HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1898-06-10, Page 1VOL. XXVII.---NO, 1364. INGILL WINGITAM, ONTARIO, FRIDAY, JTTNE 10, 1898. I $1 A YEAR IN ADVANCE WE SELL CHEAP. • =CONT!NCATION OF CASH SALE A month ago wo announced to the. public our intention to make sweep- ing reductions cf prices in all classes of dry goods for cash or produce. That we have kept good faith in this promise is evidenced by the tremend- ous business we have done during the past month, each day making an increase upon its prede- cessor. There is no doubt that dis- •criminating buyers appreciate a gen- uine bargain when they see it an have not been slow to take advan— tage of it. During the sale we have •been the recipients of enough com- pliment upon the bargains we offered to make us blush if we were in the 'habit of doing so. We realize the the fact that this sale has been a • tremendous advertisement to our business, and in order to more fully benefit by it, have resolved to extend this sale for another month. Remem- ber the same reductions will apply through the month of June as through May, and some lines are cut still lower. FEATHERBONE DEMONSTRATION On Thursday, June 11th, Mrs. Jessie Lowe, of Boston, will give at our store a demonstration of the various uses of Featherbone as applied quite to Dressmaking. This will be 1 ,an interesting event to the Ladies, .all of whom are invited to come and see what can be done by the use of Featherbone to make dresses more stylish and better fitting. Mrs. Lo we will bone free of charge all waists brought to the store on that day. Ladies, be sure and come. CL-TANGE DRUC BUSINESS! HOMUTH & BOLESI ALL BUSINESS COLLEGES ARE NOT ALIKE. A. L. Hamilton wishes to inform the publie that he has a full line of fresh Patent Medicines and Pure Drugs at right prices. An L HAMILtON Successor to Chisholm's Drug Store. Tin: Bz•L.lws• Th )consolidated by-laws of the Town of 1inhani have been printed and are this veek being distributed by Mayor Morton nd Town Clerk Fer- guson, Dnu=.cions Mtn.ri n ---A me• eting of the Directors of the urnberry Agricultural Society will be h id at Swarts' hotel on Saturday, Juno tl e lath, at 0 o'clock p.m. A full meeting of )irectors is desired. —WEDDING ST TION1nta—A large assort- ment of the 1 test styles in wedding stationery has Ben received at the Tronas office. We :;au •upply any one in need of wedding statio ery at a lower rate than you can get sewhere. Call in and ex- amine our stoc t. ThniovnNn A >VERTISEMENTS—It will be remembered tl t an order was seat out over the G, T B. system that all ad- vertising matte had to be removed from the waiting ro .hs along the line. Tha station in towi this week is being re- lieved of this el se of matter. SCOTCH SOCIAL. The members of Camp Caledonia, S. C. S., and their friends held a very snccessful social in their lodge room on Monday even ng last. .A. splendid pro- gramme of Scotc t music, singing, etc., was rendered. Refry-hnients were served dur- ing the evening, nd all present enjoyed a pleasant evening D1:l'ACINo P person made hi the week to visi cut a Large piec hanging in the one of the mean of and an exam guilty party ehou , L!=•1 Lt`aIJt asaLL`-Las fir,. CLatssassaa t if all fl PRINTING.? 0 a. L a WHAT KITED DO . ` YOU WANT ? C r T!1 Bill -heads, Letter -heads, Lr 4.1 Envelopes, Circulars, Dodgers, g. larru Cards, Folders, Posters or what ? E [t We print everything from a card rr,. fto a newspaper. .Print it well and Lr' quCheap l Estimates'ee at any time: a l TIMES, W•INGH9.M. t Ihi Commercial School is one that you should attend :The CENTRAL BUSINESS COLLEGE LOCAL NEWS. WANTED --Any quantity of Butter and Eggs. Highest prices. Cash • or Trade. Does it pay you. to give the pedlars 3 cts. for gathering them ? G. E. KING. STRATFORD RACES— drew a number from Messrs. T. Bell & S Mack," succeeded in g in the 2.60 race, agains horses. STRATFORD, - ONT. .is a College of the highest grade.None better in Canada. Refe1 e>tices :—All Stratford, and -our thousands of former students. enter any time. Circulars free. W. J. ELLIOTT, Principal. he Stratford races ingham this week. n's horse, "Little ting second place a field of seven Tnn SIDEwAI=r. getting along rap John street, and i west of Josephine The cutting down street is a wise w Public Works Co appreciated by th boyhood. ZESTY—Some miserable self busy enough during the G. T. R. station and out of a map which was waiting room. This is et things we have heard le will be made of the d he ever be found. MonEo Faint Excunsio. —The Turnberry and East Huron Agrieult ral Societies ex- cursion to the Model F rm on Monday, June 20th will be a hum er. All wishing to spend a pleasant day . the Model Fariri should take in this trip The return fare from Wingham is only ' 1.00. CUT THE GRASS, W. Ds, ETC—The long grass and weeds on o r streets are begin- ning to make a bad ap •arance on the same. The G. T. R. people h. ve had all this sort of stuff cut down aro nd their property, and it would be a wis move on the part of the council If they were to fol 6w suit. Let us have clean etr ets. VOLUNTEER'S WANTED—A few more good men to fill up No. 2 o., drd Batt., to proceed to London on he 1st. All wish- ing to go will pleasel=a - their names with be in Wingham Marriage Licenses 'Issued by FRANK PATERSON, No 23, Vic - • tot ia street,Wingham, Ont. No witnesses req wired. CHEAP READINU ! Our Clubbing List. In order to rase our subscribers the trouble of 'making two or more remittances we have made • special arrangements with the publishers by which wo are enabled to offer the following ppublications in connection with the WINGIIAM TIMES at special low rates from now until January 1st, 1899, Special clubbing rates with application. newspapersh stand acedm magazines all quoted upon app accompany • orders an *1 2G Times and weekly Globe, Times and Western Advertiser, • 1 40 • Times and Family Herald and Weekly Star 17G and Picture 'Times and Farmers' Advocate, • 100 Times and Panning, weekly, • • 'Times and Ladies' Journal, Times and Montreal Weekly Witness, • 'PImes and Fanners' Sun, • • Tines and Pally Globe Tunes Sud 11 Sly World • • 'Times and Country Gentleman, . A l ,r. as, GETTING READY Walker & Clegg, upholstering facto amount of the ne business. Workn getting samples o The factory has b and one would ha They expect to 0 in the course of a BEST OF THF S tort to be given Friday evening without a doubt, ment of the seas America's greate traction of the assisted by Mrs and a large oho mission is only hall at Morrow's should be crowd ETC.—The workmen are ly with the sidewalk on a few clays the portion street will be completed. of the hill on Victoria ve on the part of the mtttee, and will be much residents in that neigh - E'OR' BesiNEss—M eseis. of the new furniture y have received a large eseary stuck for their n are busy this week their furniture ready. en thoroughly painted ly know the premises. ye a full staff at work veek or so. SMALL LOCALS. ----Campbell's Headache Wafers guaran- teed to euro headache. —Three weeks tlj11 Dominion Day. --''Tho Jolly Pi nic Party" i hall this (Friday) vening. Fresh Canadian groat' Kerr's grocery. --The Iitlron C session at Goderioh —Some of the y not as tidy as the}, --Are you goint on Friday eveninf, ie town Strawberries at tf unty Council was in this week. rds around town are might be. to the Jarvis concert , June 17th. —50 cents in advance will secure the TIMES for the balance of this year. Shares for all leading plows, price and quality right at Wm. Gannett's. us band will bo in y, ,Tune 20th. -Godfrey's fat Goderioh ou Mond --The cheaper place to get your wedding invitation is at the Tains office. —Mr. James Lol tit is suffering this week from a severe attach of rheumatism. Private funds to loan at lowest rates. Apply to H. Davis, Wingham. 3m. Is at present aro that very cheap this season. nesting of the School d on Tuesday evening --Tho indicatio strawberries will b —The regular Board will be h next. Royal Carriage Oil Top Polish makes. buggy tops like new. Sold at MAcMATn's Tlarness Shop. —The regular eting of Court Mait- land, C. O. F., wig be held this (Friday) evening. Groceriea, Plants, etc., at T. C. Graham's, Chisholm Block. --The swelterin summer weather is coming round. TI e past week hags been a scorcher. —A number of lung men from town took a trip to Fori osa on their wheels on Sunday last. Arthur J. Irwin, D. D. S., of Wingham, visits Blyth every Wednesday. —There should a crowded hou at the entertainrnnn in the town • 1 this (Friday) evening.. Jno. Kerr has made have first-class Stra egich day. Full boxe —This week Mr chased the Welke ins etreet,d whij SON.—The Jarvis con- 1 property. n the opera house on ? next, 17th inst., will, Farmers Attention ! Call and see the new Frost & Wood Mower and Binder be- e the best entertain- fore yon buy, at Wm. Gannett's. n. Mr Harold Jarvis, t tenor, will be the at- vening, and he will be Annie Dass, contralto, us Th rice of ad- angements to rries arrive fresh at lowest prices. tf Geo. McKenzie pur- property on Joseph - h adjoins his own ••---June is the mo —Mise Bought() evening, --The annual n has hit the town. Leave your orders e berries ; fresh fruit, full at Kerr s grocery, —The Wingha football play a game here with Ripley on Friday next. —Do you take the Tuuu:s? If not, send us 50 cents and get it for the balance of I898. —For first-class tailoring and cheap gents' furnishings, try Webster & Co. Remember the place, in Queen's block. —We print an supply wedding in. vitations choape than they can be had in the cities, at the Thies office, Wing - ham. Ice Cream Soda and Black Cherry Phosphate are two of the many new drinks on sale at the Star restaurant. Try them. Jas. McRelvie, t f "Mr. Harold Ja vie showed himself as well qualified to lleuse in Scottish song es in other depai ments of his art. He gave a dramati rendering of 'Douglas Gordon,' and s g 'Afton Water' with charming septi ent. His encore pieces were equally appily rendered."—To- ronto Globe. para House, Wingham, June 17th. • rth for weddings, 's concert this (Friday) ustache shave -of raze ly - or Straw - es, low prices tf club expect to The p ..5c and 35e. Plan of drug store. The hall d at this concert. PLEBISCI E CAMPAIGN• CONVENTION C. LO FOR RAST HURON. A Convention hall, Brussels, on 1898, et two o'ciocl of organizing th East Huron for th 11 be held in the town Wednesday, June :6th, p. m.. for the purpose prohibition forces in Plebiscite campaign, ry young people's so• nce organizaton. is en• tion of fiye delegates. hat the full number r church or society is Sergt. Sherman. I 1 1 to Every church, ey muster on the 13th. U. Y. Johnston, ciety, every temper: Commanding No. 2 Co. 28 titled to a represent VENTILATION or SICK OOMS—A trained You will please see nurse says that, in sp a of all teaching, of delegates from yo the hardest thing she h s to fight against appointed. in her work in ; rivato houses is Ministers ate reqs the non -ventilation 176 1 60 126 4 25 2 70 Er. B. BUXOM WIN GUAM. To shut up an rove, tight as possible see. boleth of the majority sick people, more t• strengthening qualiti AN IMP'oRTANT Ju Hall, Toronto, on M of G. T. Fulford & Dr. Williams' Me. injunction was g Boyd restraining T of St. Catharines colored pill in imi Pink Pills for P necessary to again the fact that Dr, only be obtained i around which bear trade mark, "Dr. Pale People." Pil form, and notwit dealer may say, and should alwa Williams' Medic obtain, (in confi. dealer offering f. their pills, as the to protect the pu fraud. • the sick room. id as nearly air- s to he the shib• of'persons; yet the n others, need the of fresh air. ontnNT—At Osgood() 2Sth, on applic tion f the rpetual hancellor t, druggist, ing a pink Dr. Williams' eople. It seems t press upon the public iliiams' Pink Pills can packages the wrapper the full, law -protected illiams' Pink pills for e offered in any other :tending anything the re fradulent imitations s be refused. The Dr. o Co., will be glad to nee), the name of any sale any imitation of company is determined lie against this species of o., proprietors eine Co., a anted by eodore Sw from t. n to all their congregat ties will kindly bring ings, so that prompt a and the convention in There will be an ev in the town hall, at wl musical program and Marshall provincial or and others. Silver collection to de W. 11. Kano, sted to read this Call ns, officers of socic- t before their meet• tion may be taken de a great success. ning meeting held ich there will be a dresses by Duncan anizer, the clergy ray expenses. Secretary pro tem. ussels. CARD OF To the officers and tn Belgrave, No. 48, C. 0 BnitTnntN,—I take tit thank you for the help a tended to me by your c my late husband, provrn friends in need and for 'vent of twenty-five d pensee. I also give my the Officers of the Hi prompt sending of chee dollars insurance and t1 expenses, held by my Canadian Order of For is worthy of the highe it long continue to dial the widows and orpli country as itis now d Yours AIfl S. mbers of Court F.: s opportunity to d sympathy ex- urt in the loss of yourselves to be the prompt pay - liars funeral ex - sincere thanks to h Court for the s for the thousand rty dollars funeral to husband in the stets. Your Order t praise and may ansa its blessings to ns throughout th ng. incerely, —The semi-ann County Orange Lo Wingham Orange) noon next. yd1 meeting of the ge will be held in he tall on Tuesday after - mowmossmenewasaanwansesuomenalli MORROW'S DRUG STG Wednesday, June 151 G If you are going to build a wire fence yon want the best. Get Wn1. Gannett tq build the Page for you. ' -Mr. 1I. Day lei on Tuesday last for Winnipeg with a c r load of horsesV1They were a fine lot of h rses and were purchas- ed in the vicinity f Kincardine. •—A Quaker on , hearing a person tell holy much he felt or a friend Who needed assistance, drily served : "Friend' hast thou feltin thy 1 cket for him?" We have had our soda fountain thor- oughly fixed up. Call in and tty our new drinks. Jas. McKelvie. tf Is. ss.rlA CEAsAR. Belgrave, May 280, 1 8 e Mr. Geo. Stowar stock some little nicely and is now some time before work again. —Judging froi delivered in W4tgham during the past think it was "sheep 'he Wingham buyers aro Is Your Daughter In School 1 There are thousands of sickly school girls dragging their way through school who might be enjoying the full vigor of their youth by taking Scott's Emulsion. Rev. F. J. Oaten ALL. dist church, Belgra NED BY KINCARDINE. degree of P0. B. by varsity, Bloomingto pointed crowd that Rev. Mr. Pocock, meward on T uesdayocoak of this lila to park after seeing pastorate of the Cli by Kincardine in one and will give his far les imaginable. Dis- Sunday in June. much because the Rev. D. Perrin is ut the way they played the meeting of - the were listless and in- the Presbyterian EYES TESTED FRE Satisfaction guaranteed. Glasse • wen. only when necessary. ; • A great opportunity for all' afllieels with eye trouble. IST` CRUM.; Rev. Walter Rigs1 ed president of the Rev. H. E. Mas week, attending the and Quebec Congrel BASE \INGHA.II AGAIN D( who washurt at Wood - me ago is improving ut of danger. It will be e will be able to resume the amount of wool week, one woul week" in town. It was a disa. wended its way h afternoon from t Wingham defeate of the ,atnest ga appointed not s home thaw lost, the game. They different, evidentl school kept in o bit the ball, but of waiting to see running. Hit an to play the game. The umpire, to some of his dee Wingham always He evidently is n should take a few Manager Seb.rs teatn a curtain le infuse some life animate forms. and should "ging tainly should ha The only featu three -nagger by phenomenal wor staving no less jt orddit. He certa• eciontious game, his fault. Kincardine pia although they on through the ver home team. Th and McCabe the a wonder. He i from the start. Following is t' wi\e!TAM. paying the higheLt market prices. "Plain Facts for Fair Minds," gives a clear explanation of Catholic doctrines and practices, written by a convert to the faith. li'or sale at "Mason's Fair," price 10c. —We are sorry t Goderich Signal, t son of Mr. Geo. T land, had been ill vented from writ ng on his examinations at Victoria Uniy rsity . The wish of hi9 many friends wi 1 be that he will soon bo able to bo aroun again. Dr. J. R. Macdonald is now per- manently at home and can be con- sulted by his patrons. "Mr. Jarvis' vo' a Was particularly suited to the song cots Whit Hae,' and and the intense arnestness which he throws into his ei ging On his audience with enthusing Ilis voice is rich, eloar,has a won rful range and is per- feotly trained. a was cheered to the aily Times. Opera uno 17th. learn from last weeks' at Mr. A. E. Thomson omson, formerly of Zet- tnd unfortunately pre- echo." --Ottawa `house Wingham, , A.R. Small, r f 6 Griftlin, 1 f4 Stuart, c 4 Lee, p 3 Slceatcs, 1st b4 Lociceridge• 23 b, 3 Willson, 3rd h3 Lewis, c f 4 Alderson, s s 4 not caring whether not. They could all everal bavo a fashion if it is caught before run is the best way , was "away off," and sions were very bad, eating the worst of it. t "onto" the game and lessons. an ought to give his ture to see if be cannot into their almost in - bey need some steam r up." Winghtlm car - won. away for the next work here will be McKenzie, of Toro E E °TES. y, of t3lytb, was elect- oudon conference:', n is in Toronto this neoting of the Ontario ationalists. pastor of the Metha- has been granted the the Wesleyan Uni- t, 111. son of Mr. Georgi e, has resigned tho tton Baptist church. well probably the last: in Montreal attending General Assembly c •hurch. Ile will by wo Sundays and his aken by the Rev. D. to. PERS a ALS. Mr. John Chisho from Toronto. Mrs S Merrifield week with friends i Mrs Jas McDon visiting with friend Mrs A G Basted parents and othe\ f Mr Geo Scott, of a few days with of Mrs Chas Bradwi is 'siting with Mr s of the game were a Lockeridge and the Mr, Root. Fleet where he will work in the Standard of$ce.10''r of Lee in the oda„he n 15 strike-outs'to his m has returned home :pent a few days this Blyth. Id, of Bayfield, was in town. is on a visit to her 'ends in Listowel. 'oronto,was spending is •Wingnatn friends. , of British Columbus nd Mrs Jos Bradwin- has 'gone to Blyth, ly pitched a very con- ed the defeat was not ed a steady game, and y made four hits, won ragged playing of the y are all gentlemen,' Scott. r one-armed pitcher is i Dr. Macdonald, speedy and plays ball home from his par • 1 Ottawa. e score : I Mr. Jas. Wilson,- i tacaamNlc, !Packing Co., Inger iS. A. n. n. E. 0 afclntyre, 3d b....4 1 0 Wednesday, 2 111cFarquhar,2db..3 2 0 + IIIr. JOlhn and a 1 Fyfe, r f... 3 2 1 0 c 1 o talent, c 1.. . 4 0 1: London o '' "+'.- 1 Cunningham, 1 f 4 0 1; ,endow, e s 4 2 1 Godfrey s famous b 2 alcoabe ..,s o o I Mrs John Rite 0 Boas, c ,: 0 O 2 Mince, lb Mr Jas Dawson, o' Clifford, spent San - day and Monday vis Mr AP Sharp, rel Reid & Co., of Ter town. Mr Samuel Flemi ship is visiting with 34 8 TEARS. you haven't seen the "Kingearding,' 1 a -s -t of us. McCabe showe the ball was, INT Catcher Stuar Kincardine to -da In the seyent Split and had to The umpire w must be a chicke There'll be hl when Kincardine again. Last Friday Wi Kincardine in a h a score of 7 to 4. It is reported taken Tuesday, the photographs Athol Griffin 0 0 . from Paris, where 31 s a W C. T. U conve Mr Tilos McG taken a situation Son's furniture fa Miss E Murphy ly carried on a nu renewing old acq Mr Chas Skeat ham to accept Walker & Clegg' Charlie will be g his numerous fri Foresters' band. valued member f greatly missed year. --Monday' I301tit. iNG. I0 T rnberry, on .Tune Sftbs King of twins, sun ;incl. Crowell Willson where t1 plays with Brussels at Ross had his thumb tire. s fond of "foul.” He fancier d all over the moon and Wingham meet ghatn was defeated at fly contested gauge by that Wingham was t they haven.''t caught yet. ays a little ginger sett; Boned with red pepper is what the boys 6 will need at the next game. ting at his home here. resentative of Buntin, to, spent Sunday ill g, of Mulmur town: tis sister, Mrs. James . P., has returned iamentary duties at; f the Ingersoll Pork oll, was in town ota ss Dnlmago went to y last, to hear Data nd. ie has returned home she was attending the tion. w, of Kincardine, has in Messrs. T. Bell ds tory. of Toronto, who former- iner•y store in town was intances here this week. s left to•day for Wing- a situation in Messrs new furniture facirry. atly missed in town 1;y ds and especially by tlite of which ho has been et r years. He will else be the base ball club thin Ingersoll Chronicle. the wife of W daughter. I onUSTox-- ghain, on Wednesday, v. Jas. lIamiltot, 1010. op to Mae Ma.vartit