The Wingham Times, 1898-06-10, Page 3MU The People of Canada Are Satis- fied and Convinced. ALL WILL TESTIFY That Munyon Has Kepi Faith With The People and Made Good PROMISES Ills Remedies aro Becoming the Safeguard of the }Ionto -Tito Peo- ple Have Trusted tiutl laevo Not Boon Deceived. Airs. P. Davis, Trenton, Ontario, Can- ada, sacs: "Mine has been a marvellous ore of eczema by :ttuuyon's Remedies. When I began using these remedies I wa eovered from head to foot with scab., 2 suffered the most intense agony from the errltntion and pale. I felt so bad th•tt I believed it impossible to ever get well I had timed a number of remedies to effect n Niro. but instead, I was getting iwnr,e i w+ts in firnee hospital for three months, but they eould not help me. I finally cle- .eid'ed to try trunyon, and after using afnn- 1on's,Salve and' other remedies I received Immediate relief. The medicine seemed to :help and cool the irritation. I am happy to any now that I have not n nark on my body and feel It is my duty to tell ntlhers of the wonderful cure which has been effected In my ease. I have unbound- '. ed faith in Arunyon's treatment crud heart- ily recommend his remedies." • ' Munyyon's nbeumatle Cnro seldom faf3 fo re: iilove to one to three our and cures in a feW •trays. Price 23e, Manyon's Dyspepsia Cure positively cures all 'forins of Indigestion and stomach . treublea.c Vrice 260,1•; i3 tlunyon's Cold Cure prevents pneumonia Salt' breaks up & eo:1 Ian tow hours. Price Zia. Munyon's Congh Cure stops coughs, night 4tweats, allay soreness and speedily heels the lungs. Price 23e. rdunyon's Kidney Cure,speedlly cures pain .in the hack, loins or groins, and all forma ..of' 3ddney disease.. Price 23e: ' a?unyon's Nerve Cure stops nervotlsneoe And: Entails up the system. Price 2$o. Manyna's Headache Cure stops b'°nd3eb tgl three minutes. Price 25c, ?dunynn's •Pilo Ointment pooitiveiy cares ai, i[ollns of piles. ,Price 25e. , r.:uayon's Ulnad Cure eradicates all•impttrlUae' let the: blood. Price 25c. Munyon'a ,male Remedies are boon to a12 ?women. 11m:won's Catarrh Remedies never tail. The Catarrh Cure -price 21o.-oradicatea the disease from the system, and the Catarrh Tablets-priee• 137.—e1eanse and ben' the parts. tfunyon's Astbma Remedies relieve in three; atuinutes and erre permanently. Price $1. Munyon's Vitalizer, , a great tonna cad re* ' snorer of vital. strength to weak people.` 411. A separate cure for each disease, At all drug. stets, mostly 25 cents a vial. Persnnnl letters to Prof. Munyon. 11 Albert street. Toronto. Ont., answered with fret: Weds.• eel advice for any-dlseaso. Aphorisms. \Vicat we ardently wish we soon believe.—Young She neglects her hear' who studies Iver glass.—Lavfiter• Dare to do your duty always.This 7s the height of true vi!lof.--S'i1t1- sons. A. man's wisdom is his best friend, folly is his worst enemy --Sir W. Temple. If we cannot live sn ns to b.; hap yy, let us lite so as to deserve it.— .141teh. It is a kind of good deed- to say well, end yet words are no deeds.— t": ha icespen re. It has ever been my experience Vat folks who have vices have veru few virtues —Lincoln. We are always on the torgeor on •ern the anvil. By trials God is al - 'ways shaping us for higher things. --Beecher. The way of truth is like a great woad. It is not difficult to know it. The evil is only that men will not seek it.--Menenius, SORES GONE. SKIN CLEAR. Mrs. Philip Mitchell, St. Marys, Ont., 3rays :—"A y little boy aged 10, was tti ,complete muss of sores, caused by bad blood', We could find nothing to cure him. Finally I got a bottle of Burdock .Blood Bitters, and before half the bot- tle was gone he began to improve, and by the time the bottle was finished he bled not a sole on him." The Kent flour mills are about to adopt the new gyrator instead of the entire bolting system, and new steel lbboilers aro to be fitted up. The mills will close for a month, and will reopen with a capacity of 700 barrels of flour and 300 barrels of meal ,11IE \\ 1N(x11AM TIME+, THE CANADIAN FORESTERS --- RECEIVE THE FIRST LICENSE CA inn: Al r4 3IJRA �r'P•, I\ QUEBEC Rt - tt Y� ETTER. 'J'II.::ii:11•IAW-:1,'I.I,\nin Rte,- p COI(I) 0E A STAUNCH CAN - A WONDER- DIAN one ANILATR)N. The Canadian), Order of: Foresters was the first fraternal society to conform to the insurance law recent- ly enacted in the province of Quebec mitt have been granted the first license to carry on an insurance business there. 9'his stanneh Cnna(lian society is forging ahead and will no doubt continue to prove as successful as it has during the past nineteen year's. This order now has a member- ship of 23,000, with a surplus of $618,305,71 on hand Ma' let, to pay death claims. The amount is de- posited in sonic of the best monetary institutions in Canada, and as the business of the society is economi- cally managed and the rates are in accordance with safe insurance, the policy holders can rest content in possessing a membership in one of the best and most staple oreaniza- tions thing business in this country, i Dewing 1897 the Order paid out i in death claims $152,352.53 and in sick and funeral benefits $3U,633.89. Over a million and a half of dollars have been paid tat to its' members and their dependents since its or- ganization in 1879, notwithstanding which it has a larger surplus on hand for each moo risk than any other society of the kind in Canada, Owing to the culet'nt lneclicel abet• tion, the death rate for the 18th year of its history was only 5.44 per thousand. The Order possesses these excellent feattl,tes which should appeal to every one interested in safe insurance : It is purely Cana- dian and is therefore national in its character ; the age limit is 18 to 45 ; it has 0 Heed presidium and no death assessment; its investments are per- fectly secure, not a dollar of the surplus being invested outside of Canada, and the premiums and interest accruing therefrom are used only for payment .,f death claims. A RAILW AY MAR'S STORY. Mr. W. Ftanks, in ahargeuf the Grand Trunk Engine Shops, Port Dover, .Ont., say :-"Four boxes of Doan's Kidney Pills cured me of a very bad attache of Kidney Complaint and Lame Back. Eeboes of I''ash'on. Sashes will be much worn, the Roman sash being in great favor, The beaded seam is replacing the lap and the strap 00 tailors gowns. Fashionable checked cloths of the best quality are not twilled this season. Even if you do not wear your hair a la pompadour you should wear the empire comb at the back of the high knot. Gold fillings iu .the teeth are now bad form. The fashionable dentists use a white cement that hardens quickly. Tail CYCLISTS' FRIEND, No cyclist's frit is complete without a bottle of l{ngyttrd's Yellow Oil. Gan bo taken internally or used externally.Cuts, Kites, Sore Throat, Pains in the Chest, Bruises, Sprnine, Joints, Coughs etc., it is always etYectual. Has no equal as an all ,ouod remedy. Don't. Don't worry because you have nothing' to worry about. Don't do things to -day so you will have their to do over to -morrow. Don't think because a man loses his head he quits talking through his hat Don't depend on your aunt if you would be independent of your uncle." Don't be blind to the virtues of an enemy or the shortcomings of a friend. tlzriiDont think the umbrella that goes Y• to the pawn shop is the only one that gets soaked. �;, 1'J co. GriDe enough to kiss. Actions speak fonder Don't tell a girl she looks sweet than words. Don't interrupt a miser at his de- votions. It might cause him to have mint his money all over again.— Chicago News. From a Grateful Its. an. SAVER HIS LIFE. Physicians, Medicines and Mineral Spring; Failed Him in his 'S'i 1n of Need. A Prominent Druggist Vouches for the Truth of Every Statement. • 'When you take flood's Pills. The -big, o]d-fasll- toned, sugar-coated pills, wial h tear you all to tem, are not in tt with Hood's. Easy to take Hoo and easy to operate, Is true' at Pleas Pitts, which are attr to late le every respect. .tale, certain and ante. All slrngg13t9. es& 0.1. 'flood St Co„ 7.ewell. Masi. She eats Mao take Witassfesd'a earsenafl]la. Wells & Riohardaon Lo,, Uectlemen :--1 think it my duty, without r,olitituiion frons anyone, to write in the interests of other sufferers nue give yon a testimonial in fasor of your (to tae) almost miraculous remedy, Paine's Uelery la,tnpound. 1''or more than 0 year 1 was suffering from the ag- onizing pants of seiatfua, and alter try. iug; all that rnedlual skill could devise, anti using many remedies patent and otherwise, 1 concluded to try the Hot Springs at Ban tr. 1 took the treatment thoroughly and carefully for Fix weeks and came house at the end of that titan rauked with pain and weighing 43 pouua less. At this juncture, when hope had almost tied, I heard of 1'aine'e Celery Compound. It seemed suited to 'n,y cane, and I sent to my druggist, .dr. J. W. Higginbotham, of this place, and asked about it. He recommended it to me, and I took a bottle. I soon began to feel' better, and after taking the second bottle 1 was a cured man and threw away my crutches. I keep a bottle on hand in case of any return of the eotrplaiut. 1 am now 53 years old, and 1 reel as spry and healthy and free from pain as I ever did in my life. 1 was burn in Nur folk. England, and ca.nie to Canada when only 3 years old 1 was brought up in the township of Cornwall, Ontario, and came to Mani- toba eight years ago. Have always been a farmer and em as able to do hard work now as ever I was. With a heart full of gratitude for the benefits derived frotn the use of your remedy. and a wish to influence others who may suffer, I gladly and freely in- dite this letter Yours gratefully, JAMES LnVI RXNCTON, Virden, Man. Mr. J. W Higginbotham, the success- ful and extremely popular druggist of Virden, v/uches for .Mr. Leverington's statett.e Eirs as follows : I have known Mr. Leverington for two years or more, and can confirm what he says in regard to his cure by Paine's Celery Compound. Ever since his oure be has been sounding its praises, and is a perfect enthusiast on the subject of Paine's Celery Compound. I believe him to be thoroughly reliable, N. W. HICM INEOTnIAa1, Druggist. 'VIGOR for HEART and NERVES. Milburn's Heart and Nerve rifle oure Anlr'min, Nervousness, Sleeplessness, Weaknens, Palpitation, Throbbing,l'aint Spells, Dramatis, or any condition ate rising frt m Impoverished Blood, Dis- ordered Nei ves, or Weak heart. eJ U7 T l+a 10, t 898. The Rights ofBi iyclistrn. As many people are ignorant of the law regarding the rights of bi- cycles on the public highways we quote what the Revised Statutes of Ontario have to say in the nlattt!l', recognizing however while we do so, the neeossity c f making bieye:iee strong enough to wreck. lumber wagons before all learn the courtesy they are asked by law to observe. While; no CORIIROUs cyekikt will de- mand in toto the fall rt'(j'lfeelut'nts of the law tinder rrdiairy ell cum. stances, yet it i:, well nil' wheehlulen and drivers each to nnderioand hi-; duty in relation to the oilier. The law says :- 1 (u) 'In case a person travelffng or b,+ing upon a highway in atatrge of a vehicle meets a person Lea coiling upon a bicycle or tricycle, he shall where practicable allow the pent;'( travelling is pan a int;l DID (0' tricycle, sullieient room on the trlevelle.I p•n' tion of the highway to pass to the right. 1 (b)'ln case a person travelling upon a highway on a Diet ell+ nr tricycle, overtakes an)• veli els or horseman travelling at a Tess speed, or a person travelling on fuc)t, the person travelling an a bitiyete or tricycle shall give to the ether person audible warning of his approach before attempting to p•ess.' 1 (r) In 01180 8. per:lug travelling or being upon a st:•et't''1' highway on a bicycle er tricycle: is' ')vertaken by any vehicle ur horseman travell- ing at a greeter speed, the person so overtaken shall quietly turn out to the fight and allow the said vehicle or horseman to pass and the person so nvertekinw the' bicycle or tri'sycle shall turn out to the left so far tis inay be necessary to avoid a collision.' CONSTIPATION CURED. It's important y lu should have natur- ai aetiou of the Ii,wels. Purging and griping; du vi'-leuce to tlia rystem. Lama - Liver Pills are uaturo'a own medicine for all disorders of the St.utuaeh, Liver and Bowels. Cure Constipation by toning the bowel wall and stimulating the secretions. Leave nu bad after effects. T. Ito VW/41.1.ct t'j)o.1 the 1'.nny. '('lit• eilriatt•ltii.g of the bairn pas betel at. t.veat. in Slee ''f'• .''' ti1:Ylly 1t i.nt tt m'+t ,141 happens that the finite) p'tty5 ft conscious. part. 1 a,'NiNG tt A clerked friend tied m(' of an ex. 8 ' Mr. Stephen Wescott, Freeport, ' N.S,, found (Burdock Blood Iiitters) ' a wonderful blood purifier and gives his experience as follows: "I was ' very much run down in health and employed our toted physician who attended me three months, finally • my leg broke out in running sores I with fearful burning. I had thin- 1 : teen running sores at one time, from my knee to the top of my foot. 1 All the medicine I took did me no ' good, so I threw it aside and tried 13.13.13. ; when one-half the bottle was • gone, I noticed a chance for the better, and by the time I had finished two bottles my leg was perfectly i healed and my health greatly inn i proved." Alfred Hunt, the private hanker of Braeebridge, who suspended pay- ment last week, has assigned to J. W. Bettes, the sheriff. It is under- stood that the liahilitiea will be probably in the neighborhood of $75,000. A God•Sent .Blessing.. Mr. B. F. Wood, of Easton, Pa., was a great sufferer from organic heart disease He never expected to be well again, but Dr. Agnew's Cure for Inc Heart was his good angel, and he lives to -day to tell it to others, hear hien : ••I was for fifteen years a greet sufferer from heart disease smothering spells, palpitation, pain in left side and smelled ankles. Twenty .h; au ileo s treate 1 cut. bu t I got no relief Beekeeping. T used Dr. Agnew's Cure for the heart. - - - One dose relieved me inside of tulrty Few rural industries can he made to yield such good returns with so little effort as beekeeping. It is a pursuit in which every farmer might engage with profit. and any farm lad might create from it, while still a boy, the beginning of a fortune. It is much to be regretted therefor that the Dominion government cannot see its way clear to the encouragement of this industry by the addition of a bee -keeping, expert to the Experi- mental staff; anti it is to be hoped that another session will not be allowed to pass, without this need being 'satisfied. THE KIND YOU MEED.. The True, Reliable and Easy Working Dia- mond Dyes. When the Diamond lyes are used the work of home dyeing is a pleasure to every woman. Doubts and fears regard- ing results are net't'r entertained. There is a eontidenee in every woman's heart that oerfeJt antic will crown her efforts. •.t is an established tact that all Ciders of the Diamond Dyes come out in full - flees. richness and oeatlty. ) or long.leng ye,ni'e Diamond Dyes h+v° been the favorite fancily dyes in every civilized country, And ultbotigh lenity ton package (type are now being offered for stile oy (Iealera who think mitre' of big profits Manor giving satisfaction to the .publll:, the great, inferiority of these imitation 'lyes in etrength,fastnNig •beauty land ibritfianey was sorra diseov.•r- ed,.nnd they rare now avoided. and eon • downed by all who prize good ,brig "t and durableeuinrs. Thotrsaads.of tes'titnotliuls are coaling; in from all oasts of the country testi se ingt to the excellence and vast so eerier 7 of the Diamond Dyes. Ee(useall poor, worthless and imits- tion dyes when they dna offered to gnu, Ask for the "Dianirnd" and see that the DEMO is on each packet. Book of directions and esr'1 of 48 not. ors tree to any address. Write to Wells alt ltiehnrdrrrnCoe Montreal P. Q. • minutes. Several bottle,* cure -1 n.te." Sold by A. L. Hamilton, druggist. The Tflenn Company have ,just received air order for 10J smelts of their best grade winter wae it; ('lean for Porto Rico. The order is for itnmediate delivery, and cache through a large shippine drat in Lunenbur•g, Nova Scotia. • et'}'lr;'u 11,8 ,,tltt'r (Li V. cl eon was burnt to 11 st-afaring member of lik congreegi11'ui while he way, in foreign parts, and at: his re. (11,(.6t l.lhtisul tl•as llc•1'iw('ti till he c„will re-edit t., '. 11(1 al,c„rs•)r fur his child. sit: did net fennel; . till the bey was two year'.'( "III, and for that mamma i.:st' Lt'I't•nionl' took place its the vestry. ,111 went well until the s+pninkiilig t,aif; p:lice, when the tar:hel' t."jCit.l ilii ilttillyl,t.,' sprinkle IlIOit til. ti his lint', Ile eons' liked the company by fit yin 1.) 11 .l1','tr,rt wlti3'.1er : "'i'hs • t'f ( Lr..l t l) 1t, Elly man : that iv:i, a cl„-01 Pin'ty thi3 rn0i•ning,,"— L",,duo Iteulnt?', Burning, Skin Diseases, Cured for d"5 Cents. Dr. ernes'- uit:tn.:'ett. relieves in one - day a!,•.: notrt•r, r*a1t rbeltnl, piles, sea id 1., i,d, r(•4 -ate, 1oi ha•rt;' itch, ulcers, hiotel,r,. surd elf eruptions of rue akin. Tt is .uoi111,.t; ,•"n quieting and acts like mag- ic i" !h,- v.i,,- ,.f all h.,.bv hiunors: 35 cents. O :told by A. o. lfan:ilioit, drugg;iet. :•OY You 1equire rynted Statiorier We are in a potation to turn out a BILL, HE.t . S, L.ETTEB HEADS, NOTE HEADS, S'I`ATEMEIN TS, ETC. ,1t tt lU.e•t . gripe than ever before SALE �ILLten Printed on the shortest notice ai.d the price in keeping with the times. MNV= LOP' We have the best stoek of Envelopes in tuwn, and we can print and supply them 88 cheap as the cheapest. Give us a call when you are in need of anything in the Printing line 4and we will use you right. For Over Fifty Ye,irs, AN OLD AND WELL-TR1t:D REMEDY -- Mrs. 'Winslow's Soothing Syrup has been used fur over fifty ,runs by mul- lions of mothers for their children while teething, with perfeet success. It soothes the child, softens the gums. allays all pain, cures wind colic, and is the best iemedy for diarrhoea. Is pleasant to the taste. Sold by druggists in every part of the world. Twenty -tire stoats a bottle. Its value is indalu.eble. Be sure and ask for Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup, and take no other kind A vegetable remedy for diseases arising from Disordered Liver, Sto- mach or Bowels, such as Headache, Biliousness, Constipation C oat ed Tongue, Bad Breath, Feeling of , Languor, Distress after Eating, etc. ?& ti. CURL Howe,li'l'onoton, NAL, sa at "X used Lava -Liver Pillr for Headaches ,'incl Inver '1i:rouble, and they not only TOS Keyed ate Dui eared me. They do not ' gripe or sicken and are easy/ to take.” 80171 'by' all Druggists *WO, 250. �► Vial or 5 foe* *a/�. THE TINES, Wingham CNF. OIyES RELIEF. Don't Spend i t. Dollar for Med icine until you have tried You can buy them in the paper 5-i:c:mL cartons Tele Tabules for Five Cents. Plea port to put up nhaaply to .(stern tl.* nnty.r..t present d.men4 * . rt 101p pope. If you don't find this sort of Ripans Tabules At the Druggist's wn► Vend hive Cents to `aka Ri?ANs CHEatre.AL, Coatt'AInr, 1•1',, is ::. u,•e St., New 1 .-•c, AIM they will be sent to yon by mall; St ::car:elle will be .Jed for qts c art. T1 (:lasncee are tot* ie that Ripens 'I.. ,uses are the very hied' ine yea steed.. rine