HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1898-07-01, Page 88
Sale of
, ....gym-. y-
\VINWIAM 11.1V1V.+, e u .r r 1, 18J8..
_ .� -
n , in
months, left
# the bride. After an informal ecce Itioli
ince Be t [Iolaur< StO, rJuia • risk ..oJ, Ptlt:, Taylor ;f S Earl For the past eight
t the restdeut'a= et the bride's paroute, to,5(1•"°rdon (.rinha Bet, Netnc. l.inklater 4s7, Rarer , for his home ill Nelson. this (Faddy) ttloru-
StAtert 441, Ruh Etliatt 47ts John Imuhleda5 tHi,' lug. Ile leaves for the Nortlaweat in a
, umptuous weaeding breakfast was Nerved trail Carta right 470, keit 9tuntml •174, Juhn I.el t• '
in a large mntquee ou the lawn by liuury mo: 46s, Edith Wanner 402, limey Iiiue,,1,l 430, icouple of weeks.
250 pities Ladies' Sample Cash-
mere hose just opened fit one half
price These goods go on sale Sat-
ttrda� taorning at 8 o'clt k. Shrewd
buyers will get here at that hour,
Webb, of Tort•utn. Mr. dna Mrs. elorden steeart Potton 437.
left at 6 p. alt. on the C.1'.11'. by special ear
for Boston, New York and Old Orchard
Beach via Quebec mud Halifee. They will
reside in klutniltou.
HE: i CiO DS
Jnst opened, Belts, (;doves, Para-
sols, 0,.1,11 ;t hhons, Laces, Muslins
" ;t,•;. S,viys in plain
tend iawy. All Lae New York
styles from 10 cents up.
.t atiSONALte.
we shalt be glad to hate contributions to t
column from any at our remlere. Ir on have v
tors or purpose ening away yourself, drop In a
tell us, or ecnJ us 11 tote to that effect.
Mrs Jefferson, of Wingh' m, called on
some of her old friends this week We
bis • were pleased toffee the old lady around here
ne well-
She stands her age fairly Ke
Alma correspondent to the Clinton News -
I Record
,LEOhTOTION DXA'-tfthN '111.O.:Vs. Mr. 'II. Fitzgerald, of Seaforth, was in
to last it id
The following is the resu:t of the re
;u fir mt summer prOtUu
'd oti u examine -
Rn ri( ay.
Mr John Ilenderson, Seaforth, was in
town on Tupt;da 1
tions held in the Puulio School before Mrs. John Terrill ie 'Tending a few ; 'The row boat, with life= and coarsens
the Muse of the teras. The pupils to thei complete. ownedwby a W. t, Wallace,
days in 31t. Forest. 1 eau be puruhneed a bargain.
several Ldls.r iters eel -tanned ou papers £'4re Tufford, of Detroit,is viswith
prep:urli „v the 1'rinuil,al, the aua,+erb visiting Ayply to Io. V iNS LUNE.
of the pupils :;ere read and v,lued by. Mrs daS 111eKulvte.
the other ateithereof the :stuff. To pueti Miss Aggie i\1cAlpiue is ou a. visit to
e aired Ott er cer.L.ou each subject and friends in Lindsay. •
50 per cent. on the aiggret. dte merits.
Pupils (,btdining the uggregate. but
but nig failed in one subj xi only, sire
pasl•ed es recofuruentied. Those absent
lbtough illni ss will hate their cases
cons=idered upon the re -opening of 'school.
whoa it is to be hoped all will be present
to take up the work together. The
school year bus been much broken by
the provaleoce of scarlatina and measles.
School re•opene on September 1st.
Marks obtainable 230. To pass 1`95 -
Maud Vanalstine `214, Ethel Walsh 341,
Annie Barber231.A :JUL:, Urilun 333,Edaa
Diamond 214, Mary Monk 21`2, Florence
Constable 200, Gertie Bullard 207,W illie
Gannett 106, Alma Seyfert 100, Saute
Davidson 181,M alibi Ch apu,anl8l,Charlie
Johns 177, Katie Williamson 108, Percy
Smith 167,Winnie Hamilton 103,Iierville
Small 161, Mabel McDonald 150, Willie
Youhill and Lizzie Green, absent for
examination. a
fir Ma' imutn 400, To pass '200 -Fred
Forler 314, 011ie Stapleton 302,Eva Cook
296, Mattie Lang 280, Lillian Ritchie
295, Gertie Coutts 270,Elmer Cartwright
'272,Johnnie :4lason 208, Lester Small
.Ii7, Lillie McNaughton 261, Johnnie
258,Flanagan 257 Everett
..3r Lvdle
Murray,Ida I Irtna„a ,
U•lenn 221, Edna Huffman 210, Dick
Lloyd. 200, Robbie Davidson 907,lloward
Davidson 30`2, harry Buttner absent for
part Exam.
JR. 2ND TO tin. 2i3D TO REMAIN IN noon G.
Maximum 500. To pats 250 -Howard
Campbell '..1.92, Roy Seytert 290, Mary
Coutts 284, alerley Dreaver 283, Willie
Kinsman 263, Lizzie Mitebell 205, Rob-
bie King 265, Fay Patterson 264, Jim
Welsh `357, May Lamont, 256. Frame
house and Lot For Sale.
rq p
Miss Ada Cline was Visiting with Sea- i `rhe undersigned offers his house and
forth friends this week. I lot on Alice street for sale. The house
A1r W 'J? Fyee hes resumed from Kin- ,
inn for the huiid,tys. t t For full 1rL cola s apply to
SP'.CI AI. - Colored Homespun
French Twills, Bedford Cord,
Broehes, Lushes, Silk and Wool
Mixtures, S.r;es and Cashmeres,
just opened up. • Also
of Dress Goods at half price.
Great Reduction Sale note going
on in Ready-made and Ordered
Clothing. Great opportunity to buy
New {roods cheap at
Warn), spring weather is now upon us, and you will require suitable
cool germents in order to enjoy so great a change. Well. we have they
your pock-
goads and the garments that will give you comfort, and notP
ets very much either. Look, at the fine display of
Nothing finer and cheaper than you can buy in the cities. Ladies'
Blouses and Wrappers, perfect in style and patterns at prices that must:
sell then quick. •
Special prices this week.
Men's Suits °x-1.00 for $2,95 • Men's Snits, $6.00, for x!4.75 ; Men's
Suits, ,$8.00, for $6.50 ; Men's Fancy Linen Coats, $1.00, for 80c ; Bays'.
is a bine mem frame one, with ititohon, Fancy LiLen Coats for 50c; Boys' Pants for 40e.
and there is Ii number of good firuit trees In BOYS SL I I'S we have the largest and finest assortment. Can fit
on ne .ot. p, r pp y every person and soft every taste.
with their brother ha Ely th. JAS. WILSON, Wingham. For Comfort and style in footwear at moderate prices, come to us -
Messrs .1, and E. Bradwin spent Sunday
Satisfaction or money refanded.
Mr. Wm. Elliott, of Toronto, was in -'-""""" ""'
town a few days this week,
Mr. Saul. Kilgore, of Listowel, spent
Sunday with friends in town. I The undersigned will keep for service
Miss Annie Gilchrist has gone to T3rus• on north half lot 2, first luta, Morris, a
thoroughbred Ohester White Boar.
eels, where she will visit her aunt. Terms, $1.00, with privilege of returning
Mr Will Ilarlaud, of Detroit, is visiting if necessary.
with Wingham friends this week. J. CT. FYFE.
IIr. 3. G. Patterson, of Molesworth, was
calling on Wingham friends un Saturday. 1 • MONEY
1p b9 TO LOAN.
Mrs. Morton and Miss Morton, of ,('3916 G
Brampton, are the guests of Mayor Morton. I Any amount of money to loan on good
Miss Jessie McLaren was visiting with farm property at 5 per cent per annum.
her friend, Miss Marion Inglis, at Godetic11. STRAIGHT LoANS-Payments made to
suit borrower. Satisfaction guaranteed.
Mrs J Ii (Gordon and child, of Port I Charges low.
At office Friday afternoon and all day
Macdonald Block, Wingbam.
4 a' 9P, Kincaid 251, Maurice Welsh 250, John
9. Ra 1� 04.0a
Hanna 250.
Elgin, are visiting with her husband in
Miss Pelton, of Listowel, was the guest
cf her cousin, Miss Ida Pt.lton, over
Mrs J Lapp and daughter, of Ingersoll, I
are visiting with Wingham and Teeswater
friends. , The undersigned offers for sale his
Lots Mrs Coultes and Mr. Will Laurence, of . 2farm being north halves of 1 and
in the 1st Concession of Kinloss, oun-
Buffalo, are guests at Mr. Irwin Potter tainiug 100 acres mora or less. There
son's this week. are upon the premises a basement barn
Sir. Geo. Wood, of Ingersoll, has taken 50 feet square ; good dwelling house ;
a situation in Messrs. Walker & Olegg's fine urchard and garden, and abundance
furniture upholstering factory. of good spring water. There is a good
crop in. which will be sold with the
Miss White and i1iss Mary White, of farm. Por terms and particulars apply
Brantford, were guests of Mr. and Mrs.
John Neelands during the past week.
Mr W J Eleuty, formerly of the Ad-
vance and late of the Blyth St.tn card, has
taken it situation ou the Clinton News•
_,-_.._:•,...___...�.f._�- - -- - JR. 2ND TO SR. 2ND-ROOM6 TO ).
AD 1B.L�'• SS AND 213 SENT A.TION. Maximum 500. To pass 250 -Tut Bel
den 302, Alice Coad 300, John Mitchell
The following address was sent to Mr. 386, George Gregory 378, Mary Kinsman
Thos. Parker, of London, who recently 376, Ethel Elliott 305, Lucy Lang 357,
removed from town, by the Loyal Orange Herbie Elliott 352, Percy l-1 i11332, Jennie
;lodge, No. 791: Smale 314, Percy Kerr 310, Martin Hart
To Bno. Ttias. I'Alar.rr„ D. ,>i.: 330, Jim Raby 331, Charlie Little 322,
It is with feelings of regret that we, Bertie Merrifield 309, Hazel Runciman
your brethren of Loyal Orange Lodge, 308, Willie Lott 305, Emma Bradley 298,
No. 7e' t'..t•: + :,' i!tt.ndkr+ ,•p. Edith Jnhns`on 291, Barbie Jobb 294.
2110V0.1 from \ lt.' , ,t„!i 'Ib• t::,,i:,c,ju, i:: i'.U)M goon a TO R.)i,.:I 5 -PROMOTED TO
Maud Ireland, Ethel Davidson, Pearl
Davidson, Eva Geddes, Emma Con-
stable, Esther Morden,Esther McGregor
Lilly NI3holls, Vera Knechtel, Maggie
Hiscos, Olive Grisdale, Walter Morning-
star, A1lie;Brown, Clayton Grisdale.
se.. 2ND TO .iR. 3RD -ROOM 5 TO 4.
aMaximum 650, To pas3 325 -Cora
Sheriff 513, Willie Wiley 468, Fred Pat-
terson 400, Noble Young 457, Minnie
Beeber451, Alvin Raby 419, Essle Huff-
man 41.6, Duncan McGillivray 415, Bert.
Kling 399, Laura Karges 393, Norma
Hessian 385, Harry McLean 331, Emma
Sanson 370, Pearl Lamont 301, Mabel
Whyte 350. May Swarts 318, Pearl Stap-
leton 346, George Kerr 336, Willie Wood
ROOM 5 TO ROOM 4-reobxornn AT EASTER
Katie Flanagan, Pearl Moore. Mar-
jory Gordon, Edna Burkhold,sr, M]Idred
Roemer, Roselle Walker, Maud Sherk,
Maggie Stewart, Nellie Haines, Masy
Russell, Eva Sitnntons, Janet Murray,'
Laura 1ieir, Becca Mitchell, Annie
Rogers, Greta Carson, Allie Chapman,
Dolly'Tobb,Earnest Simmons, Johnny
Dawson, James Murray, Charlie Ellis
Jimmie Murray, Calvin Parker.
JR, San To SR. its-uoosl 1 'ro 3,
To pane, 5t7 -Bert Lang 074, Willie °emery 055,
Maggie Nixon 014, Reynolds Marlette 033, Ariel
Park 034, Annie Pilgrim 026, Eddie Elliott otos, Jean
Jackson 666, Maggie hood 003, Hobert Runchnan,
597, Willie Jobb 501, Iictbert Shcrrif2 580, Pearl
Wynn 545, Burdatta Geddes 595, Lima Berber 050,
Beeville Griflln 504, Charlie 'Whyte 501 Herbert Jct. -
owe 503, Elva rearcn 754, Lillie Gray 550, Rov Har-
ris i20, Annie Gilchrist 590, Bennie Davidson 592,
Myrtle Little 529, Olive Mason 591, Frank Cody 517,
Winnie Ifolmes 510, Irene Whittaker 40, Olive
corer 493, Lillie Lan:; 4103, Mary Miller 490, Bert
eNan„hton 490, Countess Carr 478, Hurry Con-
stable472, Annie final° 403, Frank Belden 400,
Charl:e.lobb 401, Ilcrbert Mitchell 453, Mabel Mc -
•severance of your direct lrater.lal con-
nection with this Lodge.
Permit us, therefore, to convey to you
-the very high esteem in weieh yon are
'held as a citizen and also a member of
onr Order ; and to expresss to you our
warm appreciation of your zeal and of
your valuable services as a worthy member
and officer of our Lodge. Also allow us to
congratulate you ou your deserved ad-
vaneemelit in your chosen calling and to
express onr warmest wishes for your con-
tinued success and prosperity.
We ask yon to accept this cane, not on
acconnt of its intrinsic .value, but as a
slight token of our esteem and regard, and
as a souvenir of the many pleasant hours
we have spent in social end fraternal inter-
H. G, LEE. W. M.
It. J. MAcM:trII, Sec.
Wingham, July, A. D., 1898.
Mr. Ambrose. of the New York Life
Insurance Co., formerly of the Bank of
Hamilton here, was in town a few days
last week.
Mr Thos White, High Secretary of the
C. 0. F., wan tile• gueet of Messrs. John
Neelands and D M Gordon during his
stay in Wrngbam.
Miss Delia Sperling has returned home
from Toronto Conservatory for the holi-
days. She was successful in passing all
her examinations with honors.
Mr. Adam Austin, representing the
Millers' and i\lannfacturers' Insurance
Co., of Toronto, was in town Saturclay and
gave the a'rees a friendly call.
Miss \Vlnnogene McDonald, who has
been visiting with her sister, Mrs. J. It.
Munshaw for some time past, left on Sat-
e.y for her home in Detroit.
Ir George Stuart arrived home from
Woodstock on Friday last. IIe is able to New Spring Goods and Samples
move around by the aid of crutches, but it
" 1 of all the latest designs in Scotch
will be sem time before he will be his old land Canadian Tweeds, Worsteds,
self again Ser es and Overeoatin s to choose
Mr. Chas. Springer, who has been with from. Orders filled promptly at
very low prices.
'Webster & Co.,
Queen's Block.
The Chesley Free Press refers to the
marriage of a former well known Wing-
hamite as follow:!: --"A fashionable wed-
ding was celebrated at the Methodist
church, at Markdo,le, on the 22nd June,
whirr Mary Amelia Enfield McFarland,
-only daughter of W. J. McFarland, mer-
chant, of Markdale, was united to Manly
Benson Morden, of the head office of the
Bank of Hamilton, and only son of Mr. W.
J. Morden, of that city. The ceremony
t'as performed by the Rev. J. M. Simpson,
assisted by the :!tart. John Pepper, Heath -
note, uuelo of the groom, and was held at
1,30 p. m. in the presence of a large num-
ber of guests from Belleville, Montreal,
Toronto. Hamilton, Owen Sound, Wing-
, ham•, Kinston, Milton, and local point
The bride wore a gown of white Duchesse
satin, en train, trimmed With whiteIhrain 4.28, James Begley 415, Maggie Monk 404.
fttchesse pnint lace and white chiffon, Reeolnmended : Beatrice Cumuli, George Lliliott.
with bridal veil and orange blossoms. Her alt. inn TO alt. Oen-,moss 3 To 2.
jewelry was a pendant of diamond's and l'fm'I"'"'" 'ersTe p'P 412-Ti(,lar.4 TTon.h 723,
%Mi• Enna t 1 Dat a t Davidson, 001, 1.10 herr 053,
p rig, tit.' sift r.f thn .,re.t m. The brid•.s•
ilaaitls Nt.t :firs Ethel McDowafl,Ring
stied; ?iii•' .r +ti' 1:i!'11•a*•0•gfln, Ilegbertou;
Mile 5 • „ere . il;:. 1014.; :tad Miss
Edith life),?' . ilaueiiton The groom was henna rammer 044, Mata Hanna 550, Chester lloaa
at Wingham Foundry.
Order your�
Wit ir.-43EK
Handsome, fine toned Organ for sale .cheap on easy terms.
Pursuant to the powers in me vested as Executor
of the estate of Thos 5I. Dunn, deceased, there will
bo offered for -sale by public auction at the
Brunswick Hotel,
in the Town of Wingham,
that will fit comfortably,
look well, wear well, and
keep in good shape, you
had better go to
Wednesday, July . I3th, 1898
The edministratrix of the estate of
Alexander Dawson, deceased. offers for
sale the
Two Stores In Wingham
now occupied by Messrs. N, A. Far-
quharson and W. H. Wallace, Offers for
the same should be addressed to
J. A. MORTON, Wingham,
Solicitor for the Estates
at 2 o'clock in the afternoon, by Peter Deans,
Auctioneer, the foliowins; property. viz :
All and singular that certain parcel or tract of
land and premises, situate lying and bein•_ in the
Township of Turnberr', in the County of Huron,
and being composed of that part of Lot 13, in the
r V
11th Concession of said Township, pactiotsar
scribed in the deed thereof from James Weir to the
said Tito+nas M. Duna, whiult will b', produced at
the time of sale, and containing one.fifth of an acre
more or less,
On tine premises is situate a frame store Ill x 27
with dwelling attached 24 x 23, in a good state of
repair and nearly new.
2ho property is well and centrally sttnatud in the
village of Glenannan, and about 4 miles from the
Town of Wingham.'
TjeulS 01' SAGE. -10 per cent. of the purchase
money on day'of sale and the balt.nce rt ithin 20 days
thereafter, Tho property will be sold subject to a
reser'•e bid, Further terms and conditions will bo
made renown on the day of sale, or may bo had nn
application to the Vendor or his Solicitor.
Dated this 20th day of June, A. D, 1394.
Wingham, Vendor's Solicitor. Vendor,
('erre,• Moore i;50, ctherlic 1d1 1,e, ear. Jerome
enI, Jennie Murray 001. Laura Martin 000, Iloy
Smythe 008, Jim McGillivray 080,. Peter Deans 375,
Lydia Iiargus 568, Lillie I{err 503, Fred 11058011
502, Gertio Weliwond G54, Edgar Irendertion 559,
itupportu1 by W. 1.. li1c•1:.trlaud, brother 510, Graee,Smith 520, Willie Iteatrus 524, Fred Coad
The Monarch of the Forest
Is the Emblems
..or Tam..
Monarch of Canadian Fraternal
Insurance and Benefit Societies,
Order of Foresters
Organized and Incorporated 187g.
Head Office, - BRANTFORD, ONT.
INvtsrl(D IN Do,rirros oovenSUENT horns,
Scenes 'Vexes APRIL 1St, 1898,
Investedht the best monetary Iustitudons in the
Dominion of Canada.
A Purely Canadian Institution having no weaken.
ing 4aihanres or branches in foreign and less healthy
countries. Full information, rates. etc., Sent ort
:application to R. I0Lu(r1T.II.C.R„ Ingersoll, Ont.;
111105. WViOO'S. II 5.. Brantford, Ont.; or IiaNST
GAS.TUNC, Supt. of Organization, Brantford. Ont.
will pay for it from
now till the end of
the year.
keeps in stock all the leading lines in.
Stoves, Paints, Oils, Glass, Rope, and
Binder Twine, in seatlon.
Just arrived, a consignment of ready
mixed paints, Also agent for Drayton.
Tile, sizes on hand, 2;4, 3, 4 and 6 inch.
Prices right. Give him a trial.
lv, ld
i 4� � �'t�. ;p'
S. GRACEY is offering his present stock of
ng sale prices.
We intend to de' r .ut our goods within the next 3o days,
and we offer them at • ices away below anything ever offered
by any retail dealer in Wingham.
Now is your opportunity if you want Bargains. We have
a big stock. First to come.will have best choice.
We will also give you the best prices on Bedroom Suites,
and Extension Tables ever offered here, and would especially
ask you to examine the quality of these articles. They are made
here in Wingham by the Union Furniture Co., who are noted
for making the best goods in their line in Canada.
Note a few of our July Prices :
$18.0o Bed Room Suites for $15.5o.
$16.00 t( C ., .( $13.5o.
$14.00 4a 44 $I1.5o.
And a Suite for $7.00 that will knock out anything that
can be put up against it.
$g.00 Sideboards (with best German Mirror) for $7.50.
$7.00 (` for $5.75.
See our line of Rocking Chairs at 50 cents.
Just bear in mind that we take no back seat from any one
on prices at any time, and now for July we will quote you
prices that will be below all others at
Furniture Wareroom, Wingham.