed him to his! berth and left him. The than looked at it. Then be went back to the rear platform of the car and closed' the door. Ili a few minutes he stuck his het,d in the car dour and snout -1 ed: "Look out, I'►n coining," and he made a run for his berth witb his clothes, or the mess of them, under his arm. Its the morning he stuck iris head out between the curtains and called the conductor. "How in thunder am I going to get out on the platform to dress with all these people looking ?" The conductor explained to him that he would have to dress in the both. He did so, but it took hint two hours.—Topeka Capital. A v,•oman writer who gave up coffee recently found that she was unable to continue her writing with any success until she had resorted again to the stimulating beverage. Without it her mind was loggy and heavy. The Medical Times quotes.an authority on the subject of preserihing 'coffee as a medicine in certaiu states of great debility, and adds : "Tea and coffee seem to be much alike in many respects,' but the latter is greatly 'preferable as to its sustaining power. It would be a great advantage to our working classes, and a great help toward the further development of social sob, riety, if coffee wet a to come into. greatly increased use, and if the ability to make it well could be acquired. As en example of the difference of effect of tea and coffee opo i the nerves, the writer notes what he believes many sportsmen will confirm, than it is far better to drink coffee than tea when shooting.- Tea, hooting.Tea, if strong or in any quantity, especially if the indit'idunl be not in very robust health, will induce a sort of •llet'vousness whicn is very preiudiealtosteady sho'sting. ruder its influence one is alit to shoat too tludeltly, whereas c-'liec steadies the eland and gives quiet nerves." or did she do it so we could nut see to talk in the dark, and so stop my propose!?'—Cincinnati Enquir„r. SORE'S GONE. SKIN CLAAR Mrs. Philip Mitchell, St. Marys. Ont., says :-" bly little boy aged 10, was a complete mase of sores, unused by bad blood. We conld tind nothing to cure him. Finally 1 ma a bottle of Burdock Blood Bitters. and t•elure half the bot- tle was gone he began to improve, and by the time the bottle wad finished he bad not a sore on him." ITI'dOBfor ff:'lilA1l,T and NrEUVES, .ltilburn's Heart and Nerve Pills cure .ill:t'Mlfl, NArvotISnet5. Sleeplserness, SVeeknesa,Palpitat loll, 'l+hrobbing,t`ahit [~pelts, l-itrzi+lnes. or afny tronditton ar- rising in in Impov.•riei nll Blood, Dia- ordeted Nerves, o1' Week heart. For Over Fifty Years. A OLD AND \LLt.-TIDED Rt itixnv' - Mrd, Wfnslow's Soothing Syrup hits been used for over fifty years by mil- lions of mothers fc,r their children while teething, with perfect success. It soothes the child, softens the gurus, allays all pain, cures wind colic, and• is the hest tehredy for diarrhoea. • Is pleasant to the taste, Sold by druggists in every part of the world. 'Twenty-hve cants as ni t'ph9rlt'. bottle. Its value is incaluable. Be cure and tisk for Mrs. Witaslow's Soothiug Sys up, and take no.other:lrind • Cement Floor for Cow Stable. Secure good drainage that water cannot stand underneath the floor ; make a solid foundation t'roin 2 to 0 inches Mitch of durable broken material. as stone or brickbats well pounded down ; over this spread a coating 1 or 2 inches thick of one ,,alit good, fresh cement to two parts ereou., sharp sand, thoroughly mixed wile dry, alicE then enough mortar added to make tr stiff mortar. The mortar should be so stiff that it will nut spread. too easily and but a small quantity should be wet up ata time Dampen the surface of the stone er brick before spreading the mortar to enure a firm union. The first coating applied should I fill all the spaces between the broken alaterial and be thoroughly pounded clown and the surfalce be left some- what rough. It should also Pe kept damp by sprinkling or by covering sly a wet cloth until it is thorpughly bit"ti. Then it second coating may be applied in the sxrne manner, ex- cepi it,5t insreahl of peunding it may be worked down and, smoothed with a trowel. Such a. boor ought not to be used fur sl nu'tith after being laid in of der that the mortar may become perfectly solid and dry.—Professor 1. P.I.oberte. CURESThe revival meetings which Messrs 4dU �� Crossley and Matter f t» tied at Watcardown about the orifi(+ :• 'f Jone have been brongh( rt. a •:f na), and Rheumatism Banish. the cvange lista; b,w,- ,;':n" r.', Delhi. ed Like Magic. The Wttte►•down series was c;onsider- ed 0 most sacceest'ul ono Conver- A Marvella.4s Statement -:Re- dolls numbering 20;i were reported. liof from One Dose. Ur, E. W. Sherman, proprietor of the BABY DPt.IGHTNESS Sherman House, Morrishurg, Ont. Is known Soon fades when Diarncinn seizes on file by thousands of Canadians, hence the fol- be form. r)i', Fowlers' Extract of in - lowing statement from AIr. Sherman will Wild Strawberry, has sars'ft arae in - be read '•itis great Interest and pleasure• flints' at u t 11 ad .!.'i t+lt'' hien, Mrs. i'V, "I have been cured of rheumatism of ten �t'altar�, lttcls tilt till itis<et, Elamflton, years' standing in three days. One bottle. ,, of SOUTH AMERICAN RHEUMATIC, t)tit., Satre : 1 etlt'Wl illy baby of a bad CURE performed this most remarkable cure, fatties of 1:i'iii l('".f, by tint ng 111. Fowlers The effects of the first dose of South Amer!. I!;xtract of Wife ititi•aw:tirrr;. Nothing' can Itheumatie Cure were truly wondt•rtuI. I e;se tlir'1 isny. „food, batt I h n tasti,y ttnpruv- have only token due bottlo of the r! lu• ell fr.,a• tits+ fir:.t dose of the Wild Straw- edy, and now haven't any sign of rhoutna- itty.,' Um in my system. It did sue More good than all the doctoring I ever die In my • life," -211, Sold at Hamilton's .Drug Store. Brantford expects C. V. I?., con- nection this t'frar by way of Wood- stock. Children Cry for There are said to be D. -suicides ainor g miners than . . ny other claws of work I'', ' STOR IA. .l. ;1 Flagg, pollee magistrate of Mitchell, triad from an over.Iuse of Long Lawsuits, No English court e1 er was able to keep.a suit relive for so long as some French tribttnels . have managed to do. Three French lawsuits have been veritabe Motllnselat.h s of liti- a=atton. One begun in 120 by the Comte de Nevel's against the inhahi tants of Donzey, went on •till 1,813, n� second, begun in MI by the inhahi tants of Campari lig»inst, thnse of Bagneres, went on till 1892. lint there is a third, also begun in lin'd by the Same Canipnn folk against four Villages in .lilea.tl, which is stili going on on, a ''tide six centenarian and dotihtleis "looking wondorfally young for its este of life," as hale old people do. Ml these three sans al's contests about :forest rights and pastm'e rights. • It you Su'tl'er froter tabfbit, boils, pimpled or lfyou r nerves are weak and your sys- 'tetn run down, you should take Hood'a Sarsaparilla. (ONSTWATIONI re You of those who, when business is dull, don't adverbs& ? Have you ever considered what a mistake that is ? When business is brisk you are hound to tet a share in what it going. Of course, you can increase your trade by advertising liberally then, But when the "off" season is on, why not try and capture the cus- tomers who are getting the necessaries of life. It's your own fault, or there is something wrung with your advertising, if you don't succeed. The best business men of the; world say that if you have something that every day people want and you can make them know that you have it, you are on the road to a great business success. There is no other way of telling these people anything you wish them to know quite equal to the advertisement in the local newspaper. You cannot utilize the local new' 'iwer in a bet- ter manner than by advertising in Tin: Times. 1vA' by ? Because TILE TniEs reaches all classes of people in the Town of Wint;ham, and in the County of Huron and immediate vicinity. Tit;: l'IMES goes into the home in every section. advertisers have found that a liberal use of its columns have paid them. Why not you ? In the summer especially should the bowels be kept free, so that no poisonous material shall remain in the system to ferment and decay and infect the whole body. No remedy has y et b: eti found equal. to B.B,B, for ,cu ring Constipation, even the most chronic said stub- I bora cases yield to its influence. "I cannot say tot) Much in favor of I • fiufttoek Mood Sitters, as Moro is, no 'I remedy equal to it for On Cure of Con- stipation. t'i`e always kcr1, it in lite house as a getnt.ral fame} me,iit itis, and tt'ould not be without it." MRS.. JACOB MOS1IE1 , Pictou Landing, N,s. • 'fi.1 S.n, riot only cores Constipation, but is the bestrentetty B ltnt„vn for Bilious- ti es s, Byapepsia,Burdock . $till r Stot11aLelt, A lice I it-er 00 hc.. .rbust , Complaint. Kidney • Disease and BlOcsd Bittersm ONE GIVES RELIEF. Don't SDollar for Medicine until you have tried You can buy them in the paper 5-ccnt cartons Ten Tabules for Five Cents. 1l1L sort to put ep ohn+aply to snuffy th• naivsrsal pr.ue t,isrnasl t.r t low Vials If you don't find this sort of Ripans TabuLs At the Druggit's Send'Five Centi to Tiut IktrANs C1tErnCA1 COMPANY, 1,TO. lie ,lance St„ New VArlt, and they will be s>t:t t r yam by rnaill t4k i. ;:.r tons will ;s.' mailed for 4 cemt.. "r' ,•'..assess are t >-t it ma that IRipans T:t'.aules ate the very :tit.: i.t,, you i#