HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1898-07-08, Page 4ENGLISH
Guaranteed Pure or
money refunded.
THE \YI N UkUAJ 1 TIMES, JULY i, 1b98.
government, and several'ather;Cttth• I Paine's
olives in his cabinet, we ilnebmit that
the legitimate interests of the 'Cath-!
Campbell's Headache\Vafers
cure headaches.
olie religion are not likely to •sull'er,
and that Cahtolies have .good reason
to be satisfied. That Senator Scott
has no entanglements .among the
politicians of his creed -should be a
matter of congratulation. He will
be able to do better ‘work for his
church and his country.
The tests for Cabinet ministers
should be honesty and statesmanship'
only. It is a lamentable thing that
Sectarianism should have to be con-
sidered at all ; for if the premier, in
selecting his ministers, must consult
the wishes of every section of every
sect, instead of his own judgment,we
shall have government by the sects in
stead of government by the people.
That is the logical conclusion of
such movements as that of the C. P.
- _ A. tend of the projected Catholic
- _ TO ADVERV ISERS. League, and it is to be hoped that no
Notice of changes must be left at this such organization will meet with
office not later than Saturday sueccess.
noon. The copy for changes
day evenin. Casual advertise -
talents accepted up to noon The operations of the American
Thursday of each week. army at Santiago have met with the
most encouraging success. The
kinerf; an loss has been heavy, but
must he left not later than Tues.
Is the world's great nerve medicune.
This is the month when overworked
men, women and girls in the home,•work-
shop, store and office feel uervous, tired
dull, irritable. laut:uid and weak. These
conuitions result from weak and un -
etre og nerves
The nerves regulate the blood supply
through the body. Upon the ihealthy
action of the nerves, health and happi-
ness depend. People who have their
nerves out ot repair in the hot weather
are the most miserable of mortals,
Paiue's Celery Compound is the only
true and safe epecitiefor diseased nerves
-it is the only medicine for the ,banish-
ment of all hot weather ills and weak-
nesses. Physicians recommend it every
day ; it is the favorite life giver with
millions on this continent. Take no
substitute frim your dealer; "Puios's" is
the kind that cures.
Winglham, July 7, 1898.
;orreoted by P, Deana, Preduee Dealer.
Flour per 100 lbs.. ..... 1 7:, to `.3 40
.,.,0 75 to o ria
0 75 to 01;0
024 to02e
0lit) to0'di
0 45 .to 0 45
Fall Wheat
Spring Wheat
Turkey, drawn .....•.•... , .. 0 07 to 0 05
Cit UN, ............ 0 04 to 0 05
Dunks, per pair ................. 0 40 to 0 00
Butter......... ......... .... 0 12 to 0 13
Eggs per dozen........ .... 0 10 to 0 10
Wood per cord.... ........ 1 00 to 1 25
Slay per ton, 4 50 to 5 00
Potatoos, per bushel, ..... 0 30 to 0 35
Tallow ,per ib 0 4 Go 0 4
Dried Apples, por ib........ , 0 3 to 0 4
Wool 19 to 21
Dressed hoes.. . .. .5 00 to 0 00
4111r Jas. A. Graham, of Uxbridge, was
visiting with his father, Mr RA. ;Graham`
4111r. and Mrs. W. Patterson and Master
Pay, were visiting in Kincardine over Sune
day, ee
Tlie Misses McConnell, of Windsor, were
visiting with old Winghan friends this
Miss Tucker, accompanied by Miss Wile
eA c ,,f�@ ottu am i; 11llC p hams, of Fordwu.h, visited at her home
L in attack upon an entrenched enemy ! this week.
heavy loss is unavoidable, and was
lIr and Mrs A. Cousens, of \' ingham
probably increased by the inexpert -
were in town a few days this week. -Sea -
FRIDAY, JULY 4. 1398. ewe of rnost of the officers in hand_
T _-- - -
ling large bodies of hoops in a drftl
EDITORIAL NOTES. cult country. The fighting at Sa
Lieut -Gov. Cameron was warmly tiago has again demonstrated that
European troops, cannot under any
welcomed on his arrival at Regina ,)rdiriary circumstances,stand against
During the bot months a sheet of men of the British race.
Mr. Mulock's sticky 3 cant stamps ___ --s
will answer very well as a substitute AiORRIS.
for adhestive fly -paper.
Miss Mary Errington, of Dungan -
It is odd that the state of Alai,le, ! non is renewing old acquaintances
which was developed and almost on the 2nd and 3rd ,concessions.
erected by Canadian railroads, should The pie-nic in Mr. Bustnan'S bush
forth Sun.
Wm. Gundry, bailiff was in W ingham
on official business last Thursday,-Gode-
rich Signal.
Mr and Mrs rI Thompson, of Goclerich,
spent a few days with her parents, Mr and
Mrs. Geo Wynn.
Mrs. floss and Miss
Exeter, were guests at
a few days this week.
51r Jas Anderson, of Pontypool, is eiisit-
ing with his mother at Glena•nnan, and
with friends ir, town.
Rev L (i Wood and wife, of Washiu,ggton
D C, were the guests of Mr and else El
Is Your Daugaier In School 1
There are thousands of sickly school
girls dragging their way through sohonl
who might be enjoying the full vigor of
thehr youth by taking Scott's Emulsion,
John A. Wilson, of Seaforth, was
married on Wednesday, to Miss Hall
of Blenheim, Oxford county,
Mrs, Robt. Coleman and family
left Seaforth on Wednesday for
Hamilton where they will in future
Carrie Bloss, of
Dr. Macdonald's
produce such a man as Senator Hale, proved a great success as as usual during the week.
the chief opponent of the movement , with undertakings of the people of Davisavi,Iola Neelands was in Guelph .on
towards closer friendship with Cana- that locality. The weather vv as fine Monday on business in connection with
and a large crowd gathered to enjoy the Canadian Foresters.
bile freshness of thegrove.Thes wings
were kept busy all afternoon .and Miss Whitlew and Miss Clark, of Wood-
stock were visiting with the former's uncle
Mr. Pugh of Bluevale supplied the Mr R 'Tennant, this week.
Miss Evelin Winer, Willie Winer, and
Clark Ii Anderson are on a visit at Mr
John Winer's, below Guelph.
Mrs Dan Mniloy and Miss 0 Campbell
of Ripley, were visiting with Mr and Mrs
.I 1V R aiker, of Turnberry,
Of the grist of falsehoods daily
reiterated by the opposition press,
the most contemptible is that which perspiring mortals with ice •eream,
]molls this year's capital and ordinary l etc. Joe Smilie was ealled to the
expenditure into one, and then corn- ; chair and after making some appr'o-
pares it with the ordinary expendi , priate remarks, called out the follow -
choir • recitation, 1'red Pugh ; 60114
of the late administration. ing program , >;, y .tae
PococK-In Toruberry, on July 5th,
the wits of yer. Reichard Pocock. of a
SMITH -KENT -At St„ Al atthews' church,
Toronto, on July 2nd, by the Rev. li.
Muckleini, Mr. C. P. Smith, of the l3auk
of Hamilton, Listowel. son of Mr. J. S.
Smith, of Wingham, to Miss Mabel An-
n tte Kent, of Wingharn.
RrxnGI.,S-WaEirnNs-On duly 0th,
at St. Paul's rectory, by the Rev. Wm.
Lowe, Thos. James .1 rydgee, of Morris,
to Miss Janie tvheeieos,daughter of Mr,
Wm. Wheedens, of'9.'ornberryvf
Jo nNSTON - Mclfi,ENzau. - At Port
Huron, Mich , on June .24, by Rev. A.W.
Mc0lankiu, Mr. Hugh dohoston,of Bl
vale, to Miss Nancy McKenzie, of Wing -
1 un.
V illtQtenee N AININ At the resi-
dence of the bride's parents, on June 22,
•,!!4Y !rlp4 !94 !..,per er r.111R4r4p4111R"r1?4!r4 rr!!1INI,
Ii.,y4l4 rY rr Y!S• • n.xr�1
try Rev. Mr. Duthie, of lLiacknow, Mr.
Edward McQuiltin, jr., of West Wawa -
nosh, to Miss Jennie, seeond daughter
of Mr. Robt. G. Haines, of East Wawa-
HAINES-CARLETON-Ota June 22nd,by
Rev. N. S. Burwash, at the residence of
the bride's tnotber, Mr. John E. Haines,
of Culross, to Miss Caroline Carleton, of
`+,l RAMSAY-BFI,L-At the residence of
the bride's hither, East. Wawanoeh op
June 29th, by Rev. McLean. of Blyth,
assisted by Rev, R. Henderson. of Au-
burn, Mr. David Ramsay, of Westfield,
to M tss Letitia. youngest daughter of Mr
James Bell, Sre
r IED.
DAre ES- In Ooderich, nn Thursday,
June 30,1.41.5, Capt. 'Phomas N. i)uucoy
by the school ; recitation, Martha I of 11, vl. Costams, aged (i3 years.
` airs Jos Bradwin, and Mrs C H Brad-
tarilf has only been reduced a 'steenth Ingram; recitation, Gordon Etnbua y; win, of Kamloops, B C were visiting the ---
part of oue per cent. and of Mail solo, Mr. J. Killough ; selection by I former's son in Blyth last week.
declares that the reduced tariff is the choir ; reading, Emma Jermyn ; i
Mr Ales Ritchie left this week for a
responsible for an increase of 816,. i duet, Miss Mary aid Air. D. L.month's holidays, part of which will be
000,000 in the imports. There must Strachan ; recitation, tarifa Ispent in Montreal and other easternpoints.
3 e a "spike" loose somewhere. instrumental, Miss Annie Strachan ; I Mr Chas Boss, son of Mr Alex Ross, Left
recitation, Arletta Farrend , address, i avl Monday morning for Wiuou^, where he
IT is understood that the 'Govern- Rev. 111r. Rogers ; selection by the! dins been appointed Dominion Express
dent has decided not to hold any' choir. Agent and telegraph operator, during the
Dominion bye -elections until the fall. I The following report gives the fruit season.
They will all take place on the same standing of the pupils of S. S. No. Mies Perdue, of Wingham, was the guest
�fiay and under the new voters' lists. 18 for month of June and determines I of her cousins, the Misses Earngey, on
Mr. Foster informs us that the
Mr. Aluloek would earn the nation's I their position in class for next
i month,
gratitude by obliging the contractors i Total. 400.
to supply better stamps and postal 5th. Jas. Knox, 207.
g,ards. The stamps now on the mar-
ket are flimsy, and the mucilage on
their backs is so soft that it sticks to
everything it touches. The cards
are so coarse and ink blots on them
is if they were made of blotting
paper. The contractors should be
brought to time.
The news that a movement is on
foot to establish a political soeiety
,of Irish Catholics is much to be re-
gretted. With the disappearance of
Sabbath last. -Mr. Perdue, of wingham
spent Sabbath last with friends in town.—
Gorrie Vidette.
W Corbould, manager of the tank of
Sr. 4th. Arietta Farrend 183. HIamilton, Wingham, and his two daagh-
Jr. 4th. Gordon Embury 371, tete, Miss Corbould and Miss G Corbouid,
Lorne Knox 310, Robt. Farrend 75.
Sr. 3rd. Ettie Agar 373, Ruby
Forbes 354, \gena Knox 350, Alice
Paul 338, Charlie Garniss 290, Mar-
tha Ingram, 103,
Jr. 3rd. Eva M. Soueh 360, tar-
ifa Fraser 348, Johnny Garniss 301.
Sr. 2nd. Fred Pugh 266..
Jr. 2nd Emma Jermyn 373,Anuie
Garniss 335. n
Pt. 'lad. hazel F.mbury 315
Charlie Agar 301.
Jr Pt. 2nd. Total 200--liarvie
Knox 180, Wm. H. Jacklin 165, W.
the reprehensible C. P. A., and the 1 Forbes 145, Tommy Jermyn, 145.
c.ettiement of the Manitoba school
question, it might have been hoped
that sectarianism would vanish for a
'rime from Canadian politics ; but it
ft appears that there are men who
desire to perpetuate religious strife
in cur public life, and who believe
that Cabinet ministers should be
wade and unmade not in accord -
Sr. 1st. Lizzie Knox, ti oinie
Rutledge, Iluldah Rutledge, Sarah
Agar, Fred Apr, Stanley Rutledge.
Jr. 1st. Norman South, hazel
Stamper, Nelson Agar,
D. L. STracir.tx, Teacher.
Sure, Safe,
:once with their merits, but because tO'Use.
of their popularity --or lack of it -.l Diomnt.d Dyes are 11
were registered at the Royal Ilotel on
Sunday last—Kincardine Review.
Mr D G Mcreggan, and children, of
Montreal, are visiting with her parents,
Mr and Mrs S Yonhill. Mr. 11oFeggan
has been appointed Domuiton Express
Agent at Parkdale and will remove from
Montreal to his new home at once.
le populrtr dyes
in every home of the civilized world.
With this or that religious denoini-- They are auto and rrliable under all
nation, circumstances, giving the choicest, most
brilliant and most lasting colors.
This league'wbieh is vet unnamed I Diamond Dyes are the safest to use in
r7lief being formed in Toronto and the the home ; to poitnnous ingredients to
grievance seems to he that 4 irritate the hands are ever used in themon packaae dyes are largely
�' Catho i composition ot the famed dyes. Com-
Hon..Tolia Scott, an Ontario composed
he member of the Dominion Cabinet of dangerous materials.
Bread has dropped to five cents a
loaf in Brussels on account of the
fail in the wheat market,
1,1. s. F. C. Rogers and Mrs. Geo,
Rogers are away on a holiday visit
with friends at Detroit, Chatham
and London,
A new call board of modern ar-
rangement has replaced the old one
in the telephone office here, and
'i•hen the metallic line reaches
Brussels we .vill be able to " hello"
to our friends at a distance with
neatness and dispatch.
F. 5. Scott sold lot 11, con. 2,
Grey, for Alex. Ross to John Mc -
Ewan, of Turnberry, for the sum of
e1,400. There was 100 acres in the
The Clippers defeated the Utiors
of `Vrxeter at baseball Tuesday by
13 to 6. The Clippers have won 12
out of 10 games this season.
Mr..T, G. Shene has a bed 19 fcot
square of sweet peas that are be-
' ginning to flower beautifully with a
number or the very prettiest varie
ties. The geranium. in his store
"Window has attracted the lovers of
tilt beautiful.
lied not "a power' among his co•i'e:li-• 1 Diamond Dyes are so easy to use that
aS'i4lt him removed, and a mail of
ariunista. Accordingly the promoters •'t child can dye as successfully as tt
porson Beware ot
common and
, crude dyes sold for the sake of large pro -
their own sttbstitttted. ; tits. Insist upon having the Dia
lY itlh a Catholic at the head of the Dyes and you wil: have 1 appy
How is this?
Perhaps sleepless nights
caused it, or grief, or sick- •
ness, or perhaps it was care.
No matter what the cause,
you cannot wish to look old
at thirty.
Gray hair is starved hair.
The hair bulbs have been
deprived of proper food or
proper nerve force.
increases the circulation in
the scalp, gives more power
to the nerves, supplies miss-
ing elements to the hair
Used according to direc-
tions, gray hair begins to
show color in a few days.
Soon it has all the softness
and richness of youth and
the color of early life returns.
Would you like our book
on the Hair? We will gladly
send it to you.
Writs vs!
If you do not obtain all the
benefits you expected from
the Vigor, write the doctor
about it. He may be able to
suggest something of value
to you. Address, Dr. J. C.
Ayer Co., Lowell, Mass.
Pure Lard. 10c lb.
Brown Windsor Soap 6 for 5c.
French Mustard, in tumblers, 5c each.
Cook's Friend Baking Powder 5c pkge.
Canned Corned Beef.
.AMBO "` v
Cooked Roast Beef; Smoked Sliced Beef.
Chicken, Ham and Tongue.
Devilled Ham, Tongue, Beef and
Potted Tongue, &c.
Opposite Quee
For an ods have a
Hair Cu ive him a tria
itnzo - ' oned.
a First-ClasE
X. 311-4 3E41.7
IC 1H.
AN1)-IC1H. "=.4
Luther J. 1Vi1flaffljAM
(Thoroughly experienced and prac-
tical in all branches,)
Begs to inform the inhabitants of Wing -
ham and neighborhood that he has suc-
ceeded to the business formerly carried
on by Geo. Shaw at lately by D. Me
He is prepared to supply all kinds of
Meat and Butchers' Supplies of the
Best quality at lowest prices.
• Orders executed to any part of the
town with despatch,
Telephone No. 9,
11teLIEAN & SUN Props.. -
All kinds of rough and dressed,. .
Lumber, Lath, Shingles,
Apple Barrels, Hard & Soft Slabs
Also a large quantity of dry hard..
Wood for sale, delivered.
Telephone , orders promptly at-
tended to.
Itis stock is
Good and Cheap !
Extra fine line in Children's
Custom work and repairing promptly
attended to.
Carefully washed, properly ironed,
correctly finished and f'aii ly priced -
that's the history of your linen when
brought here. Nor a thing in obi`
washing preparations to injure the
fibre of the goods and not, a thing
unhealthy about out' work rooms.
Opp. Union It'"story. .
7 hat is what everybody says when
they see our stock.
\Ve make any style of (;old Rings to
W c think we know as much about.
watch work as any other man in Canada.,
and will give
0040).0 CO
for a watch we can't fix.