HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1898-06-24, Page 3What He Has Qono For.
Well -Known Cana-
dian Peonle.
Rheumatism, Catarrh, Dyspepsia
and Other Ailments Cured
by the Use of His
Wonderful little
Mr. N. J. Minor, bleyole maker, with E.
C. Stearns wk Co., bicycle works, and re-
siding at Mid Borden street, Toronto, On.
ttarto, Canada, says "I suffered intense
grain for nearly three years from dyspepsia
.and constipation, aecompanted by a long
train of distressing symptoms. f had no
!appetite, a gouts stomach, was mcbnnchniy
and nervous. I coned not sleep and tht•re
was also considerable emaciation. One
'month ago I decided to try Munyon's
Remedies and after using two bottles of
the dyspepsia cure I was completely oared
and am to -day in the enjoyment of exeel-
Ilent health and spirits. I am able to at
anything... I consider my"ears most won-
derful and cannot endorse ),Iunyon too
hrnnyon'ri Rheumatic Care seldom•fails fo re.
glove in one to three hours and cures in a few,
Sass. Price 20e.
hiunyon'e Dyspepsia Cure positively cures all
forma of indigestion sad stomach troubles,
Wriest 2ae•k»
Adnnyott's Coad Care prevents pneumonia eu
breaks up a cold in a few bouts. Prince E.
Diunyon'a Cough Cure stops coughs, night
sweats, allays soreness and speedily heals the
Tempi. Price 25e.
Munyon's Kidney Cure -speedily curet pains,
1n the hack, loins or groins, and all forms ,of
acidney disease. Price 20e:
Munyon's Nerve Cure stops nervotleneait Calf
'lrnft.as up the,systert. Price Sae.
5ltnlynat's Headache Cure stops headache 101
three minutes. Price 20e.
East:ynn's Pile Ointment positively Mee al,
Corms or piles. ,Price 20e.
Munyon's Bleed Cure eradicates all Impurities!
'401 the natl. Price 25e.
ilenyon's iremale Remedios are a boon to all'
Munyon's Catarrh Remedies never fan. The'
Catarrh Cure—price 22e.—eradioat's the disease.
srom the system, and the Catarrh Tablets --(•rice;
tse.—cleanse and heal the parts.
hiunyea'e ,Arlbma Remedies relieve In three;
imivatea and cure permanently. Price ;I,.
tiunyon's Vitalizer,n great tonic and re•
atom .of Vito), strength to weak people. M.
A separate, cure for each disease., At all drug..
gists. mostly M cents a vial.
Personal letters to Prof. 11�unvnn. 11 Albert
street. Toronto. Ont., anawered_wItb free Decal.."
sal adviceer ani disease,
`l i'I Iii W1' INGHXAM TIMES, !TUNE 24, { 898.
Fooled the Prem1or.
A story, the truth of which is
vouched for in high quarters is told
concerning the "manners" of the
political members of a small country
renowned for its ancient courage.
The prune minister gave a reception
to meet some distinguished English.
man. The assemblage consisted solely
of the strangers, the members of the
Parliament and, the prime minister.
During the course of the evening one
of the more distinguished. of the En-
glish guests discovered that his
watch had been taken. He went to
his host and informed him of his loss
adding that he especially prized the
watch, as it was a present to him
from the king of the country whose
e uest he had the honor to be at th *t
The prime minister saw at once
that there was only one thing
to be done, and, asking for silence,
explained the situation to the com-
pany. He said that no doubt some -
Int Preserving Fruit Remember
- Tfle riehest and most delicate
flavors eanuot be produced with in.
ferior fruit and sugar ; neither from
the choicest kinds unless peeper
methods, vessels and utensils are em.
ploy -ed.
—Sugar is used in canning to ins.
part a more delicious flavor to the
fruit and has no 'keeping power.'
The thorough expulsion of the air,
and jars and rubbers so perfect that
it cannot afterwards force its way in
are what 'keeps' it.
—It is better to pair with a silver
knife, for fruit will sometimes dis•
color before it can be finished and
dropped in cold water.
—The skins of peaches and plurals
may be easily removed by pouring
boiling water over the fruit, but
only a few should be taken at one
time, and they should be immediate
ly plunged into cold water, to pre.
one had yielded to the temptation of vent softening,—The pits of cherries and peaches
the moments, but that when they and the cores of pears impart a rich•
learned that the missing article was ness and delicacy of flavor that can.
the gift of their king lie was sure not be obtained in any other way.
their loyalty, i; nothing else would —There is more pectine (gelatin-
! prompt them to restore it to its own. sus matter) around the cores and
er. In order that the culprit's hon• skins of all kinds of fruit than in
or might be preserved and the coun any other part, and in making jelly
try saved from scandal, he said the neither should be discarded.
lights would be lowerd tor five inin. —Knots, black spots, stems and
utes and the_gnests would defile past blossom ends should never be left on
the writing table which give an op- fruit when making jelly.
portunity for the delinquent to place After once corning to a boil fruit
the watch there. •
Upon this the room was darkened
for the stipulated time. On the lights
being turned on it was found that
the watch had not been placed on
the table, but that a valuanle silver
should cook slowly.
—A more delicious flavor is im-
parted to peaches if the syrup is
made of water in whieh half the pits
have been boiled and the fruit will
remain firmer if it is allowed to re -
inkstand also a gift of the king to plain in the cold syrup over night
his prime minister was missing* as before it is cooked.
well, --Pears and quinces should be
SDRES GONE. SKIN CLE6.R cooked till tender in cleat wirer be -
Mrs, Philip Mitchell, St. Marys, Ont., fore they are pill in sirup,
gave •—'•119v little boy' aged 10, wus n —Green ginger, t,er, lemon, vanilla
For five years my husband suffered from scrofula. The Best physicirns
in our city pronounced the case incurable. Sores appeared, Gating into the
mouth and throat, The jugular vein was exposed, the tongue entimly
eaten away, the palate and tonsils eaten out, and there was a large sore on
the outside of the throat. After everything else had failed, 11e tried. tt v
Sarsaparilla. He had to take it through a tube, as hi; throat was too 5' ra
to swallow. Now, after years of terrible suffering, he is f ully rectorial t,
health, and be is able to work every clay, although hi.; :•,al. c h is great!'
affected by tete loss of tongue and palate."
Mrs. E. L. FOSTER, Wilmington, Ilei.
" For seven years I suffered with that terrible scourre scrofula in my
shoulder and arm. Every means of cure was tried without success. I had
a good physician who tried in every way to help me, I was told to t tett
Ayer's Sarsaparilla. I immediately began its use, and after taking seven
bottles of this remedy the scrofula was entirely cured."
Idrs, J. A. GENTLE, Fort Fairfield, Me,
eoiuplete citadel of sores, caused by bed and' other fiavorinl; should only be
blood. We could find nothing to euro used with fruit that is rattler devoid
him. Finally 1 gut a bottle of Burdock
Blood Bitters, and before half the bot-
tle was gone he began to improve, and
by the time the bottle was finished be
No Map of the United States. had not a sore on him."
"The school children of the Ber-
mudas know nothing of American
3listory," says a New York woman
who has just returned trom Hamil-
ton. ` One claw I stopped and talk -
;d to a bright little colored boy on
the street. The Bermuda negro, is
superior in intelligence to the south-
"ern negro of this country. Ile bas
neither the thick lips nor the flatten-
ed nose of our American negro. His
superiority is accounted for by the
fact that he has in bis veins the
blood of the Indians captured hn
King Philip's war and sent to the!
Bermudas as slaves.
" `Do you go to school ?' I asked
the boy.
" 'Yes'em.'
" 'Cho owns these islands ?'
`Wno rules England ?'
" 'Queen victoria.'
"'Where are the United States ?'
" 'South of Canada.'
" 'And do you know who is presi-
dent of the United States ?' •
" 'Yes'em ; George Washington.'
"When I had visited one of the
little schools at I•Iamilton. I did not
-wonder that Washington was the
only .American president the boy had
3hea.rd of. On the walls were • maps
of every important country in the
world but Our own, and I found that
the teachers said' as little of the Un-
ited Statea as they could."—New
", York World.
Children Cry for
�.: T
Wedding Fees.
A Galt clergyman the ether day
in conversation said that the average
marriage fee recoived by ministers
in that town is about two dollars.
The laly allows a minister to collect,
$2.25 from the the • groom, but it
would seem that this fact is not gen-
erally known or is disregarded. As
the ministers usually give the wed -
it is one most delicious sorts of coke,
ding fees to their wives as "pin mon `pudding, etc.
ey" the women will have to raise an —BY adding a few pits to the skin
objection and brides' hubbies exercise of peaches and boiling them in as
on little water as will cover them, an
the same degree of liberality
"I was a great sufferer from scrofula, being unable to do any work for
twelve months. Not one of the doctors who attended me, nor any of the
medicines T took, did me any ,good. My friends supposed that I could not
live. Cane of my physicians induced me to try Ayer'.. Sarsaparilla. Aft. r
t't•i:,3 cunt botties I am now perfectly well."
GEORGE 'TOWNSEND, Fre:: h Camp, Miss.
of flavor, as citron, watermelon, and
some varieties of pears and apples.
—A teaspoonful of sliced ginger
root is sufficient for a quart of fruit.
—Large Siberian crabapples have
less 'crabbedness,' and so make
pleasa-iter jelly and preserves then
the smaller variety,
— Equal quantities of plums and
crabapples make a delicious marma-
- Peaches will not make jelly that
is firm enough to retain its shape
when turned out of the mold ; but
their wedding'+:lay that thev do dur-
ing the period of ingratiation.
For Over Fifty Years.
AN OLD AND WiiLL Yttig0 RritiLrDY—
Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup has
been used for over fifty years by mil-
lions of mothers fc,r their children while
teething, with per feet success. It soothes
the child, softens the guns, allays all
pain, cures wind colic. and is the best
teinedy for diarrhoea. Is pleasant to —All that is placed in glass yes -
the taste. Sold by druggists in every
excellent jelly inay be made.
— Equal quantitie s of grape and
quince skins'rnake delicious jelly.
—.felly cannot be reboiled with•
out making it darker colored and
injuring its delicate flavor.
—Properly .made jelly is sure to
keep perfectly if the top is covered
with parafiine, and afterwards with
paper pasted closely at the sides
rst fornis of
"For many years Ayer's Sarsaparilla has been one of the constant reme-
dies used in the Home for Little Wanderers, and we have found it valuable
in eliminating humors from the blood which seem to have been inherite•1,
especially scrofula and other skin diseases." (Rev). B. A. COOPER,
Supt. N. E. Iionme for Little Wanderers, Boston, Masi.
part of the world 'Twenty-five (lents a tens should be covered with paper to
bottle. Its value is inualu..ble. Be sure exclude the light. The hitter not
and tisk for Mrs.. Wtnslow's Soothing only causes dis;oloration but injures
Syrup, and take no other kind the flavor uf canned fruit.
Spraying Fruit Trees.
For five weeks agents of the On-
tario Department of Agriculture
have been giving instructions in the
;spraying of fruit trees at thirty orch-
ards indifferent parts of the province
Reports sent to Mr. Orr, Superinten-
dent in charge of this work have
just been received at the Depart-
ment, to the affect that fungus is ap-
pearing upon apple and pear trees,
and threatens to do extensive injury
to these crops unless checked
at once by spraying. Insect enemies
are also more numerous this year
than usual. Apples, with the ex-
ception of the Spy, have set well,
and where properly cared for there
is promise of a gond crop. In spray-
ing apple trees to check or prevent
the spot, use the Bordeaux mixture
made as follows
Copper Sulphate, 4 pounds.
Lime, fresh, 4 pounds,
Water. 40 gallons.
Suspend the copper sulphate in
five gallons of water. This may be.
done by putting in a bc.g of coarse
material, and hanging it so as to be
covered by the water. Then mix
the two and add the remainder of
the forty gallons water.
Warm water will dissolve the cop-
per sulphate more readily than eo:cl
water. If the lime is at all dirty,
Strain the Ilene solution.
Courtship eseisists in a number of,
quiet intent hots lee so pointed as to'
.lain, ttt,t +,) v:ignt' as n'' tt, he
u ndeestu„t1 W:tr11ngt'n Irving.
E. 1 . +t rtl.,un, prnprieoir ut' the
▪ Oatini'•inc•c knitting' i'•nittleV fi r
till pi0' i Irina' more than 00 ht.tars
during the week, was lined .410.
Edicil •
7:i especially true of lfuetrs rias, for ncrmedi-
•olne ever eo ,iraa.a to great em ative power In
sto small space. They are a whole medicine
taco. always ready, al-
- way's efficient, always sat-
ctor ; prevent a cold G
Ssta Y, p i � i M�
4,t mer, core iln i'ver ills,
firth11•,td.~•'It-. i !rrdlee.,',,ii 'p:ttion, ate. 25d.
Shu only 1'.lty Li take with Iluo4'l Sarsepatilfa.
Dr, Ayer's Pills are specially adapted for use with Ayei's
Sarsaparilla. They promote digestion and keep the liver,
bowels, and stomach in good working order.
—It should be kept in a cool dry
—When canned with only sugar
to' be palatable, it is healthful as well
as appetizing, and so should not be
considered a company dish.
i.NnuAnitr SAUNDERS.
No cyclist's kit is cornplete without n
bottle of Hnayard's Yellow Oil.. Car. be
ou quire
taken internally or used externally.CutI,
Bites, Sore Throat, Pains in the Chest,
Bruiess, Sprains, Stiff Joints, Coughs 4• •
etc , it is always effectual. Has no ,� � Stationery wiFISsam •
Diamond Dyes, the' World's Lead-
ers, Do the Best Work,
When you bake you must ueethe beet
brand of baking poWdel ; When making
a jelly or custard pudding you must
make Use of the best'llevui'ing'extracts :
wti•n you sewn Y id economyo iea tithe
best sewing e ; n you
horde dyte*ng Witt) } 00 should alba bear
in ,Hind that your sU(teess and the Safety
of yon r ma, emit' 4 and garments depend
upon then 'brand of dye you e,til,loy.
Whim the Diamond Dyes at'e tied yon
achieVe marvelu.,a stieueiaes. }tour •old,
faded and dingy Irrn':irltt goods after a
bath ita the Uir►toi)ntt Dyes are tu.irle as
good as new. The colors are always
brilliant, fast.. rich and full.
.0 yeu unfortunately ruade nee of
sotne one of the malty weak, muddy and
worthle5R dyes sold by some deniers to,
the sake of lone profits -well. you inns
be prepared for erne) diiiappo;nttnet1 .•
and losses. The Diamond l)ytis sal •°
time and motley, and Oasolid Retire
`tees of success and eoo:l good wont
l3hok of dtirourt„ds ilrl.l RAM of ail rolnra
free to any ad,iresa. Write to Wells &
Iticha.raenn Co., Mo,itretll, P. Q.
The clogged -up machinery of the
system requires cleaning out after the
wear and tear of the winter's work.
Nothing will do this so thoroughly
and perfectly as the old reliable
It cures Constipation, Sick head-
aches, Feeling of 'I'irt'cinc ss, and all
the evidences of i ugei.h Liver and
Impure Blood, which are so preva-
lent in the spring. It ;lakes rich,
red blood and gives ltunyaucy and
strength to the entire system.
We are in a position to turn out
At a !owe, pri : e than ever before
yv vL4,P S
We have the lest stock of Envelopes in town, and We can
print and supply them as the►tp as the cheapest.
,ly'e HHS a cull when you arts in need of anything in the Printing 11)li0
and we will use you right.
"I'131: TIMES, Witoghal it