HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1978-07-13, Page 1$12.00 a Year in Advance
Single copy 25 cents 119th Year
Whole No. 5757 SEAFORTH, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, JULY 13, 1978. — 22 PAGES
Of downtown
docirs council
STEPPING UP—Father H. J. Laragh right, is the new president of the Seaforth
Community,'Hospital board. Wayne Ellis, centre, is vice president and David
CorniSh, left *retired as president at the board's annual' meeting last. Thursday
night. (Expositor Photo)
Plan dancea.tho n
For new P. A.
Remember the dance
marathons of the forties? That
strenuous sport is-coming back to
Seaforth. for one day only. Satur-
day August 19. in aid of' the new
PA system and lighting for the
Seaforth's 13 hour danceathon
will run from noon to 1 a.m.
Everyone is eleigible from the
tots tothe tottering and dancers
will be sponsored. Pledge sheets
\Nil] be available after August 1 at
the rec. office.
Continuous music will 'be !pro-,
vided by a disc jockey from
A special section of the arena
floor will Ibe roped off for noon
competitors who only want to
have a dance or two and watch the
marathoners. Refreshments will
be available.
Double decker bus will ,
make trips to carnival
Something new is being added
this year for the convenience of
Seaforth people attending the
42nd Lions Carnival.
Rather than walk or drive to the
park those attending each days
event may drive in a real English
double deck bus. The bus will
make rounds in Seaforth picking
,up passengers will be driven
to the park for nonimal fee.
The bus also- will !run on a
shuttler schedule from the
parking .lot at the corner of
Goderich and Coleman Streets to
the park entrance and carry
passengers as leave their cars in
the lot.
As the carnival activities con-
dude the bus schedule will be
reversal and passengers will be
returned to the parking lot or to
their pick-tip point
Hospital board gets
six new members
the annual Meeting of Seaforth
community hospital' elected six
new members to the hoard of
They are Ken Devereaux. one
%ear, hid Walker and Mrs.
*Charlotte .McKercher two years
and Jim Etue. Mrs. Emma Friend
and Mrs. Mary Longstaff for
three years.
At a subsequent meeting of the
board Father H. J. Laragh was
elected president succeeding
David Cornish who completed a
two year term, Wayne Ellis was
elected vice.chairman. .Six long
time members of the hoard '
retired , including four who had
sowed varying terms as pre-
sident. The retiring 'members
were James M. Scott . Andrew
McLean, John Longstaff. Clayton
Loolly, Dr. W„J. Thompson and
Mrs. Pat Bennett.
111 coMmenting on the retire-
ment Mr. Cornish said Mr. Scott
and Mr. McLean had served on
.the board a combined total of 64
years. Mr. Scott was first elected
in 1945 and Mr. McLean in 1947.
Mr. Longstaff had served since
1962. Mr. Loopy since 1966, Dr.
Thompscin since 1972 and Mrs.
Bennett since 9174.(additional
hospital storys and 'pictures on
',mgt.' 21)
DIANE OLDFIELD, daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. John Oldfield of
R.12.4„ Seaforth. is the third
Ontario scholar graduating from
Seaforth District High School this
year. Miss Oldfield plans to
attend Huron College at the
University of Western Ontario in
the fall where she will enter the
arts program . transferring to
business administration at a later
.date,- •
LINDA DORSSERS, daughter of
Mr. and Mr's. Cornelius Dorssers
of-R,-R-.4, Sea-forth, --is- •the -second.
Ontario scholar graduating from
Seaforth District High School.-
Miss Dorssers plans to attend
Fanshawe Community College in
the fall where she is enrolled in
the science lab technician
Inside this week
Ott /iuron (fxprisitor
More Dublin Visitors
Van Egmond House
Winthrop Bike Rally
Hospital Annual Meeting
At Side St.
Seaforth council Monday night
approved what could be . the first
step toward designating the
downtown as a:heritage district
under the Ontario Heritage Act.. ,
After a discussion with George • -' •
Kapelos of the Ontario Heritage
Foundation who said it's felt
around the proyince that Seaforth
Main Street•^1-S;Of "quite great
architectural „significance",
council paSsed a motion asking its
Local Architectural Conservation
Advisory. Committee to study the
idea and report back.
Provincial money is available,
Mr. Kapelos said, to conduct 'a
study into Main Street's potential
as a heritage• district and to look
at thjngslike uses for second .and-
third floors of 'doWntown
buildings, design guidelines and
recommendations for' figure
development along Main Street.
If the study.and council agreed
that Main Street ; should be a
heritage district, the designation
would 'sot restrict but. . direct
growth and insure future
. .
. • . • .
-Seziforth will get 'two new eight The new apartmentS- will. be• ...
.unit 'apartment . buildings, if the identical to , the Lansink '
planning, board and the OMB' apartments on, Victoria Street, he.
approve atoning change that was told council. • ,
• endorsed at council Monday.,
night. • ' . ' . • • T .,,
- • • own win.
Herman . • Lansink . of Tina
.. . Holdings goreouncil's okay for a •
change from restricted residential. honour.
(which doesn't allow apartments)
to ,general residential, h -;—• ••
;does); for 100' of a pl'operty • Nielsen
The rest of the land is zoned
general residential now. . •
Mr t, Lansink said, property
owners on each side of the land
had. no Objection to the change.
In order to build the two
owns at Side and Chalk Streets. ;
person, renovate to :conform to
existing buildings could be a‘ail•
able from the ;Ontarte I leritage
Foundation in exchange for. an
easement, he said, which would
lay down exterior specifications.
It would not affect the interior. or
any rear additions.
In reply to a question about
tow the TD bank, who's modern
one storey building doesn't follow
the present streetscape. would fit'
into a heritage district • Mr.
Kapelos said "nothing can
done about . ‘vhat's there now,
about what they shnulil have
Will - but any new bidding would
have to be more compatible.
Heritage district' studies arc
nOw. •u-aderway---in-Bayfield and-.
Godcrich and the prOcess ran take
several years, Mr. Kapelos said. •
Seaforth is fortunate to have' a
sound Main Street and business
district •and should build on it. he
said and both and - Mayor
Cardno stressed the importance
•of • business . people • being
"I think it should.be mandatory
for every business person to go to
Frankenmuth, Michigan and see
what they've done with their
• •
New•apartments • Main Street." said councillor
Wayne Ellis. "Or Eldra", said.
Mayor Betty Cardno. • •
-.scheduled . . ... ... . .. ...... ... . .
An appreciation night for
diampion discus •thrower_Johnny
.• Nielsen will he held at the town
'hall on Thursday, July. 27. town
unincil decided Monday night.
-The public is invited and coffee• . • _,incLkionuts _
Councillors' suggested that
„Johnny be asked to bring sonic Of
his -equipment to display to the
development was compatible. with
existing buildings,
Designation is a planning tool.
Mr. Kapelos said., and would not
affect any ,buldings as they are
Mr. Kapelos suggested that a
local ,business group be closely
involved in all stage of the study.
which could, he said in answser to
councillor Jim.S•ills, look at things
like customers' reactions to old
style storefronts vs. flashy new
If a building in a heritage
district burns, it doesn't have to
be replaced exactly, Mr. 'Kapelos
told councillor Gerald Groothius.
Not restoration but following
some -de-sigif
council would: set, perhaps that
the facade be the ,samc height,
would be required he said.
"This permits :setting some
wound rules for development and
could encourage Main Street
people to put more money into
their properties.-
Money to help a' business
Plenty of public 'meetings and
an OMB hearing .Will. be ,held, if a
district is planned. Mr. •Kapelos
told councillor Ken Ken Roth. If'
business people organized . to •
.study' the plan "you' d hope
they'd provide public Support."
A heritage district; doep't
den and changes ',and -,money.
'spent. hitt 'if changes on Main
Street were made it would help
direct them, commented Mayor
rdifo :
Winn McLean, chairMan of
• Seaforth LACAC said the
conni)ittee would like to see both
sides' of Main St real, 'from
Goderich Street to the Dick house
on the west side and, the library
on the cast.. considered for the
heritage district..
• A study . will raise and answer
-7.qu'stions; Mr. • K a pcitis said, and
doesn't bind anyone to anything.
The final decision ;to designate
would be council's "and you face
the electors.
IT WAS FUN--Some participants were delighted", others were worn
out after a bicycle poker rally 'Raid of the Winthrop Community ball
park onSaturday. 44 children and 27 adults rode seven and 23 miles
respectively. From left are Danny, Jason, Jamie, Neil and Jacquie
McNichol and Lorrie Glanville. (More photos inside)
.; . •
There's nothing:, tporelikehJ.100, proveraents ,were being made. feel the'water temperatures in -the who have taken their children out; has-been late in opening this
-dkcourage a -boffirMini..,s•winiiner 7/i't8ntract 'for • the 'Wdr4k. •wis.• itt:Te•
than a quick ducking in a • cold awarded in mid May with Com-. The problem is that allhotigh - '.enrolling
'!season dueto the work underway.
again' in the He said plans call 'for the wading
the new heater was installed in second session of classes. (Indoor pool: pletion scheduled for June 24 so
While .several thousand area
that everything would be in • nod June, 'Union Gas Company' Mr..Todd said the -wading pool
pool tobe heated like the larger
children have learned to swim, in readiness for the -pool opening on . who agreed last winter to provide
the Lions pool. during the nearly the July 1 weekend. Early in the fuel still hasn't installed a
fifty years it has been in use, planning stage it was decided to connecting gas line to the pool.
despite the fact that water on use natural gas and Union gas. In order to connect to- tfte .. • •
realized that today the . public proYiding service.
heater, the company wil l
wider Silver Creek and 'their
l run aline occasion was quite &31d Lions agreed there would no delay in
would appreciate a consistent and Unfortunately it representatives have indicated
higher temperature; out this •ova and as a •
concern the shale under the creek y.'
• It was for this reason-that many LionS Club not only 'has a could cause .problems: •
Bill Dinsmore, of the Stratford
';Unierr 'Gas -4flee,"---said • he-1'T'
waiting .1`m, the London office to
set a tentative date when a line.
am be run across through from
the north side of the highway in
front. of Seaforth Community
Hospital and under the highway-
and 'creek to the pool. - The club
has been informed over a-month
ago of the problem and had ,%
agreed to the added costs
Mr. Dinsmore said the line has
to be buried at least three feet
below the creek bed in case
son • e wanted to dredge the
eek a a later date.
He said o e Union Gas starts
ork on the lin ; it Will only take
th m two days tr connect the gas
bin to the pool. heater.
In the, meantin e, Eugene Todd
the pool manager said a number
of parents have ‘-ithdrawn their
thildren from swi liming classes,
On Monday after •con; temper-
atures in the pool were between
68 ° and 72 ° Fahrenheit.
The first week the pool was
open. when the weather was
cooler, temperatures were as low
as 63 to 65'° Fahrenheit. •
Mr. Todd said although he
doesn't know the exact number of
sw•immers who have withdrawn
from the first session of classes,
he estimates it's at least one third
of the children. who originally
-enrolled for classes. •
Mr. Todd said the Lions Club is
al so losing money in the daily sNinis
There are usually four life-
guards on duty for the afternoon
swims. and the lifeguards arc
being paid an average of 52.75
per hour to supervise the pool.
Children pay 40 cents to swim
in the pool during the public
swims, students pay 65 cents and
adults'pay 85 cents.
On Monday afternoon, Mr.
Todd said only about 14 children
turned up to swim during the
oliblie swim period.
f!e said most days about 50 to
children turn out, but one day
the' number was down to eight
Last Thursday. when 241
swimmers turned out for the
public swim session, was the only
day when swimmers,have turned
out in their usual numbers.
Mr Todd said most parents
as means a cool Lions pool
months-ago the club- clec.ided to- mhea.ted.pooLon_their hands,
include facilities for heating the' also a number disgruntled
pool at the same time other parents and young swimmers who
hasn't worked
result the
SDHS has
3 Ontario
'MD ROSE', daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. James Rose of - R.R.4,
Seaforth, is one of three Ontario
Scholars in this year's Grade 13
dass. at • Seaforth District High
School. Miss. Rose, who receives a
$100 bursary, plans to attend the
University of Western Ontario in
the fall, where she will study
natural sciences. Ontario scholars
arestudents who receiye at least
8D per cent in their Grade 13 year.
• IdingS the 'prOperty must be
severed•:in' two . but Mr. Lansink.
said he intends; to go ahead with'
the first bidding "within 'couple
of weeks.'