HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1898-07-08, Page 31VINY0N'S'ti 6000 ORK TUE WINUXIAM 1'IM,ES, JULY 8, 189& About the Pleilippines. Apt Quotation. i The orchid found in the jungles There is something more than wit 1 in thea application to the business in and difficult (if access, t utnerimes l'p commands 6t,C00 apiece. It takes hand of words already chosen for months to stalk the "demon flowers.'' I another purpose than in the invention wet renders a saddle hard and Bishop ref e n Appropriate phrase. The chief ttvc�l he of 1l big is I Whipple, according to the Church unshapely, Iicep it out of the ricin. the octet: fight. The pit ii a6 big as News loved to tell this story • The cap of your valve should a circus. roue thousand spectators THE WIIEEL. heel's ANTI ITIN1'S, Melted alum is an exe(lient thing to Gement handlebar grips on with. 1T111+ B U R D E, N lean be accommodated.1 iw Gen. Weyler was Governor of the islands fur four years. Be saved $1,000,000 out of his annual salary of $40,000. The v►ealt" of a man who owns a shirt is estimated by the fineness of its texture ane the way it is worn. In the Philippines they have but- tet flies as large as bats. Their color is fawn and they have ruby eyes. Of Sickness and the Shadow of Graver Things BEING LIFTED From Thousands of Homes in Canada. Mr. W. J. Offen, brakeman on the Grand 'Trunk. Railway, residing at 211 Logan ave- rienee with the 111iunyonu(treatn treatment Mforedyspepsia upas been most satisfactory. I was in a terrible condltlon when I consulted Mun- yon. I was so bad n fact with dyspe p- xh, :and headache that I never expected to ;get better. The pains in any head nearly drove me wild, and I was compelled to wall: 1,ndlyloandfomy stomach bad wasd swolleln so /rightfully they greatest agony. I hoilaiisedS all medicines in the effort to get relief, but I kept getting worse. Since I began using Blunyon's,$Dyspepsia Cure I have never nit in better* health. T can eat almost anything and feel no bad after rosnits. I stub now in splendid health and attribute it aa11 to 11lunyou's treatment, and nm dally irrcotamerLdiug Haase wonderful relncdles." rn,• Rheumatic Cure brie m to ns f o nava in ono tthrew r9 hoard and urea In o few, slays. Price erne. attiyon's Dyspepsia Cure positively cures all' ;tor 1 df tl n an' ;3to"'••cg trouble,•t Air The capital of the Philippines is Manilla. It has a population of 200,• QUO and over 60,000 in the suburbs. The Britith captured Manilla in 1762 with a fleet of 1.1 ships and held it for 15 months, The male half caste wears trousers that died cause it's be given too the voice and increases the breat Ing and shirt, The latter is rot confined much to de Lord, I'll be very much capacity, but care should be taken to in the trousers. obliged ef my brother will tell whar breathe through the nostrils. Houses are raised on posts to per- dat church is, for I'ze gwine visit it, Milk is the most satisfying and m°t the water to flow wider thein in and I'll climb on de walls ob dat sustaining drink for cyclists if it is • should b e de moon Its o •+• ns. ht of slowly. rainy seasons. ,.� church, under dc, lag taken very y Delinquent taaptt"y erS are whipped and ery, 'Blessed alit do dead dat die sipped, taking two or three minfttes let the post, fished and their pro- on d:: Lew `,, for a glass. Iperty cunfib bred. A(}u5'i's are a cutioaity. The few geed in the islands 'ere too entail to 'breed, A devout, colored preacher, whose always be screwed on tightle , but heart was aglow with tmesionary never with a wrench. zeal, gave notice to his congregation Never ride far with a bent pedal, that in the evening a offertory would as the twisting of the foot caused by be taken for missions and ssked for a bent pedal may injure the ankle, liberal gifts. .A selfish, well to do man in his congregation said to hiin When riding the lege ehould do the work. Severe exhaustion is the before the service : • result of working the arms, body and "Yer gwine to kill die church ef head. yer goes on saying give. give. No Pointed or tight -fitting shoes church can scan it. Yer gwine to should never be worn on the wI,eel. kill it."eCorns or other toot affections will be After the sermon the c111ored the result if you do. minister said to the people Loosely blown tires are liable to "Brother Jones told me I was gwine to kill dis here church ef I cut on the rim, rendering repair ken' a-aslun' yer to give, but, my difficult. Manufacturers will not brethern, churches does't die dat xray. Ef anybody know of a church replace any thus injured. Cycling in moderation improves Meets Your Noeds. 'When you feel tired, lanuuid, nervou and are troubled with !ninnies and e ma of ?# Gea. c +. •- •..- R� __ggq 25n„� upi,ions, you will Lind Hood's S $ xtlnyorea-Caid Case !'resents pacaadeald'aa;lf` I The. laud is (settle, but natives etre illi ons, yo will your needs. Sarsapa par up a <�.1 fa a few taws. Ptl�ce 2ru6. l r t •inti- s the blood and impar mase stops coughs flightindolentt td tt not dot U C (les lend enriches tweets, allays soleness speedily A ~ to 1t the qualities t5tu5yon's Cough Care and s cedll d 8altl Vat LOU and a - I , vane it. es needed to tone t (ltUpg¢•'I'il'°e '^sc' nervus e q nourish the whole system wtunyolac Ftldncy,Crlt1'e.si+oedlly cures !ulna' 1 he bnbllnlen etre iuo�e dt'ea.ded la ttto back, 14naa or groins„amt. all tame ,of ' disease. Price 6c 1 cures all blood humors. Wiley t typhoons or ]dncy ileaNe fiiunyon'a Nerve Caro .stoyay nt:irousnceo ani' then earthquakes, -'p ,%alibis up the system. Price 29c. fi�ree ;uinutes, Pr(,ee 26r. l,lunyon's•Ptle Ointment T.osltiveIy Cttrea al. I The high quality of the indigola A cyclist's proper reach tray easily be ascertained by his ability, when s i seated in the saddle. to place his i.l heel firmly on the paddle when it is 1 at its l.,west point, without bending is I over to that side A vegetable remedy for diseases arising from Disordered Liver, Sto- mach or Bowels, such as Headache, I Biliousness, Constipation, C oat e d Tongue, Bad Breath, Feeling of 1 Languor, Distress after Bating, etc. ]vias:, CI.iaA Rowan, Moncton, N.13., says: i "I used Laxa-Liver Pills for Headaches . and Liver Trouble, and they nob only re- lieved me but cured we. The do not grips or sicken and are easy to take.” Sold by all Druggists at 25c.1 a Vial or 5 for 431.00. 3 ---The Mama Forest Confederate says :--Iu ennther column of tale issue will he see•I, the notinr+ rf birth `of 0 t•ut, ti) M t' and M1'u 1 ,t(`Neil, IOr Mt, 1'(trr'ct. Thi• , 1ia• 2.3r 1 ehlm i•1 witiel' M1` :w iu:t to the „h' been twice her l is e proud i»t 1 meeelcee, hi• iii'$ wife having eleven children nuts hie ineeent wife twelve. Coal nline(t it, t;i inn is being ex - toiled to 1;,,i,tia'Itl0. illi hot in n few a(•�tte;the 1''1••wcrvLand will supply the V hilt• Pe itis coast. John Barr. 4•1' J11 5Ftoll, was ar- rested on a ell r e: e. 1' betting fire to a building owned by hint d it is said It It t Two pounds of good flake shell e dissolved in one quart et' counn(it e; alcohol, will make all exc'ilel}'tt s, cement for cementing tires on .rllt.te. It shon(cl be about tile 0oneleteste �" of molasses. HOOD'S PILLS core sick headach - -klirr ra•s Headache +careostopa btadaebn 1111 I pia:rue$, `nausea, billiounness and all liver ill � Price . 'norma of piles. ,):'race 2uc. •. 1tunycn's Blood Cure eradicates all Smpurtttas�. acknowledged 1111'uug gout t le wol �t,F tbn b1oo;. Price 25e. btanyon'a Female nemedlea are a boon• to r.11 The yearly output of cigars from . omen. ➢innyon'r.-Catarrh Remedies never tan. The the Philippines is 1.10,000,000. ft :arr1► Curc--price 2.3c.-eradientee the disease incstreets of the capital city are �5 Cents. y Live Stock Points. ' To remove ru=t coat th rr,iiietal • In taking a step a horse lifts his well with grease, and let ic:.(f!',ind for 1 heel first, thin the coo. a dad or so, bleu rut, bri;'lt✓l}t with a d with (1i40001ia. If i cram the system, and the Catarrh Tablets -pries I clout W((i+lelle • y 5c,-c)ennse and heal the putts. this Llbl'e flat (Illi e 1'ell�i Arc.' the 1'LISt, II 1%-ne tti Aahma Remedies relieve in three' Italica wale'. neat of the time. i Induce Ct•ltS, Insides, nags and 2111 Sn►inuny and cute permanently. Price ,>• d The chief occulrt.tit,n of 501x15 oi' young animals to eat solid feed so w,asa eniefull\' with a i�ei(]c solution A separate c, + Mares \V1 axunyon n Vitalizer, n great tonic 1n fee soon as ossioIC. t r 5 cents viol. weak peoPlo, sir the s tv' gc natives is utuld0t', p of hydro elliptic acid, dry thuroughl �t of cloth polish I *tom o vital, � 2 n t ,re torr each disease At alt drug., Personal. conte a viol. . I with a piece Paraonot. letters to Prof. ATunyan, II. Arnett Mosquitoes arc, more formidable b`1`icyercisedl plentifully suckling foals \ithshslo\v s ]i0 uta and nlli9h with *treat. Tomato. Ont., nnnwered•wltk flet ►yedi than ,Spanish gunboats.a soft piece of lea.hel, being careful ndvtce soy any dtaeaep.. I and light work. After the foal is a It is estimated that there are 1200 month old it may be left in a boy_ Ito remove all fracas Prom the metal. (islands in the group. stall or feed lot out of sight and Poorer classes robe themselves in healing of its dam from sightmorning till Chinese Do Everythixzo' Back - one yard of cloth. I noon, when it should be allowed to Back- ward. This h a day when the de yearssiares lone fashionable delicac • for the men to which one has he d for are 1 ) 1 suckle. If the mare's udder is very ' gradually being swept away by those P 11 should be pal Bally I Tile Chinese compass points to the ••who know." One such delusion in city was destroyed by emptied when the animal comes • home south instead of which we all once believed was to b 'tion .was injurious to the es es. Oen-lighting putporeS. Care of the Eyes. is the grasshopper. full o milk, ita the. north. In 1615 the city an earthquake. 1 a night and before the colt is al-, Men wear skirts, the women seed while in a recumbent position I The oil cif the cocoa is used tor : lowed to get its evening drink. troasers. One colt costs as much to raise to . Men wear their heir lung, women lists now tell us that if the light he Vanilla paid $1,000,000 to Eng-thesale age as 200 pias The pigs wear it short. dl g04.d and the type of the prince 'Page clear we may safely indulge in the luxury of lying down and read- ing at the same time. But while 1' ll this he also warns le ai - >, I are ready to sell at 8 months old, : Men carry on dressmeleing, women carry burdens The spoken language is not written, the written language is not spckeu. Books are read backwards. Foot• n'Ites are inserted at the top of the page. 1 The Chinese dross in white 011 I funerals, and in mourning at wed - 1 dings, while; old women always j serve as bridesmaids. l eyes one must not lea w- Ir , u s Exhaustion 'u d Knives and forks are unknown. 'I mess either on a 'retidmill or in l sideways, and mount their horses fatigue affect -ail the nerve 5 el Lite All the women smoke ctga►s, place of oxen, and they will be Dtll I from the off side. body, and the oaths Ger\ e is a sen the better The Chinese begin their dinner sitive that it should receive particu lar consideration. Nor should one ever be guilty of the carelessness of reading or writing facing a window. This, too, is a cruel strain on the sight• . Washing the e1 es morning and mg by using four uoxes or CIr. evening with water as hot as it can Olniti :wt. Win. Thistle, druggi�tt, of • be borne is a wcmderfilt tonic f(.) Harth,nu, also certifies that t he )soldt rfour those useful servants, which are su 1 boxes boxed f eur.e El" hae's h easily injured. When we consider bow We neglect their•welfu•e by us• ling theta by fading daylight and in- sufficient artitieial light, by forcing thein to do work when they are weary, and denying theist the rest for which they long, we have cause: to wonder not that they sometimes become inutinone and refneet to fu{ - nil CUP dtt11alid$ but that they are; as a 10090(1. All the inhabitants fall asleep at1 theis bein�acolt )t thtie lllasbets 5 years b old. midday. I horses will lose muuey straight along I our oculist tells Manilla was founded by Legaspi I unless they breed only the best stock, either or harness. A t so fore we last OSt, the our eyes th in 1571.e , hohe draft, mord saddleean ten tens. A j Sore breakfast, as strain un the Water buffaloes are used for optic nerve will et•iously affect the l plowing, l lunch a5 any other animal to make sight. So she who would read be- The natives bathe three times a i hint ready for sale. Sheep may be fare she rises in the morning must day. l marketed at from 2 mouths to 2 llawe her cup of coffee and a roll e . Spanish soldiers march barefooted. years old, and steers may he made a slice of toast brought to her bedside. Bats are worn only by foreigners. to w eigh 1,000 pounds at a year old, ladles: elle 1106 unu.ua By strong and sold fora good price. d 1 n one is Cattle arc nip larger than goats. I Bulls can be trained to work in extremely •ee cry, tap <la • and stronger for it. e - Chrome Edema Cured, horning and a ring in the nose will land The Chinese launch their vessels with desert and end with soup and fish, In China the hands of clocks are immovable; it is the dial that re- volves. One of the most anionic eases oe Eel go far to tame their savage instincts, zema ever cured is the case of truss , and a good job of hauliry or treading .terite e Elia Alton, of Hartland, N. B.1 t\,jll do the rest. Una sworn eitatetneut Mr. Aiton stays, 1 • hereby certify that my (laughter, Gracie Ella was cured of Eugenia of long stand- ( The Law of Compensation. 'I cannot understand why it is that we -don't get as liberal fees for unar ryitg people ala w'e used to,' said a dtlntmie to 'a •fellow clergy - Causes of Gray Ham, man, as they 'bowled Hong on the express to the annual convention. Is it true that the hair of Afneriean 'The•','stin;e• thought has occurred women turns gray much earlier than' to -me, nty` deb:" bi'(u,i�,her' replied his that of the soman of other countt•iesi' compat;ltion, but 1 itil( to perceive neve are those who make tbeasser-`the hated ,of- the Lord in the witti tion. It is, too, say these, it more holding of the increase to which we thorough gray. 1''Idle the leeks of I are e,ttitled by virtue of our high an English or French woman will Balling, Iate in life show a few Stray "blasting -1• Then a good 'old: deacon leaned i the ever faithful in unr service, They -wilt as a rule be as pod to us as tic I threads," the head of an American forward and chipped n w1 are toaheiti.— llarlier'S Bezel*,woman at a much younger age will i `Brethren, you don't know any - Ibe quite blanched, ur at least frosted. thing about business. You say you ----•------- _ - ITo two things may the cause cit the; don't get as big fees as, you used 1 tendency be ascribed. An1erican air to.' U (n(1 American atmostpher0--term's! 'That is,alas, too true,' groaned I nut 'Lt all st vCS, mous. Sl the former 'bolih the parsons. turns oto• leaves, \why should it not ` `But haven't you had More couples Like btllonsness dyspepsia headache, coned. I turn Ont" hail' ' VIdletil Olat u�tl the he 1 to 'OhMa yes.' James Edwin Hughes, of Point l St. Charles, drowned himself because I of the failure of a love affair. nation, soar stomach, Indigestion aro promptly ;latter may accomplish 'Well, Hien you shoultltl't kick. cured by Hood's rale. They do thelr workt hot bread and' 3 worry needs '. t . `gray heir, as a rule, means inability more you sell; the less :you get a to cope with nerve --destroying things.' piece for them. , •.10gs is ',hues, se e c folks. ..he •e t hb' get t 1e mare is declared to be largely a Matter SOOle they water' iii } two bottles my lei; was perfectly b cnsity anti ihoront;i�Y, � 1 a„ enejes of ice -water, Hoo 10 ' • I d no comment Early It's just the cattle with hogs. The 13 RUNNING SORES. Mr. Stephen Wescott, Freeport, N.S,, found (Burdock Blood Bitters) wonderful blood purifier and gives his experience as follows: "I was very much run down in health and employed our local physician who attended me three months, finally my leg broke out in running sores with fearful - burning. I had thir- teen running sores at one time, from my knee to the top of my foot. All the medicine I took did me no esoocl, so I'threav it aside and tried 13.13.)3. ; when one-half the bottle was gone, I noticed a change for the ' fed time I1 had finished 1 better and by the rim CASH ( "t A For infaat>;e. ani, Chi;:"iren, Tho tu- IA l p-� stessttes s .. Are You ne of those who, when business is dull, dont advertise.. Have you ever considered what a mistake that is ? When business is brisk you are bound to get a share in what it going. Of course, you can increase your trade by advertising liberally then. But when the "off" season is on, why not try and capture the cus- tomers who are getting the necessaries of life. It's your own fault, or there is something- wrong with your advertising, if you don't succeed. The best business men of the world say that if you have something that every day people want and you can make them know that you have it, you are on the road to a great business success. There is no other way of telliil r these people anything. you wish them to know (;cane: equal to the advertisement in the local newspaper. You cannot utilize the local newts ,aper in a bet- ter planner than by advertising in T1'11': TIM Wh j ? Because Tilt. T11tI s reaches all classes of people in the Town of Winghanl, and in the County of Huron and immediate vicinity. "l' ll; �1�t�1rs goes into the home in every section. Many advertisers have found that a liberal use of its columns have paid then. Why not you ? Zest atter dinner pins. Prepared tit'tompereristic That It should e t`'1 1 healed and my health greatly int - is A ' •a woolen' rl'ltc donyitli(:5 .didfet�.ci�;sl,ut(t Llle tt characteristic o mcrw n p proved. is in keeping with most other tincts &Aeon's Ingle, but simply, switched' atteents, Ay by C. I. take & Co„ Le/kap:I lTawp•oil: 10 marc sacred sabj '7115 oats I'll1 to Gtko wtthItc,od's;l:uA»yarill». ut Oar 1'itL`e.-•--11arNe1'�S Bazar druggists. • ONE GIVES REI,l' r. • Don't Spend a oi1ar for 'Medicine until you have tried 0 0 You can buy them in the paper 5 -cent cartons Ten Tabules for Five Cents. ode *ort io put np chip lT'o gratify tA. „aMYaral rT.nt doo•and •.r • low pits& If you don't find this sort of Rjpans Tabules At the Druggist's Send Dive Cents to TIAs 12lrANs CtiE'iICA: COMPANY, NO: tis Spruce tit., Nety York, and they 1•e s tpt t y you by mail; t Mr 12 c.►rtous wilt b,: mailed for qt cents. '1'l clian0t1 are telt is ate that 1.ipaut T.tbules are tl.e very naedi int; you nee&