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The Wingham Times, 1898-06-17, Page 1
A VOL. 'XVII., --NO. 1364% WINGIIAM, ONTARIO, FRIDAY, JITNE 17, 1898. WE SELL CHEAP. 'CONTINUATION OF CASH SALE C ANCE . , IN . . DRUG BUSNESS l A month ago we announced to the public Onr intention to make sweep- ing reductions of prices in all classes •of dry goods for cash or produce. That we have kept good faith in this -promise is evidenced by the tremend- ous business we have done during the past month, each day making an increase upon its prede- cessor. There is no doubt that dis- criminating buyers appreciate a gen- uine bargain when they see it and have not been slow to take advan— tage of it. During the sale we have been the recipients of enough com- pliment upon the bargains we offered to make us blush if we were in the habit of doing so. We realize the • the fact that this sale has been a tremendous advertisement to our business, and in order to more fully benefit by it, have resolved to extend this sale for another month. Remem- ber the same reductions will apply through the month of June as through May, and some lilies are cut 'still lower. FEATHERBOfE DEMONSTRATION On Thursday, June 'Jtb, Mrs. Jessie Lowe, of Boston, 'will give at •our store a demonstration of the various uses of F eatherhone as applied to Dressmaking. This will be quite an interesting event to the Ladies, all of whom are invited to come and see what can be done by the use of 'eatherboiie to make dresses more stylish and better fitting. Mrs. Lowe will bone free of charge all • waists brought to the store on that day. Ladies, be sure and come. HOMUTH & BOWLES. .ALL GLS iNESS COLLEGES ARE NOT ALIKE. A. L. Hamilton wishes to inform the publie that he has a full line. of fresh Patent Medicines and Pure Drugs at right prices. A. L HAMILTON Successor to Chisholm's Drug Store, IfJL1JL1 iLeeLei piemg Lele7L]aS LTJ J- .., Commercial School is one that you should attend The CENTRALBUSINESS COLLEGE lr TIMES, WINCzHA L. i"L'1-.7 i.'i�rirl "r,�l �t—'It"7f-=CI;•`li7_-.� If7C rZ WHAT KIND DO YOU WANT ? Bill -heads, Letter -heads, Envelopes, Circulars, Dodgers', Cards, Folders, Posters or what ? We print everything from a card to a newspaper. Print it well and quick. Cheap too. Estimates free at any time, SCHOOL BOAUD.-TI the School Board Ni evening, but notbis than to go through businese. A Thu Summon just returned from a frog measuring length and fourtee recently caught place. CHURCH P MADE- Wingham. No, 50 divine service on Si the Congregational E. Mason, the number of breth neighboring Court STRATFORD, - ONT. is a College of the highest grade. None better in Canada. Befeieaneete:-All Stratford, and •our thousands of former students. Enter any time. Circulars free. • W. J. ELLIOTT, Principal. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. John !Corr -win ers. A. A. 11Iorrow-P re Drugs. Win Bendall -F rm for Sale. N. A. Farquhar on -Specials. T.A. Mills -Bei •ain ! Bargains I M. H. Mclndoo Dress Goods Wock e roguln: meeting of s held on Tuesday g further was done he general routine of VISITOR. -A person Hayfield reports that eighteen inches inches in width was will be pleased td the river at that is on foot in Luo annual Scottish have been dropped years and many t have them again t1 n IiUAIN TO THE Son's "Little Ma again on Saturday race ab Stratford heats to the race, a $1 A YEAR, IN ADVANCE .ONT- Messrs. T. Bell & -Harold Jarvis co k" Dame to the front this (Friday) evening. last in the threo•hnniute -Mr Roffman had There were only two the watering cart this rain prevented finishing Shares for all leadirfg plows, price it, and "Little A tick" book first place in quality right atGannett's. CALEDONIAN GA both heats. cert in Wingham I s/►�siame' ©'�, keteabddls.•'w few days rest with i] !S week. 'ho members of Court I. 0, F„ will attend nday morning next at church, when Rev. }I. etor, will preach. A u are expected from NEWSPAPER'S 'l. N PLAGUES. -The ten plagues of a not epaper office : Nets, cranks, bores, n s, !cockroaches, typo- graphical errors, exchange fiends, book canvansers, delis uent subscribers, and the man who alw ys knows how to run a paper better tha the editor: -Belleville Intelligencer. DIRECTORS MEE ING-The diroctora of the Turnberry A ricultural Society aro requested to reme ber the meeting to be held in Swarts' ho el, on Saturday evening of this week, Ju e 18th, at 0 o'clock sharp. The revisi other important discussion. There should be a good turn out of the director LOCAL NEWS. WANTED -Any quantity of Butter and El(gs. Highest prices. Cash or Trade. Does it pay you to give the pedlars 3 cts. for gathering them ? G. E. KING. ?Tarrtage Licenses Issued by FRANK PATERSON, No 23, Vic- toria street, Wingh am, Ont. No witnesses required. CHEAP READING ! Our Clubbing List. No, 2 COMPANY Blyth, who takes 0 oomrnaud of No. 2 this week getting t for going to camp a next. No MORE TIiIRDS by the minister o that after this yea ations will be aboli: be no more third el to public school to VOLUNTEER'S WA, men to fill up No proceed to London ing to go will pleas, Sergt. Sherman. r mending No. 2 Co. BETTER TRAIN S and Morris Munici the G. T. R. for a making connectib H. et B. They w In order to sato our subscribers the trouble of making two or more remittances we have made -epectal arrangements with the publishers by which we arc enabled to offer the following publications in I connection with the WINGIiAM TIh1ES at special low rtes from now until January lot, 1809, Special clubbing rates with all newspapers and magazines .quoted upon application, tla,h must accompany all 'orders :-- Times and Weekly Globe, • Times and Western Advertiser, Times and Family Herald and Weekly and Picture • 'Times and Farmers Advocate, • Times and Farming, weekly, Times and Ladles' Journal, Times and Montreal Weekly Witness, filmes and Fanners' 'Times and es Globen, • ' Tiff mimes and f7nily World Timis am' Country Gentleman, Adore,•, • Star E. B. ELLIOTT, $125 140 100 176 135 100 125 4 25 3 00 270 apt. Johnston, of pt. Williams' place in ompany, was in town e Company in shape London on Tuesday DEATII OL` rousse our readers will death of Alex. Dai studied dentistry which sad event to of his father, neat day of last weel graduated a short taking off will co: many old friends. :s -Many of our readers ]earn that a movement now to hayo the usual games. These games for the passed couple of 111 hope that we may is year. � ��ii a Wriseuesnee Tany of e pained to hear of the son, wno for sometime ith Mr. J. S, Jerome, k plane at the residence Luoknow, on Wednes- 122ceased had only meo and his sudden ne as a shock to his SMALL LOCALS. -Campbell's Headache Wafers guaran- teed to cure headache. --Jarvis concerto -night.. -Strawberries nd cream. n of the prize list and Fresh Canadian grown Strawberries at natters will be up for Kerr's grocery. t f -Tho farmers 1a11 look happy -the gardeners ditto. -Jack Frost wa hovering around last GOING TO Sr. M wlio has been with laundry business f: week for St. Ma charge of the lau town on his own has made many f they will be sorry He is well up in the citizens of St good all around i A. circular sent out education announces the primary examin- bed. Hence there will ss certificates granted hers. TED -A few more good 2 Co,, 33rd Batt., to n the 21st. All wish - leave their names with Y. Johnston, Com - 2t VICE -Brussels, Grey al Councils are asking better train service in with the North and L. nt the London evening =A/Mr, John Chilton, rtlr. ,T, D. Long in his Tueeday night. i r sometime, leaves next Groceries, Plants, etc., s; where he will take Graham's, Uhisholin Block, dry business in that -Tell us about accounte"e. Chilton visiting with you. fends in Wingham and -Entrance and I o hear of bis departure. begin on Tnesday th e laundry business and Arthur J. Irwin, D. D. S., of Wingham, Marys will find hila a visits Blyth every Wednesday., A NEW LINE famous gloves are the country to the is kept busy tryint, demand. Mr. Cha into a new lino, aloi has commenced all kinds of ladies' belts and will no trade in this line. success in his new 0 FORESTERS Cnurci lend, No. 25, 0. 0. on Friday eyening 1 ado committee gav Court decided to ho parade to the Con Sunday morning, J IL. Mason, the past train to ran tdirou 'h toPalmerston instead of remaining at should be done.- JARvIS CoscER Opera !louse thi raises to be we Jarvis, 'the note Dass, contralto, a will supply the p seats at A. A. Mo don't want to miss ORANGE MeiiTI ingliam all night. It russels Post. -The concert in the (Friday) evening pro - °Mengel. Mr. Harold tenor, and Mrs. Annie sisted by a large chorus. gramme. Secure your row's drug store if you he treat of the season. eld in the Orange hall, ernoon. A large num- present and consider - minded, and prepar- 2th of July celebra- ld in Blyth this year. at T. C. our friends who are S. L. examinations 28th inst. llow. -The public sohoc r. W. J. Chapinan's ations will colnmenc known from one end of --Excursion to Mc Cher and his large staff next. Fare from Wlkigham only $1. . to keep up with the Private funds to loan at lowest rates than has now gone Apply to 11. Davis, Wingham. 3m. with the gloves. He -Seo Wm. Bend • ent of he manufacture of farm for sale en peg - issue. ns' children's leather --The cheapest get your onbt work up a large wedding invitations ISIEs office, We wish him every Leave your order N ' for the same kind dertaking. of strawberries as ygot other years at PARADE -Court Mait• N. A. Farquharson's. F., met in their hall -We will all farmers on Monday st. The Church Par• next and take in tee excursion to the Model their report and the Farm. d their annual church -The public regational church on will extend from e 26th, when Rev. H. 1st. r, will preach a suit- We have had our soda fountain thor- able sermon for t le occasion. Thos. oughly fixed up. Call in and try our new White, High Secret pay an official visit their next regular it June 2411, and e visiting brethren ar• be on hand at this secure your seats matters will be disc to -night. DECORATION DAY -The temperat noon, July 1411, th on Tuesday and 1� Lodge, I. 0. 0• F.,g brought into use. to the cemetery and If you are going to build a wire fence deceased Oddfellows you want the best. Get Wm. Gannett to Master Young, of hamesford, and Past build the Page for you. Grand Sire Dr. Can pbell, of London, will •-A number o�j the members of the khe K. 0, T. M. attended h their Gorrie brethren g last. -50 cents in adv TIMES for, the- balance -All things fevorat Huron county this ye Strawberries! Strawb the best that grow a garden every day, at N. promotion examin- on Monday next. el Farm on Monday meeting of the Orange Lodge was here, on Tuesday a ber of delegates wer able business was tr ations inade for the tion which will bob Successeur, OPE morning, Dr. Wil Gibb, of this place a student from Tor successftil surgical belonging to Mr. After adtninisteri just took eight min which weighed 5 p first occeesful our these gentlemen, use of mob. itlettn and rice will secure the f this year. e, the apple op in r will be a ge one. ria You get ash from the Farquharson's. -Do you take the Lees ? If not, send us 50 cents ane get f- for the balance of 1808. -The whitewasher things look elean property. Royal Carriage Oil Ton Polish makes buggy tops like new. Sold at MACMaret's Harness Shop. -Potato bugs aro w bers.Paris green isi by the ton. -Mr. W. H. M Wingham, lately of Fort William. Leave your ordert • early for Straw- berries ; fresh fruit, full boxes, low prices at Kerr s grocery. . tf have been snaking ound the G. T. R. l's advertise eight of t place s at tl hotel summer vacation une 30th till September ry of the Order, will drinks. Jas. McKelvie. tf o the above Court at -Parents ought to teaelh boys that it is eting, Friday evening, not only cruel bi�1 illegal to rob birds' ry member and all nests. urgently requested to -Don't leave eeting as interesting seed. On Thursday after - members of Maitland Wingham, will march deccrnte the graves of with flowers. Grand th us in large num- being used on them 3ride, formerly of Gorrie, has gone to it too late before you for the Jarvis concert re took a sudden drop any a light overcoat was -Harold Jarvis, tenor singer, will sing this (Friday) evening -Turnberry towns in Lamonby's hall, B next, at 10 o'clock a. Farmers' Attention! Call and see the new Frost & Wood Mower and Binder be- fore you buy, at Wm. Gannett's. be present and take It is intended to gi tainment in the evening. Miss noted elocutionist, talent is being se Invitations b entertainment and spent on that oven will be known in "Ocldfellows" day. krox-On Wednesday on, of Wingham, Dr. and Wilfred Fowler, nto, performed a very operation on a horse Hart, of Tuckersmith. g the chloroform, it tea to remove a tumor, ands. This is not the ice' feat performed by d their equals in the ants woula be hard to aforth Sun. part in the exercises. Wingha,m Tent of e a grand free enter- divine service wi wn hall on the same on4Sunday morni uline Johnston, the Veneer, John D and other first.class urea for the occasion. 77. J. Chapman' of one of his issued shortly for the first-elaes time will be contact with one leg. The 14th of July Wingham this year a Miss. Honor= '8 Coxonar,-The en- tertainment giv by Miss Houghton and her assista ts .in the opera house, on Friday eveni g was well attended and much enjoy d by ell present. The first part of th programme, a cantata "The Jolly Pic o Party," by a class of children, was w 11 rendered, and showed that a great deo of pains had been taken in preparing th same. Every one of the children took th ir parts well. The sec- ond part of t e programme, a short drama, "The uixotio Quakers," by a class of adul , was equally amusing and Well rend ed by the different per- formers. Miss Houghton has had many requests to ha the entertainment re- peated, and it nay be put on again in the near tutu!. --We print nd supply wedding in, vitatione ohm r than they can be had irt the cities, a the Toms offiee, Wing - y, an employee at Mr. glove factory, lost part igers by its comin of the machines. America's greatest in the Opera House ip council will meet !more, on Tuesday -Splendid chane Farm on Monday Wingham to Guelph -You will miss t time if you don't h in the opera house tl Jno. Kerr has made arrangements to have first-class Strawberries arrive fresh each s'''ty. I''ull boxe at lowest prices. tf -The Wingham baseball club go to Brussels to•day to lay a game with the team of that plat sere wish the boys success. -It is well to ber in mind that letting Canadian thistles and similar noxious weeds go to seed one's premises is a punishable offence. Dr. J. R. Macdonald is now per- manently at home and can be con- sulted by his patrons. -Every busine s man in Wingham should read the title "Enterprise Re- warded," which ill .be found on one of the inside pages this issue. -The Saturda to Monday excursions have commence to Kincardine and Goderich. Anyo e wishing to spend Sun- day at the lake c do so at single fare. Ice Cream Soda and Black • Cherry Phosphate are two of the many new drinks on sale at the Star restaurant. Try them. Jas. McKelvie. t f -The new side alit on the south side of John street to t e 0. P.R. is completed and the wnrkme have 'commenced work on the walk on , hn street to Mr. Oliver Gilchrists's corne . -A cheeky ' dividual was in town during the wee selling thimbles. He made a house to house canvas and when the lady of the louse refused to buy his wares he heap an abundance of abuse upon her. -3?or first-class tailoring and cheap gents' furnishings, try Webster & Co. Remember the place, in Queen's block. to sen the Model ext. Only $1 from and return. he chance of your life er Harold Jarvis sing is (Friday) evening. PURE --"7 rugs AT A. MP THE BEST TONIC for 25c a Bottle -I8- PABST MALT EXTRACT. HYAT HARDIE- A charming home Thursday evening 1 Mr. Chas. fenders Wingham, when in eighty friends and Henderson was m Hardie, of Turnberry nears'-ernd-prootusma and --Miss LiezieeGil nelioner. The ceren by Rev. W. J. West, drawing room, which ated with flowers. ' prettily stressed in trimmed heavily wit a boquet of columbine tied with ribbon. T over the guests par during which time M ed the company with tions on the bagpipes over the jolly party until the we' sma' b The presents were v and useful, which test in which the bride i friends. The happyouple have taken up Home grown stawberries, bruised by shipping in crates, d e intend to keep our reputation fo eying the best filled boxes on tho mar mt. N. A. Farqu- harson. -The refreehing week were of much which were beginnii rain. el large crop and other crops pro -Quite a number of going to Goderic that a special train vey the passengers hewers of the past enelit to the crops, g to feel the need of hay is now assured me well. rom here are talking tal Monday next to us band. It is likely ill be 'seoured to con - me the same evening. "Plain Pacts for Fair Minds," gives a clear explanation of Catholic diectrines and practices, written by a convert to the faith. For sale at "Mason's Fair," price 10e. -Drs. Macdonal and Towler, and Messrs. II. Park, J..T Homuth, W, Green tended the meetin at Brussels on Wed- nesday, which wa coed for tho purpose of organizing Has Huron for the coming E dL. • ENDERSON. their residence on IN r. Hardie's farm he mes joins with their g them long yeats or he date of the above anniversary of the . -ents of the bride, sons were in attend- vedding who were Mrs. Henderson's: 0 years ago. Turnberry, and the many friends. in wiehi happy wedded life. event was the 50th marriage of the p son, and only three p ance the above present at Mr. an marriage in Scotland A very pretty but solomnized at the res' Haines, Scott street, ing, when his second Jennie+. was united 1 Elijah Manuel, of to was performed at 8 Jas. Hamiltone the mediate relatives of th The ceremony being took of a sumptuous Manuel was the recip ber of wedding prese up house -keeping in and the Tints extend to the newly wedded c Met wedding was' n • Wednesday even: dest daughter, Miss marriage to Mr. n. The ceremony 'clock by the Rev. con tracting parties.. er the guests par- tding supper. Mrs.. ts. They will take "Pleasant Valley,'" its congratulattone known in town, wa. elected President of the Congregational mon. Rev, S. Sellery, former pastor of the Winghana Methodi church, has been re- moved from Guelpl to Woodstock. Rev. D. McKe eie, of Toronto, occu- pied the pulpit of t e Presbyterian church on Sunday last. e will again preach on Sunday next. Rev. H. E, M on has returned from Toronto, where h. was attending a meeting of the Ontario at d Quebec Congregation. Mmes. He o cupy his own pulpit on Sunday next.. A series of sp lel meetings will be held (D.V.) in the Te perance hall, commetio- ing Friday and ontinuing till tho follow- ing Monday. ese meetings will be for the study of t 6 word of God and the preaching of t gospel. Meetings each Address; ; 7.3 tem., gospel preaching. tance. cor al invitation is extended to EOOTE The Winghani .foot 11 club have made arrangements with the arberry,Manitoba, team, champions of Prairie Province, to play an exhibition g me with them here on the park, to-morro (Saturday) even- ing, at o'clock. This will be a first-claest game, and. we trust large number will- • turn out to witness it and encourage the boys. Seats will be •eserved for ladies. The teams will line p in the following order : W. Allenby goa A. Stuart e for R. nonillion .. 1 lett W. McDonogh W. 1 Hewitt. backA. Thompson Is Your Daug or In School I There are thous° de of sickly school girls dragging their ay through Belled who might be enjoyi tg ths full vigor or their youth by taking Stott's Emulsion.