The Huron Expositor, 1978-06-29, Page 31T M A
on your
100th Anniversary
Maw Flynn used to teach
at Dublin public school .
ALTAR BOYS The altar boys who served with Father Ffoulkes in
1955 included -(back row) Jack Klinkhammer, Jack Ryan, Pat Ryan.,
Kenny Feeney, Don .Klinkhammer, Marvin Benninger, 'Glen
Butters,_Danny Costello, Neil Stapleton and Bobby Stapleton and
(front row) Teddy Feeney, Ricky Stapleton, Fathar Ffoulkes, Jackie
Costello and Donie Benninger. .(Photo by Fowler Bros.)
(From A Hibbert Review Part 2, 1959)
The village has had three schools - a
Public, 'a Sepal:ate and a continuation.'
Union „ No. • 2, 'McKillop. Logan and
Flibbert, frame school wits built one block.
south of the Huron Road and a short
distance east of the Centre Road in 1861,
kin a lot bought 'from Robeff Donkin. More,
land4as bought from ,Thomas King in
1874. The frame school here was in use till .
June.; 1949. when it joined School 'Area No.
1. For a time before that pupils from Union
School No.' I. Hibbert and Logan, and No.
1. 'Hiltht.•rt, which .had both' been closed,
mere triin'SPOrtedity tiffs' -6-fitris hoist
MtOell public school.. From about this
son c time this school has hen amalga-
-vita •ed---for-Some-pu.rposeswith the D•tiblin---- -
Separate School. For a few years in the
1870's. -two teachers taught here. The
teachers who taught from the late 60•s or
early 70's were Mr.. McCarty, Ann
Kennedy'. Mr. Reid. Mary Friel and 'Mrs,
Thomas Irwin Flynn. still -.spoken of ,as
''Maw'' •Flynn._Mavy_apparently agreed
with a11941er \Om once said of some' boys
who misbchav'ed, that they were so tilled
corr9Plion it would lake the rod of
'Lorrection to free them of it. Maw had her.
Ilartieulat mode of punishment which she
used on these big bad boys, The culprit
was Intl acroSs her. knee. head down, his
trousers t.ightened with her one hand,
while she briskly applied the-strap with the
other. The trustees around 1875 were
- Joseph Kidd: Sr., Timothy Carroll and
John Carpenter. No earlier information is .
available. Florence -Smit h. who taught here
- during 'the depression • ye'a t,s, 1930 until
1935, started with a salary of $700.. and
ended in 19.15 .with $550.' For a .year • or
• more after this. School clo sed, it was used
-by (Ili: Boy Scouts, but 'since then no list'
has Mi.‘n ,made of the huihling.
teachers aft et: those almuly
Mentioned Were, .Mary Chippa,
• McKenna, Peter Quinlan, Marie Antooetta
licon,•Clora McKenna, Gertie Wills, Billie .'
Allen, Eliza Norris, Annie Hodgson, Nadia
A. Rvaa', Eliza Norris, .Annie Hodgson,
Margaret A. Williams. Joyce Rogei
Fad 11 E. • McMichael, Marjorie
, Hattie • Babb. '-•• Vera Perdue, ...Mites
Beaumtmt. 'HMargaret' Weiland. 'AdcSsa
Holmes, Roberta Rice, Grace Walkont.
Florence STiiit h. Al7LiTlKicin..Ithi.a Roncv
Hazel Roney aril Rath Moore,
Dublin .St-pa rate School No. 2 is a
loot-norm white, brick building,' hall' in.
1901 across from St, Patrick's Church. This,
pehool was opened-in January, 1902: The
tnistees at the time it was built were
Bernard O'Connell,; Michael Doyle and
Henly Krauskopf, Sr., and the. first
teachers were Clara McKenna, daughter of
John J. McKenna -and .Mrs, Mary• Scott,
from Toronto. Their salarieS amounted to
around $700. Other teachers have been
Miss Wallace, Mr. Doherty (R), Miss Ryan
from Nova Scotia,, Margaret Hanstild and
Lizzie Holland. Since January, .1915, this
school has been connected with the
Continuation School, and from that time
the Ursulinc SiSters havelaught
'twit PrinCiPal was Maher, .Cecelia. When
sebool opened in September, 1957. Sister
Evangeline was in charge of the seniors,
with Mrs. Fergits Kelly as temporary
teacher for the bini:or roon'r-Miilher Mary
Calvary took over Utter in •the term,
The Dublin Continuation School is ...a
trick structure. built South of St. Patrick's
Cburch in 1914. James Krauskopf. Bernard
O'Connell and Feeney were the
trusteeS at this time. in 1915 it ,w45. opened.
With the Ursulitte Sisters in charge. Th.
first to teach :here were Mother Dolores..
Mother iiptiste, Mother Cecelia. and
Mot-her Isabel. -at the following salarlys:
$1.000, $800. $700. and $500: The pre., en!
principal • is, Sister St. PatiL with Sistei.
Anastasia assisting. Since around 1940 this
, has beer( a Public ContimP,tiori School. • 'Mose on the present board are
Wilfred O'Rourke., John Murray. Clayton
looby. Andrew Whethant.. ',lid the
-sectetary-ireaS'urer is Mrs. Jon 'Okla ney•
ST. PATRICK'S CHURCH — This is an interior Shot 61,St. Patrick's
Church taken in the late 1960's. . (Expo itor Photo).
on ybur. 100th Birthday
. .4f • tgr
100th Birthday
Robert L. Plumsteel
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