HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1898-07-01, Page 4••
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Guaranteed Pure or
money refunded,
VOL: A. Jil,1\11111ELL
Campbell's Headache Wafers
cure headaches.
SIY.lootirotolo,,pos,are_orro,,,,,,,,,,IstoomoosWoobol0000loOoromos000mostol orOolow.
Notice ofchanges must be left at this
office not later than Saturday
noon. The copy for changes
must be left not later than Tues-
day evening. Casual advertise-
ments accepted up to noon
Thursday of each week.
1.11..E WIN 611A.A1 11.51.ES) JULY 14, t698.
An anonymous and pusillanimous
writing to an exehange complains
because of the "useless waste of about
a million and a half dollars annually -
for militia and defence "because"
he says, "one efforts would be rani°
against a force 15 tunes our number,"
We do not know this agricultural
hero, but we are ot the opinion that
there are holes in his fences, and ob-
structions in his drains ; that his
barn Ieaks and his grain is always
No. 2 or worst". We have no doubt
brit that bis apples rot for lack of
picking and his house emits for
want of painting ; and that tie wife
keeps the family out of the poor-
house by the proceeds of the dairy.
On the whole we think his name
sounds like Mariano Santiago, aed
that an army of such soldiers nu
matter how numerous would be de.
feated before the enem3r ever came
in sight. Heexpreases a desire to
follow some Cromwell who will
purge the parliament at Ottawa. We
may add that Cromwell never had
any use for men of his kidney ex-
cept as cooks or mule drivers; and
we doubt if they would be much
good even at that.
04e 0:1ingtlant tunes CANADA'S BIG BOOM.
FRIDAY. JULY 1, 1898.
The blue blood of Castile seems to
•have turned yellow,
The Tories had 20 years to do it
in but they never did it.
We don't mind admitting that
Providere favored the Liberals.
The Spaniards have plenty of
Mausers, but they don't catch any
We are sorry that more of that
$41,000,000 trade increase did not
tome our way
Leiter may have starved a few
Italians, but he was "pie" for the
farmers of Canada.
Since the trade statistics were
published several Tory ink•squirters
have run somewhat dry.
Mr. Justice Lister's decisions will
ies none the less respected, because
the Mail brands him with the name
of "Jim." •
Merchants can secure reserve
seats on the wavecrest of advancing
prosperity, by advertising in this ad-
mirable fatally newspaper.
The American tnilitiamen doubt.
less regret that they cannot accept
the Toronto Mail's kind invitation,
to an international rifle match, They
have a previous engagement in Cuba.
Hon. M. C. Canaeron, Lieutenant --
Go vernor of th e Nom h west Territories,
was banquette ci and presented with
an address by Goderich friends. Mr.
Cemeron and daughter left this week
for Regina.
It is understood that the election
trials will come off in September. Not tend to control the mainsprings ef
More than ten or a dozen of the the world's commere,e. It does not
eighteen protests for which the place aim to turn the erank of the universe,
but it is resolved to give good govern
of trial was arranged the other day
will, it is expected, come to actual went to the pet pie whom it represeuts;
trial, and it is deterrnined, when the tide
of the world's prosperity flows by,
Had the recent and vast increase
in Canadian trade oceured during
the late Government's time the Tory
press world have blazed with self-
congratulation. The Tory leaders
would have taken personal credit s
for the crops, the foreign demand,
the weather and the birth rate, while d
Bowell and Tupper would have been
pictured with wings, haloes and
cornucopias, showering wealth a
happiness upon a dependent a
greatfal people.
But it happened differently, a
now instead of giving the Libel
Government a little of the ere
they would thealaelves have take
we see the Tories, great and snaa
searching in all kinds of places f
all kinds of reasons, to show wi
the Government deserves no ered
at all, but on the contrary should b
condemned and removed from offlc
For raontlis they have been Mehl
ing that a reduced tariff would brin
ruin, while in the same breath the
reproached the Government fcr no
reducing the tariff. Day after da
they have iterated and reiterate
that there has been no reduction 1
the tariff; but now they come for
ward and coolly declare that a re
dueed tariff has caused the boom
They also attribute the revival t
Leiter, the Spanish war, to Provi-
dence and to fine weather. 13u
there was plenty of fine weather in
the Tory 'days. War was followed
by war, and old Hutch and Pard -
ridge were as active in their day as
Leiter has beeti. But neither war
nor wheat -corners brought pros.
The Liberal party lays no claim
to Divine power. it does not pre.
eat marmots,
Toronto, Ont., June 28.---Tbe ea
tie receipts at the western yarde to
day were tape, being seventy vat
.151MtliET 1111111011,TS.
t. Wingliam, May 26, 1898.
4..3orreatecl by P. Deans, Produce Dealer.
.s l?lour per 100 !be 1 75 to 2 40
FaIl Wheat ..... 75 to 0 SO
8 s •
prIng Wheat 0 75 to 0 240 '
v Oats, 0 24 to 0 25
e Barley..... 0 30 to 0 35
r Peas 0 45 to 0 45
Turkey, drawn . 0 07 to 0 08
S (*esti, ** 0 04 to 0 05
Dauutt)tker'., .... 4120 ttcoi -01)()
4. Eggs per Omen 0 9 to 0 09
,Wood per cord.... „ 1 00 to 1 25
Hay per ton, •• . 4 50 to 5 00
' Tritoitiaotlove,ap,lirefbbush 1, 0 30 to 0 85
0 4 to 0 4
Dried Apples, per lb
Dressed hogs 0 3 to 0 4
Wool 19 to 21
00 to 6 00
Nienor.sori-In Wi ng liana en .1 u ne 23rii,
the wife of Mr. Wm. Nicholaon; a son.
Salmons -In Wingliain. on June 301h,
1 the wife of Mr. A. .14.1, Simmons, of a
t IVAL3En-In East W awenosh, on June
. 25th, the wife of Elisea Walker, of a
ng o 0 hogs. Trade wa
decidedly slow, comparatively fo
cattle changing hands during th
morning. The market waR easie
in most lines and the indication
point to a still further decline Re
port cattle were plentiful 'but buyer
were holding off.Good cattle brough
from $4.50 to 84 75,whileexport bull
sold around 83 50 to $4. Butchers
cattle were easier. Medium offering
were Mooted at 13,25 to 83,75 pe
ewt, The choicest offerings were ex-
changed at as high as $4 per cwt.
The market for stockers showed an
easier tendency. Common cattle
ranged from $8 50 to $8.75. Some
very choice offerings brought 10c
more, Feeders were quoted frau
$3.75 to $4. Atha cows in fair de-
mand at 825 to $50. Stoeit bells a
3 to $3.15. Sheep and lambs quiet
Sheep, 2 at 81c ; bucks :.?-teiLailibs
$2.75 to $8 25, Calves quiet at $4
to $10, Hogs steady at 51c fou
choice bacon ; $4.75 for thielt fat
and light, and $3 to $3.50 for sows,
East Buffalo N. Y. June 98. -Cat•
tle-Receipts light and all consigned
through, but several leads of sale
stock ; market closed very dull and
grades but the few choice dry fad
cattle on sale, but all these sold at
full strong to higher prices ; tops
sold at $4.95 to $5.10 per cwt. Weals
and calves -Tops sold at $5 to
and fair to good ranged frona
to $5.75. Milch cows and springers
-Receipts heavy ; choice to fancy
pringers, $38 to $42. Hogs, the
narket ruled about steady ttt yester-
Ay's close up to noon, with but few
gocd weight hogs on sale ; good to
choice Yorkers, $4.05 ; light to good
$4.05 ; roughs, $8.25 to $8.50 ; stags
to $8 ; pigs, $4 to $4,05. Sheep
and lambs -Nothing doing ; feeling
nominally unchanged ; yearling
lambs, choice to extra, at5.50 to $5.05
fair to good, $5.15 to $5,40 ; malls to
coomtnan, $4,25 to $5 ; native sheep,
chuice to selected 'ethers, $4.80 to
$4.90 ; good to choice mixed sheep,
$4.50 to $4,75 ; common to fair, $4
to $4.40; eulls to common sheep,
$8.25 to lf;;3.85.
that this Doininion stall be in it -up
NOT MUCH RUIN' HERE. to the neck I
M an evidence of the ruin which The imports this year have been
$16,649,000 more than last year.
the Liberal uoverrirnent has brought
to The exports have increased $.23 876 -
n Canada the esteemed Mail re 000, or double the inerease in the,
anarks, tlatt while Canadian exports United States eompared with the l
eilemsee $25,000.,000 last year, population ot the two countries,
Americas: exports have $158,000,000. These figures show the result of the
The Mai; seemingly thinks that Can
at diliberal Polley, and they indicate the
iturenee between a Government of
la, with a population of 6,000 000 action and a Government of blaff.
eatould show as large a gross increase
tee the U. S. with its population of .e---se-----e---
V0,000,00.) Canadians generally The corner stone of the Bruce
*will not be so unreasonable, and will House of Refuge was laid at Walk
piobably Le satigied with the fact Neon on Friday last.
that while Afterlean exports have Alex. Sheppard, one ot the oldest
increased i!.5::,:2513,000 for evely Mil- residents of Windsor, committed
If ati ot the population, the Canadian suicide by throwing himself into the
growth about doubled that and was liver,
for every million of the
Impulatien, In order that the Amer. thigh NteCurdy, who holds the 1/
1.48 London Tevoitt for appearances at 1
n growth should equal the Cana,.1
dim, or. this basis, the Mummy; court as a drunk, was up again for i 0
wuld ie to increase t'leir exports the 63rd time this week.
y ,000 dollars worth, in- Louis E. Copping, elerk in the; El
stead t! the comparatively 'trifling Department of Agriculture, Ottawa,'
cam or $:5'3,1411 i,000 actually. shown is missing. He is alleged to be' a
Ilv their statistics. short in his accounts, ' tl
News Notes.
Adam Thompson and family have
returned to Goderich, after residing
for the past eight years in Chicago.
Flank Simons of Everton,
lington County, 22 years of age com-
mitted suicide by ehooting. He is
said to have been disappointed ih
The tramp who murdered Police
man Twohey of London still eludes
capture, fie is said to have stolen
a horse to aid himilt his flight and
is 'asserted to have shot at and
narrowly missed wounding a pur-
Edward Hinchly, of Seaforth, met
with a painful accident one day last
week, while working with an old
mower. The knives became de
welted and fell on the fore finger of
the left hand nearly severing it from
the hand.
Bettie Russel, daughter of Robert
Russel, received a shock from light
ening the other day that paralyzed
I ner left side. and so affected her
speech that for a time she could,
scarcely make herself understood.
She is recevering.
Mr. Dan Calbeck, who has been
"under the weather" for some
months past and recruiting among
friends in Goderich township, re-
turned Tuesday to Woodstock, where
he has a foremanship in the big
furniture faetory.
In driving along it frequently
happens that deg* will frequently
spring into the road, tied with their
barking and savage demonatrations
frighten even horses toted for their
doeility. Owners of dogs should
bear in mind that they are liable
for damages resulting from this.
A new series of pos'age stamps 1?...
beitig issued which remclies the
deficiency. The maple leaf designs
at the two bottom earners have been
replaced by the Arabic figures re
pteaenting the denOtnination, while
he centre oval enelosing the queen's.
read has been made slightly later,
n the last issue the 15, 20 and 50
mit denominations 'Were •
sued, but they will be !Witted in
le new issue. Of the passing variety,'
le sirs and tens will be the rarest
s fewer were made of thin than of
le others.
Mounort -Mel.P.sittaisii-A.t the Meth-
odist Chnroh, eiarte_htle, Got, ou ji,ne
22ed, by a. M. Simptim, assisted by
Her. John Pepper, 13 A., Manly Leucon
Mordon, of the Bank of Hato ii WM Ham-
ilton, formerly or ‘Vinetitu, to Mary
Amelia Enfield McFarland. only daugh.
iter of 1V, J. McFarland, Esq.
Dee -In Howiok, on Monday morning
June f.).0th 1898, John H. Day • god 40
years, 4 months and 25 days,
Is Your Dauguter In School ?
There are thousands of sickly school
girls dragging their way through school
who might be enjoying the frill vigor of
their youth by taking Scott's Emulsion.
Rain is reported to have 1
material damage to the emirs of
Essex Co.unty.
Miss Nettie. Chet, who was form-
erly an employee in Geo. Good's
store, Seafori h, hitt lately reakient
of Cliuton, was married to Ogle
000per, a merchant 'f that town, at
the residence ot J. T. Clark, Toronto,
on Wednesday evenieg, •
According te a statement pre-
pareciby County Treasurer Robert
son, the County of Bruee will expend
this year the Mai of 406,047. This
includes the ceet of the ilouse of
Refuge, estimated at $23,000 The
receipts are estimated a $14,761.42.
and it debentures are issued tor
$20,060 for the House of Rein
that will require a levy ef c,8I 985
58 as CM 11 ty rate.
.1)15.,1;,5r.t.,1•!•,,S,..::., • 44,108441.gtfr
Do you get up with a
b there a bad taste in
your mouth?
Thou you have a poor
appetite and a weak diges-
tion, You are frequently
dizzy, always feet dull and
drowsy. You have cold
bands and feet. You get
but little benefit from your
food. You have no ambition
to work and the sharp pains
of neuralgia dart through
your body.
NThat is the cause of all
thi trouble?
Constipated bowels.
will give you prompt relief
and certain cute.
'troop You"' Moos! Pare.
it you have neglected your
CASO a long time, you had
better take
AV's Sallaparlik
abb. It will remove s11
impurities that have beets
accumulating in your blood
and will greatly strengthen
your nerves.
Wolto Mot books",
Thera too 1,0 something about
your eeseryou,do._riet quite ”tier.
rigdisor gitit14441ttgell;ge!7"4:11
1,111 prereptir TerelY6 ;nu best
tacultessi advice. Address,
Dr, J. C. AyOr•Lowellt Mule.
Eerr's Pare Soap in large and small bars. A tt'ial
wiii convince the most skeptioal of its marked super-
iority over any other Soap.
Kerr's Baking Powder in 5e, 100 and 15c tins is
' guaranteed to give satisfaction.
Brooms at a diseount of 15 per cent. for a few days
Darjelling Tea (Black) the best that money can bay.
75e a lb,
Opposite Queen's Hotel, Wingnam.
For an easy Shave and a Pirst-Clasi
Hair Out, give biro a trial,
Razors Bored.
Having opened rip a shoe store
next door north of Chisholm's Block
I am now ready for repairing, whicie
will be done at cash prices.
J1 Mil Ilam S JOHN HILL.
1 ; (Thoroughly experieneed and prac-
neal in all branches,)
Begs to inform the inhabitance of Wing
ham and neighborhood that he has suc-
ceeded to the business formerly carried
on by Geo. Shaw at lately by D, Mc
He is prepared to supply all kinds of
Meat and Butchers' Suppliea at the
Best quality at lowest prices.
Orders executed to any, part of the
town with despatch,
Telephone No. 9. .
tor :your summer
litieLEAIT& IO?, Pvoims.
All kinds of rough and dressed.
Lumber, lath, Shingles,
Apple Barrels, Hard & Soft Slabss,
Also a large quantity of dry Hard,
Wood for sale, deliver d
Telephone orders promptly at-
tended to.
.....e.„7 -7, -
His stock is Ca cefully washed, property ironed,
correctly finished and Wily priced
Go(ad and Cheap !
ehat's the history or linen when
.brought here. Not a thine, in, our
I GuMtow work and .re'pairing promty ot
il washing- -.preparations to injure the
Extra fine line in Children's
Wear. • I fiaribth'eealfth.,
a boguotodosur i mom.
and work
althing •
attended to.
Opp. Union TiNctory.
1 -'---..-------!-----!---?
hat is what everybody says Ivhen
they see our stock.
We make any style of Gold Rings to
We think we know as much about
watch work as any other man in Canada,,
a.nd will 'give
*0840,400 C)
for a watch we can't fix.
of Rea