HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1898-06-17, Page 2,Arw... 0 .era :.st w,.yr.,,n•.-.... czar -as. a... -aa tiit°tttre 1 tuert'allai 'un'i't ll.l°;t na wo gse r lin titirrnil lie per, 1 L +•'•; id tt, ground with telt; col.:neitt.; of .t ilial' eafloid and, t:eri+,l;st . i 1+,',•,:. An oil well preria;r e. 1 } leis da lilt 3,‘ 1,a st t rid ti t to A • '111.1e$ frOtU `Pa ktai eas;ile. CARTERS ¢tiY 1TTLE 4l� IVER PILLS TUE \'1 (,Jf jj. n TIMES �'i�S rI UN E 17,'#ti• 11 71':l1.XX.•'ty farrl A• •IIi'S STORY. 11 - Truett !t 1 .` '.• y +• r eet•f this Gr'ar£i Mr. W. I sol++.c, !n ti sr,. ILARS � CiljNY `Pruett d.tl'„rint:> eeioaa, Plot louver. t)ut, 'say 1"ti:lr :sews os t).etn's Kidte . Pltla ellt'ea we of £1 very ysfd'3 alttaea of li.idael ('.,u pleitrt at.ti LnitAi Bitek. Positively cured by these Little Pills. They also relieve Distress from Dyspepsia, Indigestion and Too Hearty Eating. A. per - Act remedy for Dizziness, Nausea, Draws'. ness, Bad Tastein the Mouth, Coated Tongue Pain in the Side, TORPID LIVER. They Reg,.aate the Bowels. Purely Vegetable. Small Pill. Small Dose, Small Price. Substitution the fraud. of the day See you get Carter's, Ask for Carter's, Insist and demand Carter's Little Liver Pills. A r T 'peer. +rr, 4, 1,4 _ 1.11 lifiatara. Too . orlote r: .: xael:t.ic:_. to ,..... xia:�,:�:.t.• the e1c•ctl:'n of directors for each AOi: el:'slE larsesee:sr sere zie tells municipality in the district and re - how Ile W.Z.::: cured. suited es follows : - - Ashfield-J:unce Hayden, Ilugh Mr. Wm. Dyson, the welt knlc•n r:u:+?ler (jirvini John Iiut.ehiSon- and Jia:..,' metitr c.f C u..'_+I,, Ont, :n:t.'.;ra Blyth ^l+'. Metcalf, A. E. Iifatdwin, 0. llaln:11ton. (hitt;l:-1:. Holmes, 1). McCorvie, S. t i. Plummer. ▪ Kerns ;ban, R. N. Young, John Dustow.• East Wawanosh-Andrew Currie 'R, C. McGowan, M. Lockhart. Goderich-MoD. A11an, Win. War- r nock, Geo. Burrows. • i Godelich Township -F. C. Elford, W. Marquis. Geo. Acheson. f'Nilo t--- Jaz:. smell, Wm. Jackson, A. T. McDonald. 1 Turnberry-Gavin Wilson, Wm. r eruickshanks t West Wawanosh-Wm Bailie, M. West Huron. I~'urniers,' Institute. 1%MO SUFER1G the Declaration of Indc'I endenee, while the President's -�ident's own friends and intimates have combined to tell s'nie twenty new and unpublie1•ed stories and anecdotes about him l iableb will show him In a Manner not before done. Tire cover will be printed in the National colors. j ANNUAL MI:E i G111..1,;) tT xil t,a,- . The Juinnumber uf the Delinett- i'l+'1-:11s AND VIVO TI's ace trs itResult of Kidney and i tor, which is called the Summer The annual meeting. of the West ° fi enlcl, " Complaints. the Appettde d tai.{e of contents will Hume 1'�trine"S' Instituttr Sraa held ; give a hint of the wide field cover - 3+1 int#'(lE:llll:i•11111.'1'114' `l'IiPc(l:tt'.Jlind' , i l 1 y t1se p epri'e "ri i rest metal :tit. :tt r, \Vin. Bailie. preeineitt, oe- ; 1 9 i er ladies magazies. capital tl/ chitin and Mr. M. Tank- �i, + t 'louse Furnishing and Decoration, �r� . t hart, this t :xici4 nt v4 orf nary was ill 8 fJ Cv ��'dIaLS f )r Summer Wear, hip, . plains. �' I ;i'eFl in Skirts .. , , 1: umber, is now out, ,�. falance at Tan the Season's coir+>ia: � !New i ..S .. , '. The l,resid1ent red his annual re- i GiVe3 B iiS. Stone a )Bathing Suite, Styles'for Ladies (It - pert alit' a:'te: a fall clieeussiof was' New and Dssetip'iot's.) The l' I toil, i Yew .I!e. latest Bicycle Fashions for ladies and `fait: t' ecret:Ley dreg read the re-- ' Mrs es, ;Ryles for Misses and girls • lit r uf the Eweetive Committee, 1 1(I11ustr`ttions ai.d Descriptions), the alter widish Jetl he ld:t<.+ hi, own report, ; She Strongly Itecom- i Work Table. Church Embroideries, tseet waive we mite the follul.ieg,- 'Emma Haywood; Fa:Allocable Dress fact:: - mends the Medicine } CTr,ods, Trimmings Fur Simmer !)inti;; ti- . ea,' jest closed tllerc that Banished 1 Dresses, His Way, Emma Churchman Cl t: fell lint?tit,":i 'lobi throughout 'Hewitt ; Tne Tea Table, Edna S. tale district, the large 4-4. attend- Her Troubles.1 t'4rittnerspvon; tiuitting, (Illustrated), anee being at the ii1't.h meet- • int;, which was 360. 1set•rannuli calve isecund with :lis', and taetn19i1: r third with 350. The teed esl'enses for the year were „'•itJ.;,l; les, than fur the previous; year, raid the am- ount received from new members 1 Dressmaking at Hume, Crocheting, , (Illustrated), Millinery, Girls inter- PAINE'S CELERY CO]POUND' este and Occupations, Lafayette Me- 0'HE ONLY TRUE -CURE FOR I Laws ; Club Women and Club Life, KIDNEY DISEASE. ' Henlen M. Winslow, Social Obser- vances, Mrs. Cad warder Jones ; My , Lady of the Manor, (story) Harriet !Riddle Davis; Amateur Photography during the pact year was 'i,5 cgEainst VVelis3s Richardson Co,; T 424.75 during the previous year• Gentlemen :-For Wore than twelve ;No. 1, The Camera, Sharlot M. Hall; The present member&hip nuulbers years I was afflicted with kidney, female 1 Domestic Subjets, Comfort in July, 220 and the total receipts for the end stowing) troubles, stud had been at- !Picnic Days, s Pungent Subject, year just closed were 0231.44.The teedud by five doctors, and tried medi. !Fifteen. Savory Sandwiehs, Tatting, past ' ear was (me of were, most Ell+, t lice after med.ci: without any good re• r` , Illustrated , The Common Ills of su Ls.i4iy su fferinRs a year ago from thekid- � ( ) � 4L'-sful ) eitrsi in the Ilistory of the t,evs and stomaeb were something dread- i Life, No. 7, Nervous Prostration, Institute. ful.1 was insueh a state that I could not !Grace Peckham Murray, M. D.; • Mr. J+inl) Hetherington present-live.and coucluded there pas !10 use try- -'Italian Women, Sarah Byrd Page ; ' ed the aliflltVr3' lepert wine.).wine.). was in+„ other medicines.Elowever,I wasadvis- ted to try Paine'eCieleryCompound,Before. Paper, :'laking (Illustrated) The adopted. 1 had finished the bottle 1 had improved Voice, First Lleanor &eorgen Myth and Smith's Hill were se- very much. and after the use of a few f Among the Newest Books, Domestic l+'ctcd for the i-egular meetings, and more b-ttles I had not been so well for iSeience, The Consumers' League. 1';ietail for the autumn meeting. `rhe1ijfileientiperson. 813.13 a�ttreaof gra no's'Subscription price of•tile Delinea- annaal nlceti.ng will be held at Nile' Celi-ry Compound also banished my tor 51.00 per year, single copies lee. tied stipl.lettlentary itleetin s at nervousness. 1 can therefore recom- Order from the local agent for the 1t'ingi,arl, IJoiineaville, Dungannon mend Paine't: Celery Compound to any Butterick Patterns, or address the one suffering from kidney, female and Delineator Publishing Co. of Toronto • and J.ondeet.ot o• stomach Uoul,les. Yours truly, ! West ticxt order t'f business was M. Gf:SURoa berms:, I Limited, 33 Richmond St., i'i est Et anville, Ont. 11 oronto, Ont. \\N commend Milburn's Heart and 2'erve Pills Young, George Howitt. to anyone suffering from nervousness and : Wingham—W. P. Grierson, Wm. heart trouble. They aro n, splendid ' Clegg, medicine for such complaints. Fora long John Hanna. • __ +^a and C. Girvin and R. McIllwain in my heart, which was especially elected auditors. severe at night, olton destroying my rest. Short addre:yses were then deliver - These rill cured. m and invi trat e3. my : ed b ' Frank. :415 calf, .Joseph Heth- ztervoas s tam v,1 3+sla in reev sirc;i., and 3 I, , time I was afflicted with n.,rvoui.,c� were Ct LIZOSEi• Let There be Light The direetcrs uf the Culross Mut.-} Thrown on the -Subject of Home nal Fire Insurance Company met in Dyeing. Teeswater on 2S 1SJS, as per 'notion. There are dyes -the world -famed Dia- mond all present, Tiles. Allison, Dyes -that crown our labors and Esq., sit the nllair. , home Dyeing work with' perfect success, The minutes of last meeting were and there are imitation and worthless read, on motion of A. delague, see• ' dyes that bring ruin and disaster wher- onded by J, eKague were adopted.: 54er I here are dyesare -the the chemically pure Moffat-McKague--That all ap- and scientifically prepared Diamond plications taken by', the different' lyes, that have brought blessings to agents be now laid or the table for i miilions of homes for long years, and examination. -Carried. ! there are the vile prepnrat.ons and aria- : tures of imitators who, as far as style of McKague-Moffatt-That as all package is concerned, get as near the the applications taken by the differ- i ••Diamond" as they dare go. But what ent agents are found satisfactory,i shall be said of the eontents-tbo ingre- thcpresident and secretary be auth- i dients-that the women of Canada are ,} asked to dye with ? Little more can be orized to prepare and issue policies 1 added to what has so often appeared in tor the same, one application return- the press of the country. These itrita- ed for reduction. -Carried. I tion dyes are simply deceptions ; they are adulterated and dangerous prepar- Mofi'at-Scott-That'.]. II. Ackert 1 atious, hurtful to the hands of the user, having notified the secretary about a and destroyers of valuable garments and making alterations on the house in -1, materials. sured in this company, that permis- 1 The manufacture of Diamond Dyes is } reduced to a'Science, and to -day they sion be granted him to do so upon i are the only dyes that dare guarantee condition that he takes • proper pre -their work -that dare proclaim certain cautions. --Carried. E victory for every user who will follow healtiv. `i'hnyre-storcil lits:,l:l 1)l.: .des ertnaton, J- t,. ileruay and R. C. - the slain directions. Diamond !)ye removirgt•ho di�trr•r•ing 1:, :tri l,ail.w.:;Hich McGowan, after which the afterll,on McKagae-Reid-That this board . • I s ;ornlerlr gave lute co mach anxiety and l have it wide spread popularity ; other „ y out - meeting was brought to a close. do now adjourn to meet again on the i brands of dyes are hardly known out- trout.le. , ,, last Saturda of June id Town Hall, sada of the greedy,ion rout dealers hfi: t':n's Iie.rt au?.:'+env Pills o cis. ; `l'he directors then met and elected Y g -p '• or rant • the following officers :-1?resident, Teeswater, at 2 p. m. or;',at the call whose:1 then, to the unsuspecting pub - by mull. x foT. Milbnea, .,uta by Co.,'i 1' . lie. Avoid all imitation package dyes trr.�:',. T. T,Lili;u:n <:: ., 'i rag,:+.+;, Ont. �' 1, *• Of the president. -Carried. ,toun�, Carlow 2nd vice -tares., , 'Frank' Metcalf, Myth • see-treals•,M.1 See'y-Treas. Lockhart, Auburn. The secretary's I Win. Bailie, Nile ; viee•pres., .. N. • as you would avoid spurious coins. .- .t -t AN in :41CIxTOs.i. Laxer -Liver' Pills cure Cons:ip:Inion. ' r , # T /�A quiet wedding took place at the salary was racy+'ti from elf; to i.o. ' TEN' YEARS I1� THE s.011tS. �j/ fort > F I f E 5 Al..... G <L COS Mit. BEST An -RHEUMATIC rl,pr,t GEA PLASTER MAGE .1 } .r- r- 3TEP lit Enure aLED MOM EP' , LA , , , Ply' 'r' illi ".1` PrRICE 254AL 0 IN1Y/RD 1'�� ttClk �tROLU� PRiceSIGO iLltl -- NISR UARNECO LTi IlleA:TUatf¢i MoftrraAL ALWAYS KEEP ON HAND THERE P'Jflle ERE IS NO KIND OP PAIN OR AI:HE, INTERNAL OR EXTERNAL, THAT PAIN -KILLER WILL ROIs RE. LEVE. 9 t ty,v :-t roil t:dltATiONS AND sUD- STITOTES THE GENUINE IA ()TUC EAST WAWANOSH NPR aim ,r.�r� mi a ',19!1,111,11 tt• lR§� l _ ,:a „ i;etoibiePreperattc'lfo, 1,s- 1 s;,ailatilti; tlleFoodandi egula.- I EngI bSto3n h:3 and Bo�'�elscf ki,�reannsK rs PFcn::•te s Diges tioll,Cheerful- ness _ndRest.Contains neither Op nir ,Morphine nor 14ineral. INT NEC OTIC. • )urnirl n Sad' .flx.J: ants ,fi'rirtlleSara 17.111,rtt • jf•. rt,rrmt .ii art4re.tak sban f eti- f,„it ;Lau T AT THE FAC -'SIMILE SIGNATURE —OF— • ;� P.perfect Remedy for Constipa- tion, Soul Stolltc;.ch,Diarrlloea, ;• s'ornns,Convuistons,Feverlsh- .I rtass end LOSS OF SLEEP. til it rl Tac Simile Signature of Cd,/,; lz. NEW -.tonic.. IS ON THE WRAP ER OF EVERY BOTTLE E OF EXACT COPY OF WRAPPER. s .mivss=xn'® Costoria is put up in one -alio battles only, Tt is not sold in bulk. Don't allow anyone co self yon anything else on the -oleo. or promise that it 1s "just as good" and will answer every pur- pose." 4. So that you. gat O -L.$ -T -O -R -I -A. Tho tto- mar simile%f la on •r, rC�+ 'mapper. of Rev. Chas. Fish, Methodist Mims- i ter, 192 Dunn Ave., Toronto, Cured of Eczema. About. ten years ago I felt the beginn- iogs of what is commonly ku own as Eo- I zema. The disease commenced in my ears and spread entirely over both sides of my head nn(1 developed on my hands' During those ten years I was a great sufferer. Specialists on skin diseases treated we. , s T write this 1 itm just eommeneing on the fifth box of Dr. Chase's Ointment, and judging from the rapid iwprovement'efected, 1 am certain that before the box is used 1 shall be completely _nm -ed. GaAs. FISg, Methodist Minister, 392 Dunn Ave., Toronto. Children Cry for T Therewasa good attendance at j ----•---•• residence of the )ride's mother, on the evening; session and a good nlusi- ; South Amerizan Kidney Cure Loosed- Wednesday, June 1st, being- that of ..ented. Speeches were delivered by 1 ---It Relieves in Six hours. , Allan, + 'ti M. P.,'Mc D. r, v .i I J. T. G ra . t, , ; , rt akin six certify that Atte ;Z 'F tl I tU4 of (xoderic8, and others. , hottlns uf South t neriean Kidney Cure - • ant campletely c uroal of stricture and : gravel. having suffered from these nom• plaints for over ten years. I felt relief almost lwn edta,tely, and after taking A 't t -: bottles 'e greatly improved. 1 f tE7 f.it 3 tyle. ,). , Y i at,Et, �� b `g continued its use until 1 was satisfied 1 was p"rfectly cured " Willis rxolF,Ohip- Isowa, Ont. Sold by A. L. Hamilton, druggist. cal and literary program was pre the J;onds an ri 1' reed rho I i tsoitcr AMER Literary Notes. President McKinley is to be given the unique distinetiorf of having a agretaxzwgzor. number of a woman's magazine This dread malady lurks behind the most In. I named for him and prepa.5.e i In his Miss Ellen, fourth daughter of MN. George McGowan, to Mr. J. Archie Shipley, second son of Mr. J. B. Shipley of Denfield, Middlesex C, t �, i e:• 4a ttik :r =* a . n d'-..)neluded only the c,ntim' to frienids :broth parties.:The bri le • g vita atld. I e 'dressed fix h w'' n � Y bridesmaid aid wasMldg Maria. sister f the bride, wheiVas drer.,d int whi e 19tst cSIIe groom WAD a t� . Rev. A. Mee ui was the officiating clergylnan.i/'I'be bride is a member of St. Andrew's church, a teacher in the Sabbath Sehool, and an active member of the Christian Isndeavor society. An interesting • with event c;picnt head colds, and when the seeds of disease , honor, The ,Ju1J i' 9uC ofInc Ladies incident in connection t the e n I ore sown stoats away the beauty bloom and makes i Mine Journal is t0 be called The Was the presentation of the marriage life pleasures a drudgery. , „ .,lt+ Itfie to the bride. Rev. A. 31 i.ean nn Aart>i vv�+s CATAItXMAT. rOWDEO, 1 I residents umber. will show will cure the incipient cold and the most stub- the President on horseback on tile' ball a number of years before offer. born and chronic Catarrh eases. It puts back i cover, with the President's now ed to Officiate at the marriage ('f a tke b::.t.ty 1-it:T:an11 '+. iao En i:s u:*i1' i u fighting flag" flying over him i a' Christian Endeavor president free of wife and I were beth troubled with distress charge, and this was the first occas sing Catarrh, but we have emoyed freedom from 1 new mat'Cil 1)y Victor Herbert is ' iPhe')nidal party ten on the it••, distresses since the first application of 1)r. Alf• , ea "The President's March " the sion. p y f ttantaneru,ty- four o'clock train for London and Detroit, and after their etui'n will reside in Middlesex count. Cg„;yE, r:. • • lows Catarrhal Powder- it acts n. 4 fivra rratefnl rclfef In to minutes, and wa t:cliovc State Department has allowed the Sac ; y+;•'d 0,041.J 5 !' °'J`rd. thorn. is 1( case toe d5epiy suited to ba 32 it to a cart.” -'nevi D. Molnar, Dula N.Y.--33 magazine to make a direct photo-, '''� `�s'�''�"�I''" sold at Hamilton's Drug Store. graph of the original parchment of ELTO N'S U1 M PS Will stand wear and tear fbr ears. No better proof can be given of their durability than is shown by the fact that some of these pumps put in wells 25 years ago are still working. IRON ancl. FORCE PUMPS - -Supplied to Order. Repairing promptly attended to. Sams -Diagonal St. opposite Beattie'tis Livery. JOHN PELTON, ..a IIE OF sig A Bock for Young acid Old. OUR, RECORD F'. lsr4.I87•$ 250,0,0b E. DisEAStD 10 EN CURED SIE CURE Ep.yoUS yr _..- . isKIl }, tIVAT . ,SES x.50,®0® CURED ID!JIG h1 ;faro you sinned t tat d against nature „he.ignorant of the terrible crime you were committing. Didyouonly consider { the fascinating allurements of this evil habit? When too late to avoid the ter- rible results, wore your eye, opened to your Kiril? Didin you later on in an- oa1contraetany 'RIVAT1.1 or BLOOD disease? Wereyoucured? Do you now and then see comp alarming symptoms? Dare you marry in your resent con- dition? You know,' LIKE 3 A'1'iIER, LIKE/ 'SON:' If married aro you con- stantlyliving dread? Ln =Mop a ty 1 failure with g tthynuonaoeountof any caused by early abuse or later ex- cesses? Have you been drugged with mercury? This booklctwilipointoutto you the results of these crimes endpoint out,ow our NEW METlIOD TREAT- MENTwill positively cure you. It shows how thousands have been raved by our NI %Y TREATMENT. It proves how we con GUARANTEE TO CTJltE ANY CURABLE CASE OR NO PAY. DFr Wo treat and cure--EMIt5SIONS, VAItTCc)0LL,, f Yi'l1ILTF) (*LEET, >. F,IRICTf]tI, TMI'o'T14N' NO Y, BE- -r_: t ItET DItAI'NH ITN ATLTRAL DIs gi1ARr3I;s, ICID'NIS3i and BLADDER diseases. K CURES GUARANTEED 4. '"Tee 1Ytyes of Sin" Hent free bit • onelostng 2c stamp. CONSULTATION ' •I 171197'1. If 'unable! to call write for t(�� gr,r7IUN IS LA NIC for 'TOME a 'CItUAxMENI'. KENNEDY KERCAN Car, Michigan Ave, and 'Shelby St, • ; ritten*, INMIOH. 1C&K K&K K&Kt'K Winnham, Ont. Caveats and Trade•Mark-s obtained, and all patent business conducted for MODERATE FEES. DIT office is in the immediate vicinity of the Patent Olfce and my facilities for securing patents areunsurpasse ' Send model, sketch orphotograph of invention, wittc description and statement as to advantages claimed, 4 No chargo is made for an opinion es toe patentability, and my fee for prosecuting the application will not ars called for until the patens r allowed. "Invnsross .Coma,•' voa- taining full information seat free. All Oommunl- cations Considered as Strictly Confidential. FRANKLIN H. HOUGH ssn i' 6itoetta WASlilfiliffaT®1V. IU. G 50 YEARS' EXPERINCE TRADE MARKS DESIGNS COPYRIGHTS &C. Anyone sonding n siteteb and description. snag quickly ascertain our opinion freo whether mt, invention is probably patentable. Commnnlca- Dons strictly conadential. irandbookonPatents sent free. oldest agency for securing patents. Patents taken trough Munn a8 Co. receive special nottcs, without charge, fn the Scotittifit ' eattics , Ahandsomoly illu Crated weekly. Largest cir- culation of any Relenting termini. Terms, $3 it year; four mantle, $1. Bold by all nowsdealers. MUNN & Co.381Broadway, New York It St.. D. C. Branch 08100. 6'2.,1 IT PAYS layearialsonaataaern TO A1) Y .L'.ePrTIS1 r TN TI1 TIMES-... 1 Has Won t fidenc' NO MO The Postiv Conolus YOU'• If You aro Druggist luuunyon's DOCTO Mr. C. D, Toronto, Cat bad [aka.]: Cr sults. He ''iia .cough and 'badly that 1 began u5 wt nonce andof th alpa1 iy twtheeo t certainly ha Munyon'i It neve iu one t ainye. Price 2 Munyon'a D Forms of 1u+1 i• nto 25e,''i •: hlunyon'a ITe::8:elnYOn'S upc C te, alngs.Prl Uunyon'a :In tbo back, 8ttdneyseasN pMnnyon'sdi gullPda up the binuyott's 1 *twee minute. Mnnyoa's i (armo o: 1)115 binnyon's ,t,f the blood. Munyon'a rnomen. 5e.— bioncleyyon'8 .Catnrrb Cure •from the nye! nnse Munyon's int nines and .+[to biaren got r.Son'a .t, A eepnratve eats. mostly Persona 1( itrel adat. vtee 1 Toro .co Punas Oppone in the pill ested 111 h sound tri+ of Adtnir Manilla. merited e of the tot breath ; the stihn( bad coli three ma a new to 'hustling iisteuffs, refused master d snake w 1)cwey's atnd stab #tut ging :days bel -there: wa school, that it him fro punishr .to folio ,every sd would i disguise 'SORE' Mrs.F as)s :-' conlplet blood. . bt itu, l.+ }flood tle was by the t not :had 81 the lis Satin ex a mi all otl there of the Cause ,retalu and p sonde 'cage tuomnl cure c result "!'rep 'the i