The Huron Expositor, 1978-06-29, Page 45Feeling the need for greater gcomnio,
dation, the McKillop, Logan & Hibbert
Telephone Company, purchased it for their
cffice, but this change was never made.
Wreckers from London VI 'the 1930's
removed the top storey and a large portion
at the back of thii building, making it niuch
smaller. From 1935 the Post Office has,,
been in this building, Gerald Holland is the
present owners and the part, not used as a
post office, has 'been converted 'into
444 4101
Once Dublin had 7 hotels
(From A Hibbert Review Part 2, 1959)
Hotels • or taverns as they were then
called - supplied an important need from
the artier days. At one tithe there were
even hotels here, and nine places, in all,
where liquor could be procured. All did a
flourishing business,' with liquor selling at
fifty cents a gallon. In 1854 the license cost
2 I Is 8d, plus 2s 6d to the issuer of the
license, and an additional lOs to the
inspector, An inspector was appointed for
each electoral division, and' one of his
duties was to sample the contents behind
the bar. In 1854 Edward Downie was the
issuer of the licenses, with Robert Bell,
William Harbour. Edward Purse!! and
Arthur, McCann hispeetors. .
On.ifie corner of Lot 16 Robert Donkin
built the first log tavern in the village,she
we_ in Council
—Meetings were held in the early 50's.
. Thomas Crawford, some time before 1875,
built a large frame hotel on the same lot:
,with the front facing the east. This was
Faiown as the Commercial Hotel. The old
building, still standing, was the hotel
kitchen, and above the kitchen there was'a
dance hall. lb later years this building wits
used by jack Redmond-for his livery stable.
After. Toni Crawford died. his min,
George, had. a small grOcery store and his
home in this frame hOtel. Later it was
-owned for ninny years by Jack Redmond:
After the Smith' brothers, 'Frank. and
Garfield, bought it in 1928, they had it
moved just west of its first location and
made into a duplex houSe for themselVes.
Garfield and his nephew, William Smith,
still have it. After the building was moved,
Smith Brothergi bitilt a garage on the hotel
site.where.they did business till they went
to Scalbrth. Since then. Ken Basset and
Cronin Brothers have been in charge.,
James Cronin is the present owner, with
!wile Cronin as manager, The interior Of
the building was burned on Nove..nlber 2b, .
1957, but it is open for business again.
. John Crawford. a brother of Tom's, was
Tom's hoStler and handyman at the time he
ran the hotel. John had Very long whiskers
- long enough to braid. He was also very
fond of his grog, -and to any one who.
bought him a drink he granted a special
privilpge to that person, namely, to, braid
his whiskers and lead him around the
bar-room. This provided entertainment for
the tavern Cronies.
Tom Crawford was the one who built the
brick Huron Hotel on the McKillop corner
it the intersection. This is the only hotel
now in use, but is operated in a much
different manner than those in the bygone
days. ',Owners since Tom Crawford have
been • Jeremiah 'Ft aheilty and Francis
Including a log one
The Carpenter HouSe, owned by William'
CArpenter, and •situated just over the
bridge on the Logan side, was run by
. Carpenters from the time it was built until,.
it was destroyed by fire -in the 1890'f.t.'
William, in the winter of 1882, when
returning home from Scaforth, was thrown
from his cutter at the Silver. Creek bridge.
east of the town, when his horse ran away.
The next day he passed away frOm the
effects of his injuries.
Cornelius Prendergast, , who married
Mary Boland: a granddaughter of Arthur
McCann, Sr., was,the` owner of the old
practised here. Cwners after Prendergast
,old the building in 1893 were Jacob
Weber, with Joe and John Miller. his
nephews, as his.a,ssistants. Jacob Weber.
and his brother. Joe, later owned it'
jointly; then followed Francis and John B.
Boater, brothers-in-law of Jake and Joe
Weber.. Charles MeDaid„loe. Evans.,
pat rick Judge and R. Bcnit eau, of Listowel,
were the last owners while it was a hotel.,
on your
100th Anniversary
Where shopping is a pleasure
Sea forth Phone 527-1960
O'Brien, Hendiey Cook, Joe Weber, John two-storey Dominion Hotel for many years
Iticknel _and ,Louis_ Wolfe.. For .. a time Pt before -it and .the -stable con
Lunney and his sisters had it for a. private-. --were ifttri-fcif in the fire of 1879. Very soon
Bete.- Then again it was used as tt.hotel by Prendergast had a new three-storey brick
Colonel Crawford, who was no relation of hotel built on the same site. Rheumatisni,
Crawlerd. Paul Mulligan came next; 'arthritis. and heart diseases Could not have
then .Donald' R. Murray and. .Warren .K. been common Itilments of Dr. William
Brown had. it tqgether, but later Brown 'Fowl's patients, as it was on the thrid floor
owned it alone. Earl ,1. Ruby had it next. of this building he had his office while he
and Mrs.' Dorothx Healy is in charge at the
present time.
The Nevens' Hotel is still standing. This
is where Wilfred and Clarence Krauskopf
now keep their coal and, salt. This tavern
was •I irst run by two.Neven brothers - -John
and Peter. JOho moved to StratfOrd and
died there in 1868. and Peter died here in
1872: Peter's widow, the 'former' Ann
Kenny, Ooteil the 'hotel till she died in
1903. Part time Peter Dunn and lcreniiah
Flaherty had it rented.
The Railway Hotel was a large white
frame building on the 'corn cm . where the
Commerce , Bank now stands. Felix
Utllagher was the first owner, but his
widow and son. Michael, were the ones in ,
-tharge in the, early 70's. John.McConnell,
Sr.. Michael Pursell and James Williams
each had it •a• short time, then Tom Page
.rented for a few years. In the 80's Patrick
and Michael Farr took it over and during
that time it, like many other buildings in
the village, was reduced to cheap of ashes
and it never was rebuilt. After the lire the
Farm moved to' • .Goderich.
We at Bail Macaulay Ltd.
wish to congratulate all our
friends and customets on their
celebration of Dublin's Centennial.
Best Wishes and remember
we have been giving you good
service and fair prices for over.
one quarter of the past century..
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