HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1898-07-15, Page 8'i IiE4 WINU1IAMM r,l'11'1iES, JULY 15, l89a. M a a M o I { l.S." un. it e 't't a 4;i " ktaii ° 'F3 C ] C> 4 _ea :titac: the holidays ?loes vee es a s.;:,ZA 4`f her brother, S s • a `: freesia ,St Listowel. aJ eaS 'Mese r''1% b9. fl>aatal,l, a'f C;odorich, e, w .; Ti: . ta;:' Wiit;tt.tt't friends this woes 1.15. t' N..4 Minneapolis, Kansas, Th.% it'. Lle ire, ,d ar ti auric, of Hamilton, is the guest a aee fJC'ien i, :Fuss V anetone. 'Sass n' t'arr has returned hone from a ftrenals 1 Wtttuist,lel:. alln., :.cath, of Simele, was visiting wan her father, M. II Park. :Flies I.. 'Mitchell has returned home front Platteville for her vacation. Money Says-L.171g C}ance On S,ttutclay evening last, Mr. 3. Richards, 1-aw•milter, of Kinlongh, retired to bed in his usual stab'` of health. On Sunday morning when one of the family went to call hint for breakfast he was found dead. Heart disease is supposed to be the cause. It was a son of the deceas- ed who met his death with a fatal accident in 02. sawmill aboutt two months ago.Te The two hotel lteepers at Corrie were each fit ed $20 and costs last • week for selling liquor on Sunday, 4f Miss Lillie Johnston, of Clinton, has resigned her school in East Wawanosh, an will take a Normal F.ancY. Dress Goods and SClhool course, ,r :Ira Burehill, 8r , of Tnrnherry, has Bane t .r '} goods,tin a visit to fri,nds In Hepworth. Mr Atria Loughead was visitir.g with se- l .1 fOt an tend' :`.air- I.otakin ft lends (ladenthe week, a,)i.t.r pattern lir the Mies Dolly.Tohneto:t tree gone to London on an extended visit with friends, Ravin; moved to town Mrs. Smith, of St. Marys, tva' visiting thence lately woe pied by C' with her daughter, Mee I' ll lirrney. earner Centre and lEr Mrs•J J blesser and child, of Hamilton, the G.'1'. li,., Tam MUD NOTICE re 100 yds, Silk llll:med, scarce pat- g 111•;hest c-sh pi lees all kinds of Rags, + was the pest of Miss Dulmal;e aurin tho !Rubbers, Dopper. Horse Bair, Wool' terns, also novelty two-J.1,1,4'illi, week. mixed cheeks, worth tit.?r 75e and ( P ewe's , Iron and Metal ut all kinds,. Miss Edith Elliott, of Ingersoll, is spend• delivered at, my residence, or if word be 85e for 50e, Also 50 itis. Fancy ing a couple of weeks with relatives and ! teat, 1 will call for same. Silly reg. 75e for 50e, friends in- ton n. C GOODMAN. the reef 0, P. Welie,' etreets, near trecl to poy the s.STIOIE ECIAL 1 Mr W Swautz, who has been residing in town for some time, lett on Saturday last at prices that will surprise you. for Goderich. Mrs D J McFiggan and two children and left on Wednesday afternoon for their new 75„Ipairs odd sizes, reg. 81 $1,60, for 95e. home in Toronto. 11 Ir. Edward Haines returned home CLOTHING SP t„OI S on Tuesdayay from a week's visit with friends near Guelph. 25 Men's Snits just opened, Fine, Dark Goods, reg. LO 00 and X12.00 Mr. Will. Clark, of the Bank of Hamil- 1 i ton, spent last week holidaying with lines, I e, ae, 9ced. to iit7.00 an,00, g 6 Men's Black Serge Suits, reg. $5,00 for ,:13.50. SPECIAL all. MONTH in Hosiery, Gloves, Mnslins, Prints, Parasol:,, Lace Curtains, Carpets, Ladies' and Gent' t`ncJerwear, Gents' Furnishings, in Ilats, Collars, Cuffs 81 (1'i.'ies. Special all month in Ordered Clothing, as our stock is most coin. plate in I lick Worsteds and Fine T weeds. Money saving on a hundred things you can afford to invest in at our July money saving prices at M. H. ITINMYS. CSUEU.0 T9OTES. Rev. :Nm. Lowe preached a sermon to the Orangemen of Lucknow and vicinity on Sunday afternoon. Rev. R. S. G. Anderson, of Wroxeter, occupied the pulpit of the Presbyterian church on Sunday last, morning and evening. A regniar meeting w the W. C. T. U. will be Held in the basement of the Baptist church on Monday evening at 8 o'clock. A special invitation is extended to the honorary members. Rev. T. B. 1-. Westgate, a recent gradu- ate of Heron College, and known by many of our readers, is tvbout to leave for South America to engage in missionary work in that great neglected continent. The Blnevale Presbyterian congregation intend holding a grand garden party at the home of Mr. Henry Diment, Bluevale road, this (Friday) evening. A number from town will no doubt be iu attendance, The Epworth League of the Methodist church held r. successful picnic on Tam- lyn's prairie on Tuesday last. The after- noon was spent in games of various kinds and all present had a most enjoyable after- noon. friends in Mt. Forest. Mrs Jr Halliday, Diagonal road, has re- turned home from a few weeks' visit with friends in Harriston and Clifford. Mrs. Patterson and Miss Eugenia Pat- tetson, of Erin, were visiting with the for- mer's son, Mr. Wm. Patterson, jeweler. Miss T Carry and Miss H Netterfield, of Wingham, spent a few days last week visiting relatives in town—Goderich Star. Mr John Neelands, High Treasurer, goes to Brantford next week to attend the quarterly audit of the books of Canadian Foresters. Mrs Fisher, who is on her way home to Wingbam from Montreal, is spending the day with Mr and Mrs D A. Scroggie— Gnelph Herald. Mr W .1 -Chapman and family have gone to Pine Point, on Lake Huron, where they will, along with Ripley friends spend a couple of weeks in campitig. Mr and Mrs Wm Button, of Wingham, spent a few days with friends in Teeswater and Culross, previous to Mr. Button's Iparture for .England—Teeswater News. Messrs John F Groves and Robt Mc- Gregor left on Thursday . morning for Winnipeg, Manitoba, where they have se- eto.ed coed l&nrltinns, at their trades as bt iuhlayei.s. Mr. A. Graham, of London, was in town on Friday, to see'how the work on the new walks was progressing. He left ir, the afternoon for Petorboro, where he has a large contract. Mr A. Briabois leaves this (Friday) morning on a month's visit to friends in Montreal and other eastern points. He will be accompanied by bis son Adelor,who will remain in Montreal. VOTE Ti OTICE OF VOTERS' LIS S' LIST, 1398—MUNIOIPA , Y OF TOwNSITIP OF TURN' • icev, COUNTY 01? HL's Notice is It• Thy given t a3 Maned transmitted or delivered to t e person n tinned 1e sections h and 0 0t The of aria vu a Lists Act, 1859. the. cupids roma ed b said se .•', ons to be so transmitted or delivered of the st, 1 de 1)nrsnant to said Act, of all parsons apnea n• by the last revised Assess• meet roll of the said unlelpality to be entitled to vote III the said Mu • at Ilty at Elections for Mem• hers of the Legisl i'•e embly and at Municipal Eieotions; and nt tho sal let fids first posted tip et my o't'ce, at Bluevule P. on the 15th day of July, 18113, at remains there ft 'is-pection, Electors a called upon to ex% lie the, said list. and, if an • n❑ i sioos or any other -ors are found therein, o rake imntudiate procethni - to have the said err rs corrected according to law. JOHN BURGES Clerk of Tu aced this 13th day of July 1398. terry. .PERSONALS. 1V`0 shall be glad to have contributions to this column from any of our readers. If you irate fish• tors or purpose going away y01118011, drop in and tell us, or scud ns a note to that effect. Mrs Andrews is visiting with friends in London. Dr Burger, of Listowel, was in town on Saturday. Miss Cut tie, of Blyth. was visiting friends here this week. Mrs H"ins was visiting with Howtck friends Inst week. Miss 13 Coady has gond on a visit to friends in Saaforth. Airs W J Smith was visiting with friends in Listowel. Mitts McMurray, of Clinton, is the guest of 'the Misses Bell, Kr Jae Walker, of Brussels, was in town a few days this week. Miss Carrie "*acdonald visited with Clinton ftiondi lar=:• weak. Mrs Stuart, cA I,udknow,is visiting with her son, n att+"art. Air T .1 .. bad returned home from a Pleasant t+ip tip the lakes. >a 1' I'attlfn was in Toronto a couple of days twit week ou business. 1M1iss .3 , kens t l ctu •uiiar:, a «Agile 0f week* Wit,tl Eli..1,:ie at 13fytii. 141x, Thos Bell and Conductor Quirk r;` EA LED TE,'DERS addressed to t wide IJ and enders "lenders for 51, tlyio the Dominion 13 'Idincs," will be rec.' .,nice until Friday, 22nd July. specifications cat be seen a obtained ou and afte Friday, t ottic••, where all ue(:. •vary in ou application. Tenders will not be the printed form supp aotna'signatures of the Huh tender must 0 hank chcrlt equal to tun 1 r c tender We, c.) u'edc p yabie Rtonouruble the hitt suer of which will be forfcitei into a contract when fall to complete tl tender be not twee The Oepartme lowest or any to BELMOR.E, Mr. Jas. Mulvey was visiting in Mildmay last week Air. W. Chittick has returned to town again from Wingham, Mr. S. Richardson has returned home from Listowel for the holidays. We are pleased to learn that Airs. J. Duffy, :vho is at home with her parents on the boundary, is regain- ing her old time vigor. Examination Reports:— The following are the names of the pupils from Belmore Public Sehool, who passed the recent pro- motion examinations. Book II to book III. -Aggregate 470, to pass 235. Geo. Lane 369, Maggie Lane 316, Clayton Lowry 279, Pharbe Lawrence 272, Loughy Kargus 266, Beattie Richardson 239, Girtie Richardson 237, Lizzie McKee 235. Book I, Pt. II to book II Aware. gate 370, to pass 185. Lizzie Fry 239, Earnest Ilugill 229, Jane Ed- wards 215, Hazel Stewart 205, Cart- er McKee 199, Janies Edwards 186. Recommended, Maggie Meaghan. Book 1, Pt. I to book 1 pt. II. Ag' gregate 250, to .pass 125. Geo. Kargus 214, Ed ward Lawrence 178, Roy Gallagher 166, Maggie Adams 163, Merle Lamonbv 153, Recom- mended, St 'i nley Richardson. signed, float for ed at this uc of tender Jule, et this ti•:,t um be had ori unless made ou id si;-tt1 with the vers, anied 'oxen aeceptcd t. of amount 01 the the order of the Public SSorks, if the part, de line to enter ailed 111101 1. do .a, or trim work contract for. if the ed the cheque Hill e returned, tt ill not bind itteit 1 •twtept the Samuel Walbost, of .Landon, was fined $50 at Windsor fat. amttggling tl bieyell from Detroit into Windsor and shipping it from there to his home. BOAT FOR SALE The row ho.t with mfrs and cushions complete, owned by 'Mr, W. IL Wallace, can be purtrhllsed at a bargain, • Ay ply to R. VANSTONE. By order, 14, F. E. ROY, Scor Depnrtm t of Public works, Ottat .,'trod June, 1398. ea papers inserting this advertisenietit witho auth• ity from the Department will not u0 pa for EALED TENDERS ADDRESSED TJ TIIE IT. dersignod, and end,rsttl "Tender for Co r- ule 'on of Goderich Works." will he received at: ,his oftic until Friday, 15th July nest, in';lucivel , for comp . ing the harbor and river works ill co rse of reenlist coon at Goderich, Huron County, nt.srio, aocordlni, to a plan and specification to b seen at the office o 'the Town Clerk, Goderich, it the office of Mr. ff. A, ,rav, Resident ian',yit ser Confedera- tion Life Bail 'm', Toronto, and at th. Department of Public Work Ottawa, Tenders Will n be cerisldered unless r.'a,1 on the form supplied'. d signed wit the actual signa- tures of tenderers. An accepted bank cheque. payable to the order of the Minister of I'ub ' 11' Ice, for the stem of live thousand dollars (85,000 n 81 accompany each ten- der This check will b forfeited if the party de- cline the contract or fa t idoutplete the work con. tracted for, and will •o re rani in case of non- acceptance of tendo 'rho Department oes not bind *self to accept the lowest orany t .der. By order, E. F. 1:. R. Depart' tit of Public Works, Ott a, June loth, 1593. f N • 'simpers inserting this advertisement wit tit ant otity from the Department n111 not be paid .r • STRAY HORSE Strayed fro the pren1i sof 111r. John Gilleatiie, 1Yhitoch nth, on or about .1illy 0th, a bay ro horse, stands 17 hands high, wit ruaeh back. and was Olistei•ed on hind leg fetlock joint, Any perso giling i,nfurmation as to the horse's whereabouts, will be suitably rewarded. C. GILL-P.8M +,, Winghftm P. O. (souse and lot For Sale. The undersigned offers his house and lot on Alice street for sale. The house is a nine ronnt Mime one, with kitchen, and there is a number of good fruit, trees on i;he .ot. For full particulars apply to JAS, WILSON, W,Vnigham. SOAR FOS SERVICE The undersigned will keep for service on north half lot 2, tirst line, Morris, a thoroughbred Chester Wbite Boar. Ferrr_s, $1.00, with privilege of returning if necessary. St. 'diary, J. U•. PYFE. MONEY TO LOAN. Any amount of money to loan on good farm property at 5 per cent per annum. STRAIGHT LOANS—Payor en Ls made to suit borrower. Satisfaction guaranteed. Charges low. At office Friday afternoon and all day Saturday. ABNER OOSENS, Macdonald Block, Wingham. NOTICE --- TAX NOTICE that the M Co .oil of the Town of W ngham, irate to construct as ocal im- prove.'ents: (1), A tonere sidewalk four a d one hair feet wide on the wes.:ide of Minnie s cet, between the South 14:t l corner 1 Lot No. 47., and the cotiotete sidewalk on the uth side t John street. The esthnatocl cost of the work is .'13i', of which 085 is to be provides out •f the „oneral funds of the uniei i I aa11t I y. (2) A concrete sidew It `,m' feet wide on the East side of Edward street, 1 ..weer, John and victoria Streets. The estimated st of this ware is 3270, of which s50,25 is to be w sided out of the general finds of the iltunielp, ty. And to assess til flnal gists thereof upon the properties abuttin. thereon, end to be benefitted thereby, and the a statemer showing tho lands liable to pay tit • cid ussoss,ne „ and the names of the owners ther• f, so far day the •an he ascertained from the last r •heed assessment r •11 is now filed in the office of t o Mork 0f the Mun ipality, and is open for snap thin during, office ho. Marthato a notice that the last idalication of this notice w 0 be on the loth day of 3t t , 1398 A Court • Revision will bo held on i mdav, tho 22nd day August, 1898, at 8 o'e!oek p. n., at the Council C archer, in the said Town, for tit urposc of hes ng complaints against the 1 oposed aseessn nt, or aocuracy of the frontage m ; farm - merit or any ether complaint which perso s in. ter • d may desire to make and whinh is b aw labially the Court. f d.Cierk's Diose, Wingham, July 4th, 1808 J. 13. i'ERGUSON, Clore FARM FOR SALE The undersigned offer for sale the farm property, beiug lot 32 in the 12th concession of the Township of Eaet Wawanosh, containing 102 acres, more or less, 140 acres of which is, cleared. There are upon the premises a good haute barn and frame house. The farm will be sold on reasonable terms. Apply to THOS. GREGORY, or. BENJ. WILLSON, Wingham, Ont. FAfRM FOR SALE The undersigned otters for sale bis farm, being .horth halvds of Lots 1 and 2 in the list Concession of Kinloss, oun- taitiing 100 bores more or less. There are upon the premises a basement barn 50 feet squ(tre ; good dwelling house ; tine urchnrdiand garden, and abuudanee of good spriing water. There is a good crop in. whyth will be sold with the farm. For terms and particulars apply to W1I. REN DALL, at Win„;harn Foundry. D. M. Gor rn pays the highest prices for good Butter and Eggs; either cash or trade. One price only to all buyers, and that the lowest price at which goods can be sold, Now we have made a,.,,, TREMENDOUS OUT in the prices of all summer goods, To quote prices are ti so misleading, unless the goods are actually before you, that we will not submit to figures, but we pledge our word to give you for the NEXT THIRTY DAYS the biggest bargains in all lines of Summer, goads ever offered in the • town of Wingham. All Staple Goods, Bootst and Shoes, Ready-made Clothing, Teas, &c., &c., ba've all been subjected to a heavy reduction in prices. Sf.l;a'v Hats, fine and common, , will be cleared out at cost. Some of thein even below cost. • Comte and examine our stock and be saiisfied that this is a genuine sale. ga-Ask to see our "Maypole" Soap. The finest and cheapest coloring' material in the world. STOW FOR SALE The admi;nistrittrix of the estate of Alexander Dawso.l, deceased. offers for sale the Two Stores in Wingham now ocoupted by Messrs. N, A. Far- quharson and W. 11. Wallace, Offers for the same should be addressed to J.. MORTON, Wingham, Solicitor for the•Estate Order your] -AND- —FROM THE— HOLSTEIN DAIRY. THE TIMES ONES wpm THE NEWS AAA 40c will pay for it from now till the end of the` year, VM ARE YOU A SUB6OPIB ER ? D. M. GORDON, Direct Importer. Siecia1 of China Cups, Saucers and Plates, are very pretty, fine goods, and you can buy one or a dozen at A VERY SPECIAL PRICE nother ...` rate of•that "Old Reliable" line of Brown Semi -Porcelain Cups and Saucers, Plates, Platters, Vegetable Bowls, &c., for every -day use, and selling As Cheap as Common White Goods. N. ar;:iw ': a N .arson " The China House," Wingham. SPECIAL 1 COMMENCING SATURDAY, JULY 2nd. S. GRACEY is offering his present stock of 1 COACHES LUNGES, HOLSTERED ATTRESSES ETC. at clearing sale prices. We intend to "dear out our goods within the next 3o days, and we offer th`ern at prices away below anything' ever offered by any retail dealer in Wingham. Now is your opportunity if you want Bargains. We have a big stock. First to come will have best choice. We will also give you the best prices ari Bedroom Suites, and Extension Tables ever offered here, and would especially ask you to examine the quality of these articles, They are made here in Wingham by the Union Furniture Co., who are noted for making the best goods in their line in Canada. Note a few of our July Prices : $ i S.00 Bed Room Suites for $ 15.50. $ i6.00 tt tt t, $13 50. $14.00 t, tt „ $II.5o• And a Suite for $7.0o that will knock out anything that i can be put lip against it. $9.00 Sideboards (with best German Mirror) for $7.50. $7.00 for $5.75. See our line of Rocking Chairs at 5o cents. Just bear in mind that we take no back seat from any one on prices at any time, and now for July we will quote you pric esthat will be below all others at S. GRACEX'E- Furniture Wareroom, Wingham. 4