The Wingham Times, 1898-06-10, Page 4FRESH STOCK
• s
Mr Me
of Ingersoll, w a
Parliament by the decayed end of ;
in the village this week, with a view
of purchasing, butter of the Creamery
the discredited 'Tory Administration, company.
fashloned American dead -lock. On tion foreman of the G. T. R. at Luck -
The obttruetive tactics adopted in
• have at last developed into an 01d.- Mr. John scott, win) bas been see-
the one bide we have the chosen re- now has been transferred to the
section at this place.
presentatives of the whole people, ifms Janet Mowbray died quite
tru ling to carry out their promise suddenly- on Wednesday of last
from $1.25 up. week, at the home of Mr. John Joy nt,
sof a reformed franchise, On the i
Best quality. nothing but their own partizan St. Helens, where she has been cm -
other a body of old men, representing.
,ploy•ed for over a year. She was a
!daughter of Mr. (.leo. Mowbray, of
prejudice, and the dishonest trod -
MARKET REPORTS. 1 Kivit.$4.41.1011A/tblVsettetigtotommqvillWevivuttor4"...°73.4),44/4.;
Wingliam, May '20, MS. 1
'Jorreeted by P. Deans, Produce Dealer.
Viotti: per 100 Ws 1 75 to 2 75
Fall Wheat
Spring Wheat
Turkey, arawn
Ducks, per pair
Eggs per dozen
tOU Mons of a tilliistgrcii•acc.tirt,y-
di-17Nlyilitnt 1,41,s4ilastetAis of a quite and til 1:11171ibn::
.. 0 00 to 0 00
0 00 to 0 00
0 t2R to 0 28
0 30 to 0 35.
0 50 to 0 50
0 07 to 0 081
0 01 to 0 05
0 40 to 0 00
. • • . 0 11 to 0 12
0 0 to 0 10
Wood per cord.... • • • . 1 00 to 1 25
Ray per ton,
Potatoes, per bushel,
Tallow ,per lb
Dried Apples, per lb
Dressed hogs
.... 0 40 to 0 45
4 o
0 4 to 0 4
0 B to 0 4
10 to 211
5 00 to 0 001
t(lxisptoislietia,atiroutidisat. ccomseehn for. four .........____ ,rtt,L..... I
''putl)(•.1Yedrit:.',PPe(1)teck ePN;er.Y effurt at re -
DRUGGIST, form which the popular chamber years. Although less than a week , George Dalgarno, for on that even
Campbell's El eaclacheW afers from the cloy 6b0 took ill until she line. his third daughter, MisS Graco,
ininate Unless a heaven•sent
was united in marriage to MI. J. .
Seott, eldest son of Robert Scott.
The bride was attired in white silk
and was supported by her sistery
Miss Lizzie, dressed iu eream cash- ;
mere, while the groom was helped
throuoth the ordeal by his brother, 1
was laid to rest, she was not unpre r
,eure headaches. pared for the sudden call, and as she
01=6•0111••••••••••1.•ffill•MM.IMV•COMMi210•01•WW•3•11, expresse.d it "longed to be in the
arms ef her Saviour." Not yet 21
TO ADVE.IIV ISERS. years of age, a young life so sudden -
'Notice of changes must be left at this lv called home is a solemn warning
office not later than Saturday
epidemic should thin the ranks of
these obstructionists, they may cou-
trol the legislation of the country for
20 years to come, and balk every
movement towards the reforms.for
which the whole people. are waiting.
ed to he a body of wise, experienced, of death \V ;IS perforation of the James. The ceremony was nerd
The Senate was originally intend- to all to "be ye also ready. c., .
unbiased r,,nd patriotic men,. whose. I bowels and until death released her, formed by Rev. Mr. Hall, of Bel -
beneficent check upon legislation
1 her suffering's were intense, but were 1 grave in the presence of about one
should only be excised. in time of \ borne with Christian fortitude, The 1 hundrad and twenty-five guests.
need. It has developed into a.body remains were littered in Kinloss ceme. The usual congratulations being ex -
y north of the village. Much tended, the party adjourned to the
- • too' of
• I- u- meddlesome partizans. ter.,
noon. The copy for changes
must be left not later than Tues.
day evening. Casual adver tise
ments accepted up to noon
Tnutsdav of each week.
1c ():i)liitgpant firnc
7 ,
FRIDAY, JITI\TE 10, 1398.
Perhaps those "escaped torpedoes" out helping Sampson find the
Spanish fleet.
If the Spanish gunners do not
boot, straigrter most of Uncle Sam's
t;oldiers are likely to die of old age.
01 1
Itis the ea
d d hand of Toryism, fast- svra athy is felt for her parents an dining rootn whereP
ened upon tbe throat of progressive
friends in their sudden and sore a tempting wedding' breakfast an
We are offering a few lines at less
than wholesale prices.
Canned Corn - 50 a can
Orange, Marmalade in goblets, 10c.
Shoe Dressing, 10c bottle for 50.
Cook's Friend Baking Powdor, 5c
F. TflD
H. KERNEY, ritiEvli
')fl '201,1 30R1AL ARTIST. „
evening was pleasantly passed Opposite Queen's Hotel, Wingham. •
reform, and cannot be lopped oft too bereavement.
soon. 1 t e
in music, games, and social conver-
ONE MORE VINDICATION. Bicyclists are nearly Lis numerous'
and sation. The presents were numerous For au easy Shave and a First-ClasE.
and beautiful, Mr. and Mrs. Scott 'Flair Cut, give Win a trial.
t as rasshoppers may be I will take up their residence on the Ram's ibned•
_—__-----.....—__ _ —
into the Manitoba election cases bas later on. Accidents are happening 9111 con. and have the best wishes of
Sir Hibbert Tupper's investigation at pi esen
merely served to throw light on one
daring, and to learners who are too
occasionally to experts who are too a large circle of' friends for a long
and bappy married life. Er
of the most shocking conspiracies in I timid.
the unsavory history of the Tory
party. It is evident that profession-
al gamblers, skilled in the legerde-
maine of dishonest cardplaying, were
The potato bug is still with us,
BRIJ SsElei.
parts green notwithstanding.
Fresh paint and the painters' brush 1
Our local papers recently gave us!
have been beautifying things around
some good advice about keeping filet
tid Whose -place is it to see , t°w1-1.
and sent among the Deputy Return -I -tical in all branches,)
who were tel have been rescued by , washouts we see. on every spring
Workman, John Proctor, 13e1- LEA & SON. Ps,ops.
employed by the Tory organizers, t to the sidewalks 9 Since the snrincr
Those "starving reconcentrados,"the funeral of their late brother .
elude Sam, are having a long wait tbei.r trade. That their lessons were around making a very unsightl y grave on Thio•sda'y last. Begs to inform the inhubil ants of Wing- •
hatu and neighborhood that he has Sue-
ing officers to teach the juggling of wrecked and rotten sidewalks lying
or their first meal. too w taught and too well learned, appearance by day and very dan- Al tne early hour of 6 o'clock on ceeded to the business formerly carried All 1 d of
Having opened up a shoe store
next door north of Chisholm's Block,
I am now ready for repairing, which
will be done at cash prices.
A 1 ad of' 1 0 U. W. attended (Therong1113- experienced and Pran-1
. ; tin s rough and dressed
The esteemed Mail seems to think
'that Providence visited this war upon
7.•.humanity, for the express purpose of
getting 0 Inaclian fish into the Amer'.
,ean markets
made clear. Sheafs of gerous traps to pedestrians by night.;
the residence of' the bride's father, 1
Wednesday morning of last week, at i on by Gee. Shaw at lately by D, IVic
Lumber, Lath, Shingles,
false ballots, marked for the Conser- '0, Gorrie but you should be sor.i y..
Miss Naotni, daughter of Mi'. Hugh
vative nominees were distributed The Rev. J. W. Coffin attending
Williams, was united in marriage to
among the polling officers, and paim- the meetings of the Ontario and 1
ed into the boxes, under the very Quebec Union in Toronto. Mr. II 11 Brewer, the popalar photo-
; • • •
eyes of Liberal voters, with a skill • grapher of this village. The wedding
lie is prepared to supply all kinds o
Meat and Butchers' Supplies of the
Best quality at lowest prices.
Orders executed to any part of the
town with despatch.
Apple Barrels, Hard & Soft Slabs
. , Also a large quantity of dry Hard.
The citizens of Gorrie wi ta
was a very quit one, only mem el s Telephone No. O. Wood for sale, delivered.
celebration on Wednesday, June
of the family being present. The 1 Telephone orders promptly at. -
22nd. A good programme of sports
ceremony was performed by Rev. J. 'LI t.l. WILLIAM& tended to.
is being arranged. and after breakfast the 1 • . .1.
Mr. W. J. Greer attended the S. "Int
happy couple took. the 7.16 I rt in foe 1 —
Grand Orange meeting at Ottawa
their honeymoon, taking . vitt) them i
Mr and Mrs. Stewart, of Mitchell,
a best wishes of their many friends,
Tnr. Speaker announced in the and effrentery which would have
put thimble -riggers to the blush.
House of Commons on Monday that
Such deception was easy on the spot;
',Ile had issued his warrants for the but when the ballots were counted
c3lectoral vacancies of North Simcoe the exposure came, and scores of
.-Ind West Huron. witnesses testified to the theft. At
The wild enthusiasm over Dewey's one poll where only 15 ballots were
ctory has simmered down to the
'.•.;ober remark, by the New York
Tribune, that the achievements of
the navy so far "have not been dis-
e,ouraging or unimportant."
With Tarte and 'Blair vindicated
1;)y Mr, Haggart's admissions, and
Mr. Sifton vindicated by Sir Hibbert
:Tupper investigation. It is to be
hoped that the Tory mudslingers
will see the necessity of retreat.
-These always -disproved charges are
Vlecoming tiresome.
Mr. M. C. Cameron, ex -M. P. for
West Huron, was duly sworn in as
Lieut.-Ocvernor of the North-West
'Cerritories on Tuesday afternoon, at
ils own residence in Goderich by
,;ohn J. McGee, Clerk of Privy
e3ouncil. The new Governor will
:Rave at once for Regina.
Woodstock where they spend ! TRY
last week.
counted for the Liberal candidate, were in town last week, the guests of
• te
twenty four men swore they had cast their daughter, Mrs. White, at the - -------- •1
their votes for him. Other instances Anglo-American. Mr. and Mrs. Stew- '''‘'""'"crW'r'r-w•P"
quite as glaring were discovered and
then, with Freeborn confession, the
whole disgraceful story came out.
The investigation has only shown
that Mr. Sifton was fully justified,
and fully authorized, in this course.
That more convictions were not ob-
tained seems to have been due to
Tory partizanship on the juries.
Eir Wilfrid Laurier has done well
eo sit down upon the suggestion
made by several French members,
4hat the Government guarantee 2
f...2er cent. interest on $17,000,000 un-
•ql the proposed Ottawaend Georgian
'clay Canal can be constructed and
The East Wellington Y. P. S. C.
E. Unicn convention was held in the
Howick Congregational church on
Tuesday evening, May filst, when
a large company of representatives
of the various local societies gather-
ed and listened to some interesting
and helpful papers read by several
young ladies. The President, Rev.
Mr. Edmondson gave the opening
address on "The Worlds' Needs."
Rev. J. W. Coffin gave the address
welcome and Mr. Wallace Johnston
gave an address on the subject of
Consecration. The Rev, J. W. Goffin
was elected president for the next
annual meeting to be held in Harris -
ton, May 1.899. The societies visiting
art are on a pleasure trip, celebrating
the 60th anniversary of their wedd- •
R. J. M. Perkins, of Wycliffe
College, Toronto, is spending his
vacation with his parents in town
Rev. .1. S. Fisher was in Chatham
attending the meeting of the London
Rev. R. J. Galbraith, D. D., will
be the next pastor ot the Methodist
church here. Rev. M. Fisher vile
go to Lambeth.
placed upon a paying basis. There
nO assurance that the canals could
)oe properly built for any such sum ;
tor being built that they would ever
pay the ru nning expenses, and the.
interest on the investnaent. Two per
cent. on long investment is very close
to a fair interest nowalay, and a
ieerpetual guarantee of that return,
atvith possibilities of added profits
might be sold to very ;,-..,00d advant-
age in the money markets of the
sacterld. But aside from this it is not
Alesirable that any national water•
way, or possible waterway, should
eta* into private hands. If the wel.
11 tore Of the county ealle for such a
canal, end it can be built for $17,.
00,000 the country can better afford
ea pay the whole form, and own the
clatal, than to *emelt a private mon.
aboly and guarantee a profit to the
Mrs. A. Rintoul returned fi•cm
Fullarton on Saturday and purposes
remaining for some Mine with her
daughters in this neighborhood.
Miss Higley, of Blyth, visited at
Airs. Perdue's last week.
Mr. Eagleson, stonemason, is en•
gaged in building the wall for Mr. R.
W. Irwin's new driving shed.
Mr. P. King and granddaughter,
Miss Maggie Baird, left last week on
a visit to Mr. King's daughter, Mrs.
J. Baird, Harrisville, Michigan.
(Intend' for last wee'.)
Mr. Jos. Armstrong is visiting in
from a distance were afterwards, Goderich
served with refreshments.
Reopening services were held in.
the Howl& Congregational church
Sunday last, Rale 5th when the Rev.
Matthew. Kelly, of Listowel, preached
Mr. and Mrs. Scott, of Peel, who
were in attendance at the wedding
of Mr. Scott's nephew, left on Sat-
urday for their home.
eAir. P. W, Scott, of the Rh .con
end Mc?
Aro your nerves weak?
Can't you sleep well? Pain
In your back? Lack energy?
Appetite poor? Digestion
bad? Boils or pimples?
Tiles() are sure signs of
From what poisons?
From poisons that are al-
ways found in constipated
It the contents of the
owels are not removed from
the body each day, as nature
intended, these poisonous
substances are sure to be
absorbed into the blood, al-
ways causing suffering and
frequently causing severe
There Is a common sense
Our laundry plant has arrived.
for your summer 1 and we are prepafed to turn out
1 first-class work in all lines of
and Laundry Work on the. Shortest
; For the convemeoce of customer6.
His stock is 0
a DROP BOX will be placed at ther
1door to receive work when laundry
Good and Cheap !iis elosed.
Extra fine line in Children's
Wear, with your next order.
Oust= work and repairing , promptly.
attended to.
••••••••••• oidow•
Opp. Union Pactory.
to large audiences, The church I took unto himself a life partner on •
interior has a greatly unproved
appearance after the painting and
decoratinfr •
Mr. and Mrs. Wm.. Robinson, who
have visiting friends at Barrie and
elsewhere, returned home Friday.
Mt...James Fox has engaged witl.
Wm. Robinson for the summer.
-Mr. and Mr. John Robinson are
visiting- friends at Parkhill this Week
We are glad to report that Mr,
Jame, who was very 111 last week,
is improving, and will soon be able
to %acrid to his work again.
the '>5th inst. in the perso of Mrs.
Agnes Taylor. of the 4th. rhe many
friends of Mr. and ;sirs. Scott will
wish them a happy voyage down
the stream of life.
Miss Mary McCallum, teacher ot
Zetland, spent Saturday and Sun-
day under the parental roof.
Mr. and Miss Scott and Mr. and
Miss Bennett, of the 7th eon., attend.
ed the marriage Of Mr, T. Edwards
to Miss Linnie Arhton, of Benniiller,
on Wednesday of this week.
Miss Annie Campbell, of Pat
Elgin, a forme teacher of S. S. No.
11, was renewing old acquaintances
James Fox caught about sixty lin this locality this week,
fine suckers one dee this week. It Hymenal.--lIer Majesty's birth.
seems that the Fox likes fish as well ;day was celebrated in a very pleas-
es fowl. ant manner at the residence of Mr.
They daily insure an easy
and natural movement Of
the bowels.
You will find that the use of
with the pills will hasten
recovery. It cleanses the
blood from all Impurities and
is a great tonic to the nerves.
Write the Dector.
Our Mealeal Department hem One
of the meet eminent physlelens In
the 'United Mite*. Tell the (tooter
pet how you, Are buffering. Yon
IOU Yeeel*0 the beet medical advice
'without cot. Addrelui.
DR. J. C. AIM.
'1 hat k what everybody says when
they see our stock.
We make tiny style of Gold Rings to
\\'(; think WC know as Much about
watch work as any other man in Canada,
and Will give
for tL watch We can't fix.
of I