HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1898-07-15, Page 3'rilE W IN (JAM TIMES.,. JULY 15, $ 98, fr.NYON'S i SUCCESS One On Tho Clerk. 11t Makes Contag olts Disesteem. Dave, Hughes, clerk.at the Dates, was standing at the counter the other evening attending to the multi• farious wanks of the guests when a travelling man approached. It was , ahi,ut 8 o'clock and he was smoking Ids after dinner cigar. 'Whttt'son at the theatresto night?' is Only What Ought to he asked, Mr, Hughes turned on hini Be Expected From HIS METHOD +Upright in Everything -Always Keep- ing Faith with the People, and .Above All. Curing Them of their ills -Wily Wouldn't Success Follow? Mrs. Wm. Shaw 15 Montague place, To. lento, Ontario, (Amnia, says : '•1 ave great confidence In Munyou's Remedies, having used them with wonderful, saecess both for myself, husband and child. I was subject to severe attacks of headache each 'week, and sickness of the stonuwh aecom- panied the same. Since using Munyon's ',Headache Cure I have not been troubled with an attack. In the ease of my little boy the results have been truly remarkable. 'Trough teething the little fellow was cout- 1detely run ,down, had lostehls appetite nnd was restless and irritable all the time. We gave him the Blood and Debility Cures, :and in a short time the change for the bet- tor was marvellous. He is now enjoy ng splendid health. I use nothing but Mutt- smoke in theatres. No, you can't Won's itemedles now and have great faith I do that. None of the theatres smoke, i3ti4stq glow aoi sap.en tea nipaht 4'lE anti pasoassu "quo •oquu.1oy ';oars ,aaaelV t1 'uttdunpi •dead o; sao;;ut Iauestad tate u s;uaa 4),7, Sttomo s;sib .,,tf.1P UU 1V 'Onnan11) gena sot cane a;asod05 y :owed aia9A%arl q;ilaars'go;la re moo •N pntl cillo; auaaa 0' ttazitu;lA s,uodunpg •I� salad •Si;uanUm1ad ento pun s4);tics ",,+az43 01 sca©Zeiolpeateio,tudatue asm.00i enad-siel4uy gaau;ua e4; pus eaods oto tunas Dammam am oollonma-'O5V salad-aa03 tta.10 0 :'ug31 IIu1 sad.an nalpatuau gsas;u3 a,uu.tm1tq 'uaato.A p� ;iln et, wogs eau sogpameu qualm e,uotunpl A Genuine 3 omam.o. 'agt 00iarl p0Or4 c4; Eti ttaillaadmi lis ssloolp s4) a.tn0 pout1 s,nu.tuui4 • •say oalad' 'sand to stuao' The pretty little town' of Mount lu 603t0 SE0141004 ;uam;uio slid sauterne: ut it: 1''Ore3t is l'eptal'Ird to be enjyoing aro .y ing'ly. 'Empire, one at the Grand and a good show at the Park tonight. English is dark to.night for once.' 'I want something on the variety order.' 'Go down to the Paris at .the next corner,' said the clerk. 'It's a gcod show at.d will please you.They have come very clever things in the show.' 'Thankoou, Smoke ?' 'Occassionally-,' said Mr. Hughes a smile, as visions of fragrant per- fecto flashed aer es- his mind. "rhat's good,' was the reply, 'I will keep my cigar then I always enjoy smoking while locking at u show,' 'Oh -yes -that i; -you mean- 'Well ean.-• 'Well there is a good snow at the :in then. here. The gentleman turned away and the crowd around the corner gave Dave the meanest horse laugh that has been heard arnund the hotel fur many a slay.—Indianapolis Sentinel. 3r 03ttd s3;n t pal ag3apt3.1 oat aan3 agoupuan s,nosutgt manse worthy of the pen of l:Iaw• 'cog s3;.1d lua.45,ts 0343 du em 'pe 093a310Aaeu sdo;s aan0 anaau s,uoSuupi thorlle. Seventeen years ago, An. 4)9, Dai.1d 'Osnatet daupe9 ;et' nmaol fttt pea 'soleal so salol 'K3uq 4)q; ur drew C' abuse, a well -to do Cattle ewes 00.103"dtlpaads amp 60up1)I a,uoSuniiq '4)^,i, oalad ethae dealer of Toronto, left `Toronto for 034; Watt hounds pun 130anaaa9 fauna 'utua.00 It�i1 gland vtith a COnSifrtlnl.'.nt of live .034; 'e4anoa caw fano gdu03 tt,u0dalr4 rosy 3 Id eases asst u vi Sloe n do suu0a4 stork. The arrival of the vessel was ,, U5 alaoa:na0d 6;uaeaad 4).7113 pioa :..vodunt'l ,.. ;Veen ,3Na recorded, but than, was all, Andrew • ,'minas; ganv ole Sue no;;0058' i1 to ease; , ' ••310 sumo aro . used earQ ugsdadado n,uotuarg Ora bti ee hf u)se.t 1 tt (.('hulls ply d rup-- 0dz 00iad 'adait ping colli ,letell' tilt of sight, like a 'VAot n al scans pun oanoq 00,14; a) ono nt (' 033 t f•, f 'hem o; ergot tuoplas nano oi;umnotu1 plaStlux , pebble cast into Lake btltari0, and A Furniture Polish. fur seventeen years was not heard of. Mrs. Crabtree giving her bus - One of the most satisfactory polish. band 'up for dead, removed t., Mount es is also the simplest noleely, a mix. Forest with her son, now a boy of 18 • 'sure of linseed oil and vinegar, kept and engaged in dressmaking. Her in a well corked bottle and shaken father died not long ago and left her before rise. The furniture must be a large estate bat she never Married ,dusted first ; then the mixture can be again. applied over a smell service, polir.h• On Sunday last there waked into ing quickly with silk rags. This the Tremont Hotel, Toronto, a big somewhat primitive but ett1eaeious well-dressed, ruddyfared man, with :compound bas a double 'trlvanttige—. grey beard, who registered as \n- it does not form a cake over the drew Crabtree. From friends he wood 'even with lung use, whieh cake ascertained hie wife's whereabouts intvarirtbly produces crnektl aid the -combined oil and vinegar removes inany stains ',nd grease mares that . •ordivary polishes do not touch.- Exehallige. People The Provincial Board of health of Well. Ontario have issued a report showing' the deaths from contagious diseases Paine'e Celery Compound is the one in the province for the months of trap spoctho recognized and proseribod to.dev by the wast able practitioners tor all dl,teasas arising trotu a debil!ated nervous system. T11t;temineot medical professor, Dial Phelps gave it to hie profession tis a i positive cure for sleeplessness, wasting strength, dyspepsia, biliiousness, liver and kidney troubles, rheumatism and neuralgia, and in every oa0e it bas t. i- uinphed over sickness, and disease when all other medicines failed• Paige's Celery Compound works won- ders in the season of oppressive beat, It gives vim, energy and sSreogth, to• the weals. languid, irritable and morose , it banisitee all tired feelings, and enables men end women to go through the rou- tine of daily toil with heart, soul and en- ergy. Let us urge you to try this marvell- ous medioine that n.illtons are talking about. The use 01 Paine's Celery Com- pound means vigorous appetite, good digestion, happy disposition and con• Untied good health, Paine's Celery Compound mikes people. Singing Drives Away Pam. An eight year old child with a cut in her hand was brought to a sur- geon. It was necessary, for the best results, to take a few stitches with a surgeon's needle. While the surgeon was making preparations the little girl swung her feet nervously against the chair and was gently admonished by her mother. 'It won't hurt you,' said the doctor kindly, 'so long as you hold your hand still, adding, with a glance at the strained, anxious f..ce of -the child, 'You may cry as much as you like.' 'I would rather sing,' replied the child. 'All right ; that would be better. What can you sing?' 'I can sing 'Give, give,' said the little stream. Du you know that?' For Over s'ifty RYears. EIN OLD AND WELL-'rtt1El) souwY- Mrs. Wlnsluw's Soothing Syrup has been used for over kitty years by mil- lions of soothers for their children while •teeth`ngr, with perfeetsuccess. it soothes the uhild, softens the ,gums, allays all pain, owes wind colic, and is the best remedy for diarrhoea. Is pieawint to the taste. Sold by drngxhl.:' in every part of the world. 'i'wenty-file dents'a ,:bottle. Its value is i1"Ialtt..ble. He sura nnd ask for %ire. tvtuel•,,v's So 'thing Syr up, and t,tiltr' n" nt:,rtr it,1111 Children 0I./ for C d oR I' in Mount Forest, and going trembl- ingly to the telephone he asked if she would receive him. "It depend on how you look" came the answer, the traveller at once set Out for the town. Ke has not returned empty- handed from abroad and owns a row of build°ngn on Strachan Ave. March, April and May, as reported to the Registrar General, by the Division. registrars throughout the province. The total ntunber of deaths in those molltns is given as follows : March, 197 ; April, 219 ; May, 238, They are elassilied as follows: Searlitena — March, 26 ; April, 14 ; May, 17. Diphtheria - March 27 ; April, 12 ; May, jet. Measles—March, 4 ; April, 7 ; 15,. Whooping cough— March, 1 ; April, 4; May, 9, Typhoid•—Mlarch, 10; April, 9 ; May, 13. 'l'ubereulosis March, 120; April, 172 ; May, 168, in the three months of the previous year, there were reported 708 deaths, as compared with 654 for this year, taking the same months and the same diseases.. This year only 604 pf the 745 municipalities reported, and the number last year was some- what smaller. VIGOR for UIEART and NE RV ES. Milburn's heart and Nerve Pills cure ACwalia, Nervousness, Sleeplessness, Weattness,Pal pitation, Throbbing,Faint Spells, Dizziness, or any condition ar- rising from Impoverished Blood, Dis- ordered Nerves, or Weak Heart. Womanhood and Dignity. Of all the virtues that a true wom• anly woman should possess to rise in the estimation of the avet'iig man, dignity isgenerally conceded to be the leader. With this attribute there comes (naturally that peculiar reserve es• sentially attractive in a woman. It Iis all yery well to admire in the ab- .stract the fluffy, kittenish sort of a woman, but a man demands in his The little patient proceeded to wife above all else that reserve of illustrate, manner which commands and re- 'Tliet's beautiful!' said the dreror, calves respect. 'I want to heat' the whole of it.'The dignified woman never has All the while the skillful fingers'rhe. complaint to make of famil iarity were.sewing up the wound the sweet, on the part of men with whom she childish voice sounded through the comes in contact either socially or room, and the only tears shed on the in business life. Her dignity is a occasion came t'ron the eyes of the eheild against insult and the bright - mother. est jewel in her crown of womanly It is, I believe, a physiological fact attributes. The dignified woman of that some expression of one's feet necessity need not be so frigid in her lugs tends to lessen pain. Since demeanor as to be repellent, but she weeping and groaning are distress- can be possessed of a +winsome sweet-- ing to one's friends, how would it ness all her own, which is einpba- do for us all to try singing instead ?- sizes t by the quiet calm that is the Pea.rson's Weekly. outward evidence of •mental evui- pose. The flippant badinage which THY; OYCLISTS' FRIEND: so many women think attractive to the other sex fails to win half the admiration that is accorded the quite dignity of the one wlio never allows herself to lapse into any familiarity of speech or action on which a false construction • might he placed. If nature has not endowed woman with this commendable characteristic, itis II to set about its cultivation at eaves Thousands of Llveffi. Four years ago Jacob Dewitta, of I7ay Taland, w -as dragged to the verge of death by dreadful heart disease. He was given. up to die. I''rom vigorous ma411Ood he bald gone to a brokeu despondent •s•reelc. He procured Dr. tgnew's Cure far LI) Heart, used it faithfully, and tr,•clav weighs 2113 pounds, and lives to 1•,ess th•' day the great remedy MO; reentemcnded to him. It relieves in 50 minute's. --2.4. Sold at Hamilton's .Drug Store. Children Cry for C x T R I A,. 3 'night In Tne Darkness. "Didn't I tell you," thundered her father, "never to darken my door 'again ?" ., "Yep," admittttdt1'11 yonli;,, tnau, "but 1 am the light of your daugU-• ter's life, and it is impossible for light to darken anything. Please tell Miss Duel 1 arts here,—.New York Juurn,tl, The following' notice is tacked to at roadside tree :n Maine : — `Str,.tid or l biped :1 young hog shote with left yeaerupt end tale gone. Also black spot on left hint) nip and hole in the other ear. Said hug shote •disappeat'erl franc the preutists of the unrlel'ciirl minor at ntto under sir- etlmbtairoi: pointing to him being and tomatoes. It has too often been stain, said hug,haste: h(sing'13 pet, and the experience at ports in Great Bri- nut apt to g o uti'uu 0,n accord. fain that Ontario fruit reached those Said hog shote answers to the name shire, ill bad condition. But if these of Nellie and he will eat from the were a good service of refrigerator hand sail ehti stand on his hind lege cars there is no reason why the best like a dug, and kof sill+ut.silunate I fruit of Ontario should not be laid down in Liverpool, Glasgow or Lon• doe in better condition than from California• The difficulty in the No uyuiist's hit is complete without a bottle of Hagyard's Yellow Oil. Can be taken internally or used externally.Cuts, ;Bites, Sore Throat, pains in the Chest, Bruises, Sprains, Stili' Joints, Coughs etc., it is always effectual. Has no equal as an all round remedy. SORES GONE. SKIN CLEAR Mrs. Philip Mitchell, St. Marys, Out., Says :-"My little ooy aged 10, was to complete mass of sure:., caused by bad blood. We could tied nothing to cure him. Finally 1 vat 0 buttle of Burdock Blood Bitters, mat before half the bot- tle wasgoue he began to improve, and by toe t.inie tale bottle was tioished he hntl nut 0 sore on him." I. Assisting Tile Fruit Trade. • in an'rther Month or so it is the intention of the Canadian Depart. nieatof Agriculture to make an- other shipment of poaches, pears and t matoos to the United Kingdom: The later of those made last year were very succesful and it is said that Prof. Robertson is hopeful of deVeiopiug a ,large trade with the Ofcl Country, more especially in pears nature. .\Uyottti returning said ho'; shote ell letting' me know where he is at, will eolifii,' a ht'nt'tit 011 8 in- valid hilly whose pet said hog shote I past has been that fruit was put on 1i'8S. ( cars waren from its journey over warm countt't roads in warm wee- - e s thea', When ft was put into the cars 1OU ness its heat woe great enutlglr to melt l ice- the leo intande(i to cool it. Ontario, i6 caused by torpid food livor, which SaMi t 2 fruit growers are reCO,n nizine this, tion and permits to ferment and petrify is j fa • +Che stomach. Then follow dizziness, headache, and several of the larger among tl'em in the NMa;a'•a and Essex peninsula are erecting cold sterane + Curer: Peterboro s Bad Boy The following* from the Peter- borough 'Review' shows how they treat incorrigible boys in that Conn luunity in lied under both headings it is easily to defy parental 'control atm who we once, for it is a well known fact that it is quite as easy to train a set of manners as a set of morale, and as : "There has grown up I the attribute of di;.;nity can be classi- this town a class of boys who appear seen what rare advantages ust seem to think the law cannot resell 1 m acerae tit the 1}`ntli;lrl ivn.t rlvinis it them They play truant and coni: for hur ('tell wonla,r.•litl:,tlfa 'Ptuieit mit petty thefts and all manner of The have no annoying offences. Tl y money to pay tines and the parents suffer enough from their bad be: havior without paying fines. Inn prisonment is avoided by the meals: trate as rather a means of destruction than of eorrection and so the author: ities • have purchased a rawhide which is now hanging on the wall of the Police Court with a blue ribbon on it. Parents hereafter will ad: minister this Tittle instruwent to offending urehins to the proper Parts of the bodies Moder, supervision of the autborities, The ',apart hay determined: that the lives of the Citi: gens shall not. be made intolerable by t e bad behavior of the boys. Bows vo play truant from schopl, who break windows in empty houses, who steel and commit other.ofrunces will be introduced to this little raw: hide •:vitt) the -blue ribbon.' How She Was Troubled. 'tf Was afflicted with that tired feeling; t; ,had no appetite. A friend advised to .a,o,try Boli' s Sarsaparilla which I (li tfs,t! ip It sJ art -time my appetite Wee b + ah ,tbp,ticed,,teelingz.was go(le. S 'tt then we ttli, tys take Hood's when w ntablood"i3 ritier." Mrd.S.Krnt,h 13 etrice, Ontario., i;. O l sornina nervousness, anti, rooms to chill the fruit before put- 0f)I)'e' P1tr,to are the only pills to tills it on the iail'tly cars. A cost- ( tat i Wll •• (lid' i Sarsaparilla. lie e11 re Linens chain of chilled vehicles or y „ n ut relieved, Whale fever reeeptaelos, appears necessary alt ; ectr'c 111 k lla>ater: s.)1 v,e been ti a lined s ' 0 . ; '1 • 1 tri• blood poisoning. � � 1 slung the polite, it file fruit export. ....•� , Pills stimulate the Mani telt, s'' a . M ' c t ' d • i le Paris police, en• •conga the liver. rare itefuluette. dlzzitg0,iv, ant•• 1111g' htl.i01$11 iS f.(1 110 (roue 111 perfect abling them t0 see150 feet :hist' ttirgr ,pia. �., crtit'. 5n1d by li di. iltt. "on. . �ha nril:: 1'nte to hike wills hood's garsaparllla. Galt, with 1 population of 7,418 human bring,, •keeps to nags within its limits. Berlin has 61)) hogs to 9,295 men, women an 1 children. The figures for dogs are: Berlin, 2511 ; Galt, 38:3, rho area of Berlin is 3,885 acres; Gait 1,177. , op, ! Wt. LEM t b t. •,EXT -OF 611 tWILD' c. ERS Is the most reliable and effective remedy known for the rp4'ef and cure .•f ])IA'tltl3U:A, ilvat'rl'I(RV', tise- Como,(`t owl, G`t,or.r.t,A and v aft R t'f16t1 t kl"T, It settles the stomnelt, ftiontletes the Heart, nootiies and heals the irritated bowel. NEVER FAILS. "Por sevprcal t:n0s•.nvw•• :MVP re - 'lied rot De. I.ny lerll ban t niarf` Wild Strawberry for plain`v. A low doaev alwttv,tive relief end it never fails to cure. We think it a very valuable 3)11313(10(3 - ea precious PM 3 01d," Mos. \V! 00rk, Vont Hill, Urit. P6166 36 Ott;r6. Rrrrss to 0..vtt::t:;. fwv'hx DAN •snlni' CASTOR iA 1'cr Infauuu.:aril. Cbi'.dren. Tho far, - 01t113 sigactral l '1... „�+,aeviry Is is It is sada that the offleial register of the S,'anish army bears the names of 280 iteutenant-generals, For smuggling small articles from. I)rtroit six women• six women were tined w5O and coats at Winds r. ou. One of those who, when business is dull, don't advertise ? Have you ever considered what a mistake that is ? When business is brisk you are bound to get a share in what it going. Of course, you can increase your trade by advertising liberally then.' But when the "off" season is on, why not try and capture the cus- tomers who are getting the necessaries of life. It's your own fault, or there is something wrong with your' advertising, if you don't succeed. The best business men of the world say that if you have something that every day people want and you can make them know that you have it, you are on the road to a great business success. There is no other way of telling these people anything you wish them to know quite equal to the advertisement in the local newspaper. You cannot utilize the local newspaper in a bet- ter manner than by advertising in THE TIMES. 'Why ? Because THE TIMES reaches all classes of people in the Town of Wingham, and in the County of Huron and immediate vicinity. THE 'l'oll's goes into the home in every section. Many advertisers have found that a liberal use of its columns have paid them. Why not you ? 9 da C7-:2 GIVES RELIFF Don't � a ..Aar for Medi cies until you have tried You can buy them in the paper 5 -cel:; cartons Ten Tabules for Five Cer,17 8. IV .oI•t 1x pat lip cheaply tolreatIfy the nutvau.al pre.eat doma: A r • e , •s/ pt ttM 7f you don't find this sort t Ripans I r s At the Drugg!st'S Send Five Certs :.o 7ae. "astet Cutout:, Com/ea: a VS. is pruce 5t., ?.•`w York, ,asst tae+,r will be s t , you ty mull; IT zo cartons will , r mailed for .{il cents. 'a • ` :cess are telt ti• lac that 12ipa... •a'xixtles site the very trio, tteet1,.