HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1898-07-01, Page 5.TUE WINUJIAM. TIMES, JULY I, 1898 SPRING SIIITS We have all the latest for Spring Suits, at moderate prices. Fit and workmanship of the best, "Guaranteed." We are showing the most up•to•date 1E-IEPA.7rh Also all kinds of Men's Furnishings for Spring Wear. A special line of Ready made Pants and Overalls cheap. Inspection invited. G -E1 Qtri Opposite Queen's Hotel, Wingham. "e42,04i41,a1e4Vefre4Ci *y om 4 .•: 4 , u • ereef"it$9sinetiee A thin oily fibre -food fluid, which <u 1 sinks into the pores leaving a (tt• , `1 velvety burnishing film outside. Rub this friction coat a little, and lo 1- a brilliant, lasting, Lustre dawns ° through it. Neither varnish, turpentine, nor wax, to parch leather or seal up its pores, in - 1,15 Far Sale Only by HOMUTH & BOWIES BUGGIES! SLJRRIES Phaetons, Spring Wagons, Road Wagons and Carts. HARNESS, SADDLES, ETC. Trunks Valises, Whips, Brushes, Curry Combs, Harvest Mitts, Lap rugs John D140eGwendc0iivnli i Bucking- Dusters, e se ► Harness Ritchie,G en e , , Dusters, Axel Gia drop, 5 GL1+7NANNAI' . Mr, and Mrs. Wm• Haugh are visiting friends in Stanley tills week. Mrs. Wm. Graham, of Lion's head. is at present visiting friends in this vicinity. Mr. Jas Fax went to Logan town• ship this week to look for work. We hope Jitn may be successful. We are pleased to report that Miss Maggie Anderson, who has been very ill is improving. We hope she will soon recover her usual health. GORRIE, Mr. W. G. Strong, general organ- izer of the 0. 0, I+',, who is at present engaged at Berlin, spent Sunday with his family in this village. Dir. Ed. W right • of Oxford, Mich., is renewing old acquaintances in the village, Mr. Thos. White: High Secretary of the 0.0.11., and the Misses White, of I3rantford, were visiting at Mr. W. 0. Strong's this week. Anson Spottt.n, B. A„ was • at Smith's Falls last week on business. The union picnic of school sections 10 and 18 was held on Saturday last in Mr. John Maguire's hush, lot 4, con. 4. Rev. A.B. Dobson, of Ferdwieh, and Rev: J. W. Coffin, of this €'lace were present and delivered addresses. A pleasant afternoon was spent by the Large number in attend- ance. manager here. Reneger Freud), of the Huron House of Refuge, was in town last week on business. Mr, Matthews, of Toronto, who held a mortgage against the Brussels Herald, came to town and foreclosed and R. Woolsey, late editor has gone to Toronto. On Sttr batlr next, July 3rd, Rev, Mr. Hall, of Belgrave, and Rev. R. Paul will present the claims of the Sabbath school before the Presby teener) and Methodist congregations of Brussels. '1'he former will speak to the children and young people and Mr. Paul will address parents, guardians and teachers, Service in Melville church at 11 a. m,, and in in the Methodist church at 7 p. m. Rev. Jno, Ross, B. A,, and W. 11. Kerr will do similar work at Bel - grave on the same day. ST. HELENS. The great sale of thoroughbred cattle at Messrs. E. Genet & Sons' Ifarm was largely attended by stockmen from all parts of the coun `try, and the sales amounted to $4,000. The cows and heifers were I under tate auopices of the Order of sold as follows : Caprice, to Mr. Maccabees, f eon 6 ; Peter W Scott, lot 40, con G ; Crerar, of Shakespeare, for $1751 Miss Stevens, of the Public Sellout John Louttit, lot 40, con lI ; Jas W 1 1 Fanny Buckingham, $130; Ethel t staff has gone to her home in Clinton I Uibson,lot 37, con 13; David Robert- • (Bueltingham, Mr Pettie, Greenway, the vacatin, son, lot 34, con 13. +5100, Melody $150, Caprice 2nd \f'or M''s. rr, C. McElroy and Mrs. W.1' Moved by Mr. Carr, seconded by 15150, Jas Thompson, Belton; Leona, l II. McElroy were vsiting with- Clin- i Mr'. Sutherland, that the assessment . iHon. John Dryden, $130 ; Gwen- I ton friends, Ito €reefed be i doln, $70; Caprice 3rd, Hon, John I i C r Dryden, $100; Caprice 4th, Henry Smith, Bay, $85; Melody 2nd, Hon. BLXTH. Mrs. Tanner, fell dead while walk ing down street Monday evening. She was an old resident and very highly esteemed. The cause of death was heart failure. Miss Moody, of Lucknow, is visit- ing friends in town this week. Mrs. Quirk and Miss Colleton, of Stratford, are visiting their mother, Mrs. Colleton at present. About 4 o'clock Sunday morning Chief Davis passed away to the Great Beyond. He was well and favorably known and will be greatly missed he leaves behind, him a wife and four children all of whom who live in Blyth. He was 53 years of age. The funeral which took place an Tue•day to the Union cemetery was largely attended and conducted I+IAST WAWAIt0SH• Mies Tda Psird has been the guest of Miss A.n'tie Ding for the past week. Mies Aggte Robertson has return- ed from Wingham where she was in the employ of Mrs, Nixon, dress. 'maker, Mr. and Mrs. J. Menzies, Jr, visit• ed at Mr, Spiers, Morris, last week. On motion of Scott, seconded by Carr, the council .adjourned to meet again on Thursday. 11th este. next. P. PowrERFf J.l', Clerk. Farmers' College Course, We are in receipt of the annual bulletin of the Ontario Agricultural College. It is an appeal to the farm- ing community to send their sons to• Maggie Currie still continues thio excellent institution, Terms of low and slight hopes are entertained admission : Students aro .admitted of ber recovery, Miss Maggie Tay' on the 1st of 0etr'ber. Applicants for is also rapidly sinking. for admission should be sixteen years A large number oil our citizens of age. The subjects of (•xaltina, took in the cheap trip to the Model tion fur entrance ate : Reading, Farm, John T. Currie, of East Wawanosh, brother-in-law of Job Cooper, wat in town on business last week, Mr•Currie made the remark that in the pioneer grapby, and the geography' of Can - clays Clinton was their market town ads; Candidates who pass in these and if they wanted a scythe or simi subjects ars admitted to tt:e first lar artiele, sorre member of the fem.Year. Those who cannot do so are Hp pa oul• nee ofwalk here for iitiand eek placed in the Preparatory_Depart 40- -a Students in the Preparatory New Era. Department take the sauce subjects The council met in the council as is , e in the 11''' 7••••e 'civ room, June 23rd, pursuant to ad- proee d less rapidly :,,,' .•• ..• ..:.,re less ad- journment. Members all present. tune t elementary F,n ;ii -•h cl Ar- ithmetic. The net coot i+• board washing, and tuition, to an Outario farmer's son i5 from «50 to St•0 per year. If he get the County nomin ation for free tuition bis net outlay for these items need not exceed $40 a yeas ; ar.d the vacations ,ire ar- ranged so that students can be at home on their own farms fur part of writing, and dictation. English gramme€--par•eing and anelyeis, ar• ithrnethic to the end of supple pro- portion, the outlines of general gee - passed. Court of Revision re opend The following names were added to the roll : Joseph an -1 John Govier to be assessed as tenants of E x• lot 35 con 3 ; Daniel Frazer lot 42, con 3, 51 F ;, Wm Syllips, lot 28, con 6, M l+' ; George Skinn, lot 34, con 9, M, l+'• Dogs belonging to the, following baring, the whole of h'arvc i -t and perms were on application ordered fall seeding,and a considerable pots to be struck off : Rost Somers, lot tion cf fail plowing, from the let Jule 38, eon 1 ; Alfred Austin, lot 41, con tion the 1st, October. By this arrange 2 ; John Cook, lot 33 con 4 ; Wm , ' • ment farmers'sons eau get an edu- Sobye, lot 37, eon 4 ; Satu'I Walsh, I cation at very small cost , sed with lot 36, con 5 ; 5 II ITarr•isvn, lob 37, t the least pot.ible interference with the work at home. • Il as now revised and co passed and the court of revision closed for the present year. -Car- . - 0'1 II ss Uil and Soap WT esweter t 100 • > I Gloxinia 7th, P. Stacy, $75; Emblem, !AGE TRIMMING AND HARNESS REPAIRING DONE1 » Webster,. Hel$90; Ghee- i Pattieen50;e ► on short notice, and at reasonable prices. 2nd, A. Smith, 595: Lustra, A. C.I Patterson, Lucknow, 5130; Ideal 3rd. J. 1 T AO J T H I John Ross, MountForest, S05 ; Ada j" H. Buckingham $95,, Gloxinia (ith, u85 ; Bridesmaid 8100 and Missie May - 1590, E. S, Butler, Indiana ; Lady i Lovell, A. Montague, Thamesford, $165 ; llissie of Neidpath 16th, Thos. Robson, Ildertnn, $215. Tbe males brought good price.a. R. REMEMBER! Your eyes are priceless. Take care of them, as no one will take care of them for you. if you heed SPECTACLES OR EYE GLASSES buy them from us. Also a full line of Watches, Clocks, and all kinds Jewelry. Repairing promptly attended ttn.. 7 a,. la • 3, 111 ► . + PAL IVSZ OPTICIAN AND JEWELER. WROXETI R. Dominion Day. A big day's sport in W't•oxeter, Mrs. Van Dixon is visiting with ber father, Registrar Gibson, at Wroxeter. Misses EIda and Katie • little' wood are visiting• with friends its Paris, Mr. Andrew Brown has had a stone wall built under his residence. Mr. Edward Stafford of St. Mary's is visiting with Ms parents Me. and Mrs. James Stafford• Thomas H. Taylor sr. was present,of municipalities, a great ninny o Mrs. Andrew Crozier, of Brussels, asking for a special grant of money them tna.iuttcitiing that it h entirely was visiting at tie haute of Mr. T. to.ent hill which is in a very badlineiiicieut. Mr. Campbell :agues, Smith the latter part of la,t week,Ishape at lots 36, cons. 4 and 5•iand righty so, for the abolition of Good Roads. Tbe report of Mr. A. W. Campbell, I the provincial instructor in road- making has been publisbed. The 1 nature of the report is such- coming I as it does from an expert in road - i ied. i making -that the good road move - Council resumed : Accountf rom ment win doubtless receive acon- the Township of Turnberrv, , siderable stinrulas• Mr. Campboll being amount charged against East ' detatle the t esults of the effor is made Wawanosh for use of road grader on ; in the instt ucreon in road -waling northern boundary.- Received and i given to 8 large number if munici laid over in the meantime• i panties daring the year and tells of The treasurer reported cash on the great waste of m: ney which hand, 26th May, last, 180,47 ; re- ceipts since that time, $36.60 ; paid out, 576 70 ; leaving a balance on hand at date of 840 37. occurs annually through imperfect construetiun of country highways. The system of statute labor has been reported on by a large numbers prior to taking her departure for Moved by 51r. Carr, seconded by High Bluff, Alan., where her this- Mr. Bone, that 840 be granted for an ,een a that purpose.- a the system. The repot t also ,quots the necessities for the building of every kind of good road, sed speci- mens of both good •and bad road - making are given in the revert. It is carefully compiled, giving evt Y,RUS t+ Ly, I band hast f r sours time C rried. A number from here attended the Brussels people will celebrate the I camp The following accounts were re• Meetings in Mildmay on Sun- Ieeived and ordered to be paid : _.,1 13th of July at Blyth• ing ou A number of the A. 0. L. I day last. W., of The Trustee Board of oar public Lancelot 3ethery,•tak1 Vert and tilling up same on eastern i Jer,ce of a close study of the subject, Brussels, €attended the funeral of school have re-engaged Mr. George travel road, eun 5, 8'2'.50 ; Peter W and its findings should hehe suncing• John Day at Carrie, on Wednesday, Spo ton at an increase of „50 iii sal- Scott, digging and piping drain, put i to the most case-hardcl'eci f the of last week. ary. •This speaks well for A1r. ting iri culvert at lots 41, cons 6 and , Uppu,itiort, of the need i'ur an a ppoint- I The I3ruosels band, baseball and I Spotton's energy and ability ,and the 7 $1 2 ; Chris H Wightman, building' went as that which Mr Caila;'aeil so football clubs and a number ot the paint, he hes oaken durir►g the past culvert sideline 36 and 37, con 6. ;ably Fitts. of citizene will take in the let of July year in bringing the scholars forward tics 75 ; do do, digging ditch, putting' - Icelebration. at Wroxeter• in their different studies• 111 culvert, lots .31, cc,ns 6 and 7, 54 ;1 lir. ,l.,hn i'et.:rmaii, neer :i •Irnore The baseball game played here on Friday last between Kincardine and John W. Bowler, repairing bridge, • ! found a. suet wherry in bis g;'' len •the 13LTJrVAL1; los 34, cons 11 and 7, SUe ; 4Vm• tic- ! otht't• clay, which measured rF inches Brussels, was won by the home Laity, digging ditch and repairing bridge, lot 34 cons (i and 7 Sv ; (aeu! round. team by a score of 20 to 17, A large Alt . I d h , On •l'ue clay morning, to •a mar - score. Coulter, repairing crossway, sideline I r lac.'e of Peter Dill, a pr,,.,perous The Salvation Army officers have ' country after visiting his brother, 31) and 40, tori a 55 ; Lha' T Ir- : ' ' win, repairing culvert, lots 89 coos merchant ofe;(forth and Florence left Brussels. Lack ,of support was Mr. Jas. Elliott, of Turnberrt'. lir the cause of their removal. I4111iort formerly belonged to 'Tarn- 10 and 11, 5l ; .Tacos hiller, Lucic- M 1)r nal 1 w(is~per daughter he leather a Lewis Mr. .J: A. Stew art, who has been berg d' at lots I'' curs 1 an manager of the Standard b. ilk here Mr. Baine, of Gorrie, preached :n for several years has gone to Toronto, the Methodist church last Sabbath, where he takes a position in the Rey. W. J. N est preached a very head office. Mr. Brent, of St.ouffville, appropriate sermon to the children will take Air. Stewau•t's places a of the eongregatiolt, in the Presby. t __-_ __ j teria.n church last Sabbath morning..11, $6,25 ; Do do, building advert ---' - !The singing was by a choir of child Flrmt Grounded 'Upon Reel Merit at tuts ' 9 cons lU and 11, $13 ; l)t, -They Know Hood's Sarsaparilla Bargains! t ''argains T. A. MILLS has just received a large shipment of Plain and Spotted M ► LI1 TS • 2,obt. Elliott, of Port IRs New Zealand, has retuned to t e. dt now, grading ing -, i tifc c;,t Fie, of `ir,..)tauit',' . hu c'Y. 5, $2.50 De do, grading on eastern hra,vel road, 30 ; John Mowbray',. building culvert a ot 28 and dar -• ; in culvert at lots 28, eons. 10 and c,onsl0and 11,$735 Do do build - The People's taith ■ Organdy, Lawns, Linens, l.inenettes, Prints and Ginghams, , which I•have bought at cut prices and will be sold at a bar - vain. You should see our special line of Prints, usual i.Oc for 60, in 30 different Patterns to choose from. A large assortment of Ladies' Shia Waists and Wrappers which will be cleared out at a special low trice. Call and see these goods before they are picked over. T. A. MILL .1r.arY....w..v. _... ravel ; , o rn eC mot , , carefully prepared un er the personal gt, 35 yds ;ravel for road div, . i I supervision of a regularly educated roses t 1 (its $,1 •,r) ..john McCulloch, 36 vd s ly 1 3 th tete is the abiding fait's, Many persons cannot take plain ,cod-liver oil. They cannot digest it. ren and was very good indeed. do, building culvert, gradin and 1 Absolutely and Perrrianontiy The Misses Greenway are home . cleaning out ditch at bride on river cures When An Others Fall. on arsa a •, atSSCSSor, eClrlailiZin "n Lingle and a little IodideOt 1'o:.assi •12 ; Jas &Wore gravelling at lots i e it hnowing these things, we lholidays. At wit Miss Jeant Black, teacher at Tara, eons 10 and 11, $23 ; Win Robinson,IIood's Sarsaparilla is not meroly a simp1o•I•t•hUUla1595preparation of SprillsDoIt upsets the stomach 1 and Miss Black are home for the • i ,8 ad _y9, Cons 12 and 1 3, 16 ; Besides these excellent alterat v , a so tghum this ween, Rix Blue- •; - contains those great anti - 28 and ' Owen Donnelly, gravelling o11 side- liver remedies, Mandrakegreatand Dande- lion. digested the oil in vale pupils are writing on entrance j line 30 and 31, con 1.3, 818 '19,c's lion. It also contains those great and eight on the public, school leav- , Scott 5 Emulsion of Cod- l . Alinnott, filling up hole at river,' kid1ey remedies, t,va 'CJrsi, Juniper ing examination. 1 et ns to a- ices • 'that i liver Oil with Hypophos- miss M. II. Ball, of Brussels. was `> a d 13, '' ; Alex Jlurt•,tt Berries,and Pipsissewa. Y bl h S we Have visiting at Mr. TL N. 'Stiff's last 181.30 Po d ► nb yds gravel tui road I aYYrativeao 26 yds gravel for road div, Nu u0, Nor are these an. Other vers 5a.aa e p I • gents are harmoniotYsip a nes 't 1 John Redmond, l+d + blued in .Hood's SarsrtUarilla and it is week.d broken it upinto little glob- There is an unusually fine crop I ales, or droplets. • of this r - vds harmno3st. div, No 29, Is yea, . Air, Wm, Maxwell, of the Blueva e 1 `' " foie road div No `29, $1.80 1enow ng eye a , + th eople have is, Hood's Sarsaparilla We use machinery to do the ' work of the digestive organs, and you obtain the good effects of the digested oil at once. ,That is why you 1 lean take Scott's Emulsion, 50;. sad $,,o°, air druggists. SCOTT & DOWAIti, C5o,nists,'1'oronto. road, attended the fuse. all of Mrs, , a i .►ve e p Robert Bell at Mitchell on Tuesday John McDowell, uuderbrushfng • on Ha matter gars pa ills cures? when other of sideline 33 and 34, eon b, $1 ; Irwin medicines totally, sbaotutely fan. of last week _ I 'Walker, repairing culvert, sideline The voters' list for the township 39 and 40, con 11, 811 ; Do do,' HH03dy s Sarsaparilla of Ste hen has been completed, It gravelling og sideline 39 and 40, eon • utile best -In fxetth° One True Blood r'ati ter. contains it total of 1281 nalnes, 715 13, a11,7t)1 W flacon, 4 lbs 6 in sola by all ars•:gists. $t; :ttt-for 1:t. aro the best atAt3r-,. rilrYaner of whom arc eligible to serve as spike Mails for culvert, at lots .-35 ,e..01 j• inod' twit_ ,t,lll3a ala digests see. 9:t0y jurors. 10 and.11, 15 c,