The Wingham Times, 1898-06-17, Page 3YON'S Has Won the Gratitude and Con- fidence of all Canada. NO MORE DOUBTING The Postive Evidence of Cure Toa Conclusive to Permit of it 101111 NEIGHBORS TESTIFY If Ton aro sick A.sic Your Neatest Druggist for a 25 -Cont Vial of Munyon's Remedies and DOCTOR YOURSELF 111 r. C. D. Nettleton. 41 Stuart street, 'Toronto, Canada, says: "My son had a very bad attack of the Croup and we used 3tunyon's Croup Cure with tho best of re- sults. He was troubled with a severe =cough and feeling very badly indeed, so 'badly that he could scarcely speak, when lie began using Munyon's Remedies. Ono vial of the Croup Cure improved him at wince and the disease was completely broken alp 14 two or three days. Tho medicines certainly havo wonderful curative powers. ,F1E W JL1 1.*J-IAM TIME0 ,� JUNE 1 './ i ' . R. .>..•„..,...,.. vr.mro ww.<e... e,01 . Famerstl�i ' I t tuts g EN•TERPitisT REWSR]?ED, 1 The annual meeting; of bast Huron S. 0. Dlois.t., one of the most sue. Farmers' Instituto was held in the.cessfut dry -goods merchants. in the Council Chamber, Brussels, on 'Tues-! Province of Ontario, does businesi to day afternoon of hist week, Presi- I the • town of Leamington, Essex dent Strachan in the chair. ,After ;county, where the editor of this pap an appropriate acidres:s the minutes; er formerly resided. Mr. !Borst htts of last annual meeting were read • made advertising a great feature of and adopted. Remarks were made I his business and he was recently by 'I', 3i;:yiilltlu, til', li. Kerr, De- asked to give Mount I''orest inerch- puty.Ft(,ore Dil . •.,tib, R. Edgar, John ants, tbrong1i the evluons rf The Confederate, some: idea of what he has accomplished by the use, of printer's ink. Here is what he has to stay on the subject ;—"In answer to your Letter re 'does it pay to adver- tise l'' I do not know any better way to prove to you that it does than by giving you my own personal exeeri,- ence. Of course, behind the adver Using, to make it effective, you have got to attend closely to business acrd see that customers ore well ,Ow(d and made to feel at home in y sur place of business. I3at, ti retail) to my starting point, re my beginning in the dry -goods business, I pur chased an established business from parties who, at that time did a very small amount of advertising. I fin mediately made arrangements for a column space in the local paper and commenced telling my customers each week of soiree particular line of goods in my store, but seldom men- tioned prices. Fuily two months had gone by before results began to be seen. Then frequent inquiries would he made by customers for some, par ticnlar line mentioned in my adver tisement. .The inquiries kept in creasing until the end of the year and at stock -taking time I found ' my business had increased over thirty per cent, above that of my predecessor. 1 then commenced mentioning prices, not cut prices. t.y ; any means but just telling what! kind of goods I had for sale and at w1.4.t prices ; also I had semi-annual , stales in the months of February asst August. I do not know that these; sines are profit -makers, but the) were the means to an end, viz , clear-' ing out at each end of the season what goods I had left that would have been unsaleable a monsh later. At the end of the next year I found that my sales were $700 over twice as much business as had been done by my predecessor. This has proveta to me that advertising pays and pit, big at that. Of course, I believe in a moderate use of printers' ink. The first year of my business I spent be tween three and four per cent. of 1 business done in advertising. The Lawson. 3, 13r(ahaner laid others. An interesting lerort from the Ex- ecutive was presented by Secretary IIo: d and was duly accepted. The auditors' reprut thvtved the receipt: to bo ;;168.21, and the dis.'lurserlents, ;109.21, leaving a balance in the treasury of $18.97. M. Black and J. Meintesh certifying to the accounts as auditors. 11)22 members wete re• ported as against 1.71 of the year previous Suggestions as to points :lt which regular Institute meetings shotild be held it was agreed to hold them at Brussels and Wroxeter with supplementary meetings at Ethel, Fordwiclt, 11lnevale, Seaforth and Londecbo, o'. The following directors were elected : —1-10 wick, Robt. Edgar and Thos, Oihaon; Turnberry, Thos. Musgrove and ,las. Elliott; Morris, Jos. Su.illie and W. U. Fraser ; "'meter, Thos. Gibson, jr., and J. l3retha.uer ; Brussels, W, Ii. Karr and G. F. Blair; Grey, Thos. Strach- an and R. Dilworth; iliclKillop, Alex. Gardiner and Lien. Murdie ; Hullett Thos. McMillan and J. D. 1Iichley ; Auditors, John Meintosh and Jonn B. J1eLamad in. The Directors' meeting fullowetl, when alter the minutes were read and adopted, Thus. Stract,:mn was reappointed President ; W. lis Fr Aber, Vice- Presidenr, and Geo. llor.d, Secretary Treasurer. Meeting adjourned to meet at call of the President. Wunyon's Rheumatic Cure seldom tails fo re: Veva iu one to three hours and cures in a tew, ,clays. Price 25e. Munyon'a Dyspepsia Cure positively cures ell arorma of indigestion and stomach troubles.! Trice 25e.'1- Munyon'a Cold Cure prevents pneumonia agar breaks up a egad la a few hours. knee 25c. bluryon's Cough Cure stops coughs, night sweats, alleys soreness and speedily heals the Inns. Price 25e. Munyon's Sidney Cure .speedily curen pains In the back, loins. or grolue, and all forma sol 8ddney disease. Price 25e: Munyon's Nerve Cure ,tops nervousneeli ant builds up the system. Price 2iic. 5lnnyon's Headache Cure stops headache (al ithree minutes. Price 25e, Munyan's Pile Ointment positively cures el. Corms 02 plies. ,Price 25c. - anlbthA blood. Blood P fee re25a at1Catee all impurities' Munyon'e Female Remedies are a boom to an !women. blunvon'a Catarrh Remedies never tail. The •Catarrh Cure --price 250.—eradirat^'i the Mance -from the system. and the Catarrh Tablets—price. 25e.—Cleanse and Beal the parts, ecureAsthma tlyivogJ.. thr.s' 5*ainuts and permannrelieve rc itiun.atorerot vital. strength to grouteapeople. Vonic . re. A separate cure for each disease., At all drug. Vats. mostly 25 cents a vdnl. Personal . lettere to Prof. Mayon. 11 Albert a t etiivtToronto. eornt .Ont., nnswered,w1tb free Will.. are VIGOE. for 171.0, f.? T• and NERV ES. bili! urn's Fleart. ami :V.r.N Pi118.a11re Alla) :cin,Iervu,,i'rn •', Sieeplet't'ne;R. Weakness, Palpitation, 1'itroilt•In,;,Faant Spells. Dizziness, or any rannditiou ar- rising Prem impoverished Blood, Dis- ordered Nerves, or Weak Heart. Punishment in the Schools. Opponents of corporal pnni.hnutnt in the piiblie schools will he inter ested to !teat i.,g that it was a good, sound trouncing that Blade a man of Admiral Dewey. the victor or 1lianilla. Previous to that well - merited castigation Dewey was one of the toughest boys that ever. drew breath; and under his leadership the schnolhova of .Montpelier, Vt., had compelled the resignation of three plasters in one term. At last a new teacher carie who met the 'hustling of a school -Nosy' mob with iisteuffs, and when Dewey's farther ]refused to discipline his son. the master did it himself with a black- snake whip, five feet lung. Young Dewey's clothes wore cut to ribbons. and stained with blood when the flogging was over, and it was seven !lays before he could sit down ; but, there was no more mutiny in that school, 011(1 Dewey says to this clay that it was the flogging which seved biro from state's prison. Corporal punishment may not be :i go..d rale .to follow. but , there acre hot s in every school to whom n gold licking -would cudne like God's benison in disguise. How to Bill Mosquitos. Two and one-half hours are re. quired fur a mosquito to develop front Its fitst stege, a speck resemb- ling cholera bacteria, to its active and venotllous maturity. The insect in all its phases, niay be instantly killed by cermet with minute gran titiei of permanganate of potash, It I did not as is claimed that one part of this following yearspend substance in 1.500 of' solution dis- • much, and as my business increases I find I do not need to spend as large a percentage of my sales am I did at first. Of course, nay advertisment in the papersI never dispense with. but have it in every issue. I never advertise cut prices except during my semi-annual sale. Price miming, if kept up, soon loses its power, and it is actually done soon eats into the profits. But price cutting into your adveri.isetilent and not in the store makes a customer soon lose ennli- dence in ycu. My rule•always has been to advertise the goads exactly as they are. Then your customer .gets just .exactly what she exl'eetr and if the- salespeople have been courteous and obliging. she will he sure to return. Another rule of •o .le to so far as perfection can be attained. They mark the highest point in pill. progress. To many people any pill isa fit pill, and so long as it acts p b they don't consider whether there's any recoil in the action. Dynamite has a very moving effect, and so has an earthquake, but the consequences that follow are apt to be disastrous. There are pills as damaging as dynamite and as dangerous as an earthquake. Dr. Ayer's Pills are tributed in mo -quit„ marshes will render the development of larvae impossible ; that a handful of per- manganate will oxidize a ten acre swamp, kill its embro insects and keep it free from organic platter Tor 80 days at 0 Cost. of 25 cents; that with care a whole state may be kept free of insect pests at a small cost. An efficacious !Method is to scatter a few crystals widely apart. A single pinch of pet'utegamate has •killed all the gerurs in a thousand gallon tank.—Seientitie-American. SORES GONE. SKIN CLEAR. Mrs. Philip Mitchell, St. Marys, Ont., ss.}e :—"My little boy aged 10, wtuS a complete mass of sores, caused by bad blood. We could tied nothing to cure bite. Finally 1 got a bottle of Burdock IMood Bitters, and before belt the hot- . ire was gone he began to improve, and by the time the bottle was finished he -hats not a sore on him." Successful at Last. 1 was a suffta^er from neuralgia iu my side, and headaches. i followed numer- ons persertptinny without benefit and was persuaded to try Hood's Sarsapar- illa. When 1 had taken only one battle 1 realized it was doing the gond and I continued taking it.until I was cured.” Mrs. Carrie Price. Georgetown, Ontario. HOOD'S PIT ILS are the favorite fam- ily eatharttc'. Easy to take, easy to op - emus, 2:,c. ,It•s• lies. O 8.1 new barristers were added to the list of legal lights in Ontario last Saturday' as a t exult of the taw school -examinations. This profession liko all others seems ton be overdone but there will always be room at the trip of the gadder. s • Constipation Causes fully halt this sickness to tho world. It ;restates the digested food too long in the bowels and produces biliousness,. torpldliver, lndb justices, bad taste, coated tongue, Constipation sett allIts-^ ) 1 !toe's ca�c Ile decal) in of th(•C gut t stomnia, otC. floods Pills ' l,nsing eV ICs in f) t of o tCsntt�. C+tsily and thoroughly, 956. All drnggllst9. t': 1 ' Prepared by r 1. stood 6t Co.. Lowell r1hss. 1st !fully in hell---- thtnitgh drink 1 net elivible s.5 delegates A .Death Trap. Among the strongest influences towards prohibition a re such cases as the recent death in Toronto, of .Tames O'Donohue. Brought up in comfort, the son of a• . thriving citi- zen, and the nephew and namesake of a Dominion Senator. O'Donohue began life with every prospect of success and prosperity ; but, early in his career he fell a victim to— drink 1 Ile filled office after office end lost each through—thank! /le inherited it small fortune and 1 dissipated it in—drink Ile became a tamp, a vagrant and a wanderer through—drink 1 At last, staggering along the street., stippor'ted between two dis- solute and titian sttinthled, fell helplessly upon his of till L tlAdfrlr i Oat.iaseSolby �m. David - face, fractured 1114 skull and died son, druggist.r ara l thrnugh---drink 1 itto , • It is said in the Bible that the .W:...._- ,st Confer- At T orotite Methodi V . Lin the the f tl ! , drunkard shell not este t? ,. i deeld d that under the was no' CfICO it was cIr'm of Heaven. If there r .li wvciny i aro 1 mine is never to allow salespe } misrepresent any article and I give one price to all. Selling to different people at different prices ' causes trouble and loss of Customers." This plain, straightforward statement is worthy of the careful study of ever merchant who wishes to do . more business than be is doing 'to- rlay. Truthful advertising, if well done, can be made one of the best paying departments of modern business.— Mt. Forest Confederate doned women, he Tl fc t 1 rcpar rt!o 9 and their use is not followed by violent reaction. A grain of sand stops a watch. You don't use blasting powder to eject the grain and start the mechanism going again. • The machinery of the body is more fearfully and wonderfully made than a watch, and needs even greater delicacy in. dealing with it. Ayer's Pills give just the necessary stimulus to start the bowels into healthy action. They correct the ill -conditioned lis-er and give a healthy tone to the stomach. Thus they cure dyspepsia, sick headache, heartburn, constipation, piles, and all diseases that grow out of the disordered condition of the liver, stomach, or bowels. "flyer's fins are the best cathartic I ever used in my practice. J. T. SPARKS, M. 1>., ledclo, Ind. "I don't know of anything that will C. PRITCHARD, Brodie,relieve and cure te Warren le Co., N. suffering of dyspepsia as Ayer's Pills." "Ayer's �Pills do their work efficiently and do not gripe r nor make Acne sick Atlanta, Ga. other pills. "Although mild in action and less liable to gripe than other purgatives, Ayer's Pills are thorough in operation and can always be relied on toE cure diseases of he stomach FFY, or bowels." "After twenty years' .experience, I know that Ayer's Pills are an absolute cure for tertian ague, bilious fever, sickation and hard colds." 0. WILSON,t,Contrctor and ia, tiluilder, Sulphur Springs, Texas. "We always used Ayer's Pills in my father's family. I am now fifty-five years old and always have them in the house because I have found no better pill than Ayers; MARY JACOBUS, 711 E. Chestnut St., Mt. Vernon, Ohio. • THF CYCLISTS' FRIEND. No cvrafi,.r's Kit is complete wu bout a bottle n' 1 • agy•u d's Yellow Oil. ('all he taken into!usul, or u:-r,i extermitly.Cuts, Bites, Fore I hmat. Pniis• in the Chest, Bruise-:. Sprains, 41 tf .Taints. Coughs etc.. it is always, effectual. Has no equal as nn all round remedy. Bad Blood NEURALGIA. TORMENTS. erne \Ali" Out. iousands Could Tell the .Sar Story of Misery that William Davidson Tells—And Thousands IIave'l'o-dsv the Sera Song of Rejoicing; -:..Cured by South Amer- ican Nervine. I siilTered unirilit twittery for over titres months. tr"in neuralgia of th•i stomach. Physa oma Al their best to help tete, but all attempt R were :sallied, I ISW South American N rvine advertised and resolved 10 try it. The Brat bottle gave Hitt great retie{!. unci after [ had ii e.d stx bottles 1' was compietely, mired e The only Palls to takb with floes Sarsaparilla. Can`t help but come to the surface in the form of Ulcers, Sores, Boils, Pimples and Rashes of one kind and another. Especially is this so in the SPRING. At this time of the year the Blood needs purifying, the Sys- tem needs cleansing. Nothing will do it with sttch perfect success as B. B. B. Jessie Johnston Rockwood, Ont, writes : as I bad bolts very bad and a friend ad- vised me to try Burdock Blood Bitters, .•02 xof a bottle. �. t The effect was W in- tl derfut----the: boils began to di.aprear,and Worts the bottle was done I war totally cured. As All rfrotitnal and rapid cut•t. tor Impure i`iloutl U. 11. U. ieaunat he. equalled." AIL A._ J. ► A• Yo -u. Reuire Printecl [4:icnery? We are in a position to turn out • • BILL HEADS, LETTER HEADS, NOTE HEADS, STATEMENTS, ET stleGeltes • 1 • At :. 1,,.,-, ^ •i . • -1 M e than ever beforb n1\1.7.77a LOP iS Wo have the hest stock of Envelopes In town, and we an print and supply them es cheap as the cheapest. t .. gay (live its a hath when you are in need of anything in the Prittt nIhgtb and we will use yott right. Tlit TIMES, Winglutiti.