HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1898-06-03, Page 8ifC l i 0 w h'l` mother here, Mrs. Brandon
THE W Ih 04-1AM TIMES/ JUN Int t 3, te4 ,�.,.....�.L,..,�•....
. .-,..... �. � wm„eN ..'+ � � Imo. a�:. �'!_'. ■�I. M
1iFL( aR \.V1•a. MORRIS.
I * ..roults, of , _.,. visit....,. Miss `fens Campbell, of Toronto,
la visiting at her brother's JIr. C. G.
Campbell, first line.
Miss, Katie Melawen and illi ton
11eEweti, of Jamestown, were call-
ing on friends on the first line this
Air. Samuel Paul was plowing the
Iwo. la;„ , .,a om.- ..0. lir. Chas. fleet ea was in Seafortil
l m f oil 1111 imes last week.
ses , Iiia Mr, Austin Mudge; of Man-
' dtannatl, lent , and lir. Peter Budge,
milton, are attending the bed-
side of their uncle and brother 1 0-
s lectfall - who is very lew at olden of his hither, at Victoria
present. i Cottage, Brussels, rant week.
Mr. Wm. Clegg, of Wingham, Ye are sorry to announce the
Opened this week le Mnslins, Sill:s. shipped 4 eats of wheat last week respecteds h of fo'hns , of atvery
f h1tigl'ly
p to :.t. Thomas.
Dress faced;, Gloves, Paras 1{s, Hos' 'colas.
Mr. J. 1\'. K. Vauilortu;ln left fur occurred on Tuesday last. Decease..
had been it! fur a lung time.The
funeral. to the Brandon cemetery
on Thursday was largely attended.
It was with great surprise ani
sadness that the news of the death
of Ephranr Burkholder, of :Manitoba.,
was circulated last week. He left
here for Manitoba last April and
had steady employment. No wet (.1
was received about his illness
at all, and it was a great shock to
his parents to receive the telegrams
announcing his death. No other
particulars nave yet cone to land. 1
The following report gives the (;
class standing of the pupils of S. S. '
No. 8, for the mon;l, of May.
Total 400.
V --James• Knox 227,
Sr. 1V.—Artetta Farrend 285.
1 Jr. IV.—Lorne Knox 372, Gordon
Embury 329, Robt. Fasrend.
Sr. III.- Ettie Agar 384, Alice
Pat,,l 379, Vena, Knox 3.69, Rub v
Forbes 351, Charlie Ga,rniss 350,
Martha Ingrate 306, Pearl Embury
Jr. III. --Eva M. Sowers' 316,6, Xarifa
Frasey 344, JoLnny Uarnise 325.
Sr. 'Ii.—hied Pugh 342.
fiery, Iltaatiy Made ut•lthing, Ilats,
Ties and Shoes. Ne neater what
you nay require you'll find us pre-
pared with an immense variety of
the very latest and daintiest :,tyles
and novelties.
Halifax, N. S.', where hes secured a
situation with the Wrought Iron
Range Company.
Messrs. Watson t1 Geddes shipped
four cars of lumber last weelt
to Berlin, Ont.
A garden party is announced to
take place at the P. este: terian Manse
on .June 10, ruder the aus raises of the
W. 1'. M. Society.
Mr. J. W. K. Vannorman was in
London one day last week.
Miss Annie Brandon, who has been
visiting friends In Port Rowan, re-
turned home Taesday evening.
Such prices as these are not pas- I Belgrave was very quiet on the
' •24th most of the sports being away.
,sibtc•. a1vE'r}• day. This is the way we r,g
„are going to do it on bargain day: I Same went to Clinton, seine went to
50 `.nars Ladies' Oxford Shoes, regular I \Vingh'em, and some went a fishing.
.$1.51, Sa,turday$1.15. --- -r
20 pairs eteys'Shoes, reg. $1 40, Same13LIIE \ t ,E.:day, X1.15,
!3 ]side ,Suits, keg. X5.110, $atnrdal' Si?nn>;.% DEATH, Mr. Robert while
Hardt/was taken suddenly ,
• 3 25. Hardy
20 Boys' Suits, reg. $3.50, Saturday
$`; drawing wood to his borne, oil Wed -
20 pieces Fancy Muslin, just opened, ttesday re"i"ning of last week. He
reg. 18e, Saturday 120. was as carried into the house
of isason-
d a
10 pieces Fancy Print, reg. 12, , Sat- in-law, Mr James r1
urday Jc.
day 33e. '0 S t a doctor sent for, but in spite of all
1 that could
5 pieces Table Linen, red, 1 e, aur- be done for hien, passed
30 pieces Fancy Dress Goods, Silk and a `way in a few minutes. Ile emu-
Wool, reg. 75c and $1.00, Saturday 50e.
50 Crompton Corsets, reg. 31 for 75u.
10 doe. Ladies' Fine ]Hose, reg. 25e,
Saturday 15e.
10 doe. Child's Fast Slack nose, reg.
8c, Saturday 30.
10 doz. Gents' Ties, just opened, reg.
500 for `95c.
10 Remnants of Wool Carpet at half
10 doz. Ladies' 'Underwear at special
Come early if want to get the first
ehoiee. The best things go first as
a matter of course, It these prices
they'll not last long.
If you are young you rate
Y, rally appear SO.
If you are old, why ap-
pear so?
lice p young 'inwardly; we'
wilt look Viten' the out-
Yea. need not worry longer
about those little :streaks of
gray;. advance age= cf age.
- Jr I~I.- Emma J,er.nlyrl%0, Annie of a pain in the region of his (le ta.nles 364,
M. H. i oiii0W 1.
heart the Sunday before . but on
Monday he was better."' Mr. Me -
Hardy had never been ill in his life
until that day and whether death
was caused by heart disease or an
epileptic fit, is not very elearly
knownrhe funeral toots place on
Friday afternoon and was attended
by a very large number of people.
M.r. MelIardy was born near Bal-
moral in :il•herdeensllii'e. Seotln.nd, in
1825 and when quite t oang, Inoved
with his parents to 1 c,rfarshire, where
he afterwards married his wife Agnes
Petrie. Some years after his marri-
age he went on a voyage to Australia
and remained there five years. In
1857 Mr. and Mrs. Mcliardy eame
to Canada and settled. on a farm in
Colborne township. Their next move
was to Goderich and twenty-seven
years ago, they moved to Bluevale.
Mr. McHardy's father was contractor
for part of the Aberdeen railway, the
Society circles in Goderich were stirred
Wednesday by one of the most fashionable
weddings ever held in the old town, the
participants being ;♦rias Mabel -V. Cameron,
daughter of M. C. Cameron, the newly -
appointed Lieut -Governor of the North-
orth- first railway in that part of Scotland,
west'1'er, of Tee ''"'. he ce,e env to Y, and he assisted his father in the
1larri_'.c:r, of L^, •1^^, The en, colony took t
, ,, I building; of it. ile took a keen ins•
Pt. Iib.—liazel Enaburts 2.772, Chas.
Agar 2220.
Total 21)0.
Sr. I.--Ilarvie Knox LK. Wi>n. II.
Jacklin 1175, Tommy Jet'n1,Itn. 152,
Willie Forbes 151.
Jr, L --Lizzie Knox,. Vonathe Vut
ledge, Heiden Rutledge, Sanas Agar,
Fred Agar, Stanley Rutledge:
Low I,—Hazel Stamper, Natrrnan
Souch, Nelsun Agar.
D. L. S'rRAOHAN, Teaei3ee.
Warm, spring weather is now upon us, and you will requite suitable
cool gernlents in order to enjoy so great a change. Well, we have the
goods and the garments that will give you comfort, and not tax your poek-
ets very Much either. Look at the [Inc display of
Nothing finer nd cheaper than
you can patterns ei snot a cities.
that dicta'
Blouses and Wrappers, perfect in style and p
sell them quick.
Special prices this week.
Men's Suits, $4.00, for $2.9'5 ; Men's Snits, . 0. for r for$4,75. ; Bens'
Suite. $8.00, for $6.50; Men's Fancy Linen Coats,.
Fancy Lieen Coats for 50e ; Boys' Pants for 40e.
lis BOYS' SUITS we have the largest and &meat assortment. Can fit
every person and su;tt• every taste.
For comfort and style in footwear at moderate prices, come to us.
Satisfaction or money refunded.
Ha velsome, fine tasted Organ for sale cheap on easy terms.
apiece in linos t i .,_:,::, wl, to wits tt',' ie
-with a large audience of interested and
t,admiring spectators, the knotbeing tied by
Rev. iM . Anderson, the castor. The
:bridesmaids were Miss Grace Cameron,
tsister of the bride, and Miss Bayly and
and Miss Edith Bayiy, sisters of the groom.
Little Miss Flora Arline Wilson, of London.
niece of the bride, made a charming maid
of honor. The groom was assisted by his
brother, Mr. Edward Bayly, of Toronto,
and Dr. Hunter, of Goderich. The ushers
were Dr. 1i. Bayly, Messrs. Beamer and
Seaborne, of London, and Dr. Hunter.
of Goderich. The bride was gowned in
white setin en train, trimmed with chiffon,
and with bridal veil of white net, carrying
a baguet of fillies of the valley. The
bridesmaids wore white organdie over
white silk, trimmed with apple -green stalks,
and sashes. The groom's presents to the
bridesmaids were pearl and opal rings. The
ceremony over, the party, which included
a large number of invited guests, sat
down to a b:,unteons wedding break-
fast at the handsome residence of the
bride's father, where ample arrangements
and a eplenclid service met every possible
requitcruer.ts, and the festivities were en-
livened with the martial strains of the bag
pipes, played by Piper McDonald, of 8ea-
forth, is full Highland costume. Bev. Mr.
Anderson proposed the health of the bride
which was responded to by the grcom,who
in turn proposed the health of the brides-
maids , re reond:.d to by Mr, Edward Bay.
ley. Then Mr. Bayley, Q. C., of London,
proposal the health of the new Lieut -Gov
ernor, and this, needless to say, brought
out in eloquent response.
WW)Xl Tris.
Master Russel Lawrie, of Listowel,
is visiting with his grandfather, Lr.
Wm. Lawrie.
The road machine purchased by
,our council does splendid work.
lttrs. W. O. Hazelwood, was visit.
ing 11T. - 7'Rainer at Ilarriston.
Mr. 1'. W. Andrews has token n
tlitu:trfrtt• ,'n the C. P. R. road here.
Rev. ,1.11. Kennedy is attending
the nat''1,•;r of f;110.1.f•fCO' :it t'bat-
bam N. "•'t'•t•{C
I1r t 1't::•, do t. is v!.iting lvith
Mrs. John Audi ews, at Kincardine.
T U RN 131RRY .
Minutes of council meeting hekii in
Putland's Hall, Bluevale, on \Wellies
day, May 25th, 1898. The minutes
of last meeting were read,. ap-
proved and,signed. Communications
were read from The Stratford Bridge
Co. re bridges from John St Fielding;
Civil Engineer, 1-1amnilton,,re beiges;
from the Cockshutt Plow Co:. Brant- I Bluevaihi struck off' his assessrlent
ford, re road scrapers;, from, the De- and assessed to Robt. Greenawn� as
pertinent of Crown Lands re starvey owner., tyhr. Greenaway defended
of concessions- and: side- roads;. from I the appall and stated that he was
Win. Coats, sec'y, elelfk'S• asst~, rel neither owner or unspent of' the
municipal clerk, assoeiaa,tion;,from the premises. and never had been, there -
5 i.wyer Massey Co., re•stone Brusher fore tha eonrt decidesi to dismiss. she
and from Thomas James,. re damages appeals.
to road cart. Filed.. Moved by Mr. Cateickshank;. sec -
Reports : The reeue reported that I onded, by Mr. Coupiand, that, the
he had, along, with Mr. alosgrove, .the Cows of Revision be now cursed
attended a meeting of, the comnytttee and that the assessment roll ae- re -
of the counei�L of Maoris, and had vised and corrected) be the sesess-
arranged all arrears, of boundary ment i+ellii for 1898—Carried.
line expenditure vathich shows a I Coulicil resumed ;easiness.
balance due Turnberry of $,7;.30 and Moved by :1lr. MCsgrove, seesaded
also arranged for am expenditure of by Mts.. Mitchell, that Bylaws 5i to 13
$40.00 each, on. bolnndary ger the incluseive, be passed as' read„ and
current yeer,. also along with Messrs. that the elerk get � O copies ertnted
Cruickshank, MaeIi wren and Burgess—Caeried.
attended at the clerks office for two allayed by Mr. ( aickshanct, see.
will surely restare color tie
gray hair; an'i it will also
give your hair all the wealee
and gloss of eatery life.
Do not allow itis falling earl
our hair to threaten yo
I Ibngerwith baldness. Do not
Be annoyed witht dandruff.
We will send ;im.4i our boors
ant the Hair anelS•calp, free:
upon request.
Waite to the Da.etor. •
)X you do not obtaht all tho beno- -
ars. you expected tram, the use of
tho Vigor, write the Oster about it. •
Rix,liably there is sumo difllculty
with,, year general system which
maybe vastly remove&.
Address. DR. J. '3, . ATER.
a TO' CtaED.Tons . goblet, Is her •
.1st th
k fle whet: who died nn anentthj
given, purenAnt to R. S. 0.,'s!aA, ebapt. i!
e stAta that nn . rsons having c..euus ng ,
satire of John f retort, late of the tatvn,o u,rhatu, ! That most desirabftr property, known.
V d b � arden opposite
as•the el straw erly
c4thrda or, �• r. ,aired to send
Estaday or July.. oil, are esabyI w
1,.,1 post ��repaid'1, or odic visa iNer to R. Iran- �'tandorr>• Furniture-Furniture1)eing lots
stores, w nt and 0' 0., .olio! :' or the ad,.,inis- 17, and4, Alfred steeet, Wingham. A.
tr brie of tete sand, .101 r Ise inetanry ti eir'nntnoq, ;cod basset 92 X 23i, with six foot stone
be,ose the 26th day • o ll ..•.•„n.theiari oon or
f their iOUn , .Ott, w11010 EisO of the house Jir
cin- rooms In good repair. Also a stabod
buggy koose and wsodbhed. A
well 191 -est deep, soft' water cistern and
tifie•gardtee well stocked, wrth fruit of
all kende.. 3575 will buy the whole lot.
Iinm =diet& possession' Oven interested'
lest apply quick for it must be,
cabby J'uuy let. A pplty to
G. 1': WELLS,
Lower Winghama.
addl'eeees and
u5 air b, .. - - -
c'lahtis and the no air of the sea,r,t�j'., if any, held
by tem, And afte.'th,e said date the udardni.tratris
ttilll iproeeed to d'atdionto the assent of the said
deceased, haying, revamd only to the n:iunns of which
she shall then have notice.
D'bed this 2nd dist, of lune, A. D. 1598.
AMlminietratrix.. Solicitor for Adheinistratrir^
• Notice to Credito.
Revision, when the Court was de
clared`ole'n for business. Moved; by
Mr. Cruickshank, sesonded by Mr.
Coupinnd•, that Mr. lllcPhersol:a be
chairman, of the Courttof Revision+--
The only case thaii cants before
the Covet was an appeal by Janes
Timmins• to have lots 213, 114, .T15,
116, 1'a1T,. 118, Dunean's Sureey,
Natio() is hereby given, pursuant t .
S. 041807, chapter 120, section. • • that
all persons having,claims againthe es-
tate of Thomas i'L Dunn, to of the
Township of Tu = berry, ' , the. County
died en orbor t 1. 10th data of Feb-
ru'tr'iw A. D. .9 bre hereby enquired
to send by pot •repaid or otherwise de-
terest in engines and machinery,
especially ship machinery, and read
considerably on thesubjeet, Perhaps
no one in this vicinity had such a
knowledge of the measurements and
capacities of the big ocean liners as
had Mr. McHardy. Ile was a Lib-
eral but never took an active inter-
est in politics and was a Presbyterian
in religion. Re leaves Ms wife, two
sons and one daughter : James,
Barry and Mrs. James Aitehesoa,
also three sisters living in Scotland.
If Mr. Mclardy bad been spared
another year it was the intention of
he and Mrs. Me1-1i rdy to celebrate
their goldsn wedding. It is quite
needless to say that the McHardy
family have the sympathy of all who
know them, in the time of such a'
sudden shock,
Rev. W. J. West, Miss West and
Miss Scott attended the Sunday
School convention in Brassels on
Mrs. John Messer has returned to
the village after a long visit with
her daughter, Mrs. MeNevin, of
liver to R. mettles, Winghein P. 0.,
solicitor for the Executor of the said de -
cons est, oo or before the first day of J ulv
next, their names,audresses end de-
scriptions, fur: parhieulars of their
and the, nature off the beeurity, if any,
held by them, and ai'ter the aaai
Mcd date
the 1 utor will proceed to distribute
the assets of the sand deceasedr.baving
reeavcl,only to claims of which, he shall
then bays notice.
Dated this 2nd dee" of June. A+. D. 1808.
S:ceontor. Solicitor for Executor.
The Council
County: of H
room,.in t
Boise and tot Ear Sale.
Ole undersigned offers his house and
lateen Allem- street for sale. The house,
is a.nine room frame one,with kitchen,
anditbere ie a number'of good fruit trees`
on. the '.ot. For full peel tenlars apply tu',
3S.' ILS4 T, '�'iV•ingham..?
The undersigned wily keep for service'
I on' north half lot 2, first line, Morris, at
tberough*ored Cheste•. Wiaite Boar..
Terms, 81t33, with privilege orf returning;
if 0000sead'r3.
the Corporation of the
on ill meet medic court
, Taos
June 1th
next, at 3.o'clock rat.
W. LAN Clerk.
Dated at Goderieb, May 23, '9
J.. e* FYFE.
The adminiatratrite of tlfea estate oft
esexandee+• Dawson, deceased. offers for
sale the.
T .arc Stores ne, W'mgham
now 000upled by I"ibssrs.. N, A. Par..
'whereon and W. 11. Wallace, Offers far
be•samieshould be addreeeed to
. A. MORTON, Wingham,
Sol eitor for the Estate
jOrde .your
Ane amount ce money to loan on good
farteeproperty art 5+ per cent Der annum. 11
,S'.:.t 11IGHT Lo..":tes,—Paymentls made to 4.
suit.. borrower. Satisfaction grearanteed..
Charles low.
An office Freda t afternoon, and all day;
Macdonald Bloch, Winghame
days revising by- laws which will be onded by Mr. °cropland, that the
laid before you for appsoval• A clerk notify Ronald Lamont to clean
large uutubber ordelegations appear- out his portion at the goveirnment
ed before the council, re repairs to drain, before the. 5th day of July
roads, eulverts„ division lines and next, and George Thompsen or his
drains. tenant to clean met his portio of said
Moved by Ms'. Cruickshank, sec- drain be.ore the 15th day of July
onded by Mr. Mitchell, that Mr. Mos- next ; also Henry Godkin, to clean
grove examine ditch on B line, near out his portion of. said drain before I�
5th side road, and take such action the 25th day or July next;. also Geo. !i
as is nt eessary for getting out gravel Burke to clean out his portion of
for use on roads—Carried. drain before the 5th day e4' August
Moved by Mr, Mosgrove, seconded next ; also Elliott Bros. to clean out
by Mr. Conpland, that the motion of their portion et said drabs before the
last meeting re wages of man in 15th day of August next. ---Carried.
charge of road machine be rescinded The following accounts were pate -
and that we pay the man in charge ed and cheques issued ; Jas Wylie,
of machine $1.50 Ler day for private $6, repairing culvert ; Thos Janes.
work. and $2 00 per day for public $2, damages ; Robt Jenkins, $1.50,
work --Carried. repairing culvert ; D 1:'rifogle, $17.05,
Moved by Mr. Cruickshank, sec. Turnberry shareHowiek boundary ;
onded by Mr. Conpland, that as the G Stevens $l.50, repairing culvert
engineer's award on the drain known H Tucker, $8, repairing and watch•
as the Gilmour and Gray Drain, calls ing Eadie's Bridge; Wm MacPherson
for all that portion of the drain south Commission on revising By -Laws,
of the 8th and Oth con. line to be $4 ; 'Wm Cruickshank, do, do, $2 ;
tiled with certain sized tile; that the Peter McLaren, do, do, $4 ; John
clerk be instructed to notify Mr. 'Bergess, Secretary, do, do, $S ;
Gilmour to tile the whole of his por- Mrs. Burgess, $2, rent ; Alex Porter,
tion of the drain with the size of the $3, repairing two culverts.
tile teamed in the award before the Moved by Mr. Coupla.nd, seconded
2st day of July next -•--Carried, by Mr. Mitchell that this council do
years. Father West buried the
remains at the R. C. cemetery at
Goderich on Friday. She was a
quaint character, vigorous for her
years, with an accent that was un-
Margaret McGuire, from Goderieh,
an inmate since the House of Refuge
opened, and an emigrant from
Ireland, died recently, aged 94
George F. Oaks, who assaulted
Isaac Jones on the streets of Clinton
a week ago, whipping bim severely
with a rawhide, was examined before
ll1ayor Ilolmes and Justice of the
Pence :errors on friday night on
a charge of grevious assault with
intent to do bodily harm,an coin.
now adjourn to meat again In Ramon. R. i;Ll lour r, VMS, 'WHIM
nutted for trial at Goderich, bail in Tho Court of Revision opened at 1 by'sllotel, Belmore, on Tuesday, ,t,�LIO 1„gtrscrt, r1rsl,sr,;',}lraa(faa,
$550 being accepted. Both the parties o'clock p. fn,, when all the members June gist; at t0 aim, C, ., )fl r t:Alt Y t NG, Praiaford,
are well known and highly connected of the cot'tneil present took the oath
residents of Goderich township. of office as members of the Court of J.lo, I3tlitarss, Clerk.
(as,sr:osntNT SYSTC:..dl•
The allotedlspan of life.. If you dot, and
are carefuli and provident alt youtr life,
none of your children or dependents are
likely to suffer want, from any fal.alt of
yours. Bat are you gars? HOW many
men ave always carcdial and provident?
These are questions that must occur to
any right.Eeinded, thin&ing man whose un-
timely death might bring untold priva-
tions to his wife and rtmily or dependents.
To solve the question supply join the.
enjoy the privileges of the safe and sound
Insurance they provide. The price of a
cheap cigar a day will do it. Their
policy is a comfort in time of
tune during life, andt )"SSm to your.
loved ones after your death--aperpetual
reminder of your kindness, love and
The Leading Banavalrnt and Prut'ernal
Insurance Society of Canada,
Giving $soo, $i,000, $I,Soo or $z,000 In•
surance, and Sick and Funeral Benefits
to its members.
keer in stock, all the leading limes in
Por further rarticulars enquire or any of tete
Officers or Members or the Order, or address
Stoves, Paints, Guts, Glass, .Rape, and
Binder Twine, in season,. /a.
Just arrived, a consignment of ready
Mixed paints, Also agent for Drayton
Tile, sizes on hand, 214, 3, 4 and 0 inch,
Prices right. Give bim a tria3.
For a t .. uit
that will fit comfortably,
look well, wear well, and
keep in good shape. you
had better go to
New Spring Goods and Satnples
of all the latest designs in Scotch
and Canadian Tweeds, Worsteds,
Serges and Overcoatings to choose
from. Orders filled promptly at
very low prices.
Webster & Co.,
Queen's I31oek.