HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1898-07-01, Page 60•0 htg am (fir FRIDAY, JULY 1, 1898. '`Tyne Diary of a Country Editor. Monday : Tomits stopped Iris paper atter paying up. Said our .eotleetor actually dunned him.. Called on Mr. B. to get a ,change At ad. Said lie hadn't time and the .old ed. was good eziongli, -•• Ire .s;lianged ie last summer. Mrs. C. called to correct the ;'bad mistake' about her sou hist week.. We e ,_tic' lie was promoted to a con- nector's position, She sass; r'He runs the whole train, fur he Is en» tgineer,'' Young Bumph says he is going •into the restaurant business next tuontil, and wants a puff when the aline comes, air. ; . brought in a basket of apples ale Is one of our " na apected citizens." Tuesday : The banker sit; 'leas a sielit draft on us from ,shouse, $11.75,. Must g0 Out I:crl leets MIr. A. stopped his paper and it. on account. Says he takes World, published in the next t and can't afford his home p t• r 'i lull be owes the World for ;rears. The World has a big eulatson. ing (Mice carne up and borrower' stationery to do souse work for young Humph, the new restaurant Ivan. Went one eoliecting and got $4.75. Borrowed 5 and paid draft. Saturday : Read exchanges in the horning. round several of our lilt; WIN 'r f A.a.VJ ilCl1 'ICIs . Kilos Ourcd Witheet the Use oft .._. SRVICES., hotel, Belmorc, June 16th, 18U8, 1 I pilrsnunt to ad,jullrntatent. ;neual)el;x . t,iCi„ could buy Ssltrr or. ei V3GNm at 11 a III !!tell f p Purulent present, d haeme n the chair. l out sot p benefit, neffity )las 1 tried Dr, Chase;,3 filth' 13Y1•l RIA'N Rbc. 1)* Perde • -IS PUnLIIiIIED• adoptee! es usalplettsly Lured ''lets EPISCOPAL, rector, St. 1sa t 1 litsv, Wm. EVERY FRIDAY Jl1ORY� 1.��, Jas. Banners Maker. iauwe, rector. Services at 11 u in and 7 Moved by Alessrh, Gregg and 14uaGlvlJle, tacit. p irl. --Air Finley t3.1i'1'IST--Rev„Tae fiamliton t , Ilam, .l, `, +•� t•Iltv4 sTRgr '1'1J'�I'. E6, J ULY 1, Council met to -day In ' Lanzenby'e Krzif0 by Dr. (Amite, • was troubled for yearn with Pia a ML':I''HC• iS'i'•-`•ittrv. pr. 1'ttt3coe, pets• �t• k, 3y (1.011)1gt- and tried k3Vel'vL .r the in lis of last meeting read and t+nus. ','w„ h0$ it wee wile :nerve: p ti services at 11 a nil and 7 p m. Irglnat squibs uncredited. Sent{ in ey thin Wm, i"rases be granted out Sttiternents..irostii�,re n$l LBS SStood i$1•) C h llers in his road t1 far Ms week's the foreman off - ° pay s oce satldry, Give tine devil ail vrdi:io11 r division .-Carried. 1 ilydstiek. Moved by Messrs. Iloig and Spence i that a grant be given to supplement Sunday ; Stn ed at hone all day. a grant given by the township of Read exchange, and played with Minn,�to repair . the bebee-.�Snanton (0.) Enterprise. Minto boundary. --Carried. tick anti BABY .�.R�LGHTIY:ESS Moved by Messed, Gregg and Ston fadeR when Uiarrha�r Spence that the Reeve, .Second De- t seizes the para>-Reeve and Councillor L)oi„ be little fore. Or. arrb is i Wild Strawberry. has saved many in. It eanllnittee to attend to a coin 1 i flints' as well as adults'p Ilio. 4 !alts r' - lives. {!Ines 1'4, male by Mr. Edwin Day. -Carried. Walters, Richmond Street. Hamilton, l Moved by Messrs. Doig anti Spence' Ont„ Says : ° I Lured my baby of a bad attack of Cholera, by using DT. Fowlers that, ;a5 be paid, to Mrs. Wm. Arden )`.semi,! of Wild Strawberry. Nothing.; for the purtlun of the year 1897 that else did any good, but the baby idnpruv- Wm. Arden seas Caretaker of the eci from the first dome oY the Wild Straw. lock-Lap.--Carl'icd, oat re- berry." Moved' by Alessi's. Furley and f No Excuse For Stale a ;Gregg that the ettr•etaker•of the town. •s heEggs. ship hall be also earetalter of the , a ' e r p i 1'h lock-up P el ! c There S l,. C ` u in DO ea.' case t0 fall back on Pthe future -Carried and' when a poultrynian sells stale egg's A MINTS PASSED. or rotten eggs for fresh once, Eggs paid + from "new nests should be tested oath ) egbgs selling -if sold at all. Nest fi ggs cannot get mixed up with good aper.! ones if the poultryman knows his four ' ` ss D, Fryfogie 87.05 for repairing culvert, Howiek share T. I, 1. bound• ary ; D. S. Milne 86,50 for gravel ; b Geo. Gregg $2.70 far gravel ; Brown & • Powell $18,25 for work and mit- What Others Sts ter. Services tit 11 a m and i p tMr;S QFF ICc, 1G' Et' 3'• CONGI�Gti'd', IO1sTA.G-•--Revs I , L. IV1NG1i6Iii, ONTAItl0. Minion, pastor. lit r03ene is an extremely I Services at 11 It m and !Jane-• 7 p al. Sabeertatteuprice,$4per Yenn Inadvatta¢• testing' material, and a single drop Cillos' LIN W°11iCl♦ali,S Inti on an insect will get into c- try bade Outran' and Look in c4rnwand, Servinea ADVERTISING' RATER opening at 13 p n1 and $ a tel. .. p g and into the spiracles calls;,*�,`pIt} AR,Yl1'-.cijutant>3ziles __s acs _ N .,_ 1 1 ea r it nn, r ., 'e ! 1 wo• n coinwsln Services at Inpm anfdSpai. Sabbath sols School to held at'_?,30 p r . i in -o, lrirrnediate Convulsions nod death 1 It pets at Once or not AL illi, says En tuint,logist Smith of the .fel•4t'y aril, tion. The statement that tilnathy hag is less digestible by horsesthan by cattle will be a sur•ps'ise to many, It is eredite dto .Professor Patterson of the Maryland station. Country Gentleman tells that it is anti WIN/ 3 d 11 a, alf Cul", 40 00 `20 uu r 9'00 1 ti m f ,i0 { glees (leaner' xe (e a 001 i 0„ l OU, eats) o the above named ohurohes /.'t !?Maly a act s os, ho 1 l 1, 1plbae. Afle ' F1'ood's 12izoaphoaine, The Creat .Vnylislt Remedy. Sold and recommended by all druggists in Canada. Oie.y reli. able nted:oine discovered. SIx 1lle practice in Oswegopackagqci guaranteed to cure all IOZ'Xns of Sexual Weakness, all ofieets of abuse County New for excess, Mental Worry, Iixeessive use of',ro• of k; t , allow buds t,f strawl�ert•ies 6 price, .pivam package Mailed on receipt to fruit but one year,ff , six, j5. One will_ lean, adz walcare, Pamphlets free to an address. At the New York e;�perilnent ria- 2 'Wood Cgfu�rany, Windsor, Ont. tIO 31 ltOtaSSi t 1 to z sulphide i held p treatment gave hest results as a remedy fur gooseberry mildew, white forwaltn was found to be of little avail. Grapes should not be planted in neglected patch of sod. but the round about the roots should be ept cultivated. Bone fertilizers re Said to be espe tial ly valuable 1 Capital, It1,250,000. Rest, Ifi7.is,001) or grapes. a g ! buslna . China ens erzal on bridge, lot 28 con. 12 ; O. I a eggs cin- used for nest e ° will or egg gourds prevent this. Rogers Rogers SI,50 or work and, material . f 1 clusis ely Wednesday: Mr. Instep wan ?toe ad, We agreed on the prises land will give him a free reading t tiotice to satisfy Mini, Young Humph, the new restaurant •rizan, reminded as again about the huff. Billsvitle and Turnip June .correspondents kick for more stn Called on Mr. Yardstick, Waterbury and Bill Stuff for :hanges. They "will send 'em ri up." ----Copy hook is empty, Miss Simpson called for the spr :poetry that was ' crowded out' 1 seek. She says the Wagtown Wo anti!l be glad to publish it, Thursday ; Mr. Rubberneck ca nap and was real mad because printed the pedigree of his wonde Ail two year-old wrong. The gre great•grandsire, Fleetwood, bad :*nark of 2.221, not 2.23? ., as we h it. We ought not to make su lawful blunders,' We must not forget to puff youn Humph, He spoke of it to- da Will write it at once. We mu eilwa;-s say a kind word for those the rugged road of life. Spent the .forenoon hunting ne i*ems. Personale plenty, N� plenty, but hard to verify, We are half a day late, Mr. 13. has deeided to change his :Ad. and brought in the eopy. Mr. Yardstick called us in and asked us to get him up 'a good ad.' this week. iilr, Waterbury' tells us his ad. is t Ile store andc wants it in this wee ;lure, Worked till it1 1 1u'• o'clock Oil late ads d hawed enough plate matter to finis 'rhe fortes. Plate matter is a nie Friday : Fonts on the press finiffskins wants a short local ill terted.' Delayed twenty minutes, as Dr, Scamp's golden diecovery was ieot text to pure reading matter as per centraet. Just caught the !torn. ing mail. Baker eame up and said: he mast fend draft back unhorrt•red if not paid to -day, The boy who runs the job print. nes The tester shows con 1 on southern brill go; I'�dnerd Harris I Sold in Wingham by Colin a Campbell., Druggist. BA k of HAIM LION I V`V INGHAM. is tt, whEthel an egg is fresh or not. A $19.75 for work and material on - _ Vno.rrealdont-A. G. xauenT. rl , per eetly fresh egg is clear and no bridge lot 28 con. 2; M. Aldrich $6 air space can be seen in the lnrg'e for railing on bridge lot ``}a con. end. As the egg gets older this a' Edward Harris $3 for repairing lr SrACg 4? , e enlargesbridge ti Pe 1 t • lo t,25 J Int' II it+a con.z• Mr. finally Parrish 1 oce - pies half the egg. A perfectly #rte t) for repai ing culvert Grey and I egg will not shake --that is, the con. Ilosvieli b undary ; J. T. Wiggns ii tion tents will not shake when the egg is ; for shoveller& on his road division stet shaken no matter how violently, 'Thistle Bros. $2.15 for gravel ; n e1. Mr. but eggs cannot stand the constant Hamilton 1.85 for grates ; Menial. 1 ad_ jji little Jarring, such as transportation .$7. Work!. !for supplies ; R, Ross ght J in the carp Irit eggs are fresh X7.50 fol road scraper ; Wm. Hood II or more $4.50 for damages to buggy ; Tp ing tulles they sYztl hake a little when Clerk, $50 part ofsalary. est etselved at {loved by Messrs. Spence and Doig rid that this council do now adjourn to eggs is the water to meet again in the Orange Hall, New - me or four nor more? ine! es with water. bridge, on the third Wednesday in we I1aee a number of eggs the July. -.Carried. r- Those eggs Lty on their aid L. WALKER. Tp. Clerk, at a t sat stand BOILING WATER WITHOUT ad stale and those that Boat are bad.-., VIRE. sen when started, if caroled 50 s r the destination. The old fashioned test for a st, Take a large pan felled three . rein. thateon the bottom are fresh. The ones that up on the small end are eh A;;rlcult(Ilat Epitomes!, T'fiE ONLY TRICK ABOUT IT IS TO STIP g f t IT LONG AND HARD ENOUCIM. Had Read About it. Philiderphia Inquirer. st "I had a uistressing pain in my d It e possible and was also troubled with severe head s p0331 a to make a pail of aches. My Wood itiasout of order and, water boll without putting it on the an i jtitian was generally B wy consta Reading what Hood's nSrmaprrrun downtrd re and without applying external ,vs i crone 1 Logan taking it and after can snake a to it in any was' tin fact, you -WAY T'' .pail of water boil b;. LAN simply stirring it with a wooden paddle. The feat was recently per. formed in the physical laboratory of i Johns Hopkins University. in Balti. f .sett more, Md., and any one may do it po with a little trouble and perserver r° tf rx Wo bottles I was cured." asl N- NIC.AN, Manning avenue, Toronto, Ont. be HOODS PILLS cure nausea, indigestionsick Price, 25 cents. usaess' Positions mile Sleeping. k A very successful Chicago doctor gives $ tel r, e following In valuable ab ` g I el ' ntv r1A . tion in regard to the h white sleeping. proper position p g. He advises to sleep e on a hard bed, the narrower the better, lie on the left side with the . arm thrown behind, which naturally . t tvnnld DR. CHASE'S 011TME11' !r:;. rms. DOLrrrree ; ;q t, (ar r,, is "2 had Itching Pres Fir !lout ten or twelve years and tried every. tI ing; i could hear or read o+', am/ fo:in-1 11•.t> nothing did rr.' air) (;no.t, Mr. XV burn, the drtr•,,,.,f, fi,t,e ma salep:a 1{0x of Chase's Oin•meat, and r fro a ttia firstavplicnti,tn I fmt .I retie)• ant was able to go to bel and bless. I then purchased one box an i that o., cart i tree so that I have !tot 'teem a 1 •;u -.e, and that is over ayeAt' ago," DUDES PILES" 40 Cetttit tt IteX. thea cu,d liY%i A V';. 4•nro,a', ore. throw the shoulders back in feat successfutiy. The water will, the best position, both for giving a after a time, grow warm, and then ! fine figure and promoting health. is will grow hot, in fact, that you Half the world is in total ignorance cannot t U the laws governing ri 2n it Belo People lie on I pile so many Cover's over then! that the body gains no ventilation what- pa�' yW tt b alAS6'1?i1 CATA 1-1 (NE Nothing equal to it for clearing the head and cleansing the air passages. Gives instant relief for cold in the head. Cures incipient w Catarrh in a few days; Chronic Catarrh in one to three months. A. specific for Ray Fever. writes: JAB. 11)521 ! Cou'asufffer r' ffrorrn of money and Cs.tarzt forto dseveralears. I bdoctors !also AtIase ISwasidirected Loudon, thheC ad- vertisements and tastitnoniala 1 read to try Cr. Chase's Catarrh Cure. I used A boxes, awl a complete cure was eff. oted " Price, complete with blower, 25 Cts. so14 by all dealer.. at' F.4,naven1, Bata* t Co., T,.rnnru, o.,,. .I. .Rt;R157E4R'ED a,� at 1` S Mil a well Llys . • • ante, All you have to do is to place your water 3 rl in ,t a--. Il ` It P may water if neeessar v be Y ---and stir it a wooden paddle. If you keep a long enough it win certainly b Five hours of constant and ra stirring are sufficient to perfor Hr N REMEDY ? rnontrdi s r•,>Anovil � X`oyisrtx f„ 4/l<7n, RV" C}hi3tr ti i +•xsaaa,s S. 7Yii. i1 r '1 v t . 1BIIIn v Par Yl . osis $loepl0taaass, Ni '•+, •Y` tee afoas, eIa caused bF pastgxbuse,, z.x._ N''� ' with vfaorandsize to ahrnnksa erSans'tnd .uralr reato1- , Lest �frr n/eood iu old or ici,engki9 it4 I Easily earriyd 3n nest Pocket, pries4;14")442:7. 2.1,00 n nn :7. 1 I1 Sixrnr$&oOwitha,snreftonp,x,rrx7,,kr'rrn.'er<•o, oiI. iMN: sry°svi IattD°Y m aur nx I er�nxrot , bu 4t B.PO. If raer ring✓vi.tbex l.• l:ot it, we trig sen.! it Prc•Paid, pld nitIUUU N1iNeiiY Cn r.an,•` Crrr..-„ � • h Chishotm's Corner Drug Store, Wtugham, Ont. f h! lolcl year hand healthiulsleep finally it will boil. Prof. Ames, of beds that are soft and Johns IIa kf es lir. High pillows throw the head forward and interfere with laalthfut breathing, while all sorts of positions are taken with only regards to get!. ing easy. A hardy bed makes the flesh firm, Sleeping on the back is not healthful. It results in a gravi- tation of blood to the spinal curd and • the lower part of brain. Persons 1 who dream much and have the lnightmare usually sleep this way, and, besides, it throws the palate back in such a position as to cause mouth breathing and its accompany. ing snore. A cleat of throat trouble is caused by this, as the air reaches the lungs without being purified and laoistencd by passing through the nose. Lying on the lett side with the annul thrown behind is the very best position for both giving it fide p ns, annually illustrates by• , Nth S,10 degrees stronger $It b stamps �'h C � p price anal two rt•ecnt some of the phenomena of heat having one of his students perform :I tiresome -•ss, IL is feasible. jab' but it is perfectly The point which Prof. Ames swishes to illustrate is what is known as the mechanical equivalent of heat. It . requires just so many foot pounds of work to develop a given quantity of heat. I3y turning the paddle in tt:c tolefind oat regular howmuched it work bis required to raise the temperature of water one degree. The best mea- surement so far made, and, in fact, ' the one which is aeeepted as the 1 standard of the world, is that which was measured in Johns napkins Ma. genal ty. neat is developed in alma any sttbstanee which is subjected to Cir.e. Urinous or very viola ;nook's Cotton Root Compound Is suecesafuliy used monthly by over 4.rlofliadies,3afe,elreotua1 Ladies ask rour drugggj,a for Go.k-. C.tton Root t mittTake no other, aS all Mixtures, pills and slnns are dangerous. Prise, lYo, 1, $1 er 1 ar 2. nlailed en race! t of per oz, o. t'7'Nos,1 and 3 old ata re ommended by all reaponsibteD#uggists .a e:anada. Ii uo. Kand No, 2 for sale by Coli„ A, Crall,beil, the trick in front of his el tlgnf'e 11114 !'OmaCitl r •t t. 4011. it is p g health. Ail an old trick for a blacksmith to forge animals sleep upon the chest as near- without fire. Long eontinur.'d and ly as possible, with the back up, and violent hammering on two pieces of they know what is the best thing to ss'ire will beast them to such an ex da, tent that they can be welded togeth• r'IGOILforEJi;ART and iNTER'VES. ar stone. A d wall,ad ilei, if shot clop at Milburn'g Heart and Nerve Pills cure enough by thecontract !!'welch heatd Anierniia, Nervousness Sleeplessness, fall,to the ground O melt and T�eekoetrs,?Jalpitatian,'l,lo6birLt;,x•,>Iint r g d tt molten nYaiss, i :3pelle, f)izzineel, or any condition ar- i- i'ttere are many ether OCCtasionis 1 rising fit ra impoverished 1310181, Dia.{ wherein this mechanical development ordered Nerved, or Weak Heart of heat becomes manifest. Ont,, wiTaos.:"1 McwaYtro.bedWtil biliousness, headache, and lost ap- petite. I could not rest at night, and was very wean, but after using three bottles of 13.13 It my appetite has returned, and 1 alai better than 1 have been for years. 1 would clot be without Burdock Blood Bitters. It is such a safe and good remedy that I gill giving; h to my children.' Prestdunt-John STUART. DIRZOTOILS Jouri PROCTOR, Otto. ROACH,▪ wet Ornsos, P, A, T. WOOD, A. It. Le. (Toronto). Cashier -J, TURNBULL. Sttvluts .Yianit-{}ours, 10 to 8; Saturday?, 10 to Deposits of $l and upwards recoiled and interest, allowed. Special Deposits also recet+'ed at current rates of Ir.,iraxt. Drafts co Groat Britain and the United State,.. o Legal and other• easte•lt adrernsvn,cnr, tin per in4• for liras lnset'tlen.and .i,, per lint ivi e,w•ltsubsequent Inaet•ti••n, llu owed ba nonpareil nr.ile. !.tote noti»vs 10», per lir» for first lnecrtion, and 8 . per lite for each eubse.ltient 4n,erticr , Ad vertleomehts of Lost, bound, Strayed, 3, Situationei and Business Chances {Vented, not exce.•ding S /km nonpareil, 131 for first month, and am. for each• subsequent mouth, Manses and Partes for Sale, not exceeding 8 Ilya;, LI sot' that mouth, We. per atl;:wi.e.at month. arger advertisements in prop`„'iitli, 'rime 0 runs will ba etrietly adbcs'Cd to apcclal rases for larger advertisements, or or 30ug01 pur,Uds, directions, will be inserted til ll notices 'without char lee aU 00 d 7• r 3r 1 Y, x•tet� 6, t Bleu d t3 advertisements a It Id ,, s p fl al,anen must be Changes for contract advertieeutent;• most be in titeotllct) by Wednesday noon, rn ordarty appear that week Ir P ELL/4)1'T, PRON8111rOa sae rORLSRagg P. Il. IiALBF1,L13Crf, I't1I•NICI+LN,',9Uls as GEL.N, AND 1t;t.uGCI1�(1ti. Successor to Dr, W. Gild). an l,t.t'i,. };Ls ONT. let Class Donor Graduate of the I',.rversitIesoi, Trinity (Toro .t..) !ween s (Xrngatrr,). and of Trin, ltv 2led10p1 t:011Vge; Fellow 01 Trinity Jledicaa College and McU.t,Ur of the Coileae,,f Physicians and surgeons ut Uutario. I'ott (.,ad 4» course in Detroit alio 0113eaye Isl,o al,c,:i,,t att.,•nttoa Laid to dIa a a q Ne! of Ear Nam and Throat Diseases of LLomen.3 (,'cnauktali01, u. Nnglis and German. fist Catarrh treated succo,yfullysinaall Its form. 11) VAS1STONE,ire BAR1t1aT$it, buLICiTuR, Etc„ Private And Company funds to loan at lowest rate Inhered!. So ceininletslvn charged. Mortgages, town and farm property boueht and sold FFICE-Beavon Block WINanA , bouwltt Bbd soil W. COliBOULD, AoiNI E. L._.t)ICKINSON, Solicitor, �.__._ Money uo 7Loa,n on t' oten. Notes Diseoutzred AT REASQNABLE RATES Money advanced on Mortgages at B pat eentwith priviletre of payin at the end of any year. Note. and accounts coii1,•ated, S OET.:KeIN000, ' Rower Block Wlneham, Or,t GRAND 'TRUNK RAIL WAY, DUN= ARRIVE, Toronto and East 6 50 a, m. 3 05 p, rn Palmerston mixed 3 55 pt m 103 05 p tri Londonand South 6 58 a m 11 10 a m Tiincttrrline 3 3C N m 3 00 p in 11 10 a m G 50a m ' absolutely without pR ,E,hbd bis o e d 10 25 p m 13.30 n m process: guaranteed perse.tly safe, y p W f B700HWiek Douse. AGENTS: Beaver Block, oppa,ito the • J. A, MORTON a 411111Sx) a sae„ tlinghun., ant. { • L. DICKINSON, 13ARrtIST.N1i, ETC. SOL401TO0 20 13.&ws or HAMILTON. 0oNC'y �•,�„ N. Office•= {lever Block. windburn Al. v, CA31EUUN, BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, CONvaV;11oklt, Aa. Ofiiec Corner Denditon and St. Andrew streeto' opposite Colborne Dote!. e0IBRlgn, ONTARIO. J, S.JE110114, L. A. s.,1vnou,t "":F' ra diatiaraetur t3rst•class raga �_ tenth as ulna}},t !eastin the llpniiuton AGEN PI'S : Boots business is better than for years past; also have better and faster 'Winn{: books. a,entsclear. in •from $10 to wu we*33, v, A %,1,, u uax, ENkRAL IN6II tANCE ADIsNT 1 few leaders are • ' keeen 1'•rtoriu" ; „Life of Mr. Gallstone," "21, 1 __• Bible Steri • " "Nob -• - Caron i° 1 rokru�sit c Speaker." rC "Klondike meld Fit1d," "Women." "Olin rases of U. DI:AItiS, JR. u N the ('nswru," " J3ruaklast, Ditlbe , supper, ser," . i rtr Ar,, on !into. 1 } i;onks BIIADLKI.OAfIRETS01 CUMPANY, !,unman, I LIOENSI;ri AUCTIONEER AUt. .xi l; COUNTY Toronto, UA' liultUl,,. • "_`-'_-.,--•------- SalUs atWrided fu any MOdOrate. y Part 01 the 1.14. (tharge - tot! \ aiTulirE . . wrrraaam STEAM PUWP WORK& TNE.NE;w tt ++ ALLSTEEL WAYe�v'7111`l {LE, rirn A Coh i 6±'f is HU. IS Hama purchased the ent,iro business I from 20 r. Daniel Showers, 1 am now ell prepared to supply the public( with 'liYooil and from :i'oi c and Lift I untjui, Drams and im Iron (C3'iintlers, Gni#sl''LIxtiiz ,71 ed Iron Tui iing. Gist+e.ns, n Water T'xtbtogIts, Sinks(, I'a Illnttks,itl'iiie .fitting* ''ell trigging and evory'tliing in core nectiou wit!} water aupplloe. Galvanized Steel Windmills for power IN and pumping water. beep well pumps a epeciriiity, Hoyt Repairing promptly attended to. Parties writing for information or ordering by ii - depth of well. 011N CURlcui;, Wuiatialt, ONT,, LICENSED AUCTIONEER. Sates of !`arta Stock and Faint Ihtplontea specialty, All orders tuft al, tate Tiers ()Mee promptly aiteaja cd to. Terms reasonable. SOCIETY MEETINGS. y~~ S the Caledonia, No ssr meet en'tr month, in the Odd Fellowsrt 114.14. nor%i8lting br811iron wulcern4 J, Marra{, t:hl,,r. D Ste 53-11 ltu.,..saf WANTEDYoung hien nn w'0t+tcir; or oldo only cbarnut,r, 800dttu 3;ui',,,taiithttrc,t3, and !industrious; Can that outpJoyuro„t in a good ,•Buse. a'rtll °u3o. ke* ca nth and upwarelx according to a1,Lity, 1(8,', T. s, I,1:.5CUI'r, Tottoyro, WANT ZD. so, en order write?•?. Salary or comn,i�sron to ant able persons. ;t I ArJs•t:tcn•trii:rt, tt.dlcai ilultdlnd, Toronto, en and Woman 113,0 can wuoh hall t.11king a retina! Nix hotuti daily for ,lx day n R,r ck and wij 0 oohtent hw•it lei dnllurs wccl•13, Adtlresx �ti:LL' 1Dl;,LS Cu ,:l OROaTej ANI:� TracJters unit ether bsi:;l,1 eget tet U sacatigh ar jj,urhn,nehtl} to goirvtt fox .t !,let ern Li4C)erarttedlu of thr ntui gnartn tutntuce. Net doll, er hero rti'01it ttiesrig s ill wo1,1,1•, l,tnd/'e,T 111nl.rsntii.ri Co; should atwaye state All work guaranteed or no sale. JOB PRIN`INC CLODINO hooka, I>ainphlahr, l'ostetss, nit a of the Circulars, h oderat p 10es, and les the loo Apply or address It, Il. ELLIOTT. T 1199 011100. 1111101914:i 0 as rtvt4. V.CLNDll Gid V. It BOOKBINDING. rem ,iers left witty 08l for announce will h colo ut i,,ort othe Titan 0100 l3`.>Y 140 Wingbam, Cant' 1 attention. Prices ler Bin dIngle; any �O of • viii be !!teen eh +tttt)tfe tt w • f what it was, ! capable of a i outside, and 1 thought in f could be la ter was not 1 had to be ix; door. Lola / her dress an At lunehe , alone, and , temper. She annoyed con . at the table. "Where i RIAKso -1 was always here," said Lola I said at the tim asked. C1gb1 11 gexoue." "Never mind, courage. He a more," said Si lighter tone that; to cheer her up. i clear out from th own free will aft Bind a way of mall Rig mood co of I Iuad passed, and blza go from her Be got up and "It'll bo a 11 Oouxtige travolin i think that he t brute 1 And I ac By gad, but I'm and I'm only so *ittle longer and He paused al then, said very k "Do you feel "Yes, Jafra, D11 run up to m f came home that his via name loipossible and then s ; 'until nay 1 has lie do fatal he? )3eryl, is gether on is eertain And she et the el I beet:ilia .1 to be ta