The Wingham Times, 1898-07-15, Page 4. :ENGLISH PARIS Guaranteed Pur' or money refundec'• CQUN A. CRYP9E16 DRUGGIST_ Campbell's Ht:atdacheWafers cure headaches. TO A.DV.EavISEIRS. biotice of changes must be left at this office not later than Saturday noon. The copy for changes must be left not later than Tues- day avenin;. Casual advertise- ments accepted up to noon Thursday of each week. eO?lC tiugly rn .demes FRIDAY, JI'LY 15, 1898. EDITORIAL 'NOTES. The dailies of f today contained a list of the Election trials to take place, also the dates when they would be tried. The West Huron ease will come off' at Goderieh, on October 27th and South Huron at (oderich on Oetcber :,lst. A Special session, of the Ontario Legislature, has been called for Au• gust 3rd. The 3ttorne y Yeneral gives as his reasci;s for calling the House together, so consider the election petitions; -he right of con- stables to vote, ard the Provincial control of fisheries. GOOD LIBERAL APPOINTMENTS Day after day the tory newspap- ers pablish and re r,ublish the names of a few Liberal;., bo baying been 1111.11; Y''WENtiliA.A1 `11 y1 y" JULY 15 ed to retreat in confusion. however the publication of such names a thou - wind times will do noinjury and the a' '17 but groundless insinuations of the tory press will fall harmless ag- ainst men who deserve nothing but good at the Iutnds of the Dominion. OUR OTTAWA LEITER. tFrout our own Correspointoi . Ottawa, July Lith, 1898 viii i,I8G.1I YEAH, Canada's liscai year ended on June 30th, and the preliminary figures to hand indicate the most favorable showing in many years. In the Customs, Post Office, Railways and Public Works, and in the Miseellane ous, the returns show big increases, the Customs receipts alone being $2,149,000 in advance of those of last year. The Excise Department however shows a heavy falling off ot $1,300,000. The total revenue on account of the consolidated fund for the year indicates an increase of oyer 82,000,000, nor has the inerease reached its limit yet apparently, as the figures for June are more than $000,000 in excess ot those of the corresponding nsonth last year. The Savings Banks returns are equally satixfaetory, the amount to the credit of depositors being $48,- 577,000 as against $47,130,000 a year ago. An increase of 81,447,000 in the year would not appear to in- dicate that loss of public favor in the Government Savings Banks which as b.en so confidently foreshadowed n the Conservative press. A surplus will be a new experience or the last was in 1893, while since hat date the deficits have amounted o over $11 000,000, .It last the enef€cial effects of the Liberal ad -1 r atinistration are beginning- to Inani- st themselves in an agreeably prao. e cal manner., t eanssios THE Ii \ • &Y: T � o r,. a The position which the Dominion ok in the Imperial Juttilee demon - ration a year ago as the Premier olony of the Empire is being main- ined, . and strengthened all the me, and while it is freely conceded at fortune has favored us with ore than usual bounteousness, it ould be idle to pretend that good vernment and the progressive up- -date legislation has not had very uch to do with the marvellous ad. noes our country is making, and e high estimate in which she to -day his in the Empire. The polluy of r Government, the opinions of our teseaen, the trend of public feeling Canada, are watched and cancass. to -day as they never were before; d tbe influence of Canadian senti nt upon Imperial policy is a most ent factor to be reckoned with. tri trade increasing fifty millions 'ear, with the tide of itninigration ening rapidly, with capital and italists more and more attracted he magnificent opportunities offer - by our mines, a.a our vast agri- tural and cattle raising faeilties, the government in the hands of n not only alive to the require• nts of the hour and needs of the ntry, but also capable of provid- for them it may truly be claimed , our lot is cast in pleasant es. INTERESTING, IF TELIE, ot a little amusement has been ed this week, by a report in the 1 Conservative 'paper of the al - d proceedings at a Cabinet Coun.. ecting' on `Thursday afternroon hich it titins stated, under flaming Iines, that the Minister of the r€or had been severely called n by bis colleagues for the ed tills deeds of Government als itt the Yukon, who are under control of his Departaient. lc is rcely necessary to_ state that the re report was evolved out of the torial intag.ination,for apartfrom other consideration, the Premier fully one -halt cif his colleagues not present at the meeting at t b fie ti the valuable information upon which I INIAR1U. T 1tI i Olt_TS. iVlle lair. ;to speculate. Take for examp ate, who is not as has been ltegistratl' nor Inspector of Mines, but a Clerk of the Peace and Crown At• tornoy and Commissioner of Lands in neither of which capacities can be obtained information which would be of value to hien in securing claims. The officer at Dawson (litst, who is really responsible is Mr. 1+'awectt, the Gold Colninissionor and an appointee of the Conservative Gov- ernment, who has been inthe pubtie service for many years. His repu- tation is melt that it is not likely anything of aquestionable character would occur with his knowledge and the same may be said al his associ- ates. MR. OGXLvIte8 POSITION.In this connection many hav len into the error of supposin Mr. Sifton recalled Surveyor Og whom he is said to have fou charge of the admintstration Yukon. Nothing could he fitfrons the facts, Mr, Ogilvie was administrator, nor did be have one iota, of authority. II sent by the surveyer Genera head of an exploring party and out to report on his work wh was completed. It is a fact,ever, that he repeatedly urged the late Government the great n sity of better administration m inery, but these reports were tematieally ignored until the pr head of the Department of thtenor took charge and organized the government of the Yukon upon a basis sufficient for its rapidly grow--ing requiretnents. Su fttr from the Government having neglected this matter the efficiency of the govern- mental machinery in that far away egion is the administration of the world. There is every reason to xpest this efficiency to be main- a€ned and the best men employeds heretofore; and now having corn•pleted his duties as Surveyer0 cratedW'inghaln, July 14, 189H e fat, g that ilvie, nd in of the rther never ever e was I as ea ate ..orrerted by P. Deans, Produce Dealer. Flour per 100 lbs 1 75 to 2 40 Fall wheat 0 75 to 0 a0 Spring Wheat 0 75 to 0 59 I3wrley,.,. •..... 0 24 to 0 25 ,•.••• ... 0 30 to 0 35 Peas .... ,... .B.M„M, 0 45 to 0 45 Turkey, drawn 0 07 to 0 08 Serest+, +• 0 04 to 0 05 looks, per pate ..,...,..,0 40 to 0 00 Batter..., ,....:.. 0 12 to 0 18 I:ga per dozen 0 10 to 0 10 17ood per cord, ... .... , • 1 00 to 1 25 I-lsy per ten,, . . . . . 4 50 to 5 00 Potatoes, per bushel, , . , , 0 80 to 0 8 Cherries............. 0 08;i to 0 04 Tallow ,per lb 0 4 to 0 4 Dried Apples, per lb. . , . , . ,0 8 to 0 4 WoolDressed boas 010 to 910 50Uto004 .noxtre. 0.tir nal rrn—In fiowiek, on Jttne 300, the wife of Edward Galbraith of a son, lt'etcortsu—.In Culross, on July Toth, the wife of Mr. John 1+'ataoner, of a son. ' * 1'r•.am.s --In 'rurnherry, on July 11th, the wife of Mr. Edward Ferguson, of a son, ''t# MAR.RIEtI. fif;Faatotoons--beta to -In East Wawa - nosh, on Juno 201,11, by Rev. Mr. Octan, Mr. J, 1i'erguson to Miss Mary Daley, both of East Wawanosh•V DIED. Scoz•�r--In Ct,lross, on June 23rd, James Scott. aged til years. eIt it `Si o.1i,—In O.ulroes, on ,Tutee Booz, hoW- kl.ary Jane Boyd, wile of Chas. Sproat, upon 7,4.Taxr3,oB_In Etasts and Omonths. • t�awanv h, on July eves. 8th, Maggie E., t.langhter of Mr. David ach– Taylor, aged 20 years, J 1. months and sys_ 8 dayse esent BEL(iRAVE. e In Miss Nellie Wilkinson is visiting "friends in :Ripley this week. ' Rev, Mr. hall, of l3elgrave is tak- e well-earned holiday. Messrs. Clegg and Dances shipped two care of cattle last week to Tor- onto. Pev. Mr, MeT, a n, f f Blyth will oenpv the Presbyterian pulpit on Sundae nt xt. M • C. McClelland shipped a car of Crltrle lat.t 'stirek to Toronto D2r. 1 Jtessra. IS at,uu tk G fddes Siad ued atria 2 ears of luui•ber' to %vaterlo•) la;t to st to ti th in w members of t go parliament, are now to holding positions of honor and trust m under the present governments.I� roan va the eotnrnents accompanying these th names one is led to Infer that a seat hot an the House cf (amnions brands a ou man as a dangerroe and suspicious sta diameter, and at, one unfit to in . serve his counter 't..any official ea- cd pacity, an We are not ir:rkitoed to deny that me this may he true of many of Sir pot Charles Tupper's blowers, but we Wi submit that the gentletnt,n occupying a the seats on the Liberal side of the sw house are good honorable men, and cap it is with great ,a:n that we see to t them judged by dos low standard ed that has been set ;Ip by tbe Tory cul darty for several ,ears hack. We and are sure that the Liberal M. P's.who ine have been 'raised' to the Senate will me do their duty the ::eater for their ex- cou perience gained in the House. ing Mr. Lister's wide experience in that human affairs gained during years plae of opposition will serve the country well upon its judicial benches, We N have no doubt that the substitution ecus of Mr. Cameron for Mr. McIntosh, in loco, the. Governor's ebair of the North lege "Vest will be a distinct change for ell to the better, and ,,t, also with the in w others. head These appointnJ,3ots are far trom Inte unproper. It is nit surprising that dow in filling positions of great trust the alleg ministers should c:h;,se men whom ofliei they know well, whose character in. the spirea•confdence; and in whose abil- sea ity they trust. Sir Oliver Mowat, enti fol' instanee, was cna of these, but al. repor though he was adv;tueed from a seat any in parliament --tilt= upper house --to and ix I,ietitenartt•Ga ernorship, his naive were does clot appear in this oft repeated all. • list and why ,, impl� beeause it A 13 a household word n Ontario and taken reflects great credit Jn the adminis- Burin tration, Aeeordingly the tory press repor omits Sir Oliver's name and uses t official 'those ot nten less known to their alleg readers, eonpled W:th the dark in. C=laims Halation that the:. are terrible fel- forma lows, end t tnet+'t�:t .o the Country's boldin well•bt�nr .- purpo Such of course . a not the ease. of pub They are men each qwhom have Bible, the esteem ani e ttfidenee of the pedk pie and who have proved it by offer• crtng tthetn=elves ^or the snfferage of • their fellow t'itt:'ens :unci receiving it, while the Tories w. a are temerity to <ItJpose tht'tn were ••of'eated and fore• good deal of space has been np in the Conservative press g the last week or ten days by is tit: these horrible doings of Is in the Yukon, whom, it is are buying Yip valuable , secured through inside in- tim offlclutly obtained, anti g the same for speculative ses. Suet) action on the part ori 3 lie servants would be respon-• rage but it ill ecrfa€nty unfair to E',adle condemn any officer without or-- 1 Socia robatjve evidence, whieh has not Duriki been seeured at present, The officers who have been emned i iii this eonnectioxl do tot happen to, lie(rn a be in artesian that wr,uld give theta villi A gilvie goes back in an admini tive capa1 ity., The country consider itself fortunate in secu the services of so capable an offi NOTES. Mr. Alex. Smith the energetic vincial organizer for the Lib party has gone West on a months trip. His hosts of frie throughout the Province unite wishing him bon voyage and e piste restoration to health. The figures respecting busin failures in Canada during the first half of this year are as gratifyfng as all other trade statistics are prov- ing to be. From January to Juue 1898 only 813failures are reported in Bradstreet with liabilities of 85,. 799,1)43 as against 1074 failures with liabilities of 887,618,643 in the corms. ponding part of 1807 a reduction in each case of about twenty- four per cent. Not only is the reduction of failures and liabilities most satisfat:- tory but the assets of the insolvents are tnuch larger relatively to the liabilities than in 1897. These fig- ures cover the whole of Canada and is another indication that we are on the up grade. may week ring Commissioner Ogilvie leaves for the Yukon nest week. Pro Gutlemain, the murderer of Le eral Plante, will be hanged at St. lis two aeinthe on Sept. 20. nds Fifteen pegleg tratnps have been to arrested to date in eonneet'on witli our• the London murder. They cover a range of territory extending from ass l.t GLENA:VN�aN`, Mr. Jas. Fox and fatuity moved to Logan last Friday, where he has secured work. Jim don't like to be idle. Mr. and Mrs. Jno. Hastings, of Orangeville, Spent a few days here this week visiting friends. Miss Jane Small is at present on the sick list. Tope she will soon re- cover. Rev. M. McRae, of Craribroo:, will preach in radio's church on Sunday next. Rev. Mr. West will preach in Cranbrook. in his puce. Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Agar, of Conn., are Waiting at Mr. Gilbert Stevens, Death has Come again into .our midst and taken away James, infant son of Dir. and Mrs. David Waltaee, who have the heart felt sympathy of ythh,e community in their sad bereave- ment. At the semi-annual meeting state C. K Society, the following meeting were appointed :--. Presir1ent, Rev, IV. J. West; "ice president, tint,. }Sutton; Secretary, Jas. Gilinonr ; Treasurer, Miss Slit- shell ; Looknnt Cofnm€ttee, Miss Ilett• ton, Bliss Anderson, Mr. Gitmonr l' • r Meeting Committee, Miss , Mrs. Button, Mr. Htktton . 1Cornmittee, Miss Mitchell, Mies n. 11. Dailey of Rockport, itas, t'pointed bursar of the Brock •i sy lrtr .r!.UR.4.4..4,t4..1!s.444141.44M4.4..t!K4Ar!1455X!A14/RY�t%5.,p�q//,14445nrM5.C5•, 444404..MMIIM4■MK1,4y4tlr'y11. 4. ..... 04144.....•4 ... 4W45.M.111144/.5.ean asst �/.nont to w11 ani.45444. eama 411 ne..11l�5/.Ni0 s '1� / h la / 'aua �l Pti.Xe Lard 10c ib. Down Windsor Soap 6 for 5c. French ust zed, hi tumblers, 5e each. Cook's Friend Baking Powdor 5c page. Canned Corned Beef .,P�.:LSO -ter Cooked Roast Beet., Smoked Sliced Beef. Chicken, Ram and Tongue. Devilled Ham, Tongue, Beef and Turkey. Potted Tongue, &o. JOHN KERR GROCER, WINGHAM. al,s,M, ?ij 7i r 7777.77•707777 !./ . (nsststettursr s' s','t=xi. Would y ou Wish Asa Man To Leave your Wife and Babies Helpless? EmphatkaUy, NO you say. But don't you know that the unprotected widow and orphans are the short of Fate -..the driftwood of humanity ---What can they do> o when n you era not there to help them. Thos question demands an answer. The answer is starvation or degradation. The remedy is Insurance. Add to In- suranc•c brotherly consideration, care and attention, aid and help, and you have The Canadian Order of Foresters. They offer Insurance at just enough above cost to Insure absolute safety. J. TRY tri. 4l Q �'� ;c� ,t i for your 1tihnmer BOOTS and SHsES HIis stuck is Good and Cheap Extra fine line in ChiIdren'a Wear, ALL BICYCLE SHOES AT COST Custom work and repairing promptly HERE .ARE THE RATES: 1 attended to, Between the On On On On Age!. Or $5o,,. Sr,o,,o. $t,soo• Ss,000. 15 t,, OJ..� .iiC. .... loc. .... tfnc. ....$1.ao ontreal on the east to Minnesota in 135 .11,..• • Soc.. • •• s.5o.....:.:s •••• r.70 the west. 4o io• 55c• •••$noo .... x.go 2.00 sea seas vuu information cent on application to R. Eta.mrT, MT., Ii., Ingersoll, Ont.; Taos. Wan t, II. S., Brantford, Ont. t or EnaaT taarcz•caa, Supt. of Organization, Brantford, Ont. _.. '—_ ._ And is it not due to nervous exhaustion? Things always look so much brighter when we are in good health. How can you have courage when suffer ing with headache, nervous prostration and great physical weakness? Would you not like to be rid of this depression of spirits? How? By removing the cause. By taking It give3 IetttIplty to all parts that carry tray useless and polsonons materials from your body. It removes•the cause of your suft!erieg, •because it re. -moves all impurities from your •. blood. Send tor out book on Nervousness. To keep in good health you trust have perfect action of the bowels, Ayer's Pills cure con- stipation and biliousueas. Motto to ONO V a -, ,, Pathos Von Memel lik,l to abnantt loran dmin6ni •bytktatts **oat year roname 7, VMS VW. alit ttanty an the krxrtaettlMs to pu.trl a,ta YOU *In It. COlY0 a aro.*DI Noir. ..'vl.tty€gati$ t,' it.. AMU**tal, 7, d, ♦itka. Imam. stats, WINGHAM SA W McILEAN & SON, Props. All kinds of rough ar d dressed Lumber, Lath, Shingles, Apple Barrels, Hard & Soft Slabs Also a large quantity of dry Flard Wood for sale, delivered. t RETURNED . ON TIME Carefully washed, properly ironed,. correctly finished and fairly priced-- I that's the history of your linen whelk1 brought here. Not a thing iii oar washing preparations to injure the fibre of the goods and not a thing unhealthy about one work rooms. J. G. KARGES • T 1ephone orders promptly at- tended to. e T D LoNG IVIcLEAN & SON: Opp. Union 1Netory. WHAT PRETTY GOLO, RINGS- 7 hat is what everybody says when they see our stock. We make any style of (=olcl Rings to order, T"e, think we know as much about .watch wort: as any other than in Canada, and will gi't'e for a watch We can't fix, HALSEY PARK.