HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1978-05-25, Page 17NEW EXECUTIVE — TheHuron,-County Municipal
Officers Association' eledted its new executive at a
meeting held in Londesboro Hall on Friday. In the
front row from left are: Allan Campbell, Reeve of
McKillop Township,executive for two years; Mrs.
Joan Armstrong, clerk-treasurer for East Wawanosh
Township, second vice-president;, Wesley Ball,
clerk-treasuree for Howick Township, executive for
three years; and'Bill Manly, clerk-administrator 4 —
Huron County, secretary. In the back row from left
are: Cameron Proctor, clerk-treasurer for Clinton,
president; Clare Vincent, clerk-treasurer for Hullett
Township, past president .and Mrs, Elizabeth Oke,
- clerk-treasurer for Hensaii,"executive for, one year.
Missing from the picture is William I. Morley, Reeve
of Osborne-Township who was elected as the first
vice-president. .(Standard Photo)
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Th4 fitternational Plowing
Match and Farm Machinery Show
is still four months away but
Huron County -is-, already
humming, with activity as, plans
are finalized for the event.
This year's edition of the
Hewing ,Match is scheduled for
September 26.30 on the Jim
Armstrong ti)d neighbouring
• *Ms near Wirighain. Easy to
locate, the site is on highway 86
one mile east of,Mingham in an
area where cash cropping and
livestock opeiations complement
each other perfectly.
The 1978 site is the largest in
the history of the show, encom-
passing over 1,000 acres. The
tented city' has grown too. There
is space for 500 exhibitors this
year and much of it is already
booked as participants look
forward to the beSt 'International'
Displays will feature the latest
farm machinery, agribtfsiness'
advances and even the 1979
automobiles. There's something '
for everyone with ladies'
programs, county antique and
historic exhibits, steam shows,
rides , for the children, and of
course, the plowing and Queen of
to-b:4,161g900‘ yet
meals . and refreshments to •the
• NarioirS- committees ----are-
meeting almost • daily now to-
finalize everything terthe smallest
detail to ensure thiS year's show •
will run smoothly.- A good.:
example is thc traffic, committee-
which works to plan traffic flow in
the area, providing the most
efficient routes to and from the
site. Involved are members of the
local committee, road authorities
and Ontario. Provincial Police
traffic specialists, working.cloSely
kind of review is necessary to
ensure the 'interests of con-
sumers and prodncers are not
threatened,...We want a commit-
tee that will be- able to .question
witnesses under oath.-
In a document, prepared in
January, the Ontario Hospital
Association states: "If the
government doesn't provide the
money needed (by hospitals),
then it's not the hosPital's fault
when services have tobe cut."
Also in the document are a
number of criticisms -of the
goi:ernment, particularly the
Health Ministry, by Individual
hopital administrators. The
Minister of Health, Dennis
Timbrell, told the Association •
that the health care system is
being reviewed, in a move partly
prompted by, rising costs. Future
ministry policies aimed at re-
ducing costs will, it seems,
include less emphasis on active
treatment hospitals, de-
centralization of the health-care
system with more •control given
district health councils and in-
creased stress on preventive
medicine. Questioned in the
House, he said comments ex- ,
pressed by Association Spokes-
men "should be taken
rather lightly" because they
represent only t0% of Ontario's
hospital administrators. The
document reflects, he said, "the'
recognition on both, parts the
Ministry and the OHA, that the
health care systefn 'is in tran-
The Honourable William New-
man, Minister of Agriculture and ,
Food, announced in th e:,
legislature this week that Agricul-
ture Canada and the Ontario
of Agriculture and
Food, have agreed on a joint
program to assist greenhouse
growers in Ontario who have
suffered crop daMage in
December and January storms.
Abouf 400 greenhouse
vegetable and flower growers
were affected by storms,
particularly a severe storm on
January 26th. This storm resulted
in broken glass and torn plastic on
the greenhouses. and frost dam-
age to much of the produce. The
total damage to greenhouses and.
crops has been estimated at $5
Since many growers have had
to borrow money to cover these
losses , ,the Federal and
Provincial Governments have
, worked out a program to help
cover the interest costs on• such
loansover a two-year period. The
• Program will be administered by
the Ontario Ministry of Agricul-
ture and Food and the tinancical
assistance to, producers will be
shared equally between tile
Federal and provincial
Treasuries. Ontait growers who
borrow $1,000 or more in 1978 to
cover uninsurable losses resulting
from storm damage during the
winter of 1977-78 'before January
28 will be •eligiblefor a rebate of
part of the interest paid on the
Basically growers with glass or
fibreglass structures will be
eligible for assistance on loans for
7°79 of the eroplosses under
plastic structures..
This represents the un-
insurable portion of greenhouse,
grower losseS. About 252 of the
crop value in greenhouses is
related ' to harvestingand
Marketing costs and t ese costs
were not 'Nin,curre - on the
damaged cropsrops grown
under glass or fibreglass may be
insured for up to 5070 "of their
value, so Only. 25% of the losses
will be considered uninsurable.
Crops grown tlyderplastig are not
.insufrible, therefore, assistance
will be available on loans up to
75%- of the losses for these crops:
During the first 12-ihonth
period,. the joint program will
reimburse farmers for the full
interest payments they make on
the eligible borrowings, up to a
maximum of the chartered .bank
prime 'rate plus two per cent. In
the-second year of-the-loan-r-the
mazim u m interest - that can be
rebated to growers will be six per
cent less than the chartered bank
prime rate plus two per cent.
For further information about
this program, farmers should
contact the rural development
branch of the ministry here in
Ontario or -the local, agricultural
• offices,
The Minister of Industryg and
Tourism, John Rhodes, has an-
nounced a $250,000 campaign -
•"We treat you royally -, - to turn
• around the image Ontarians have
gained as boorish and unfriendly
hosts to foreign visitors. This
program aims to make Ontarians
more aware of the 'value of •
tourism and hospitality traits, and
encourage them to welcome visit-
ors from other areas. The Misiter
is concerned:about inconsistency
in standards :of food and accom-
. Modation, non-competitive prices
and the reluctasnc e by some, to
honour exchange rates. (In-
cidentally, it was only the U.S.
dollar wasn't being honoured
tfiere, that orders were issued to
give a premium on U.S. money in..
the Legislature's dining lounge.)
Excerpts from the Liberal
Party's task force report on
tourism were also released, and
John Eakins (L. Victoria-
Haliburton) complained that the
Provtnce's tourist industry is
over-regulated, over-taxed and
suffers from negative attitudes.
He also suggested a tax credit for
all Ontarians vacationing in the
Province - "It might even con-
vince some Cabinet Ministers. to
spend 'their holidays here."
Liberal Albert Roy (Ottawa
East) has tabled a Private Mem-
ber's Bill, the Ontario French
Language Services Act": which'
would guarantee franeophone
rights without declaring French
an official language of -the Pro-
vince. Seconc“ng the Bill, Stuart
• Srnith_stre.ssekLthat_it_daes_noL_
propose an Ottawa-style
bilingualism program, but at-
tempts to ;deal, in a practical and
commonsense manner, with the
provision of French-language
services only where there are
sufficient numbers of French-
speaking citizens and where
demand exists. The Bill would,
establish a Co-Ordinator of
French-language services, and
se• t up a board (to be phased out
after one year) to plan . more
services, and their location, etc. It,
would also have the power to
recommend, a' schedule for im-
plementing its recommendations
which would.go to the Legislature
for debate. The current lack of
satisfactory French-language
services was underlined by the
fact that, theBill, could not be
made av ailable in French be-
cause. as Mr. Roy Pointed out,
"Despite our best efforts and the
best efforts of the translation
services here at Queen's Park, it
became obvious that the trans-
lation provided was literal only,
•and didn't comely , the Bill's
meaning clearly and concisely.
Robert Jackson, head of the
one-man Commission on De-
clining Enrolment, has been in
considerable trouble about his
recently released interim report.
In are attempt to' impress upon
Canadians the fact that our birth
rate. is steadily drOpping and' if
the trend continues we will have'
to rely heavily on immigration to
boost the population and the
character of the country will
therefore change, He made some
bizarre remarks about test ,tube
babies, paying women to have
babies, and racial suicide.
Chastised by a Committee of
MPPs for gratuitous, insulting,
thoughtless and racist state-.
ments, he gave a solemn promise
not to offend again. stating, "They
never should have been made".
The Minister of Education said he
did not agree with Mr. Jackson's
comments, but will keep him on
as commissioner. .•
top ics
the Furrow competitions. Over 50
caterers will offer a wide choice of Jack s , Jottings ,
Call To-day 527-0636
re-Season Service Special mak es
$ 1 2 •- 50 a t
Price Includes
• . complete check-up .labour
.cleaning .lubrication
(Offer Expires June 30, 1978)
Any additional parts and labour extra
Major: Appliance Repair and Service
Seca-Forth, Ontario
with efficials of the O.F.A.
Plan now to attend the 1978
International Plowing Match and
Farm Machinery Shqw. Mark
September 26.30 on your
calendar. If You plan to exhibit,
act quickly as space. is going fast!
For more informalion contact
E A. Starr, Secretary Manager,
Ontario Plowmen's Association,
Ministry of Agriculture and Food,
Legislative Buildings, Toronto,
Ontario M7A 2B2.
New vet club
wants visitors
By Terry Smith
The first meeting of the Vet
Club was held on May 11 at the
Agricultural office in Clinton.
The ineeting was led by leader
Steve Tomphson. The subject
Wasskin membrane and intestinal
discharge. Skin pigments, the
skin and coat conditions and the
intestinal track were discussed.
This will help members recognize
sicknesses in animals.
The next meeting is on June 8
at the Agricultural Office. This
meeting will be on body temper-
ature, pulse and respiration. All
visitors are welcome.
By Jack Riddell, M.P.P.
For the past two weeks, Liberal
Leader Stuart Smith-has taken the
lead in questioning the govern-
ment about the, practice of some
food store chains" of deducting
money from payments to sup-
pliers for produce, as part of the
chains' advertising costs. Now,
using a procedural device, the
• Liberal Caucus have petitioned
the Legislature to have the 1977
Annual Report of the Ministry of,
Agriculture and Hod sent to •
committee, so that food store
buying practices can be reviewed.-
Dr. Smith said he thought such a
review would take only fouiL or
live days and then it will be
possible to "determine whether a
much broader, more intensive
public inquiry 'is needed"...."It
has become obvious that some
Watch the gros grow rot-- -
pu,elph turf fi.00:iday :
What better way to spend a of Gue ph. a
lazy summer afternoOn.than by "Homeowners will find their
watching the green grass grow. grass will grow almost in spite of
That's' exactly th9 way tn. tiabern. _tiinit, , tistuf fofarmr oarefirpcuutIttintgo
- people will spend June 8, Turf
Field Day at' the Cambridge green on a high traffic golf
icualottinruealRfeiseeidarcdh4y'Staistiohne.id '
c°14Frosre.'' The more information about amt
primarily to bring sod growers Turf Field Day, contact Professor
and golf course, managers Up-to- Eggens, Department of Hord-
date on turf research, says Jack, cultural Science, University of
Eggens, 'Department of Horti- Guelph, Guelph, Ontario N1G
cultural Scienee at the University . 2W1. „
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