HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1898-07-15, Page 1VOL. X.X.VII.---NO. 1368. WINGIIA L ONTARIO, FRIDAY, JtTLY 15, 1898. $1 A YEAR. IN ADVANCE WE SELL CHEAP.. The great Cash Sale is still on and 13usiness is bot,tning. There's been no slack times in this store sines we inaugurated this sale, and we feel encouraged thereby, This week we are going to place some wonderful bargains on the tables, we are going to make such a slash in prices of some lines as shall compel pur. iGbasers to come to us. We would particularly draw attention to our summer Linens and muslins—we in. tend. to clear them out at consider• ably below cost price, and they are not old goods either, but right up- to-date. Come a.ud see these bar- gains. The balance of our stock of Gent's Furnishings, Hats and Caps, have got to move off, and in order to enable them to ,do so, we have put the knife into prices up to the very hilt. We Kaye the largest and best stock of Furnishings in town, and at the prices we are going to ;sell thein at they must go. We annex a tew prices in Dry Goods and Purnishiugs just to give you an idea of the plums we offer : ,Special in Table Linens 30c Table Linen, sale price 22c : 35c Table Linen sale prico 24c, 40c for 290, 45c for 37340.130c f:ir 48c, 75c for 600. Extra Value 111 Dress Linens 10 pieces Dress Lineu, re+aular price '25c, now 15c; 10 pieces Dress Gioghams, reg. price 25e, now 18o, 5 pieces Dress Oringnams, reg. price 20o, now 14c; 6 pieces Drees 0inghams, reg. price 10c, now 8c; 6 pieces Dress Chille, reg. price 7c, now So. . Ladies' Collars, 2 for 25c ; Ladies' Cuffs 25u, now 20c. Special in Misses' Hose at 8c. Cut in Gents' Farniehings 25o and 35o Ties, price now 20o. Linen Collars, stand up or turn down; price 2 for 25o. Special is Men's Hose, 10c.pair. Special in &left's Hose, 2 for 25c. 75o Print Shirt for 58e • 800 Print Shirt for 66o; • 1.00 Print Shirt for 880. Boys' Knickerbockers, size 22c to 30, special 'at 500. THE HEW DISCOVERY by means of which the bones may be photographed through the flesh niay be of greatest importance to •hH 8eie ee of medicine, XRay may assist in mend- ing a broken bone, but Hamilton's Corn Liyuid will re,uave warts or corny, hard and soft, or money refunded. Sold only by HOMUTH & BOINLESI 1. HAMRA" DRUGGIST 511ccesaor to Chisho1ni's Drug: Store. . : WlNniiAlz 1tacEs-' Rnees on July 27th a of the country. The ever this year, A g etre was in town on for booth priveleges o irel•-:L'AV /1-7051-24114 r•:t,t1StiO 10.,I_]L�" (T((((LL''i, ERTThLQ2�, �j irt WHAT KIND DO r YOU WANT ? �n ti It r p.1 Bill -heads, Letter -heads, m Envelopes, Circulars, Dodgers, r 11 Cards, Folders, Posters or what ? r .1 r 1[`, We print everything from a ward rill to a newspaper. Print it well and Cr' Lil quirk. Oheap too, jEstimates free at any time. f tg TIMES, WING?IA.M.Illiteraz•,r r.7r 7r�,�oc -9�'7a1 �- i ALL BUSINESS COLLEGES ARE NOT ALIKE. T z(.4" he Wingham Horse d 28th are the talk will be better than etleman from Wrox- turday last bidding the above dates. New WALKS ---The N new wants :vas som week. The delay beiti ont of oei tint', The we is about completed and metered on the east sid A Nlcis PRESENT -II in receipt of a doe pres County on Friday last twined a number of hor and scrapers. They friend of Mr. Swarts, residing iu the Old Coe ark of laying the what delayed this caused by running. r on Victoria street work has been corp. of Shute- street, Commercial School is one that you should attend 5r, NEW AIS\,7P1Ia1E:kIENTS. S 0 •acey-spacial. Aiorrow's Drug St e. C Gillespie -Stray Iorse. ,las S Earl -Clearer tr Sole.. L I° E Roy -Seale Tenders. C. Goodman --pub c Notice. D di Gordon -Teen endous Cut. John Burgess -Vol ,re' List Notice. Fon TITS OLD LAND ton and James Chishol to the Old Country. sect business while aw holm will enjoy t, p will visit the principl Ireland and Scotland safe and pleasant tri GONE TO TIE WEST of the firm of \Valk day morning on a b chic coast. He wil plaoee in the We Winghatn's four fu Thos. Bell & Son, Button & Fessant The CENT ALBOSINESS COLLEGE STRATFORD, - ONT. is a College of this highest grade. None better in Canada. Eeferefces:--All Stratford, and 'four thousands of former students. Enter any time. Circulars free. W. J. ELLIOTT, Principal. LOCAL. NEWS. A rinser or Rerun whose farm adjoins t is the owner of a month old. Ib is he' get around as lively litter. FAST PACING -Toni W. Doherty, of Cli. 2.15, without prom Hensel' the other de. predicts he will be pacer on earth for hi ilii.'. Brimbleco.nbe, es Lown of Harriston, hree•legged pig, ono thy eud fat, and can as the others of the y .Li., owned by Mr. on, paced a mile in ing of any kind, at . lir. 3. L. Doherty the fastest guidless training. PAINFUL ACCIDENT with a painful aoci Furniture factory en He was operating the in sotno way one of h' in the machine and tornjHo will bo laid Horn Fon SALE - 12eu or JCI.Y Wingham this y places of bnsine haul L. ,U. L., 71 J. E. Swarts was nt frorn the Old The parse' son- o halters, towels, were sent by a o is at present try. eburs. Wm. But - 's left on a trip to r, Button will tran. y and Mr. Ohis- easere trip. They ities of England We wish them a -Mr. C. W. Walker & Clegg, left an Tues siness trip to the Pa - visit all the principle t and will represent niture factories, viz., Union FurnitureeeCo., Walker & Clegg. The 12th of July in ar was very gniet. All were open. The Wing 4, attended the celebration atr Blyth. The were 311 tickets sold at G. I. T. stati, n for Blyth, besides a large number whorl ove. There were also a few from town wet t to Riple ,,. TIE HAS RF •Iorseni-Lonductar John Wamsley, of oudon, who has run on the G. T. R. o press traiu from London to Winghn,tTi e r since the line entered 'the town, has r: ignedl•,Wtozeflen rlr. Wamsley has hen in Feeble health for some timeand bas taken this move so that he may to e well earned rest. JOLLY Pxc,;ic-Th Mies Houghton and invited a number o lyn's prairie, where this date being the ladies. It was a ve A NSW FEATURE will be found "Our have made arrange correspondent in the supply us with a we: the important events of the week. These letters will no doubt prove Interesting to oar many readers. ATTENDED SERVICE WIngha.nl L. O. I•., divine service in the t afternoon. There w the brethren present a body from their h Bev. Bro. W. W. Le preached an appropr choir of the Method singing. GARDEN PAner-Th Wingham Presbyter' giving a unique gar park on Tuesday even special features of t Scotch booth, a Can and Rachel at the tete and a Highland piper discourse music durin cream, raspberries an appropriate delacies all who desire them. grounds, 5 cents ; the plied to the purchase of Library. This will be season and none can aft rsday afternoon lett rs. F. II, Rodents their friends to Tam - jolly picnic was held ; irthday of the above pleasant affair. In another column ttawa Letter." We ents with a special Dominion capital to ly letter, giving 'ell The members of No. 704, attended wn hall on Sunday a large number of nd they marched in 1 to the town hall. ab, of Whitechurch, ate sermon and the st church led the Mr. D. Gilchrist met ent at the Union edr.'esday forenoon. arving machine and arms got fastened be flesh was badly up for a few days. wing to his intend- ed removal from tow , Mr John Neelands offers for sale his bri .street. The house conveuienees and wi terms. For full part eiders apply to JOHN. NEELANDS, Winghatn Tun Fear Flue- r he directors' of the Turnberry Agricultu al Society are busy rangemonts for the dates this year are ay, Sept. 27th and ill be issued in a few t of the special at - 's fair promises to or nes. es A. 'now set of. debt and adding to t been issued to super- Tile gentlemen who , wbich wore issued hand are to be coag The difference be- A S>ntous Coarts that the new stamps accident occurred o wer corners to show on Friday evening e st rep. They are vin came out sewn .lo he new issue of of town left his hie 1 am charge in t c sale the �V liver': in sa A y g ys. young Melvin mad Phere was a severe to take the wheel o ight, and touch dam• started to ride up potatoes, field peas, gone a short distan cumbers and outer te horse and rig. T to wheel was smashed e crops on low land up in great shape a At an early hour on battered up about ground was as white eseary to Ball in w. The frost appears wounds. he rem k cottage on Minnie las all the modern 1 be sold on easy these days making Marriage Licenses coming fall fair. Th Via- Tuesday and Wednes Issued by FILANK PATERSON, No 23, ere c toita street,Wingham, Ont. Nowitnesses 28th. Large post required. I weeks, giving a full li tractions. This yea surpass any of the for OHEAP,E I W! Our Clubblog• List. In order to scat s our subscribers .the trouble of ve merle .special arrangements With or irtNT the he publ shersittances we aby which we aro enabled to offer the following publications in ,connection with tho WINGIIA51 TIMES at special low rates from now until January 1st, 1800, Special with all newspapers and magazines clubbing panes quoted upon appiteation, Ca.h must accompany all orders. -- Times and weekly Globe, • • Tines and Western Advertiser, • Times and Family herald and Weekly Star and Picture Times and Farmers' Advocate, • Times and i,,.nnin�a, weekly, - Times and Ladies' Journal, Weekly witness T+Iontreallyee y , Times and Times and Farmers' Sun, Times ami rally Globe • Tunes MO ,):01%. World • Timms., d Country Gentleman, . 1t 13. ELLZOrt"irt WIfiG12AM. $1 25 140 175 100 175 160 125 300 2 70 NEW POSTAGE STA Canadian stamps has cede those in use no only last December. twoon the two issues i have figures in the 1 the denomination of also ashadelighterin stamps have been on post office for some A HEAVY Fnosr frost during Sunday age was done. Corn tomatoes, beans, c green stuff suffered, suffering the most. Monday morning th as if covered with an to have been pretty Verniers in teem damage to their pro, SIXTY-ONE TIME er Wingham,was attended the Ora the Wingnam Le the sixty-first tim taken part in a 12 There are few met attended as many above named gentl BICYCLE ACCIiM N' son of Mr. C.N. Gri on the Diagonal hill and when opposite ran into a pile of ea considerable clistano in a semi-conscious young people of the n nhurch intend n party in the town g, July 19th. The party will be a dian bootie, Jacob . The town band ,1l1 be present and the evening. Ice cream, and other II be furnished to Admission to the roceeds to be ap- a. Sabbath School the event of the rd to miss it. Old Mr. Irwin,of Low- n hand last Tuesday and e walk in Blyth with lge. This year makes that Mr. 'Irwin has h of July celebaation it this county that haye Orange walks as the 0. aster Bui yille Griffin in, was riding a bicycle I cordially invited. on Tuesday afternoon, -Mr. D. McDonal he Union factory he of hogs from the G. T. h and was thrown a .wood on Wednesday. He was picked up Private funds to to ondition, but gter a Apply to H. Davis, --Mr.C. Hamilton, a car load of cattle station to Montreal o -The Turnberry ti printed and was firs Clerk's dike, Blneval SMALL L. CALS. -Mr.Oeo.Sbaw has �iurchased a'bu will run it to and fro( all trains. Have yon seen Iroland & Button's 0.50 Extension Tables:' -Kr. W. Case= cattle to Toronto on -Master King W ation in A. A. Morr --(lir. F. G. Sparl received two car loac and shipped a carload of 'huraday. ! e has taken a situ- I 's drag store. ig, of the salt works, of coal this week. { J If you are going to build a wire fence you want the beet. Get Wm. Gannett to build the Page for you. -Do you take the TIRES? If not, send us 40 cents and get it for the balance of 1898. -Miss Houghton ha removed from her rooms in the Stone Bl k, to the rooms in the Dawson block, . A full stock of Bedroom Suites, Ex- tension Tables, Sideboards. and Parlor Suites, et Ireland & Button's, Wingham. -The partners ip existing between Messrs. Brown & owell, saw -millers at Fordwioh, formerly 1 this town, has been dissolved. Mr. T. Powell will continue the business. -For first-olass tailoring and cheap gents' furdishings, try Webster & Co. Remember the place, in Queen's block. -We have receive of our correspondent a few of the many 1 The article is a gooc in our next issue. an article from one giving a "Sketch of tit of July Notables." one and will appear ste,its, lir ,p Abees°— q e age m TRY MORROW'S Drug Store Ave. i � 3 `tel s'ese �4b field was very roug and shoulders of the ible, owing to the lon Farmers' Attention l Call and see the been cut. The game new Frost & Wood Mom er and Binder be- I of the "Colts" and a fore you buy, at Wm. Gannett's, doubt. Alderson pit -Mr. T. 11. Ross 11is received a car load "Colts" and did ex of fine white brick f r his new residence and the brick work a pushed rapidly p y for on Mr. Thos. Hencj been commenced. II -Campbell's Headache Wafers paean - teed to curd headache. Dr. Macdonald is now permanently -The Wingham cos will draw the I at home ane can bo consulted by crowd on July 27th al. 28tty,e Something special in white wool. Mat- tresses at Ireland & Button's, Wingham" -You ehonld visit ,the Scotuh booth at the garden party on tuesday evening. -40 cents in advance will secure the nuns for the balance of this year. "Our Butter and Eggs go to King's July and August sale," Wingham. { -Fall wheat is co imeneing to tura yel- 1 l w and it will soon e ready for the bind- '• and the champion Shares for all leading plows, price and district. The gam quality right at Wm. Gannett's. I ward to with great -The garden partyn the park Tuesday I cranks ever since th evening will be largely attended. You are Iclose and exciting g our boys quite ban shipped a car load 1 mento of tho Wes station to Colling- I ship by ascore of 1 ' to Blyth bound to of the same is being ard. The brick work rsun's new house has his patrons. SPORT BAS The Wingham ba endeavoring to get the Brussels nine e' some four weeks ag• so, Brussels always offer.. However, it that these two team. 12th of July celebra short time he came t round alrighlHe is feeling somewhat so • yet from the effects of his tumble. ilI d several bit all stayed in the game The people of Killdeer Miss DEY I1F.SIG j h t' f •Angus, who received ing a monster celebrat rumor that Miss D:, cried n at the Bit abov heart in the sixth August 2nd. It will tel p p . to nit thegame, Sam.P of the assistant tea qbaseball tournament. k sebool has resigned and only the hesat outfielders were vie - hay which had rot- as deoidely in favor no stage was it ire bed the gamefor the Bent work, striking out 14 men. "Dust '" McDonough wart: at the receiving eud a d caught a very goo game. It was his rst appearance in e,. match and with a lift e more practice wilt make n good man for , le position. Mosier and Ballantyne wer: in the points for Blyth up to the fifth i nings, when Higleyt went into the box, an. did not prove any more effective than his .tedecessor. G.rifiin, NEWS of Wingham, umpired he„eanie and very- few ery few Of hie decisions wet cleeetiotied. Thife. BALL. is the first game this t-+ui has played anck °ball club have been they will no doubt give a good account .o£ a return match with themselves before the season is ended. r since their defeat of Manager Small is wel pleased with the together and feels* efeat anything iii tch will be played/ hen a good gainer 'alkorton on Fri - but were unable to do laving some exiuse to vas at last arranged should play at Blyth's ion for a purse of $50 lip of the Western material he has collecte confident his team can their class. A return m here in the near future, may be expected. Kincardine defeated has been looked for- i day last by 11 to 7 iterest by the baseball I Kincardine and Cargil announcement and a 4 on the 12th. Kincardin me wer expected, hut 111 ly trimmed the claim- The "prairie nine" we rn district champion' Y n at lowest rates. I the services of an i ingham. 3m. occasion -Parry, S f Wroxeter, shipped McCartney, Seafo rom the G. T. R. I Cartney was very Monday. rbatters, tors' List has been with tho exception a nasty a a ov to -day (Friday). ' and was ccmpelle Elliott taking his to 13. Brussels came in at any cost, securing ported battery for the rathroy's catcher, and h's noted twirler. Me - wild at times, Bitting the 12th and played a juniors of that town. T done them up 24 to 5. What is the 'natter with ball team arranging for neighboring club on the day of the Wingb am race. played at Ripley- ' 25, Cargill 15. over to Blytn ori genie with thea, e Wingham boys" ED. -It is current who has been one hers at the public her position. The he school board was n Tuesday evening t enough members decided to hold a .`Monday evening business will be all probability a o take Mies Dey's regular meeting of Everybody goes to Wingham. King's ace. Wingham played to hand yet. 1 all home men, tw of which were juniors, July and August Sale is on. Try the• to have been heldsale once. See the crowd. G. E. Ring, y which is a great .edit to our team. Angus Iast, but there wag• • Wingham. I pitched the first f :e innings for Wingham,present and it wa -Jacob and Bach 1 at the Well will be � when he retired i • favor of Stuart. Both special meeting o something new for re Wingham people. pitched winning all, Catcher Lockerid e next, when genera At the garden party n Tuesday evening.' giving then( gosupport and throwing transacted, and in-bZr, F. Carr Bast nted the house lately well to bases. I oth teams played good teacher appointedball, but Winghe 1 put up the best game, vacated by Mr. G. ointyre on Patrick and deserve grey praise for defeating the place. street, and will mo into tho same at Brussels' aggregi ion with seen a strong IT WAS A Soocl s• Secretary ,Robinson once. reinforcement, r. Tait umpired a very of the Turnberry Agr cultural Society has Eaton not in it. We give you a SALE conscientious gale to the satisfaction of sweated the return o percentage from the and tako your TRADE. The liveliest shop some 3000 specta rs, but Brussels at times G. T. R. company on aoeouet of the recent in three counties. Kings Store, Wing- thought they wer getting the worst of it excursion to the Mo • =1 Farm, held by the ham. and did a eonsfa -able amount of "chew - Societies. and East Huron nre iteralceived ing." We can as ere our Brussels tlppon- Sooieties. The wi le amount t reerts, however, th t he could not havo been was $348.30 and aft° paying ell expenses it and diyiding the sa e the local eoeiety will have $158.65, to aid id reducing their eir special attractions ad the excursion in at ated on its snocess, .$ A. serious bioyplc Josephine St., north) I which Mr. Fred Mel•. best. A young man ale at the north end the proprietor, and himself busy enough t of the stable and street. He had only e when he collided with emeriti in this locality, considerable and sill ring the week report 1 young boys to leave things alono that do nee. not belong to them' d 111olvin was s0 much re face that it was nec• dootor to drew; his e to the wheel will cost uld be a lesson to all -The harpers of during the week and taken advantage of people, who held a s oil chamber, on Mon -Messrs. Wm. an Lucknow last week on the Oddfellows' 1 brick block. The L in high terms of thel gentlemen. Royal Carriage Oil Top Polish makes buggy tops like new. Sold at MAcMATS's Harness Shop. —Mr. C. Goodin has moved to town and purchased the roperty of lir. G. P. Woils neat • tho G. R and as will be seen by his advt. prepared to paella rubbers, otc. For the months of July and August, Ireland tt Button have deci to sell b urilttl lt Factory Y lrices. re 10 per Dent. Read S. Gracey s tf ondon were in town their presence was a number of young Dial bop in the coun- ay evening. l Thos. Moore were in nd placed new roofs all,and Mr, Graham's °know people speak vork done by these as far out in bis decisions as second base- man Rosa, who mpired the Wingham-- Kincardine game here. Bro. Kerr will be kept busy this w ek trying to explain to his readers how all happened. Manager James will need to overhaul his team to be in the game w h the rest of the teams in this district, a his magnets have been putting up a lost game of late. Brussels has promised to ive the boys a game here in a week Or tw , and we trust they will not dissappoint s by trying to "wiggle" .out of it with excuses. The score by innings 3 0 0 0 0 5 1 4-10. 1 0 0 2 4 0 4 2-13. n another column is 'Wingham " 3 Emends.... 0 11 kinds of old iron, Tho "Colts" Friday last an baseball club o to 23, The g and errors, bt grounds are nothing bette OnsAnx.tG SAtx---1?t� below Factory price advertisement. .f town visited Blyth on defeated the second nine that place by a score of 30 me abounded in runs, hits when the Condition of the taken into Consideration could be ;expected. The in - TOOTBAT The Hurons of Seafo th defeated then Rargers of Berlin on Fri y last by a scores of 3.1. The Carberry football • ub have playeat ten matches since they h ve been out out their tour. They play the following draws :-Winnipeg. 0-0 ; Wingham, 1.1 ;. Riversides, 0.0 ; won the allowing :-Clin- ton, 2.1 ; St. Paul, 5.2 ; ' tafortb, 3.1 ; Bur lington, 7.1 ; Cornwall, -0 ; and lost a3 Berlin, 2-1. The Wingham footLa' team went tot Ripley on the 12th, with be intention of playing the teani of that lace, but on their arrival in Ripley were d appointed. Tho Ripley team had loaded tp with players* from Dungannon,Lucknand also two:Mr three members of the cr k Carberry tear* Our boys could not see t point in facing: an aggregation of this so and the gamer was declared off. We lib to see the bora stick up for their rights. I. U ROSS( 111r Telford, of the B. k of Hamilton* played with the Orang: 'elle lacrosse elute on Tuesday in their no telt against Sea.- forth. afort li lacrosse of tit= Se The members club wore in town over night on Monday, on their way to Oran eville, where they played on the 12th an• were defeated by a score of 3 to 2. Wingham base -- match with a. 8th inst., the 2ndt me intend hola- on on Tuesday-, the shape of e. rtiealars are nett: Is Your 1)a1gnter In ]30hee1 1 . There are thousands 'of sickly tehoei girls dragging thbir way throegtti taboo) who might be enjoying lbs foal Vigor et their youth by taking Scott's. IltnuIsicla.