The Huron Expositor, 1978-07-13, Page 4ARNLD'J. STINNISSEN LIFE and Mortgage Insurance Plans Income Tax Deductable Registered Retirement Saving's Plans andOnuities. Income Averaging,Annuities Ask for our new Flexible Premium R.R.S.P. Te1.527-0410 117 GODERICH ST. EAST SEAFORTH — REPRESENTING — Suntife Assurance Company of Can,ada for ,19 years. CatherineFlanagan; Bevndette Morrison, 78 Roslin, Waterloo; Rosemary Corrwean, 602 Manchester Rd., Kitchener; Mr. and Mrs. Pat Carty; Britannle St., Stratford; Kim Marsden R.13.2, Staffa; Sandra Vandenbern,;FLR,2, Monkton; Mrs. Cyril Brown, R.R.1,,joSebringville; Bernadette Brown, RR.1,'Sebringville; Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Murray, R.R.5, Seaforth; Elva (Chawford) Brysge, Madge (Crawford) Berdsall, 320 West Mill, Etobicoke; Frank and Patsy Crowley, R.R.5, Seaforth; Louis Loobyr• Dublip; Margaret Looby, Dublin; Dale Cronin; Dublin; • Fr. Terse Van Bergen, R.19:1•-,--Dubff*,--Mary—RobInSoni- Mitchell; Evelyn Ristau (Moore), Mitchell; Audrey Watt (Moore) Mitchell; Mary M. Joynt, Toronto;. Mark Joynt, Tornto; Joe Jenkins, Toronto; Mrs., Russets Smith, Dublin; Mrs. Helen O'Rourke, R.R.2, Dublin; Mrs. Helen Krauskopf (O'Hara) London. Walter Bremner, St. Thomas; -Mary Bremner, •St. Thomas; Bernice Looby, Dublin; Louis Lc)oby, Dublin; Mildred (Moore) Torrance; Mitchell; Hazel Joan Drown, Mitchell; Tracey Saunders, Ottawa; Ivan Torreance, Mitchell; Jo Anne Evans, Niagara Fella; James Arnold, Niagara Falls; Frank Flanagan, Kitchener; Patricia Flanagan, Kitchener; Dongast B.J. Jim, Bill, Katie, McCauty, Urbana, 'Ohio; Kathy Baden 3229 Lancaster, S.H.; James Baden, 200769 Albony;"William C. Pollak, Sterling Hts., Michigan; Chip Costello, 49 Carrot St., Kitchener;Bea Costello, 916 Development,Or., Kingston; Jack Hagerty, ' 34 Bedford Dr„ Stratford; Mary Coyne, 27 Franklin St., Seaforth; Wilt Maloney, Joan Gaftrey; Ellen Manloney, Joe Looby, Dublin; Joan Maloney, Edna Looby, Dubiig; Christine Maloney, Joe Malady, Dublirl; Teresa Melady, Goderich; Tom Malady, Goderich. • Staffa; Mrs. and Mr$.'V. Gooder, London; Gordon Costello, Kurgston; Elizabeth Fleming, Dublin; Ken Whetham, Dublin. Ron Agar,. Essex; Pduline Agar, Essexj Mr. and Mrs. Len Dantzer, London; Mr. •and Mrs. Ron Dantzer, Chatham; Sandra Nell, Seaforth; Carol Anne McQuaid, Seaforth; Anne Marie McQuaid, Seaforth; Madonna • McQuaid, Seaforth Celeste MCCreight, Dublin; Joe and , Joan Meagher, Ottawa; Judy Dorsey, Dublin; Alvin Crawford; Mr. F. Costello, Dublin; Terry Marshall, Mitche114, Gord Eileen Johnston, Simcoe;-Don-and-Anne-Crackert-- London; Alberta Feeney, Dublin; Stephanie Holland Nieehcieel,Wiridsor; Ted Carvroll, Guelph; Mac RObertson, Guelph; Happy Angle McMahon (Ducharme), 734 Woburn Ave.; Bard Vorwson, Dublin; Peter Lowvregn, R.R:3, Mitchell; Phonse Meagher:Cambridge,,(P); Shirley Schmarr, Kitchener; Cathy Riddell, Mitchell; Carl Kramers,. R.R.3, Tara: Melodee Acton. • ' • Lewis, Denise, Paul,•Peter Kennedy, Box 1463, StoutfVille; Mr:and Mrs. Taylor and Amy, Cambridge; Steve Maloney; Mike Eckert; Vicky McCreight, Dublin; Loree. Russell, Flusseidale; Caroline Costello, Mitchell; Mr. and Mrs. Bert Barry, London; Mrs.. Madelyn • Ryan, R.R.2, Gadshill; Miss Colleen Ryan, R.R.2,. Gadshill; Gilbert Murray; Rose Flanaga; Velma Cook, Mitchell; Marq-,tiagarty, Bornholm; John P. Hagaity, Bornh lm; Sandra Butters, Edmonton; Ed:' & Isid"ra Conlin, Galewood Rd;,' Kitchener; Colleen Malady; Doreen Gouecl, 69 Anewen Dr., Toronto; John Gould, 69 Anewen Dr. Toronto; Cathy and Karl Sebuster and Paul, Sebringville; Mrs. Anna T. Kelly, Cole Rd., North Street, Michigan; Sister Mary Kierian C.S.J., 10 White St., • ,'St. Thomet. All 12 exposure $ 99 color negative rolls developed and printed Maximum -KEATING'S :PHARMACY' M. E. HOOVER, phm 6 l'hon4 5 27-1990 • Seaforth, KEATINGS lowers the price, on Photo Finishing 1,2X/2 PCILLIAIJE423 FOR OUR LOW PRICES ON FILM PROCESSING Maximum Good quality, Fast Dependable Service All 20 exposure' color negative -- rolls developed and printed PHOTO PRODUCTS GROUP SUPER PROCESSING Special ALL COLOUR NEGATIVE 12 EXPOSURE ROLLS DEVELOPED AND PRINTED 99 ONLY NO LIMIT ON QUANTITY-OFFER 'July 15 22 is ,' . —THE HU:Br EXPOSITORi UL,Y13,1970 Centemnial Eoans, 3860 Gunning (3r., Niagara Fails; Debbie Maloney, Dublin; John Hill, R.R.2, Staffa; Barb Kramer$, Dublin; Fery • and Anne 'Kelly, R.R.2, Dublin; Warren and Helen Regrie, R..R.8, Zurich; Vern `and Karen Lepine, Stoney Creek; Phillip Cain Barbie Lepine, Stoney Creek; Wilson, Angela Kerr, Chatham; Logan and Marie Ritchie, Fergus;•Margaret McLaughlin, St, Columban; Glenna Prince; Kingston; • Dorothy Deaney, Dublin; Fr. G. Dili, DublIn; "Trick" Jordan and Daisy., Online; Jack Molyneaux, There'd; Morley and Lots Hodgins, Islington, Terry and' Japkie .Mochter, Rexdale; Mary Ryan, Dublin; Charlie and Theresa Bonn, •Rexdale. .Bill and Marg Burn, Toronto; Ross and Lois Hoggarth, Mitchell; Veronica (Molyneaux) Etue; Mr. and Mrs. Matt Murray; Marie and Jerry Eckert, Owen Sound; NOrman and Jean McKing, Essex; Rlcke and Aolm Brozem, Dublin; Jack Flynn, Kitchener; Horace V. Coombs, Guelph; Velma A. Thiel, Guelph, Gwen Harburn, Staffa; Ruth Harburn, Staffa; Sharon, David, Shawn Eckert, Owen Sound; Jack and Marie Cleary, London; Danny' Holland, Toronto; Ray and Joao (Burdett) Hotham, London; Kathleen (Smith) Burns, .London; Vicki Vanhevel, Bornholm Paill and Noreen., Givilin and Anita, Windsor; Rose Sell, Detroit; Mrs. Usulin 'McLaughlin,. Mr. and Mrs. D. Dantzer, London; Rifr. and Mrs. Harry Ryan, Thamesford; Karen Morris, London; Colleen Morris, London; Shelly Driscal, Seaton h'."---s.„ Diane, Glen WeLitaufer, Mitchell; Marg. and Ray MCTleaed, Oshawa; Hubert Feeney, Waterloo; Kay and• Leo' Ryan, Kitchener; Lyda Jodison, Cambridge; Joe Eckert, DAilin; Marion Brennan, London; Len and Mary Monison, R.R.2, •Gadshill; Harvey and, • Ida , Seaforth Deplete Williams, Jacksonville:Flaidar Jim Deaney, Dublin; Martin Nyland, _Dublin; Dnnna McGrath Dwain.; Ron R,R,2, Staffa; Ray. Riley, R.R.2, Stella; Ritchie Cameron, R.R.2, Siete; Murray MaaNaughton, •• Lucan; John Soontum, R.R.5, Seaforth; Eileen Muegge, R.R.4, Walkeiton; Vincent and Susan Maloney, Mitchell; • Catherine Dekrobn, Mitchell; Peter Loorrans, Seaforth; Bank • Lodhans, Walton; Mr. and , Mrs. Ted Debby,. David, Donald, Jahef, Vanderjuk. ken Dil'I, St. Mary's; Mary Dill, St. --Marys.; -Sonia Smith,- ActomAgbp__Kell y,_ Arva; Crystal Smith, Acton;' Ronald J. Murray, Walton; Albert Cronin, Seaforth; Mary C. With, Acton; Ted Doyle, Dublin;' Mr: and Mrs. Martin Smith; E. Dill; Mary Kearns, Chatham; Clarence 'and Marie . White, • R.R.2, Gadshill; Teresa White, 2,' Gadshill; Ralph McIntosh, R.R2, Atwood.; Sharon Ray, _Mary Lou White, R.R.2, Gadshill;. ,Martin and Blanche Feeney, R.F1'12,- Petersburg; Sharon Feeney, R.R.2, Petersburg; Joe Fazari, Hamilton; Jayne Delaney, Dublin; Ben and Theresa Nyland, R.R.1, Dublin; Don and.. • Reta Maylan, ..RF1.5, Seaforth; Michael and Joyn (Patrick)" Moylan; Jim Ryan, R,R,2, Gadshill; . Pat Summers, Frankfort; Tracey Krammers, Tara; Cathy Costello, King- ston; Leo Smith, Acton. • , ' ' Doris Ferguson, 57 Welt St., Stratford; ' John Fergeson, Stratford;, Mr.' and Mrs. „Joe Shea, R.R.1, Dublin; John and Doris Ferguson, Stratford; Rosie, Mitchell; Con- nie Flanagan, Mitchell; Rosemary Holland, 'Windsor;•Rosemary H.N„ Vimy; Beatrice Louwagie, R.R.3, Mitchell; Mrs. Mary Staffa; • Feg and Mary Stapleton, Dublin; John and Marg Shea, Seaforth; John and Mary Fawceht, 127 Roeharipton, London; Ken 'anti 'Mary Coyne, R.R12, Staffs; Helen and Ron Pinder, R.R.2, Dublin; Steve Pinder, R.R.2, Dublin; Fran Bergen, R.11.1, Dublin; Susan, Cor J. Groot, R.R.2, Dublin; Helen and Clarence Lorentz, St. Clements; John' and Anna Miller, St.. uternents; nne and Steve Seiler,r Mitchell.. Martin Fee ey; Shirley and Greg S'uilim, Lambeth; Nor and Margaret Kemp, Mitchell; Jerry .M-Urray, Dulbin; John and Helen, Chris and Michael Warren, Stratford; Laura and Shannon Ward, Kitchener. Irene Healy, Dublin; Annie Bowman, 16 Ross, Stratford; Emery Gaunt, Kinkora; Rita Cook, . 'Kinkoro; Sister Theodare (Margant Doyle), The Pines, Chatham; Tom Gatint, Sebringville; • Mary Gaunt, CENTENNIAL REGISTRATIONS Sister Evelyn Jordan, 3600 Curry Ave., Windsor; Jerome .K, Jordan, Laibruys Village, Michigan; ,Fran Jordan, Laibruys VIllarie, Michigan; Margaret (Jordan) Crandall, Wyandotte, Michigan; Dick Cunningham, ; Oakville; Len Steinbask, • London; Sister Agatha Jordan, Chatham; , Sister Jerome Jordan, Cthatham; Judy Howard, London; Rose Maloney; Rita ' Malopey, London; Jim' Maloney, London; . Ruby Alkens mem, Kenora; Lorne Maloney, London; Sister St. David McCon- nell, Tilbury; Sister Patricia Bodendistel (St.. Mary Justin),Lendon; Florence (Moore) McPhail, Staffa; Ralph Dill, Stratford; Helen McLaughlin; Mary Kroskle, Windsor; ,Walter Kroskie, Windsor; Jean Arquette, Windsor; .Ray Arquette Windsor; Lou and Norma Murray, 305 Lake View Ave., Burlington; Kitti Frauskopf,, Box 65, Dublin; Mervin and Rita Manley; Margaret and Jerome Manley, Kitchener; Bonnie Osborn, R.R.3, Monkton. Mrs. Elizabeth Burns, 593 William, Seaforth; Rena Burns, 57 Ranchdale,.Dr., Hamilton; Mr. and Mrs. John Dyane, 1-7455 Pineckeit Allen Park, Michigan; Sister Roberta Urauline, Stratford;• Sister Mary Ethel, The Pines, Chatham; Joseph and Dorothy Manley, Stratford; Mr. and Mrs. Frank Herd.189 Wed Gore, Stratford; Mr. 'and Mrs. Len Cronie and family, 28661 palomino, Warren, Michigan; William S. , Smith, 59 Railway St., Seaforth; Vince Mo,neson, 78 Rosien,S., Wiehiln; Mr; and Mrs. R. Wiehiln (Byrne), 35818 W. Chuage-Lavonia, Michigan; John J, Walsh, 48 Rebecca St., Stratford; John (Moor,ie) Meoghr, 378 Nelson St., Stratford; George Moore, R.R.2, Stella; Auleen Moore, R1372-Stalta;. Ann le--(Brennan)-0111ing hare Port Stanley; Francis (Brennan) Baker, ' Stratford; Maurice and Mary Etre, Seaforth; Rose Cunningham, Oakville; Cecilia Steinback, London; Grace andTerry Hussey, Emondville; AIN and Madeleine. Perry, Windsor; Leo and Doris Pare, Smithfield; John E. Maloney, 49 Sterling, St. London; Marion Feeney, ps John St., E., Waterloo; Fergus Feeney, 69 John St., E., Waterloo.; Betty Byrne (Jordan),. 9607. Hubert St., Allen Park, Michigan, • Jim and Ceriene Arkinson, 285 Connazht St. 'Kitchener; Joseph A.' Lane, FL R.2, -Dublin; Mr,--_ and Mrs... _Michaer 35012' Wesitane; Peter Gaffney, Peter- borough, Michagan; Ted' and Frances Melday , Dublin; Louise Belfour, Stratfordj Dante Witschn, Mitchell; "Bill Coulson, Arlington, Virginia; Richard 0. Coulson, Trenton, Michigan; Jack Burchill, Dublin; Dorothy Robinson, 4049 GrapeetrI7'-'---• 6 Burlington; Mr. and Mrs. Jack O'Rou'rkk. and family; Howard and Betty Smythe, Laverock Ave., Richmond Hill; 'Jim Hagarthy Jr., Bornholm; Bill Jarvis M.P. ',Ottawa; Ally and Geo. Goettler; Karen Warren , Stratford; Rose Mclphersdn, Whitby; Joyce Sweeny, 95 Shade (Galt); .:' Mr. and Mrs. 8111 Ryer Jr., 88 Kimberly Cres., Kitchener; Mervin and Norman Dietz, Jason, Dublin; Leretta (Holland) Baston, London; • Gloria' (Holland) Bailey, Roseville, Michigan; • Pauline Salley, Stamford, 'Connectical. '"'" • Stu Schultheiss, Davisom, Michigan; Lorse Cronin, St, Rankfiirt, Thereso, _Kramers, Dublin;. Angela Haggarty, Stratford; Joe Haggarty, Stratford;, Helen • Paddy, Bette Anne Woods, Georgetown; Mamie and Joe Delaney, Dublin; Danny Butters, Dublin; Mr and Mrs. Zack'Ryan, Seaforth; Hugh Benninger, Dublin; Dianne . Osborn, R.R.2, Monkton; Hugh Osbor, R.R.2, Monkton; Joe Murray, 'Kitchener; Mrs. Violet Murray, Kitchener; Bob and • • Gail Osborn, R.R.5, Mitchell; Kathleen , Monagham,.184,Park St. W., Dundas; Paul Carl Eisler, Mitchell; Jean Kedne, • King; Kevin Scott, R.R.2, Staffa;' Cindy Looby, Box 53, Dublin; Jim Scott, R.r.2, Staffa; Anne Marie Blakee, 688 Murray St., Wallaceburg; Lenore (Holland) Don Heard, 650 Grace Newmarket; Steven Thornton, Brussels. Geradine(Eck t) Charters; Helen :(Mamany) Tate, Dearborn, Michigan; Jim • 'Shea, Dublin; Jack and Phyllis, Morris, London; Ron and Rita Butters, 122 Fairmen ave., St. Thomas, Karen, Kevin and Casey Cleary, London; Colleen Jim. and Dave' • Sebringvlllo; Helen Cools, 'Dublin; Brian Cook, Dublin; Carolyn Cook, Dublin; Sear Cpok, Dublin.; Marianne Cook, Dublin; Larry Cook, Dublin; Charlie Van Dor. restryn (Brother DeSales) ,Montreal, Quebec; John Rowland, R.R.1', Dublin; Mary Regier, R.R.3, Zurich; Lorraine Purcell, Kitchener; Mary Catherine Lane, St. Columban; Frank Bruxer, Dublin; Maulsen BruXer, Dublin.; Lori Bruxer, Dublin.; Leslie and Mildred 'Barnes, Mitchell; Barbara Miller, London; Rosetta , (Burns) Phillips, London; Nandy• Miller, London; Theresa Bannon, R.R 2, Gadshill; Marie qyan, R.R.2, Dublin; Pat Ryan, R.F1,2, .Mary C. Stapleton WIIllams,,2221 Husch Ave., Jax, Florida; Daniel yvIlllams,. 221 Husch Ave., Jax. Florida; Chasies and Lois Rorrey, R.R.2, Dublin; Mary Walters O'Connell, 34567, Elmwood, Westland, Michigan; Dan.O.'Connell, 27649 Westcott Cress,Farington; Shirley, 0Connell,27649 Westcott Cresc., Famington Hills., Michigan; Danny Kaman), 27649 Westcott Gres., Farmington Hills, Michigan; Marie Koelhler; Jack and Eileen Jordan, • 61 M,pore,Ave., Kitchener; Madeleine Ruston, 8 Ann Street; Jim Hunt; 26, Lampton Str., Durham; Mrs.' E. Connolly; Dublin; Mrs. Grace Murray, R.R.4, Walton;, Mrs, Catherine Dwyer, 8 Jones Ave., Learning. ton; Grace Kerslake, R.R.2, Staffa; Gerale Vlien Rowland;'1843 Royal Cres. London:, Carter Kerslake; Paul Ducharme; Frank Eileen Williams; Anne Blonde, Windsor; Ben Blonde; tv, O'Neill; Joan New Comb, Georgetown; kim Newcombe; Jim New- combe; Jenny Malloy, Peterborough; Marion Murray, 47 Dietz Ave., Waterloo; Martina Meagher, R.R1, Dublin; Harold, Meagher. Ann Kucyk, 16-74 Janefield, Guelph; Ina and Ken Somers, Cenestogo; Victor Kucyk, 16.7.4JanefieldiGuelph; Clara Miens, Ritz Lutheran Villa, Mitchelaorne and, •Kath- leee Alkens, Mitchell;. Susan Nicholson. R.R.2, MonktOn; Margaret Laing, R.R.2, Staffs; Margaret and John Frapplen, Montreal; Suzanne, Trappie; Mike Foslie,• Toronto; Helen Carpentre, Chatham; Tim and 'Charlotte Nicholson, R.R.2, Monkton; Dianne and' Patricia :Nicholson, FLF1:2, Monkton; Margaret E. Dill; 423 Park Dale Rockester, Michigan; Clarence Taylor, R.R.4, Goderich; Ruth Taylor, R:R.4, Goderich; Bettyd Mike Foster —(WROurite).32„2egasus_Tr._ Pear bore; Mary Ruth And Bob Bauer (O'Rourke), 59 Pegasus Tr. Scarboro; Attie Smith, Seaforth;Rose Mating (Givlin) R.R.3, 'Ernbra Anna Nolan (Gwlin) R.R.5, Seaforth; Tom'Anderson, Picering; Michael McCarthy, R.R.1, Dublin; Pat McCarthy, R.R.1, Dublin; Bill and Mary McMillan,' Seaforth; Dan, and Ann McMillan, 81 Tavera•Cres., London; Diana and'Doug Curtie, 6 Thatchercr Brampton; Maurice V. Dillon, St. Thomas!, Ted Melady,,B.R.2, Dublin; Mr and' Mrs. Hans Wink, R.R.4, Bradford Cathy, Shirley and John, Cotten, Greg Clairmont, '137 Bradley Dr., Kitchener; Pat Feeney, R.19.2, Dublin; Rev. Wm. Morris, Port Burwell; Mrs. Mary Maloney, Dublin; Wilfred Maloney, Dublin; Louis. Krauskoft, Clearwater, . Florida:. Ken, Dorothy, Jeff Burchill, Sarnia; Patricia Clark (Burchill), Stratford; Yvonne . Ducharme, Mitchell; Ed and Pat Tozer, , Davison, Michigan; Jim Delany, Sr., Dublin; Jerome and Therese, Kelly Eckert, Kinkora; Mae. Vincent, Dublin; Eddie Sweeney, Cambridge Ken and Dorreen Feeney, 155 Chandler, Kitchener; Sharon and Deane Feeney, 69 John 'St., , Waterloo; Steve Feeney, 69 John, St., Waterloo:. Joann, Kevin Smith, • East Detroit, Michigan. Jean (Quinsey) Art Roy, Hamilton; ' Gladys Hunt Westland, Michigan: Bob and Millie Kiffman,' Kitchener; Theresa, Harold and Bryan Mederak, Kitchener; Stephan and Cecilian Maloney Dublin; Tom Debbie Eddie and Jody Maloney, Dublin; Pat and Marg, O'Rourke, Burlington; Larie Fergson,' Dublin; Bob Cronin, Dublin; .Dr, and Mrs. Frank Stapleton, Cambridge; Richard and Rosemary, Simerit, Saint John, N.B.; Louis and Esther Rohfrictsch, R.R.5, Stratford; Marie Kelly, Seaforth; Frances (Fontune) Maloney, Seaforth; Ann Marie Costello, Kingston; Geraldine (Eyvart) Wilson, Seaforth Fergus Feeney, Dublin; Rosemary Eckert, Brantford; Audrey Loomans, Mitchell; Lou Rowland, Dublin; Martin Pru,cell, Kitchener; CharlesiNyland, R.R,1, Dublin; Lee and Terry Bantle, Mitchell; Gilbert and -Rick! Vansteelandt; R.R.2, 'Dublin; Gary and Dianne, Julie, Darrell, Colleen, Danny, Jesting, Brodhagen. ' Christina (Holland) Zakoor, 486 Lawuer, Drive, La Salle;, Mpry, Helen Q'Rourke, R.R.1, Dubin); Michael Van Loon, R.R.2, -"1901111;'-/ A Barbeansen, Terheyden, Holland;' C. ' Palemans, Teleringen, Holland; St. S. Terkens, l'erheyden, Holland; Mrs. Mary Feeney, Dublin; Mr, and Mrs, Joe Hastings, R.R.2, Stella; Joanne raulhafer, TavistoCk; Mrs, Murray Christie, R.R.2, Staffa; Connie and Mark Wore, R.R.2, Dublin; Keith and •Rita Kelly, RR.4, Stratford; Betty Upshall, R.R.2, Kippen; John Wbite, R:R.2, • Gadshill; Joanne, Pat, Marcia 'and Jackie . Pickering, Lakeside; Bob Vac' Valkengoed, . RR.2, Staffa; Bill. Ryan, Kitchener; Todd Kramers, R.R.3, Tara; Jim and' Cathy Meagher, R.R.5, Mitchell; Jim and. Marie Doyle, London; Helen Krauskoft, Dublin; Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Poppe arid family, Dublin; Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Denomme and family, R.R2, Zurich; Jim and Pat and Carrie Subject, Kitchener; Frank Dittyle. &urban); Kevin Smith, East Detroit, Michigan. • Liz Brown, Seaforthj Helen Ann Elliott, Dublin; Earl Elliott, Dublin; Douglas Roehs, Dublin; Ron, Don, Bob Feeney, Waterloo; John and Mary Ellen, Mike and Cathy Williamson, Thorndale; Peter and Shiny and Peter Williamson, ,Pefferlaw; Mr. and Mrs. Don Kelly, Seaforth; Mr. and Mrs. Chas., Price; 101 Easson St., Stratford; Mrs. Evelyn O'Neil, Windsor;!: .Mr. and Mrs. Ben Blonde, Windsor; •Mr. anSl Lassaline, Ottawa; Mr. and Mrs.-dhaFfes Price,-Stratford, Krauskopf, ChestervIlle; Michael MacPcer; Nora Anne Hallman,-(MacRae); Joy Visser, R.R.2, Dublin; -Andrew Crozies, FLF1.2, Seaforth; Anona Crozies, R.R.2, Seaforth; Betty Arm . Coyne, 4223-110th St., Edmonton Alberta; Ann Benninger, Dublin; -Sister Mary Magdalen. C.S.J., Mount St. Joseph, London; Mrs, Albert Cronin, R,R.4, Seaforth; Mrs. Vera McKay, 121, Highland Apt. 302, Highland Park, Michigan;' Grey and Ly Blonde, Box 203, ,St. George. Mr. and Mrs, Norval :Elliott, • Mitchell; - Darryl Reston; Sandy Demmerline (Miss ' PacIdyfeet --78rtiCtowee,--Barb Woods, • Listowel; Fred Aoams, Listowel; Kathleen (Stapleton) Hiscott, 88 -Jill Cres., Bramptoe; Joanne (Stapleton) Dreger, Waterloo; Rosemarie Murray, 47 Deitz Ave,, Waterloo; Mike Murray, 47 Delta Ave:, Waterlpo; Theresa (Ronald) Murray, Dublin; Tracy •Vandenberk,' Monkton; Donna Gaffney, Monkton; Maryann Van Bergen, ,D,uphn; Gladys Belfour, Dublin; Bill Maloney; Mary Eckert' (Feeney), --Sedorth;--Sister_Viola Feeney, Parkhill; Marie Deicroon and Paul, Mitchell; Paul Van . Bergen, Dublin; Dave Kramers, Dublin' Helen Woods, Georgetown; Paddy Woods, Georgetown; Bette-Anne Woods; Georgetown; 'Ted and Muriel and Looby Trott, Clinton; Dianne Thornton, Brussels; 'Joe and Teresa Lane, Dublin; Frank J. Lane, DLiblin. Pat Bennett, Seaforth; Marjorie Phillips, Seaforth; Jean .Dill, Dublin; T.B. Overduiare, London; Patricia Mitchell, London; Leo Mitchell, Lbridon; Doreen ChappeL.Staff a; Ed. Chappel, Staffa; Lou Doyle, WIlloWdale; Stephen Douglas, Willowdale; Leo Holland, Windsor; George' Ducharme, R,R,1, Mitchell; Steve bonlson, Trentan, Michigan; Bob Saundere,.Dublin; Maryann Saunders, ' Dublin; Lynn Whetham, Dublin; Jane MacLeod, Staffa; Ken MacLecid Lee Anneand Debsie, Staffa; Dave Robinso'n, London; Barb Robinson, London] Mary Parson, Staffa; Don Malady, R.R.2, Dublin; Lucille Delaney, R.13:1; Dublin; Dennis and Louise Blonde Mark; Ottawa; Joyce Dietrich; Mitchell; Michelle O'Rourke, Dublin; Michelle Rowland, Dublin; David Van Bommel, R,R.3, lideton; Carol Stacey, Mitchell. • Mrs. Ldreen McDougall Jordan), 189 Goddard Blvd., London; Ken and Andy, Jeff Flanagan, R.R.1, Dilblin; 'John and Mary Van Bakel 'and family,- R.R.1, Bornholm; Marion (Dill) & Cleters lynes, London; Mary (Feeny) & Tom Kelly, 65 Noman St., Stratford; Carnlyn Armoly, ' Mattawa; Paul Mohon, R.R.2, Staffa; Svlia1 T. Smith, Dublin', Heidi V. Nater, R.R.5, Mitchell; Tony and Nellie Van Bakel, R.R:1, Biyth; Auleen and Alvin Pearn, Mitchell; Frank and Dorothy Van 4 Steelandt, R.R.1, Blyth; Reg. Van Bakel, St. Columban; Helen and Bert Airssell, • Goderich; Fred and. Betty Eckert; Cam- bridge; Marg, Eckert and Bob Curliss,' "Cambridge; Pauline Eckert and Brent Agar, Cambridge; Calvin Eckert, Cam- bridge; Ila (Aliens) Eickmeyer, 138 Nelson St., Mitchell;, Marg.. Hicknell, R.R.5; Seaforth;•Nellie O'Rourke (Mrs1 Howard), Kitchener; Brian Flanagan, R.R.1, Dublin; J • Marie, ohh'and Stephen Hicknell; Pat and Bill McCormick and Family, Liverici, Michigan; Jack and Mary- O'Reilly and Family, FLF1.2, Dublin; Rita Flannery; Jack Flannery; Patand-Ed-Vielante:.(McCarthy;,- 8697 Lorslywood, Livaneo, Michigan. Alice 'Ryan; Mr, and Mrs: M. pigaer, Windsor; Loretta Play; Janet Kraemer; Jeannetee Costello,, Mitchell; Hazel. and Mathew McCarthy, Florida; A.M. Lithgow, Seaforth; A. Nesbitt, St. George;Amos Graver, Mitchell; Irene Graver, Mitchell; Louit Fraaskoft, Clearwater, • Florida; Helen Krauskoft, London;•Joteph.McLver,, Sebringville; Morrie Smith, Monkton; Carrie Krauskoft (McCormick); Dundedin, Florida; Elizabeth Smith, Monkton; • Charles and Irene Krauskoft; Ferxdale, Michigan; Marlon Smith, Monkton; Sheila putters, Dublin; Eric Butters, Dublin ; Allan and Cheryl Butters, Hamilton; Mr. . and Mrs. W. Muegge, Mitchell; Mrs, Joe . McIver, Kindora; Glen and 'Sandra Butters, Edmonton, Alts. ' Joe. Eckert, Dublin; OlgaEckert, Dublin; Stephen pckert, . Dublin; Norah Eckert, DOI n; Rieny Van Loon, Kippen; Shirley Van Loon, Kippen; Nancy Storey, Blyth;, Rose Boysrick, Stratford; Barb also, Dublin; Pat McGilvery (Caire(le),,Chatham; Bill Eckert, St., Marys; Theresa (Feeney) Overdulve,. London; Fed Overdulve, London; RonDverduive, London;• Doug and Tim McGiveryw. Chatham; Mike and .Kim McGlIvery, Chatham; Doran Ryan; Ger. and Kay Ryan, R:R.2, Alvinston; Terry Lynn Ryan; Audrey Robson, Paula Dublin; Mr and Mrs. Cooper, Kippen; Mary kinaban, Lucknow; Mary Malady; Dublin; Lynn Feeney; Mrs Teresa Feeney; Mary Barnes, Dublin; Jim Barnes, Dublin. .1 Rodney Heipel, Gadshill; Brenda Roth, Gadshill; Bobbie Heipel, Gadshill; Mrs. Linda Saunders, Dublin; Scott Suanders, Dublin; Joyce Sweeney, Galt; Bob Kriowles,. Galt; Eddie 'Maloney, Dublin;. Dan Costello; Teta Johnston (Moore); Ross • "Johnson, Whitby; Father Jack Costello,. Tillsonburg; Ann Kramers, Seatorth; Deb- bie Costello, Seaforth; Marian Koot, St.. Peels; Jeannette' Wlllemse, Parkhill; Cilauen Bennewies, Dublin; Hther Ben- newies, Dublin; Margaret Fraspier (Hol- land),, Montreal; Pat Croni Father Feeney; Mr. and Mrs, J. Da zer and Family, Port Elgin; Mr. and Mrs. Burns; . Mary M. (Coyne) O'Leary," R:F1727Stirfa-;— Mary Purchell, Seaforth; Margaret Coyne, • R.R,2,• Staffa; Marjorie Jarmuth, R.R.1, Bornholm; • George Jarmuth, R.R.1, Bornholm; Pat Flanagan, Kitohener;,Teddy and John Willernse. and family, R.R.5, Parkhill; John Fitzpatribk, Windkr; John Brosens, Dublin; Ursula Nicholson (Krauskopf), London; Jerorne Nicholson, London; Alice Dietz, • Mitchell; Martin Dietz, Mitchell; Biel Rock, Stratford; Leo Baker, Stratforc -Gerdia-Beuerrnam-Melba- - Whe,tham, Cambridge; Andy Whetham, Cambridge; Jim Curten, Streetsville; : Madeline Curten, Streetsville; Jill Rohlietsch, .Sebringville; Hazel . Dorsey, Dublin; Joe Dorsey, Dublin; Tom Dorsey, Dublin; Keith and Velma Robinson, MItchefl; Judy Dorsey, 'Dublin.' . Angela Dawson, R.R.5,Stratforce, John J. Culliton, R.R,5, Stratford; Mrs. Alice Vanden Haagen, 23 Mill St. Elmira; Lisa Wills,. R.R.2, Burgesville; Sheila 'Winston; Andy and Graham Jibb, R.R.2, Dublin; Sharon Marshall, Mitchell; Joanne ' & Murray, Kitchener; Ken & Joyce Whetham and family, Dublin; Dave, Mary Wills, BurgessvIlle; Billy and. Rebecca Wills, Burgessvil le; Catherine and 'Theo Melady, R,R,2, Dublin; Gord and Marl. Dantzer, Mississauga; Barbara (Holland) Zakoor, Windsor; Christine, Con Zaboor, Windsor; Leo & • Eisily (Maloney) Holland, (Windsor); Ann (Holland) Coulson, Trenton Michigan; Rosemary N,iechcial; Windsor; Kay E. Stapleton; Mary Gaffney. Smith Falls; Ingrid Niecheial, Windsor; Don Niechcial, Windsor; Marg., Jenny and len MacRae, London; Lee-ann Murrary, 47 Dietz Ave., South; Gerry and Laurie Feeney; Pat Cronin, Mike Cronin. Stephen Reeler, 'R.R.3, Zurich; Jamie Pearn R.R.3. Mitchell; Josephine Van Loon, R.R.2, Dublin; Garry Van Loon, R.R,2, Dublin; Patricia Looby, Foley Novak, Soginoer, Michigan; Leo Novak, Soginoer, Michigan; Frances Novak, 30A Lin Drive,. Eglin AFB, Florida; Tenell Elliott, 30A Lin Drive, Eglin AFB, Florida; Star Stacey,':Mitchell; Lillie Foley;'308 W. Bush, Caro, Michigan; John Foley, 308 W. Bush, Caro, Michigan;. John Louwagle, •B•119,3, Mitchell; David Louwagie, R.R.3, • Mitchell; Pal Louwagle, R.R.2, Gedshill; Pat Bruxer, Dublin; Leon Streit, 3478 N. 'Gale Rd., Davison. Michigan;, Carol A. Krauskopf, R.R.2, Guelph; Patricia Be as cool as a cucumber.' Friiits and salads are cool and refreshing. And When you stay away from the oven to: ' prepaTe meals, you also stay cooler and save electricity. Drink up, Ah, there's nothing like a tell, cool, refreshing drink to make things cooler. But remember when the refrigerator door is left open, valuable energy escaPes. Schookerays float at Dublin Centennial parade "0, if your clothes dryer is vented outdoors. Heat and moisture won't be released in your home. Better still, hang your clothes outside to dry, Keep your blinds down. Ieeping your-blinds down or drapes drawn on the sunny side has some cold logic to it. The heat of the sun is shutout while the coolness is kept in. At night, keep lights to a minimum. It's cooler and saves electricity. (TIVATENE,111111011111111RIMEL Nil 1111 11 TPA! 11 annomm.mmom. al.....mmn••••• ow Lobe cool customer' this s m your hydro Use your air , conditioner wisely. Make sure it fits tightly in the window. Keep yourtoors and windows doted. Clean the filters regularly. If you leave your house for part of the day, cut back the air conditioning. ^ Going on vacation? Turn it • off completely. Keep it light and breezy. It's coolto wear 4.:.*Kezka lighter clothes' c. with lighter colours. It's alsotooti ti HY8 3 338