HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1898-06-17, Page 6ti• '1'11. WINi1.A.A1 E6, JUNE 1 "1, lbr),-----_ S.F B it AT l .. For Over Fifty Years � 01,1) ' �r�� SONO OF THE SHIRT, 1 surd tic= It tt),finall Zl SEIt,VICEu• '1 ce euuinzitGc•c,. ' o 4 .,. (IMO t sures met the A� OLD min w1,Ia,-Tmitsl) Lat::viEI)Y•-- t\T•,'1'llOf)I l' -lice. Dr. Pantos, tate. 0r and )tn } y strd tit last 1 t �4Ltl��b . t �� con- - 1 Ruud 2 tion(; of clerk 1 t I 1 the hhu t. ant to the ""'""p""'" ' . ' Mort by Irubt.:1Iei McLean, seeunded ' fa out a I,ibut•al In Canada, and eel.. � ! TIII. VI' MAC, 13I. I) -I). ; tainly not, It 'I'4ry, relic would 0l -vet i by. Mr. Snell, that this council at 2 7. ' F NI. ll er hates' program l to a duty on ::hit•t' , such as is a:kecl : p 111. to day chive to the 1lanehestel' t a, • fit„ ,, tti rt title• ' , salla.. 1 "0ria sot ,1tiCn soler wearing out but I , .LI + rtlrtetl rtati )eftlnrr the " hnutian artittures tires' (_ n • the e oup- °� � ulidsztiull of the by-laws t t 11 -- - t3 . Thu report was a k'iilD<�5, dl'AL 17, 13.3. 1 It is almost safe to say that there 1 executive committee. tate or • association. Amerieiui?in:; the C�xr:autl Trunk, I by the sllirtlnal:er'� a.socl 1 itis been to increase the section (roma Host of us have heard, from far BY t dramatic, the tragic, the • the murk of t ze unhappyi errs e, a . bridge. 'art 't Moved by Mr. Couk that in the Ie eq nal - event of an appeal front ti t ized assessment of illus eoun e, Mrs. WinstUW'a oo:lang :+?rep h: hewn used fur over llrty years by tnii-' lionsoe mothers VA: theft children while teething, with perfect nncco- H. 14 soothes the child,lloftena the otos, itllays all pain, cures wind colic, and is the bast lemeciy for diarncct'a. Ts pleasant to the taste. Sold by druggtets in every part of the world, Twenty -live cents Lt bottle, its value 1s incaltl,.bl,a, lie sure and ask for Mrs. Wir,slaw'u soothing Syrup, and tape no otter kind t t • ttlat! 1 Buil tqualizatiun be left in that or. Services at 11 a in nt t " t -Is Pl:ilr.isI[Er:, i'1;,14,S11Y'.!'ERIA:d--kev. 1). Perris I paiior. Services at 11 it to midi p m• EVERY FRIDAY MO1.1NINbt EPISCOPAL, lit. Paul's -Rev. Wm. i Lose, rector. yervuves la 11 )t tit aud'7 pm APTIST-•-Rev,,jus. Hamilton, pas- TI,dESOF'FiCP'„ luso?Nt;le± ,TfiE7' --AT auls••,••- tnr. ,services at 11 a in and p m CONGREGATIONAL -Rev. II. E. Mason, pastor, Services at 11 a t U and i p tn. CHRISTIAN WORKERS --- Mi4SOS is 04.mt t , Services Cutratu and Lock I and five to seven and a half miles. Y for peal, the a ,lit Sip til and t; p ln. I terrible, "Sonar of the Shirt" Shirt. t S:1LYc.'P.IUi\TAItti1Y-Adjutantnliies $111 lilt, ani I r, Carried.i A farina livini, and wire in command. Services at 11 tt. t•) >nt l l enc ut we 1 tat resorts t3 of laansa of the comity judge r a short distance Im 3pnq andSp�lt, 1 a lI e � 1 9 1 , le m L e � r ,l ,v 1'rr.z - t.hu g t ae i =d ' . t e k mad l7 ' ert.a i I •a seconded moment t n v named In r,c of a n i 1 , •it) e and the 1! s ,,.m l 'r cent I unfortunate. it is the bread tit Moved by ,ill', 1leinnes, from the city in . 1 In enol) of tit , .ncl the company saves .lana per the by 111•. 11a3 s, that this council now nes the other day blew fri• twenty-- 1 Sabbath hchuol m hell at _' 30 p m. In rrant.s, lis this means also the the widow, and the fatherless ; and adjourn till '3 o'clock. Carried. i five cents at a city departmental _ ae. Qia ', ndeced less •t le In' of civilized rl , t track inept .ti 1 rendered. Too Mean to Live. 1 lsery er a v'' ' r ' v` aft.. • r' 'Cr 1113 'e fur a �p int, hat t „l Where el 21. stole r ll i r V•1 1'u over- Roam ft )( was s 1 efe 1 home , thorough, ells the dal �, ,• � beings P. yrcate;t, .wherever poverty Council lust pursuant to adjourn- � On returning h dents i:; increased. But filen seer 1 everyday affairs, and is sharpest and food scarcest there ment, the warden in tile chair. ; come with recourse t lr dent am not rod the _ t a tearful,wretched, ` Minutes of morning; session read I to the barn and did the Haman act ills the American mania the Shirt tat from nne of the crass beams. The e Cs alt , . 1 Lnd 'apprarec/ ger wll�, cunsltlel a miserable cheapest. 1 t � letter from the secretary a wed . l rentont1 A,t'ter, Tooes l?''�1osp1iO�.ine, The Great English Remedy. Sold and recommended by all druggists in Canada. Only reli- able medicine discovered. Six paclaar)es guaranteed to cure alt Sexual Weakness, all effects of abuse s, Mental Worry, Excessive use of To - Opium or Stimulants. Mailed on receipt 'u)e. package $1, to y One u dress. Ont. indsor, O The Wood Company, W � "the uncertainties, e'able tiilirt -is C letlpe5 . ` r , f the man happening. a ong jus Arius of • caiilty of dollars ., and in other great ., ' asking before the curtain dropped un the t orexces us against the certainty species. In New York, l ,5ealol th Agricultural iciiltural auctct3 , r! ,baoco, and cents, is not a common sad Alnarican centres, the condition of for1 lots grant was read and •scene promptly (tut the old hayseed ;ofprice bl' b - d d la raid inrepentedI lSl 1 C1eaS was mlila it ''Li YI f3of the t le cot ,, ' stxzvttt ' ntly •ate f whom are Cent to the executive committee. 'down. Ile revived and apparently I 41T1 le pil ll L , the da •s the shirtmalcers, most u • At itis end gospel yet, J ujt as< ;e lamented `'anderbilt• foreigners, is a public seandal ; and 1 A cummerring> to from J r 1 from these sinks of hunger, ignorance, 1 strong, referring to the al�aalci1Pre- i - - expressing resniontihfs 0weveet iatia nwhile tagain llis D u id',im Wingham by Coltn a Can)phe , ! i immorality and low wages , the servative rhe letter p g b I ` t� i14OHt.;1i, ONTARIO. SU'bacriptit:•n prleo, 6f per yo;tr, iii acivautoe ISE CROWS' NEST IIOICI.01, 1 sweat -shop products are sent out, in The Government cannot proceed competion with these of Christian too quickly or too vigorously against Canadian women. the men responsible for the hideous Already Csinciia makereduction are he. ccraelties, which have been exposed duty, th on with the Crows' Nest ing undersold in their own markets in connects and already a reduction of 10 per .Vass construction contracts. cent. hi wages has been announced. The robbery, starvation, and ill- There is scarcely a village in Canada treatment of railroad workmen has where poor women will not sooner been a feature of certain Central or latter feel this cut, and the condi- American republics, but Canada tions which make it necessary can- -cannot afford to permit such inhum- not be changed too quickly. lin atrocities, within her borders, to Canadians want a good many go unpunished. The directors c things, but they do not want cheap the 0. P. R. have been openly shirts. -harg'ed in parliament with re -1 parried by samples of wood preserved ; employee's act, he qualified it y by the paint. The communication :regretting the litter's extravagance ; BAN air ���oN was sent to county property emu. ;In not untying the lope instead of l �"� lout., it, and docked him the ADVELLTISINO 1tITLI3 "—Spew l_iii. --� 'l; no 13 m! I I__±...u0 ono Uolulnn —W02-6'0-500 00 340 Ou .p:() o. 1 38 00 dill i0 00 .'n 1`! u0 - 000 t!u4rter 11 'LO 00 1'L 00 i 00 3 00 one &,itch 3 de 3 00 J nu ., I. 00 -.. , Se per e Legal and other casual advertisement, i ine liras iii .il ti0il,aud ac per line or each ;subsequent in:erti•.l, 11 o. 141110(1 by uonpai 4i1 scale, 1,009) notices lee. per lune for first insertion, and ^ 1 ldertiCI.. ria.ls:rlhlcfor,achsubsu,tu•1t ,1 see Situations Advurtr»euicnca,ot Lost, L eggs, Shops!, !, 5 and Busiues;t:hamros Wanted, rnrt,-,0emning 8 line nonpareil, $1 for first month, and 30e. for each, mibeeclucut ulunth, rlourcA and Nuru13 for Sale, not exceeding 8 line. tl for fist month, GOe. per sub.:, q.ieys montb Larger advertisements in proportion. These IA rim, will be strictly udllured to special rates for larger advertisements, or or longer periods. Advertisements and local notices without specific directions, will he inserted till forbid and char red• must be net . accordingly. Transitory advertisements pats in advauc0 IUhauges for contract advorti3ementi' meat bo in tlleotfice by Wednesday noon, in order to appear' that week ll B ELI.IUTT, l'amentKi'O,( ANA Postmann' mittee. Two Ur three accounts were read j and sent to finance committee. A letter from the Proiuciai auditor in answer to a communication from the county clerk 'regarding the cost of an audit of the accounts of the county for three years. The letter was sent to finance eomulitte. Moved by Mr. Miller, seconded by Mr. Patterson, that the council now adjourn to meet et 10 a. m. on Thursday. Carried.' sponsibility for three terrible oc- BABY f1R.GHTNESS eeurrences. If the charge is true Soon fades when Diarrhoea seizes on the their wealth and station must not little form. Dr. Fowlers' Extract of ,save them from the severest penal- fats' ats ae i asy, has saved rainy in - ties that the law, or parliament can Walters, Richmond Street, Ilamilton. inflict. If they are innocent some Ont. Says : "I cured my baby of a bad ,z:•f their underlings must be guilty attack of Cholera, by using Dr. bowlers end should not be allowed to escape. Extract of Wild Strawberry. Nothing `ye repeat that the department of else slid any good, but the baby nnprov- tlstice cannot act too promptly. b from the first dose of the Wild Straw- „ ALLIANCE NOT PROBABLE. HURON COUNTY COUNCIL. Although much may be hoped tor THE ,LUNE SESSION COMMENCED. 1 are far from sanitary. The absence from American friendship, there is The June session of the county n e'ea11y little immediate prospect of an council opened on Tuesday, June 7th, actual alliance. The policy tithe at 3 p.m., the Warden in the chair. liTnited States has always been Members all present except Mr. ,against European "entanglements," Cook. Minutes of last meeting read and :and the only thing likely to force NGHAM price thereof. The hired slag be- I W I 1 Heves that be cheated ball out of the meanest elan that ever lived outside its sulphurous depths. 1111 1 .1'1 111 Better Than Doctors. The farmer is described by the New York World as eating chiefly fried pork, badly cooked bread awl soggy potatoes, drinking unaerated water froin unwholeeorne wells, living in undrained houses, bathing seldom and' sleeping in overheated rooms, without ventilation. This will not always apply to Canadian farmers, but vet there are marry tillers of the 1 soil among us, Who lead lives that approved. them into a combination with Great A communication from the county 'Britain, would be the armed inter- council of Halton requesting Huron ventiou of Europe at such a time as County to co-operate in asking the the present. This is not likely to Dominion Government to increase .occur, ho lever, as Europe dislikes the pay of our military force. Sent the idea of an Anglo-Saxon alliance. to special committee. Leven more than do our cousins the Letter from D. H. Martin, White - 'Yankees, and ,would take no step church, to be appointed county "tkely to bring such a combination student at the agricultural college, to pass. Newspapers like the Bos- sent to exeeutive committee. eon Transcript, the Chicago Chron- Copy of 'rill of Elias Dickson, -Tele, Chicago Tribune, Chicago In. bequeathing $1000 to the County of iter -Ocean. and New York San, not 1 Huron for the support of Ms sister, `o speak of such sheets as- the Newt K. Dickson, in the County House of York Journal, have come out in op- Refuge, was read and sent to the position to the alliance, and the latest executive committee. a: pponent of the idea is Chauncey M. Petitipn from the trustees of school Depew, who a few days ago was section No. 2, Hay, and No. 9, evaving the two flags on a New York Tnckersmith, were read and refer red 'stage, and shouting, amid cheers, to the education committee. that the two together should rule the better signed by the -Mayor of the 'world. Circumstances may yet town of Goderieh, re sewer on Vic - arise which may force an alliance, toric street, in the town of Goderieh, but they have not vet come to pass. was read and ordered to be filed. of fruit, greens and other vegetables from the table is the cause ofmany a bad liver and many a rheumatic joint, and the daily bath is the lux- ury which no farmer should go with- out. A dash of water . while still warm, after a days work, followed by a brush down, is as refreshinlr as two hours in bed. It hardens the skin, limbers the muscles and wards off many a cold. There's no doctor like Dr. Bath. 111i til Meanwhile Britons must be satisfied -with the good will of the Americans, :and they will be lucky if they can retain that. rttunksua'!0JJ/n,,,, DR. CHASE"S rSMON • r - @ARR s stain• CuRE Osseo *sews •i ARV:MR 1'. T[IOIi*C, CuantoTTs• mbw,l, I'.E.L., says: "I bare need Dr. Chase* Catarrh Cure, audit not only gave reliefbttt made a permanent doge. Dr. Chase's Catarrh Cure NByBii PAILS TO CURB Cold lia the Head, Hay Fever, Rose Cold, rr.►talrhttl Deafness, Foul Breath, Less of Taste and smell, end Catarrh 1n all Its Anfellei. e itltiet. ne •st' � e forme.� I'r1CC, 21 Cent5,ttsmltlste rrltliblewer. tell by all &slaw, or Striastar, Ester di Cr,. Tertmt.,,Oat. On motion of Messrs. Molt and Hislop the council adjourned to meet at 10 a.m., Wednesday. 11' EDNESDAY Y. The council resumed pursuant to adjournment, the warden presiding and members all present. - Minutes of previus meeting were read and approved. Letter from F. Naylor read, claim ing damages for accident at Golley's bridge, between E, Wawanosh and Morris. Sent to executive cone- mittee. oni• IN BED FOR AMEX .% i tee. cot Commitment of Lottie and Flossy And every Breath She Drew was an Durnin of the town of Goderieh to Excruciating Pain --Rheumatism the care of the Children's Aid Sod- Had Fastened his Talons on his ety of the County of I-Iuron, and charging the county $1.50 per week for their maintenace. Sent to exeeutive committee. Report of the clerk, re the per - chase of a typewriter, was sent to the same committee. County auditors' report was road and sent to the finance committee. Report of county commissioner was read and sent to road and bridge committee. The goaler's report was read and (sent to the County property corn 1 mittee. Thirty seven accounts wore read nCEASES LIVE PILL CONSTIPATION CURED. It's important you should have natur- al action of the bowels, Purging and griping do virlence to the system. Laxa- Liver Pills are nature's own medicine for nil disorders of the Stomach, Liver and Bowels. Cure Constipation by toning the bowel wall and stimulating the secretions. Leave no bad after effects. esetitia BAD BAC1C PAIN. Being troubled off and on with pains in my back, caused by O.lnstf lation, I tried' several kinds of pills I had seen advertised and to put the truth in a nut- shell, Dr. Chase's Kidney -Liver prove 13 aro the only Pills that have effectual in my case. JOHN DEVLIN, Unionville, Ont. Dr. Chase's R. -L. Pills are always effectual in the worst cases of Con- stipation, Stomach Troubles, Back Pains, Rheumatism, and all Blood Disorders or Impurities. ONE PILL A DOSE. 25 CENTS A BOX. Capital, 41,250,000. Reit, $725,000 President --J o,1N erns MT. Viue-i'resideut—•A. U. RAMMSAY. =rtm-rens JOAN PROOTOR. bite. GOAon, Wal GiesoN, P, A. T. woo», A. B. Las (Toronto). Cashier—J. TURNBULL. Savings Bank—Hours. lOto 3; Saturdays, 10 to Deposits of 4l tend upwards method and interest allowed. Spacial Deposits also received at current rates of Ir.. Anat. Drafts oh ureal Britain and the United State• bought and bold REGIO i 88E3 Made a well Man of Y4 itiDA1PBll THE GREATai 1-IINDOOREMuDY r'Oi'r1Dp �, IlpnDtUa 0inE8 3T0n1,0:0O• ^. vis Al Nervous Diseases. railing Memory •'1Tk' 7• pnreate. Slocoplauseosdsness, Nieht1Y $nni�- '�„ • I y,.• 3otw, oto., bT pnkt now•ss. I•" '1800and size to shrunken erguae %i,:.ay o' mralyrestores Lost Manhood Easily mu -tied in vest pocket. l'riau. "• ,) m' olo•kali. Six for •*,3. wtderh naari0Enu Ur.ar011t., h orr. 0. r,so,aer0 •raplarder?. Dm •r f no •.'1 r • moist tri having SND2?U. 1 f roar Ret it. we will.w,.1 it nri pnid • urUiut) 11I '1' ^'' �" • r'•: • • Chisholm's;;orner Drug Store, \Vingliam, Ont. Pat Lost. An Irishman, blessed with only a single copper, went into a dram shop in Belfast wondering how he could best get a dram of whiskey for his penny. A squirecn came in shortly after and called for three penny- worth of 11 the ci'atur." I3efore he could lift it from the counter, Pat advanced to him crying--"Yerahan- ner, I'l: lay he a copper I'll drink that stuff without letting it go down my throat." The squireen at once accepted the challenge and each laid a penny on the counter. Pat at once swallowed the whiskey, with a hun gry gulp, and leaving his penny on the counter walked off saying. ti I've lost, and there's my penny." W. CORBOULD, AGI0Na E. L. DICKINSON, Solicitor. — - Money to Loan on N+'teb• Y^tlt, F. II. ICALBFLI:ISUII, PHYSICIAN, SUR AND kethil.'UIIEULL. buceessor to Dr, W. 01811 ni L1;CSS1 LS ONT. 1st Class Honor Graduate of the U'niyorsities of Trinity (Toronto) queen a (Kingdtol), and of Trin- ity Medioal College ; Fellow 01 Trinity Medical College and Member of the College ,.I Pltvaicians and Surgeons of Ontario. Pest Graduate Course h) Detroit and Ohieago 1200 Spuctal attention paid to ttise,see of Kye i';.r Nose and Teroat and Diseases of Wonlun. Consultation in English and Cermet'. ,t 3'Cutarrl1 treated sucee,sfully in all its forms. Notes Discounted AT REASONABLE RA'Z'ES Mortgages (=twirls privilege of paysg at the ed of any year. Note and accounts collected. 1,OBT. alclriDOO. Beaver Block Wineham, Ont Cook's Cotton Root Compound Is successfully used monthly by over 10.000 Ladies. Safe, effectual. Ladies ask your druggist for Cook's Cotton Root Com- pound. Take no other, as all Mixtures, pills and. imitations are dangerous. Prise, No: 1, $1 per box, No. 8,10 degrees stronger, $3 per box. No. 1 or 2, mailed on receipt of price and two 3.cent stamps. The Cook Company Windsor, Ont. re�nneible and 2 sold o Canadainended by all • No. ] and No, 2 for solo by Colin. A. Crail.bell, 1)ruegie,' 8-4-4* -«444‹<«C<aaa44G<44 3. ISI. VANSTONE, BARRISTER, duLIOITOR, Etc.. Private and Company funds to loan at lowest rate interest. No commission chargeu. Mortgagus, town and farm p1Opert) bou::llt and 8010 OFFICE—(eavor pluck rt'JNOlIAtt GRAND TRUNK RAIL WAY. DEPART ARVIN -E Toronto and Bast 6 50 a. m. 3 05 p. m 3 30 p m 10 25 p m Palmerston mixed 8 55 a m 3 05 p m Londonand South (i 53 a rn 11 10 a m 3BCpm 800pni Kincardine 11 10 a m 6 50 a m 3 30p ns $ 30ptn 1025pn1 830am AGENT S : J. A. MORTON BARRISTER, Sim, 11 Ingham, Ont. E. L. DICKINSON, BARRISTER, ETC. k SOLICITOR TO BANK 01' HAMILTON. ,MONEY aft' LOAN. Otiico—Jlover Block. Winghani M . BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, CONVEYANCER, tier Odice—Corner Hamilton and St. Andrew streets 0. CAMERON, opposite Colborne Hotel. . Gunnntoit, CNTAIIIG, DENTISTRY.—J. S ;J NitOM E, L. U. S., W LNGn1N � / is .nauulet:ha lrst•cless sets of 11'l:0 -4'i teeth us 011041) as they eau be made tfl/ass in the Donnniun. Teeth extracted absolutely without pain, by hie new process, guaranteed Perfectly 8ufe. OFFICE : In the Beaver Block, opposite the. Brunswick House. ' j 011N RITCHIE —~ O EN ERA 0 INSURANCE AO1tNT Book business is better than for years past ; also Wiseman, ONTARIO have bettor and faster selling books. Agents clear• ing frorn810 to $40 weekly, A few• lenders are : ' queen V'ctorlun ; "Life of Mr. Gndstone," ••DIS• 13DEANS, Ja., wiN5,.AM, Mother's Bible Stories" "t'roIresslta Speaker." .I . "Klondike Gold Field," "Women," "Glimpses of ..t .. •❑+nen " ••13r Idlest Dinner, Supper." Bootie I LICENSED AIiUTIONEERMt 'LIE COUNTY Prey--South American Rheumatic Cure Snatched Her from His Grasp. "For fifteen years 1 had been troubled with rheumatism. It had settled in my back. At times the pain was so severe as to entirely lay me up for weeke at ,n'. time. 1 was just about discouraged and had given up hope when I was recorn- mended to try Sottth American Woe male Cure. 1 did Bo. The first bottle enabled me to leave my bed, and in one �. . nee Pd KB $ .Gtilme tlL from the titnelc week r dnue isu n t ed. It I was completely our • edly the best remedy in the world for rhenmatistn " Mrs, John Beaumont, Elora, Ont. Sold by A. .Co Hamilton, druggist. W DON'T CHID' W THE W w a• .CHILDREN. W W Dont scold W ones if W � the halo on W W �f the bed is wet W W in the morning. W . ,, It isn't the child's fault. Weak W W kidneys need strengthening-- W Wthat's all, You can't afford to W risk delay. Nelett may entail WIN W a lifetime of suffering. W V 'DOAN'S KIDNEY PILLS i W Slaaaer. then Ell trouble 111 II ceases Mr. John Carton, employed at W i M. S. Bradt Sc Co.'s store, Ham- ,r IY Mon Ont., says t I' ply little boy seven rears of age Inks troubled with hie 'kidneys his .1a t h `Y '► since birth and could dress of dol. W Water, we. spent W ]ars doctertsg and tried ninny dif- remediee, but they were of no w Siren t , Kidney !r Kid ATOM. Ono box of Dos n r �1 n W Tilts completely curbs him:, W 0u tiwe. - BRALI,EY•GARRETSOS COSI PAN)", UNITY.)). Toronto. W Strengthen the Kidneys, a1 WINGHAM STEAM PUMP WORKS i. 1,L 4l , lt, �' ,� ...I SI' x ' 11.• MYl_ a A CO hi TIiAr Having purchased the entire business' from Mr. Daniel Showers, I aro now prepared to supply the public .with 'Wood and Iron Force and Lift PnnLpls, Brass and Iron Cylinders, Galvaniz- ed Iron Tubing. Cisterns, Water Troughs, Sinks, Bnths,Pipe Fitting, Well )pigging end everything in con- nection with water supplies. Galvanized Steel Windmills for power mei pumping water. beep. well pumps a speciality. Repairing promptly attended to. Z'llrties writing for information or ordering by mail should always state depth of well. Allwork B u arantaed or no sale. C. MORNIL GSTA t, Box lie Wingliern, Ont* AU.STEEL PAL • Sales attended in any part tit the Co. Margo. Moderate. J OHN CULRRIE, (YINGnAit, (MT., LI0E1,3SEn AUCTIONEER. Sales of Farm Stock and Farm Implernen specialty. All orders left at the Tisite otlico promutly aiten3 ed to. Terms reasonable. • SOCIETY r1EETINGS. S O C _Camp Caledonia, No. A0, meet r ■ the first and third Monday is evn.ry month, 1)1 .he Odd Fellows DA. Visiting brethren wulecu,• J. Murray, Chief. D Stew art Reo.-Ser WANTED Young men an women, or older ontr. if still 1oing In spirit, ot undoubted ellanwt0r, good talkers, anmbitiuts and industrious. can find employment in a coed cause with 840 pet mouth and upwm da according to abi,lty. IIKV, T. S, L[\So0L"r, TORONTO. W ANTED. 004011 order writers. Salary or eotnil11481011 to suit able pursues. A DV I: rtTIhE11, scilicet Building, Toronto. WANTED. writingisix hours dwho aily for • ix days arw..ekiand. an work ad talinrind 111 be 00(10,011 1(44 11 ten salmis weekly. Address )EAS CoSOBT0 [ u Is EW [ . WANTED To•aeher1 and other bright men fora rar•atinn Or 1)01 gloomily Ln solicit for l C.110dat An Enoyel0ra011111of the Ootititry, In Five Royal quarto volumes. No deliverlux. Commission paid weekly, 1asseQfr Pea1Janftel CO, JOB PRINTINC, INiPePosters, Meads, Circulate, Sc., etc., inbask style ot the art, at moderato prices, and on shad claire. Apply or address • 11, B. ELLIOT`r. Whighain BOOKBINDING. we are 1)1 ..sed t WAS et llooit ., b tlnnm)noa that an t Magazines lett wits! us fol Binding, will bare out prompt given en apeiteafionor 0100 Tries bin oo otlSt .1 ox a c6 was 1•a be Se0 1 int 1 ha li.l kcx bottle 1 Af a i1n1hl0Siytitenatllewta wparodbeatbl oveth e for the t1131 In `. ig pie 1 Hes This unnerr i,•effect. lfromt t and 'R •Q111yi 1 loudl- wratui finit0 i He the « °•1eepc low, '.he di Be -bed1 EEby l 'then liste 'intJ led i. and stre • mu tael toc i hey koe +in fac tal oh %8& hl tl