HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1898-07-01, Page 3ilVIUNYON'S According. to His Folly. THE WIN 'TIMES, JULY 1, 1898. Football. Dent's. i (Youth's Companion ) I "Not long ago," the engineer said, "buildind I hpuIL GRESS stream in undergarounroad for soadmtoe litttle p R� distance, and in doing so I naturally , used the least amount of material by straightening the courseof the stream, I had a gang foreman who was Forms of Disease. ' much troubled by this. Victory Over the Most Obstinate 'Now look here,' he said, "tain't IMPROVED HOMEOPATHY in the natur' 0' water to run straight. Did you ever see a stream o' water People In All Walks of Life Cured by His ; in natur', big or little, that went p Remedies, I straight? Don't water always go crooked if you leave it to itself ?' "'Then,' said I, 'du you think we ougLt to lay down these drain -pipes a little zigzag, like a crooked rail fence ?' "'Jest a Ieetle that way, to humor the na.ur' o' the the water,' said he. I •' `Perhaps so,' said L 'But no'v see here—there's a difficulty right off abut that,' "'\'Vhat is it?' "'Suppose 1 crook this length of drain -pipe this way ; how do I know that the water wants to run that way right Here ? Perhaps this 15 just the spot where the water wants to run the other way. That would snake troable, wouldn't it ?' LURES WHEN OTHERS FAIL. Mr. Geo. L, Ackerman, carriage trimmer for Geo. A. Hudd & Co., res,ding at lit Alice street. Toronto. says: I was troubled for a year with dyspepsia and at times suffered extreme petit. I watt also cotalnasrbl`Lgave " sdrbeunesineAfter13 small vial each of Manyon's T>yspelllsia and Liver Cures I am now feeling all right And itf nyon's Cough an 1' coltllt(ureare t for n ronr little girl with splendid results. I have *neat ittltl3 lu D1uni•w1," Munyon's ntieumatic Cure seldom falls fo re:. 11 • 1 to three hours and cures in a rev/ eve n 0110 - 1 slays. Price 25e. Mtmyon s Dyspepsia Cur positively cures nil kerma of indigestion and stomach trouhies.I 'rico 25e.t) .ft ttunyon'o Cold Cure prevents pneumonia and' lirrcaks up a cold 1n a few hours. Price 260. alunyon's Cough Core stops coughs, night Sweats, allays soreness and speedily heals the tinge. Price 250. alunyon's Kidney Cure•speedtly cures pains .in the hack, loins, or groins,. and all forma ,tf' ;kidney disease. Price 25e: Mnnyon's Nerve Cure stops nervOusnese one la elide up the system. Price 25e. )i ityoa'a Headache .Cure stops-beadacbe gal *hree minutes: Price 25e: M alvin's Pile Ointment positively Moe el, iforms of piles. ,Price 25e. -. biunyon'e mood Cure eratncateo all impurities' tof the blond. Price 25c. Mali on•s reseals Remedies are a boon to all "women. Munyon'o Catarrh Remedies never fall. The •Cdtarrit Cure—price 25e.—eradicates the disease -Cram the system, and the Catarrh Tablets—price. "' 1w50. --cleanse and heal the parts. Munyon's Asthma Remedies relieve in titres. fsuinetes and cure permanently. Price ¢>,. starer of vital.lstrenfitli at t Mo Ind to weak people: $1 rod' A separate cure for each disease. At all drag• slats, mostly 25 cents a viol. PersonnI. letters to Prof. Munynn, 11 Albert sat et. TeronttorO. Ont,. answered ne ered,wltb Cres Wedt•.• The Cav>tiry Horse. The arum' tee 11111011 prescribe K desired for caval , tuoiug the )ewe! Nall and stimulating : 1'he cavali•v horse he see;retious. Leave nt) bald atter DANCER AHEAD When Children are Weak and Sickly in Summer Time. Pain': Celery Compound Makes Them Healthy, Hap- py, and Joyous. The Great Medicine is Blessed by Thousands of Mothers. "The foreman. seratehed his bead. 'Val,' said Iret, 'I do' know but 'twould. I hadn't thought o' that.' "And he concluded that inasmuch I as we could nut always tell which 1 way the water ,Canted to' meander,' it nli lit, after all, be best to- make our water courses straight and let the water make the best of theta it! Icould, If . I had contradicted the titan and laughed at him I should' ' have made an enemy and an oppo nent of him." CONSTIPATION CURED. Itis important you should have natur- al action of the bowels, Purging and griping do violence to the system. Laxa- Liver Pills are nature's own medicine for all t. 1i3U1'tlrl't4 U. 11tH 5toli uh, Liver• . and Bowels. Ogre (�uusttltatLUn by fore sleeping, an the kind of horse. Try it For Your Boys and Girls. The following football clout's from an exchange stye worth reading by everyone interested in the game; Don't fail to play a fast game. Jae in your position for each scrimmage and mark your man closely. Don't fight, You cannot play football if you scrap.. Don't wait to taekle a man ; go out to meet him as he approaches ycu. Don't let a player whom you tackle gain an inch after you have dawned him. Try to throw him to- wards his own goal. Don't fail to try to get the ball from an opponent when he is touched. Don't fail to be thorougly con- versant with every rule of the game. Don't let y,.ur opponents know when or where you aro hurt• Don't make excuses. Don't answer back to your captain upon the field, even if you know hull to be in the wrong. Do exactly what he tells you to do, so far as you are able, and above all things re- member that obedience is the first 1/1, ells & Riehardson CI., requirement of a player. Dear Sire :—T think it a duty to write Don't lose your temper. Let your you for the benefit of all who hays deli cote children, and to make known what opponent do that, Paine's Celery Compound has done for my child. She has been delicate all her life. I have tried many medicines, and have had her under allopathic and bom- a3pathio treatment with but little bene- fit. Almost in dispair and as a last re- sort, 1 tried Paine's Celery Compound, and after using three bottles she is now well and strong. I have also used your, medicine myself for complications arm- ing from overwork and loss of rest, and am greatly benefitted thereby. 1 would strongly urge all wbo are in any way afflicted to do as 1 have done,"try Paine's Celery Compound," and be convinced of mind ell' the play. I its wonderful curing power. D011't try, it you are taekloed, to Don't be late for practice. The player who has not interest enough in the'game to be on hand for every practice should drop out at once. Don't stop if you miss a tackle ; follow your opponent as first as you can , it is likely to disconcert him, Don't weaken or slow down when about to be tackled. Don't talk to your immediate opponent—it tends to take your • I ll aninisis except man, ear be- d there is no reason why than should form an exception re' as follows : I t Yours gratefully 'break the force of the fall by stretch - MRs, a, R. St., [3C don,:, ing out your hand or arm. It is 1Villiatn St., London, Ont. dangerous. On Going to Bed Hungry. 1 to the rule. Fasting during the long must be sound and well bred, gentle, effects. 1 interval between supper and break - free from vicious hatbits, with free fast, especially the complete empti- 'and prompt action at the walk, trot nes of the stomach during sleep, and gallop, without blemish or de- adds greatly to the amount of emaei• inout1f a kind disposition, with easy proved by severe trimmill I anion, sleeplessness and general mouth and gait and otherwise to • P ` g' ;.he follewieg dere taion: A gelding l Value a tree not so much by what weakness eo often met with. It is of unil',,rut and hardy color ; in guori I it cost Os by re is Sol and location n hit avedte ae3decided l a perpetual well known disintegratiion of tat in the body ip ue, influence on variety and quality of sleeping or waking. It is therefore ' fruits. ii natural to believe that the supply of enure than 1,150 ; head; from four Lon straight rows in garden nourishment should be somewhat s a *ht ceets t•l+l and ease g a. snt!} ; forehead hrottd ; eyes large are easily cultivated and kept free continuous, especially in those an I from weeds. 'whom the vitality is lowered. and prominent s vfsi"n perfect in i Be sure to seleet varieties that are 'As bodily exercise is suspended eves weer : shoulders lung and ' - .loping will h:ncit ;chest, full, broad known w do well in your own par- during .sleep, with wear and tear straight anal titular locality, correspondingly diminished, while and deep ; n lmi'; With all kinds of fruit in the mar- digestion, assimilation and nutritive stand wellg under; barrel large and ket the demand is for quality rather activity continue as usual, the food • increasing from arirt,h towards flanlci than quantity.Y P 'furnished furnished during this period adds straight eleveted, beet short and 1 B keeping the soil firm and tnel-more than is destroyed, and in . ; halts enhaunches broad and iunseular; bucd ks well bent and I low you make the plaint food avail - creased weight, and itneroved gen- -nuclei' the hm•se; pasterns slanting I able so it can be. used by the plants. • eral vigor is the result. If the In transplanting trees,pruning is weakly, the emaciated and the sleep required to compensate for what they less. were to take nightly a light lose in Inovillg, but the pruning !meal of simple, nutritious food before should not be too severe.. I going to bed for a prolonged period, It is only in exceptional cases that • they would be raised to a better it is best to Tilt up a.old orchard with standard of health. . young trees. In most cases the soil It -has been our experience that is more or less exhausted. Better t after digesting a bowl of bread and start a new orchard. I mills or a -saucer of oatmeal before 1 While shot ough cultivation is nee- ,going to bed for a months, a sur- ! ' essary in the orchard and small fruit - priding increase in weight, strength 1 plot, there is no advantage in eulti-! and general tone has rtsulted. This vating deep ; cultivate shallow but thorough. Orchard and Garden. The quality of fruit is much im- condition ; front 1.51 to 1 t; hands high ; weight not less than 950 nor Don't let an opponent know when he irritates you uniess you want more of the sante treat. Don't let up when the score is against you. Melly gattn^s are de- cided in the last fifteen minutes. Don't lie down in case of a delay in the game. Don't forget that team play 18 far more effective than any "grand stand" work. Don't he afraid of falling on the ball in front of a dribble. It is your duty. Don't fail to go down the field under every kick. Don't kiek against decisions. Your captain will do all the talking for the team. Don't fail to keep foremost in your mind that the object is to get the ball over your opponents' goal line. Your work, then, is not to run across the field but down it. and feet sinatll For Over Fifty Years. AN (1L) AND 1 Krm-i'tatitn tit•emoUY— •-111rs. Winslow's soothing F;yrup has been used f•.>r I fifty years by tnil- .lioneof mothers ft r their oliilren while • teethanl.!, with norfec,t.siltxese. 11 soothes the child, softens the gums, allays all ' 'Main, cures wine) coli. and is the best a:etuetly for di-arrhosa. Is pleasant to the taste. Sold by druggists in every part of the world. 1'weuty-tive ,tents a bottle. Its value is iucalu..ble. Be sure :and ask for Mrs, t Vinslow's Soothing :Syrup, and take no outer kind Robt. Wright. a,rerl twenty was .struck while crossing the 0. T, P. track in a Milk wagon -a; Ilarriston and badly injured. time o •;1 CI.'for, I family or young children, my doctor's Ft bills have annually come consider v:x, iv,�':'�n ,�,�..,� � IY fr f' � „ 4- f a able sum, 1 believe a bort! _. ~l > e's Syrup occasionally wit in reduetag them very materially. An exchange tette ai funny story Of W ALGER, Insurance Agent. DR WOOD'S NORWA PINE SYRUP. THE MOST PROMPT, Pleasant and Perfect Cure for Coughs, Colds, Assthinn,, Bronchitis, Hoarseness, Sore Throat, Croup, Whoop- ing Cough, Quinsy, Pain in. the Chest and all Throat, Bronchia/ and Lung Dissaraez. The healing anti.,consumptive virtues of the Norway Pine aro combined in this medicine with Wild Cherry and other pectoral Herbs and Bal sams to make a true specific for c.1 forma of disease originating frota ooli:a. j no t,c- ,,ten 3 Hobert Blyth, Reeve of Guelph I Township, who nets gored by a bull on Sunday last, i5 dead. The Synod of ITnrun threw out I the clause in the r. tort on temper- ante urging prohibition. Altiny of the bills stolen ft'om the IDumfition Bank at Napanee have turned up in Alontrcal, and the detectives there ore hot after those Iwho are passing them Irish is still gt,netally spoken throne how. a eonyider:hle part of the wtur o1, f rt+1u-t 1 1. There are six I schools fn whien the language is I taught. Pfd cp'F•'>WS! ra! Y A St. , 'ate'` ''or ":i 1%1,m! .ui . Oliii ren. Price - 25c. and 4.50c.t:tam° �*�;; r , ;,�. ��... ev)7 . �.�.�.� ._. -,.... s ,,,;ore r �! ' in"' wit pen A RAII.W,AYMAN'S STORY. Mr. W. Franks, in chargeofthe Grapd Trunk Engine Shops, Port Dover, Oct., say :—"Four boxes of Doan's Kidney Pills cured the of a very bad attach of Kidney Cou>puaint and Lame Back. Severe Bronchitis Yields Prompt- 1 ly to Dr. Chase s Syrup re- seed and Turpentine. I1 used your 1)r, Chase's Syrup of Lin. seed and Turpentine for a severe attacrc of Bronchitis. 1 got better from the f taking the first dose. Having n of Li • I iI to 0 �t Jt� V) Chas I e of Dr. I aid me a tramp who rang adoctor's hell and Halifax, N. S. asked the pretty women who opened the door it she would kindly ask the 1 Contagious. had at, )air of old pants fleeter if he i he would kindly give away. "I'ut the I do ot'n•," said the smiling woman,aud I the tramp fainted. E. asy • to Take asy to Operate .Are features peculiar to Hood's Piny. Small In adze, tasteless. eitteiont, thorough, As one man Hoo course is not recommended to those persons who are stout and plethoric. It was on a erowded suburban car out of Washington one day last summer that a middle aged woman, carrying at fretful baby was forced, to squeeze herself into a small space I, left vacant beside tt dapper youth of possibly twenty years, whom the baby in its restlessness, would touch with hand or foot. Finally he turned toward the woman inquired in a tone audible thosenear hitu (Al, SORES GONE. SKIN CLEAR Mrs. Philip Mitchell, St. Marys, Ont., Rays :—"My little boy aged 10, was a complete mass of sores, caused by bad blood. We could lind nothing to entre him. Finally 1 got a bottle of Burdock Blood Bitters, and before half the bot- tle was gone he began to improve, and by the time the bottle was finished he had not a sore on him." 'have Von never it It l an pit's � �' 'have takona pill tam it fyalt lamer." 250 r), I. ting! b ea., :1'rnrrietor�, t,r, c ,1 �t't''�3. "Tbt, only plus lea t.tuw with Ito otP2 :wrsa►»1rllN• t)1 1 Eloquent in Five Languages. The late Air. Gladstone was a man of great linguistic accomplishments.I Ile ()lieu tidrlresse(i nu,assembiy on the island of Corfu in modern Greek, 't little later spoke to 011 assemby in Florence in Italian, a few days later ct,nversed with ease in German with Bismarck, soon afterwards responded in fluent t'I'ene11 to a toast at a banquet in Paris, and then crossed I the channel to deliver a five 'hours' speech in Parliament on the budget. —London Advertise". An' Attentive Daughter.' Iie, after 'marriage—I don't seci why you are not as considerate of 1 my comforts as you used to be of your father's. She --Why, my deaf', I am. IIe—L[uw do you make that out ? Vt hen -I come into the worse I have to hunt around for my slippers and everything else I happen to • Want ; but when I went to eourt you and your father would come in Afrotn (cloWtt town you would mall around j °a.thering up his things, wheel his quite stn 1 e to , t. h` beg pawdon, madame, but has this ♦.easy a hti inruup to him tire, a foot end is child anything.—ah--contagious'.'' slippe get Glancing covapassi'nrttely at him !read rest, so that all he tlhad to do; 1 through het go P Old People's Troubles. Hard four the old folks to move about - constant backaches to bother them in the tlaytinie urinary weakness to disturb their rest at night. DOAN•'S KIDNEY PILLS Strengthen the 'Kidneys and help to make the declining years comfortable. bIr. W. G. Mugford, Chestnut Street, Charlottetown, P. E. writes: "For the past tiro years I have had much tconb,e wa,h disease of of .n � rtt n e nr e > kidneys and n) t the 5 n a r wit and Bred du , tiff h, ufs • ) right dropsical a ) drop e)�, gold rimtTled4s spectacles, was to l r, ,)rind deal d, , «ell fbl to e. trait deal with pain in nay hack. she remarked meditatively, o" didn't i hays been g•'eativ henedted by b it lis" now, 1 dont know young than ; butt She -011, yon t' Cal' old y, the use of Doan r - .- ney vitt," . --nh it might be to you. She's" yeti see ? That was only sb he'd go s s* ,yi11 ." to sleep sooner. teething-�-.11arper's �t•axyvt,r, I.froure is lie of those who, when business is dull, ‘Ion't ade'crcise ? Have you ever considered whit a mistake that is ? When business is brisk you are besot i til ,et a share in what it going. Of course, you can increase your trade by advertising liberally then. But when the "off" season is on, why not try and r_'tpture the cus- tomers who are getting the necessaries of life. It's your own fault, or there is something wrong; with your advertising, if you don't succeed. The best business glen of the world say that if you have something that every day people avant, and you can make them know th.lt you have it, you are on the road to a great busines, success. There is no other way anything you wish them w know lite v nal to the advertisement in the local newspaper. You cannot utilize the 1t)c.ti new., 'ap ' ill a bet- ter manner than by advertising in of to!? I •r ! he•vzt people Why ? Because Tin.: '1'tmt:s of people in the Town of Win..hen, of Huron and immediate vicinity. into the home in every section. have found that a liberal use; r)! its them. Why not you ?. 1c,ac:lir:>l 'ill classes t .lit t he County '1'.;.: i fell•.goes ff.'s 'illy advertisers rtisers h-t'.•e paid -,n ONE GiIVES RIE;LIrP. Don t Spend a Eo!1ar for Medicine until you have tried You can buy them in the paper 5-c, - . t cartons Ten Tabules 'nor Five Certs. rut up dh..pll to 'ratify !A. 'averse present 11.n,sn1 r , n I •••• pi1s t IB.ea If you don't find this sort of Rjpans Tabu? rs At the Driggst'S Send Five Cents to t'}fr. RtrA:lS Ciirat0 r )'IPANY, No. to I)COil b to Spruce St., ;!New Mork, nod they will he s 1) you y , Mr 15 cartons will 1s- miles for 4a 05111. 'i c .rn..: are ten lie me that Ripens 1'v,ates ate the vai y :nt` in! y ,a need. wok