HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1898-07-08, Page 2111E WIN611AM rr1ijEs, JULY 8, hitt. Extravagance. I beard a story lately of a high. lander who had been persnadetl to 'buy a, ticket 'for a ratifl(*. Ilei won the first prize, a bicycle, but on being told of his good tontine, instead of hugging, himself .with delight, he said: "Neel, th tt'a jist tea luck ; buying tsvn tiekef, svIma vin wail 'a' done. We ji'1 :t , 3'.: eeee,i lv {�'1'il• '"- Dundee Peopie's .101. P11 I. SICK setting Oneself to Sleep. Many are the expedients resorted to by persons who are troubled with insulntlla to eunx retoctant slumber. Some of these expedients are as primitive and simple as grand- mother's remedies for eolds, fevers, torpid liver and the like, and they are equally effective. At a little dinner party at an uptown club not long ago the subject of sleeplessnes thrust itself into the general dis mission, and various experiences wore nar'r'ated. `•Nov lee me sell my way of getting to sleep Mien 1 tool nervous and wakeful," salt a woman who was born in New 1ngland and who takes pride in the fact that she em- bodies family traditions nearly 200 years old. "It is a method that has prevailed in our family Por several generations. Of gour_e you will lough at me, but it is just this: �Whenever you find yourself getting ., tt' I u'(') and n)nre wakeful after you Aati have reti"eft to bt:d, just close your eyes, conjure ul, a pasture and begin counting the sheep ' as they jump over a stile. At first yon may not he able to see the sheep very dis- tinctly, but scon they will pass before your imagination like a procession. You eoant then) one by one, and by and by you will see two jump over the stile at the same time ; next a whole lot of them will go over in a hunch, and you will. lose the count. Everything then becomes vague, and for a short time you see on endless string of sheep moving forward, growing more indistinct with each movement until yon aro asleep."— New York Timer. SORES GONE. SKIN CLEAR Mrs. Philip Mitchell, St. Marys, Ont., says :-"My little boy aged 10, was a complete plass of sores, caused by bad blood. We could find nothing to cure him. Finally 1 not a bottle of Burdock Ulood Bitters, and before half the bot- tle was gone he began to improve, and by the time the bottle was finished be had not a sore on him." A CANVASSER'S EXPERIENCE. St-FF1:ItEDIFltOJ1 KIDNEY 'MU= .1NI) liIIEUMATISM-•'-WAS III:COMING I)ESI'ONI)i:NT \VIM'S .tID lU tCIIED RIAs, 1 ram the Jowled, St. Cuthcrtnts, One of the most recent witnessca about Foothill and vicinity regard- ing the virtues of Dr. \'Vtilian's' Pink Pills is John F. Pafce, two is widely known in the Niagara district as he bas been on the road as an adver- tiser and canvasser for six years and has thousands of acquaintances. His complete cure has added fresh lustre to the reputation of this great medi- clue Hearing of Mr. Price's suffer- ings and restoration, a history of his i;; story is : — and have matism for have been Po ,itivcly cured by these Little Pills. They also relieve Distress from Dyspepsia. t.; :..' .:.•:t i.n': Too lIt•arty Eating. A. per - Let 1•c:iu..:y fret D ...'r;. -s, Nausea, Drowsi- � :• Test.: in : Mouth, Coated Tongue I': in in the Side, TORPID LIVER. They Leg,eate the Bowels. Purely Vegetable. Small Pitt Small Dose. Small Price. Substitution the fraud of the day. Sec you get Carter's, Ask for Carter's, Insist and demand Carter's Little t ...iver Pills. STREI 1R CSR BACK, The Anvil once. mere rings with the strokes of Y:a hammer. Mr. Thos. Porteont. the well known blacksmith of Goat:rtch, Ont , tells how sickness and weakness;: gave way to health and strength. "For the past four years my i.1 case was requested. H "1 ash 2(1 years of ag been afflicted with rh( ;even \ ears. At tittles unable to get my clothes on or off without assistance, and have often been compelled to hate my food cut for sue at the tableY In the winter EASY PAY FOR A SMOKE, BUT Ti11: IIt.#TE CREt)ITOIL WA ti READY TO COMMIT ASSAULT. Some time ago the proprietor of a papular down town cigar store was confronted by a well dressed stranger. The stranger smiled pleasantly and asked for a cigar. "(Blume as good as you've got," he said. So the dealer reached around in the showcase until he unearthed at eertaiti brand. "Fifty cents," he said as he shoved them across the glas . "That's the tiel et," said the stranger es he caret. Ily selected a sini,ker that suited hit r. • Ile passed it mitten. y beneath his nose. balanced it airil§ on one finger, snipped of the end, Righted it and puffed away contentedly. So ab sorbed was he that 'e quite over- looked the fact that ,he proprietor was gazing at him expectantly. "Oh, yes," he erir d, when he nerves have been very weak, my sleep fitful and disturbed by dream.4i, consequently I arose in the morning unrested. I was frequently very dizzy and was much trouble(. with a mist that ame before my To give a new i eyes, my memory was ofte defective and F had fluttering of the heart, ogether with a -- dations of comb l' sharp pain through it at times. In this CONSTIPATION CURED. better satisfied a condition I was easily w",rried and felt I p y work. enervated andexhauatcd. 'womonthsago It's im important you should haveuatur I began taking Miami E fret and Nerve al action of the bowels, Purging and The cause of clus>fered is an over I . since that time I have 1 sen gaining in n T , Vir IUrice to the system. Lasa- bees are etas - Liver s••ripen„ dofull hive. When the Lase - health and steres th child. They have Liver Pills are nature's own medicine restored my nerves to w hea thy condition, ter nil disorders of the Stomach, Liver tesed, work in the hive is suspended. removed all dizziness a and r trouble, 1 Colonies that a st a swarm will 1 ' of 15:17 I was attacked with lar caught the cigar num 's gaze. He grippe which settled in my kidneys, dived into one pocket, looked as. another and I then became so MOM, I was cow• tonished, dived into polled to abandon < 11 employment. 'looked more astroishe At that tirne my liver and kidneys " By Jove," he mi combined in what seemed to me queer. . their last attack. I used several medicines and doctored in 13uffalu and St. Catharines without getting any relief, so my confidence in medi- cine was about goo . I was getting lis embarassing ! Iia no rest clay or nigh and was be- with me; must have coming despondeutt finally I wasat hotel." ttered, "that's IIe scooped into IJ$ pocket again and patted himself Across the vest front. "Dear, dear," he rmured, "this en't got a cent eft pocketbook IIe looked at the pioprietor. The Iter was regarding his. frantic eight a . outs with at looks of lukewarm state that I feel tier r than in the 1 sympathy. a past ten years. These pills are the I "Take stamps?" 1 inquiried the nearest to a specific of anything I'stranger as lie.thrustta hand into his ever used, and the r are the cheapest ;inner coat pocket. t and best medicin I ever tested,1 "Certainly, sir, ysaid having titoroughly reached my case !suspicious dealer. and effected a cu`'e. I feel so grafi- I "Then," said the iltratiger hastily, fled for the relief have obtained "take these." Ancl her stamped heavi- that I think it my daty to publicly ly on the floor a halfozen times and snake his statement. If all who ire then scooted through; the door. suffering will giv(�': Dr. Williams' I Well, the cigar man was so full of Pink Pills an honest trial, I am surerage that he could only splutter• they will be as enc i iastic in their I anathemas. He was se mad, in fact, praise as I am." I that an hour fitter the sight of a postage stamp or a heavy tread on the floor would have thrown him Dr. Chase Cures Cararrh After Op- into convulsions,—Cleveland Plain erattons Fail. Dealer, arch s been larJ7• A Good Dlctiona .y for Tbree Cents n, has been tt stag- I the dianttioas of 10,000 lately we sub -1 A diatomn,cy containing ation at the Gen• i of the most urisi and° hupby Ili words in the , P;n;;i,sh lauguare, is puhlised by rho llr. 1Villiams then we have re- g memole Co., Brookville, Ont. Mule it soutane some a(1cortising, it is o. complete dictionary, con - else and correct, . In compiling; this book care has been rami to Travelling l.ncog. A German banker, travelling by rail in a first class carriage toward Vienna., had as a fellow -traveler at one of the intermediate stations an i old gentleman, who entered into conversation and proved very pleas- ant. 'The banker got out before his c..'rnpaniun, and before he did so asked the latter how far he was going. The gentleman replied, "To Vienna." "I have a daughter very well married there," said the banker. "I should like to give you a note of in- troduction to her." "t twee 13150 0 (lpuohter very well married there," said the other. ° "Would it be too great a liberty to ask the name ?" "My daughter," the gentleman answered, "is married to the Emporer of Austria. It was the old King of Bavaria. the un- Toronto, i My boy, aged Court( erer from catarrh, an witted him to an op eral Hospital. Sine sorted to Dr. Obase's(Catarrh Cure, and one box of this medicine has made a prompt and complete cure. H. 0. 14 oar), l omit none of those common words whose spelling m Fireexact use occasions at tinges a momentary difficulty, Foreman, Cowan Ave. Hall. I even to well educated people. The ronin aim has been to give as much useful information as possible in a limited space With this in view, where noun, i obviously connected in ice and verb are al y adjective usually ono only has been inserted. The volt -tine wilt trots be found to contain the meaning of vary many more words than It professes to explain. To those who already have a dictionary, this book will commend itself because it is compact, light and convenient; to those wilo have no dictionary what- ever, it will be invaluable. Ono may be secured by writing to the above concern mentioning this paper, and enclus nr a thr• e•ecnt. stamp. ftV 1 3c P hat is 6 „Y, '� ',i:41;„ii ,i"'li Yf�ti1�f " tt '!rf �, }, txi ''r Sirj,M,910 Tho Be hive. 'Whenever the CD lbs the all sealed h over, they should be removed. Always give an abundance of room for the storage of surplus honey. Convey new swarms to their per- manent places at. once when all the' bees have t:nteredtthe hives. Farm some foun- to make them d leads to early t ant and Bowels. Cure • Coustipation by comfort and li )'s heart and for Nervous - le an similar lying." Price or T. Milburn g the bowel wall and stimulating the secretions. Leave no a effects. now I sleep well aur. c err tonin„ rest from it. That Miibu also swarm again t about eight days Nerve Pills are agood reins y b d after if allowed to do so... This should be ness, Weakness, Heart Tro d '1 prevented by remoiing all the queen con ;taints goes without cells but one. 50 cls. a box at all druggist & Co., Toronto, Ont. , After a queen ce ses to be fertile •fl M ) pi J'.(,,ryti¢�\ �,� ,•��//i.�^., , l•'• r � - ..,,\ � r',�..r•:�.a��b�;�."�a,a,...�',�.`�:\'" �1`\w''i"�.7'!(`v Castoria is Dr. Samuel i?itelner,s prescription for Iufauts and c ,1 Iren. It contains neither Opium, i'lltorpbtitto nor It is at harmless substitute other Narcotic substance. An' Paregoric, Diels, Soot111.Pg Syirup and Castor Oil. xt is Pleasant. Its guarantee 1ei thirty years' also by ti. Castoria destroys Worms ant] 1FYil1iorlfi of I�crt .er:;. Criteria prevents vomiting Sour- allays Feverishness. Ctu'OE, Cures Diarrhoea and Wiwi Colter Cantooria relieves Teethi11g, trot:ilea, cures Constipation Ian d Flatulency. the t Castoria assimilates the Food, regulate ch and Bawds, giving )7;saltily and natural sleep. Casteria i:± the Cbiiltreit'1 panacea—tile Mother's Friend.. t st ria. Castoria. "criteria is an c::c4llcat medicine for "Cast twin..i uis se nWell sadapte Co au d to children children. i\tothers have repeatedly told the that lire known to mel` y pre - of its good dicot upon their cirildrtin." 11. A. l3 to me. M. i). T>r'uok�Yu, :Y Y. 1)u. G. C. O,GOO1, Lowell, Mass. THE FAC -SIMILE SIGNATURE OF x'"'`41 ;Y uta ` Bier. APPEARS EARS ON EVERY WRAPPER. ttyT�',�.C��' f�,.,. TN6 CENTAUUR�COMI.INY, TT fM�U�RR Y{�S.T. I.ET' NEW YORK CITY. R�'Li '� . . ET ;, •'.4; T 1022 �u/S..iu.'�`d�1. �4 „t41t yZiA, S1MYl ]6 Wt6i..s.�.�+.4 N • .Wel. «,�.,,., d.�',t= Henry Grey, at night watchman ! for the Altnoute Knitting; Company, was shot and killed by burglars. Queer Advertisement s. l Curiously worded advertisements the workers usually*asupersede her— Lasa-Liver I'il:s cure Dyspepsia. that are runny without intent are that is, they rear a new queen before more common in the London papers, all of the worker eggs are gone and it, would seem, than they are in•New then destroy the old queen.—St. York publications. An English peri i Louis Republic. cdical offered a prize the other day 1 for the best collection cf such an- ( The Oakville n ! nouncerilents end the following is the 1 she biggest straw i result :—".t lady wants to sell her ( record. piano, as she is going abroad a strong -_.-_....,...®. OA QUICK CURE FOR CJUGHS and COLDS 1 The Canadian R.Pmedy for all I relents suitable for gentlemen with p AtE�EGT�`�NS 11{ folding doers.,, "Wanted a room by I b t thirty 't feet 3� • para! ighborhood has ferry yield on A QUES'T'ION OF SPELLING. Thomas Parsons., burglar, incen- diary and jail breaker, was sentenced I at Belleville to fourteon years in I the penitential','. Teterboro' has abolished the ward, system, limited the number of Alder. men to one ser thousangeneral tants and will elect them by g vote. Og1THOGRA PRICAL ERRORS SPOIL A GOOD MAN'S TEMPER. l t' T iron frame." "Furnished apart - long THROAT 1tNi LU Large Bottles, 2 cents. two gentlemen a ou a lir y DAVIS & I.AWRLNC1 CO., Limited, ! Jtnd twenty feet wide." "Lost a Prop's. ferry 0ovis'.RPain Miler. 1 collie dog by a matt on Saturday Op New Yes Montreal bey wanted who can open oysters : with reference." "A. Bulldog for answering to Jim with a brass collar round his neck and muzzle." "A The D. Sc. L. EMULSION The D. & L. EMULSION Is the best and most palatable". preparation of Cod Liver Oil, agreeing with dr most delicate stomacbc. 1i The D. & L. ENVISION In r.e.,r:1Nd by the to rg ,hysicians of 1116 D. Wr 1.., n, rY S OM1 I. n ,,..., . , .iil give Uuttle. Ii ,i . , ', rrNCE tLu g_....e,.... '. Montreal sale; will cat anything, very fond of children." "Wanted an organist, and a boy to blow the same." "Wanted a boy to be partly outside and partly behind the counter." "Lost near Highgate archway, an umbrella belr,lliil:r to n gentieman 1itn beta Yih and bone handle." I "To be dispct ed at', a mail phaeton, the property of a gentleman with a moveable headpiece as good as new. There is a lot of gray •haired peo. i plo dyeing to get married. i et tat -ism • ij r' r f f•• ,9 7 � i F E • : ren 1p-• 3, K"�d I •vr,+ r "Does my whistling. disturb you?" "Oh, not in the least. I'm used to hearing men whistle,. I'm acollector for a millinery hoc.e." Some time ago a colored man hung out a sign on a house which read, "For Sail." He happened to be at the gate when a colored man carne along and said. "You'll never get an offer fir your house with such spelling as that." 1 The owner of the place was great' ly puzzled to improve the orthogra- phy but finally took his wife's ad- vice and made it read, "For Sell." This seemed all,sight for a day or two, and then a school boy halted and said : "If you don't fila that sign all the children will be laughing at you." There was another convention of the family to see where the mistake `g made in, and the,si�,n was tO read, "Fur Sal." It had not been .up an hour when an old colored mall came along and queried : "Does you mean dat dis place am fur Sally ? Vt hat yer gwine ter gib de place to Sally fur?" "Am you findin fault wid datsign?" aslced the other. "Well, I doan' quite cotch on to de spellin." "You. loan', eb? Ills you got X700 to pay cash dawn fur dis place?" "No, sah." "Den you pass ' on and shot up. Maybe I doan' spell jist de same as you do, but I've got prospects of handlin $700, while% you has got boaf knees out to de wea4ler. I doan' ker to use high flown language an have to w'atr a shoe on one foot an a bate on de odder, Go Ilong, ole man. You am too fly on j g'aphy."--Ntig- gets. S13tITF1 tiREUMATWC CURE A UNIVERSAL C.li;ERATOR. I'vIlo: in six hours l kirhat a Mal mes- raga to the pain•racked, brd•ridden, des- pairing cntifcrer from rhouinatt sin's cruel grasp -and this is a fact, borno out by volumes of evidence, for this greatest of pain conquerors. . Rheumatism is olzrablo-South Ameri- can Rheumatism Cure is an absolute specific, and radical}y cures the most stubborn asses in from. one to three days. "I suffered inn.: , ."y from rheumatism and sciatics., Tr,cil madly remedies and many physrrtalis without any lasting benefit. A tow dose* t,f -oath Amer'. can Mumma ieCure wonderfully helped me; two battles cured me.' -.-. ;. Errott, hrorricl vine, Ont. Thoueande otfi'reodtelavoe tell the earns story -don't etlti'.r an hour longer. --22. Sold at Hamilton's Drug Store. 1 1 t e ORES OFJII( A Book for Young and god. f OUR `. RECORD;' j Esist1$y8 Vis' 250,0.0p, DISEASED l91Ely CURED €, �1��vaus 16313 'SK1id . b1VATe. Dj5EA•5S 25O9O O CW QED YOUNG SAW A Have you sinned :! exeunt nature Y. when ignorant of the tootriblo crime you wero committing. Didypuonlyconsider the fascinating allurements of this evil habit? When too late to avoid the ter - 1` riblo results, were your, eyes opened to your peril? Did you later on in man- hood centre atany PRIVATE or BLOOD disease? Were you cured ? Doyou now and then see some alarniing symptoms? Dare you marry in your�present con- dition?' You know, "Leif FATHER, LIKE SON." If marrietl are yon con - 01000y living in dread? ; is marriage a failure with you on account of any weak noes caused by early abase or later ex- cesses? Have you been drugged with mercury? This booklet,willpoint,outto yen the results of those orimes and mint out how our NEW METHOD TREAT- MENT will positivelycure you. It shows how thousand sharebbeen saved by our NEW TREATMENT. It proves how we can GUARANTEE TO CURE ANY CURABLE CASE OR NO PAY. Wo treat and our EMISSIONS, VAItTCOoELE, SYPI LIS. GLEE'!', { STRICTITILE IMP( T1 EMY, SE- 3 CRI P DRAFTS, UNI ATURAL DIS- CHARGES,KIDNEYand BLADDER diseases. CURES GUAE ANTEED "The Wages of Sid" sent free b enclosing 20 stamp. CONSULTATION PItle'E. If unable to call writs for Oil ala: r BLA:Li' for ROME • ELTO N'S UMPS Will stand wear and tear for ears. No better proof can be given of their durability than is shown by the fact that some of these pumps put in wells 25 years ago are still working. IRON anti FORCE PUMPS Supplied to Order. Repairing promptly attended to. SitOP—Diagonal St. opposite Beattie's Livery. \ JOHN PELTON, Winmham. out, K�li �jNEDY' a KERGAN & Cor. Michigan Ave«1and Shelby St. .& i,( t j DETROITMICH. K&K K&K K&K K t Caveats and Tradn.Marks obtained, and all patent business conducted for M0DERATli FEES. My office is in theinimedia.c vicinity of the Patent Office and my facilities for securing patents are unsurpassed Send model, sketch or photograph of invention wits statement toadvantages ciaimed. description and state dvantag .f0 Xo charge is made for alt opinion as to patetttabiliei and my fee for prosecuting the application ua'i not be called for until, thepatent r allowed. "Invm.roas' Guinn," con- taining full information scat free. Ali Comma. . cations Considered as Strictly Confidential. FRANKUN H. HOUGH 02 5 °3, oeota Yt1,GsD3i,".QOT®N. 50 YEARS' EXPERIENCE 1 .r- Fv'ADC MARKS DES;GNS Coevr.IGH'rS StC. Anyone sending a eketelu mrd desicrl rtton mar quickly nch :Ion in pr hnbly pai'tentable08C mnimitean. tions strictly confidential. Handbook on Patents sent free. Oldest agency OF securing ;interact. Patents 1013011 tlirougit Munn & Co. receive eprcfalnotfnc, without charge, in tho Scientific Thtericati, A handsomely iilnttrated weekly. r,nrgost cir• culation of any scientific journal. Terms, $3 a year: four months, $1. Sold by all nowsdealers. MUNN & Co SOleroadway, New York Branch office. GO 13' St., Washington. D.0. IT PAYS TO ADVERTISE IN THE TIMES...