HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1978-07-06, Page 4SUsan Whitewasguestspeaker at the EducatiOn and •Cultural ActiVitios, meeting of ,the Staffs Women's Institute, held in the township hall on Wednesday. evening June 28, She gave the members a most interesting outline o-f-,the work involved in setting up a weekly paper for publication and 'presented everyone with the Huron Expositor right oil' the press." Mrs. Charles Douglas presided,- arid following the Institute Ode and Mary Stewart .Collect, read a poem, The Marriage Stew. During business it was decided, to sponsor Marion Simile in the Queen of the Fair (,ompetition at Mitchell Fair. MrS. Douglas and Mrs. John Templeman arc the commit tee' 10 set up the Institute's display at • Mitchell Fair., Mrs. Bert Daynard reported 'on the .75th an niversary; -party planed for July .13 saying that' several replies had been received. - Mrs. Lloyd Miller presided for the program.. •Call-w-liat would you, like . to -do with .your hand's-was answered by . 12. members ancl • .3. visitors. An ineiden t.,„ from the past was, given , by Mrs.'Lorene Hamilton and she reminisced about a forinee bus • trip, 'Mrs. George Vivian had a delightful dis play of dried liniver, arrangements and demonstrated how to make a ,wall. hanging.. Following the 'meeting a social t inte'was enjoyed.,,,; r.ved by the hostesses, Mrs. Loreen Hamilton and Mrs. Lloyd Miller. • Personals, • • • Mrs. Donald -Mauer, Sherry and Vicky, St. Catherines and Mrs-. Bob McDonald, Mark. and Christopher, " Exeter. visited Saturday with Mr. and Mrs. John ...1Aary_Yost and Mrs. Lillian Yost 'spent weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Harold - MCCallurn: leYee and Cart and Mr. and Mr.- Paul McCalluin and Cindy have-returned to their home in DaytOn Ohio, en Tueday. • Mr. and Mrs. Mike Musselman and boys of Stratford spent, the' • weekend at the home of, Mrs. • Margaret Beuerman. Mr. Louis Thornton of Lon called on Mr. an.d -Mrs. Ed Reg le Saturday afternoon.' • CHEX Butcher YdUr BEEF or PORK at DUBLIN ABATTOIR WE ALSO: -make your lard • -sausage -cure meats WE: -hang -cut -trim -wrap -freeze CUSTOM KILLING DAYS BEEF — WEDNESDAY AFTERNOONS PORK •— MONDAY AFTERNOONS TEL, 345-2360 BY APPOINTMENT NORTH * STAR PUMA ' '191•F21°F.:111Pr". • HURON gXPOSITOR JULY 6, ton THE MALONE CLAN WHOOP IT, UP- - Members of the Malone Clar,pertainiy demonstrated you can have a good time in a parade, moonshine still or not. (Expositor Photo). ACTON SAVAGE HUSH PUPPY 0 td-1 ALL WOMEN'S CASUAL SANDALS Reduced 20% to 50% SAVE ON ALL WOMENS SUMMER `DRESS SHOES C) m CO 7C 0 MEN'S WHITE SUMMER SHOES 25% off ALL MEN'S SANDALS -en DON'T MISS OUR $500 RACK KIDDIES SANDALS Outside the door 527-1110: O Sc 13 `d 1 V I I V O MAIN STREET, SEAFORTH SINCERE THANKS - to all who assisted in any way to make our Centennial Parade such a success on - Saturday, July 1. • - A "special note at gratitude to the partiaipants whose contribution brought such enjoyment to hundreds of spectators there, - and to the sponsors of the Centennial Queens Contest, the contestants ,themselves, and those donating cash awards. - We were overwhelmed by your generosity, co-operation and spirit of good will. All memories will be kept with the warmest sense of friendship for years to come. DUBLIN CENTENNIAL PARADE COMMITTEE • • '1 'put there are still some copies of the Alarm (fxpositor DUBLIN CENTENNIAL ISSUE AVAILABLE. 1" 50c at the Expositor offic Families have special visitors Margaret MacRae, Jennie an Ian from London, Mr. arid Mrs, John Wartien. Chris and Michael of Stratford, Mrs. Lam Ward and. Shannon from Kitchener and Mr. Don, Ryan of Melbourne, Mr'. and Mrs. Jim Malone and family visited Mr. and Mrs. Jack Malone and Mrs. Clare Murray and family. Miss Carol Phillips' of Ann Arbar, -Michigan, accompanied • by Mr. Frank Woods, Teeswater, visited Mr. and ' Mrs. Jack Malone, Mrs. Gerard Marchand of Windsor-attended the celebration in Dublin and spent the weekend with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Gary Sararas, and Jill of Exeter, visited Mr. and Mrs. JOP.,NPlan • Mrs. Agnes Carbett and Mary of Clinton •'spent Thursday with Mrs. Mary McIver. Mr. and Mrs. Martin Purcell of Kitchener spent the weekend with Mi. and Mrs. Jack Lane. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Ryan of Thorbdale attended the centennial in Dtiblin. Sister Jean Mbylan spent the holiday with . her mother Mrs. Mary Moylan. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Doyle of Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. Mike Doyle of Zurich, Mrs. Mary Smith of. Detroit visited Mr. Ted Doyle and old friends here.' Mr. Tony. Van Bakel of just going ,to, sit down." Mr. and Mrs. Ben Flannigan visited —Mr.-and-M.1.s, Vincent Lane. .... • . . Visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Ryan over the weekend were' Mr., and Mrs. Jim Stibject and Karric of Kitchener. Mrs. l'empleman. . . Mr. and Mrs. Bill Warden visited on the weekend with Mrs, Hazel Sadlet, Sault Ste: Marie. Mr. and 'Mrs. GaViii Qtriney, returned' to Victoria, British Columbia, on the weekend after' visiting with • Heather's family, Rev. andt Mrs. Daynard - and family, Visiting Sunday with Mr. and !vim Rob Templeman and Carrah were Mr. and Mrs. Charles Ebel, Stratford, Mr. and Mrs. • Hap Swatriclge and Jill, Wingham, Mr. and Mrs. Naldo„, Horn, Zurich, Mrstz- Gert. Middleton, Rexdale, Mr. and Mrs. Bill. Middleton, Shelly and Sara, Brampton,. Mr. ' and Mrs. Bill Hoy. Nancy and John Tecumseh, Misses Carol Stewart and s Pat Jewell, Guelph, Miss Beth German and Dennis Stewart, Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Ken Dill, St. Marys. ' Mrs. Mary E. Feeney spent a few days in Kitchener with' Mr. and Mrs. Ted Feeney to welcome their new son and grandson Wm. Curtis. Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Hallman and Mr. and Mrs. ban Cole of Burlington Crescent, London, spent the weekend with Mr. Don MacRae and friends and attended Edmonton is visiting his parents Mr. and Mrs. Theo Van Bakel. 'Miss Hilda Kennedy of London visited Mrs. Mary Ditchartneerseer the weekend. Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Blonde and Mark of Ottawa, Mr. Greg Blonde of Brantford, Mr. and Mrs, Ben Blonde and Mrs. Charles O'Neil of Windsor all visited Mr. and Mrs. Ted Melady- over the weekend, " Correspondent Mrs. Ed-WOW Visitors on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Paul McCallum -and Cindy were, Mr. and Mrs. Van Yost, Mrs. Mary yeet Mrs. Lillian Yost of Dayton, Ohio.,'Mr. and Mrs. Harold McCallum, Joyce and Carl', Mr. and Mts. Ronald McCallum of #1 and #3 Walton, Mr. Kevin Hulley, of Londesboro. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Regele #4 Walton, Mt. and Mrs. Kelly Dalton of #1 Londesboro. Mrs. Margaret Beurerman #4 Walton Mr. and .Mrs. Stanley Hillen •of Seaforth and. Mr. and Mrs. E. Godkin of Clinton have returned to their homes after a 'tour of England and. Scotland,. Mr. and Mrs. Van Yost, Mrs. the Centennial festivities. Mrs. Millie Evans entertained visitors on the centennial weekend: •Mr. and .Mrs.• Charlie Beim and Mr. Lind Mrs. Bill Berm, all , of Toronto;' Mr. and Mrs.. Jim Jordan, Orillia; Mr. and Mrs. John • Cleary and Karen. London; Mr. and Mrs. Bill Evans, Jo-Anne, ' Colleen, and Jim Arnold. Niagara Falls; Miss Mary ,Evans and Mis.s . Madeline We welcome back Mr. and Mrs. Tom Ducharme and family of Thunder Bay who are visiting Mrs. Mary Ducharme for a few days. Mr: and Mrs. Adrian Plue and Sister Maritta Delaney Visited Mr. and Mrs. Steve Murray Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Louis Kennedy and Paul and Mr. and Mrs. Bill Kinahan visited Mr. and Mrs. Don Ii oylan over The weekend. Perche both of Windsor; Sr. Eileen' Evans, Montreal,. Mrs. Helen O'Rourke's visitors for the centennial were Mrs. Helen Krauskopf, London; Mr. and Mrs. Don Meugge, Bryan and Ann, Walkerton, Mrs. Tessie • Costello entertained, centennial , visitors also: Mr. and Mrs. Pete Groshok of London; Mr. and Mrs. Doug MeGildery and _ family of Chatham; Mr. Bill' coStellos, New Lowell; Mr. and Mrs.; -Gordon Costello of Kingston; Mr. and Mrs. Danny Costello of Kitchener and family; Mr. and Mrs. John Krauskopf of Guelph; Fr. John Costellp of Tillsonburg; Ficeney,of London; Mr. and Mrs. Barney Costello and family • of CATHERINE ANNE LANE daughter of Mr. and Mrs, Jeseph A. Lane, R. R. #2, Dublin, graduated from Lambton College of Applied Arts and Technology, Sarnia on June 9, 1978, in Early- Childhood Educatioti and Infant and Toddler Care and, Guidance. Catherine Anne 'has accepted a position in Strathroy. USE- EXPOSITOR WA-NT-ADS Phone 527-0240h Correspondent Don IlLiaelitte Visitors with Mrs. Jean Dill for the Centennial festivities were Mr. 'and Mrs. Harold Corman, Hamillcin,' 'Mr. and Mrs. sSchweyer of Willowdale, Mr, and Mrs. Cletus Lynes, London, Mr. and Mrs. Don Warren, London,' Mr. , and Mrs. Wm. Warren and Mark. Stratford, Mr. Ralph Dill, London and friend, Fran Malone 345-2632 • What cam you say after the good time_ we had over the' weekend. Our' congratulations to. the Dublin Centennial committee who must have worked so hard to give us all such a wonderfill time. The' July I weekend -will long be remembered in Dublin and St. Columban• I've heard-comments like "did vou ever- see ;sir, ruany .. happy faces?",-and "I met my first cousin and it's been se long( didn't know her! 'to "The last of the conmany have left and I'm Staffa WI hears of Expositor St. Columbolioopip at Centennial. McKillop Couples thome from Britain Dublin Cenlionn,10.1. • • (Continued from Paget) Brothers Ltd. and a'• bronze medalliOn. The seebnd runner-up was .Vicki Ben neWieS, Miss Cronin Transport, who won $50 &muted by Moffatt and Powell and •a %bronze medallion. On Sunday the, afternoon's festivities started with a home- pining- mass. conducted by ,Father Gordo'n Dill, Monsignor • Joe Feeney, Father Joe O'Rourke. Father Arthur Loony and Father Bill Morris, all forms[ Dublin it es.. and Father ••P. A. Oostveen of St .•Columban Church at St. Patrick's Church.' After the, Mass: visitors gathered iii .the diurch basement and on the la W n• for. a social hour where they visited over sandwiches and coffee. - The scores in .the girl's softball, league, games played in Dublin Park saw the Dublin Pee Wee Girls defeat theMitchell team by a .score 'of 18 to 14 while the Dublin Juvenile Girls' softball team defeated the Mitchell team by a score of 12 to 5. • In the DeWitt House League game, the GOod News Bears defeated the Cool Cats by a score of 21 to 15. • 'Fite afternon's events, included' a bed race clown Main Street and a series of baseball "~'games between Dublin players an The bed race was W011. by the Seaforth Sleepers captained by Jim.Cardno with Team, members Dick Roberts •• and ' Gordon HenderSon of Brucefield„ Bill Docking of. ,Staffa and. Randy Wilson of Seaforth, who received the $75 first prize. • • • Fast Paced • Runner's-up in the fast-paced 'race were the Marna's Boys captained by Bob Tiller of Pahnerston with team members ' Bob Jansen, Ted Janina:it, Nlartin, De-C.orte'', and Mike a Reit IY of Seaford' who won $50,' The third placed team were the Manley Mashers baseball tcam who reel•ived $25 for' t heir efforts. By Sunday evening, the maiTi festivities 'in Dublin were over. Ov"er 1300' people from. as . far. away . as California,' Chicago, Detroit, Montreal '.and TOronto has added their names, to the register. Visitors had wandered through St, Patrick's School, slopping .to .read newspaper articles written on Dublin's 'history .or to try and pick out • friends or relatives . in the ,collec:tion of school photoS in the hall. Marty families combined reunions with the Centennial festivitio1 arid a number of the fornier teachers in the Dublin schools returned for the weekend',, events. In a wor'd, the Centennial was a success-far mord successful than even the members . of the centennial committee h ad expect ed. You"can't really blame the people of Dublin for taking things easy on Monday morning--and maybe staying in bed just a few minutes longer!, After all,' it was quite, a birthday party! ADVERTISING CORRECTION I n an advertisement of Leo Kroonen LIMBERT FARMS SUPPLIES DUBLIN, ONT.'. which appeared on page 23 of the Dublin centennial section. of The Huron Expositor issue of June 29, 1978, in a list of anniversary - Special items Swift 40 per cent cattle supplement was shown as $120 per ton. This was in error, the correct 'price being MO per ton. WEDDING. INVITATIONS THE HURON EXPOSITOR PHONE 527-0240 SEAFORTH