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The Wingham Times, 1898-06-24, Page 6
boon fades when . 14' rhtx+a seizes on the ( q DIST—Rev. pr. Eascoe, Inas I y 6 11 t a" no flimsy sham that it nee(• 1 II lYJ 1j^,\1JT( ' erected upon ignorance. 4+ M'l ' iN tU ► gra 11:11 x , IJTi% 2 6. 1. Interdenominational fellowship is I Holding to these principles iu the County Christian '•.•- - ! no less cordial in fellowship with FRIDAY, JItfl 24, Ito& your Methodist brethern because ----sere,, you strive to be a loyal Presbyterian, - - - T _ . _" Nor will any out be who has taken The Christian Endeavor Train. a broad enough view to embrace the varied interests of his own denominas Secretary Cooper's Annual Report,tion, True interdenominational fe1- Given at the Huron County 0. E. I iowship will re,juice ill the signs of Convention, Wingha1n, June 22, 1898, BABY Ii t,iGll'I'1VI+'SS SLBtfATUU SERVICES. i5 to be 1 fntnl'e, the Huron 111\.+ 01'al 111' I+'t1P'INIH' 11 \'flit)\ O or bl+rviueHatllan)un 7t)m Iota are Endeavor Union will ever continue \,111141 Strawtler,}, b11b snvt+l twiny ,k'It1+, 1;Y1LIt v ltuv, L? 1 It is a pleasure as 1 again render you, an account of my btewarclehip, Ito record the unceasing and ever increasing goodness of Cod toward the movement in whose interest we are gathered. The first railroad was built in 18 t4, the firer Christian Endeavor Society was org'tnized in i. S1—G7 years Eater. Now there are in the world 43.1,000 miles of railroad, and 3,000,- 000 Endeavorers, or 7 to a mile. The first railroad in Huron County was built In 1858, the first Christian Endeavor Society in Huron (and also the first Christian Endeavor Society Canada,) was organized in North St. Methodist church, Goderieb in 1881,23 years later, Now there are in this County 120 miles of railway, Land 5171 Endeavorers and Epworth Leaguers, or 45 to a mile ; of this number 3911: are members of the church, 209 having joined the church from the Societies during the past year. 15 locomotives are doing the work of the railroad companies in .Huron, while 105 Young People's Societies are working for Christ and the Church. Last spring the number of passen- gers was so great that the 0. P. R. Egad to send out their daily train in several sections ; just so with the Huron County Christian Endeavor Union. It would be impossible for all our members to get on board one train, hence we have to travel in :sections. The first section has on board one Congregational society, with 53 mem- bers ; two Baptist Societies. with 69 members ; and three Churh of Eng- land Societies with 102 members. The second, third, fourth end fifth t i! in- , v r + i' ' ti ' Penile -is PUBLISHED. to win its widening v,1y fnnts' 115 we11 al,,dults' live s, 11rs'1 ti't".1 pa dor. Services at 11 a 10 and 1 p 14 EVERY I+'1LiiaA.Y MORNING a l rs, \V it Rich mund Street, Ila nn tl>n• 1+I1'!SC(lI'AL, St, t uttl tI--Iiev, 'u1.1 Qat„ Says : `'f curod my Lab) of a baa I Lowe, rector. 5ervuros ah ii tt to and 7 I --AT THS -- Caught P. T. Barnum. I f ill dent by using Ur. bowlers Lectures on science or writers coil - Est m t of wild Strawberry. Nothinfr,p t14P1IST Ito], •Jas. I3•t '7 • Inilton, pas-' TIMES OFFICE, JOS'EPHINC STR1 T . etre dill any gooti, belt the baby Ituprtte- tor.' Services at 11 a m and 7 p w I ilvold Altfront the drat hose Uf the 4\'lid Straw CoN( ;IIN(IATIONAL•--Rev. IL . E• 1VINGfIA11T, ON'CAItIO. netted with agriculture should l3 t 11 a tit and scientific terms as emelt as possible, herr}," 7 p n, or otherwise explain thele. A good Jelin Herman Wenzel, late of 'kil'ISTI 1ivT tVQiCI1:It5 i14h• t as God's hand working with others ; story used to be told of P.'1. Barnum, while loyal to our own, we shall say who, having attended an agriculture God speed to all who, like us, are lecture where the speaker was very working to bring to earth his King- lavish in his praises of muriate of doP-I which is righteousness and went.in the morn - peace and joy in the Holy Spirit. 1 tons to be of In these sections, or divisions, this Christian Endeavor train, the ears may be a little different, and various methods may be used by the Conductors, but they all belong to the same train, which is steaming forward to the Celestial City. Masan, pastor. Services a subscription price, $1per yenr,ivacivanoe" Tavist4)ck, Ont., shot himself through Outram and Look in aaalmand, Services the limn t at Detroit. Ile wtta out at 3 p ru and 8 p m. iAL Tr.'rIQPI ARMY--Adjtitantinilcs of work and despondent. . and wife iu command. Services at 11 a. The Iran who was killed on the m, 3 p ns and 8 p w, In each of the above named churches Sabbath School is held at 2.3D p nl, soda as a dere zee viten lIl 1 U. T. It. near St. Paul's turns out to Ing and ordered shiers have been John Red,l,ond of sent to his farm, which in duo time 4titchell. was delivered. His farmer opened one of the casks with the intention of ; i @ d rO `i 0 f"y for applying it, and was not a 'little sur- prised u ith its familiar appearance 1 druggists e 1 , tor it Was common packages gt.aranteeel t cure all ` t1 [ar art 31onth, bOc. per subsequent mon Lar •at udierttsemeutetnp opmtion. You all know that the locomotives used by the G. T. R. and C. P. R. are a combination of steel, coal, water and fire, a combination that goes. Every Christian Endeavor' Society in Huron also has "go" in it, (or at least should have). With the solidity of iron the loco- motive combines the swiftness of the wind. So does the Christian En- deavor movement, and so with any- thing else that is not at a standstill. But with all the dangers attending travel by rail, it has proved time and again to be safer than walking. So with the Christian Endeavor movement, I3efrre. AP"' Woods Ph051 ?0Ci??I0, The Great English Remedy. Sold• and recommended by all is in Canada.Onlyreit• able medicine discovered. SU ADVERTISING RATES -taco 1 1 yr. ~I untie—I 3 124, 1 -1 mo tiuc Colutu,i ,200 Ott ,y3u or c«0 OO s 00 halt " 40 00 20 12 00 0 00 quartet•" 20 00 12 00 7 00 a 00 tine Much __ 8 00 8 00 2 00 — 100 Legal and other casual advcrt:eetno„t, Se pin Lao - fnr tars; iusortion,and 3o per line or each subsequent insertion. Blc..sured by oonparail sane. 'Anal notices 100, pia line tor tire insertion, and + ba, per lino for each subsequent insertior Advertisements of Lost, Found, Strayed, Situations and Business ahanres Wanted, not exceeding S line nonpareil, iii for 'first month, nt,d boo. for each .• subsequent 111011th, tiOuses and Farms for Salo, not exceeding 8 line. did not bell 't salt, Ile started for J1r. Barnum and accosted him in the followfrg manner : 'Mr. Barnum, what did you say that stud' was that came yesterday ?' 'Muriate of soda.' 'Muriate of soda' said the farmer. 'It's nothing but salt.' 'Nonsense,' said Mr. Barnum. 'It, is muriate of soda.' `Mr. Barnum, come and see for yourself,' He went and saw and tested it and dey.lared it to be the greatest fraud ever perpetrated. He started for the city, and went directly to the dealer from whom it was bought; and asked what the stuff was they hacl sent him. Their reply was, 'Muriate of soda, as ordered.' 'It is a mistake, for it is nothing but common salt.' Then for the first time he learned that common salt and muriate of soda are one and the same thing. The Lookout Committee is the headlight of the Christian Endeavor b ob Locomotive. It warns us oft e structions to our spiritual progress. It falls upon broken vows, it darts at doubt and hesitation and shows them up in their true light. God bless the work of the lookout committees. One of the great driving wheels of the Christian Endeavor Locomotive is the Prayer Meeting Committee, another is the Missionary Committee, and just here I wish to say that dur- ing the past year the Societies of the Union have raised over $800 for mis- sions, the largest contributing societies being; Brucefield Presby - " are Societies bek'nging to Liao, 4100; Blyth Presbyterian, $70; the Presbyterian church -32 Soeie- Hensel] Presbyterian, '50 ; Seaforth ties, with a total membership of 2000, Presb?; terian, 4'17.50. The largest Society in these sections The bell of the locomotive is the is the one in connection with Blyth music committee. - Fresbyterian church, which has 100 The whistle is the Executive coin - members. mittee which announces the move- rI'tle sixth, seventh, eighth, ninth, ments of the train and the intention tenth and eleventh sections belong to the Methodist church ; they have on board 55 Senior and 12 Junior r.o- tcietie:l with a total membership of :32511. The largest Methodist Society is the one in connection with the tuc'know church, which has 150 members, We sometimes bear Christian En- deavor being• spoken of as unde- xtonlinational, but I am glad to say it is only said by those who do not understand our true principles. It its a fact that each local C. E. Society is first a denominational Society. 'The world-wide movement is inter- denominational, but thele is no of the engineer. The firemen of all Christian En- I ters, White and Hartley; Blyth-- deavor locomotives is the pastor. No Principal Forsyth ; Wroxeter—Priv engine could run a foot without a cipals Shearer and' Dobson ; Ford• fireman, he both starts the fire and wien — Principal McEwan. The keeps it going. He is the power that names of the successful candidates brings together the power of the will be ready, • we expect, for the steam and the power of the engine. issue of the TIMES of July 29th. 101 And so every Christian Endeavor applications were received from can - train needs the skilful, energetic didates u ho intend to write at Clin- hand of the pastor to bring the im- ton and 100 from those who write at pulse of the spirit to bear upon the at Seaforth. Of course some are ready brains and muscles of God's from rural schools. youth. Gad bless the earnest, en- High Scheel Examinations.—Sec• thusiastic, unselfish, consecrated pas and Forel Examinations will be held tors of Huron county. at Wingham and Brussels. There Entrance and Leavilig Examin- ations. 'l'he Templar hos been si+ld to the publiehere of Voice of New York, the leading temperance paper of the eastern States, and it will be run as a Canadian edition of Voice. The victory rests with America's Greatest D4ec'i'sine, Hood's Sarsaparilla where it enters the battle against impure blood. At Woodstock It Nrit was issued by the estate of the late Archibald McDonald claiming' «10,000 damages against the Grand Trunk. dr. Me: Douala was killed at tate i oLdstoek. station. The Entrance and Public School Leaving Examinations will be held June 28th, 29th atld 30tb, and as the time is close at hand we made application to Inspector Roby, who very kindly furnished us with the following information: Between 500 and 600 candidates will write in East Huron. The presiding examiners are as follows: At Clinton-- Inspector Robb and Principal Houston ; Seaforth—Prin- cipals Clarkson and Shillinglxw ; Brussels --Principals Plummer and Spotton; Wingham—Principals Wet - The steam is the lire of the Holy place for the word "undenon.ina- Spirit. The pledge is the cylinder, Lionel" in the vocabulary of Christ the piston, the connecting rod and ian Endeavor. Remember that each the backbone of every saciet f. The engineer is invisible. Ile is our Lord Jesus Christ. To his con.First,Second, Third and 2i'onrth' d ggi t 1 Cook's Cotton Root Lom- trol we resign every lever of our;posed. Take no othher, as all Mixtures, pills and Form Examinations will be held at imitations are dangerous. Prion, No. 1, $1 per lives. Clinton and Seaforth. The presid-I box, No. 210degrees stronger, $aperbox No. The locomotive is obedient to the 1 or 2, mliled on receipt o1 price and two:•cent least touch of its Master. It is deli I Ing examiners at Clinton will be In -i stamps Th„ Cools anareco recommended Ont. f Nos 1 and 2 sold ane recommended by all i~indeavorer is pledged to his own thumb, and as long as that is true Christian Endeayur can take no steps without its church's leadership. We have now in the Wiugham Convention, the best example I know of spiritual interdenominational fel- lowehip, and I like it, and believe in it, and praise the Lord for it, and want more of it. ALIFE SkVEBTOMANKIND „F....--,,,DyR %,,x ,- '.%%J%moi/ ; i%, ice%/- %% yrs=4; i -0:. •C}, •r ir,;q - t! i ' Y r . 0,- G. FOR ALTs Itching, Torturing, Distressing, Disfigur- ing Skin Diseases, i there is nothing gives such quick relief and promotes such rapid healing as this wonder- ful Ointment. GEO. L7 B, 57Axsr.Ir•.tD, ONT., Says he war troubled with Eczema on the baudaso bid Mutt be could not work. Bo 1>,e • ing hien, and tr ted all the remedies night the itching ng was so severe but of no avail. At j' ho could not sleep. Dr. Chase's = him ho tried it, and recommended ox+Icons. = • ppletoiv ourrd him• He wouldn't :1. O - besrnare 510 for the benefit he rceeived. r/. Pric..60 6' 't.. Call by el sralere, or Fe,ae...nt , • jam• " Turnego, On:. lSr,OEMRRK 4, EGISTERED. 0 forms of Sexual Weakness, all effects of abuse : Tnoso terms will be strictly adhered to or excess, Mental Worry, Excessive use of: io; 1 special rates for larger advertisements, or or hecto, Opium or Stimulants, Mailed on rete p , longer periotic, 01 price, ono paokate $1, six, $b. Oars twill Meuse, t A<lrmrtismuoute and tonal notices without specific six will curs. Pamphlets free to any addfoss. dlreotioas, will a inserted illi forbid and cbutt-,edC The iVoed Con,paxay, Windsor, Ont• 1 accord1itgty. Tra,s,tury advort4sumects mast be I paid in advance Sold in SVinghain by Colin a Campbell, Changes for contract advertisements must bo in I the uthue by N'oduesuay noon, ,n order to appear • Druggist. that weak II. B. f1LLI0TT, i PaOraIRI.OB. AND POBLIBIIR$ : • lai►a E>t1 WINGHAIVI. Capital, $1,250,000, - Rest, ij 723,000 President -Jens STUART, Vine President—A. G. SamsAI. nlit. .c'raits JOUR PROCTOR. Gee. ROAM', Wa (Toronto). , 1', A. T. Made a well M a n of DR, F. H. IiALBFLE)SCIi, PHYSICIAN, SIM BB JJ usuN, AND 1CV000IIISU1t. Successor' to Dr. N'. Ott"h,m l311('$O ELS ONT, lit Class Donor Graduate of the Uniyerstties of Trinity (Toro to) quoen s (Kingston), and of Trin- ity Medical College ; Fellow' en Trinity Medical • College anti filen her 01 the College of Physicians and Burgeons of Ontario. Post Graduate Course in Detroit and Chicago 1800 Special attention paid to diseases ur Eye Ear Nose and Throat and Diseases of Women. Consultation in English and. Uernlau. (.4v count treated successfully in all. its forma. Cashier -J. TURNBULL. Savings Bank-Ilours,10 to 3; Saturdays, IOtto Deposits of 01 and upwards rocotved and interest allowed d received ,•ed at current eCiai F) s osfts also c L F rates of s ,rest. Drafts tn, Great Britain and the United Stats, bought and sold 018 W. COIU3OULD, Ao1iNa E. L. DICKINSON, Solicitor. - - - - 11!L0IOW y m' 7.0 a Et on. N OL '+t• . IMP° -' Thu ORM HINOOO REMEDY PRODUCES TUE ABOVE Re.,ttts in 30 days. Cures all Nervous Di80a800. Failing Montor7 Paresis, Sleoplossnese, Nightly Ernie - Lions, oto., caused by past abuses, gives vigor and size to shrunken organs and quicker but 3+x6017 restores Lost Manhood. in old or young. Easily carried in vest pocket. Price $1.00 a package, Six for $5.00 with a, written Otaaranteo re cure or atony refounded. DON'T MY AN IMITATION, hur Insist on having XNDAPO. If your Arneniei•. ane not 1 0R it. wa will lead. prepaid are 29 candidates writing at Ni. log- I niikowi e,aii8 O, Prnprs. rhtc:wn "' '-••n /•^•nt ham on this examination. The pi's Chishohu's Corner Drug Store, Wingham, Ont. siding examiners will be Principillsl Cameron and Lowery. 14 cand•- Cook's Cotton Root Compound - Is successfully used monthly by over •i0.W0Ladies. Safe, effectual. Ladies ask r ru s or o0 Notes Discounted AT REASONADLE RATES Money advanced on Mortgages et b poi eeutwith privilege of paying at the end of any year. Not, and accounts collected. ROST. MoINY) OO. Beaver Biotic Windham, Out dates write at Brussels, where Prin cipal Musgrove will preside. GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY. D$PATIT AItUIVD 050 a.tn. 305p.m 330pm1025pm 855t>.m 3.Oi)pm 6 53o. nl 1110 a m ;33Cpin 800pto1 11 10a m 0 50a m 8 110 p m 3 30 p In 1026pm 8BOam Toronto and East Pal menton mixed Lol,donand South Kincardine cately sensitive as a thing of life. At the pressure of a finger it leaps ahead. Oh, may every society in Huron be obedient to the slightest wish of the unseen engineer. He knows the road every inch of it, Ile knows his en- gine, every screw thread. Ile knows' is what Mr. George Benner, the time table and will avoid all ac eidents. Wiarton, Ont., styles With the unseen engineer at the throttle of our Christain Endeavor Dr. Chase's Kidney- train we will make good time and Liver Pills. will soon roll at last into the celes- tial station. Not that I am at all fond of flaring my , Let us raise onr standard ever with no past victories, with no former tend\ warts put in public places, but as a li/e higherlet us be Content maser to mankind, I hereby state what Dr, A. W. Chase's K. -L. Pills did for me. Itl'or nearly four years I was greatly trou- bled with Constipation and general w e sk- *less in the kidneys, and in my peri:oils position was strongly advised to use Chase's Pills, and today 1 earl safely and truthfully state that they have saved any life. GEO. BEN ETT. To all who find themselves with health gradually slippingaway,Kidneys acid Liver tic disorganized titat they are incapable of *reaping the system free from poisonous leraate material, Stomach Disordered, *Towels Constipated, Road Aching, 'Back 1Paining, take Dr. 'Chases Kidney -Inver riled. The qttick way they help you back to health will surprise you, rrts, All.e, yDe tew.d++eyrrs .syyoll thoiu at uY,wr .... .,.ww CltiZ, ZY$' .Q.• .23t•WWrC►.r speetor Robb. 1'rineipitls Lough and ° responsible Druggists in Canada. March, Principals Seat and Fowler ' Vn, 1 and -No. 2 for sale Its Colin A. Ci.npbelt, will preside at Seaforth. The ex- - I),•n1L14 aminations will begin on July 4th and continue till July 19th. Fees—The total sum received from candidates writing on High School examinations is Its follows - Clinton, j ?379, of which the Educational De i partment receives 4220 for examin- ing the papers, and the Local Boat d $159 to buy supplies, pay for pre. siding and other necessary expenses, l The oard will have about 450 to1 spare out of the sum. Seaforth, $316,1 of which the Department receives' $177 and the School Board i?139. 'cations of the divine revue Let us l \Cinghaln, $127 ; the Department stand ever more faithfully for person- al communion with a personal (sod, for the practice of 1lis presence in the quiet hour, for the spread of Itis kingdom by our systematic gifts for the out spoken unabashed confession of Christ in every weekly meeting, for the expression (,f consecration in the monthly covenant service, for supreme loyalty to our own church, for the widest fellowship with all those who love our Lord. Or these principles God has set the seat of his approval, if statistics • the aeerlitionx. Leavy Tic bad after mean anything. effects. gets $75 and the Board $52. Brus i sets, 440; the Department absorb, 22 Board t8 The School b sell 0 ,. ndt he,. ,.. and Department receives all told $.011,1 .rind the Local Board 1372. -•-Clinton News•I ccord. CONSTIPATION CURED. It's importantyou should have main - al action of the bowels,. Purging and exa- Liver fills ardo e nature'snce to (© own trnetlicite for nil disorders of the Stomach, Liver and Vowels. Cure Constipation by toning OA bowel wall and stimulating • Disordered Kidneys. ]"j 'YANSTONE, RL BARRISTER, boLIC1TUEt, rte., Private and Company funds to loan at lowest rate • Mortgages,tow . interest. No commission charged.A and farm property bought and bold - OFFICE—Beaver Brook WINGRAM AGENTS: 1303(13 husirtua•i is better than for years hast ; also have better KIM faster selling hooks. Agents alear- J. A. MORTON BkRLUSTEIR, Ste.. N n,ghun•, OBI, E. L. DICKINSON, BARRISTER, ETC. SOLIOITOI1 TO BANK 01 HAB3I1.TON. MONET TQ - LOAN. Office -Never Block N Ingham , M • U. CAIIE1tuN, f• BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, CONVEYANCER, &e. Deice -Corner Hamilton and St. Andrew streets, opposite Colborne hotel. 000NuwH, ONTARIO. J) lt\TISTRY.—J. S. J k.ROM 14, L. D. S., wmNoues is .nanometer Orat•class sets Or tooth as cheap as they can be =atta- in the Domudoh, Teeth extracted absolutely without pait, by his new process, guaranteed perie.tiy safe. OFFICE: In the Beaver Block, opposite the - Brunswick Homo. i O11N ttITVliuE— 1t. 0 I. GENERAL INSURANCE AUIt•NT 11V INOIIAM, ONTARIO, Ing trout 010 to 840 weekly, A few loaders are • I "queen V•ctnrtu" ; "Life ot Al r. Ondston0," M» Mother's Bible Stories " "Prnar6 Bit 0 Speaker," D . DEANS, Jit... wlNen, "Rh,nd1110 bold Wieid," "Women;' "Glimpses ot J the Unseen," "Breakfast, Dinner, Sapper." Books on time. LICENSED AUCTIONEEI6 I.OA .,L -LE COUNT= BILADLLIY GARRETSON COMPANY, Lipa se,onto, 05' 11 LI soh. TorSales attended In any part 01 the Co. °beige Jlodorate. Perhaps they're the source of your ill health and you don't know it. Here's how you can tell :— If you have Back Ache or Lame Back. If you have Puffiness under the Eyes or Swelling of the Feet. If your Urine contains Sediment of any hind or is High Colored and Scanty. If you have Coated Tongue and Nasty Taste in the Mouth. If you have Dizzy Spells, Headaches, Bad Dreams,— Feel Dull, Drowsy, Weak and Nervous.rvou s 'Then you have Kidney Complaint. The sooner you start taking DOAN'S KIDNEY PILLS the more quickly will your health return, They've cured thott-- sands of cases of kid- ney trouble during the past year. If you are m sufferer they can cure you. Ilook that tells all about Doans Kidney Pills sent free to any address. The Doan Eldney P111 Co., Toronto, Ont. WINGIIAM STEM PUMP ORKS 0OAN KIDNEY PILLS T1Mtie MARK 4 T11ENEW t1AY u1 4+ 1i 11L +r; ALLITEEL Uf pII G IGS' JGUN CUIt•Ic11:, 'll•'I:tur.B1, ONT., LICENSED AUCTIUN16ER.' Sales of Farm Stock and Tann lmplCmon specialty. All odors (nit at the TIRB office pro:nt,tty atteni, ed to. Terra, reasonable. MY!W 'coAt`ea't Toe ' ' MILL IS slaving purchased thA entire business from Mr. Daniel Showers, I am now prepared to supply the public with WOod and Iron Force and Lift ramps, Brass and - Iron Cylinders, Galvaniz- ed Iron Tubing. Cisterns, Water >Atei Tron;gll:S, Sinks, Oathst,l.'ipe hitting, Well Digging and everything in con- nection with water supplies, Galvanized Steel Windmills for power and stumping water. Deep well pumps a sociality. Repairing promptly attended to. Parties writing for information or ordering by \nail should always state depth of well. All work guaranteed or no sale. a. IVIORNDIGSTAR SOCIETY MEETINGS. 0 e Camp Caledonia, No. 49, meet S. . ■ the first and 11,16d Monday- is ovcry month, in .110 odd Feliews nab, Visiting • ,. hn•t. D Stow \volute J. Murray, Cinch art 1t,'n.-Seer WANTED 1OUII)131611 au w•o tz, or older oneO if stili y'ung h, spirit, of nndoubte4 ehitrauter, geed talkers, ambitious and hrdustriou% oat) and mph); moot in a good ('auac, ,lith 5;40 p0: month and upwauls aeeordil t, to abidty. 1tkV, T.8, 1 INMCufT,Tono3To. W ANTIIID. Seton order writers. Solely or ronunlssir,n to sill$ able persons. ADVERT1SEl:, lleuleal L,nldin), Toron604 WANTED. :den and Worsen who can work hard talking Anil writing six hours dally are sit days a w,et: 31td velli be Content holt Le„ theists week]), Add res4 SEW IDEAS Cu, Toaoaro, WANTED Teachers iced other lei• hr• men foe raeatitn, 0rpermanent] ) to solreit for "0 1(6(10: An EneytIorVOdl tof the Vnnt.t4V, in Five Royal quarto v01(111.108. No detecting, t',otnmissiew ,oddweelay. LIte\.),r rCsulsrnR,I00. T0I:ONTia. JOB PRINTING, INULt1n1NG Books, Pamphlets, Posters, 1311 A needs, Circulars, de., Arc.. executed in the bit style of the art, at meliorate prices, and on ehor$ notice. Apply or address H. B. ELLIOTT. T Yee office, Wingbata1 BOOKBINDING. We are pointed to annnunco that sn;V Melts eta: Magazines left with tie for Binding. will haveodd prompt attan tibn, P ere for Binding in any B' i 140 Wi,lsfharn, lint' will bu {given 011 application o the Tn)Ra Oleos etmeS