HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1898-06-10, Page 8if
M.t# Nici
Opened this week in Siuelins,
Dregs Goods, Gloves, Parasols, hos-
iery, Ready ,11ade Clothing, Harte,
Ties and Shoe,. Ne natter what
you may require you'll find us pre-
pared with an immense variety of
the veru latest anti daintiest .teles
and novelties.
Saeh prices as these are not pos-
sible every day. This is the way we
are glint; et tin it nn bargain day;
50 leer: t. t•*' (),ford Sboes, regular
41 .ifs. Saturday el lin.
20 pairs Boys' Shoes, rog. $140, Satur-
20 Men's. Suits, reg. $5.00, Saturday
13 25.
20 Boys' Suits, reg. $3.50, Saturday
20 pieces Fancy Muslin, just opened,
reg. 18e, Saturday 12?e.
10 pieces Fancy Print, reg. 121e, Sat-
urday Oct.
5 pieces Table Linen, reg. 50c, Satur-
day 33u.
30 pieces Fancy Dress Goods, Silk and
Wool, reg. 73e and 81,On, Saturrtay 50e.
50 Crompton Corsets, reg. el for 75e.
10 doz. Ladies' Fine Hose, reg. 25e,
Saturday I5c.
10 dol;. Child's Fast Black Hose, reg,
8o, Saturday 3c.
10 doz. Gents' Ties, just opened, reg.
50o for 25c.
10 Remnants pf Wool Carpet at half
10 doz,Leiies' Underwear at special
Come early if want to gat the first
choice. The best things get first as
a matter of coarse, At these prices
iletison-•--.tugn.r----That Jos Dullard Ie-
elnve x le10 for services as epeohd constable
on :flay 24th-- ('arried.
The Public ',t orris Committee reported
5tt follows :
That work hoe been commence :d under the
contract awarded for laying eonereto bittr-
walk to Mr. Arch. Graham.
That to secure a proper gradient of
sidewalk upon John street it has bten
foiled necessary to raise the crossings at
the ioterseotiori of John and Edward
streets and at the intersection of John ar.d
Leopold streets-, and in consetlnence a eon.
enterable amount of tilling in the vicinity
diet eof wilt be required on the roadways,
but material rsan' be found couv.:,itnt
Victoria street requires grading between
Josephine and Pewees streeta. Work has
teen begun, haying in view the ending
down of the hill thereon between Diagonal
roan and about half way between Shutter
and Frances streets, the rneteriat there-
from being used to reise the street on
Diagonal road and 'Victoria streets in the
the vicinity of their intersection. Shuttr
btreet from Diagonal road to opposite our
Chairman's residence will in consequence
require to be cut dawn, but we expect this
can be done without expense to the town,
as the material will be required by the
contractor for tilling in on Victoria street.
A 11 inch sewer is being laid on Victoria
street frotn the main sewer on Josephine
street as far as the junction of the draw
running through Beattie Bros. and Dr.
Tamlyu's lots. It is also proposed to In.y
10 inch tile for a portion of this latter
drain, connecting with the 12 inelr sewer
on Victoria street.
Public convenience imperatively de-
mands that some kind of a new sidewalk
be constructed on the north side of John
street from Josephine street to the carriage
gate of the C P IL grounds, being 58 Let
est of the southwest corner of lot 3, John
Hanna's surrey. We would recommend
that the necessary aivertieements be et
race giyen for the conitruotion cf a cot,
crate sidewalk between the points mention-
ed, five feet wide, and if the proper majori-
ty, as required by the municipal act,
petition against the same,.. the Public
Works Committee be instructed to ccn-
street a plank sidewalk of such dimension
as they shall deem proper, the cast thereof
to be assessed on the propertiesir.rnediate-
ly benefited thereby)
A petition has been presented to this
outwit praying that no action be taken
itis regard to local improvement No. 27,
idewalk on Patrick street, as instructions
ad been received from your body to con -
treat this local improvement, we refer the
etition to von for consideration and
urther instructions if deeemed advisable.
We think the cutting down of Leopold
treet north of Jokn street is desirable, the
ravel coming therefrom being used to
urface some of the streets finally graded.
A carload of sewer pipe has been obtained,
be bill for -which has been laid before the
inanee committee.
Some action ebould be taken with regard
the sinewalk on the south side of Alfred
rests, as it is in a very bad condition.
J. A. )))Brion,
they'll not last long.
ma H. iiiciNDOW8
The regular montly meeting was held on g
Monday evening. Members all present, s
except Dr. Kennedy. Minutes of last
regular and special meetings were read t
and approved. F
A. communication from Sawyer -Massey
Co.. limited, re rock crushers, was read to
and ordered to be filed.
Petition lieu, l,r:u•,. . and Miters
praying council to Cit.!i.utl..:,b t., u.at.er of
sidewalk on Patrick street.
Petition was read from 3. E. Kent and
others praying for concrete walk on east P
side of Shuter street from Diagonal road to C
Patrick street.
Petition from A. E. Smith and others
praying for concrete walk on south side tit
of John street from Frances to Catharine
Angus -Hanson -That the report
alio Works Committee be adopted.
heading --Robinson - That the Publ
arks Committee be instructed to postpon
e construction of the concrete walk o
atriek street, being Local Improvemen
o. 27, until further instructed by th
until --Carried.
Robinson -Reading -That the Publi
orks Committee be instructed to con
mot a concrete wall( 4e feet wide on th
at side of Shuler street between the ens
e of Diagonal road and north side o
trick street, including e. crossing on th
nth side of Patrick street at the inter
ctioti of Sharer and Patrick streets, e
titioned for by property owners -Car
Reading -Robinson -That the Publi
arks Committee be instructed to con
but a concrete walk on the west side
anees and Catharine streete as petitione
by property owners, and that th
erk's report as to measurements, etc., b
erred to the Court of Revision -Car
Manna -Hanson -That the following
ice be inserted in the Wingham Times
d the SVinghatn Advance, two news-
ers published in the town of Wingham,
two successive weelts-Carried.
Here appeared notice which will be
nd inauother coluinn )
he fire, water, and light committee
orted as follows:
be fire, water and light committee beg
report that they made an agreement
h the Gutta Pemba and Rubber Co., in
eh the company agrees to take back 8
the of defective hose purchased in 1805,
furnish the town in lieu therefor 200
od Cross" hose, price 75
p cents per
, or instead, if the council prefer it,.
company will aupply 500 feet "Paragon"
e at 00 cents per foot and allow the
n 50 per cent of the original cost of the
R lengths.
It will be seen that the Company will
allow the town 50 per cent. off the original
price of eight lengths of disputed hose.
have shipped back to the Company 8
the and ate awaiting instrnotiona from
body es to which offer to aeeept.
At* of the opluton that 500 feet of
Petition from Wra. Clegg and 20 other
ratepayers requesting that the tax imposed G5
export the owners, possessors or harborers
•of dory. by the Revised Statutes of 1897, ea
Chap. 27, entitled "An Act for toe Profit- aid
bition of Sheep, and to Impose a tax on pa
Dogs," be not levied in the town of so
Wingliant and that appropriate legislation se
ttherefore be passed.
Mr. S. Gracey addressed the council x14
with reference to walk on Patrick street.
The finance committee reported as fol- w
lows : air
Geo Shaw, drawing watering cart
from Goderieh. . .... . . . .......4 3 75 Fr
Wm Patterson,drawing hydrant,ete 0,5 for
H 13 Elliott, printing con. By-laws 20 45 Cl
Thos Irwin. salary 10 00 ref
Gutta Porcha Co•,supplies for W W 2 50 rie
Thee Manuel, salary 8 34
Wingham Bice Light Co, lights for
May 1 22 not
Jas hfcGuire, express charges, W W 25 ext
,Toho heading, climbing flag pole2 00 pap
S Youhill, taking assessment..,, 100 00 for
Jos Bullard, acting as constable1 50
Wm !tendo!! t& Co„ hal of account,
re road machinefon
)sell Telephone Co., Tel account2 00 T
11'atnilton t& 'Toronto Sewer Pipe rep
Co„ sewer pipe 100 73 T
Button Az Fessant, pumping water to
for streets .. 0 00
Mrs Geddes, rep window broken
by Fire Co 1 00 'Ali
DK Strachan, watering cart 110 00 leng
V Vannorman, salary and whiteand
washing and -cleaning lockup30 65 feet
CPIs freight
f e gbt on hose 1 iJ foot
Recommend that all the above accounts as
read be paid, excepting John )leading and the
Jas. :Bullard, and that theft be referred hos
to the Commit. too
A. M. Iiorx:#soN, Chairman, said
Il($ '',.n -Manson --•'That the report of
the flt,ahce Cotntnittee as now real be
adoptui met (r,r.less i''"nd tor the re.
speetive rte•.•' n,t.e..- (' er, t... V
Anglue-Henna_--Ttl,tt the account of leng
3oixrt Dowding fo,' Clirubing flag !sole be your
liiild'.-carried. Wo
THE ‘ I N x .M. TIMES, JUNE 10, 180$,<
new hose is required and recommend that
the offer of the Co. to snpply 40 • feet
"Paragon" !lost+ at 90 cents, allowing the
town 50 per cent of the original Erica of
100 feet of the hose purchased in 18115, be
We also beg to report that in accord -
twee with }•our instructions we, pur abased
a street waterlog cart from 1) Ii i4t.:tenriu
at Ooderich, for $110 00, which is now
being used with nor permission by John
Hufftnan to water the street% We have
made arrangements with Button 2 Fessant
to supply Mr, Iluffnran with water e.t the
rate of lel per week during the season, this
figtet efror tbra
meeting unless ratified by the council.
Onr agreement with Mr, 11nfiman is, that
unless his subscription list amounts to
more than $15 per week, the council will
pay for the water, If said list amounts to
$18 or more, Mr. Huffman is to pay for
the water. If between $15 and $18, the
amount over $13 is to be apples.I on pay-
ment for the water, the town making up
the balance.
Join HANNA, Chairman.
Hanson-Ret:inson-That the report of
the Fire, Water and Light Committee be
adopted and that this council purchase 500
feet of hose as the said committee rnety
select --Carried.
Hanna -Hen -or ---That sections 18 and t
19 of By-law No, 10, 1880, be suspended
for this evening -Carried.
Angus--Reading-shat the distribution
of the consolidated by-laws be left in the
hands of the Mayor and Clerk --Carried. °
Reading--Angus---That $300 be placed b
to the credit of the School Board. -Car- q
The council then adjo:trned.
A1'I'1,It;To Dif. Wil.meetlt'
1'LN ti PILLS.
zinlong many in Ottawa and the
vicinity who have been benefits(
one way or another by the 'use of
Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for Pale
People, the Journal has learned of
the ease of Mrs, Gilchrist, wire e
Mr. T. V. Gilchrist, of ,llintunburgh.
111x. Gilchrist keeps a groeery at the
nnrnf,r of Fourth .1 ve. and Cedar
street, and is well known to a great
many people in Ottawa as well as to
the villagers of this aubtu"b of the
Capital, Mrs, Gilchrist states that
while in a "run down" conditiun
during the spring of 1897, she was
great! j strengthened and. built up
by the use of Dr. Williams' Pink
Pills. Speaking of the matter to a
Journal , eporter, she stated that
whsle able to go about at the time
she was far from well ; her blood was
pool', she was subject to headachts,
and felt tirt,d after the slightest
?:el ton. She had read at different
Imes of cures effected by the use of
Dr. Williams' Pink Pills, and de -
hied to try them. She was bene-
fitted by the first box and continued
heir use until she had taken five
oxes, when she considered herself
trite recovered. Mrs. Gilchrist says
hat she 'tiways strongly recommends
Dr. Williams' Pink Pills as a builder
d strengthener, when any of her
friends are weak or ailing.
Warns, spring weather is now upon us, and you will require suitable
cool germents in order to enjoy so great a change, Well, we have the
1that goods and the garments t lest will give you. comfort, and not tax your pock-
ets very much either, Look at the fine display of
Nothingfiner and cheaper than
p you can buy in the cities. Ladies
i houses and
sel "'xCieun Wlc rcap"p^e^rs,,pe• et ift style and patterns at prices t -hat must
n '
" . Special prices this week,
Men's Suits, $1.00, for $2,95 ; Men's Sults, x0,00, for $4,75 ; Men's
'Suits, $8.00, for $6.50 ; Mon's Fancy Linen Coats, $1,00, for 80e ; Boys'
Fancy Lit. en Coats for 50e; Boys' Pants for 40e,
In 130YS' SUPT'S we have the largest and finest assortment. Can fit;
every person and suit every taste.
For° comfort and style in footwear at moderate prices, come to us.
Satisfaetion or money refunded.
Handsome, fine toned Organ for sale cheap on easy terms.
AND N. 8.
Folders have been issued this week
front the TIM' s (Mee, giying
the programme and music of the annual
convention of the Huron County Sab-
bath School Association and Huron
County Christian Endeavor Tinton,
which will he held in the Presbyterian
church, Wingham, on Tuesday and
Wednesday, June 21st and 22nd, The
convent'on will bring a large number of
people to tVinghant. We herewith give
the programme for the two days:
Tuesday -Sabbath School Association,
Morning -Player and Praise, the pres.;
President's Address, J, P. Rose, ex -pees.,
Exeter; Teacher's Opportunities, C. W.
Andrews, Wroxeter; Discussion; Verbal
reports from S. Sehorols and S. S. visi-
tors; Nomination of Committees; Re-
eponaibility of Teacher, J. P. Ross,
Exeter; Discussion,
Afternoon -Prayer and Praise; Secre-
tary's Report, J. 0. Stoneman, Iieusall;
Treasurer's Report and the Financial
Obligations of the S. S., Israel Taylor,
Clinton ; Discussion; Wingham Primary
Class, Lesson for July 3rd, taught by
Miss J. Murray, W ingb am ; Convention
Bible Class, Lesson for July 3rd, taught
by Rev. J. W. Rae, Toronto.
Evening --Song Service: Introduction
of President; Address, The Relation of
Parents to S. S., Rev. 13. Clement, Cttn- in Glen farrow,
ton; Singing and Collection; Address,
"Woman's Hemisphere," J, W. Rae,
Mr. J. Gallagher has gone to
Miehigan to reside.
' Mrs. Williams, of Manitoba, is the
guest of Miss M. Fleming.
Belmore is juste small place consist-
ingofabeut 25 families,yet it takes the
lead in some respeets. Since last
fall seven weddings have Laken place
in which one of the contracting
parties was a resident of' Belmore,
and if reports be true, the eighth will
take place this week. These facts
facts speak well for our belles.
VA happy event took place on Wed-
nesday, June lst, when Mr, James
Merkley, of i3elrnore and Miss Maggie
Terrilf, of Belmore, were united in
the holy bonds of matrimonv by, the
Rev. J. '4V. Gofiin, of Gorl'ie ., Phe
bride was assisted by Miss !Mattie
Merkley, sister of' the groom, while
Mr. Chance Jerome, of Wingham,
supported the groom. The happy
couple will make their future home
Wednesday --- Christian Endeasor
Union. Morning -Sunrise Prayer IUeet-
fng, led by E. P. Paulin, Wicgham;Son;
Service; "Yesterday," (Eeperienees) D.
MaTavieh, Cliaton; "To -Day." (The
Duties,) R. J. Elierington, Letnley
"Forever," (The Hope of the Y. P,) Mary
E. Robe, Clinton; Discussion; Our Back-
bone -"What is It 7" How to Keep It,"
"What are Its Benetits," A. S. Mc-
Dowell, Westfield ; Discussion; Open
Parliament-''Th°Work of Committees,"
(Your Questions and Plans of Work) W.
H. Kerr, Brussels; Treasurer's Report;
The Christian Endeavor Train; Secre-
tary Cooper's Report.
Afternoon - Song Service ; " What
Kind of Personal Work Can Young Peo-
ple Do in the (lhuroh," Wm. Stoddart,
Goderieh; The Quiet Hour, "What it is,"
"How it Works," Mrs, Pentland, Dun-
gannon; Discussion; Missionary Inspir-
ation, Mr. Dickey. Seatorth ; Discussion,
How do you work your Missionery De-
partment.; Open Parliament --The Social
Life of Young People, led by the Presi-
dent; "The imperial Sabbath," Rev. W.
Riceby, Blyth; Report of Junior Super.
tendent, M. S. Washington, Clinton ;
The Value of Junior Work, Mrs. P. J.
McKay, Woodatook; "Junior Garden
Exercise," 75 Wingham Juntors, Halsey
Park, Conductor.
Evening -Song Service; Introduction
of Prestdeot Erect ; Address -Amos R.
Wells' Ittustrtited Address on the Tenth
Legion, A,'i', Cooper, Clinton; Collection;
M,#sic; Address, Rev. W. P. Wilson,
Hamilton; Consecration Service.
Care of the Complexion,
It is a well-known fact that a torpid
liver produces a sallow hue and a dull
yellow complexion. You need not
expect a clear, beautiful complexion,
if the blood is rendered impure by
sluggish action of the liver, which cannot
properly perform its function of purifying
and filtering ail impurities from the blood,
Ladies, Dr. Chase's Kidney -Liver Pills if
an invaluable remedy, for by their action
on the liver and blood they promote true
beautyby rendering g
the blood
is the starer.
What do we live for if it is not to
make life less difficult to each other ?
Manitoba traces its origin from
Manitou, the; Indian appellation of
"the Great Spirit."
In the 23 libraries of Berlin which
are either public or belong to official
bodies, there are over 2,000,000
The Bijou Comedy Cotupany dos-
ed a successful week's engagement
in Industry Hall on Saturday night.
They gave the best show that has
struck this village for a long time.
The choir of Trinity church held
a pie -hie in Goderieh on Tuesday,
Robt. Fleuty, of Wingham, :has
accepted a situation on the Standard
Rev, D. Sparling, principal of FOR SALE,
Wesley College, has been erected
_ That most desirable property, known
as the old strawberry garden, opposites
Standard Furniture Factory, being lots
s 1, 2 and 3, Alfred street, Wingham. A
good house 22 x 23, with six foot stone •
• foundation, whole size of the house of
six rooms in good repair. Also a etable
buggy house and woodshed, A goof
well 19 Peet deep, soft water cistern and
the garden well stocked with fruit of
all kinds. $575 will buy the whole lot.
Immediate possessiongiven interested
earties. Apply- quick for it must be
sold by July lst. Apply to
G, P ,
Lower WinWELLSgham.
president of the Manitoba confer
Goderieh is highly honored at thi
years Pharmacetztical exams, Chas
Watson captured 3 medals -a silver
and two gold.
James Bruce, West Wawanosh,
had the misfortune to have one of
his horses break its leg in some un-
accountable manner while running
at Iarge,
Thomas Wark, of Varna, plucked
from a field ou his farm on Monday
last stalks sf peas which were full of
• bloom. These peas were sown in
the second week of April.
L. Wettlaufer, of Auburn, has
Sold his general store business and
stock to Thos. Riddell, of Londes-
boro, who toJk possession Monday.
Wettlaufer expects to go on the road.
Take notice that the Municipal Council
of the Town of Wingham intends to
construct as a local improvemen . • ,
A Concrete sidewalk, are feet whie, on t north
side of John street, between •losephtue st •-et and.a
palet (58) fifty eight feet w est from t westerly
1lnrit of Lot No. s, .7#1111 Ennuis ,e ry, and to
assess the Snal cost thereof ,oe» rho property
.e ed thereby, and
a statement showing the lan
lL•wle to pay the
the owners there.
mined from the last
n t• tilers in the office of.
V, and is open fur in=
ahacthw thereon and to be belie
said assessment, and the auws
of, so far as they can 1 . use
revised assessment rot Is
the Clerk of the ,Liu sip
tpection during otllo. h
The estimated cost . the work is 5201,46, of which
;3210,2:, is to be provided out of the general funds of
the Municipality,
irurther, take notion that the list publication of
this notice will be on the Mk day of June, 1805.
A Court of itetision will be held on Monday. the
11th day of July, 1808, at 8 o'clock, after noon, for
the purpose of hearing complaints against the pro.
posed assessment or accuracy of the frontage
measurements, or any other complaint which per.
one interested may desire to make and which by
SW is cognizable ba the Court,
Dated Clerk's otlioe, Wingham, Juno 655, 1205.
J. B. FERGUSON, Clerk.
Mr. Ed, Moser was visiting friends
in Stratford on Sunday.
A hard•looking lot of Syrians,
bears, etc., struck the town one Iday
last week, but were soon shown the
out by Chief Davis.
On Sunday evening an old resi-
dent passed away in the person of
Jeremiah Lynch. The funeral took
place on Tuesday morning to the
Dublin cemetery. Ile leaves a fond
send loving wife to mourn !ter loss
who has the sympathy of the whole
community in her sad bereavement.
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Stothers
visited friends in Dungannon on
A baseball match between the
Brussels and BIyth clubs took place
in Recreation Park on Tuesday after
neon. Both teams put up poor ball.,
the locals especially making more
errors than the other side did runs,
The snore stood at the end of the
fourth innings, 21 to 6 in favor of
the visitors, The feature of the
game was the batting of Stratten
and Brown for the visitors.
James and Maurice Lotnbartus,
charged with assaulting Michael Dal-
ton, of Ashfield, have been commits.
ed for trial at the June sessions.
James McDonald, charged with
robbing the postoffice at Norwood,
and who broke jail at Peterboro',
has been captured at Windsor.
A. very happy event took place at
the home of Thos. Ashton, Colborne,
on Wednesday, when his daughter,
Miss L. Ashton, was married to Mr,,
Edwards, of Westfield,
Any amount of money to loan on good
farm property at 5 per cent per annum.
STt2AXG13T LOANS -Payments made to
suit borrower. Satisfaction guaranteed.
Charges low.
At ollIee Friday afternoon and all day
Macdonald Blook,•Wingham.
?ITOTJCE TO OttuDIr(,RS.-. Notice is hereby
1,1 given, pursuant to R. 8. 0., 1805, chapter 120,
sec. 38, that all persons having claims against tiro
est.,tc of John Elliott, !Moot the town, of Wingham,
chairmaker, deceased, who flied on or about the
24th day of July, 1806, aro hereby required to send
bstone, Wingliatn, 1' r0 , sollcotherwiito deliver foe theoadtuinis.
tretrix of the said John Elllott, deceased, on or
before the 25th day of June instant, their names,
addresses and descriptions, fall particulars of their
claims and the nature of the seonrity, If any, held
bill them, procetd tiafter
tt todistribute the assetsof the d
deceased, having regard only to tits chute of which
she shall then have notice:
Dated this 2nd day of Juste, A. D. 1808.
Admiulsaratrix.' Solicitor for Admtnistratrix,
Notice to Creditors..
Notice is hereby given, pursuant to R.
S. O., 1897, chapter 129, section 38, that
all persons Having claims against the es-
tate of Thomas M. Dunn, late of the
Township of Turnberry, in the County
of Huron, Carpenter, deceased, who
died on or about the loth day of Feb -
miry, A. D. 1898. are hereby required
to send by post propeid or otherwise de-
liver to R. Vanetone, Wingham P. 0.,
soltaitor for the Executor of the said de-
ceased, on or before the first day or July
next, their names, aadressee and de-
scriptions, full particulars of their claims
and the nature of the so3urity, if any,
held by thein, and after the said date
the Executor will proceed to distribute
the assets of the said deceased, having
regard only to claims of which he shall
then have notice,
Dated this 2nd day of June, A.D.1808.
Executor. Selfeltor for ,Executor.
House and tot For Sale.
The undersigned offers his house and
lot on Alice street for sale. The house
is a nine room frame one, with kitchen,
and there is a number of good fruit trees
on the lot. For full partioulara apply tee
JAS. WILSON, Wingham.
The undersigned will keep for service
on north half lot 2, first line, Morris. te
tboroughbred Chester White F3oar.
Tferres, 31.00, with privilege of returning
J. tee FYFE.
The administratrfx of the estate oil
Alexander Dawson, deceased. offers for
sale the
Two Stores in tritingham
now occupied by Messrs. N, A. Fare
qubarson and W. H. Wallace, Offers for
the same should be addressed to
J. A. MORTON, Wingham,
Solicitor for the Estate
Order your..
keeps in stock all the leading Iines in
Stoves, Paints, Oils, Glass, .Rope, and
Binder Twine, in season.
Just arrived, a consignment of rem" -
mixed paints, Also agent for Drayton
Tile, sizes on hand,, 211, 3, 4 and 6 inch«
Prices right. Give biro a trial.
For a Suit
that will fit comfortably,
" look well, wear well, and
keep in good shape, you
had better go to
1 ew Spring Goods and Samples
of all the latest designs in Scotch
and Canadian Tweeds, Worsteds,
Serges and Overcoatings to choose
from. Orders filled promptly at
very low prices.
Webster Sv Co,,
Claeen's Moak.