HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1898-06-10, Page 5I'S:IT, .
111E 1 .1 ;I.i11.AM "'I.11l ;, t JUNE 101 :i13,
We have all thelatest for Spring Snits, at moderate prices. Fit and
workmanship of the best. "Guaranteed," We are showing the most
up -to 'date
Also all kinds of Men's Furnishings for Spring Wear, A special line
of Ready matte Pants and Overalls cheap. Inspection invited.
!?,�, "►Ww,N `. ne m!r ass w Ar,.o �Pi�
Opposite Queen's Hotel, Wingham.
(blessing or knowing :shoes.
The difference between buying
a pair of ";41ater Shoes" and a 0.7;7
pair of couunou stluw, is just
the differetrce represented in. a -
sealed letter and an opened one
with a responsible signature..
. The sealed letter may c.xttaiu
a large cheque, or a l>uiliff's notice. Th:e, y+,•
opened letter -well you know just tris t itis. t;!,...4".;4-,,.
The common shoes may bt: good ones under the finish
but how do you know?
"Slater Shoes " bear a pedi'ree tog tt•l;i:'.i tells exactly
the leather they're of, its wear, pe+•nlarities or faults.
Goodyear Welted. $3.00, $4.00 and t3.00 per pair.
Cr1TA40G E
r. t=om. •• �t a
For Sale Only by HDMUTF & BOWLES.
Great improvement has been made
on the premises of lirownstwn ehureh
A grand shed has been erected for
the protection of the nurses in the
wal'ln season.
Still Henry Bosnian continues to •'
rix 11i6 dense. For what ? Every-
one seems to be guessing the same.
Wonder if they aro guessing right..
One of the greatest events of the
month la a pie nfe, which will be held 1
in Mr. E. Bosman's bush on the cen-1€,r
tre sideroad, It is h union pie-nie
of S. S. No, 8 and the Sunday
Lehool of Ebenezer. A good time
may be expected by everyone, but I
further particulars will be given
Your correspondent is aware, on
good aathority, that some -not all of t
the men -we won't say gentlemen -
who are travelling stallions through
this township, are making a stopping; .
place at the east end of the 2nd nun.
Surely the law does not sanction
well business to be carried on on
the public highway. It the law
would take a gond sound hold on
some of these then, it would perhaps
1'liwt,ons, Spring Wagon:;, !.toad Wagons and (','arts.
r... ga
n,1i4�L neem
Ever since we purchased the McIntyre stock here at 53c on the $, we have advertised
cols at about 53c on the Dollar of the re,;ular prices, and we have failed so far to see them
duplicated either as BARGAIN DAY SNAPS or in EXTRAORDINARY AN-
NOUNCEMI iNTS- - and e will continue along this week as usual,
Note these sample prices and come in and see the goods, IT \\TILL PAY YOU :
Fancy Wool Delaines, pretty patterns, worth 30e yd,
now Vie.
°anten Flannel, worth any time 8e, for 5c.
Farley Cotton Crepon, worth 15e cd, 'luw Oe.
Plaid Flannelette, regular 12e, for unto tie.
Fot.d Check Shirting, the r e yd kind, tut• 5c.
Wide Apruu Gingham, with border, 121e, now 10e.
Mahogany Covert Cloth, cheap at 371e, now 20e.
7 special Dress Patterns, shot effect, Ave ;3.50 each,
now $1 75
Wool Serge, regularly sold for 25e, our price 17e.
Colored Chiffon always sold for 18e and 20e, our
price is 121e.
"Muriel" Kid Gloves, in Black and Tarts, worth
$ 1.00 for 80e.
Black Silk Gloves imported to sell at 750 tor 40e.
Child's Gingham and Print Dresses, well made and
beautifully trimmed at $1,0). 75e and 65e.
1,000 dor. Dress Buttons, worth 8e. and 10e per
doz., le.
WHERE ? The Cheap Cash Store, Macdonald Block.
open their eyes to du what is right.
We hope they will continue it no
The council met a a Court of Re. .......,'
vibiuu in the town hall on May 30th
18tl8, and the Members subscribed
to the oath as required by statute.
Wo'. Jackson complained of being
too lhil;hly, assessed , reduced $10J.
Rohl. Vint cotnplaiued of being two
high as-essed ; di -missed (Seo.
Lleai:)? was entered
a 5 Bluevaleowner of lot 30,
0 Dames entered
tenant N • lot, eon 6 ; Jas J Kelly
entered tenant N E pt 'lot 10 con 6 ;
Thos linker entered tenant, lot 9, ti
S Bluevale,
On motion of Isbister, seconded by
Kirkby, the Uuurt of Revision was
tbeu adjuurued until the 27th Juue
Council business was then proceed
ed with, Minutes u: last 'Heeling Scutt, expeuses taking insane person Hartley is now ,tatiuned at McLenn
read and uuulirrued. A comniuni to asylum, •15.2b ; Jatues Shedden, I an, Algoma. Mr. Hartley is spend•
cation was received from E. L. Dick tilt drain, $$3.00 ; James Shurrie, re- ing this week with his daughter, Mrs.
inson, i esl;eeung; damage sustained pairing road, $3.00 ; Jas. Speir, tile Sharp, at Varna.
by an egg waggon being upset on drain, X2.50; 151tu Clark, part salary, Mr. and sirs, Inglis, of Atwood,
western gravel road. ;40 OU• Jas. Hall. ditch and culverts visited at Mr. Peter Fowler's, Blue i ti o
lle•ved by Thos.Cude, seconded by * Mr. and lira. 11 , C. Hushes have
•I,OU ; .John Watson, assessor's sal- vale road, over ,`3onda,y'• gone Stratford where they i.ite¢d
Geo. Kirkby, that we take no action
in the matter. -Carried. art', •50.00; Rubel.; Iouhill, repair- A very gay party of little girls
to• ttt ttf future.
Alessi's. Dutl' and Milker appeared ing washout, '4.00; 1V'nt. Michie, were those at Mr. Hugh Ross' last 1'he gr•ulilll,u will is a hive these
clinging ditch, •5,00. Saturday afternoon, who had. come 1 days Largo yuahtities of wool are
on behalf of the ratepayers of Bine- The council then adjourned to to celebrate Miss Jean Ross' sixth
vale respecting the unsatisfactory couhina tutUwu.
Trunks, Valises, Whips. Brushes, Curry Combs, harvest Mitts, Lap Rugs
Busters, Axel Grease, Oil, Harness 011 and Soap.
on short notice, and
R. J.
at reasonable prices. •
Your eyes are priceless. Take care of them,
care of them for you. ?f ton need
big road way at lots `25 alai 26 on
eun. 7. --Carried.
Accounts were ordered to be paid
as fulluw,,:-Jlunicipal World blank
furtns $5.135, huff h Stewart, cedar,
3 UU; 11. Sterling, putting in culvert,
; Wm. (Uarness, repairing cul-
vert, $T.0U; MoLeau & Son, cedar
Pur culverts on west boundary,
;s28.613; W II. Humphries, repairing
vera per, $4.00 ; corporation of Turn -
berry, B line expenditure, $7.22 ;
John Coldough, ditch told culverts,
$Ii.0U; Thus, McCall, culvert, $3.00 ;
Alex. \McCall, culvert, •3.UU; Jae,
Pollock, cleaning ditch, 8L.0t ; F. S.
Forrest and Charles Forrest,
Rev. W. J. West preached an
interesting sermon last Sabbath
morning, on "Lessons from the Life of
Gladstone," whish was especially
intended for the young people of the
The road from the village to the
Mr. C. W Andrews, of this place,
occupied the pulpit of the Congre•
gational chureh at Listowel on
Sunday. o
The 1Vta-Hoo Medicine Co. were
performing in tuw:i all last week,
They left here fur liluevale.
station was treater! to a dose of road lir. John Barnard has had a new
machine last week, which has made l fence erected in trout of his property.
it outlandishly dusty for the present, Dominion Day will be celebrated
in right royal style in Wroxeter. A
grand trades' procession, shaui battle,
bi • t s b eLali football etc
whatever it may do in the future.
Rev. A. Y. Hartley, for many
years pastor of the Presbyterian
church here, was renewing old friend•
ships in the village last week. Mr,
cyc el , as •
will be the attractions. A good
committee has the clatter in hand
and good day's spurts will be given.
A bicycle track i5 being Glade on
the park here.
Mrs. Thos. Sage is visiting with
Teterboro friends.
meet t.gain after ()curt of Revision,
on the 27th June next.
W. Cf. title, Clerk.
birthday. They had a glorious Railway cies !lave. been distributed
ti One dues not need to- go from I along the 0. I'. R. here fur tire pur-
pose of repairing the track.
Bluevale, just now, to see a pretty i Mi.. Thus. Sage hill soon have his .
sight. The village seen trout Robert- • new bare cun>iltutcd.
son's hill is really pretty and so is all :1 troupe of men, women, children,
the view. The fields are beautifully monkeys and uuaaa passed through
fresh and the trees are fat with rich the village on raturday. It was the
green foliage. Sometimes the bash hardest !nuking gang that we have
is faintly dimmed with a purplish y
smoke that gives it a little bit of a seer' to maks a na.
wise and mysterious look but one --~~
that is most restful to the eye. June, J_SJ1,:SLOVVN
the beautiful, the month of roses, the j Soule of our ey chats will. have to
perfect month, --the only perfect`. bt brought heiure the t1iayor of
month -is holding her court note.
Jame.stuwn if they do not • keep a
Let us pay hw' alt homage and store \ ct it tongue in Aldi' 110L45.'
up glorious memories of her fur ZVe ;re sorry to uhruuiele another
Baal: of inflammation of the bowels.
1., is itt ti,e pe, sun of Jim Simpson,
e.dest sun , t James Simpson of this
state of the drain and sidewalk lead-
ing from the llluevale station to the
village, and s,skiug fur assistance to
have the same renewed,
Moved by Cardiff, seconded by
Kiri by , that we grant 05 for tho
purpose named above ; money to be
paid when the work is completed w
our satisfaction. -Carried.
as no one will take Moved by Code seconded by Isbis-
ter, that NJ -Cardiff be instructed tt,
have the road at lot 21, cue. 13 put in
a s'ate of safety for public travel. -
Moved by Cardin', seconded by
Kirkby, that Messrs Code and Isbis
ter be instructed to tweet represent-
ives from Inc Wawatlush euutleil at
of Bel ;rave on June 7th, to arra u;;e
for expenditure to be made un Inc
boundary between the respective
townships. -Carried,
\loved by Code, seconded by Is-
bister, that..tt.t:aiditl• be tustruoted
..o have the seve-i a l bridge, 10 the
township u1•uwued and property t•e-
paired.- Cat•ried.
Moved by ,btster, seconded by
Cardttf, tbat ylr,t)111.1 be iu;truutrtu
to have sidelilites between lots 5 and
ti eon 7 iepasicd, nut w exceed. 61,5.
Carried. '
. 111uved b1y Isbister, seconded by
Cardiff tLaa, we eXprndr 3U Lit iepair-
huy thein from us.
�l n a full line of Watches, Clocks, and all kinds
.jewelry. Repairing promptly attended to, g
sou l'-'�.. I 7� : lir
50,000 Lbs.
Eighest Prices Paid inCash or
,lf ybu are illl you need a
doctor' in whom you have
If Nott need a remedy you
The direutoi•, ut the Bluevale N'lax
Company have re-engaged Mr. Geo.
Hudson as foreman at, the mill.
VAIs. Wm. Patton's housewi;.was
burned down on Wednesday night
of last weak, Nolte of the contents
were saved. 'I,�IO cause of the tire
is Unknown The Toss• is partly
covered by insura ncti.
No doubt many w ill take ad van
tate ot'the very cheap excursion to
the Model B'ar'n, Guelph, un 1Lonuay,
June 20th. These excursions have
always been well supplemented at
Blneva le.
Mr. Robert 13iacic has had ,. new
and better bridge built to re.phaee !,lace. lib e.tae is one. of the most
the one carried away by tike spriug Mrs. Jas, !Bryan and. Wilbur are be duns, but we !tope to hear of his
tloodr• spending; a few weeks with friends speedy 1eeuvery.
Mrs. Robert Musgrove's arm which in Kincardine. • :S wedding to one of the events
was broken in three places, when Mr. acid Mrs. B. J. Stinson have of the seasou in our town fur June.
she was thrown out of her buggy by gone to Winnipeg, where they intend Dave Julruston, of W Ingham, spent
a runaway horse over a month a.go, tua.king their future home. Sunday with frieuds in this lucality.,
will sown be better. Rev. J. B. Wuiluitn, who has been
topper Brinker are.Messrs. John \Vausman and Chris- pastor' of the 1lethodiss church here 1 tiamiitou as au warmed Mitchell having built for for the past three years has been �t;is drowned in tit 1 Stikine.
themselves very nice, comfortable transferred to Victoria avenue
houses. Joseph, Chatham, and the 1.4ev, ft LeProstrate
Airs, W. W. Leech find Miss Leech, Josepen Galloway, of Leamington, Left
of Whitechurch, were visiting Mr. conies to Lueknow.
Joseph f thisweek.A quiet home wedding took place'
sep Leech
. Weak and Run Down, With Heart
Mrs. Rogers and son 1. are
at the faintly residence of P. Gra-
visiting in Atwood. ham, J. P., On May the 28th, when and Kidneys in Bad Condition
Mr. and Mrs. James Ross, of Bruce -
field, visited his brother, Mr. klugh
Ross, last Saturday.
Mr. Low 1:'t'oetor, of Riebuu3, will
want;'one that has been tested f assist Mr. Geo. McDonald making
cheese this season,
for ears; not art obscure, lin- Ales S. .,teT,ean and little son, of
tried! thing that is urged upon 1 Ludt/low, are visiting her parents
yout, or on which you save a
few cents—that is no consid-
eration as against health.
For wasting in children
or' adults, Scott's Emulsion
of" Cod-liver Oil with Hypo-
.ttr,, John McCracken, • of the Blue.
vale road.
Att. Edgar Coultes, principal of
Riot y school, spent Sunday at his
home here.
Mr. John Hall had a bee on Tues-
day for the purpose of moving his
baric nearer the house. Mr. Hail
will have it !raised and build stone
stabling underneath,
phosphites has been the Mtessre. DteDotiald and Stewart
his daughter Florence was united is
the bonds of matriinuny by the Rev.
I. B. Willwin, ti. A.. to Edward,
youngest son of George Pears, Esq.,
15 Urovenor stteet, Toronto. The
delighted and latgspy pair lett the
s:tine day by the afternoon train via.
Chicago to St Paul, Minn., their
future home. We ,join in wishing
the young couple a joyful and pros.
perms path through life's journey,
Mrs. Treleaven, mother of Rev.
W. E. Treleaven, and, of J. W.
"t't•eleaven, of the Clinton Collegiate
Restored by Hood's $areal3&r)Ita.r
was very much rurr, dl�fivit fzaviat*
been sick for several nnttntitet t-kimul been,
trying different ratiterl*Itch ich ttid Tal"
good. I would lu ineteTe"•}'elle o,`
Coughing that would leave 'tile prostrate.
1 was told' that itty ;tusige.4 sherd aeiected,
and my heart end kidneys were in a bad
condition, In tact. it seemed .ketathough.
every organ was nut -o 900'0, ->ti 1t that
sontethtng mutat be donelurd-Mrltrother
advised me to try i'Ioodh 3arailiarill1. X
fwocured a bottle !laud begat*, tat;jlsg It.
tofore it wee half g II'ii felt' Oat it was
helpingnte. I cOstlnue$ its true sad ft
Institute, died soddenly on Mtty bit made me * n44, :stOmen, or oaairot
81st of heart failure. Her husband prties it too lilglity i� `•atiiat'rflroir eltllr
y 'maxi 217 OteingtdY:;kbeaue, 'rotonto,
died in June of last ear,
John Benson was drowned Ontario. flet only l.[Ood'i,'becane*
inthe Liiaw.ilft'La>a�rrwi[llgw.
recognized remedy for tWeIrw shipped nineteen hecattle for expert from this station on 'The Montreal Conference, after a
Of extra. fine j De8jarditisutIt ttnilton,
tyy-five years. . ifunday They were purchased' lively debate, refused to 'proLtbit
soc. and $1,02, pit druetetisa.
SiCOTT ec BOWNE, Clunts
O ,'Cyranto.
Is the beat -le fart the One Tritl,2iteed 1'at i*er.
Hold br all dtu gist*, ti, AIX tnr
+ •Ktil �4ti'etj r'el�'At1k/111, re»
t;i'rtst Messrs. Alex. \tu9tand, Mex. ttiiilisler3 from entering polities: Iood's �'iils ltabl. bunaletet, a6�.