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The Wingham Times, 1898-07-15, Page 2
, ,..TX.wReaeANMn.WI/MMrnOM aw*I .MM.fwuMi• ower•.. 111E \\ INGHAM riIIMES, JULY 15, 1898. .. . , Small, C(>lemaln, Loudon. .three of Blood Purr fyzn; . the Dielanethon ('(+ltvleted per,jllre'ts, I , til were st'ntellt.ed L two years each ill oDere i:+ au old aloe, still extant, ri the occasional presence and ae• Kingston I'ealiterrci'U 3=. entnttlatiou of 'humors' end 'impute - The St, Thomas were launs(t, ties' iu the bl"t d, together with the county gaol, and ail the. officials '{ allied belief that certain dregs have offices were totally destroyed by fire, la peculiar eliieney in eleansing the on the night of Dominion day. j blood of substati ees. It belonged to ..,......, --a:- - -.,,-,....., { the medical belief of (10 years, ago, i and is continued down to the present i time among people at hageIt day, and. is a fruitful source of "de• i needs replacement by our present t cline" and consumption. The Sy in - this information. I tutn3 of this trouble are why, but 1 The blood itself has very remorse- I ancon the must noticeable are illor able and eflit;ient agencies for ridding l g p` itself of impurities—kidney, lungs, )of the flee, lips 'and gam,, shortness kin and laver buts el. It is in this j revef `l ettlon slight exe, time headaehes, weakness of clic: which these cows brought in and the 1 very business, in fact—taking up i vital organs, palpitation of tri' heart, skins .utilk and ealvcs, they supplied ',impurities s of sundry sorts trom many drup=icon swelling of the limbs. The milk a.ttd butter for the family of sources, and rapidly throwing them mol a of tltebe sy nitotn: Shown, the 1 elle as one or other of the excreta. ; nine. The milk was made into What we recognize now are several gre a.ter the nus essit3 fc)r prompt butter on the farm and the product t conditions where unnatural ,sever - treatment. Amon;; tn0.30 who have sold to a city grocer and no allow suffered d from Anteauie and found a ance made for making, the price for t ties are manufactured somewhere euro i5 M -is I' mil 11'ebb, a Jotlug which the butter was sold, averaged along the blood circuit and ted into lady residing near Z 'olvcrtnn, Ou'• 10 cents per pound, during the Posits blood stream in such quantities SIC EA ApNA1MIA, OR I3LOODLE5SN•ESS. IT`t \ 1(•TIMis ARF T%b1' I\ mum, se' timer T c r To DIZZINESS, 1' a,1.PI'rATfox ('1 THi, newer AND OTILER i)i1TlU S$• ING SYMPTOMS. h'roin the Lebo, Ylattsviile, (Mt. Anremia, which literally cleans bloodlessness, is prevalent t., an alarming ex,tent attn0'11,r yOUii girls end yuung women of the present Dalirytn; For Profit. J. W. Wheaton in hoard's Dairy• i In conversation with a dairyman ! the other day he stated that in 1897 he had 12 cows, which brought him i in $50 in cash each, besides the calves and skim -milk, This stems to be pretty good and we (annoy that! there are Lot many dairymen, even; in the best (fairy distriets of this I .province, who can show a better record, These twelve cows were made up of Jerseys, Jersey grades and Shorthorn. f''uur Of the cows were two year-old with their first calves. In addition to the 650 each, man • the lou sit. q < Lely cured s. these as to keep it continually charged Miss Webb says:—My illness first year. Little Fills. came on when I was about sixteen From enquiry, we found that the with them, though constantly dis- They alsorelieve Distress from Dyspepsia, charging, the satne, so that cells Year: of age' illy complexion was result was brought about by practis Indigestion and Too Hearty Eating, Aper- everywhere are irritated by these a pale wwaxy eolur; 1 was troubled ing the two leading essentials of feet remedy for Dizziness, Nausea, Drowsi- foreign substances. A good illus. 1 with general weakness, dizziness and successful dairying, viz., good breed• ness, Dad Taste in the Mouth, Coated Tongue tration can be taken from the case I palpilaathin of the twine. I was placed fig and good feeding. The larger Pain in the Side, TORPID LIVER. They of aperson continually eating candy'tinder medical treatment, but the number of caws were pure bred Reg,..a the Dowels. Purely Vegetable. • medicine prescribed by the doctor Jerseys of, high quality, and several a Small Pell or sweets. It is chap to swallow did not appear ro do me the slightest , Small Dose. Wore su ar th Lti c,u pusyibly be of them averaged over G,OOJ pounds o Small Price. Substitution the fraud of the day. See you get Carter's, Ask for Carter's, Insist and demand digested foods, whether meat:• fats f to rd I w ou d not r' un fruits or cereals bathe ttie b100d' in this caticlitfon a fr :lid Carter's Little Liver Pills. stream with impurities in unnatural to try Dr. William,' in amounts. The remedy is self sag- I followed the ad vi. 1 g As time went by I was slow• digested. But the iudieested sugar good. durinf, the season. The cows were can be and is absorbed from the ly but surely growing worse. I was milked on an average of ten months stomach into the blood, and furnishes unable to d., any work about the each. Their winter ration con - there. a rume tlg source of irritation. house and illy limbs would tremble sisted of 40 pounds of corn ensilage, The winter has .seen a family to such an extent alt the slightest 10 pounds of chop per day, the chop of ciiildreit upset for two weeks' exertion that I could scarcely stand consisting of peas and oats. The , running by an importation of several upon my feet. Then my stomach e -. ensilage and chop were fed night 1 gallons of delicious maple syrup into carne so weak vomited almost e ery- and morning, and oat chaff' and hav the larder. All us wasted and ill- thing I ate ; 1 grew desl,unde•,t and at - noon. This dairyman makes a b 'c< 1 - ' lr While practice of feeding a little grain to trged ate his cows every day when on grass. Pine., and The results would, perhaps, have Afrer 1 had been- larger if a separator had been ( NERVOUS B g88 Bested now ; stop the manufacture of used cute boxes I t wed improve- used instead of the old gravitation 11y WOMEN these stuff Rheumatism and gout.,meet and my heart was glarlened incthocl of creaming. It is also itu• e. Suffering from palpitation of the heart, dizzy or faint spells, watery blood, etc., can be readily cured. A Manitoba. Lady Tells About Her Case. There is no need whatever for so many women to be the subject of faint spells, heart and nerve weakness, asaemia, or any of those stealth destroying ailments peculiar to her sex. Mil- - (Ki.,Pills regulate s Heart ate nd heart „rne'r "h • andt nfud ll, tone thake it e "".‘ nerves, enrich the blood, and relieve the pain and weakness from which so many women suffer. Mrs. AIex- ander Setter, of Pigeon Bluff, Man., writes an perrnlnt of her • pleasure iu giv- ing my exl+eri- v oligo a ,".rii qa',,•. . tY(a.oti$ , i4.., -I's?. -- / once ot Mil burn's l "14,;-;7,-..: .-n7;:;)"I•leart anti Nerve Pius. For about ten yews 1 waz troubled with throbbing and : 'i.t:.rin' of the heart. 1 tried five docs -;r- and ;veial remedies but none of thein .yid laic much good. Lately I heard of ?,ii;' nrn's Heart and Nerve Pills and bought two I z, ;r s. Il: fo-e I n tr rted rising thein 1 e' i•l `. not do my i:caro w;urk and gavel y•.: i'.:-•) to di;., a,v I iir,:rgiit 1 would never'e r '_:m: I feel really splendid ,:work, enjoy do sines, •.,i. ,,, i;i.. >.I a, my vo ., ,, y my 1.:; okra :roil fr::l as if there was some - thin., in lig wvo:•til living for." 11.:i;i,:.r i s 1'.:o,r1, tacos Nerve Pill;. sold by all rib o*_ii:•:`5 at 50e. a Lo or 3 boxes n T. ,1• for ?1...•,.._.. ,,,.rat cc Co., Toronto, Ont. La. -:heel. ileacure BIlleesne'3T,Csiott Liicadacioc. @otnstipnik n and ETS., trapaia. lavec•yG' 1 Per cat.. c -r. Cr ALWAYS KEEP Ott NAND 41 km, r- v , a t: THERE. IS tiO RIND OF PAIN OR W f• Nl ', IRTEt1NAL On EXTERNAL, ' T::: -r emu -KILLER WILL NOT R. LIME. LOCK OUT FOn IMITATIONS Al! SUB- STrTUTEs. THE GENUINE BOTTLE eeeee THENAME, PETRY .' DAVIS & SON. '' [• on 0-4,virA?:4/7- I, sof. Tl GR 'ljlE l', 3TAtTT1-RHEUMAiIv i l'ill fr '' PLASTER MAX'r tt-•'y',r ,.-.;•f ICH 1'LAAltfj IN ellAiingi i? ioi '. ' TIN B02( Pf(ICt` 2MtLSO INIYA.'.-" , L.M')K RODS PRnn;OS .rY- . 1' .y :+` r+l aiw rti•r r. •.. LYy":.J(,: iliV,i..1 i2i. a'J Lt trUr.V.t'(iRERu rioM MAL ' a' with the hope of renewed health. portant to notice that the success of however acquired (there are several modes of doing this) bathe the blood ' At the cud of six boxes rev appetite Ibis dairy, in a very large measure, stream with a class of impurities not bad fatly returned. and wan it depended upon the dairyman's wife, easy to get rid of, impurities menu- strength, color to my cheeks, and who is an expert butter maker ; and factored bycells that are working brightness to my eyes. I still, eon• the dairyman himself had the kind- svron, ,and often made to do so by tinned taking Dr. 11, 'limns Pink ness and good sense to give his wife i 1 ills until I had taken i n all all the credit, which is more than I pervisions in the nervous system. i Even loo continued grief or happi- i- twelve boxes, and I can truthfully • many dairymen we know would g g pp • I• I 1 lthier and s*rung- ness may thus distort the nervous asset t t sat am lea , _, a thinse of doing. er than I ever was before, I owe this structure in a way to set up rhea to Dr. Williams' . Pick Pills, and I ma ism. may BABY BRIGHTNESS Inc, Buck Paining, take lir. Chase's I ul- overwork . Thus we may have gout wonld urge all girls who suffer as I in the wealthy from table excesses, did to give there a trial. i Soon fades when Diarrhea seizes oo the uey-Liver Pills. the q'gt;k way they Dr. Williams' Pink Pills have slits., form. Dr. Fowlers' Extract of help you bautr to healLi, will surprise and in the pour from hard times healthy,Wild Strawoerry, has savers wilily in- I you. generally aside from exposure and done more to make strop, ,1Banta' as well as adults' lives. ;sirs. W. ti So poor diet and 41,110+'mmuwwinrnmuuwwuo„r,7... ,pVcgckiblePreparatlollforT1s- similatiug theYood andleg ula- li!lg the Stomachs andl3owels of leeiestai Promotes Djjestion,Cheerful- a-ieas andRest.Contains neither ©piurli,Morphiine nor Mineral. NOT 1/ CI OTIC. . T.er?eofOkLJL vt:,7,T.r'I1PLlf' rumpkin Seed - , Ix Senna+ lin?riefla Sum - 4z1bc Sued ,fan)onafirrrs+ lnilud JO,Jar . liriS^r>rismy Ftays Aper ect T etnedy for Constipa- tion, Sour Siolliach,Diarrlloea, Warta; ih.ss cindL©SS or SLEEP. I ( Tac Siinile Signature or NEW 1COR K. • Ev(;,ir•A`+0 F"V ' ', , 4 µ',j'.a apt i[ a'l..}T _t vaa ..sew. bl ► J .' (kgSe? ter , 1 C EXACT COPY CF WRAPPER. it. 4r :idI313 a. THAT THE FAC—SIMILE SIGNATURE --OF— F IS ON THE W' '! A P OP EVERY BOTTLE OF PR BsoeccuSSt> 1 Am C astorla, is pat up in ono -size bottles only. It is not sold in bulk. Don't allow anyone o sell i, you anything else on thea plea or promise that it is "just es good" and will answer every pur- pose." £ Ecco that you got O -A -S -T -O -1t -I -A.. Tho tao- sintio `- r is to b slgaatuaro w, -- ovoty _ of wrapper. S i f',.`ii....+fix ki .L.., •701:0.ad.•J. 6M •' aii`a iI3ntfia:•:ti,ta ^ iitaa RIS Palmerston will have granolithie walks nes* year, when several thousand dollars will be spent for that purpose. To all who find themselves with health gradually slipping away, Kidneys and I Liver so disorganized that they are in- , capable of kijeping the system tree from I poisonous waste material, Stomach Dia- ! adored, 13•,aeols Constipated. Heart Ach- lack of flannel. This is enough to rosv-eheeked, bright-eyed g.r .a ul 1 1 waiters, Richmond S.reot, I3amilton, f tproblemany other medicine ever diseovered, c)sL., Says : • I cured my baby of a bad indicate the extent o the and mothers fit ld ' Net n on their ' attack of Uhole ra, by using Ur, Fowlers t, 1 co 1r:?C else did any good, but the hal)), liu,ruv- h g• on the idea of cleansing out once and ' 1 li titin. fur all material that is being made '' " : the wrapper aground which beare the berry." `.` i"fi i l--W$i Ory ?or I fresh every minute. full name, "Dr. Williams' Pink Pills ; I • i iiupurtaur t.t distinguish from tau into ut impurities in the blood, Lie' owel ratepayers voted down the; proposition to expend nearly ELTON'S UMPS Will stand wear and tear for 3 ears. No better proof cant be given of their durability than is shown by the fact that some of these pumps pot in wells 25 years ago are still working. IRON ainct FORCE PUMPS Supplied to Order. here and prevent futile hopes based P Extract of Wild Strawberry. A'othln;.; S•?0,00J for wvaterworks and electric Repairing promptly attended to. daughters taking an occasional of this medicine.Sold only In boxes, asci from the first close of the Wild Straw- i SHOP—Diagonal St. opposite Beattie's for Pale People." Offered in any i 0350,000 FOR A WORD. the idea of simply poor blood i. e. other forth the pills are substitutes : PY° intended to deceive. . blood lacking corpuscles or proper) iTHE IMalENRR FEE RECEIVED BY tN fluid elements. A few gears ago, i AMERICAN' LAWYER. ri.Lt. young, rapidly developing girls, 1 A ;salad Fit Igor a King. whose blood was really spent midi -- 1 What would you think if you dl I Waldorf salad is taade from apples could make $250,000, by speaking a effort oleted temporarily in wh reallyga'and celery. Use rfiayonnaise dress• 1single word? Ilon. tVm,;til. Evarts, neof sly time,wth, air, who ning into which you have stirred says the Sr. Louis Globe -Democrat, needed food, air, gedretoe and whipped creast. Pare the apples ; once received the enormous .fee of good were adjudged to have chopIthem rather fine ; cut the celery i$250,000 for a legal opinion he ex. 'impure' blood. They were in too unithe two together, and sprinkle grossed in just one word of three many instances drugged with calomel t, , P I herbs and 'teas' innumerable,and over a little lemon jute, salt and letters. i most disastrous re- pepper. Make the. mayonnaise ex- i A great corporation desired a often with. the u d ceedingly stili ; just before mixing I legal opinion on a matter involving sults, Therenis at andfmilatr condition it with the apples and celery stir millions cf dollars, for upon it le inmanyrun-down w CI worn e , people. depended d That ter ot•- Here only the gentlest restoratives into it sufficient whipped creast to practically i.pe e p are in order. Nervous wear,also,make it light in light in color, but ations very,existence. They decided distinguished not enough to spoil its consisteney ; to refer the question, which was beforeeto ybcarefully how add a few drops of ;;teen coloring wholly one of the correct interpre• anyone: decides just and . mix the whole together and serve on tation of the law, to W m. M. Everts, why be blood goodorest impure. re leaves. --Mrs. S. T. Rorer in the to be guided wholly- by his opinion. may that a will restore ;Ladies' Home matters, blood and brain included.—• Dr. C. W. Lander, in the Voice. Journal. Their In wy er stated their case to the senator, and asked him the im- portant question. Evart's reputation and success are wholly duo, not as o cross-examiner or conductor o cases, but simply to his remarkablf THE BANE OF MANY A WOMAN'S knowledge of law, and his power, LIFE. which seems almost like intuition, of determining Just how the supreme A Berlin Lady Tells court will decide any question of Hove to Get Aid of It. law. When the attorney for the great Doan's IKidney Pills corporation put this question, so The Remedy. vitally important to that torpor. Mrs. Eliza Reitz, g3 Wellington St., ations existence, I'7varts sat buried household Hints. A good deodorizer is made by applying a bot poker to a lump of camphor gum in a saucer. The strong fames will clear the air of the room itt once. Always make starch with soapy water, which will give a better gloss to the liners and prevent the irons from sticking. I3rooms hung in the eellarway will keep soft and pliant and wear longer than if kept in the dry air of the kitchen. Silk stoekinge Should be washed and rinsed inukewar 1 . m water and wrung between towels. Silk under. wear should be washed in warm soapsuds to which a little ammonia, has been added. A point to give the new waitress if that China plates, cups and saucers should dot be piled one upon another while they are hot. They must be cool before they are packed. Other- wise the glaze cracks easily. Berlin, Ont., says, "For ten years lhave in thought for a moment, and then been afflicted with kidney and back trou- answered in a word, "Yes." Itis ble, suffering greatly from dizziness, ner- vousness, weak eyesight, loss of sleet,, and appetite and an almost constant and the corporation paid it without tired, weak feeling, In February last I a muninr, Evarts' answer proved got a box of Doan's Kidney Pills and T-. • ST r gt zia Zia MOO:1M MS DJ 2 The Lo• ading Specialists of America 20 YEARS 111 DETROIT\ . 250,000 CU E0, itr RPe . ` ' ,: SONS 'a Nothing can bo more demoralizing to young or middle-aged men than the pees- produce of those "nightly losses." 'they produce weakness nervousness, a feeling of disgust and a whole train of symptoms. They unfit a man for business, married life and social happiness.No inciter S„ t•' : whether caused by evil habits in youth, -s.'g1 natural weakness or sexual excesses, our ars New Method Treatment will. positively ', !" CUM you. r? O CURE -110 PAY* 'Seeder, you need help. Early abuse or " k later excesses may have weakened von. Exposure may have diseased you. 'You are not safe till cured. Our New Method will euro you. You run no risk. (vi, Li received so much benefit from them that to be correct. I continued their use until I had taken three boxes in all, and was completely cured. They removed every vestige of pain, dizziness and nervousness, and en- abled me to get restful sleep ; so that from being a sick woman I am now lady Dr. Chase's t)intnlernt. strong and well again." noon's K]"ney Pills are the best remedy in the world for Wrights Disease, Diabetes, Dropsy, Backache, Gravel, Sediment in the Urine, and all Kidney and Bladder Diseases. Soli by druggists, or sent by mail on receipt of price, ,o cents a box or g boxes for gases. , The Doan Kidney Pill Co., Toronto, Ont.. Doctors Testify. There's strong testimony by eminent physicians or wonderful cures made by Dr. Chase's Family Rsnledies-partiou- The world laughs at a girl who is anxious to get married ; and it laughs if site becomes an old maid ; so what can the poor girl do ? 250,000 CURED ilottng Man -You are pale, feeble and haggard; nervous, irritable and ex- citable. Yon become forgetful, morose, and despondent; blotches and pimples, sunken oyes, wrinkled face, stooping form and downcast countenance reveal the blight of your existence. WWCUREVARICOCELE No matter how serious your corp may he. or how long you mayhave, had it, our NEW ME' ItOD TREATMENT will euro it. The "wormy veins" return to their normal Condition and henco the sexual organs receive proper nourish - went. Tho organs beeeme vitalized, all unnatural drains or losLes cease and manly flowers return. No temporal, benefit. but a ormanent cure assured. NO CURE, NO PAY. NO OPERA- TION NECESSARY, NO DETEN- TION FROM BUSINESS. CURES GUARANTEED ;41;;;,,,l' ,?i We front and euro , `+'_ GLEET, EMISSIONS, IMPOTENCY, 5 SYpHLLI, r. 4 > STRICTURI, VARICOCELESEMI- NAL LOSSES, BLADDER ANt D Rill - NM' diseases. CONSULTATION FREE. BOORS FREE. CHARGES MODERATE. If unable to Call. write for is (UE.STION BLANIC for HOME TREATMENT. ism. KENNEDY g KE GAN 148 SHELBY STRE 'T, DETROIT. t' ICH. 4 Livery. JOHN'PELTON, Winghain. Ont. Caveats and TratieZlah's obtained. rind all patent business conducted for M(IDER' TI; FEES. Myr efface iso the immediate eicinityofthe Patent Ofce end my facilities lorsecuringpatents are unsurpassed Send model, sketch on photograph of invention `wit . description and statement as to advantages claimed - charge No charge as mad e for an a,ptnion as to paiorttabilt,,i, and my fee for prosecuting the application will sloe so cattcd far the pmrent 'yellowed. "Inver•rens' Grump con- taining full information scat free. All ComrausJ. Cations Considered as Strictly T omilon6ias. FRAN KQu5 OUCH Of."" .si, sacto W& s`d".S'7.(((l7'0 d51d. ^.b. in. 50 YEARS' EXPERIENCE RADE MARKS DESIGNS COPYRIGHTS &C. Anyone sending a sketch and description mar quickly aseortain our opinion free whether art invention, is probably patentable. Communion. Mons strictly confidential. non dbnok on Patents sent free. oldest agency for securing patents. Patents taken through Munn & Co. receive swag/notice, without charge, in the Scientific ineriC n• A handsomely illmntrated weoltlp. Largest ear• culation of any sciontian iournal, Terms, $3 a year; fear months, 51. Sod by all newsdealer•& MUNN & Co,361Elroadway, New York iiraneit Office. G25 P St.. Washington. D. O. I PAYS TO ADVERTISE IN THE TINEES .. . ink,