The Huron Expositor, 1978-06-29, Page 51a- THE HURON EXPOSITOR, JUNE .?9, 1978
THE GQLD'RUSH James Delaney of Dublin, the second man on
the-left,- was one--of many:I./Om-headed - west- during the Kiandyke
a Company mining gold, and also panned for gold himself. He lived
1' to be 89 years of age. This photo was taken sometime in the
1895.1897 period.
gold rush in the hope he Would strike it rich. Mr. Delaney worked for
We salute Dtibliti
on its
100t Birthday'
The salon with more to offer.
Mon., Tues., Fri., 9-5
Wed ., 'Th urs., 9-7
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16 Main St.. Seaforlh Ph. 527-1270
801 Kidd store account
book gimmes vivid picture'
of Christmas shopping
By Muriel Troll shopper• who ,apparently chose to be "1111. •
in the London Free Press decked out" for the Christtnas season
December 13, 1973. ' bought hjmself a pair of shoes priced at
$2., two silk hankerchiefs $1,50, a pair of
A glimpse of an accounts hook of a gloves $1., a hat, $1,25, a set of furs, $4.75.. •
Dublin (Perth • County)'' merchant • for .c91c)nth and making of a suit, 518.. 20c worth
-• parrottlie--191h cell fifity-Tria 7eTaliVely rural '
picture <ll Christmas shopping in the lattpr ,
Saturday. December 24, 1881, gives a lair onflitonbkact'cuors, al;pdroab$4abg1;11fli otfhSecoftacihretro.
area of South•We'Stern • marked at $25. .
- The household in the police village (its
papulation was 750), .and its rural area
could deal at the ,.Joseph
Store for its Christmas fowl, a jug of liquor
or even a1.1ppls'i of Extract of Wild
"ThoSe Were the Days When" - .tu•rkey
sold for eight cents -a pound. goose at
seven, four pounds of raisins for 50 cents,;'
a gallon of old rye, $1.80, a se t of mink
furs, $25 and a stone chaMber set
The Christmas Shopper of that year,
would not experience the crowds- nor the
-tired achy feet, for under one root' almost
everything required'could he supplied. The
Kidd enterprise actually had on the ground
level three stores which carried along with
gmccrics, boots and shoes, tailored, and
ready to wear clothes millinery, dry goods.
furniture, jewelry, liquor and crockery.,The
same building had a branch of the
Dominion Telegraph Co.. a post affice'and
an undertaking business, all operated by
the same family.
Entries for the day •before the Christmas
'.1eaSt &ay recorded that 80 persons charged
almost' $150 ' worth of • rnerehandise.One
His purchases were a relatively sharp
contract to those made by his fellow
shoppers - that is those who also required
audit - A mink muff cost one father $3.50 -
and with it he purchased, with the
assistance of his. daughter five yards of
flannel.- $2., live yards li ning, .50s. twist.
66c, 10 yards, cashmere, $10. An entry'
iminediatelykfollowing the above recorded
the clanghtet. buying two broaches for
$2.25. •
A . former . bookkeeper at the, ,Kidd
Enterprise, Thoinas -who owned a
grocery 'store nearby, purchased 50 pounds
of currants for which he paid eight cents a
jiound. Other food sales included 100
pounds of sugar, $9., 10 pounds tea, $5.55,
100 pounds flour, $3:25, 100 pounds
oatmeal., $3. a bushel of onions. $1, a half
pound tobacco. .25c and a sale 91 nine
pounds of pork was made for .90c..
The 430 page book, with its entrie all
legible, - some in distinctive penmanship,
portrays an insight in a four month period
of the simple life of the people.of that era.
In that 125 day. period Kidd's eustomas
put a total of $12,933 on his hooks.
on your
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