HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1978-05-25, Page 6 It was the same story she had %% filch are ,esscntiOl. in gaining ' industry in January , 1977, It was before: no experience,' no employment , in buSiness'' or staged again between August,' job.. Only this. time it was •, industry. TO the employer, .00AP. 1977 and March; 1978 with just different.. 'offers the benefit of work done by • leSs• than 1.000 trainees and • It was'the student's graduating the young trainee and,' ultimately. slightly. more 'than 1,000 year. She still didn't have any the possibility of hiring that employers. (Most than 16,000 experience-but this time she person as an emnioyee already applications for trainee positions was lookIng for that all-important, trained in histher business,, were ,received). - first permanent job. OCAP started as an itier.• According to-.Bill' Fields from The situation above happens governmental project ,and is now the OCAP' Central Co-,ordinating Many, times to 'thousands of going into its third year. It proved Unit in Toronto, this year's students in Ontario. Employers . so successful that, a 12-week,..blidget allows for some 3,000 people-with,..,e.xpericnde but pilot project was started in . 'participants in inchistry and how can you get experience without a job? And what it' you're 4 not a student anymore, but an eldult entering the ‘‘,•ork .'force . after spending Several years in an educational institution? • 110$1. • The Ontario. Career -Action Plan '411.117 (OCAP) offers young people between 16 and24, regardless of their educational ‘, background, and employers 'a chance to get to ,know each other and provide mutual benefits. For, youth, OCAP Means on- the-job experience and the oppor- tunity to learn marketable skills --0 0 • . -**-- --------- o . ._.-.„----_-;----, 0 . o o • .,...„.„. , 0- ---0.,. .,-.--,...„ ,____---- ...- . . -.:-,-=-,.. -..-----... 0----:-.. „....... .„..„ --..„-----„ ..--..: ...-. - • 14.04,14t, 'Ito+ HURON '78 We now have the equipment and are professionally trained to give your carpet & upholstery Its original new lookil ,SPECIAL PRICES FOit ONE MONTH ONLY Living Room'& ONLY $39.95 Living Room & Dining Room ONLY $49,95 REGARDLESS OF SIZE RUG -BINDING • INSTALLATIONS • REPAIRS TO ALL FLOORS * tALL: LE. ovuuato BENNEWIES • AND SON 348-9362 ott3489614 Mitchod MIS IWO =NS mos mos ars a /I = sal ram a a a a awe maw a 1C1), ono ' ! 11 i.• anothgr 2,000 in - government, but young people today lack good Fields estimated that •a'pprokl- job search techalgOes, which mately 75 per cent of all-traiTrevo ''' - '•-acconnts foe.... much of the last year gained employment and unemplOyinent in the under-25 about 80 per cent of those got age bracket: 'twiultihti‘nviletojionb tsh:;1t. 1111 employers itthde-train2d, jobs and people, who need OCAP gets people who needs This high success rate isn't employees , together and. Fields coincidental, One of OCAP's sees no reason why the success basic purposes is to help rate--of • up' to' 75 per cent employers through • the ',training,' employed--won't be every bit as period. Many enuiloyer,s can't, high this year. afford to recruit and gain a new To date. Conestoga College in employee-bnt when that 'Kitchener has about 60 trainee employee is trained to. their and .25 'employer applications: -specifications at no cost to them, People .between: the • ages of 16 it makes good sense to hire that and 24 who have never held person.' ' full-time employment in the OCAP also gives the young career of their choice are eligible: person a 'chance to get inside the They • must be currently employer's door: Once they meet. face-to-face and see what each other capable of. 'ensuing „ employMent is more likely, „ Fields said OCAP is ;working against the ,psychologieal barrier„ that there is an employment Prbblem in this country. Thousands of jobs exist. he said, OC helpsstudents t expitiOilte unemployed, looking for work and have ,been out of the educational systeni for at least three months. The ' Ontario government, through Conestoga College„ pays the trainee a gross weekly . payment of $1,007 -from which income tax and unemployment insurance u m-s. --are *deducted. 'The -trainee is respon- sible for -his/her own Ontario Health Insurance.Plan (OHIP) premiums. •. The weekly stipend is affected by' attendance and $20 is • deducted for each 'day absent. 1With approval, however', the trainee is encouraged' to attend job interviews and creative fob technique sessions during tvrking hours, The trainee-is considered' • present while ,attending these approved activi- ties, For more information contact: OC'AP. Conestoga ..,College, 299 . septembeit - 30, 1978 Odom Valley Drive, 19ehener, • Ontario, N2G 4M4 or call HURON COUNTY 653.2511, Extension 292 or 216. -- Tr'eshYterial Women's M-is- missionary -'on: ' furlough from 'LTA _The spring meeting:of_lturen ---speaker---Miss Miss Diane- Wadsworth- -= terian Church in Canada was held the Helen McDonald school for sionary Society of the Presby- India. She told about her work, in =. last• • Wednesday in Cannel girls at Jharisi, India and the need ..,, =_FpOD STORES iiupp:1 0,..... Presbyterial Church, Hensall. for more teachers as one half the ' = The president Mrs. Elmer Rivers population of India is under 20 =' Prices effective.. till closing - of Seaforth was in charge. pianist years of age. She told about the ' ....• = TueSday May C), 1978 •was As. Malcolm""' Dougall of IS national languages and many •••• Hensall. • . dalects of that country and many presentativcs from Aburn, Belgra,.,,Seaforth, Goderith and. .. Showed interesting pictures of her, ...... JIMIII NMI 111W 11 of the problems that they as • Mrs. Rivers, welcomedre- • , missionaries encounter.. She -= , work and the people and coUntry., ..., Hensall Churches and a short .,,... held ' Mrs, Robert McAllister thanked E memorial service Miss Wadsworth for her in' = ' Abb.,. memory of a former missionary .... H a rvest— Mss Haiel • McDonald who had Wresting address. The offering '8•111 Allikult, passed away recently. --41111111i t was received by Mrs., Lillian = -runch Leatherland--and----M-iss---Milliiii„ = — •,. Am., Mrs. Olive Wagner both of Auburn and McDonald of Seaforth, secretary • read-the minutes and the financial dedicated by Mrs. Eleanor = jii-i 'Li', Bradnock. , ..... aim, statement was read by Mrs. The report of Synodial meeting . OA, Clayton Edwards of Godcrieh in • - held at Leamington was given by = 411120 the absence'of the treasurer-Mrs. Mrs. Robert McAllister and plans = -,,l_M„ 3 varieties .Agnes McEwan. ' - were made for the fall meeting = , ilr-iip Bert McCreath read the scripture 7 on October Ilth in Knox PreSbY" = The_ devotional_., period Was when. Mrs. Ida While, missionary = cie,,,. takcn by Goderich ladies. Mrs. on furlough will be guest speaker = 0_,, lesson. Miss Betty McKenzie gave the meditation on the terian Church,. GOderich, The = Auburn Woman's -Missionary = Nit . . t O. persons and prayer was offered celebrate their 90th Anniversary = . fli t 1 i littkie miracle of feeding the 5,000 Society will be hostess and = by Mrs. Clayton Edwards. A . of their founding. Miss Ida White = piano duet was played by Mrs. pronounced the benediction. A = Malcolm Dougall and Mrs. "Edith Bell. social half hour followed with = lunch being served by the Hensall v..... ... , OW Mrs. John ThomPson of Woman's Missionary Society ,... Seaforth introduced the guest members. Me NOM WPM, NMI .NOW JUST BREATHE. DEEPLY Greg .Gerard of Brodhagen practiSes lifesavipgtechniques in a . demonstration at St. Patrick's School, Dublin last week. = (Expositor Photo) = Presbyterian women .....1111•111 IMO Meet in Hensall • if,' ',7"-:••11.41,1', Blue Water Blind Hear Stu Hayter t .'t = • Orange MAR.-Clinton May 16 With. president Gwen Watson ill the near 'leave for Timmins where he has . . r futureh d his famil will e an y Oififr COM NMI OS° Tin +d • . , tasty lunch provided and served • Hayter formerly. of Varna. His Recekahs, .Mnrs..1Florence Miller "• " ' talk covered a perSonal account of • „the problems encountered by a report of the Annual CCB Ontario division. 7' Conference,.to which heivaAthe--,-Menibut S1 = Guest speaker was "Stu- by four len hers of the imm Mrs, Cleta Holland, Mrs. Norma Asliton Norma*Grigg. ' Nor kill I ittA‘‘ DEEP STEAM CLEAN • .1. • LIMIT QUANTITIES TO, = AVERAGE FAMILY REQUIREMENTS. , , IMO NOM IMMO 01111° 13 oz. cello pak 5 varieties = Jo, = ► \, a. .411111#00, rmaxwen d' 41* House ‘4.001 = AS* - = = 0.• Mt" AM111. .410' COFFEE frestriii • Iv. 2 9 g Dare = 41110. ► .'""4111111111111rmr inusloollr ' '11, Me MIMI • WM 000 AMPS . Waal •EN.DS ....„...... ..... ..... ..... .... ,. . . .1 • 49 Lb. "1",:e • $11* MUM OP :NI. jore 1,.... . := 4/,;" 1 MEM SIMN NM Lb. .... err li, ' .....'" ..... • 'lib. • \,.. ...... aleni IMMO = Schneiders Polish ..... iNA ‘ MIMI MIMI MOM , By the piece 1 • 29 Lb.. a ' Tfittliiitk"- . . MUM 14•.• E SAUSAGE . OW/ OEM MEP 711111mignp. 41121repr , = Reg. 20 oz. IMO MOM I. um Pkg. •SII: 2 a= 4/0111104° Roll Pkg. a Kraft Salad - IMO Moog • 01.•,$:1:1:1:1;1111:1:1 •1•011,1;X:1*1:1:::: 1:4,14:4.1111:::11:111114:01?:::.I.1z::1gf$1.; MOD IMO BIM IMO Council of the Blind met in the Mr: Hayter is presently on' taff at MOO = TOMATO The' Bluewater Canadtan person denied 'the settee of sight. -11••• MIR chaired: Bert Soot hem presented a . administrator of the district = 3010. Schneiders Ring accepted the position as CN1B = = Schneiders Smoked CNIB London Division In the it VIII;IIllIl111It!llliuIt111IlIl llll11111111111111111IiIIIIUIIIIIIIIll111I11 <. ,. FOIL WRAP I•8" x 25; al1111111111111111111111111101111111111111ffilli11111111111111111111111111111Ur Alcan 1.19 m .40800/ ~ Schneiders Libby's m Sherriffs Good Morning Side ''v211111ww*. MARMALADE 24 Oz. lar 119 m .114, aft - Oni• JUICE 48 al a SAUSAGE - Prod. USA Can. Nb. -3/1..00 NMI IMO UMW WPM* 2 Lb. boi Prod. CUCUMBERS PM. MEM ••••• = Ont. Grown Noil 5iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiimmiliiiiliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiitif = = ..... , _- H EA D—LETT-U—C—E- s --.S----4111%--- . PRODUCE - . = . = = ,....., MOO ' — CARROTS = MEW — Prod USA Can. No. 1 TOMATOES •2 Lb. 4 CORN VW. MMI so' Kernel 9 . ' Ali : IMO UMW Bag • • = .10116. -....- ..... SP, = • 49 -Ba g .:**** *4*.. • _ Lb. 49 ":= , .wasommuninpow, inimunia.. N , ....74"." illtik 71wis .... Ark = = As. -• , Golden Maple ' "1.!"- , INMAN maim , 'MIME WIMP IMO BOLOGNA ,*(w, , • • . , = tegiar kininimilimommontimithi mit 11 um mu ninon SUM MOM MOM W M L. . ' NMI NMI • .; IMMO NM= • ' a MI•11 MIME • Min UN= =Me OM= NM. sakak 1111111111111IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII11111111111111111114111111111111111111111M :atk Weston S 5".911.1.1111111" 09•11111111111r = Aft. .1•111. =COOKIES STORE HOURS Mon., Tues., W,ed.,'Sat., 9-6 "E WE RESERVE THE RIGHT,TO • = .6 F"'" = • .10‘ cREAAA HMI DINNERS Swans Down Toilet TISSUE *4.1*‘‘.1.11111 CHIPS Lg. bags air.11. Chapmans • .-summir Arommeri fe MARKET •••.- 1.2 McCain 2..22 Deluxe 22 oz. z k: HASH BROWNS 2Balib • 4 9 TARTS - Schneiders = MINI DELIS 8 varieties 8 oz. chubs 99 te. = McCains = AWL Granny = 98 . PIZZAS 1.88 1 s°. 98 = Kraft Ma.carani &,Cheese 7 1/4oz. • /011° NA%4 I DRESSINGS 8 2:na:t:sinatch 2 if • 9 9 I -is"greariti — Aft. mut "11111.1.1P1 flos.tess Potato =414 ICE WIFIS FOO•D Thurs and Fri. 9.9 .59 0110### = 4064, Ania, • - 4"/ • 140111itt 04‘ 10 delicious flavours 98 - 2Litre 1*.*."' /% a a MEM MOB MUM • NUM NOM