HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1898-06-24, Page 2'"1-, rT 1LI1NtilT. �1. imEs JUNE 21, t s98, •r. -.....--moo+ __._. There, i, no open door iu the teal• PLEBISCITE COV Esc FION. � nhe, 1E OF we could auomplish such a thing a i' pie of sueeess. Every one makes es , EAST HURON TEMPERANCE RANCE 1yt EK.EEis Own dear, welch closes behind hits Beni." THE CAMPAIGN. MPAIGN. •too all utht rs 1larden. The e;><laliest salary staid pro• 'Wednesday afternoon noon of last week fessore •'t (.l laseow University is a Convention was held in the Town. X3,000, the largest $8,200, the total :Hall, Brussels, for the purpose or being el i tt ( CO. taking the initial step in organizine erect -nit acini , „see- eeee <.,, - ,„.e--,,. - .-ere East IIuron for the costing Peed- . :tefte earrtplaigf. Rev. lt•. Paul was voted to the chair, and the meeting opened' uy singing ''Onward Christian S a.nd Rev. Walter Rigsby, of Ay offered prayer. A Nominating Committee was ap- pointed consisting of (}. F. Blair, Brussels ; Dr. Towler, WTinghttm ; N. 1I. Young, I3lyth : Rev. Mr. Oaten, Belgrave; Jas. McLanchlin Cr•anbruok • and .I. Sperling, Gerrie. SICl( MEADACHE Positively cured by these Little Pills. They also relieve Distress front Dyspepsia, Indigestion and Too Hearty Eating. A per- fect remedy for Dizziness, Nausea, Drowsi- ness, Bad Taste in the Mouth, Coated Tongue Tab in the Side, TORPID LIVER. They Reg<..c:.: the Bowels. Purely Vegetable. Small Pill. Small Dose. Small Price. Substitution the fraud of the day. See you get Carter's, Ask for Carter's, Insist and demand Carter's Little Liver Pills. Smith and others. THOUGHT V HEAD { Blyth -N. H. Young, Mee N H. Young, Mrs. Myles Young, Rev. W. WOULD BURST." IRigsby and Mrs. Rigsby. Brussels -Ree . 1Z. Paul, G. F. A Fredericton Lady's Terrible j Nair, B. Gerry, Mrs. (Rev.) Ross. !Mrs, Deadtllan, J 13, McLaucblim, T. 1 A.. ?icLeueillin. Misses. J. Ilowe, MRS. G> o. Doa>rrrs tells the following Minnie Meiaughton, •Sharp, Il. A. remarkable story of relief from suffering tall HBV. S. J. Alin, and a laxge and restoration to health, which should ' number of °tilers whose dames were few months ago we should have re- - - plied that it was impossible. But; EVERY l C E how true it is that man does not know whet he is able to clo until he' is compelled to do it, For the difli- t cul les have been overcome, ito otic 1 Who Sect From ' hits turned bee!: and all have con• struck service tble boats, some of 1 WEAKNESS NERVOUSNESS an which would do credit to any ship DYSPEPSIA, wright. iVe have a triin little craft el feet in length, 5 ft. 4 bottom, 8 ft. --- Should 14 beam, capable of carrying eight or -� dine tons with sefety. She is flat S iiouId use Paine's Oel- . bl keel ed, pointed bill ae both Side car - I, s as ery O,; mpou ld, ries a 25 foot mast at . the top of • which flies a Canadian ensign. It is ri.geed with al bh„ sale, centatnin ,'' It is Nature's True Medicine For'. -it) yards of canvas used to cover Ail Suffering Women the supplies healed on the tobogans. < We loaded here yesterday and with Miss Norton and Mus Jean Me- a five ton load she drew 13 inches of Lauchlin contributed a line piano water, which insures good sailing duets, after• which, the Secretary Ayala WORTHIESS SI9�t- qualities as well as ease in tacking. stated the steps taken in the ceiling. of this Convention, after which the The route from here is Clown the Peace River 700 miles, down Great roll of delegates was taken as fol- 1Slave River 300 miles to Great lows :- ' Slave Lake, across the Lake 200 IIowick --D, Cather:,, J. Sperling, Palne's Celery Compound is miles to the source of the McKenzie Rev. C. C. heine, R. McCallum, D. Your Only Hope. River thence down the McKenzie Sanderson, and plisses Eva Evans, River 800 miles to the Arctic Ocean, Annie SparlinM, Martha. Kahle, 1). and from there up the Peet River Sanderson, E.13ibaon.Wells & Riehar,isJn Co., about 400tnilesenaking a jouritey of Gentlewen,=f feel it ray duty to let Winghanl-Dr Ale,Donald, M. P., the public know what Ptune'e Celery about 2500 miles. At. Smith's Land - Dr. Towler, Walter Green, A Reid, Compound did for me, and trust it will ing, on Great Slave Lake, there is G. Monkman, J. J. Homuth, II. be a benefit to other sufferers. a portage of 14 miles, necessary on I was much reduced in flesh and in a I Park, Mrs, Paulin Miss Netterheld account of rapids, but aside from ' thoroughly broken down c.,ndition re- that and cite other small portage of and Miss Rush. suiting from dyspepsia and nervousness. Morris -T. ,Maunders, Mrs. 1laun- i was recommended to try the Com- 100 yards at Fort Vermilion on the ders, I). Miekeljohn, 0, Wood, Walter pound ; I did so and three bottles have Peace we are assured we shall heave Imode mea ditferent woman. lain sailing, or rather floating, Ennis, W. Jackson, Mrs. Jeckson, Previous to taking your Compound T p �' • Rev. Mr. Oaten, Robt. Scott. had taken medicine from atone of the until we reach the mouth of the 11'eel I Grey -Samuel Ames. S.Chambers, best doctors in the city, but with no River, when. it may be necessary to II. Wanner, C. Berneth Rev, Jas. good n. -culls. Therefore I have every tack the boot. That is to haul it i Wailer, J. Knight, J. �1ICNafr, J. reason to be thaukfu; for 1',ine'a Celery with long iliacs the men wading in McIntosh W. Cameron, Jas. 111c- Compound. and repro great pleasure in the water or along the banks. , ' recommending it to c.tnHxa. ; Lauchlin, E. Garvin, E. ,I. Mc- Yours truly. Upon our arrival at our desti- 1 Arthur, Wm. Perrie, R. Fulton, Eli MRs. M. Teceuesole, nation we shell then he within two 010 Eastern Ave., Toronto. or three hundred miles of Dawson City, with only a range of mounn- A Lotter From the North. tains between. We expect to ready the gold fieldlt and be ready fen - The foll•rwing is an extract from :prospecting by from the middle of; a letter written on May Sth, received. June to the first of August, whie'h on the loth inst., from, W. N. Gray will leave us about two months ibr who left gingham in February in locating before the rain sets in. company with 1tlessi's. Snell, hie-, We leave oar moorings to morrow' Gregor, Sloan and Atexander, for morning and will sail away feeling' the Yukon gold fields: 'sure of a reward awaiting us in the "We lefty Edmonton on the 3rd of h;tlolden North." March. with c:tyeses, 2.don ble bob- I; sleighs and 30 tobogans.. Tb•e cay use r • n E olanatlon. STITUTES Suffering. not obtained. The Nominating Ctimmittee report- ed as follows for officers far the I� A riding :-President, W. H. Kerr ;;is. a entail native horse learn on the ) Secretary, T. A.• McLauelhffin ; Ass -ranches and is never housed or- fed 1 The reason for the great popuiarity•or • G. P. Blair, , 1 I Paul. from. birth I.. winter they waif dry ,iihood's Sarsaparilla lief in the tact Ithilt deepest 'dart and Sub_ �. . l .dmerlox a rex • s f t' Ous municipalities -as ntclp'thttes as con• have an abl..ing con. vener for the said places :-Wing- 4beneatly. The tobogens..ere• 12. feet,11Vdence in its merits,. They buy and take,For Infante and Children. ham, Rev. D. Peerie ; Tupnberry, )long and 18 inches wide and the Va. este, or simpleconfid as that ll it will serious th it Te.far- W. H. Cruickshank ; Wroxeter, T. 'load fee an ordinary cayuse is retire i good. fait - simile W. Gibson ; Uowiei,:, W. J. Greer 5 -4'.00 to, 600 pounds. The tobogan it°°°d' t:l (es.. Thee. 8ti schen ; Morels, E.d l' -,--"y HOODS PILLS cure all liver 'nee a •r IFICEMEMMI"MinaMMiffrAitWili hat is Castoria is Dr. Samuel Pitcher's prescription. for Infants and Children. It contains neither Opium, Morphine )nor other Narcotic substance. It is a harmless substitute for Paregoric, Drops, Soothing Syrups and Caester Oil. It is Pleasant. Its guarantee is thirty years' use by ltlilllons of Mothers. Castoria.. destroys Worms and allays Feverishness.. Castoria, prevents vonniting Sour Curd, cures :iarrlaoea and 'Wind Colic. Castorin, relieves Teething troubles, cures Constipation and Flatulency. Castoria assinnilates the Food, regulates the Stomach and bowels, giving L ^_aalthy and natural sleep. Castevia is the Children's Panacea -the Mother's Friend. Castoria. ' Castoria. "Castoria is an'. e-�xellcut medicine for children. Mothers Knee repeatedly told me of its goad effect upon their children." lln. G. C:..0.:oon, Lowell, Mass. "Csstoria is so well adapted to children that I recommend it as superior to any pre•- scriptitsu known to me." IL A. ARCHER, M. D. B,•ooldpz, N. l: THE EAC; -SIMILE SIGNATURE OF APPEARS ON EVERY WRAPPER. THE CEKTNO�K COMPANY, TT MVRFlPY STaEER�Nrt K CIT y. �, r '.14. We. t�4. _- --a.--- - r_ - - VIGOR for Hji AR'i' and; NERVES. Milhorn'o Heart and Nerve•Pills cure alnxmin, Nervousness, Slee'pleseoess, weakness, Palpitation, Throbhiria;,Faint Spells, Dizziness, or any condition ar- rising from Impoverished Blood, Dis- ordered Nerves, or Weak Hearty, There are more wrecks in the Baltic sea than in any other place in the world. The average is one .wreek a day throughout the year. Treas., R. au . This medicine positively cures. Following were appointed) Chair- through;the sinew Greatest Medicine and the, or the va i sist upon the withered grass found ,.American people r lies fl ns on the ground, sar'Ms I' .failed for 25c by C. 1. Hood & Co. Low' -I the snow and is hard tf� turn - • '°- '.iiuoney ; Brussels, B. Gerry.. clear away all doubts as to the efficacy Resolved that the President; Vice • Milburn's Heart and Nerve Pills from the ''residents, Secretary and Treasurer minds of the most skeptical: "For several years I have been a con- be the Riding Executive. The re lstant sufferer from nervous headache, and port was accepted. -the pain was so intense that sometimes I Stirrin addressee along the line 11 thong ht the# �, was almost crazy. I really sty head would burst. I consulted a num- of the coming campaign were de• on. Edmonton. is prattle.; v then bei of physicians, and took many remedies, livered by Dr. McTD' onald, tt'1.. P., over i aSP, 'Mass' over. I3einf; narrow it• wiii pass I tnrougli' a very small space', veleich is. Three cases of smallpox and very essen'ti 1, as m some. the,'trwenty cases of measles were found) clistanae between the stumps along I, the the i't eaigrants from the ,thetrekb does. not exceed: a.yard• 11the steamer Plea. via Halifax, who. The counAry for about 30e miles, leave arrived at Winnipeg. 'but without effect. I noticed lalilburnf Ile "r Rigsby, Rev. 1114'.Oatal•and Heist and Nerve Pills advertised, and as ,they seemed to suit my case, I got a box and Rev. Mr. Spence, the. latter eepre• began their use. Before taking them I was seetin r the. Dominion Alliance, very weak and debilitated, and would som'e- , Le public meeting was held and the limey wake out of my sleep with a dm- • evening, the President) in the: anarlt tressed, smothering feeling: and I was fre- g, „ h;ybiteta, e.<ceept for. an' oeeaslonall' Yours truly, tl •seized with agonizing pains in the and a large audience present. T'wo• ` Indian, enc tin his . a,nyler; shackle. LARRY STON`N,', Rainham Centre, (3a, There, are a few more•beaut_•fnl spots, than this where we ha'.ve• been. camp. Oliver S to'nehouse, aged 3x8, a ing since the latter ' part o4. Marche '" farmer, wale leiiled by a falling tree Ima ree at majestic rkver nearly hale:[near Edy's. Riles. strike into the !tills which lee one after &tether for about'. 05 of 4 miles. In many places, the scenery li vs foundd DrrmC Catarrh Catarrhyars, tiro is grrsxd aced wild in the extreme.. i.?tai e ,the hest that I' have used and gladlynaj- The eotltvtnry is prn..aticalliy 'unin- ;r,ommend it tasaarlferers. 00 f Catarrh Clared For 25 centse quen y region of filo heart, and often cocltl scarcely well planned, lnspbiing: addiresses muster up courage to keep up the struggle vverc� delivered by Rev. B. H. Spence for life. In this wretched condition Mil - burn's Heart and Nerve Pills came to the (wbb is a brother Pt . S. ,. today I state, with gratitude, the well known Dominion Alliance ree,ruo, ...<. that I am vigorous and strong, and all this ecxetary) ; and Dr. Mellonald:,. ilii• improvement is duo to this wonderful sweeping. w' g remedy. i 1., of Wingham, and repreeetetatiree a. mile• in; width swee ani •ion meta , l Ct�mm ss The a teeri•fi,c• current, bearing away totChildren Cr for of the Riding in t he o t former showed the- demo:lati'eing the Arette, seas the melted snow troy' I A �,���'��e�e9�+��eee,���� effeetf theliquor traffic on the the mountain peaks. fa,t to the west d 1 andlsotutlm wlncltn�betttreen magnaol life of the people, and indic:gad partes celtb• lip. listng I 1 e'ratar tax on beggars and gives along which temperance. people wter'sedge. 1 '' sirohald let in the Right is this rim• I Rover Landing)n we had point (Peace ed to 1 beem be ';gar g return c ietrie;t . of Pylly-Pectoral o financial social moral an sparvttla ' gs'•' ' 110. feet above the The CkairoBse Government, 'Pyles a es Pei»n. It w•as ~yell: done. carefully find a. trail over which we could go • (i+r,��y � AND COLDS `and ractically flee ob'tections raised swbthr eur cayllses and tobogans to COVery valuable Remedy in all 'r h ' d out of P•trlfaree tit eeeinst i the Laird river then on to Pella . our A (PIM CURE FOR l Dr. McDonald answered effeetiCrls of the THROAT or LUNGS Lenge Bottles, 25e. DAVIS & LAWRENCE CO., Limited ` prof• f perry Davh Pain -Killer to, (.1) Loss of Revenue. (5) Prohibition ail v a v << "Y' ' n under five heads:-(L)final tlestinationl. Upon our arrival I rthi ntio , The License Law is better enforced ; here however. we ascertained th« t than Prohibitiwa will ever be. (2),1 there was 110, trail 'so we were Prohibition is an interference with suddenly compelled to change our 1 personal liberty. (t 3), You can't' plans. We determined to build a boat and go into the country from another diyeetion. Nearly 200 men 1 made the decision as we and all set I to work to build themselves boats. The diffieulties surrounding such an undertaking were great, as few had ever attempted such a task. We had brought no tools for that pur- 1 rot in Cw.C:s<eSe`2k:.-Z.1'eeeefieBE•iee tnake people sober by legislation. EIEIKIID'P'r1OY :and ail Y.l•:t.G DISEASES, $PEITINli of SLOOP, COtGUU, 14 OF A ?PETITE, ITE, 1011,I#tg,gxf. t1,c+ bortrnts of titin artiele are most mant.est. Ly the r ttf r•nTt, , r•.E .. i r - .. i ' ,,.d., oi t ..dVC cAr e ably 10 C1 . ...._.l. MVP., ., i.(,., 1..... c 1, sloe's not prohibit, i The speaker cleared up the ground (well and blith gentlemen well de- served the hearty vote of thanks )accorded them. 1 A choice musical program was rendered consisting of two piano pose and none could be obtained fear I tluetta, by Misses Norton and Me -love or money. r.atio.11lit:•'.' i'', by Mine Lida Crooks,' The timber stood in towering 1 :,i iss Lizzie Sample, and Alex. Ross,! spruces in the unbroken forest. It also a duett by Messrs. Park and must first be cut down, then sawed 1 Mon'kman, ofWingham. A colleetion with whip saws and than dressed, was taken to defray expenses and all by hand, to say nothing of ' ,, it into boat shape. Iiad 1 distribution of literature the fasllioning of ir an YG,•L%�s�?zfw curry PP0h CAT RRH-SEEDS. Is the breath foul? The voice husky? Constant drop. ping in the throat ? Pain across the eyes and front of the head ? Losing sense of taste and smell ?-proof that this all too ce tn- mon malady has you as its victim -Dr. Agnew's Catarrhal Powder has yet to find a case too stubborn to yield to it. Relieves instantly, and a perfect cure. This wonderful remedy effected a speedy and permmnent cure. I am willing to spend die rest of my days in s reading the goad news to mry fellow sufferers. JJan. ltttos.*t c,A.R. veteran, 2446 htarsha115t., Phtladcrpina. 36 - after the meeting was brought to a conclusion.1 any of us been asked whether or not sou at Hamilton's Drug Store. I�-'iS•.`vdld.s�/�131 111 The Leading Specialists of America 20 YEARS lid DENIAL 250,000 CURER. IE CURE EMISSIONS Nething can bo more demoralizing to young or middle-aged menttllais the pres- ence; of these "nightly losses." They procinee weakness nervousness. a feeling of disgust and a wholetraih,ofsymptoms. They unfit a man for business. married life, and social happineea:.No matter whether caused by evitlhans in youth, natural weakness or so, nal s- cesses, our New Method Treatment will positively care you. NO CURE—N0 PAY ',Reader, you need help,. Early abuse or Iater excesses may have weakened you. Exposure may havo.(11-eased you. You are not safe till ouredi_ Our Now Method will eure you. You,zun no risk. ca 250,000 CURED Young Man -Mn aro pale, feeble and haggard; nervous, irritable and ex- citable. You become forgetful, morose, and despondent; blotches and pimples, sunken oyes, wrinkled face, stooping form and downcast countenance reveal the blight of your existence. WECUREW R1COCELE No matter how serious your case may bo, or how long, yott may have had it, our NEW METhOD TREATMENT will euro it. The '`wormy veins" return to their normal condition and hence the sexual organs receive proper nourish- ment. Tho organs become vitalized, ail unnatural drains or losses cease and manly powers return. No temporary bene t. Gut a permanent euro assured. NO CORE, NO PAY. NO OPERA- TION NECESSARY. NO DETEN- TION FROM. BUSINESS. CURES GUARANTEED We treat and euro SYPHILIS, GLEET, EMISSIONS. IMPOTENCY, STRICTURE VARICOCELE, SEMI- NAL L0SSE , BLAIDDER AND KID- NEY diseases.. CONSULTATION FREE. BOOKS FREE. CHARGES MODERATE. If nnahlo to call. write for a QUESTION BLANK for HOME TRLATMENT1s. �y• KENNEDY & KERGAN K 148 SHELBY STREET, & DETROIT0 MICH. .LTO N'S LI Will.stand wear and tear for ,ears, No better proof can he given of their durability than is shown by the fact than some of these pumps put in wells 25 years ago are still working. IRON and FORCE PUMPS Suplied to Qrder. Repairing promptly attended to. SHOP -Diagonal St. opposite Beattie's Livery. JOHN PELT ON, Wlingham. Ont. I Caveats and Trade -Marks obtained. and all patent business conducted' for MODERATE PIS1t. -My office is in ,:te immed i❑ to vicinity of the Patent Office. and my faciticics for seccringpatents are unsurpasse Send modEs, sketch or photograph of invention, will description and statement as to advantages clamed- /ZS-No laimed- t 1Vo oar-rgo is made for ole (pities cit to yrate,ttabelidll, and my fee for prosecuting the appricatitun teal secs erc called for until the patent balimvecZ. "Iturawrons' Gutnr:," con- taining full information sent free. All Continual. cations Considered as Strictly Coratide:ttlal. FRANKUN HOUG4 S2F F i3, "nets Via SiT.15YiGTON. D. Q. 50 YEARS' EXPERIENCE TrTAOC MARKS: <•.. Dpstoras 0C. Anyone sending a sltetchCand descripptionNTS&ma`s' quickly ascertain oar opinion free whether art. invention 15 probably patentable. Communtea' none Oldest confidential. for eocuri5 patk ents. Potents taken through Munn tb. Co. receive special notice, without charge, itts�t�rppcaho��pp ScantGGc Jittt6 ti,. A handsomely ilhuttrated weekly. I.nrgest eulation of any seiontifla iournnl. !Vernal: $3 a. year; four months, 9t1. Sold by alt newsdealer% MIN & Co3St.Wa� YrkBroadw Brandi OtRce.525 G IT PAYS TO ADVERTISE IN THE 'GIMES... 4