HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1898-06-10, Page 2'.'IIE Vv,i '1(xUA.M TIMES, JUNE 10, i898. Reference, 1,____r_n...ewr+vn.,...,+<..sa'..: ati- y'�i'Cb9i For _ © orene • The f'ttttltit=ll,llle dl�trictcir the city An American at Court. WASHINGTON I.l~.TT'1GI•. >+aasy �.�»��•T . f 1"i' is !:Hawn a$ 1 d The A Camp Near W.usl ingtor Many a housewife has fades! with I o Sydney, N. ' ' •_ E� ornlnt h' suet) divinity hedged tit rizty �.• -• . "'4'4Tonllcr,rntnnnlon."---•-.- 'L good rec�aip'e ;tn•1 i1'el:Lrct-E is worth- less, th Detroit tr'+mp hires anti queens that treason l was Phe vett tart of the Civil War who less when the feet is the ineasure of James e , : , Grand tl `Trunk ling�•;1Rreluan 'leo:long in il�ari=•g to peep `� t tete. now visits Washington manta help t;ap:Lcity its I;tven ware not carefully who shut tri 1 n citizens dt•eaa were `L 'r: I 1 1 been c•tul►rlaltted tot , � t euntlaatlnl, the eo tit prevailing. followed. :ir]rtlt•1ea113 1 e . , r tl 'trolls e redo; 1, tate , held, at a distance. In the ort t trial at Strt'tf e.d, with tl]u a li titch existed tntrcy Ghree The f�liluwing msagures of c:tpit- ,.1litrriea Review tilt• ZZ illiam Russell, '.rhe 10nl;rrt Ctttltll in the world is Fears ue.i. Tileu this city alts the city may be found useful to hang in u;i anted an anecdote 111 this eon- t `r trio ki13hen for easy reference. in I%ussia. It extends frc]m ter, f'eterti- i (uucral puilat uY au ,!serve ensu ,at, lr _; rrrtirn in rrllich Secretary Seward and fat It iL Lttu:]s were gulag tip uu Four cyst, teaspaunfuls liquid ,burg to the frontier of Ch!iut, and : ! u dui wo have at singleeven table onnful. Mild hart : all sides.g ' cabal one P Measures tit arty 1,,tilt) miles. I Mr. Seward who had been re camp about eight utiles from the city Sixteen to tispoonfuls livid. equal s--�----� �- --� eeived with great respect inRussia; where the 4usuutl'arn]y carpe i5 gt Ge.- oneettpfal, Twelve teaspoonfuls dry material equal 0110 cupful. Two capfuls eluaat one pint. Four teaspoonfuls equal one quart. Pour cupfuls of flour equal one quart or one pound. Two cupfuls of solid butter equal one po'and. Two cupfuls of granulated equals one p Hand. Two and a half cupfuls of powder• ed sugar equal one mind. One pint o: milk or water equals ono pound. One dozen eggs should weigh one and a half pounds. • The following table of ptoportoins will also be found valueble.. One teaspoonful sodt> to one cup- ful U1OICSees. One teaspoonful Soda to one pint sour milk. Three Teaspoonfuls baking pow- der to one quart flour. One•half cupful yeast or one-quar- ter eake compressed yeast to 1 pint liquid. One teaspoonful extract to one loaf plain cake. One teaspoonful salt to two quarts flour. One teaspoonful salt to one quart of soup. One scant cupful of liquid to three cupfuls of flour for bread. One scant cupful liquid to two full cupfuls flour for muffins. CARTERS! iTTLE ER I9LLS ttrx-.�W SIG itr carne to England and natu1.t , , irt� iu tabu e for servitu. There are desired to go to snort. Ile was to be . n p 1 presented at the levee by the I:edted tlt•'w there :utile twenty full regi- tuenta from �lasaaehusetts, New !States minister as a senator of the lurk, Few Jersey, liduuaylvannitl, Crated States. o. ;t Ulliu ltCtligall, 'f'el]neadee, Itidialla, Ile drove off at the appointed time 1 °Ilio is, 1" "6" and :11te, lu and to the palace, but 'VOS stopped in the 111h1n aro utts nn Ii s . Pew corridor by a gentleman in uniform, soldiers are pt rteitted to leave the who said he could p01 pass because camp and the cnitted to show t e Ihe was not properly drtlshed, i sign of war cxcepctti�; by an unusual 111r. Seword rolls in full eveningtligaala ut'S!ltra !dress, hl=ick dress coat, waistcoat 1 ev heti the gPresident went to the and trousers anti white cravat, but { is would not do, `ast have1'he gentlemkneean' Calan to review the troops ryas 1exp izelcl that heo ut- tuurld that many of the comit panies e• ,x.; tII ±sr. rstockings—that 0 were without nn forms and that breeches, sloes and several rt;;itnents were without guns. Positive! cured by these I was absolutely necessary. An idea Positively1 1� all supplies are leing distributed Little, Pills. Istruck Mr. Seward. There was a f lie 1al,idiy as l.ossible and in a snort They also relieve Distressfrom Dyspepsia, 'nice old man about his size, the' • time obit army will be fully equipped. Indigestion and Too hearty Eating. A per- fect remedy for Dizziness, Nausea, Drowsi- ness, Bad Taste in the Mouth, Coated. Tongue Pain in the Side, TORPID LIVER. They Regulate the Bowels. Purely Vegetable. Small Pitt. Small Dose. Small Price. Substitution the fraud of the day. SA"c you get Carter's, 'Ask for Carter's, Insist and demand Carter's Little Liver Pills. What People are saying about t Hoop's Sar. STRENGTH CAME BACK, h d all porter of the hotel he tetra staying J'lie camp is located back. i11 the at, who sat in a box; in the hall, and } offbe drove. . country about two or three utiles Immense success. The porter had from the railroad and to convey Supp' lies in it is necessary to make use of a beautiful new pair of knee breeches some five hundred 4 -mule army wagons. In the warehouse at the railroad and black sills stockings and low shoes. A few dollars for the loan was all that was needed. i13r' station can be eerily tons and tons of Seward was speedily equipped, +beans, tins bags being stacked tip from flour to eeiliug, and itninense quantitiuy of soap,, baking power, thus, canned mewls, etc. Outside are collected solne''��thirty thousand bushels of potatoes. !: Diilling Is going on almost con - annuity and late in the afternoon each. regiment hulds a dress parade. The second army corps now con- sists of two divisions of three regi- l;esides the two divielous I scrofula, dvepel:sla, 1 eumatlsm and drove back to the ,palace, where he was admitted, and, finally had the pleasure of niakil.g•:his bow in the ho';el porter's clothes to her majesty.Now all that is:ehstnged, and American citizens attend European courts in plain evening eress Do You Read f ments. ,g are in came two sores boils and pimples, 'It is giving strength troops of cavalry and a smelt body The Anvil once. fume rings with the strokes of his hummer. Mr. Thos. Porteous, the well known blackemith of Goderich, Ont , tells how sickness and weakness gave way to health. and strength. "Por the past four years my saparilla :t It is curing the wo, et cases o nerves have been very weak, my sleep fltfuT. and disturbed by dreams, consequently I arose in the morning unrested. I was frequently very dizzy and was much Infs,nes and young children are peculiar - troubled with a mist that came before my l subject to this terrible disoder, and if not eyes, my memory was often defective and F. had fluttering of the heart, together with a sharp pain through it at times. In this condition I was easily worried and felt 'enervated and exhausted. Two months ago It began tr,ltin ; Miibern's Heart and Nerve Pills. since that time I have been gaining in health and strength daily. They have restored my nerves to a healthy ro.ulition. removed all dizziness and heart trouble, and now I slcep well and derive comfort and rest from it. That Milburn'e Hart and Nerve Pills area good remedy for Nervous- 1 they are asleep. ness, Weakness, Heart Trouble. and similar con taints goes without saying." - I'ri.ee ,Tames Dudley, a tramp, shoe P. J. 50 els. a box at all druggists or T. Milburn Melieogh, btl ,gagcmaster, G. T. R. le Co,, Toronto, Ont. al St. Mary's, in the neck. of infantry, there forms of blood d eruptions disease, , to weak and tired women. Why should of artillery. you hesitate to take it when it is doing so The soldiers are eager to see active much for others. ROOD'S PILLS are the best family to break camp and go to the front, aathaitic and liver tonic. Gentle, reliable, cure, Inc only service trey will see will The only soap which the Ilindoos be in this cnulp-stshool. of the orthodox type employ is made enti el f getable products. Bat service and impatiently await orders sugar but at present the indications are that r.yo ve soap is little used in India, being almost an unknown !usury with the natives. If only pure milk were sold. in London, it is estimated that from •30,000 to 30,000 more cows would be wanted to keep up the supply. The Ring of Spain has a civil list of $1,400,107. and, besides the sum, 6;00,000 is.awarded to other mem- bers of the royal family. Baby Eczema ante Scald Head. Wh.angdoodlets, De undertaker's hill is er matey grave affair. De mos' dangerous draft ter many a man, is er site draft. Defeef l d cavity is jam jamboree, Throat iinedwith�icers A Young Lady Cured of Long Standing Catarrh and Ca- tarrhal Sore Throat by Dr. Chase's Catarrh Cure: Miss Anna A. Howey, of Eden,. Ont., says that she, suffered from Catarrh for ten years, used a number of remedies advertised, but was always disappointed in the result. Last fall she suffered intense pain in her head and her throat was lined with ulcers. The doctors called it Catarrhal Sore Throat, but did not cure it, Sho saw that Dr. Chase's Catarrh Ohre: was o mora , ep — being highly recommended, so procured a box from C. Thomson, druggist,. Olson - burg, woman jams, burg, Ont., commenced its• use, Er frowjng rocks at er • on the ulcers cleared away from her The man who keeps his motif n is poultry eXl]�bition. throat, the paint in her Ion Cure: does When silence reigns it ain't neces- not ca that distress Chase's when. being use taus nebber has ter eat any crow. .i used, and is the most effective• aodarrh remedy sho ever tried. D Phillips a Justice of the b01 d ceased She he h Catarrh mite e dlstiese or sneezing sary to carry and umbrella. Er eiress dees not snake a woman but hitt, often breaks t man. Er tailor mus' eepee' ter gib er 1 Mr. J. ' Peace, declareathat he knows Miss Plowey tiler, and can vouch for the an ... l truthfulness of her statements. Dr, Chases Catarrh Cure, soli! 10' n11 Dcalsrs. y su lee promptly arrested it will eventually be - customer fits befoali he pays er bilis.: Price 2Et cents, complete with blowier. come chronic. Dr. Chase made a special -N..,.... -e" study of Eczema and diseases of the skin, Dey say the world. moves. Ilit 1 and we can confidently recommend Dr. proberly finds it cheaper dan payin' . If de decollette fashion does not Chases Ointment to cure all forms of Eoz• rent. not draw de lines somewhar, de irritation and gives the little sufferer rest. ft emu. The first application soothes the Young men should never hug er• primerative tug leaf will ergrin• be an delushnan unless purty gals is werry indespenseriubie article of female scarce.' teilet: Heah ! heah 1 A doctor says. that the growth of W immin swallers•flattery as babies, Al singer asks : "Whar oh whar children takes plate entirely when swallers buttons, without any idee ob. . kin I sing the glad songs of my de trouble what may foller. youf." Go out inter the woods, my In t•rooly fashionable households deah, and sing eta to de trees. De; the baled aigs for breakfast are kin stand. nabs' eberyding.—Teras hand painted. Dey- tooks fresher Sifter. • Ohlidr ep Ory Tor ha Aw a .J,b. t!'..,..-l..ii - 11. .. t Castoria is Dr. Samuel Pitcher's prescription I.1cr l:aaatwa.•4ts land Children. It contains neither Opium, ilorphine nor is a harmless ttubttti.tute other 1�Tarcotic r;zlDstauce. It for Paregoric, Drops, Soothing; Syrunt; and Castor Oil. thirty 'Yearie .rt:'3 by It is �°1Cit:itSt1'i,. Y.tO ,.^•,ittT3'aYltr'J Li Al Jr 'J`•a'"' 1�rTiiliolns of Mothers. Caatoria, , destroys �,",rore ne and allays Feverishness. Castorite prevent., vomiting' Sots Curd, curet! Diarrhoea and Witic1 Cowie. Castclritt relieves Teething troubles, cures Constipation and l.' Iatuletacy. Castoria asthuiltttes the Food, regulates the Storeaelt and )Bowels, giving 1 'smithy and. natural sleep. Ca.tstaeia ill the Children's Panacea -the Mother's Friend. Castoria. - Castoria. "Cnatorin is 00 c cellent medicine for "Casteria is n.) wt.11 adapted to children children. Mothers have repeatedly told me that 1 recommend it as superior to any pre - of its good effect upon their children." eCr3raion 1:1:O,V11 to tie." 11. A. datengn, :\r, D. Brooklyn. Dn, O. C. Os000v, Lowell, Moss, THE FAC -SIMILE SIGNATURE OF ids, "�" ,r, tilt ....'''� , �J- i• 'v! APPEARS ON EVERY WRAPPER. R. 7140 CCNT, R cOMpANY, 77 MURRAY Fvn . NEW YOB ,C� +L —�f $ High Lights. If conduct is three•fourtlas of life, the other fourth must be good cloches. It is a wise man who never lets his wife know that he can put up shelves as well as a carpenter. A man who can dig the garden has a hard lot in life. His wife is always lending him to the neighbors. This would be a pleasanter world If parents considered obedience as indispensable as dancing lessons. Next to knowing another woman's age, women always want to know whether her side combs are real tortoise shell. Among queer hinds of women is the woman Who always wants to talk about what she was doing this time last year.—Chicago Record. dot way. Laud -Live. Pills cure Dyspepsia. iA disease resenfeling leprosy has Idl like ter knovr bow many spokes -__.----__- —_------- i made its appearance among the In -1 dor ns in de wheel of forebone. What diens of the Rainy Lake sou eery. I kind of timber is the pos' of honor N. C.Wallaee, M. P., was te•eleet- made ov. .l ed Sovereign Grand Master of the Er gal lub her- doll an' de boy his (;rand Orange Lodge of British Am -1 dollar. Timeby when dey grows up I she takes his dol!iar ter make her- ,. I self his doll. Domilier know. ,t - 1 Hit seems harelly' proberle dat pro - i berbition kin prohibit in Rhode Is- land onless the temperance folks puts I er hi bord fence eround de strait. Dey say tork is cheap, but the man what said dat nebber was on i 1campane kermmittee what hired er ' 1 eampane orator ter stump de dees- triet. 'Red headed gals should never er- tempt ter cross er railroad track in The Do L. EMULSION The D. & L. EMULSION Is the best and most palatable preparation of Cod Liver Oil, agrecing,with the most delicate stomachs. The D. & L. EMULSION Xs prescribed by the leading physicians of Canada. The D. & L. EMULSION 1s o, un a .pet t . 50h c.t &icer Si peand ttigive y• a. Oesureyeu get 1 DAVIS R LAWRENCE the genuine CO., Limited, Montreal _OtX1C5 OOO A QUICK CORE FOIL COUGHS and COLDS Pyny-Pedoral The Canadian Remedy for all ic} inter+T nim LUND AFFECTIONS L;age Bottles, 25 tents. I3R••i . I "T' Cts,, timifed, Yr. p'c i(,., t'w ',a' t'• l•t i act. Nen r, e . Men trecl 000`tr,.:.eee �.` see,.. lgt` 0 erica. 11 1 STINGING SKIN DISEASES R1LIRVED AY ONS AP. NOr PLIC hs't0 Or. Agnew's Ointment, 35 GENTS. Mr. dames Bacton, teerebent Wilkesbarre, Pa.. Iri1;i's I-- or tine grant I lipvi been disfigured with teller on bands auti bee. Ilut at last I liet,' found a cure In Dr. Agnew's; Ointment, My skin is now latb. The first soft end gay r tlCf t SD. Sold at Ilamilton's Drug Store. c 0 A eater pillar in the course of a month will devour 6001 times its own weight in food. front ob de engine. De engineer niolzt mistake her 'lied fer a danger signal. Bees near er distillery stays s ars nk all de time and makes no honey. Bees is er goo&deal like men. Dey don't keer for honey when deg kin git beer. Children Cry for CASTOR IA. Actors, Singers, Speakers Thousands of actors, public entertainers, singers,cctur- ers, preachers and readers weakntormenc s. Th se delicate organs being overtaxed be- come susceptible to head colds, influenza, hoarseness, tickling in the throat, sneer- ing, dropping in the throat, pain over the eyes, dry throat, etc.; all these are forerunners of Catarrh, i 1 stones to but stepping O c g 1 anti are p Asthma, To nsil[t s A , ( if neglected. morn ONE complications ions DR. ACiIiLr'IV'S �Al7CAliltIisl POWDER is powerful. painless, harmless and quiek.acting,and will cure all such troubles -relieves in to minutes. " I can but proclaim Dr. Agnew's Catarrhal Pow. der awonderful medicine, particularly for sinters and public speakers. Myself and wife were both eubiccts oft onsilitis and Catarrh, and never found anything to equal this great reinedy for quick action end curative qualities -it is a wonder worker. 1 heartily recommend it to my brotherpr.fesst0nals, Al. Emmett Vostcll, Actor, Now York C(tyr-3r SW at Il:amilton's Drug Store. ti Ti aye V� .,i, i The Leading Specialists of America 20 Years In Detroit. 250,000 Cured. WURESTR CT U E Thousands of. young and middle-aged monaxatroubled with this diseitse-many unconsciously. \They inay have a smart- ing sensation, small, twisting stream, sham cutting pains at times, slight dis- charge, difficulty in commencing, weak organa, emissions, and all the symptoms of nervous debility -they haveSTIIIC- TTJRR. Don't lot doctors exporiraenton you'. by cutiing, stretohing, or tearing your This -will not cure you, asitwillre- turn. Our NEW METHOD TREAT- MENT absorbs the stricture time; heneoremovesthe striotnrepo manentiy. It can never return. No pain, no suffer- ing, no detention from business by our method. Thesexualorsansarestrength- ened. The nOrves aro invigorated. and the bliss of manhood returns. WECURE, GL11T c,1 N. to 1 Thousands of young and middle-aged men are having their sexual vigor and vitality continually sapped by this dis- ease. They ate frequently unconscious of the cause ofthese symptoms. (!suers! Weak oss Unnatural atural Lischarges, Pail. Manhood,Wervonsness, Poor Mem- ory, times Smarting Sen- sation, Sunken Eyes, with dark circles, Weak Beck, General Depression, Lack of Ambition, Varicocello Shrunken Parts, eta GLEET and STRICTURE maybe the cause. Don't consult family doctors, as they have no experience in these. special diseases -don't allow Quaoks to experiment on you. Consult Specialists, h. have madoalife Study of Diseases of Men read Women. Our NEW METHOD T1U,ATIiIENT will posi- tively euro you. Ono thousand dollars for a case wo aceopt for treatment and cannot cure. Worms moderato fora cure. Gbh 1'el`, CURES GUARANTEED VA1tICOCFTtt,aSYPHILIS, GLEET, i4TRICTURI IMPOTENCY, SECRET DRAINt. TTNNATTTItAL DTSrHARG- ES c BLADDER Diseases, CIiIDNT;Xsn lI ONSULTATION PREE. BOOKS VILER. Iff unable to, call, write for Q�l�UEhTTON BIeANI. for HOME TREATMENT. bam. KENNEDve KRG AN Cora Michigan Ave. and Shelby St. DETROIT", MICH. 1. EL TO N'S LIMPS Will stand wear and tear for S ears. No better proof can be given of their durability than is shown by the fact that some of these pumps put in wells 25 years ago are still working. IRON anct FORCE PUMPS Suppliedt`o Order. Repairing promptly attended to. SHOP—Diagonal St. opposite Beattie's Livery. JOHN PELTON, Wing'ham, Ont, Caveats and Trade -Marks obtained, and all patent business conducted for MODERATE FEES. Mr office is in the immediate vicinityof the Patent O9ice and my facilities for securing patents areunsurpasse& Send model, sketch or photograph of invention, wits description and statement as toadvantages claimed. Aar -No charge Oe made for an opinion oat* patentabilii`rr and my fee for prosecuting the application to di not be cane.! for -antic the patent toOowedl. "Invsnzons' Gums," con- taining furl information seat free. Ali Communte cations Considered as Strictly Confidential. FRANK?.a1N H; HOUGH, WU X• St "oars lia.SlarBIGTraltr.;a.di • SO YEARS' EXPERIENCE TRADE MARKS DESIGNS COPYRIGHT &C. Anyone sending a stretch and description map, quickly ascertain our opinion free whether an Invention is probably patentable. Communicnr tions strictly confidential. Handbook on Patents, sent free. oldest agency for seeuring,patents. Patents taken through Munn d, Co. reeeivc speciat notice, without Charge, in the Scientific erican. A handsomely inu:ltrated weekly. Largest elr. eulatton of any setentitle journal. Terms, $3 a, year; f0nr months, 11. Sold by newsdealera.. MUNN &t Co.S6tfroadway, New York Branch Office. GM P St., Washington, D. C. IT PAYS TO ADVERTISE • IN THE TIMES ..