The Wingham Times, 1898-07-22, Page 2rIILE WINGHAM TIMES, JULY 22, 1898.
Otte -twelfth of the 1 ct+i'le of I:t ;:-
land ;1.;tl.4r rl:ure ter Ies.t from f:t'nt
fta tltrttuadt tale orchard
ally and see tubi there are no st e':.era
growing. front the roots of the :rets
to silt the btret:gel of the mein
1.1.14•14 ,41.0141ae..x-.—,lv.,...,..e..,.
ne itevely euree by 'these
Little Pills.
They also relieve Distress from Dyspepsia,
indigestion and Too Hearty Eating. A per -
feat remedy for Dizziness, Nausea, Drowsi-
ness, Bad Taste in the Mouth, Coated Tongue
Pain in the Side, TORPID LIVER. They
r. g....ate the I:ewels. Purely Vegetable.
taxi:Pei. Small Dose.
t? � Price.
oiliail,,.. .
the fraud. of the day.
See you het Carter's,
Ask for Carter's,
Insist and. demand
Carter's Little Liver Pills.
Saved from. being a Nervous Wreck
For the benefit of Canadian mothers,
who have daughters who are weak, pale,
run down or nervous, Mrs. Belanger, 128
Rideau Street, Ottawa, Ontario, made the
following statement, so that no one need
suffer through ignorance of the right
remedy to use: "Aly daughter suffered
very much from heart troubles at times.
Often she was so bad that she could not
speak, but had to sit and gasp for breath.
She was so extremely nervous that her
limbs would fairly shake and tremble.
Frequently she would have to leave school;
and finally she grew so weak that we were
much alarmed about her health. I gave
her many remedies, but they did not seem
to do her any good.
Then I heard of Milburn's Heart and
Nerve Pills, end ;'ot r., box of them, and
they hays '.:'
her. I can recom.L.,....::., .:_ .cl ,
as the best remedy I ever heard of- for
complaints similar to those from which
my daughter suffered."
Milburn's Heart and Nerve Pills never
fail to do good. They cure palpitation,
faintness, dizziness, mothering sensation,
weakness, uervouen. ss, sleeplessness, anae-
mia. female test, ';lei and general debility.
Sold by all sir::{ r igts a t 50c. a box or
three boxes for 51.25. T. Milburn & Co.,
Toronto, Ontario.
A Strong Nation
Omelets t•f eti(ing men and healthy wo-
Wee. at ti health tend strength depend
teen pure, 1it•tt nlood which is gt''eu by
Hood's ii,irt aperiila. A nation which
tis-' melons of betties of Hood's Ser-
e tlt::rilla every )war is laying the foan
intiene for health the wisdom of which.
t1•iit:4;11.1y show itself in years to come.
an t ac—,y/ aced ;".:T'i..t rm'9. il aS�lutlnl Edd',
e'emcvreng OR poisons and iisi'ia
spi ree:de .. T zee cures Constrlia=
nese, Ei1j7_ ^la,"8t352, Sour Stom-
ach, J°- tend''^
4.� ...�.n,..te aril Liver Cmm-
CaeI:*t:LNsPTiart slid
t to%1
1.@':i( I1DII115ASES.
. t.3''Il3TII 611 or QtIOe0,
p®, �,�. c•mn'aatg, EOM'
GD' APi'rnQTr.
r►nr.;:211 ' t. the Itea:enee or talertic1O
urs mo%t rnanirent.
Dy nil . e 11. D. & L. Emulsion, I have
goto I, rid. f h:c.,....ufc rot-ghwhichhadtrenblcd
me f',r e r
a yc::r, Lave gained cz nsider-
T. N. vVINCHHAM, C.E.. '•.c t:cab
40:. unit $1 per Dottie
DA: 3&LAV' !c ECO.,i. ,
1 00IrS P11.1e' are prompt. etlkknt,
t:itist; r )rliab)e, easy to taste et s, , to t p-
'.'ret to. 252.
The Presbytery of Maitland per-
eorteed a pleasing' service in Knox
¶ lltlrcll, Ripley, on Monday of last
week, when Rev, (\vein Sitielair was
ferntally inducted into the pas'oral
e har;e of said church and that of
Knox church, Bervie. Ten members exuberant vitality that makes itself'
et Presbytery were present and evict, heard and seen—this in striking
them evert+ associated as correspond- eontrast to the extreme quietude and
ing members Lev. Mr. Franklin, (11 precision of the grown up members
the Episcopal (starch, and Rev. ler, "It is sometimes asked how Shalc-
Swtlun, of the Methodist church, ers amass themselves. A pertinent
Ripley. 1 answer would be that they do not
The Rev. Dr. eferray acted as appear to feel the need of amusement
moderator pro tempore. There was because their days and hours are so
present a fair congregation consider- full of interest. Nevertheless such
ing the busy season among the farm need is provided fur, two evenings
ing community. The edict of incite in the week being set apart for social
tion was certified as having been pleasures, conversation, music, reel -
read to the congregations concerned. tation, reading aloud, etc., in which
The Rev. Mr. West, of Bluevale, both sexes participate. In summer
preaan ched
hisnext, cellMalacr-t aisepleasant outdoor reunions are held."
and spoke with fervency and freedom
on the relining influences and power
of the gospel as regards nations and
society, and of its influence and
power in the progress of reining
churches and individuals. This was
Mr. West's first appearance before a
Ripley audience and a favorable 1
iuiptession of his ability as a preach-
er was tna(le.
The sermon being over the Modera•
tor narrated the steps taken towards
filling the vacancy made over a year
ago by the resignation of the late
lamented Rev. A. Sutherland, since
which time DIr. Sinclair has supplied
Knox ebureh, Ripley, and li nos
church, Bervie. It is most gratifying
to see the unaniinity and heartiness
of this call given after a year's ex-
perience of the ministry of Air. Sin-
elair, and minister and people are to
be congratulated on the cordiality
with which they enter the relation of
pastor and people.
The Moderator put to DIr. Sinclair
the usual questions at induction, to
which he gave. satisfactory answers
and expressed bis willingness to sign
the formula. The Moderator after
prayer inducted Mr. Sinclair to the
pastoral °barge of Knox church,
Ripley, and Knox church, Bervie,
and gave him the right hand of
feliuwhi,ih an also did the other mem-
bers of Presbytery and corresponding
members present; and Mr. Sinclair's
name was placed on the Presbytery
Rev. Mr. MacFarlane addressed
the newly inducted minister on the
duties and privileges of his office as
an ambassador, watchman and
under -shepherd. Dr. Murray ad-
dressed the congregations in English
on the duties arising out of the new
relation in which they now stand to
their pastor. Rev. Mr. tdiller follow-
ed in the same line in Gaelic. The
congiegationS with much heartiness
joined in praise. This closed a most
interesting and enthusiastic service.
The harmony and cordiality of the
call augurs well for a pastorate of
usefnllness and prosperity. Loyalty
to the pastor and love and kindness
on the part of the people, may con-
fidently he predieted from their past
The newly inducted pastor, accom-
panied by Rev. Mr. Maclennan,
took his place at the door of the
church where the people on retiring
cordially welcomed their minister by
a hearty hand shake.
At the cordial invitation of the
'session the members of Presbt tery
atA correspondicg members repair-
,eri to the Knox churetl manse lawn
where tables were spread with a
alr:ptuous repast prepared by the
laQjies who were most attentive in
ery=ink; their guests. The kind hos-
p,it:siity seown on the manse lawn
will not be forgotten.
A lawn social was announced to
be Held in the evening. Among the
speakers present we noticed Mr. 3.
Tolmie, M. P., Mr. 3. S. Macdonald,
ex -M. P. P. and Rev Mr. !'Vest.
:It elX MAt':wAm,
LucknOW, July 12, 1308.
The 1,Vansome Shaker Girl,
"A shaker gill et•mes very near
the poet's ideal in all the sweet en-
dowments of maidenhood," writes
Madeline S. Betdges of the Shakers
of Mount Lebanon, New York,. in
the Ladies' Houle Journal. 'She is
frank, modes., gentle, refitted in
voice and movemnent and with that
utter unconsciousness of self as rare
as it is delightsome in this age of
self assertive feminity. The Soaker
boy—but why speak of inipossihili
ties? I will not say that no Shaker
was ever a boy, but I firmly incline
to think that no boy was ever a
Slut ker.
The growing youths at Lebanon
were hearty and healthy as outdoor
air sand exercise could make them,
and full of . fun and ntiechief--the
A Qii11C'is CURE FOR
valziahl,: Remaly In all
affectotu of tee
t._` 1,8 fi'sftl 1, 25c. t'
Lterary Notes.
The August number of The Felin. I
eator is called the Midsummer Num•
ber, and presents many features
which emphesize the interest of the
magazine for all members of the
household. The article in the series
on Amateur Photography, by Sharlot
WI. Ball, should prove of practical
value to the expert as well as the
novice. A titnely sketch on the
Woman of Cuba, by Kate Coventry,
throws a bright light on their house-
hold life and is intensely interesting.
The Tingles Sang Truce, a romantic
war story by Francis Lynde, is
charmingly appropriate at this time.
The George Washington Memorial
Asuctation, by Carolyn Halsted,
discusses the progress made towards
the realization of Washington's con-
ception of a great national university.
Heart Troubles, by Grace Peckham
Murray, 111, D., the article in the
series on the Common Ills of Life, is
an admirable treatment of a subject
of nniversat concern. The second
paper on The Voice, by Eleanor
Georgen, eontalns many useful sug-
gestions thet may he readily applied.
Club Women and Club Life, a de-
partment conducted by Helen M.
Winslow, invites the attention of all
club women. In. Girls' Interests and
Occupations. by Lafayette McLaws,
will be found entertaining and timely
hints for girls. Summer Desserts,
Choice and Varies, Home -Made Ices,
I3W h H k Verse -
BLOWER INCLUDED. 9,5e., acts mag-
ically and cures quickly. One applica-
tion allays plus, (nears the passage, re-
duces inflammation and gives comfort.
Cures cold in the heed, Hay Fever, Rose
Fever. Catarrhal Deafness thud all head
and throat afflictions which if not taken
n dale will lead to Chronic Catarrh and
ater consumption. It is sur?, pure and
harmless, easily applied.
Honcring a Huron Boy.
The gentleman alluded to in the
following paragraph taken from the
Toronto Mail of Wednesday is an
old Huron boy and the sun of 11r.
A. L. Gibson, Registrar of Iiuron :
"Mr. Tom Gibson, secretary of the
Ontario Bureau of Mines, who is
attending the American Mining Con-
vention, now ill session in Salt Lake
City, as the official i epresentative of
the Provincial Government, has
score l a great success, according to
the reports which have reached
Toronto. The convention is a vert'
important and representative elle,
comprising delegates front all the
leading mining centres in the lenitcti
States, and it is no small using forMr. Gibson to have produced the
favorable impression which he seems
to have wade, judging by the rep'irt,
in the local press. One Salt Lake
City paper refers in the following
complimentary terms to the Ontario
Government's representative : "Or-
atorically speaking the gem of the
whole convention was the speech
delivered by 'Thomas A. Gibson, the
delegate from Toronto. Mr. Gibson
introduced his talk on the mineral
wealth of his province with a refer-
ence to the sympathy of Canada for
the United States in its battles for
the extension of human liberty. Be-
fore he got tar in this vein the dele
gates awake to the fact that they
were hearing the one eiognentspecch
of the day, and the applause that
followed almost every sentence
amounted to an ovation. After the
adjournment many of the delegates
shook hands with Mr. Gibscn, and
congratulated him on his speech.” The trouble with a woman's feet
11ore than 1,000,000 cats' skins is that she does not rest them pro-
perly. The spread without any
are used every year in the fur trade. necessity for spreading. Even wo:
---men who do not work sufer from en
largement of the feet. At 20 they
wear twos, at thirty they wear
threes, and at 40 they wear fours.
Their feet do not grow and they do
not wear any more "sensible" shoes
than they one did, but they have
rested their feet in the wrong way,
and they have spread, they have let
the muscles take the wrong direct:
When the inatop of a foot is tired
the wearer should strip the feet and
clothe them in light stnckinga Upon
her'' feet she should wear a slipper
totatiy different from the one just
worn, higher oe lower as the case
may be. They should then Ile down
tune upon her fate and spread the
foot out until the instep is resting
every inch of its breadth on a pillow
The foot is now at ease. The mos:
eles rest and strengthen, and the
foot at the same time preserves its
adorable areh, the arch prized by alt
th3se who love a pretty foot. If any
who read this think it nonsense let
theta try this method of resting and
see how successful it really is.—Ex-
of eat er ouse eepmg,
tables in New Guises and Provision
for the House -Work form an excel-
lent group of Household Subjects,
and a characteristic variety of special
and general information is offered in
the regular departments.•
Order from the local agent for the
sale of Butteriek Patterns, or address
The Delineator Publishing Co. of
Toronto, Litnited, 33 Richmond St.,
West, Toronto, Ont. Subscription
price of The Delineator, $1.00 per
year, single copies 15e.
Presbytery of Huron.
The Presbytery met in Goderich
on the 12tH inst. Mr, Fletcher was
appointed moderator for the ensuing
six months. Comrnis'sioners to as-
sembly reported their attendance at
the meeting of that court in Montreal.
The standing committee for the yearappointed, of which the following are in
eonveners:Mr. Acheson, home mis-
sis ; Mr. Anderson, church life and
welt ; Mr. Graham, Sabbath schools;
• M. Shaw, finance; Mr. Stewart,
superintendence of students; Mr. J.
S. Henderson, Christian Endeavor ;
Mr. eleLean, augmentation ; Dr. Me
Donald, foreign rnissions. Mr. Fe
Matheson, P. .A., student, read a,
discourse, which was heartily ap-
proved of. Mr. R. W. Dickie, B. A.,
1 was licensed to preach the gospel,
after undergoing the usual examine -
time which was cordially sustained.
!Revs. Messrs. Wilson, or Niagara
Fella, and .'McKay, of Goderich, be-
ing present, were invited to sit and
deliberate. The next meeting will.
be held in Clinton on.September 13th,
at 10 o'clock a. m.
Mr. W. Franks, in charge of the Grand
Trunk Engine Shops, Port Dover, Ont.,
say :—"Four boxes of Doan's Kidney
Pills cured are of a very bad athlete of
Kidney Complaint and Lame Back.
Care of the Feet.
Perhaps they're the source of your ill
i health and you don't know it.
' Here's how you can tell
If you have Back Ache or Lame Back.
If you have Puffiness under the Eyes
or Swelling of the Feet.
If your Urine contains Sediment of
any kind or is High Colored and
If you have Coated Tongue and
Nasty Taste in the Mouth.
If you have DizzySpells, Headaches,
Bad Dreams,- Feel Dull, Drowsy,
Weak and Nervous. Then you have
Kidney Complaint.
The sooner you start taking
Children Cry for
t T RIA.
the more quickly will your health return.
They've cured thou-
sands of cases of kid-
ney trouble during the
past year. If you are
a sufferer they can
Cure you.
Book that tells all
about Doan's Kidney
Pills sent free to any
The Moan Kidney Pill Tit,"
CO., Toronto, Ont.
• .,, ^ t, Oat
Wit: -Nesse.
*^i!.'•it ,t►e:tali l':n.Ytii..�,
hat is
Castorie, is Dr. Samuel Pitcher's proscription for Infants
and Children. It contains neither Opium, ''Morphia° nor
other Narcotic substance. It is a harmless substitute
for Paregoric, Drops, Soothing,- Syrups and Cantor Oil.
It is Pleasant. Ito guarantee is thirty years' use by
Millions of Mothers. Cal toric destroys Worms ants.
allays 1<evee shness. Ca_storie, rrevents vomiting Sour
Curti, cures Ditl.ITheca and Wind Colic. Casteria relinvMS
'".Teething troubles, e Cres Coustipatiort and Flatulency.
Castoria assimilates the Food, regulates the Stomach
and. Bowels, giving 1' caitliy and natural sleep. Castrria
is the Cbildreit't; F''anacca-the Mother's Friend.
Oasto ia.
"Castorin, is an excellent medicine for I
children. Mothers have r'cpe:.tedly told ins
of its good (Reel upon their c',ildren."
Ur.. G. C. °swoon, Lovell, Afars.
ep e
Oastor'i R,.
"f'itstorf is s5 well adapted to children
that I recommend 0 as superior to any pre-
scription known to ate."
A. Aaemat, M. D. Brooklyn, :V. K.
Tilt Ce,. -FUR CO,APF , r T :.'unnav-T.•rET erW Y -!N Ci+v.
t;�:s1t••4 � lett i'- - Y ..'�`� R '-i,y- a� ,x. '• �..-i�TM't � . tI`Fra�. S+��'t '"++—�Tf 2''�7'
It's important you should have natur•
al action of the bowels; Pursing and
griping do vir'lenee to the system. Laxa•
Liver Pills are nature's own medicine
for all disorders of the Stomach, Liver
and Bowels. Cure Constipation by
toning the bowel wall and stimulating
the secretions. Leave no bad after
Unleached wood ashes make one,
of the very best fertilizers for the;
stra wherry. Ground bone is excel-
lent to apply to the raspberries.
ST 0 R
Infant;: ani, Children.
Elie fat•
oY z,
;e :ti
er hey
wrl ppsr,
Will stand wear and tear for
y ears. No better proof can
be given of their durability
than is shown by the fact
that some of these pumps put
in wells 25 years ago art
still working.
Supplied to Order..
Repairing promptly attended to.
SHOP—Diagonal St. opposite Beattie's
egineham, Ont,
The Leading Specialists of America
20 Years in Detroit.
250,000 Cured.
Thousands of young and middle-aged
men are troubled with this disease—many
unconsciously. They may have a smart-
ing sensation, small, twisting stream, e
sharp cutting pains at times, slight dis-
charge, difficulty in commencing, weak
organs, emissions, and all the symptoms
of nervous debility—they have STRIC-
TURE. Don't let doctors experiment on
You, by nutting, stretching, or tearing
you. 'Thiswill not cure ou,asitwillre-
MENT absorbs the stricture tissue;
hence removes thestrieturepermanently.
It can never return. No pain, no suffer-
ing, no detention from business by our
method. Tho sexnalorgausarestrength-
ened. Tho nerves are invigorated, and
the bliss of manhood returns.
` Thousands of young and insole -aged
men aro having their sexual vigor and
vitality continually sappers by this dis-
ease. They rro frequently unconscious
of the cause of these symptoms. General
Weakness, Unnatural Discharges, Fail-
ing Manhood, Nervousness, Poor
ory., Irritability at times Smarting Sen-
sation, Sunken Eyes, with dark circles,
Weal: Back, General Depression, Lack
of .Ambition,_Vericoccle Shrunken
Parts, ete. GLEET and STRICTURE
:nay bo the cause. Don't consult family
doctors, as they have no experience in
these• special diseases -don't allow
quacks to experiment on you. Consult
Specialists, w li, have made a lifo study of
Discs sea of Men and Women. Our NEW
tively cure you. Ono thousand dollars
for ease wo accept for treatment and
cannot cure. Terms moderato fora cum.
Wo treat and curet EMISSIONS,
FREE. If unable to call, shite for
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Caveats and Trade -Mark's obtained, and all patent
business conducted for MODERATES FEES. My
office Isla the immediate vicinity of the Patent Office
and my facilities for securing patents are unsurpassed
Send model
sketch photograph or
of invention, wiles
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tas to advantages claimed.
.QQ'Ifo clanrgo f.s anode for an opinion as to
patentabirit:}, and my fee for prosecuting the
application win not Se carred for anal the
patent 's altotved. "ittvr-sroas' Guna,t," con-
taining fust information sent free. All Comnount
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Anyone sending a sketch and description mar
quickly ascertain nor opinion free whether ant
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sent free. ()ideal agency for securing patents.
1'atente taken through Munn it Co. receive
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A handsomely ill nitrated weekiy. Largest sir.
t'nlation of any scienttac journal. Terms, ga a.
year; four months, fel. Sold by all newsdealers.
MUNN & Co .30 I Broadway, New ¥ark
Branch office. MS 1' St.,'Washington. D. C.