HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1978-07-06, Page 32APAR; REDISH MICHELLE BURR B. J. FABRICS ishes to congratulate the Blyth Surihrner Festival, and • hopep the third season will be a_greaf,success. ji FABRICS Myth .523-9675 and best of ,hick to BLYTH SUMMER, FESTIVAL on its fouith season c Welcome Summer Visitors from 'the, VILLAGE RESTAURANT SPUCIALIZING IN COUNTRY STYLE FOOD FULL COORSBDINNEIIS 000000* teltiretf NIA014.111011' BREAKFAST -9-11 •WEEKDAYS 12 —THE BLYTH SUMMER FESTIVAL ISSUE, JULY 5, 1978 Adam Redish From a theatie family Adair the carpenter at the Blyth Summer Festival is originally froth Effingham, ht Surrey. south of London in' land. 11 When his father got a 'job at McMaster University in • Hamilton,_ show afth IThiversity that Mites Roy, a stic director a the Blyth Stomner 'Festival Was directing. ' At a •party after that play' DONNA SCHMITT Piay helps celebrate (Continued from, Page Ai Before becoming Mrs. Dunlop. Lou had dreSsed In the rough 'clothes of a servant, b,ut:with her devated status, she changes, to silks and satins, and nothing else' will do, even when she's milking the cows. The housekeeper becomes a lady and wastes no time in flaunting her position. before her _fellow townspeople. Other character's in the play include John Galt, Jr.. and his wife, Helen and Robert Dunlop, the Tiger's brother; a former naval hero who .spent Much of his time ,at Gairbraid with his books and collection of rare botanical p)ants.... Galt, son of the first agent of the Canada Company, pictured himself a farmer and!mouthpiece ki- the settlers' grievances, but in" truth- he • was ,an idealist, a member of the gentry and a poor spokesperson for the ordinary settler who was merely subsisting on his Huron Tract land: Mrs. Galt, a member of the same soeial circle as her husband, is the most 'normal character" sttid Colley, in this "sea of Li:centricity." Adair's patientsintroduced hint to JaMes. !who was looking for a carpenter. "I had my interview over lunch with Bjarne .(th e theatre's production manager) and here am,'' Adair hays. • AS the carpenter he is respon. Guinea. The inter tit in the theatre conies per aps from Adair's grandmothe who was interestingly, enougl , a director. Burr us adobe• assistant asststaht „ Michelle [Tuff- is •one local girl. ,Who. will be working for the Blyth t ,SuInmer FeStival this summer. - She conies from. Londcsboro and as a wardrobe assistant she hat; a lot. to keep her 'hands 'busy. Her dutieS include the upkeep .of the costumes. that Will he used in the plays, assisting' with ,buying nutterials for the 'costumes,' : helping with the hand . and machine sewing, doing the. Ittualry and shining shoes when tl'(ey decd it, She is also present at costume fittings to' take •notes or assist if needed. It . was flirt:nigh',her • home economies; teacher at Central Honig. •High School tlia(Michelle got the, job With the •theatre. The teacher recommended Michelle for •thc . position 'of- wardrobe W aders .addicittid •, to, theatre Asa production assistant with ' the. Blyth Summer Festival Liz Haden hlts.quite.a long list el jobs .to, keet:!her busy. Slit wirlie in Charge -iii:Tirops for one show—either Gwendeline or The School Show. For the Huron 'Figer,she will be helping in Drops assisting Adair Rcdish on construction, helping , Kathryn Kiernan-Molloy with the/ costumes. • • -.She had her first training in Montreal-at tt--eoortmi ity.eollege and did, two years in their., professional theatre... technology. program: After that she decided to go, to c ompleted .University where She has completed two. years • of their theatre . program and will hopefully be going inter her third year next fall. She has • also Hamilton.- he• and his family stble forbu•ilding sets. along- with pa—eke:AT" hp their ' things- and I 1, years later Adair's father Is still 'stage managing' the change, in teaching at Mac. ,. . , t h e sets , from one show. to Five years ago, Adair was a , another. After the Summer- _Festival —production assistant•with Theatre ,season is over, Adair has "theAquarius in Hamilton, and for , option of going back to the two summers after that he worked for the Ontario Youth Theatre in Univerity where he could super. ..vise the various empt; theatre their summer • youth program., • Between those two summers he . ‘-• groups of which 'there arc about• worked with ' . Alberta. Theatfe .. eigl"-tOr'''TITelltil<'ersit31:-(16es .Projects in Calgary as • .. a two major Shows .ti .year.. technician.. . . ••• - • : Actitir would like .to work in Theatre Aquarius again in . For • the last two years he has • Haftl'Itim; where till his friends worked as an .assistant technical' are. director with McMaster. Last Ada • comes romf a family of ' year while he was ,doing. a, sh.,ow.'"'X'eVen'e Ildren onlY one of whom . with, the layers Guild hr is tint interes ,d in theatre work. ) m...parents.'w_ere in—it , She's. :_an ...eel) ieniist in. ....Neik Donna Schmitt collects props; builds sets and climbs 'to lights DOnna Santitt, 'prOduct ion assistant for the Myth Summer Festival .has a job that .really necesSary. to let the shots Ito on. She has to pick 'up the props.. • • Al interviei‘ time, Donna Wi61. seeking • 011ie(' hirnitnre for. the theatre prodae f Dr; „t. tion •o ytt Boss. ' Eventually Donna would like to. assistant. • get Hilo painting: She had„been • Before she came to the theatre, painting • sets at high school in :Michelle had a'steady babysitting Kitchener .but left high school job. Her future ,ambitions after Grade. It —and went to gOing to. hairdressing -school in Conestoga College to ,take a short London to become' a professional course in creating a career to give hairdresser.. ... her an idea -Of 'w hat she' wanted to She..sa'ys if she couldn't be a do. • hairdresser she wouldn't mind Conestoga gave names cif • bekng a seamstress. Places where yon 'could get. experience told the Blyth Slimmer Festival V1111 like people without. experience 'kvho • were" willing tolearn. Mom had taken. .three art courses ill 'high :school and when she 'was interviewed they, agr6ed to take her on. • As well as looking for props she has:been helPing to build sets: and doing a few other things as well." Really her job entails helping everybOdy else. "You can't be afraid of heights because you have to help put up the lights," D0111141 Says. She-also has to help the carpenter,} and the lighting technician. "You, just 'have to be able 'to deal with people and willing to slie says. 'For your luggage needs was taller than ,the, persen playing the father. "So I painted thesets instead. Theatre hooke\me. I'm addicted to it,"' she said of likierser- verance in, the:theatrical field. LIZ HADEN Despite her interest in the technical side of, the theatre, Liz has no desire to appear on the -stageand as if-to add emphasis to this point, she says, "never ever.", Asked the, reason • for her non-desire to be an actr, she said that. in school, she had tried out for a tree in Peter Pan and was taller than• the rest' of the worked , 'at the Guelph Sprintrees. She also tried out for the Festival. -part -df the Mother in that play but "My major .interests' are lighting,. stage management, and carpentry," she gays. She held a technical assistant position -at the sehod this year.