HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1898-06-10, Page 66 TI 1, r !1! rr,a! ( 7p j� 10, JAW. 11)J ti`` Alr>la �.it.ES.i�� ��,�J,Yl1�� el lT.i.�r.ft�J..�.�..."..,.,..,,,_,,.»..-�•�.,....,...�., NI`` " c('�•,r)1' recommends that the assess -1 Scott^--Rei(1-•�That the finance • CY (; ,a 1 0,41410 1111 tr..1111�/,f oleo[ on nut L, cons 7, he i'edu:E,d I report as just read he adopted end I e) i;: 0:?, as on in�ipectiun of the plaice ehegtles issued for the payment _.- _- ""°""'—" he. i Natisile<1 that the assessment � the same.—Carried. '1UDAY, JUNE 3, 1898. was too high, the Court of Revis- Scott--Jarvis.-That this council ._"..,!-..�.-.-.-- ion 'hereby reduces the ersest m(.nt on 11 now adjourn to meet again on 1 '" gANt:ta'Igr c. Sd:BBA.Tii SERVICES. .rr 1.y • ,+A.(11 k4s 4,4111 , 41 ,,, Mace a cell . ""•_..�..✓ Mer kr O^ .ns. 1 lot p CL�LROSet. ``300, and that being `he. Jany ith at 9 s fns (.altle.l. I PLI v ).... �Tll., O1thA1 11.111 U a<) tt o . - n ,•' • only case of appeal the Court of: +' t•iits•woO FtEPAEDV ',coty P 1 ] Clerk. ; PRODUCED Trx+1 AmovE 0 eot]netl net m the town hall,' Revision he now closed.—Carried. 1' Yx<,..atex,x adays.Cares "11 s.,rvona Diseases. Cured Memory r1'eeswatt r 11ay dl)th, i1S tt 1. oiu t of et Tail'y 1S -'That ill cotllpll- Parvus, Slocplacs+leas, NiEhtly Emie- �l'ae.\'lai011 :till :'Appt'.11. rinse with the p'titin Of .Ti)hll MGI 1'a'o 'War For Him. ions,rtd.rizn red by nkr stus•l:t, ,;Cves I visor and size to shznnkcu ortans, and quickly but The y:ttliCtti'y deelaration peal 1Va3 Kenzie .1111 others for IL C'<Cl]C on the __tut - ea rely restores Lost /0.-thoor2in old or young. A I,,lltiCli01'etill had oeeasion to Pnsi{y3nrriedlnve;tnuehat. uce$2.onap'UIe0, The appeal of 3I r, -)- Et*. fo. .$,.nta,eEtJn cx soritEosr lT:xr:raxxtoe to cursor sails<srlde(i two app'' t,)th side road, this eullllcil giant the' visit his country proper[\r the other mane?, refunded. Dot UM AN ItrTrnTxON hu' ;+tubo was laid t it'rt. the court, the sum of w.t0, that :the Reeve and ?Ir. Assessor told 1It'. Stobo being tires- Johnston see this amount properly tint it \I as ree;,mmended that the! expended.—Carried. Assessor A;(' ail:tl make an inspeeti(tn f Jollnst,)u--1•teid---.That as .Lppli• ), I , id the it .I end t1f the place, and the: e.ttil.ln has been Made to this; council lj urned for that pur 1 t 1 tin the Village of incret nn bovine M DA IsO. If your dritaztst hoe not day. 11in tOlol'ed. ceok wanted t0 Rot it, n'e will send it prepaid. nMIMI u� N 5nY CT, Prows, Vidor°, III, er me AI•ents, know "What was the news ill the, Chisho a .t Corner Drug Store, \Cin bads., (ret, town, sah." - The gentleman replied that be t, thought there would be \v;tr, and ' court %% tie adjourned - ` to have the ca vel : said ,jokingly : pose. I Formosa rebuilt opposite ?ir. Village Of I "I suppose I'll have to be looking The Connell thea proceeded with property, that the Reeve have it for another cook, for you'll go in the;, g-, 1) si ess.providing' the council , „ general [1.111 attended to, p r, V of Ct)tll'SE.. :,,atm, i •T.huSton --- Seen ....... That as the of Carrick grant an equivalent of <<Yvts(i have to look for a new Reeve has t lkcul the eh air, the clerk carts ; the (:[el k to send a copy of cook,boss, dat's sho', bat dis nivel', read the minutes of last session Of this motion to the Carrick council.— ain't a ,o,'Oin' in no army, sah.1)ls' �`ounetl.--(�ara'ied• Carried nigger'll go in de woods, and go fru' McKay—Jarvis- --That as a cul „ 400. vert is required on the new road, lot 9, con. 9 and 10, that Mr. Scott have one put in.—Carried. Johnston — Reid — That as the sink hole opposite lot 30, con. 12, is in Very bad condition and will have to be repaired before statute labor is done ; that G. Scott have a ditch constructed on the south side of the The minutes were then read. Jarvis—Johnston--That the min- utes of fast meeting as just read be adopted.—Carried. Scott—Jarvis—That as the Markle 'family are again in need of aid that this council grant the sum of $10 for their benefit acid that the money be paid to Mr. Jas. Baptist to be ex- pended as be sees best.—Carried. Ii eia — Johnston — That as the culvert on the 30th side road, eon. 2, requires to be removed and Mr. W. G. King offers to do the same fur the sum of $6, that he be employ- ed to do it under the supervision of of the Pathmaster.— Carried. Scott—Jarvis—That as there are a number of new scrapers needed in the township, that the Reeve be authorized to procure six of a suit- ble size. Carried. Jarvis—Johnston--That as the hill on the 30th side road, con. 4, is in a bad state for travel that Messrs Reid and Jarvis expend 030 to im- prove it.—Carried. Reid—Scott--That as the hill on .3Cith side road, con. 1, is in bad need of repair that Messrs. Jarvis and • Reid expend the sum of $130 on it as they think would be most beneficial. —Ca rried. Stott—McKay--That as appli- cation has been made to this council fer a grant to open up the boundary line between Culross and Greenock, i.pposite lot 28, con.15 ; that a grant cf 820 be made on the condition that the Greenock Council grant an equivalent, and that Joseph Johnston that laugh Chisholm, Pathmaster, be be authorized to represent this court- instructed to expend the amount of A good appetite it in the matter. --Carried. 810 when doing statute labor on is Is essential to good health. Hood's Sarsaparilla creats an Appetite. tones and Strengthens the stomach, And builds up the whole system. It relieves that tired feeling, and by pur- third time, passed, signed and sealed. ifying and enriching the blood, it prompt- --Carried. YOU ARE A VICTIM ! Medical Statistics Prove that Eighty Out of E\ cry Hundred are Taint- ed With Catarrh. Are you one or the eighty ? Poul breath, pains over th(r oyes, dropping in the throat and headaches denote it, I road to the creel. as soon as pi-acti- Usve sou these symptoms? Dr. Agtew's cable. --Carried. Catarrhal Puwder never disappoints in a cure. Reid—Jarvis—That as there is a "For years I was a victim or chronic heavy jam of timber at Stobo's catarrh. I had tried all kinds of cures. bridge that should be removed while and had been treated by numbers ofphy sicians, but no cure was affected until the water is low, that the Reeve I had procured and used Dr. Agnew's Catarrhal Powder. The first applica- tion gave me almost instant relief, and in an incredibly short time I was abso- lutely cured from this distressing and disgusting malady." James Headley, Dundee, N. Y. Sold by A. L. Hamilton, druggist. attend to it as soon as practieabl e.— Carried. Jarvis—Johnston—That as there are jams of thnber at the bridges, lot 203, con. 8, and lot 26, con. 10, that \Vrn. Reid have the same removed.—Carried. Johnston—Jarvis-- That as the grading on the gravel road was not completed last fall that the peeve procure the grading machine to finish the boundary and also other places he may find necessary.— Carried. Scott—Reid--That By -Law No. 12 be now read a first, second and third time, passed, signed and sealed.— Carried. Reid—Sbott—That Mr. Stobo be paid the sum of $8 for wire fence, being the amount he is entitled to by township By-law.—Carried. Johnston—Scott--That as the hill at lot 5, con. 10, is in bad condition Little Ones. "Money talks." What about hush m oney. Don't "get mad" ; ou lose by it every time. Gaslight is a good thing, yet lots of' people turn it down. Nature gave the little dog lots of bark to make up for his .lack in size. The London Times puts next year's Atnerican import of cycles at 40,000. A London justice recently sentenc- ed two bicycle thieves to six month::' hard labor. Scott—Reid—That as the hill on to help to put the ditches in proper the 211d con., lot 21, is in need of shape.—Carried, repair that a grant of $20 be made Scott—Jarvis—That by-law No. tc• be expended under the super- 10 be now read a first, second and vision of Jarvis and Reid.—Carried. Scott—Jarvis--That as the Kin- loss Council has made a grant of $25 On the boundary of Kinloss and Cul ross that this Council supplement the same and that Mr, Reid represent this township in the expending. of the above atnount.—Carried. Johnston---Reid—That as appli- cation has been made to this council for a grant at kis 8 and 9, boundary 1. reenock and Culross, that this council grant $15 should Greenock grant an equivalent ; and as coo• plaint has been tnade that the fences n the Greenock side of the road are Ln the road allowance and so in the way of doing statute labor and should be staightened and put in !-roper line, that the Clerk send a copy of this motion to the Greenock council, requesting them to attend to the matter.—Carried. The Court of Revision resumed, Mr. Stobo and the Assessor having returned. Scott—Jarvis—That as the As - 1 B'RisTol.'s 7 '";BRISTOL' [BRISTOL'S- Sarsapari lla and �c$o A T E o P I L Li 0 The Greatest of all Liver, Stomach and ttlood Medi 'Ines. A BPicctFlO FOR Rheumatism, (lout and Chronic Complaints. 711,..,y Cleanse and Purify the Blood. All Druggists and General Dealers. C• I N G P LES. \ Pomo time ago I was completely i n,eitated for husinesa b y ILI 111•1; Piles. I bought , of (base's Ointment at Roper' Prug liters, and on applying it was relieved at once. I have given io to others and a.l have beau rolieved. Ib r g has cured sone that hod 41.� `fC.J u ,il'1gonea"operation. WM. LEITH, CUTS Caledonia, Ont. BURNS CHAPS CHAFES SCALDS STINGS BITES HIVE' SALT RHEUM AND Z-R'MA ORES PILES PILES ECZEMA SALT RHEUM SCALD HEAD ITCH- - IPTG I have used Dr. Chase's Oint- ment for Salt Rheum and Eczema and it has worked a svmderful cure for in I takes delight in reeommendingittoall. afflicted with those skin torments EWEN tIcIUNNON, Hampton, P.E.I. Prise, 60 ctc., all dealer', or E herewith Bates r: Co., , Toronto, out. Mr.T'II01)IS'i` -Rev, 1)r. Pal,coe, pas' or. Services itt 11 It u, and 7 p tn. 1'IiI,SBY'1'1'.1tI;1N 14,v, D. Perrie M0ttur, Services at 11 a 01 ,:1x17 p 01, 1Ql?ISCOPAL, St. 1'anl's-Rev. Woo. Lowe, rector. Services Itt II a in and 7 p m, BAPTIST -Rev. Jas. Hamilton, pas- tor. Services at 11 0 nl and i p m CONGREGATIONAL --Rev. H. E. Mason, pastor. Services at 11 a m and I ( pi`•IIIIIS'1'I AN \ otac11 U -- Misses I REPORT OF COMMITTEE, RE ASSESS- MENT ROLL. We, the undersigned comn]it'ee appointed to inspect the roll, beg leave to report as follows : That we went over the roll as far as the time at our disposal allowed, and found that compared with last year's roll, in many cases there is a re- duction, ranging from $50 to v$'300 on a lot, and in a few instal:ces a raise of $50 or $1.00, and as far as compared the roll was a few thous- and dollars less in amount than last year's roll. We round no personal Tuesday. property and we recommend that "You don't say so !" said the Sena- tor, then he inclined his head to one side and continued : "How in thunder do you know that, that fish weighed 4 pounds when you did not get it out of the water ?" "Because," said the fisherman, "I watched the scales on its head."— Guelph Advocate. w0 .--1' PHaia)3l181t LVI;itY FRIDAY 'MORNING --•A•r TIIIi-^- TIMES OFFICE, JOSEPHINE STA Er W ONTARIO. Subscription price, $l por;verr.:In advance Lo'k in c;.n1Cuitnd Services A!l\"P.1{T1ti1NG aA11:F, Outram and 4 r at 3 p in and 8 p in. al ac _ . I 1 vc. 1 v no. i + m,:.t_ . i ala ._: SAT��'r>,'lION Af>,YII--Ad,utant;ylilea • nue_t:uiiuuu gun Ou ,14 -ii ui,.� „:., , nki , ws ou C -• ao ou•10 L:: ud 1 (i no and wife in command. Services at it a. ! ma 1 3 ret and 8 in, quarter •' •'a oo I lid 00 u) 3 00 (n+ p p t me l.fa+h ..:, JO 1 3 00 ': 01 I 1 00 In each or thtl above named churches - ' In Berlin no woman is allowed to ride on the top of,sn omnibus. ly and permanently cures all scrofula er- optio'1s, boils, humors, pimples and sores ; strengthens the nerves, and gives sweet re- freshing sleep. No other medicine bus taken such bold on the confidence of the people as Flood's Sarsaparilla. and its re- cord of great cures is unequalled by any other preparation. You nay take Hood's Sarsaparilla with the uttnost confidence that it will do you good. One on the Senator. "I pulled a fish weighing 4 pound t•) the top of the water, when it got away," exclaimed a Toronto ox• cursionist to Senator McHugh on the attention of the assessor, appoint- ed by next year's council, be drawn to the County I:qulization Committee's report of June 1897 ; the law re- quiring that the Assessor's assess all personal property, subject to a penalty of $ 200 for default and the Assessor must also attach to the Roll a certificate verified upon oath or affirmation that he has assessed all the real and personal property, etc., and, as it would make little differ ence in the amount of taxes to be paid, as the County Eqnilization Committee adds 3 per cent. on the amount of real estate in the town- ship to represent the personal pro - pet ty owned by farmers. II. MACKAY, J..1otl:lsTO , Scott—Jarvis—That the commit- tee's report on the Assessment Roll be adopted.' ---Carried. Finance Rep5rt.---Jas. Baptist, re Markle family, $10; Robt. (,rant, building bridge, $88 ; Jas, Mc- Gregor, rep. culvert, con. 9, $3 ; Robt. Winson. building culvert, con. 13, $2 ; Patrick Mahoney, building culvert, eon. 1, lot 1, $1G; Neil MacGayy, filling holes in road, 02; S. 1). A. A. Stobo, wire for fence, $8 ; II. IttcEvers, services as assessor for 1898, $GO. to 1 'd w•-4 Tor Infant:: ani. Chi+dren. Tho fan- stmile ltigeaturs of orlry !-CGGG.^�f/I wr; ppdr The Cook Who Dislikes Peas. Sabbath School is hei.l at .2.:3.1 1) Before. API*.' vooa'S I��lON�J'ho 1 nes '�h . Remed n h The Great E Y Sold and recommended by all druggists in Canada, Only reli- able need:eine discovered. Six packages guaranteed to cure all forms of Sexual Weakness, all effects of abuse or excess, Mental Worry, Excessive use of To- bacco, Opium or Stimulants. Mailed on receipt of price, one package $1, six, $5. One will please, six twill cure. WoodlCompany, Windsor, Ont. Sold in Wingham by Colin a Campbell, Druggist. BANK of HAN11130h 'Uii I N G 1'I la. M . 1 4.0)11 alri 1 t• 0)011)1 ad"ct11001,'}.:t'i:0'.tli to t.er 1110 ter 1irs: ins)13)o1,11011 8c per at, Iur t:al:,0ettnentl in•c 1511-0, 110 bol l•t1 tlw un:lp+u:,i1 ht'.1 1,0;:01 1101) 3. 1 101, lttr ills,' for l;rnimrirtlon, amt. 5.. p l lire e tor ',tea sub• tituted ,uti a, deo" 1111 u1 1 (11,041, P lxi:,d, n,Situations ; lit' t'},;nr•eo\Santed note•ti t S line ,..11dL'u1 , and 5m. for each. nonp.treil, r,'1 for nut nuhsegnu:t 0. stab, month, (lwtr:es un,t ir.u•ms Por Sale, not 0xeeed,0;>; 8 line. 'i for lift ml,.th, 600. per tabsrqueut month 1 I,:tr:;)1• idivetrl' i'. 11:01110111 p,npnt'ri:ml. t'Chose e.rs mfs ti, It 3110 fly :ailm:,C(1 to Special rates afrr larger adeertist,-tints, or or 1 longue periods. Advettl.•,•worts and local notices without specific Idirection,,, wt.; , 01ul.t.rtco Da tutbid and charged acc0rdin;;1,v. T. ulsuty edl ortisou,unts must be paid in advance Changes for centta;1 advt:rtieesel.te must be in the otliee by V, edneeday noon, 11, 0,0er to appear that week II. , ?1'.hT'1 PRu11il'h1L10011tAPl), - e11BLIBIIEa Capital, 01,250,000. Rest, 11725,000 President---J0I 8 5Tunar. Vico-President-A. G. 'Lomat. DII:tEC'FOlta J011N PROCTOR, Otto,' 1108,41. Wsl GIBBON, P; A. T. WOOD, A. B. LRE (Toronto). This is merely a catch pun on the word peas ('s). Each member of the company is told that the cook does not like peas and is asked what be will older for dinner. If he order's anything without the letter "p" in it, it should be suggested that he might wish for something :n addition —for instant:e, "Wouldn't you like to begin with soup?" If he says he would, he is ruled out. And so the catch goes on—partridge, pheasant, pie, potatoes, pork, pier;les, being suggested to the various diners. Those who are in the secret of the catch are to be separated from those who are not. One part Of the joke is that those wh') are ruled out cannot imagine what mistake they have made until at the end they are reminded that the cook doesn't like "p':1" and if they order anything with one or more peas in it the cook will refuse.to serve it. BABY BRIGHTNESS Soon fades when Diarrhea seizes on the little form. Dr. Fowlers' Extract of Wild Strawberry, has saved many in- fants' as well ab adults' lives. Mrs. W. Walters, Richmond Street, Hamilton. Ont., Says : "I cured my baby of a bad attack of cholera, by using Dr. Fowlers Extract of Wild Strawberry. Nothing else did any good, but the baby 1lnpruv- ed from the first dose of the Wild Straw- berry." The republic of iJ ruguay has more newspapers in:proportion to its popu- lation than any country in the world. A single female frog will produce 1,000 eggs at a time. 11'rogs sub- sists on insects and are themselves devoured by a variety of other animals. No other preparation lute ever done so many people so mach good as Hood's I3an- Raparilt i America's Greatest 4ledieine Cashier -J. TUIRNBULL. Savings Dank -Flours, 10 to 8; Saturdays, 10 to Deposits of $1 and upwards recebod and interest allowed. Special Deposits also received at current rates of ir. :rest, .krafts or, Great Britain a,d the United State' bought and cold W. COR BOITLD, AGENT E. L. uICKINSON, Solicitor. Money Le Loan on Notes. Notes Discounted AT REASONABLE RATES Money advanced on :Mortgages at 6 per centwlth privilege of ptyiog at the end of any year. Note and accounts colleted, ROBT. McINDOO. Beaver Block wineham, Ont rCook's Cotton Root Componni Is successfully used monthly by over 10,000Ladies. Safe, effectual.Ladies ask our drn glst for Codes Cettoe toot (em- imittionsareodanngerog ss. Prise, No p1, $1 per box; No. 2,10 degrees s\ronge'r,$0 per box. No. 1 or 2, mailed en recoiptof price and two 5 -cent stamps, The Cook Crimps'''. Windsor, Ont. responsible Druggist$ is cganedamended by all No, 1 and No, 2 for sale t'i Colin A. Cranpbcll, Druggist GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY. Toronto and East Palmerston mixed London and South Kincardine DEPART ARRIVE 550 a. m. 305 p.ni 330pm1025pm 853 rim 305pm li 53a 01 1110 a m 33Cpm 800pm 11 10a no 0 50a rn 3 30p m 3 30pm 1025pm S80am AGENTS: D11. 1? 11. 10.1.r11'1.E11•iII, PHYSICIAN, 8 Ult (oEvN, st\1) i,UUl"Ltlall it. Successor to Dr. N . G1al,an,'ILI:FS1'.LS ONT. 1st Class honor Graduate of the U1liyelsities of Trinity (Termite) Queens ',Kingston). sad of Trim. it? 1letheal College ; 1:'ell,,,t el Trinity Medical eolluge anti hi:: a001 of the Colie,e of 1'hwsicians and burgeons et Ontario. Putt Graduate Course Ca Detroit and Unicago 11831Special attention paid to disunse: u1 Eye 1,.tr Nose and Throat and 'Diseases of Women. Consultation it, English and German. EIrttat.u'rh treated sdeceaauliy in all its forms. Book business i0 better than for years past ; also have better foal faster selling hoops. Agents clear- ing front $10 to $40 weekly, A fntt loulul•s tiro : (Zneeu Victoria" ; "Life of 11r. (ladstone," •'ally Mother's Bible Stories" "Prncre'site Speaker." '1lnudike (:old Field," "Women," "Glimpses 4t the Unseen," "Breakfast, Dinner, Supper," Books o11 time. 13I1.81)LEY•GAltl(ETSON C0)1IATY, Lo,ITrp, Toronto, WINGRAM STEAM PUMP INORKS Au.STEa You need it to best the ,daily b>rdens of life. If yoilr back's weak -Doan' Matey Pills will strengthen it. If it pa ;ns and fiches-Doan's Kidney Pills will curit. No experiment in taking Doan'It Kleiner pine,They cured handtede of weak, .chin :backs long before other kidney pills Ware d earned of. Ma. Suns Row, Ont.,,soffered for nine years with terrible pain in the back, rileumatid pains, and pains in the bladder. I1u spent 0300 clootoring, Vail gear little relief. Doan'ai Kidney Pink have completely cured him, banished Or back. pine, and all the other Wax Ind a lies.• ��. V ANSTON E, SoLRRiiTEIt, SULIC-TOIL, Etc.. Private and Cenieum funds CO loan at 1031051 rate' interest. No commission charceu• Mortgages, town and farm propert,, bought and sura 01''FICE-Ileaver Block 83 INOOASI J. A. 3101tTON BARRISTER, dtc.. N Ingham, unt. • L. D1CKINSON, BARRISTER, ETC. 150LICITOIt TO BANK Or HAMILTON. MON int TO LOAN. Otlice—Merer Meek Winuhum G. CAMERON, In . BAItalsum, SOLICITUIt, CON \'EYANCIBIi, &a, 011tce-Corner Hamilton and St. Andrew streeta1 opposite Colborne hotel. GoneRtca, ONTARIO. DENTISTILY.-J. S.1110(01118, L. D. s., tt [swag. la dia,utaotur aret•class sets of teeth as cheap as they can be made in the boniuion. Tooth extracted absolutely without pale, by his new process, guaranteed perfectly safe. OFFICE: In the Beaver Block, oppu.ite the Brunswick house. J OLIN RITCHIE ���• rel 1.I1':NERAL lNatJI(ANCE AOLN1 8INOIIAn, t)NTAr1Ie 113 DEANS, .15.6 tS'1No.,An, LIl/ENSa(D AUCT1UNEEh itis, .d1: t °LINT'S 01' 1IURU14. Su!0s attendud in any part of the Uo. Charge. Modorute. ,.MY.WHA Aco`oatTHAT ' MILL IS Having purchased the entire business from Mr. Daniel Showers, I am now prepared to supply the public with wood and Iron Force and Lift Pumps, , Brass and Iron Cylinders, Galvaniz- ed Iron Tubing. Cisterns, Water Troughs, Sinkrs, Baths, ripe Fitting, Well Digging and everything in con- neotion with water supplies. Galvanized Steel Windmills for power and pumping water. Deep well pumps a speciality. Repairing promptly attended to. Parties writing for information or ordering by mail should always state depth of well. All work guaranteed or no sale. G. MORWRIGSTAlt .lint 140 Wingham, Ont. J OHN CURIAE, tVuleRAu., Ltc1: SEI) AUCTIONEER. Sales of Farm Stock ;AIM L:um lmp11:1nen specialty. All orders loft at the Toots odh,e promptly aiten9, ed to. Terme reasonable. SOCIETY MEETINGS. ((�� Camp Caledonia, No. 43 meet S• 0. S•" the gistand third Monday is ewory 0,00[0, in ,.he Odd Fellows Cal.. Visiting brethren woks: n'' J. Murr.At. Chht, 1) Stew art Ban. -Sot• WANTNT ED Ynuo5 men nn womot, or older 000,1 �1 R 1 it rti11 y olu1)1 in spirit, of undoubted eual..c,,,.,, geed talkers, ambitious and Industrtotll• cal find ' mptoynlolt in a good 'fans,:, ,with $40 per month and uptwa:ds accordh,g to ah1itr, 110V, T. 8, 1.IN$COI1, ToaoNTO. �V ANTBD. 8 s e l order twtiter-. Sala y 00 conutLss[on 50 snit auto per.uns. -ADVERTISER, thdic,(1 Building, Torol10, WAD. [len and women who :11:::%,.E.0 rn: hard htl:sing and wilting tlx hours dailyx 11.ys a w,ek and will bo diateut bait ten daeokfy( \ ld \J,tf (DBASCo , TOitoRr0, \-T3n,hus and other bright 1000 for VYA llfun vat:ation or parntlufemtly to solicit for "C 10,11 .411 lint•101 e3dia th0 Conitry, in Fiv♦ Roya1,11.11,1:5:1.81:11 qual1(10 )01, e)1110». Se delivering. Cuu,,ni4slga p.tid woell), TJSn01L'I)TT Pt'ntts)u.n Co, T, e:Ire JOB PRINTING, N Hooks, Pamphlets, e11 YRoads, Circulars, ac., et executed in the beat. style of tial art, at moderate prices, and on 01012 notice Apple or ..Lina 1I, n. ELLIOTT. T urs Oalco, Wingham 1 BOOKBINDING. we aro plOaAcd t5 announce that any nook) 01 tlagaeincs left with ns for Bindingg, will hate MIA prompt attention, Prices for Btndiaa In any drill w01 be );it (01 on SV1C!ic.,tton 0 the Tam olgce w�^ ` 1r 50'x111' do t thin[ ingls to co cans) Celle thea H allee whit wick 411 sibh Mini whip 1( ,our the had cele ing •of effc not Alan pla ing bin this sbi ton 'CVC ed sell fort Iv not .cal m3 tht col esu ml .as .as